
Before reading on, please read my PDFs: ‘DIGGING INTO JIMMY’S SOCKS’ http://sharonkilby.co.uk/site/DIGGING_INTO_JIMMYS_SOCKS.php ‘AN ELITE PAEDO RING’ http://sharonkilby.co.uk/site/AN_ELITE_PAEDO_RING_AND_THE_ABU SE_OF_CHILDREN_IN_THE_NORTH_WALES_CARE_SYSTEM.php ‘ANNA RACCOON’ http://sharonkilby.co.uk/site/ANNA_RACCOON.php ‘CHRISTOPHER BOOKER’ http://sharonkilby.co.uk/site/CHRISTOPHER_BOOKER.php ‘SHEVATWO BURTON’ http://sharonkilby.co.uk/site/SHEVA_BURTON.php ‘CHARLIE FOULKES’ http://sharonkilby.co.uk/site/CHARLIE_FOULKES.php

See also: The Beast of Bryn Estyn! https://trollpatrolblog.wordpress.com/2015/01/15/the-beast-of-bryn- estyn/

In Darren Laverty’s 31/1/15 article http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2015_01_01_archive.html he says: “Little piece just to remind anyone who doubts my conviction to the eradication of child abuse. Well straight away that’s a whopping lie. This guy is just another gatekeeper for the child raping filth in power. Read on. Think back to 1997. What were you doing that year? Who got married? Who died? I went to London. I was asked to speak to some of the countries most prominent childcare providers, executives, judges, MP's and a host of other interested parties. What did I choose to speak about? The pain I'd caused and the pain I'd suffered. Below are a few bits from the debate.” I highlight and comment in red.

“Listening to Children Debate 17th November 1997 In the introduction it states that there was a short formal presentation from, amongst others, Darren and Carla, both of whom are young adults who spent substantial parts of their childhoods looked after by local authorities and have given evidence to the North Wales Tribunal of Inquiry into Child Abuse.

Darren – I’m not sure what I can say. I have written some things. Some words will be shocking. Everywhere it’s happening [abuse in residential care] and no-one is listening to the little people.

At the tribunal I gave evidence. Here are first some of my thoughts.

My turn

“Have you seen this statement?” I was asked as if I was window shopping for something. “No” I replied. “I’ve not seen any of the lads’ statements.”

The next five minutes were what can be described as the Hovis tune. I just started to cry. Tears were flowing off the end of my nose onto the statement which read, “I remember once when a lad called Laverty, he was a bit of a bully, made a lad lick an ashtray, twice if I remember rightly and then because Laverty wasn’t happy he had the lad sit on a chair leg so the leg went up his backside.” I haven’t given that incident a thought for 13 years until that moment. So that incident happened in 1984. The little boy’s name was Peter Wynn. He ended up taking his own life. More on that coming up. It made me realise that I was not the only person who had suffered humiliating abuse from someone who was no better, if not worse, than myself. Oh fuck I thought, they’re going to love this, they’re going to go to town on this one.

In all I was expecting to be cross examined by roughly 4 of the smartly dressed well spoken QCs, it turned out that 12 wanted to grapple with the truth. None of them did any damage, not even that bastard who through threw that statement at me.

My partner was there as normal, eyes glaring at the suits trying to make me out to be a conspirator, liar, non-person. She knew the truth so it didn’t really touch either of us or the facts!!! that I had been broadcasting for the previous 7 years.

I was so confident I slept like a log the night before my first days evidence. The next 2 days were brilliant, I didn’t want to leave the witness box, this was what I’d been waiting for the previous 14 years. I’d told most of the idiots who abused me “I’ll get you when I’m older”, well this was it. I was at that time in my life which so many haven’t reached yet. I’m not able to express my feeling of sadness and I’m not sure that there is anything that could even come close. Peter Wynne, Simon Birley, Brendan Randells, Little Mickey, Mark Humphreys, Chris Roberts, Mike Gory, Paula Wilkinson to name a few of the dead care kids who never got the chance to explain the reasons why they were the way they were as well as how the Inquiry won’t cure the hurting, the stuff that’s deep, deep inside us.

The Inquiry team are ummmmmm OK. From the outset they said that they were independent of any parties from whom they would be gathering any information from. Well not quite true. I found them to lean slightly in our [victims] favour. How could any human not? Well I don’t know, but what I do know is that there’s a lot that do go out of their way to create a stink if a member of the North Wales Tribunal Team were seen in discussion with one of ‘them’ meaning a complainant, usually me.

The most hypocritical questions come from the richest. “I suggest you’re doing this for financial reasons, Mr Laverty.” Do I look fucking rich? Does any victim who complained of abuse look fucking rich? If so I missed them giving evidence, maybe while I was hitching from Anglesey.

So on we go via a large number of barristers to the legal representative for a social worker [whistle blower]. I told him and the world what I thought of her and if only there were more like her, call her what you like, and I have, but I’ll stand in her defence any day [or night].

Darren Laverty 1997.”

Further down the page he publishes the following under his 23/1/’15 post: “I had no intention of sharing this correspondence with the public until I'd reached a suitable conclusion to my request for some sort of retraction/apology. It looks like I won't be getting one using the legal tools available at present. This being the case, I'm attempting to shame the paper into some sort of resolution. There are two names on the article by-line. David Rose and Brian Johnson Thomas. Rose denies any memory of any involvement, BJT has yet to be traced and asked about the article. He's a NATO arms specialist apparently. I'm doing this for my kids and theirs and theirs etc. I'm hoping that anyone accessing the article will be forewarned about my attempts to rectify this outrageous situation. Worth remembering this: It could be anyone of you who's been accused. These News propagandists shouldn't be allowed to potentially destroy innocent lives. Time limits on legal resolutions are also out dated and in favour of the rich. How long would it take for me to get an apology if I was able to pay a top lawyer to act for me? Not long.”

Brian Johnson-Thomas is the freelance journalist who had written an article about Supt Gordon Anglesea in Private Eye in January 1993. More on this here http://www.seancopland.com/articles/More_Lord_McAlpine_Child_Abus e_The_British_Media_and_The_Tory_Grandees_That_Protect_Them.ht ml and in my ‘AN ELITE PAEDO RING’ PDF.

“The Editor Observer 23.10.2014 Sir A matter of extreme seriousness has been brought to my attention which has its origins in your newspaper. On the 12th September 1992 Brian Johnson Thomas wrote/created an article that was published by The Observer which alleged that I had been a rapist and sexual abuser during my time in care. This I refute absolutely. That article is copy/pasted further down this page. It is clearly part of the same publication as two other articles which are also published – on spooky Spiv’s site http://chrisspivey.org/laverty-a-clarification/ WHY DIDN’T LAVERTY PROVIDE A LINK TO IT??? The first article is dated 13 September 1992 and the authors are Brian Johnson-Thomas and David Rose. It states: “continued on page 6”. The next article states it is “continued from page 1”. The third article follows on. Under the title ‘A tearaway who was terrorised for six years’ it tells Lav’s story: “The culture of abuse was so pervasive that I myself was guilty on one occasion of sexually abusing someone else, but at the time I thought there was nothing wrong with what I was doing. I became an awful bully when I was in care. When I was 11 I moved to home B and there I took part in a rape. One of the girls in the home was raped by five or six local boys – she was just 14. But when one of the boys told me it was my turn to get on top of her, then I did.”

Laverty himself states that he caused pain, to at least one lad. He says that whilst giving testimony at the North Wales tribunal [which was in 1997 and is confirmed here https://drlaverty.wordpress.com/2015/02/24/fantastic-fabrications-to- discredit-witnesses-of-child-abuse-believe-it/comment-page- 1/#comment-220 ] he was reminded of an incident whereby he’d made a lad lick an ashtray, twice and then he “had the lad sit on a chair leg so the leg went up his backside”. I was not aware of the article until some days later on the 21st September 1992. I was made aware of the article by North Wales Police who attended my address to ask me about the content of the article. Since when do police turn up at someone’s house to make enquiries based on something they read in a newspaper??? I believe what actually happened was that Lav read the article, wasn’t happy with it and contacted police himself to make a statement. I agreed to make a statement within which I refuted what was said about me being a rapist and sexual abuser. He did indeed. And he publishes that statement, which is dated 21/9/92, on his 15th October 2014 post here http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/child-abusing-rapist-and-mi5- agent.html WHY DIDN’T HE PROVIDE THE LINK HIMSELF??? I have copy/pasted it further down. It is heavily redacted. Wonder why! Needless to say I completely deny any of the information offered by BJT was said by me. I am unable to remember any meeting or discussions with him. That said I have spoken to hundreds of journalists so where are all the articles??? I’ve scoured the blogosphere and can only find a handful. Bit of an exaggeration there, methinks over the years. You can find these articles at the bottom of this PDF.

Recently the article has come back to haunt me because it is being used by an internet troll his mate JJ who has used this libel story/allegation to try and discredit me. Lavatory does a good job of discrediting himself. The use of this false allegation has caused how is it a false allegation when Lav himself acknowledged at the tribunal that he had been a bully and a sexual abuser? He certainly didn’t deny it my family and me a great deal of distress and pain. Lying fucktard. His family will be distressed though when the full awakening occurs and people realise that Lavatory, in cahoots with some truly evil scumbags, has been leading us a merry dance I consider the repetition of the allegation to be a gross libel and I am taking steps to try and put an end to it. I have a copy of the statement made to the police in 1992 in which I refute the allegation when it was first put to me. Why doesn’t he give us the exact date of that statement? Why doesn’t he publish it? So in his two 1992 police statements he denied being a sexual abuser. So he lied to the police. Either that or he lied to the tribunal. Every time the troll uses this information he repeats a libel which was first perpetrated in your newspaper. As a responsible newspaper you should be concerned that this is happening and that the newspaper article, and by extension, the reputation of the newspaper is being used to facilitate a libellous falsehood on the web. Delusions of grandeur; so typical of the shill.

The article has been referred to by the Professional Standards Department of North Wales police in response to a complaint I made about the police investigation into my troll. He published that I was a self-confessed rapist who had mercilessly bullied and tortured a victim. He was arrested in November 2013 According to the Scharenborg shill Outlaw Jimmy Jones [Royden James Jones] was arrested then and bailed for six months. Due to police failures none of which he can outline, let alone prove the Troll wasn’t prosecuted because the officer allowed the six month statutory time limit to elapse. Yeah ok. This is all hearsay and no substance. Within the findings the investigators state that, because of the article they would have had great difficulties convincing any court or juror that he JJ was guilty of any offence as I had previously admitted to being a rapist in the Observer Newspaper article. Well Lavatory had admitted that – at the tribunal! [He’d buggered a boy with a chair leg.] Notice the stinking Lavatory doesn’t publish the response from the investigators or give the date, and he doesn’t give any names of these investigators.

My complaint against the investigating officer was upheld and the office is being ‘subjected’ to “management advice”. Bollox is it. Where’s the documentation stating that??? During the investigation into my Troll the police failed to ask me about the article [admitted by the officer]. None of this is substantiated. Had they done so I could have shown them my police statement from 1992 in which I clearly denied the content of the Observers article.

I sincerely hope that you take my concerns seriously and take immediate steps to rectify a gross injustice laugh out fukkin loud first perpetrated in print in your newspaper. I’m happy to provide any documentary evidence you require to substantiate my claims. Said with confidence, knowing full well he would never be asked to do so. And why would he when he’s corresponding with a fellow fake? Darren Laverty [B.A Crim.]”

