Your Ref: Our Ref: 5 June 2020 Don Challen AM Chair Premier’s Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Council By email:
[email protected] Dear Chair Premier’s Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Council - Stage One Consultation I welcome the opportunity to formally contribute to the Stage One Consultation of the Premier’s Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Council (the Council). Whilst I acknowledge my individual membership of the Council, this submission constitutes my formal contribution as Tasmania’s independent statutory advocate for children and young people. The aim of this submission is to help inform the Council’s advice to the Premier on the strategies and initiatives which will support Tasmania’s short to medium, and longer- term recovery from COVID-19. This first consultation has been described as a ‘Listening Phase’ to help the Council gain a rapid understanding of the current situation arising from the COVID-19 pandemic at a broad level to inform its interim report to the Premier. It is also intended to assist in developing the Council’s approach to its Stage Two Consultation in July/August 2020. I commend the Council on its flexible approach to consultation. Meaningful consultation, including with children and young people, is vital to understanding the social and economic effects of the pandemic on our community in the short to medium, and longer-term. It is also key to shaping the strategies and other activities that will be necessary to recover from the pandemic, to build on our existing strengths and to shape the future. I strongly encourage the Council to explore options for hearing directly from children and young people around Tasmania during the next consultation phase, a matter I discuss in more detail in this submission.