Lab 7: Lab Images

• The learning objectives regarding this lab are testable on summative exam 2 and practical exam 2. • Note: On practical exam 2, you can be asked to identify any structure from the structure list on any of the images (photographs, figures, Complete Anatomy images) in this PowerPoint file.

Nasal Cavity Proper Nasal Cavity


Roof = Floor = Medial wall = * Lateral Wall = Nasal Cavity

Frontal Sinus

Sphenoid Sinus Nasal Cavity Innervation


V1 V2 Sinus Drainage Site Innervation Frontal Middle meatus (semilunar hiatus) Ophthalmic n. (CN V1) Anterior ethmoidal cells Middle meatus (semilunar hiatus) Ophthalmic n. (CN V1) Middle ethmoidal cells Middle meatus from bulla Ophthalmic n. (CN V1) Posterior ethmoidal cells Superior meatus Ophthalmic n. (CN V1) Sphenoidal Ophthalmic n. (CN V1) Maxillary Middle meatus (semilunar hiatus) Maxillary n. (CN V2) All Turbinates have been removed in this dissection photo. Probe passing between Probe passing sphenoethmoidal recess between frontal and sinus and middle meatus

Semilunar hiatus

Ethmoid bulla with Sphenoid opening of middle ethmoid cells Sinus

Probe passing between and middle meatus

Probe in nasolacrimal duct

Sinus Drainage Site Innervation Frontal Middle meatus (semilunar hiatus) Ophthalmic n. (CN V1) Anterior ethmoidal cells Middle meatus (semilunar hiatus) Ophthalmic n. (CN V1) Middle ethmoidal cells Middle meatus from bulla Ophthalmic n. (CN V1) Posterior ethmoidal cells Superior meatus Ophthalmic n. (CN V1) Sphenoidal Sphenoethmoidal recess Ophthalmic n. (CN V1) Maxillary Middle meatus (semilunar hiatus) Maxillary n. (CN V2) Paranasal Sinuses

Nasal Cavity Highlighted in Green Parnasal Sinus Imaging

Different types of radiographic imaging show the paranasal sinuses (below: X-ray, left; CT, right). Paranasal sinuses are named for the bones in which they are located: frontal (F), maxillary (M), sphenoidal (S), and ethmoidal air cells (E). Note also, the mastoid air cells (MA), which “pneumatize” the mastoid process of the temporal bone.



Source: Radiopedia Source: Radiopedia Paranasal Sinus Imaging

Sagittal CT Scan

1 = 2 = Ethmoid Sinuses 3 = Sphenoid Sinuses 4 = Clivus 5 = Middle Concha (Turbinate) 6 = Inferior Concha (Turbinate) 7 = Hard Palate Tongue Tongue

Soft Palate

Uvula Tongue, Oral Part

Tongue, Pharyngeal Part Terminal Sulcus

Region of Lingual Tonsil


Terminal Sulcus Epiglottic Vallecula

Sublingual and Submandibular Glands and Ducts Tongue Muscles Tongue Muscles



Soft Palate


Laryngopharynx (Hypopharynx) Epiglottis Nasopharynx


Torus Tubarius

Pharyngeal tonsil ()

Pharyngeal Recess (Rosenmuller Fossa)

Soft Palate Oropharynx

Soft Palate


Platine tonsil in = Sensory Distribution tonsillar fossa of Glossopharyngeal n. Oropharynx

Terminal Sulcus

Region of Lingual Tonsil


Epiglottic Valleculae Pharyngeal Muscles Larynx

Thyrohyoid m. Arrows represent abduction of vocal fold resulting from posterior cricoarytenoid muscle. Epiglottis

Thyroid Sternothyroid Corniculate Cartilage m. (Cut) Cartilage

Arytenoid Posterior Cricothyroid m. Cricoid Cartilage Cricoarytenoid m. Cartilage Posterior Cricoarytenoid m. Larynx

Internal laryngeal n.

Thyrohyoid m.

Internal Piriform Laryngeal n Recess

Internal Laryngeal n Laryngeal Laryngeal Prominence Prominence Thyroid Cartilage Cricothyroid m. Posterior (Cut) Cricoarytenoid m. Recurrent Laryngeal n. Recurrent Recurrent Cricoid Cartilage Laryngeal n. Laryngeal n. Larynx


Laryngeal Inlet


False (Vestibular) Glottis Vocal Fold.

(True) Vocal Fold Vocal Ligament

Infraglottic Space Hypoglossal n.

Lingual a.

Mylohyoid m.

Digastric m. anterior belly