The undated reply from editor Stephen Pritchard is: “Dear Mr Laverty I’ve now had an opportunity to investigate the matters you raised in your letter to the editor of 23 October 2014. You say that an article published in the Observer on 13 September 1992 Lav says 12th Sept alleged that you had been a rapist and sexual abuser during your time in care. I have spent more than a fortnight tracking down and speaking to all the journalists who researched and wrote Observer stories on the North Wales child sexual abuse scandal story. I also spoke to the news editor from that era, now retired. BULLSHIT. He did nothing of the sort. Lying toerag. Why go to all that trouble when all he needed to do was a couple of clicks via the google search? After so many years it is difficult for them to remember matters in detail, but I can tell you it seems very unlikely that Brian Johnson-Thomas, a freelance journalist was involved with the piece. That article is published on Chris Spivey’s 12th October 2014 post. It categorically states the author was Brian Johnson-Thomas! My difficulty is that I can do nothing to meet your concerns. Twenty two years ago the Observer published, demonstrably in the public interest, an account of your experiences in the care home system in North Wales, based on a statement you gave to the police. You have confirmed in your correspondence where? that you made a statement to the police on 8 August 1991 Lavatory does not state this date; he says just 1992 and you have provided a copy of that statement, albeit heavily redacted. Oh so he provides a copy of that statement to Pritchard, but can’t show it to us. Why’s that Lav? Is it cos it contains too much truth, such that, even though heavily redacted, it’s far too risky for the public’s prying eyes? This piece appeared only in print 22 years ago; it is not available online. It exists only in the historic archive. It is also published on fellow spook Spiv’s site! Prick. After this enormous lapse of time you claim that following publication you were contacted and interviewed by North Wales police on 21 September 1992 and that you agreed to make a statement within which you refuted making those remarks. Given what you say about the events of September 1992 I find it puzzling and inexplicable that you did not contact the newspaper then or in the intervening 22 years to raise the matter. Well, one thing is for sure; somewhere during that enormous lapse of time this dirty Lavatory has been approached by the Masonic suits and been persuaded to shill for them. You now say that some bloggers are reproducing the historic observer article in an attempt to discredit you. I do not consider that to be a matter in which I can take steps to address your concerns. Our rights department have indicated that the service of a DCMA notice would not prevent bloggers from referring to the article and quoting from it. Your issues with the blog publishers should be taken up directly with them.” Bloody great pretender.

So who is lying – Lavatory or Prickchard? Both. Both these men have exposed themselves as fukkin filthy liars. Both of them are almost certainly highly respected members of the funny handshake brigade. This gross distortion of facts will have been engineered by these two shills in collusion with their Masonic handlers. That’s assuming Stephen Pritchard even exists! The letter from him doesn’t look authentic; there’s nothing to show that it is from an editor of the Observer.

Since Darren Lavatory is so sure that said article is libellous, why didn’t he raise issue with the Observer back in 1992 or soon after? After all, he says he sued the Daily Mirror; and got an apology from them in February 2000. But, turns out, that declaration is just another falsification of the facts. Take a look at his 25/9/14 post here https://drlaverty.wordpress.com/2014/09/25/the-secrets-of-bryn-estyn- fail/ Lav states: “It’s another known fact that I’ve received numerous apologies from numerous publications who chose to libel me. Where is the evidence? I settled a case with the Mirror in 2000 for £10,000 and an apology with a promise never to repeat the defamatory bullshit.(pic 1) Richard Webster [fellow filthy lying scum of the earth NWO gatekeeper - see my ‘AN ELITE PAEDO’ PDF for more on him] says: “Nonetheless, he successfully sued the Daily Mirror for £10,000 for 'wrongly' printing on it's front page that he was sexually abused.” https://secretofbrynestyn.wordpress.com/2013/08/05/darren-laverty/ And how is that libellous exactly? Did the Mirror accuse him of sexually abusing anyone? The publication that Lav shows [which I’ve copy/pasted further down this page] states: “YESTERDAY in late editions of our article on the Lost In Care report into the abuse of children in care we said that redacted L redacted had been sexually abused. Whilst Mr redacted beaten and abused in care in North Wales at no time was he sexually abused. We apologise to him and his family for the distress caused by us saying this.” So that was simply an apology for an honest mistake. There is no evidence that Lavatory sued anyone. Nor that he received £10,000 from the Daily Mirror. There is evidence that he tried to sue Will Black who writes for the Huffington Post. See the letter from Carter-Ruck solicitors here https://trollpatrolblog.wordpress.com/2015/01/15/the-beast-of-bryn- estyn/ I am sure that if he had sued anyone and won he would have published the documentary evidence. Why doesn’t he publish that front page article? Looks like Lavatory and Webster [now deceased] were in cahoots. Whether they actually did know each other or not is immaterial, what is pertinent is that the people who controlled Webster [high level masons] are also controlling Lav. Lav, of course, under guidance from his Masonic handlers, pretends to be critical of Webster’s ‘work’ [propaganda]. Further back (1997) is the apology from another Trinity publication for similar stupidity.(pic 2)” I copy/paste that here.

It is NOT an apology for libel. It is simply an apology for mistakenly stating that Lav had suffered sexual abuse whilst in care. The article goes on to state that Lavatory points out [in relation to his campaigning to help victims of abuse] that he has not named anyone as a sexual abuser who has not been convicted. Why doesn’t Lavatory show us the 26/9/’96 publication? Why doesn’t he name the newspaper?

‘What the papers said’ can be read here. However there is no link to the publications! http://www.davidlane.org/children/choct2002/waterhouse.htm

Also on the same page Lav says: “In 2002 Orwel Press and another large well known publication settled a libel case out of court. The case was centred around the publication of The Secrets of Bryn Estyn written by Webster and published by his own publishing company Orwel Press. Both Webster and the publication agreed to pay a five figure sum to the plaintiff in the case. This is interesting. I’d love to know the details of the case, which was brought by Alison Taylor. There is no info – apart from the following blatant lie provided by ... Webster himself. On this timeline https://secretofbrynestyn.wordpress.com/north-wales- abuse-timeline/ it is stated: “2002. Richard Webster successfully defends a libel case brought by Alison Taylor in regard to a newspaper article.”

Until now this information hasn’t been disseminated among the public or on social media outlets. I’ve sat on it. Anyone wishing to challenge my disclosures need only do what I’ve done to unearth the details of the case i.e. detailed research and foot-work. You haven’t made any disclosures. This information has not been publicised. I’ve chosen to withhold the supporting evidence everything coming out of this geezer’s mouth is a barefaced fukkin fat lie for reason only known to a few. I would mention however the ruling in the case was applicable to any future publications and apply to anyone who reproduces the words which were ruled on.

It’s a known fact that Webster never spoke to any former care residents other than myself. His decision to use a pseudonym for me evidences Webster’s fear of being challenged through the courts again. STFU Lavatory, you narcissistic self aggrandizing prat. How much do you get paid for playing this utterly contemptuous ‘game’?

According to Dean Nelson http://www.newstatesman.com/node/137160 “I did what Webster did not: I talked to former residents, many of whom complained of abuse while in care.” I’m inclined to believe Nelson over Lavatory.

Webster knew that I’d been receiving advice from those more qualified than most and decided against using my name to deflect any prospects of legal action by me.

Others have written about rationale behind Websters use of false names: “It is difficult to follow the allegations that Webster makes about individual “alleged victims” because he gives them false names. He implies that this is to protect them, but its real purpose is to avoid being challenged.” “Webster’s “special report” was a gross distortion of the facts, and will give comfort to paedophiles everywhere” Well thank fuck for that. Honest voices at last! Here The latter quote certainly holds considerable weight give the support the book has received in recent times. Its my offering that offenders and abusers and their followers have been relying on chosen words from the book to conceal their activities Lavatory, what are you concealing? for some time. I’ve personally been targeted what he means is he’s been play acting with his troll team on the popular shill sites in an effort to fool the public into believing he’s the great bastion of truth by those who seek comfort from Webster’s lies and hidden messages which perpetuate the abuse of children. Its one reason why I’m unable to share the paper work. More verbal diarrhoea from this Lavatory. All will become clear in the not to distant. That’s about the only truth I’ve heard from this loathsome lying little man. One thing is for sure, when everything does become clear and folk realise the deceitful and deplorable ‘games’ these paedophile-serving sick bastards are playing, Lavatory and his ilk will be soiling their pants when they realise what’s coming their way. But be under no illusions, there has been a legal ruling in this case and that ruling has remained in place since 2002 and will do for many decades to come.”

Continuing on down the http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2015_01_01_archive.html page, on Lav’s 22/1/15 post under the title ‘SPOOKS AT WORK David Rose & Brian Johnson Thomas’ Ha, spooks; that’s a good one. He and Rose the rat are the spooks. See more on Rose on my ‘ELITE PAEDO RING’ PDF. Lav states: “Many of you will have some knowledge by now about how I’ve been attempting to source the origins of an article published in the Observer Newspaper in Sept 1992. The article was heavily relied upon by my now deceased Internet troll. Poppycock. JJ did not feed this information to the Observer. The ‘news’paper was reporting information from “police sources”. For more on the 1991-93 police investigation see page 32 of the ‘Lost in Care’ report https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRv bWFpbnxub3J0aHdhbGVzc2NhbmRhbHxneDozY2JkYzkwODIzMDNhO WY4 It’s been used to support his unfounded and malicious allegations about me being a “self-confessed” rapist.” But you are Lav. You said so yourself, you twat.

Lav publishes his ‘conversation’ with Rose. Of course it isn’t a genuine exchange. When you have two shills talking to each other it’s all just show for the unsuspecting reader. These dirty rats are the pretend merchants, remember. It’s a shame they’re serving the dark side as they are very entertaining. Chattering spooks and socks can be very comical. Rose ‘says’: “Well, it was 22 years ago! If memory serves, 2 other journos were involved. Check The Secret of Bryn Estyn.” All the lying wanking shill David Rose had to do was simply refresh his memory with two clicks via the internet search facility. Course the prick doesn’t want to be reminded of that article because it exposes him as an outright liar. See p35 of my ‘Elite Paedo Ring’ pdf.

Note the reference to the ‘Secret of Bryn Estyn’ book. Lav replies: “Only you and Johnson are on this piece. Secrets of BE isn’t worth the paper its written on.” Lavatory’s sock, who is ‘Trying hard...’ joins in the charade ...

Lav then goes on to state: “Today the Mail on Sunday did a hatchet job on the child abuse victim Steven Messham in an attempt to discredit him as a witness after he mistakenly identified Lord McAlpine as his attacker - a mistake which it now seems was a direct result of misleading information given to him by North Wales Police.”And “I make no apology for telling you my heart went out to Mr Messham when I read the Mail on Sunday piece attacking him. It seemed to me he was being abused all over again.”

