2021-22 Accessible-UW DIS Parking

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2021-22 Accessible-UW DIS Parking Accessible Parking / Disabled Stall Map B (cont.) E (cont.) J N (cont.) S (cont.) W (cont.) Lot Location Key Footpath to Biotr Biotron Laboratory (C3) EduSc Educational Sciences (D7) Jones Jones House (C5) NlsTn Nielsen Tennis Stadium (B2) Soils Soils (C6) WEI Wisconsin Energy Institute (D5) 2. (C9) 45. (E7) 101. (C9) Picnic Point 0.5 mi Birge Birge Hall (D7) EWtrs Elizabeth Waters Residence Hall (C7) Jorns Jorns Hall (C5) NlZoo Noland Zoology Building, Lowell E. (D7) South South Hall (C7) WID Wisconsin Institute Discovery (D6) 4. (D4) 46. (D9) 102. (C9) Bock Bock Laboratories, Robert M. (C6) Elvhm Elvehjem Building, Conrad A. (D8) K North North Hall (C8) Stnbk Steenbock Memorial Library (C5) WIMR Wisconsin Institutes for 5. (D8) 48. (E8) 105. (D8) . * Botany Garden (D7) EngCn Engineering Centers Building (D5) NtrnL Nutritional Sciences (C6) 6. (C8) 50. (E7) 106. (D8) r Strln Sterling Hall (D7) Medical Research (C1) KlnHL Kellner Hall (E6) D BrBlg Bradley Memorial Building (C7) EngHL Engineering Hall (D6) Stock Stock Pavilion (C5) Witte Witte Residence Hall (D9) 7. (D8) 51. (E7) 107. (D8) King King Hall (C6) O a Brdly Bradley Residence Hall, Harold C. (C5) * Engineering Mall (D6) StovL Stovall Building, W. D.-Hygiene Lab (C6) 8. (C8) 53. (E7) 109. (D8) t EngRs Engineering Research Building (D6) KingG King Hall Greenhouse (C6) * Observatory Drive Scenic Z o Sulvn Sullivan Residence Hall (C5) 9. (C8) 54. (E7) 110. (D8) * Kohl Center, The (E9) d A C EnvPr Environmental Protection and Safety Overlook (C6) Swnsn Swenson House (C5) ZoRes Zoology Research Building (D7) 10. (C8) 56. (D7) 112. (D8) n Adams Adams Residence Hall (C6) * Camp Randall Memorial Park (E6) Building (E8) KrnHL Kronshage Residence Hall, Frank ObHOf e 11. (C7) 58. (C4) 113. (D7) AgBuL Agricultural Bulletin Building (C6) CRSprt Camp Randall Sports Center (E6) Enzym Enzyme Institute (D5) - Holt Commons (C5) Obsrv Observatory, Washburn (C6) T Street A M 12. (C5) 59. (C3) 114. (D6) AgDns Agricultural Dean’s Residence (C5) * Camp Randall Stadium (E5) Extsn Extension Building (D9) L Ogg Ogg Residence Hall, Frederic A. (E8) 206B 206 Bernard Ct. (D8) e Taylr Taylor Hall, Henry (D6) 13. (D7) 60. (B2) 115. (D7) k r . AgEnB Agricultural Engineering Building (C6) CrlnT Carillon Tower (C7) LBahn LaBahn Arena (E8) 210B 210 Bernard Ct. (D8) D U TchEd Teacher Education (D7) 116. (D7) a y 14. (D6) 61. (D8) AgEnL Agricultural Engineering CGCtr Carson Gully Center (C6) F 209B 209 N. Brooks St. (D8) L y Ba Lthrp Lathrop Hall (D8) P rsi t Tripp Tripp Residence Hall (C6) 16. (E6) 63. (C1) 120. (C5) v e 130 Laboratory (C5) CntrlK Central Kitchen - Chabourne FldHs Field House (E5) Law Law Building (C8) 215B 215-217 N. Brooks St. (D8) Uni Phlps Phillips Residence Hall, Vel (B4) Turnr Turner House (C5) 17. (D5) 64. (C3) 121. (C5) AgHL Agricultural Hall (C6) and Barnard (D8) FltSv Fleet & Service Garage (E7) 1220C 1220 Capitol Ct. (E7) n Leo Leopold Residence Hall (C5) 4 PPGS Physical Plant - Grounds Storage (C3) 18. (E6) 65. (C3) 123. (C4) * Allen Centennial Garden (C5) CCUt Cereal Crops Research Unit (D3) Fluno