Please Join Assembly Members Vivian Cook, Barbara Clark & Bill Scarborough Council Members Leroy Comrie, Ruben Wills & Donovan Richards District Leaders Archie and Leslie Spigner in Celebrating the Birthday of I. President of ATU Local 1056 & Democratic Nominee for City Council, District 27, Paid for by Friends of I. Daneek Miller. Printed In Printed Miller. Daneek I. of byFriends Paid for Sunday, November 3, 2013 7PM - 10PM Manhattan Proper Cafe 217-11 Linden Blvd, Cambria Heights, NY 11411 VIP Benefactor Reception from 6PM –7PM Suggested Donation: Friends $25.00, Supporters $50.00 Sponsors $100.00 & Benefactors $250.00

Contribute online at - house For more information call

Rodney Pride 347-866-5629

Terence Banks 646-772-0463

Host Committee: Terence Banks - Rodney Pride - Tony Cooper -Danny Berry

ContribuƟon Form

Transacon ID______

This contribuon card must be completed only by the contributor. Make all contribuons payable to: Friends of I. Daneek Miller, PO Box 120226, Saint Albans, NY 11412


Name A “doing business” contributor is an owner, princi‐ pal officer, or senior manager of an enty or firm that presently does business with the City, or with‐ Address in the past 12 months, has done business with the City or has bid or applied for business with the City State Zip City. “Doing business” contributors generally: • Are registered NYC lobbyists. Phone • Have one or more contracts, concessions, Email franchises, or grants that total over $100,000 ($500,000 for construcon con‐

tracts). This excludes emergency contracts and those awarded by compeve sealed bidding. To comply with Campaign Finance Board reporng requirements, give the follow‐ ing informaon: • Answer a bid or proposal request for a contract, concession, franchise, or grant as described above. Employer Name • Enter into or hold an agreement for eco‐ nomic development, including payments in Occupation lieu of taxes, City tax incenves, or City fi‐ nancing. Employer Address • Hold contracts or proposals for investment of pension funds or related services. City State Zip • Are a party to the sale, purchase, or lease of real property with or by the City, except Phone public aucon. • Make an applicaon subject to Uniform

Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP) or an I understand that State law requires that a contribuon be in my name and be from my own applicaon for zoning change or special funds. I hereby affirm that this contribuon is being made from my personal funds, is not permit. being reimbursed in any manner, and is not being made as a loan. A contributor is not considered to be doing busi‐ ness with the City simply because they pay or re‐ ceive a rebate on City taxes, work for the City, are in a City pension plan, hire a lobbyist, apply for Contributor’s Signature Date permits for a 1, 2, or 3 family home, drive a City taxi, or apply for street acvity permits or other If a contributor has business dealings with the City as defined in the Campaign Finance kinds of individual acvies with the City. Act, such contributor may contribute only up to $250 for city council, $320 for and $400 for mayor, comptroller or public advocate. Contribuons from persons doing business with the City will not be matched with public funds. If you are “doing business” with the City, please complete the following: For more details or to verify whether you are listed on the Doing Business database, see City Agency/Agencies Name and Address of Doing Business Enty Business Category (for example, Contracts) Relaonship(s) (for example, CEO)