That is just another massive deception; a particularly despicable lie. Lavatory and his filthy troll team are experts on systematically silencing or discrediting dissenting voices. Messham is a highly vulnerable target. They wormed their way into his confidence by falsely offering consolation and solidarity ['we are survivors too, tell us all about it...']. Then they worked their poison. Steve was neutralised and ended up confined to a psychiatric hospital with depression for many months. Lavatory is paid to give him that one final push that sends him over the cliff. More on this coming up. This is another glaring clue that tells you what Darren Laverty is really up to - he’s assisting the paedophilic slave- master and the bringing about of the NWO slavery agenda. Darren Laverty is a university educated, highly intelligent man; if he was really challenging the Masonic paedophile power structure he would be raising the issues and asking the questions that I do in my ‘Elite Paedo’ PDF re Waterhouse/Rose/McAlpine ... And the same can be said of the proud man whom Lavatory re-blogged off https://tompride.wordpress.com/2012/11/11/child-abuse-scandal-can-of- worms-just-who-is-daily-mail-reporter-david-rose/

Before I come to the Messham connection, take a peek at this post, dated 24/2/’15 https://drlaverty.wordpress.com/2015/02/24/fantastic-fabrications-to- discredit-witnesses-of-child-abuse-believe-it/comment-page- 1/#comment-220 Lavatory writes: “I can prove beyond any doubt that many of the documents Webster referred to have been created and or fabricated by officials in Government and or local council. He can’t prove anything; let alone tampered documentation. That’s just another Lavatory lie. There may well be tampered documentation, but Lavatory certainly hasn’t shown any evidence of any. After all you’d remember if you’d visited hell more than once wouldn’t you? Examine the docs below and see what they didn’t want you to see. Lies, fabrications and untruths. If the powers that be are prepared to go the lengths to create documents of this caliber in order to discredit little Ole me, imagine how far they would go to hide paedophiles in Government. Don’t be surprised at the production of these documents. I’m a criminologist with excellent research skills and I’ve been seeking them for many years. I knew I’d find them one day. They’re not originals. They’ve been created at later stages to support the councils version of non-events. Be sure the insurance companies are somewhere involved too.” What an arrogant chump this guy is. Research skills my ass. The documents he publishes are his own copies. He certainly hasn’t proved otherwise; neither has he proved that any of these documents are doctored. Read on.

He says: “The above document clearly states that I was in Y Gwyngyll on the 30.07.1981.

However, another document (below) clearly states that I was elsewhere, in Ty’r Felin on the 30.07.1981. Furthermore it states that I was first assessed in December 1977. Impossible, as I hadn’t been placed in care until February 1978.

A simple look at my criminal record evidences (I’ve provided two official pages to confirm) my first court appearance as February 22nd 1978. How could I have been assessed before this date? I couldn’t. It’s a fabricated statement. The Ty’r Felin stamp is kept in the vaults of some building I imagine.”

The document he references ‘below’ is a report for Holyhead Juvenile Court. It looks like it is dated 30.7.1981, although it is not a very clear image. As is always the case with these scum shills, we are not shown the full document. All he shows is two small paragraphs. There is a ‘Ty’r Felin’ address; however that doesn’t even look like it belongs to the rest of the document. It says Lav was originally admitted to Ty’r Felin Assessment Centre in December 1977. Lav refutes this. He insists he went there on 23/2/78. According to the bit we are privy to of the tribunal transcript, Mr Searle says [p 3704]: “You see that it says that you were remanded to Ty’r Felin on 1st February 1978 and that you were transferred after the appearance at Holyhead on 22nd Feb 1978.” Without having access to the full document that he references and all the tribunal transcripts which cover his three days of testimony, it is impossible to know whether or not he was originally admitted in December 1977. All we can do is play shilly guessing games.

The report also says, “... care of his mother, where he has resided up to the time he was admitted to his present placement at Ty’r Felin”. Well even though he appears to have been at Y Gwyngyll [23/7/81 – 10/9/81] who knows whether or not some time was spent during that time having more assessment at Ty’r Felin. Lavatory doesn’t make himself clear during questioning at the tribunal. For example he says [p3482] “it was 23rd February [1978] when I went to Ty’r Felin for the first time.” That suggests that he was at Ty’r Felin more than one time. Lav insists he was there only once [for about 8 weeks – p3483] despite being forced to admit that the documentation shows otherwise. Mr Searle again [p 3705]: “Mr Laverty, you can see 1st June 1981 to 10th June 1981 you’re at Ty’r Felin, there for about 9 days?” Lav replies: “It says on here I was ... but I wasn’t”. Searle says: “The total period would be about 30 days in all?” Lav retorts: “You are making, you are making it up as you go along.” And, on p 3484, Mr Elias says: “Then it’s shown according to the records that you had a period at home before you were taken back to Ty’r Felin for just a week.”

If Lav had provided the follow on pages covering Searle’s questioning [i.e p 3706 onwards] we might have got clarification. As it stands he has most certainly not proved any tampering of official documentation.

During questioning about whether or not he had home leave during his time at Eryl Wen, he states on p 3484 that he can’t remember going home from Eryl Wen, other than his discharge. On p 3486 he says he has no recollection of being discharged from the care order. Understandably his memory will have been fuzzy; after all he had been in abusive ‘care’ from the age of 10; during which time he’d had various moves. It had been a traumatic experience and he wanted to put the past behind him. It is not surprising he forgot where he was placed and the timeline.

Take a look at this post whereby we see the Lavatory spinning again http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/liesalterations-more-like- fabrications.html It is entitled ‘Lies? Alterations? More like fabrications’. More like sneaky contextomy tactics. Why doesn’t he tell us what exactly is fabricated. If he’s trying to prove a point it’s no good generalising and just showing us selective quotations on snippets of a transcript on part documents which we cannot even be sure run consecutively! If he was a man of integrity and not a dirty shill he would have levelled the playing field and shown us the full tribunal transcript of his three days of giving evidence.

As it stands we have very little to go on. The Chair and Mr Searle were puzzling over a document; but we don’t even know what the document under discussion is, and Lavatory is not keen to shed any light. Searle seems to be in the dark as he does not have the original in front of him; which was presumably not his fault. What is very evident from this scrap of info is that Darren Lavatory’s attitude at the inquiry is very questionable. He comes over as being very aggressive, cocky and extremely unhelpful. Far from assisting the panel, he seems to have been doing everything possible to thwart their attempts to establish the truth. Why’s that Lavatory? Why have you censored most of your transcribes? What have you got to hide?

In this post https://drlaverty.wordpress.com/2015/02/13/inquisitorial- or-adversarial/ Lavatory says: “It was put to me and argued that I was in an establishment on more than one occasion. Who’d do you think knew best as to my whereabouts? To this day the records that prove me right remain hidden. Wage slips, reports, employment records are all stashed in some vault in some obscure building.” Those records are not hidden. You have them in your possession. Why don’t you show them to us?

On 1st May ’15 he publishes ‘Uncovered. Creative Fabrications’. http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/uncovered-creative- fabrications.html

This is more of his desperate attempts to back up his assertions that he says “all ties in with the concerted online harassment and stalking I’ve experienced”. This guy is full of fanciful delusions. He tells us to “check out the dates of these identical reports. Same report but in different years.” Well they are not the same report. The first document dated 14th February 1983 is giving notification of a ‘case review’ on 17th March 1983. It includes an exact copy of points 1-4 of the second document and states that they are the ‘conclusions from the last Review held on 12th October 1982’. There’s nothing corrupt about that.

As for his point about the “type face of the social worker’s name” which he says has “been played with”, I’d say it is simply a reflection of the inferior typing equipment of the early 1980s – the use of the old typewriter.

In Lavatory’s haste to try and convince us that he has unearthed tampered documentation in relation to him, the prick goofs up and states “Top one says “case review 17th March 1983”, but it’s dated below a month earlier on the 14th March 1983.” I think he means 14th February 1983, which is what it does say!

The artful dodger says “These documents are pieces of art work created to try and deter me into losing my sanity.” He – the loyal agent of the State - is the one messing with people’s heads.

He then loftily says: “Don’t ask where I get these documents from, just examine them and remember the rationale behind them.” Those documents are already in his possession! He releases some in dribs and drabs, and, using some creative embroidery, attempts to ‘prove’ Local Authority dodgy goings on in relation to him and his time in ‘care’.

One thing I do find curious though is that according to Waterhouse’s ‘Lost in Care’ report on p 63 https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGR vbWFpbnxub3J0aHdhbGVzc2NhbmRhbHxneDozY2JkYzkwODIzMDNh OWY4 Eryl Wen was closed in 1976!

In the comments section of his 24/2/’15 post [in which he engages in a scripted exchange of views with fellow paedo protecting trolls – bobchewie, Gojam, some idiot/sock called ‘Justin Sanity’ ...] he says: “My credibility is intact. Even getting stronger as time passes as I unearth more of the officially used documents What utter tosh. The narcissistic arrogant prick already has all the docs. Why doesn’t he publish them all in full? Stupid question that; wasn’t it. As with all shills all we get is snippets and spin and images that prove nowt. He’s the one doing the doctoring that Webster used. Remember I’m the only ex- resident he spoke to. Even he had to admit I’m above average intelligence. He knew I’d be in the thick of it when the time came. That time is now I believe. Shame he’s dead, I would have loved to seen his reaction to this entry. ” Keep on playing the game arsehole. How long do you think all you sell outs can keep up this pretence before the public catch on? Wouldn’t want to be in your shoes then.

Bobchewie says: “It would be interesting if you could convince the Racoon gang that Webster was the liar we know him to be as to the Racoony loonies Webster is regarded as some sort of legend and folk hero and to have that creep debunked would show them up a lot.” That’s easily done. Get to it Chewie, ya lyin little creep. I’ve done all the leg work for you – all you have to do is break ranks with your pal Daz and all the other slimy sewer rat Establishment stooges, and endorse my PDFs on ‘ANNA RACCOON’, ‘FIONA OF THE FORGED LETTER’, ‘AN ELITE PAEDO’ ...

If anyone wants to see the face of this Spivey suck up evil subversive Robert Chewter, take a look here https://www.youtube.com/user/radicalsystems

Take a look at Lav’s post here http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/red-van-man.html I quote: “Below is former elected member John Roberts for Braint ward Llanfair PG, Anglesey. I was awarded £8,500 by the former CICB (presently CICA) for various assaults in care despite the lack of prosecutions. John Roberts was one of my assailants. Waterhouse questioned my accusations against him because of a mix up with the dates of my placement at Ty'r Felin. If he showed us this part of the transcript, he could prove that he’s the one telling the truth and that Searle was indeed making things up! But just as the questioning goes on to John Roberts, Lav censors what comes next. Why’s that Lav? Even though I made the allegations in August 1991. I'll not waste your time with the details but Gwynedd CC's paper work was botched The only way he is going to garner any credibility is to give us the details and to prove that Gwynedd Council’s paperwork was botched. Why doesn’t he say what happened to him? Why doesn’t he name all the people he says abused him? Why doesn’t he say what he witnessed? He’s made a few videos and he has a couple of blog sites which contain a lot of writing. But most of that is useless information and is just his say-so anyway. He’s all spin and no substance and compiled with the intention of diverting the details of many events thereby making it easy for someone look a tit thirty five years after the event.”