Fluno Center for Executive * Library Mall (C8) U 45N 45 N. Charter St. (E7) 131 ChmHl Physics Museum (D7) 19. (E5) 67. (C4) 124. (C4) * Alumni Park (C8) Chdbn Chadbourne Residence Hall (D8) Education (D9) Lvstk Livestock Laboratory (C5) PlnSc Plant Sciences (C6) * Union South (D6) 333E 333 East Campus Mall (D9) i 20. (D6) 69. (D9) 125. (C4) AFCH American Family Children’s ChmHL Chamberlin Hall, Thomas C. (D7) FPL Forest Products Laboratory (C2) LoweL Lowell Center (C9) Police Police & Security Facility (F6) * University Book Store (C9) 432E 432 East Campus Mall (D8) 21. (D6) 72. (D3) 127. (C3) Hospital (C1) ChmHs Chamberlin House (C5) PrtBt Porter Boathouse (C5) UnvCb University Club (D8) 1410E 1410 Engineering Dr. (D6) 131 8 v G M 22. (D7) 74. (C2) 130. (A2) 1 AnSci Animal Science Building (C5) CHtCL Charter St. Heating and Cooling Pltry Poultry Research Laboratory (C4) * UW Athletics Welcome Center (E6) 445H 445 Henry Mall (D6) 9 GnBtC Genetics-Biotechnology 23. (C7) 75. (C2) 1 * Armory & Gymnasium (Red Gym) (C8) Plant (E7) Mack Mack House (C5) PrmtC Primate Center, Wisconsin (E7) * UW Foundation (D5) 502H 502 Herrick Dr. (D3) 131. (A1) e Center Building (D6) f ArtLft Art Lofts (E9) * Chazen Building and Museum (D8) MtrSc Materials Science and Engineering Psych Psychology Building, W. J. Brogden (D7) UWHsp UW Hospital & Clinics (Clinical Science 505H 505 Herrick Dr. (D3) 26. (C6) 76. (B2) 132. (D9) o * Geology Museum (E7) h AthOp Athletic Operations Building (E5) Chem Chemistry Building, Building (D6) Pyle Pyle Center (C9) Center) (C1) 509H 509 Herrick Dr. (C3) 27. (C6) 78. (E8) 133. (C1) s r Gilmn Gilman House (C5) s r AOSS Atmospheric Oceanic & Space F Daniels & JH Matthews (D7) McrdL McArdle Building (D6) UWMFCB UW Medical Foundation Centennial 525H 525 Herrick Dr. (C3) 28. (D6) 80. (D6) 134. (C1) s GdmnSb Goodman Softball Complex (B2) a Sciences Building (E7) CSC Clinical Science Center (UW Hospital) McCln McClain Athletic Facility (D6) R Building (C1) 702W 702 Johnson St. (D8) 29. (E8) 81. (E7) 135. (B1) a s M (C1) Gdnht Goodnight Hall, Scott H. (B4) MTrak McClimon Memorial Track, Dan (C3) 1910L 1910 Linden Dr. (C4) l Radio Radio Hall (C8) 30. (D6) 82. (B1) 136. (E8) Gordn Gordon Dining and Event Center (D9) B Cole Cole Residence Hall (C5) MtSci Meat Science and Muscle Biology RdGym Armory and Gymnasium V 2105L 2105 Linden Dr. (C3) 33. (E7) 83. (D9) 137. (C1) C i Grngr Grainger Hall (D8) Babck Babcock Hall (C5) CmpSc Computer Sciences (D7) Building 1 (D5) and 2 (C4) (Red Gym) (C8) VanHs Van Hise Hall (C7) 2115L 2115 Linden Dr. (C3) 34. (C6) 85. (C2) 138. (D9) Coope Cooper Hall, Signe Skott (C2) GmNat Gymnasium-Natatorium - CLOSED (C4) McEng Mechanical Engineering Building (D5) t * Babcock Hall Dairy Plant Rnbhm Rennebohm Hall (C2) VanVL Van Vleck Hall, E. B. (C7) 30NM 30 N. Mills St. (E7) 35. (C5) 86. (D7) 139. (C1) MdSci Medical Sciences (C7) 1433M 1433 Monroe St. (E6) and Store (C5) RussL Russell Laboratories (C5) VAHsp Veterans Administration Hospital (D1) 36. (C5) 87. (E9) y D H MSC Medical Sciences Center (C7) 21N 21 N. Park St. (E8) GdSfb Bardn Bardeen Medical Laboratories (C7) RS&Shrn Rust Hall, Henry and Schreiner VetDLab Veterinary Diagnostic