DEVOTED TO COMMENCE, AGRICULTURE, ART, SCIENCE, MORALITY AND GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. IlL L Ibllkl) \\ EEKLL RR I1ABDSON \ POlfl LR, Terms, $1.50 in Advance, SI.75 in six nionllis $2.00 al’Ieiv-Adveiliseineiils inserted al llie ciislnnian prices, VOL 1. ______ ^AST-TIIOUAXTOV, TH1IKSD1V llOK.M.VO, SEl’TI.Hltllt », is 10. a o . aa. From the Philadelphia Saturday Courier. P 0 E T It V. the country. Throw that net upon the C h erry ------, where arc you from, what 'Ilalloo! here they come,’ shouted H ints on M atrimony.— No woman THE RE-CAPTURE. cannon in tnv boat, and I will make a dash arc you, and where are you creeping to?’ Hunt; ‘two barges, Livelies, by the Ho- will he likely to dispute with us, when we Laborers’ Noon-Day Ilvnm. through the hay. Re wary, and meet tne ‘Eroni Sqiinntuin—fisherman—bound to kies! boat ahoy! Drive on my hearties, assert that innrringe is her destiny. A A TALE OF Till'. REVOLUTION. at Chelsea when you get through ’ Pullingut.’ the yankee was a regular lake in, and he man may possibly till up some sort of an Hjp to the throne of God is borne Impelled by the strong rowers, the boat ‘And who gave you a right Mr. Fisher- is ripping it up with ten oars as though existence without loving; hut a woman The voice of praise at early morn, T his tale is a part of nil unpublished I s0,,n leac,le'1 Hinton’s point of the penin- mail, to proul about away„ without leav er’ , the old ’uu had him in tow. —Never........... mind with nothing to love, cherish, care fop, Ami he accepts the punctual hymn hook, founded on the events preeeeding s",a’ " licrc n single sentinel was posted. ‘Xvaal, now, I guess that’s about queer, me—pick me up when you come hack, I and minister to, is an nnomaly in the uni- 35it ng as the light of day grows dim. the revolution. It is well known that prior A strong shove forced her over to the Air. Gunncntimi. You linin’t taken a and I'll tell you all about it.’ i verse, an existence without an object. It Nor will he turn his ear aside to the battle ol Concord, Gen. G age had Charleston side, when the rowers laying lease of the hull bay and sarved the pen-j Again the boat dashed on, and the fate j is as natural for a woman to have some, dow,n she was permitted to drift past Hud- pie notice to quit ? Boston liarhor I guess i of our helmsman and his friends scented i onu to look for protection, some onu to fl'rom holy off’rings at nooivtidc ; lilted out several expeditions to seize son s point, and it was only a moment af-| is every body’s right that follows an lion- hanging in the balance. look to lor advice hikI assistance, as to Then. here reposing, let us raise I powder and warlike stores from the pro- ter the departure of the midshipmens’ est cnllin,’ ‘Give way men, cheered the olliccr of] breathe. Without it, no woman was or A song of gratitude and praise. ' vineials, which led to reprisals. On one occasion he Imd succeeded in capturing boats, that she glided into the very place • ‘I leave to, you chattering vankee and the Livclie's boat. Give way my hearties' ever cun he happy. It is the want of her WhM though our burden be not light, two lield-pieees that were favorites with they had occupied. The oars had just come oh board, and I’ll know more of —a pull all together and a fresh nip after- nature, and nothing can satisfy her heart AVe need nm toil from morn to night ; the Bostonians, and which they had christ­ been resumed, and it was here the dilli- ' you.’ wards. I say Taunton, he is steel ing lor with such a void unfilled. Now, with the ’flic res]rt>tc <<' the mid-day hour ened the Hancock mid Adams. A plan eultics of the hay commenced. Iunnedi-! ‘Waal, now, thankee for the nskin, but Pull -in-gut, and is hound lor Chelsea.— exception id’ some occasional iircgulat'i- -Is in the thankfvj creature’s power. was set on foot to rc-tako these pieces, ately beyond, and right in their track, lay it don’t suit to come ahonril just now—- Tliere we have him in a it// tie sue. J ties in the relative proportions of the sex- and at the same time get possession of all an armed galley. The pause was made, linin't time; my old woman, Patience Blest are the inoinents, doubly blest, know of no place this side of ('ape Ann ! i s, produced by circumstances, such as other munitions of war that should come to give the ship’s boats a start, and for one ' Smosli, is riled up like a burnt hide ’fore where he can hide himself before we euteli the settlement ol' new countries, there is That, drawn from this one hour of rest, within reach. This chapter relates the moment’s reflection. Prompt and decis-1 now, 1 dare say andam supper’s been waiting him .’ ; no reason why every inuti should nut have Are with a ready heart bestowed adventures of that expedition : and short­ ivc in action, ami putting on a hold face, these two hours.’ ‘Hurrah, boys, there I sight him;’ and i a wife, and every woman a husband; and Upon the service of our God. ly after the battle of Concord took place, barge ploughed the water with the. During this coloquy the boat was a wild hurrah rose on the waters, from this would easily he brought about by the Why should we crave a hallowed spot ( brought about by another attempt oft Inge, '" ‘'ted strength of ten of the best oarsmen pushed earnestly and vigorously liv two the throats of twenty-four ol' Britain's sea1 exercise of more common sense, and less An altar is in each man's cot, on n more extended plan. i **’ tl,c province. rowers had drawn under the larboard how dogs, as the stout fisherman came into; ambition. Each sex is looking up for A church in every grove that spreads Upon the western side of what is colled ‘Boat, ahoy!’ shouted the guard from ol the frigate, and was gradually increas­ view. i something above its own sphere. The Its living roof above our heads. the Neck, near Boston, a large warehouse | ’•*u galley, ing her distance. No response came from the fisherman, j son of an industrious nnd successful nte- was situated over a sluice, through which ‘Aye, aye, sir,’ was the reply. ‘Heave to, you infernal yankee, or I'll A new occupation employed the helms- nicehanic must be a professional man or Look up to heaven ’ — the industrious sun ] the river, in force accumulated by the ‘W hat boat’s that?’ lire into you1’ man. To the oars taken from the gig he i a merchant, instead of following in his Already half his race hath run ; 'melting snow which yet remained upon ‘Lively.’ ‘Naw doant,------but I guess you'll have attached the net that covered the camion, ; father’s footsteps, and this is folly the first, He cannot halt or go astray— the hill tops, disembogued itself into the Pass on Livelies, and d—-n the junket­ to lire, capting, if that’s your mind; my and cast all into the sea, he so steered as W hen he looks for a wile, the neat, in­ font our immortal spirits may. hay beyond. In this warehouse were de­ ing that keeps us on the stretch, muttered ’casious won’t wait for ceremonies.’ to make it form a line directly across the dtislrioiis daughter of a mechanic like his the olliccr. That Lively has more boats I path ol’ his pursuers. Lord, sivpcc his rising in the east, posited a quantity of powder and warlike T say, Hunt,’ said the olliccr of the father is not good enough for him; Ito If we have faltered or tiansgressed, stores, that in a successful foray the troops ••'.al! **•• *'IC Hcct. I have pass deck, it won’t do to let this fellow oil' so, On—on—on—again dashed the boats, must make love to some line lady who is ed four of them already. By the great ] and I don’t want to lire into him. Your Guide, from thy love’s abundant source, had seized front the provincials, and ap­ pursuers and pursued, and hopes were one age in advance; that is, her grand­ salt shad, I believe the whole crew is on orders were, that I was lo lire a single high and blood was up. father was it mechanic instead of her fath­ What yet remains of this day’s course. propriated to the use of the crown. There were also .some cannon of smull calibre, leave. gun, hut it wont do.’ On—on—sped the cherry-t ipe, her yet er, a very aristocratic distinction. On thu Help with thy grace, through life’s short day two of them brass Held pieces, much priz­ Tne frigates Glasgow, Falcon, Somcr-j ‘No, no. The orders were not to fire distant haven just in view amid the gloom other hand, the girl who works for her Our upward and our downward way ; ed by the Bostonians, and named alter set and Lively, lay in the course of our! a single gun, not even u musket, unless —hut hopes were high, and blood was up.
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