Let’s have a swift nosey at some of his videos. Have a look at this, entitled ‘Outing the Outlaw’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTarfNxWKUs In summary Lav disputes what Outlaw JJ states on his blog about Peter Wynn. He says it is complete fabrication - all lies. See Lav’s blog here too https://drlaverty.wordpress.com/2014/06/30/bryn-estyn-more-truths-that- dont-suit-the-msm/ Who knows where the real truth lies concerning tragic Peter Wynn; who ended up taking his own life. One thing is for sure, we obviously won’t get any truth from Lavatory. The low-life scum is paid to play down, distort and smear the testimonies of genuine victims, such as Peter Wynn. The fact that Lav goes out of his way to dis Peter Wynn’s story suggests there is a lot of truth in it. Lav admits Wynn stabbed him; claiming that he won’t divulge the reason due to respect for Peter’s family. My ass. In order to try and kid the unsuspecting public that we should believe Lav and not Outlaw - we should not believe either of these charlatans - Lav has the camera focus on some official looking discs; which he claims are statements of evidence. You can take that assertion with a grain of salt too. Most shocking of all is Lav’s claim that Outlaw’s blog, stating Peter Wynn was forced to suck a dog’s penis, is rubbish. Lav would have you believe that this frail boy was caught sucking a dog’s penis; that Laverty and his mates were so disgusted at what they’d seen that they dished out some punishment ... Peter Wynn was “humiliated by being made to eat worms and lick ashtrays and sit on chair legs”. So the leg went up his backside. Lav says so himself. Lav insists it was no big deal; saying they all had to eat worms. So there is another admission that Lavatory [along with his gang of other big boys] did bully and sexually abuse a weaker boy. And yet, he also says in this video, that Wynn was “never tormented; he was one of the hardest lads I know.” If that was the case he would have fought off the bullies. This is more evidence that Darren Laverty is an outright and incessant liar. It makes me wonder if he was ever abused in ‘care’ or [as is more likely the case] was he persuaded to bully [and rape] the smaller boys to ‘buy’ himself some protection from the paedophiles? In this video http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/battered-bullied-and- beat.html Lav says he who was bullied battered and beat, became the abuser. He says he “battered and strangled and kicked and much worse”.

It is confirmed in a social services report published here http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/uncovered-creative- fabrications.html that “he is capable of cruelly provoking fun at others with the object of hurting them.” Also that at home he “adopts a wild and uncontrolled profile” and he “presents a nice then nasty side of his nature.”

The following is what Lav states on this blog http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/arrested-royden-jones-aka- outlaw.html “His [Outlaw’s] latest attempts (despite being on police bail) to attack my exposures of him have included using the sad suicides of a number of Bryn Estyn lads. Personally, I'm not surprised. I know him and expect nothing more. However Peter Wynne's family have (thus far) no idea that their dad's suicide is being used a weapon to attack me. When I show them they'll be mortified. I know them and I knew Peter (Dinky to those that were allowed to use it). We shared a house with other ex BE lads during 1989/90. We spent months working together on projects including trial bikes and dog training. Little of this is known to the victim jockey below. In fact little of any of anything truly real about Bryn Estyn is known to Jones. Least of all Dinky's reasons for suicide. I know, his family know and some of his friends know. We were there and witnessed the preceding years of torment and distress. None of which had fuck all to do with being in Bryn Estyn. For anyone to suggest Dinky Wynne was bullied by anyone is beyond comprehension and evidences a serious lack of research and a death wish.” Darren Laverty is beyond contempt.

Lav continues his narration, saying that Outlaw says you would struggle to find mention of this article which appears to be connected to an article by Nick Davies [more on him below]; who Lav calls a “tosser”; saying “Its all MSM stuff”. He then slags Outlaw off for slagging off the MSM and then referencing them as a source. Well all shills do that; including him!

The following is a timeline taken from Richard Webster’s ‘The Secret Of Bryn Estyn’ https://secretofbrynestyn.wordpress.com/north-wales-abuse- timeline/ Now I can’t vouch for its complete accuracy, and obviously Webster will have put substantial spin on certain areas, but it does give us a basic background and dates of events which can be explored.

In September 1981 “Darren Laverty (aged 14) placed at Bryn Estyn where he becomes the most despised resident ever, as viewed by both staff and boys.”

In December 1989 “Peter Wynne attacks Darren Laverty at his squalid flat in Napier Square, Wrexham, with a large bladed knife, striking him three times across the face. Laverty maintained that Wynne went there to ‘Kill Him’. Wynne received six months in prison, Laverty received an undisclosed amount of compensation from the CICB.”

On 20th August 1991 “Police trawl complaint against Peter Howarth from Steven Hasshim in Cardiff, who also accused David Birch of abusing him. In that first statement, Hasshim also claimed that while he was at Bryn Estyn, he had been ‘Gang-Raped’ by a number of residents – among whom was Darren Laverty.”

On 22nd January 1992 “Brendan Randles alleges abuse by unnamed man and in his police statement, told the police that while taking a shower at Bryn Estyn, Darren Laverty and two others had ‘Beaten him up’ while being watched by a ‘Grey-Haired Man’. The next day, Randles also alleged this same man took him to the secure unit and ‘Fondled him and tried to kiss him’.”

On 14th May 1998 “Darren Laverty becomes the first person to be charged under newly introduced ‘Stalking‘ laws after he is arrested for distributing 400 leaflets alleging that a man in a North Wales village was a ‘Paedophile’.”

On 3rd November “Darren Laverty appears on social networks using the name ‘Ryan Tanner’. He begins to viciously attack Steven Messham and other ex-residents online.”

On 14th November 2012 “Stephen Messham apparently driven ‘close to suicide’ by Darren Laverty on the social network . According to the Slog blog: “From sources close to Steve… to The Slog at 1.19 am today: Steven has named darren laverty it seems this guy wants him to shut up and accuses steve on take and loves media spotlight”. ”

On 13th June 2013 “Darren Laverty attempts to sell a redacted copy of the Jillings report(following his publishing a video online of his eight-year old son reading from it) on an internet auction site. Wrexham Council threaten legal action and the item is removed from sale.”

On 6th June 2014 “Darren Laverty arrested for ‘Threatening behaviour, Theft and Harrassment’ of an ex-care home resident.”

On 24th July 2014 “Darren Laverty pleads guilty to a Section 5 harassment charge at Llandudno magistrates court and receives a 12- month Conditional Discharge.”

On 10th September 2014 “Darren Laverty arrested at his home on Anglesey for issuing threats on the Internet. Released without charge.”

Now look what he says on this post http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/memory-lane-remember- victim-jockeys-2012.html He says: “I’ll defend what I know to be hundreds and hundreds of decent memories of the “big house”. So his memories are not of being beat, battered and bruised! He has good memories – of [by his own admission] bullying weaker boys.

The mockery of this issue is as clear as gin. Calls from sympathisers for “any lawyers out there”, and written rallies for followers via social networks are proving fruitless. Desperate shouts and insults to anonymous people for asking questions are contaminating the integrity of the victims of child care systems failures. No-one will have any credibility left as a complainant should the status quo remain unchallenged. Thankfully, there is evidence of changing beliefs. Those who remain adamant their source is the truth will do so despite what’s placed in front of their eyes.” Truth speaks for itself Lavatory. The evidence clearly shows that you are a psychopathic LIAR.

Now listen to this video entitled ‘Darren Laverty video blog 2 1997 onward’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNCZCpRg6A8 I’ll just quote and comment on some of it: “I took 6 or 7 A4 pads of notes. So why isn’t he sharing that detail with us? All that time I was a lap dog for the BBC, ITV, Media in general. I was nudged in the direction of cameras, studios, documentaries, Esther Ranzten, Kilroy. So why isn’t he showing us all this footage? He says on his 26/11/’12 article here http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/written-1-year-ago- whoops.html that he’s estimated his total number of interviews runs into the 200 mark! All the while I’m telling them they were going to get justice; Waterhouse was going to name names. We knew there wasn’t going to be any court cases cos of the length of time and the severity of the acts. But it’s about reputations for those people. They were proven to be liars and abusers of children. Physically, sexually, mentally. One of my biggest accomplishments of the whole scenario was not lying. Not fabricating anything that happened. What an odd thing to say! He was sworn under oath to tell the truth before a retired judge, and would be committing perjury if found to be lying. I was asked to embroider [enhance] certain events by Angus Stickler who was working for Radio 4 at the time. From the snippet he gives us in his 1997 debate, his testimony doesn’t need embroidering! Why doesn’t he just tell it as it is? Cos that would be telling the truth; and Lavatory’s job is to deceive us and confuse us. In shillyland, discrediting genuine reporters and victims [and honest bloggers] is the name of the game. Stickler told me that I wasn’t supplying the answers and comments that the BBC wanted. I rearranged the words and changed the tone to make it all sound so much more dramatic. I’d say that what he is describing here actually applies to what his Masonic puppet-masters require of him. I’ve noticed that in all his videos there are a number of breaks in the recordings. It’s as if he’s doing lots of retakes to make sure he narrates the Masonic script - using the appropriate tone etc - to the satisfaction of his handlers. It could take up to 5 takes before the wording was right. They wanted it a certain way. I was happy to help. He was seduced with lunches, dinners, pints of beer, hotel rooms. I’m not infallible. It happened. It’s happening now to others – Gregory, Messham. See how he gets that bit in. Ex residents being seduced by media attention. By now the unsuspecting casual viewer of Lav’s videos would be wondering who the actual victims are, whether the abuse was as bad as is being portrayed by the MSM, whether most of these alleged victims are in fact nothing of the sort, but are devious compo/fame seekers ... Clever cointel tactics. Works a treat. Notice how he mentions Gregory and Messham in the same breath. Gregory is now widely known as a victims’ champion and a respected councillor. One of the good guys, you’d think. Steve Messham meanwhile has suffered one hell of a prolonged and particularly fierce very public character assassination. Steve Messham is the genuine one. I can tell you Keith Gregory is absolutely NOT on the level. Lavatory knows it too. See my ‘ELITE PAEDO RING’ for more on Gregory. I got the call from , the morning after Messham went on there. Barry Jones was desperate I step into the arena. I refused. He tried again. An hour and a half on the phone. Why didn’t he record and publish it??? He says he has spoken to hundreds of journalists, so how come he didn’t secretly record any of them – to prove to us that the MSM wanted victims to embroider their stories? More on this coming up. I knew exactly what was going to happen. I don’t understand some people’s motives. Others are clear as gin. I know very well what they’re doing. I can’t understand it. I can comprehend it. It must be financially driven. It’s not to do with reputation. Gangs are all over the internet trashing me and people who support me. You have to ask what’s it all about? Why are they making up stories? Why are they there? The only people making things up are him and his fellow filthy shill buddies. They’re paid to serve the Masonic powers - to spread disinfo and cause confusion. One says he saw an MP picking up boys at Bryn Estyn. I’ve proved he’s a liar, he knows that, but he continues. See how the sly operator throws the MP into the mix! Lav proves JJ to be a liar; therefore why should we believe what ‘James’ says in his Channel 4 interview about the ex MP for Chester Peter Morrison taking boys away? [More on Morrison in a bit.] JJ is a pathological liar. And so is fellow team player, Lavatory. Others do. People just re-tweet these stories. Fuck the MSN.” The only people [sub humans] re-tweeting them are the ones shilly-shallying around, and possibly the odd duped bod. Fair dos to Lavatory; got to give him some credit where credit’s due; he is a fukkin good actor. All shills are. They’re just like politicians. It’s all theatre in the land of the shills. Lav’s ‘Victim Jockeys’ video [coming up] is particularly good – very entertaining and very clever. There again, he isn’t working alone; he’s part of a professional team [all shills work with very high level and highly educated freemasons.] I have to say, I honestly can’t fathom how anyone can live like Lav does. Once you sell out to the masons, your whole life is an act. How do the spouses and offspring of these shills live such a lie? If they’re oblivious, then said shill must be very clever at leading a double life and very comfortable with it. I do wonder what the authorities [masons] have on these people that persuade them to do their bidding. Perhaps they’re just collecting some stonking great rewards. Whatever it is, I’m baffled as to how anyone could live such a fake existence.