Lab (D4) 37. (C5) 88. (E8) DryBn Dairy Barn (C4) HmlMC Hamel Music Center (D9) Mkljn Meiklejohn House (D7) 711S 711 State St. (C9) Brnrd Barnard Residence Hall (D8) Hall, David (E7) VetMd Veterinary Medicine Building (C4) 38. (C6) 91. (E9) 135 DryCC Dairy Cattle Center (C5) HrlwC Harlow Center (E7) MLibr Memorial Library (C9) 1401U 1401 University Ave. (D6) Bascm Bascom Hall (C7) Vilas Vilas Communication Hall (D8) 39. (C5) 92. (D8) B * Bascom Hill (C8) DryFR Dairy Forage Research Center-US (C4) HsLmgy Hasler Laboratory of Limnology, * Memorial Union (C8) S 1610U 1610 University Ave. (D5) 40. (D5) 93. (D4) 1 BlsCp Bayliss Co-Op, Zoe (D8) Davis Davis Residence Hall, Susan B. (D8) Arthur D. (C8) Merit Merit Residence Hall (E8) SocWk School of Social Work Building (D6) W 1800U 1800 University Ave. (D5) a Dejope Dejope Residence Hall (C4) HSLC Health Sciences Learning Center (C2) MicrbS Microbial Sciences Building (C5) 41. (D5) 94. (E9) B BlwAC Below Alumni Center (C9) ShmnS Schuman Shelter, Carl (B4) Wasmn Waisman Center (C1) 1848U 1848 University Ave. (D5) * DoIT (D7) * Henry Mall (D6) Mdltn Middleton Building, William S. (C6) 44. (E8) 95. (C2) BchSc Biochemical Sciences (D6) SciHL Science Hall (C8) WlnGh Walnut Street Greenhouse (C3) 901U 901 University Bay Dr. (C1) 1 y HstrS Historical Society, State (C8) Moore Moore Hall-Agronomy (C6) BchBL Biochemistry Building (D6) Sllry Sellery Retail and Residence Hall (D8) WHtCL Walnut Street Heating and Parking Structure Key U. Bay Dr. E Horse Horse Barn (C5) BchLb Biochemistry Laboratories (D6) MIR Morgridge Institute for Research (D6) SrvBL Service Building (D7) Ramp * East Campus Mall (D8) Cooling Plant (D3) 6. HC White Garage (C8) BioScL Biomedical Laboratories Hort Horticulture (C6) Music Music Hall (C8) SrvBA Service Building Annex (D7) EduBL Education Building (C8) WARF 7. Grainger Hall Garage (D8) (Lot 76) 60 Hmnty Humanities Building, Mosse, SMI Service Memorial Institute (D7) NlsTn Hanson, Robert P. (C5) N WtrSc Water Science and Engineering 17. Engineering Drive Ramp (D5) 82 George L. (D8) Slctr Slichter Hall (C6) Laboratory (C8) 20. University Ave. Ramp (D6) Hmpry Humphrey Hall (C5) Nchls Nicholas Hall, Nancy (C6) SmtAn Smith Annex, Hiram (C6) 10 Weeks Weeks Hall for Geological Sciences, Van Hise Garage (C7) 1 Nc-Jn Nicholas-Johnson Pavilion and SmtGh Smith Greenhouse, D. C. (C5) 23. I Lewis G. (E7) 27. Nancy Nicholas Hall Garage (C6) t Plaza (E9) SmtHLH Smith Hall, Hiram (C6) h Wendt Wendt Commons, Kurt F. (D6) Ingrm Ingraham Hall, Mark H. (C7) Nick Nicholas Recreation Center (E9) 29. North Park Street Ramp (E8) 82 SmtHLN Smith Residence Hall, Newell J. (E8) 82 dn WCCgn West Campus Cogeneration Facility (C3) M ars h Dr . s 1 3 G 36. Observatory Drive Ramp (C5) p SocSc Social Science Building, Sewell 581 l White White Hall, Helen C. (C8) h 38. Microbial Sciences Garage (C6) William H. (C7) Rnbhm P Turnr * Wisconsin Alumni Association (C9) PrtBt 46. Lake & Johnson Ramp (D9) Wasmn 58 ChmHs ShmnS 37 n s Tripp H 67. Linden Drive Garage (C4) m 4 e o 74 Mack il w a r 75. UW Hospital Ramp (C2) 1 G r d M Jon Swnsn . 2 82 Health Sciences 60 1 Brdly 35 Adams T e m i n 76.
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