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[email protected] Australian Law Reform Commission inquiry into the incarceration rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency submission October 2017 “An overwhelming request from both men and women during community consultations was for Aboriginal law to be respected, recognised, and incorporated with the wider Australian law where possible.” Rex Wild QC and Patricia Anderson, ‘Little Children are Sacred’, Report of the Northern Territory Board of Inquiry into the Protection of Aboriginal Children from Sexual Abuse, 2007, 54. “Rrambaŋi limurr dhu djäma guŋga’yunmirr ga räl-manapanmirr.” “Equally we will all work cooperatively and combine our energy.” When Balanda law does not respect Yolŋu law, young people learn not to respect Yolŋu law and start to disrespect each other. Any solution to a problem like this [violence] must involve Yolŋu and Balanda. We must work together. We must share authority and real decision-making power. We must be able to have both laws working together, which requires respect for and recognition of each other’s law. Dhäwu Mala Galiwin’ku Community-wuŋ Nhaltjan Dhu Gulmaram Bunhaminyawuy Rom ~ A Galiwin’ku Community Statement to Prevent Family Violence (ARDS), May 2016, 9, 7 We want to be champions for our future generations and children so we can create a caring place for them to walk free, to create a country, a culture and a life that they want to live for our children, their children and their children’s children. We have done enough searching and working - what more can we do to let the Napaki law see how we are trying to help our young people who are in trouble and are sick in body, for our young people who want to be well but they can’t find the right path.