In the same 26/11/’12 article, he says: “Things got to the extent whereby I was trusted with the latest camera and kit and told to go and film myself and my life for six weeks. They used less than a minute of it. Someone of Lav’s canniness would surely have had someone tag along and film independently. After all, he argues that the MSM skew stories to suit their agenda. If he’d done his own filming, he could have proved his point.

I can write my own story without any editorial influences or input. Why doesn’t he then? It is what it is. My version of what happened. You might not agree or like this version but you can’t change it.

Someone somewhere knew and assisted Savile. Obviously. And that assistance and protection came from the highest echelons of power. Some, a few at the top of the tree have successfully hidden another story bigger than the story you are reading. So why doesn’t the spooky Lavatory enlighten us???

No winners in this game just a population of losers who pay to see and hear the lies laid out on the game board. Millions believe the shit rammed down their throats every day. And it’ll stay that way, until we, the general public, wake the fuck up and understand the game these sinister subversives play. Don’t be upset you’re probably one of them. I was. There was nothing anyone could do until the creation of this platform, the Internet. How many have read and believed the truth from this blog? Pass the sick bag. I know not. Said the narcissist of the most unimaginable foullness.

I’ll never be interviewed (my choice) about what the truth is because it doesn't suit the gate keepers hypocrite – he’s a particularly nasty gatekeeper who drip feed the license payers. Thought you said you’d given 200 interviews!!! Those that dwell in the high glass fronted offices of newsrooms all over the UK and further afield will never give this blog the time of day. Why should they? There’s no blood, buggery or big names. No sex gangs, no millionaires, nothing that satisfies their needs. It isn't bleeding, therefore it isn't leading. Cos they know you’re on the same team – they and you feed us bullshit of monstrous proportions.

I’ll leave you with a word. The word was sent to me by Angus Stickler. For me it sums up the whole BBC establishments attitude to the public. He knew when he replied to my text that he’d been used as part of the cover-up by those who’ll he’ll never meet and who own him.” All mainstream journalists and reporters are controlled, and therefore part of the cover up. The decent ones who genuinely want to lift the lid on perverts in powerful positions are dealt with one way or the other – they get set up, stitched up, smeared, ridiculed, discredited, demonized, neutralised, manipulated out or silenced some other way [look what happened to Jill Dando]. See more on Stickler on my ‘ELITE PAEDO’ PDF. Webster sticks the boot into him good style, just as he does anyone who reports the truth. Here’s a snippet from ‘File on 4: North Wales and the easy journalism of child abuse’: “In this respect one general question which is posed by Angus Stickler’s report, and the extraordinary mix of journalistic standards it contains, is how it is that journalists who seem to be competent and intelligent frequently get stories about alleged sexual abuse so spectacularly wrong.

Angus Stickler is certainly not the only journalist who has done this. One other example is provided by Nick Davies whose prominent contributions to arguably contain some of the best journalism on crime and social issues which has been produced in recent years. Yet when Davies turned his attention to the North Wales story about which he wrote two very substantial article for G2in 1997, the normal journalistic requirement for evidence and scepticism disappeared and Davies became a credulous believer in a non- existent paedophile ring.

Angus Stickler himself first came to prominence as a Radio 5 journalist with a number of reports about North Wales produced in the 1990s in which he appeared to be almost as credulous about paedophile rings and shadowy conspiracies as Davies.

It is also the case that both writers won coveted journalistic awards for stories which did more to obscure the facts than to reveal them. This in itself can only have dulled the critical faculties both of the journalists themselves and of colleagues who had to attempt to assess the merits of their stories without the benefit of any detailed knowledge of what actually happened in North Wales.

There can certainly be no doubt that the North Wales saga, as related by a succession of journalists in the 1990s (including not only Angus Stickler and Nick Davies, but also Dean Nelson and Paul Foot) did indeed provide a truly fantastic story. The problem appears to be that the appeal of the story as fantasy, and as a credible modern version of the ancient apocalyptic battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil, appears to have overtoppled normal journalistic scepticism. As a result individual writers found themselves simply unable sceptically to interrogate the narrative under whose spell they had fallen.” http://www.richardwebster.net/print/xfileon4.htm Notice also his attack on Sian Griffiths.

Not surprisingly Anna the antagonist Raccoon sticks her oar in and her boot into Angus Stickler too http://annaraccoon.com/2013/05/17/a- stickler-for-the-truth/ just as she does to Meirion Jones [see my ‘FIONA OF THE FORGED LETTER’ PDF http://sharonkilby.co.uk/site/FIONA_OF_THE_FORGED_LETTER.ph p].

The deliberate discrediting of Newsnight ... now famous for its Savile/McAlpine contrived fiascos, allows the likes of the Raccoon to declare: “The author of the infamous Newsnight programme which fed the unfortunate Steven Messham to the ravenous hordes in the same way that the sad figure of Karin Ward was used and abused, shares much in common with the ‘embittered nephew’ – Meirion Jones. Both are investigative journalists who had had stories ‘canned’ for lack of corroborative evidence, who suddenly found that in the present fevered atmosphere whereby even the NSPCC is prepared to denounce as ‘probably the most prolific offender’ ever, without a shred of tested evidence, they were able to breath fresh life into their favourite conspiracies, without being troubled by experienced hands demanding balanced reporting and fact checking.” Job’s a good un. http://annaraccoon.com/2012/11/12/the- bureau-for-instigative-churnalism/

Journalist Simon Regan decided way back in the 1970s to quit reporting for the News of the World and become a truly independent investigative reporter. In 1989 he founded the anti-establishment magazine Scallywag.

We who are aware of the ‘alternative media’ know that the MSM is owned and controlled by powerful paedophiles; hence why all we get on the mainstream ‘news’ and ‘documentaries’ is propaganda and programming. Darren Lavatory pretends to be an ‘alternative’ voice. He and fellow scum disinfo-merchants are far more insidious creatures than any mainstream journo. Collectively they are all covering up for the cesspool of criminal paedophile sewage that infect our planet and rule over us. Shame on you Lavatory. I sincerely hope you rot in hell. You unimaginable scumbag.

Now take a look at his video entitled ‘North Wales CHILD ABUSE/Bryn Estyn Victim Jockeys’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4wHrENLXJ8 The clever Lavatory, with the help of his Masonic team, does a voiceover of this CH 4 news clip http://www.channel4.com/news/exclusive-eyewitness-saw-thatcher- aide-take-boys-to-abuse which shows the eye witness testimony of ‘James’ who points the finger firmly at Sir Peter Morrison [who is now deceased and who was the parliamentary private secretary to Margaret Thatcher] saying he’d seen Morrison at Bryn Estyn, 5 times. The idea of this video is to discredit Channel 4 and to fudge the ‘famous names’ list of paedophiles. We are left wondering if it is all just rumour after all; that the authorities may be right when they say that there is simply not enough credible evidence of an ‘upper society’ network of paedophiles - the proof of which can be seen regarding this particular alleged paedo, Sir Morrison.

Lav’s video starts with a clip of the Welsh Mirror newspaper and then he shows us an article [presumably from that Mirror newspaper] on the ‘Lost in Care’ Waterhouse report. The article shows a picture of Lavatory as a child and says: “This little boy and hundreds like him were cruelly abused in children’s homes over nearly two decades. Yesterday a damning report laid bare the full shocking extent of crimes against the most vulnerable members of our society.” At the point whereby we hear Ch 4 reporter Ciaran Jenkins say “this man who was at Bryn Estyn in the late 1970s” [1min] Lavatory shows a photo of himself as a young man. This gives credibility to Lavatory’s claim that he knows what he’s talking about as he was indeed there and is recognised [by the Daily Mirror at least] to have been one of those victims.

Lav then shows a ‘reply’ from Outlaw which is dated 11/10/’13 and states: “Darren Laverty was a defence witness in Gordon Anglesea’s libel trial and why he mercilessly bullied the woman he raped so badly she left Twitter.” He then shows us a photo of JJ which implies that the Ch 4 interviewee [whose identity is protected] known as ‘James’ is the Outlaw Royden James Jones. He could be – they both wear glasses and the ears bear a striking similarity! https://kevingreen1950.wordpress.com/2013/05/24/meet-royden-james- jones/ He then shows a message from Sonia Poulton talking about ‘Team Outlaw’. This is followed by a statement that was written by JJ: “My recollections of the Bryn Estyn Children’s Home were limited to say the least. The short time I spent there were mainly uneventful, tedious to the point of boredom as I recall. Any difficulties I encountered in the care system happened elsewhere, so the lurid tales of VIP Paedophile rings and systematic maltreatment were not in evidence during my brief stay." (Royden Jones 13 November 2013).” Lavatory blogs it here http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2013_10_01_archive.html saying: “Below is a 100% retraction of the allegations he told the world in the Channel 4 interview. here He completely denies anything occurred. They are his very own words written by him. No trolls, spooks or MI5 just him. No bloody bed sheets, no posh cars, no MP's, no "new watches or shiny shoes". His stay was "uneventful". I wonder if CH4 are responsible for producing a completely false and fabricated news item? Or where they fooled like many others over the past 13 months?” Those words are confirmed to be JJ’s here http://outlawjimmy.com/2013/11/20/scallywag-revisited/ JJ told me in his first email dated 13/6/’13 that he is “a survivor of CSA Childhood Abuse in the care system in Wales.” He tells Sean Maguire that he himself is a survivor of historical child abuse. More on that radio interview coming up. If JJ is ‘James’, then there is yet another contradiction in JJ’s testimony because C4 make clear that their unidentified interviewee does not claim to be a victim, he says he is an eyewitness.

Notice how Lav is letting the public know that JJ heads ‘Team Outlaw’. This exposes JJ as the “lying little backstabbing fake cunt” [Spiv’s words] whose real aim, with the help of the equally fake and thoroughly discredited Sonia and others on his team [see my ‘DIGGING INTO JIMMY’S SOCKS’ PDF] is to discredit and destroy genuine victims such as Messham. That bit is absolutely true. However what Darren Lavatory doesn’t want you to know is that he too is a major player on the same team [even though he’ll tell you that he and JJ have fallen out.]

Further into Lav’s video, he then shows us some newspaper cuttings which have raging headlines, such as “Demons of the dark” and “Dealing with the devil” which are intended to make us think they are connected with the child sex abuse scandal. [Not that Lav shows the evidence for that!] In that mix are news cuttings of headlines such as “Police named as suspects in scandal of child abuse” and “Paedophiles control children’s homes”. The subtle messaging here is that we should not believe the ‘media hype’ - of wild demonic claims of untouchable wealthy powerful paedophiles [which include senior police officers, MPs and other Establishment figures] controlling children’s homes ... that there’s no truth to it ... that it’s all about newspaper sales.

