JCA Photo File List
JCA Photo File List File Number Subject P-00 New York City, Downtown, Giraffe P-01 Lewischon Stadium Ballet P-02 Ten dogs and child P-03 Skiing, Franconia Notch P-04 Pillars of Peace, NY P-05 Connecticut Honor Roll P-06 Santa Clause, Macy's New York P-07 Tennessee Quail Hunt, TN. P-08 Atlanta General Party, GA. P-09 Cotton Ed Smith, S.Carolina P-10 Methodist Church Meeting, MA. P-11 J. Bailey, N. Carolina P-12 Jr. Prom, NH., CT. P-13 YMCA P-14 Florida Farvest, Florida P-15 Harry Burleigh, NY P-16 Nursery Train P-17 Ten Per center, Hollywood CA. P-18 Stripper Rowland, Hollywood CA P-19 W.C.Fields, Hollywood CA P-20 Negulesco-Lamarr-Henreid, HLWD,CA P-21 Detroit Babysitters, Michigan P-22 Stephen's College,Columbia, Missouri P-23 Meershaum pipe Factory, Missouri P-24 Dr. Berle, Pittsburg, PA. P-25 D-Day, New York P-26 Lewisbuerg, PA. P-27 Greyhound Bus, NY-Boston P-28 Big Jim Pemberton, New York P-29 Westinghouse P-30 Prophet Jones, Detroit, Michigan P-31 Pennsylvania Politics, PA. P-32 Lost Weekend-Ray Milland, Wilder, NY P-33 C.O.Skinner, NY P-34 Dear Martha, West Virginia P-35 Wayside Inn, MA. P-36 Broadmoor country Club, Colorado P-37 C.I.O. Chicago, Illonois P-38 St. Louis Race Relations, Missouri P-39 Ethel Barrymore, NY P-40 Walter Gropius, Cambridge, MA. P-41 Cats P-42 Dogs P-43 Temple University, Pennsylvania P-44 Rabbits P-45 Toledo Tomorrow, Ohio P-46 Undertow-Ballet, New York JCA Photo File List P-47 Carnegie Hall, New York P-47A Red Army Birthday cake P-48 Manchester Connecticut Library, CT.
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