Lav’s vid ends with us listening to ‘James’ saying the “sheets were bloodstained, bloodstained, bloodstained, bloodstained” [courtesy of Lav with his finger on the rewind button.] At the same time he shows us another couple of newspaper cuttings – one dated 16/2/2000 of himself standing outside the ‘House of Hell’ Bryn Estyn. The writing is blurred, but you can make out where it says: “He spent six years in a living hell. He was unloved, beaten and abused.” The other news article carries the headlines “I heard a boy’s screams. People have no idea what goes on in care homes.” Finally he shows us a Daily Mail article which has the word “BETRAYAL” screaming out at us and the words: “These four brothers were horrifically abused in care. Two were to die in torment. Yesteday an inquiry concluded that, in all, 650 children – appallingly let down by social workers – were victims of Britain’s worst ever Paedophile scandal ... and that 40 of the monsters are still at large.” In the background, in answer to the question – will we ever get to the truth, we hear ‘James’ saying “No; too many people got too much to hide” [repeatedly!]

If you take a look here http://chrisspivey.org/wp- content/uploads/2014/10/jj31.jpg there is an email from Jimmy to Spivey which shows that JJ acknowledges he is ‘James’. I’m not convinced. If you listen to this interview of Jimmy by Sean Maguire you can hear he has a South Walian accent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJyxbyOYf7Q Compare that to James’ accent. It doesn’t sound like the same bloke to me. As for Sean Maguire, just the fact that he takes the notorious liars – Jimmy Jones and Chris Spivey - seriously, tells you all you need to know about him too. http://outofthebagradio.weebly.com/podcasts1/podcast-sean- maguire-guests-chris-spivey-liam-scheff-plus-gaza-solution-30-07-2014

To the casual observer who watches this video or Lav’s other videos or who drops in on his banter with his fellow shills or who glances at his blogs, it would seem that he has indeed proven that at least one ex care home resident has been lying to the media [and not just to the news rags, but to the - what is considered to be - more serious and respected news source Channel 4]. That being the case the unsuspecting observer would naturally [as is the idea] assume that many more ex care home residents could be lying or exaggerating and that the media are just taking people at face value.

For example Steve Messham might have embellished his story too. After all a few other alleged victims and ex residents [turncoats] who claim to know him accuse him of stretching the truth, saying that he just wanted fame and money. Lav, JJ and fellow ‘core group’ disinformationists get assistance from other disinfo supremos who comment on their blogs under a pseudonym. Someone by the name of ‘Keith’, a particularly disgusting disinfo-monger, sticks the boot into Messham here http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/troll-troll- trolling-along.html “McAlpine is implicated by Messham. But willingly in return for a fat wallet. He allows the story to circulate and allows Messham,who is on his team to spread the story. All the time they have an exit plan, By using his own principles he will be declared innocent by the very man who originally named him by stating a case of mistaken identity and making it impossible for anyone else to accuse him. At the same time his wealth increases and no doubt Messham is looked after.

For years the story only circulates in little read Scallywag, Private Eye, Icke etc.Then the internet takes over. Elm GH scandal breaks after Savile dies, calls for a new inquiry into N Wales. Specifically N Wales. Bryn Estyn is the focus. A deliberate distraction perhaps to the wider Bryn Alyn Community. McAlpine wasn't there because Messham has now said so. He's safe. One man has come out on TV as saying specifically McAlpine is not a paedophile. Messham.

However,there is a problem. You and Darren and others in the background know that Messham is a liar. And also an abuser himself.” Messham is protected though, by powerful people and rewarded for sticking to their agenda. For them,Messham can be the only authoratative voice on care home abuse. His health and mental state are then used to garner sympathy for him making it unthinkable that anyone would doubt what he has to say after all his suffering. Anyone who doubts Messham is obviously a deranged bully and paedo protector. That's you and Darren and those that believe you.Me,Kate,Jane Mooch and anyone who dares support you. But we're not being accused by the big fish.No.They've got some small fry doing their dirty work. All sorts of lunatics, non-entities and conspiracy theorists whose basis for attacking you is the defence of Steve Messham. Jan - a vicious god bothering victim junkie. Sue- a perpetual lunatic hypochondriac. In all their various guises to make them appear popular. And all their delude hangers on. Adeybob-a total lunatic, useful idiot with a possible socially dangerous demeanour. Paul-an opinionated pervy looking bloke who appears as the others are struggling to get their message across. Will Black-a self proclaimed writer/journo. His aim is to continue discrediting you and Darren and your support. For his book. Gojam- a self interested wannabe journo who feeds the press victims stories for money Madlands-Didn't believe Messham or Mary Moss then starts a hashtag campaign in support of their stories. Then fucks off in the huff. Dr Tig-Looking to make a name for herself as a so called expert with a pretence of helping victims. James Reeves-has a tale to tell. Most of it imagined or at least embellished. Never ceases tweeting abuse stories. And many many more. And are they involved in keeping a lid on the truth you and Darren hold. Is will involved with Icke. Probably. Whatever it is mate, you and Darren are doing a grand job and we will find out .I'll help you any way I can.”

All the names mentioned here are cointelpro. They are the ones being protected and rewarded for sticking to the Masonic agenda. Messham is the only genuine one. He is not an abuser – Darren Laverty is, by his own admission. Messham is not looked after; he is being raped all over again by the media and the professional liars of the A/M i.e. all the above named and a whole lot more.

Notice how ‘Keith’ lumps Scallywag in with Private Eye and Icke, implying that they were not worth suing as they were ‘little read’. Scally wasn’t sued because its editors were not under the Masonic thumb - they were not pretenders; they meant business – and therefore they would have welcomed the opportunity to drag McAlpine’s name through the courts. The Eye and Icke were left alone because they’re only pretending to be exposing the paedophile infested Establishment; they’re actually working for them.

So successful are the disinfo peddlers that the visitor to the ‘alternative media’ in search of some truth, listening to the convincing Darren Laverty would well believe that the media have indeed been ‘sexing up’ [sorry – don’t mean to make light of this subject] the stories ... also that the idea of there being a paedophile network that reaches deep into the Establishment, well that’s just plain bonkers; the stuff of fantasies. Congratulations Darren Lavatory. Your handlers must be very pleased with you.

Of course we don’t know for certain that ‘James’ is Outlaw JJ. We have no reliable evidence of that. Lavatory continues to convince you that he is and he engages in some phoney letter writing in December ‘13 with Channel 4 to further persuade you of his sincerity. See http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/private-e-mails-released- from-channel-4.html. I won’t quote the whole letter; just the salient points. Lav encloses a list of questions with his letter. “The same individual denied he said those things and accuses Channel 4 of editing the item to suit their own agenda. How could Ch4 edit what was actually stated by ‘James’ in his answers to the questions put to him?!!! An agenda of "covering up" and "deceiving the general public about the Bryn Estyn Boys Home", according to the man you aired on TV. He's written about it publicly. Ciaran Jenkins has the details and also follows him on twitter. I've approached Jenkins but to avail.

In addition, could you possibly offer the details of the authorities who "confirmed" he was there at any given time as I am certain that information would be considered as confidential and only available upon request from a solicitor or someone with legal authority.” Confirmation of someone being at a school can come from the ex resident him/her self – school reports, progress reports, letters; or even the transcript of the Waterhouse inquiry/police witness statements.

Channel 4 reply: “This report was partly based on an anonymous interview with a man who we confirmed had been at Bryn Estyn at the time of the alleged incidents. We reported the matter in good faith and consider the reporting met our usual high standards of accuracy, impartiality and fairness.” No-one can quarrel with that. Darren Laverty has failed to prove his point. Instead he’s showed himself up as a big- headed prat. As far as Keith Gregory [the other victim interviewed on Ch 4] is concerned, he could very well be sincere when he says he was sexually abused in ‘care’. All three – Gregory, Lavatory and JJ could be telling the truth when they say they were abused during their time in the ‘care’ system. However at some point [which I guess would probably be after the Waterhouse report was published i.e. around the time of all the publicity] all these men have been persuaded to shill for the Establishment. That means they are all now owned and controlled by the Masonic powers.

In this post https://drlaverty.wordpress.com/2015/01/12/a-serious- question-for-channel-4-news/ the pisstaking wanker Lav writes a ‘Serious Question for Channel 4 news’: “Dear Editor of Channel Four News, Can you confirm or deny that your organisation has behaved like criminals and have allegedly pressured certain alleged ‘victims’ of historical child abuse into lying about their experiences on camera, to ‘fit your story’?”

He doesn’t raise any ‘serious’ questions with Ch 4 in relation to a photo shown to Keith Gregory and Mark Humphreys though, does he! This is what I say on my ‘ELITE PAEDO RING’ PDF: “Take a look at this video http://www.channel4.com/news/george-entwistle-resigns-as-bbc- director-general Krishnan Guru-Murthy and Ciaran Jenkins report. How the hell they managed it with a straight face, I’ll never know. We’re told that the ex-wife of Mark Humphreys – Wendy - has spoken out for the first time. Just after Messham’s heavily broadcasted [forced] ‘apology’!!!” [See P 48.]

Now look how Lav talks about JJ here https://kevingreen1950.wordpress.com/2013/10/12/a-copy-of-the-last- post-on-the-darren-laverty-blog/ “He wanted me, no, he expected me, to believe he’d witnessed a murder. A torturous murder of a child in care. “I fucking seen it Daz. In front of me in the fucking room on a table after they fucked him”. I listened and watched him intently. I knew from that moment and thereafter I was in the company of “an other one”. He showed us scars he claimed were caused by torture to him as a warning not to speak about the “murder”. His claims of being blinded and having “all his teeth smashed out” by care staff had no supporting evidence. He didn’t remember where or when he was blinded. The scars on his stomach? Probably scars from climbing in and out of windows over fences or maybe glass topped walls.” Lavatory is telling us we should be sceptical about these stories we hear in the press about kids in care being tortured and murdered. [See the Daily Mail article referenced above in Lav’s aforementioned video.] He’s saying that proven liars like JJ are spreading this nonsense, courtesy of the tabloids who just want horror stories, regardless of whether or not they are true.

Lavatory and his fellow ‘muddy the water’ merchants are drumming it into us that these tales of brutality buggery and bestiality are so far- fetched, they belong in the realms of fantasy. They’re ramming the message home that there simply is no credible evidence to support such stories; that the newspapers just want eye-catching headlines. And as for the rumour of there being institutionalised and organised child abuse by wealthy powerful high society paedophiles - men who are above the law, who occupy the highest offices in the land, at the very heart of the Establishment - well that’s simply preposterous.

See more of the same muddying tactics in Lav’s write up here http://kevingreen1950.wordpress.com/2013/10/12/a-copy-of-the-last- post-on-the-darren-laverty-blog/ “The interviewer then gets told about some of the boys who were taken away in cars. These numerous victims supposedly had blood stains on their bed sheets in the morning. This statement was originally told to the police by another liar who was actually at Bryn Estyn. He continued to have a relationship with Peter Howarth long after being discharged from the care system. A consensual sexual relationship. Some CSA victims do have relationships with their abusers. A life of rape and torture is all they know. Some think it is normal. Not surprisingly they are psychologically damaged by the time they reach adulthood; many are confused about their sexuality. He was later jailed for perverting the course of justice. It is no surprise that many victims leave ‘care’ and end up committing crimes. Powerlessness and injustice is all they know. Steven Hashim. Hashim was also one of the witnesses, along with Messham, used for and by the infamous Scallywag publication about Macca and the others. The house mistress Lucile Williams was asked by Waterhouse about Hashim’s claims of blood on bed sheets. She quite rightly laughed at the suggestion.”

But Sir Peter Morrison was one of those prominent names on the list of protected high powered paedophiles. Rod Richards, former Welsh Office minister saw Sir Peter’s name mentioned in documentation at the time they set up the Waterhouse inquiry. Rod Richards says he’s content in his own mind Morrison was a paedophile. The Guardian journalist Nick Davies said a few years ago Morrison was picked up by police for sex offences in public lavatories and let off https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJJ2_HGodi4 [just before 16 mins.]

Nick Davies’ article, published April 1998, is here http://www.nickdavies.net/1998/04/01/the-sheer-scale-of-child-sexual- abuse-in-britain/ See also https://ianpace.wordpress.com/2014/10/06/peter-morrison-and-the- cover-up-in-the-tory-party-fully-updated/

Here are some snippets from Davies’ article: “Fleet Street routinely nurtures a crop of untold stories about powerful abusers who have evaded justice. One such is Peter Morrison, formerly the MP for Chester and the deputy chairman of the Conservative Party. Ten years ago, Chris House, the veteran crime reporter for the Sunday Mirror, twice received tip-offs from police officers who said that Morrison had been caught cottaging in public toilets with underaged boys and had been released with a caution. A less powerful man, the officers complained, would have been charged with gross indecency or an offence against children.

At the time, Chris House confronted Morrison, who used libel laws to block publication of the story. Now, Morrison is dead and cannot sue. Police last week confirmed that he had been picked up twice and never brought to trial. They added that there appeared to be no trace of either incident in any of the official records.

Some are never brought to trial – like the group of men who were believed by police to be abducting homeless girls from the streets of London in the early 1990s and holding them in a converted garage with padded walls, where they were being abused and finally killed. The closest they came to being caught was when the man who was said to be disposing of the girls’ bodies, for £2,000 a time, was identified by Number Eight Regional Crime Squad, in Wales, as an ex-convict, a man with a history of spectacular violence who was living in Cardiff. Police investiged him but were unable to identify those who had hired him or to find evidence to charge him.

Others come to trial only partially – like Robert Oliver and Sidney Cooke and their friends who together abducted, drugged, raped and killed Jason Swift, Barry Lewes and Mark Tildesley. They were convicted of manslaughter. Officers from Operation Orchid were frustrated, first because there was insufficient evidence to convict them of murder, and, second, because they were never able to bring any charges at all in relation to six other boys who, they believed, had also died at the hands of the same ring.

That course in Birmingham, in turn, is believed to have been lectured by Peter Righton, a notorious paedophile who attempted to legitimise his obsession in a series of academic studies. Righton, for his part, belonged to the Paedophile Information Exchange, along with Jack Bennett who joined in the abuse at Greystone. Righton had earlier worked in the same childrens’ home in Maidstone, Kent as Peter Howarth, who went on to become a legendary abuser in the homes of North Wales where he shared his indulgence with Steve Norris, formerly of Greystone.

We have seen the results of courageous work by thousands of dedicated men and women but also we have seen the results of cover-up and concealment, occasionally of corruption, of whistleblowers who are punished for trying to expose the truth, of local authorities, churches and other organisations who have closed ranks to deny or conceal allegations against their staff.

North Wales is only the beginning. It is now clear that during the last 30 years, children’s homes in Britain suffered an epidemic of rape and violent assault. It was an epidemic that went unnoticed, like a plague that struck dumb its victims or else blinded those around it.

There are now literally thousands of men and women, in North Wales, South Wales, Manchester, Liverpool, Sunderland, Northumbria, Edinburgh – in seventeen different police areas in all – who have come forward to make detailed, credible allegations about their childhoods of abuse in care. The combined force of these different inquiries amounts to the biggest contemporary police operation in the country. And yet, at the time that these people were children, at the time that they were being used as human aids to masturbation, just about all of them were overlooked by just about every agency that was supposed to protect them – the police, social workers, the Social Services Inspectorate, health visitors, doctors.”

It is no surprise that Lav is full of scorn for Nick Davies. This is what he says on his 19/1/’14 article http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/arrested-royden-jones-aka- outlaw.html just under his ‘victim jockeys’ video: “His use of Nick the prick Davies journalistic scrawls evidence hypocrisy way beyond my mind. Davies was/is and always will be an integral part of the MSM hierarchy in the UK. One victim jockey using another? Laughable.” Of course all mainstream journos are only allowed to report so far. Scally editor Angus James said that the press only scratched the surface of a paedophile porn empire that dated back over 20 years. That was back in the early 1990s. That was when some ‘juicy’ truth did seep out into our newspapers. That was when we did get some very good hard hitting documentaries. That was then. These days all we get is propaganda, advertising and unimportant truth, such as celebrity tittle tattle. Meanwhile we find that the internet is saturated with a myriad of conniving lying little bastards peddling their black propaganda. We really are only seeing the very tip of the gigantic cesspit of criminal paedophile sewage.

Incidentally as regards Outlaw’s reference to Lav being a defence witness at Anglesea’s libel trial, take a look at this post http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/enlightenment.html He says:

“Recent conversations have led me to the conclusion that I'm slightly in the dark regards many incidences that occurred among the child care institutions of North Wales. I was in care for 6 years and moved around the north Wales area for the duration. I previously stated in public that I disbelieve three of the witnesses who accused ex police chief superintendent Gordon Anglesea of sexually abusing them. I still disbelieve them. Wonder what agent Lavatory’s reward was for coming out with that statement. This guy is a traitor of the highest order. Steve Messham must be feeling sick to the pit of his stomach at such treachery. I think the dirty Lavatory should tell us who these three witnesses are and why he disbelieves them. I cover this subject some more in my ‘Elite Paedo’ pdf.

However, I now have to conclude that there are others, who are not known to me, who may well have been the victim/s of a flawed investigation by North Wales Police (NWP) into GA. Some of you will know that the CPS did recommend the prosecution of GA and that the libel trial jury were never informed of this. So if the CPS supported a prosecution, why wasn’t he prosecuted?! Lav is confused [that’s what happens when you agree to spread bullshit at the behest of your Masonic handler] it was the police who recommended prosecution; the CPS decided against it. Echoes of Sir Savile? See my ‘Forged Letter Fiona’ pdf. Would they have arrived at a different verdict if the jury been informed? In my view, probably. Had I been called to give evidence I would have probably contributed to the defence's case, even though it was GA's legal team that served the witness summons on me. In other words, if I had been called to give evidence it would have been by GA's representatives. However, had I given my evidence I would have probably contributed to a guilty verdict that never was. My evidence was credible enough for the legal eagles to realise they should keep me away from the court at any cost. It worked, I wasn't called.

What was my evidence? Why did GA's defence team refuse to call me as a witness and instead keep me on the side lines? Despite the many rumours that have been circulating across the Internet, many of which have been ignited by Internet trolls that’s rich coming from him, I have never been fishing with him, never visited Jimmy Saviles flat with him and never met him personally outside the care environs. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a plonker and their beliefs are that of pure fantasy. In actual fact, the reason I believe I wasn't called was because I could and did place GA at Bryn Estyn on a number of occasions that he said he didn't recall. It's a documented fact that I placed GA at Bryn Estyn more times than he wanted me to. He denied being in a place at a time when my evidence and the paper evidence proved otherwise. That's right, you read it right. I would have contributed to the defences case more than the Plaintiffs. You see why I wasn't called by the plaintiffs legal team? I would have damaged their case. I said GA was somewhere at sometime. Why the vagueness? Documents from the time supported my evidence. Why can’t he be specific? What documents? This was the case on at least three occasions. So put all the bullshit you've read to one side and start again. My evidence was never going to be questioned because it was supported by official documents from the time. GA's defence knew this and they cleverly summons me as to prevent the opposition summoning me. I couldn't be called for both sides could I?”

So let me get this right. Anglesea’s legal team served a witness summons on him. If he had given evidence it would have inadvertently supported the opposition [which in his opinion would have been a travesty of justice] cos he had documentary evidence that Anglesea had been seen at Bryn Estyn more often than Anglesea wanted to acknowledge. He says his evidence was credible enough for the “legal eagles” to realise they should keep him away from court at any cost. He says it worked; Anglesea’s team refused to call him as a witness and instead kept him on the sidelines. This was to prevent the defendants summoning him.

I’m not so sure that what Lavatory describes here is allowed. I’m not convinced that this is what actually happened. I bet what really happened is that Darren Laverty did indeed give evidence for the defendants and, just like his fellow testifiers – Steve Messham and Mark Humphreys - quickly crumbled in the witness box. As always he doesn’t provide a scrap of proof to back up his account. If bet if we had sight of the transcripts of the G A libel trial and/or Lav’s testimony at the Waterhouse inquiry, we’d find that Darren Laverty is lying through his teeth. I bet the truth is Lav’s Masonic handlers have told him to write this shite.

This is just another ‘muddying waters’ post; the purpose is to convince us that Gordon Anglesea is innocent and that it was right that the jury found in his favour at his libel trial. Agent Darren Lavatory is deliberately unconvincing when he vaguely says that there could be others – unknown to him – who may have been the victim[s] of a flawed police investigation. Contrast this to where he states positively that, as he has previously stated, he disbelieves three of the witnesses who accused G A of raping them. He makes the point that he still disbelieves them.

Lavatory can only say that he can prove that Anglesea was being less than honest about the amount of times he visited Bryn Estyn. That of course does not prove that Anglesea was there to play with little boys. Job’s a good un.

What I want to know is, how is he so sure that Gordon Anglesea is innocent? How is he so sure that the three witnesses who accused Anglesea are lying?

Now have a look at his video entitled ‘My Troll is dead’ published on 16/10/’14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HWYGt1DUuM#t=133 I’ll just comment on some of it.

“And you said the day before I got to your house, David Icke had been and your wife got his autograph. But that was a lie cos Icke hadn’t been there. Why would anyone want the bullshit artist Icke to visit??? You’re not a campaigner, you’re an absolute leech on victims. Both JJ and Lav are. What I do have is my integrity, honesty, and my life on the line laugh out fuckin loud. Lav, you’re a lying little shit. No shill has his life on the line; genuine fighters against powerful paedophiles do. You lot are playing games – pretending to be on opposing sides, trading insults with each other and making silly threats - thanks to you and your cronies, Helen, Jane, Sue, Jenny. They’re all yours. ‘Team Outlaw’ is a spooky group of shills and socks; and Lavatory is a major player in it. Meet me on camera in a studio and let’s have it out. I can back everything I say up. Said with gusto, knowing full well he’ll never be asked to do so. You weren’t in Bryn Estyn, you’ve never seen Morrison. Where you say you were you couldn’t have seen anything. You jumped on the bandwagon and I sussed you out like that. I am ex Bryn Estyn. I’ve met liars and fabricators and people like you who have bullshitted abuse for compensation. Who? Where’s the evidence? In this article http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/operation-pallial.html he says: “A 19th arrested was reported today by the OP team. 19th? Since when has such a large number of arrests of alleged offenders occurred and those arrested have not been named by the main stream media (MSM). Be it football violence, political protests, work force strikes or a group of thugs on local CCTV, the MSM have always filled their screens and sheets with the faces and names of those arrested. Never any follow ups of course but they've always named the alleged perpetrators. Ever since I remember anyway. So why not in this investigation?

Is there an unofficial ban? Are the OP team following orders not to feed the names out? Who's decided the public are not entitled to know the identities of those potential sexual and physical abusers who still dwell within our communities? They're free to go about their daily business as if they haven't a worry in the world. Has there been an agreement between the alleged offenders and the National Crime Agency?

To conclude, it must be worth a mention the fact that some of those arrested may have been falsely accused of offences by some lying bastards who are chasing compensation. I know of at least 3 who've lied publicly and maintain their lies on a daily basis.” Feckin hypocrite. Why doesn’t he name and shame these money grabbing liars that he talks about? Why doesn’t he know exactly how many people are guilty of this? Why doesn’t he prove their guilt? Lav makes reference to Paddy French. In this article https://drlaverty.wordpress.com/2015/03/15/the-macur-review-a-loss-of- confidence/ Lav says that he and Paddy have “spent time together over the years”. That doesn’t surprise me. French is yanking our chain too. See my ‘Elite Paedo’ pdf.

Spivey’s bumped you out. Sending evidence of me being a child abuser? Yeah right. He admits it himself. Let’s see it. That observer article is bollox. Google the fella who wrote it Brian J-T - absolute spook. Lavatory and JJ and their gang are the spooks. That’s being dealt with. You’re a plagurist. Hundreds of entries on your blog are stolen. Why, what for. Kudos? Credibility? As long as you’re telling lies it’s never going to happen. Complete fabrications of existences. JJ and his team [of which Laverty is a key figure] all fabricate characters. They’re called Establishment trolls. See my ‘Jimmy’s Socks’ pdf. You’re a victim jockey. You’ve created everything around you. You’re everywhere. You’re mental. Its cos of people like you and Lavatory and the rest of their vile gang that people like Morrison get away with it for so long. Utter scum paedo protectors that’s you Lav; own agenda, disinfo. I don’t think you’re NSA, secret services; I know you’re a little dick who lives in a hovel on a sink estate after being evicted.” All disinfo agents talk in terms of secret services, MI5. That’s a distraction. They’re actually under the Masonic umbrella – all of them. Some are small fry agents, others are bigger fish. Lav plays down JJ’s role and pretends he and ‘Team Outlaw’ are just ‘nutters, freaks, narcissists’. They are all those things and more. They are far from insignificant. They operate under the control of some of the most brilliant and all powerful evil masonic minds. These agents are most insidious creatures; who cleverly and effectively keep you and I [the general public] in the dark and under control; to enable the mega criminals escape justice.

Steve Messham has suffered unimaginable vilification in every form of media. That’s not surprising; he is genuinely trying to bring his very powerful abusers to book. All genuine strivers for truth and justice get persecuted by the Masonic machine.

All the dirty deceivers [in the MSM and the A/M] are responsible for sending Steve to breaking point. And that includes the smug John Ward of the Slog. Ward, who writes the following article dated 14/11/’12 is a filthy containment agent too https://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/11/14/breaking-steve-messham- severely-depressed-and-subjected-to-constant-harrassment/

The following are Steve’s messages to Lavatory – you are sick, get help:

In the following video entitled ‘Sonia Poulton Challenge’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg5ZYcev1Sk the fairy pretends to be challenging fellow evil disinfo supremo Sonia Poulton to produce the evidence that she retweets to her 10,000 + audience that he is a child procurer, rapist, stalker etc. He says not to reference the Observer article, as it has “denied even printing it” and “Brian Johnson-Thomas has denied writing it”. Why doesn’t he produce the evidence of these Observer denials? The twat himself says on his 23/1/’15 post that “BJT has yet to be traced”.

The Lavatory loves to slag Sonia off. Have a look at his post here https://drlaverty.wordpress.com/2015/02/03/sonia-poulton-lee-ryan- sitting-in-a-tree/ Notice that he doesn’t debunk her meaningfully, with hard evidence; for example like Jon Stevenson of the Hollie Hoax group does. Why doesn’t Lavatory simply put a link to Jon’s excellent expose? This is more proof [if it were needed] that Darren Laverty is only playing when he claims to be challenging Sonia Poulton. They are in cahoots.

In this video entitled ‘Darren Laverty blog 4 SCALLY WAG’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtQO8QPBxno he says: “Two people I know who call themselves victims lied about what happened to them. I gave a copper’s name to Andrea/Tara Davison. Andrea didn’t tell me why she wanted a copper’s name. I didn’t know about Scallywag. I gave Andrea a copper – a copper who features in the Scally article. Anglesea is the other one. I won’t name the copper cos I don’t know if this cop knows that Scally printed his name. I see this cop who is still working, regularly. Scallywag was bullshit. The Messham story about what happened, in Scallywag is bullshit. And the other guy – Steven Hashim – bullshit. He was one of the witnesses in Scallywag. He went down for perverting the course of justice. He’s the one who said Derek Laud ripped his arsehole. Well he didn’t rip his arsehole; neither did the crowbar rip it whilst he was in Bryn Estyn. I was supposed to have been a witness to it. Rubbish, it’s all shit. It’s MI5 tweeting behind the names of Messham and Andrea.”

Well it isn’t MI5, it is simply lap dog Lavatory doing his master’s bidding. And it is Darren Lavatory who talks a load of BULLSHIT, not the two Steves and Scally. So he gave a copper’s name to another NWO sellout Andrea Davison. Bollox did he; lying scumbag piece of shill shit. The smug prick sits in his car giving his spiel on Scallywag and the two Steves – Messham and Hashim, in an attempt to discredit them. Jeesh, what lengths this idiot will go to in order to please his paymasters.

On this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vk05ZkiSm24 entitled ‘Video blog number 1 Darren Laverty speaks on camera’ he says he ‘came across’ Peter Sawyer’s number – “Mr Scallywag himself”. He says he “also has Tara – Andrea Davison’s number; who should be serving a prison sentence – for fraud, deception etc etc. You do the crime, you do the time. I did”. He says he has Malcolm King’s number. And Scallywag. He says he’s been at it since 1995; people tell him he doesn’t know what he’s talking about; that he’s making it up. He says he isn’t. “It is what it is”.

There is no evidence that Davison or Pete Sawyer wrote for Scallywag. See my ‘ANNA RACCOON’ PDF.

In this article http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/police-officers- named.html the wanker says: “If I was given a £1 for every referral to the Scally Wag story I’d be buying a VW T25 in excellent condition. 1000’s of worldwide have provided traffic to 100’s of blogs, each claiming an “exclusive” followed by hash tags galore. All feature the same story. As a contributor to the story I feel it only right and just that some of it be put in its place. The bin! I personally knew two of the police officers named in the piece as well two of the lads which feature in it. Identify the police officers.

Regarding the two “victims” the two Stephens? I’d like to call both liars. I’d like to name them. However, they’ve both got children and both have come to the attention of the police after allegations of child abuse were levelled against them by members of their own family. Wonder if Lavatory bullies his own wife and kids! Wonder if he’s a control freak in his own home. So, with a heavy heart along with their children in mind, I’m not going to name them unless a court of law says I have to. All details are recorded and logged in police records. He knows full well no-one can check that with the police! This is how these scoundrels work. It’s none of our business anyway….is it? Both alleged being raped repeatedly and therefore it needs pointing out they might have something to hide from the public themselves. You’re the one hiding things from the public [and your family], Lavatory. You decide. Anyway, I can prove both are outright liars. Go on then. Don’t talk about it. Do it. You can’t; cos they’re not the liars. YOU ARE. And I’ve proved that. How many other bloggers can do the same? How many want to? Not many. ” Surprise surprise here we have Outlaw attempting to discredit Scallywag too http://outlawjimmy.com/2013/11/20/scallywag-revisited/ Jimmy Jones says: “I published a copy of a letter on this blog in December 2012. The letter was written by Simon Regan Editor of Scallywag Magazine, who’s half Brother Angus James Wilson, co-founder of Scallywag and editor of its sucessor ‘Spiked’ died in Cyprus around 1996 whilst the magazine was investigating the alleged elite paedophile ring operating in North Wales children’s homes and beyond.

In his letter dated February 2000, Simon documents Scallywag’s investigation into the North Wales Child Abuse scandal and the tragic cover-up by the Courts and the Establishment.

I removed it a few days later, simply because I was persuaded to do so by a former resident of the Bryn Estyn Childrens Home in Wrexham.

This person, who for the purposes of this article I shall refer to as Mr. Boggins , spent an inordinate amount of time attempting to convince me that it was in fact, not worth the paper it was written on. He, (at great length) explained that he was, in real life, one of those who contributed to the Scallywag article notice the lump of shill shit didn’t ask his Mr Bog to prove that he contributed to that or to any Scally article and he and the others, were only doing it for, ‘A day out in London, a few quid and free food and drink’. He assured me that it was a complete fabrication, your whole life, since you sold out to the Masonic powers, is a complete fabrication Jones the idea had come from Journalists Angus Stickler and Iain Overton, who had been covering the story from the beginning.

“It is complete rubbish mate, and you are damaging your reputation by publishing it on your blog” laugh out fukkin loud. What reputation? Jones you’re a complete clown was part of one conversation I remember.

It has recently come to light that this same person has been setting up numerous Twitter accounts including @therisingup and the more recent @gimpchimp which then renamed itself @munkeekiller.

*At the time of writing there have been at least fourteen Twitter accounts and three blogs published specifically to discredit me.!*” Jimmy Shill, no-one needs to discredit you. You do a good job of discrediting yourself – every time you open your mouth, or your fingers connect with your keyboard.

Both JJ and Lav and most shills use a variety of anonymous personas and socks in which to spread their rat poison undetected. In this article http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2013_11_01_archive.html Daz Lavatory says JJ has a myriad of twitter accounts. This is how they operate. They could not get away with their scam if they were not hiding behind false internet personas and a variety of socks. Lav says: “I've evidenced previously that he has a myriad of twitter accunts. Others have also shared his multiple accunts 1 2 3 . It would seem to be the case that I've been his target since I withdrew the @angleseydrift account after exposing him as a child abuse magnet who lied in order to gain some sort of credibility on the Internet. He has allied accounts on twitter that perpetuate his lies and fabrications on an hourly basis. Or so it would seem. I really have lost the will to unearth the details of these accunts.”

Back to Jimmy Shill’s ‘Scallywag Revisited’ and the discrediting of real victims:

“I do know from my own experience that there were indeed lads in the care system in Wales at that time at least, Bryn Estyn included, who would say and do anything for less than the price of a 1/4oz of rolling tobacco. No names of course.

Mr. Boggins himself, has admitted more than once that he has said things in the media and at various enquiries and hearings that were not ‘Factually Accurate’. (Most of which he has since retracted and/or passed the blame onto others no longer in a position to defend themselves.) This pathological liar Jimmy Jones has not produced a scrap of evidence that a genuine CSA victim [who has not turned coat] has lied.

I have also recently been made aware that at least two of the suicides that have sadly occurred following the abuse revelations coming to light, were not a direct result of the stress of giving evidence at the Waterhouse Enquiry, as is commonly believed. It is looking more and more likely to have been because of an involvement in certain activities, that would have made their lives unbearable had it became public knowledge. Bloody contemptible creature is Jones.

It was around this time that Boggins, using the @RyanTanner5 account started attacking Steve Messham and first contacted me. I now firmly believe that the only reason he even contacted me, was because I was speaking to Steve Messham. So Mr Bog is his pal Daz Lavatree. Why the fuck didn’t the prick say so. So now we’re told Lavatory contributed to Scally mag too. Jesus wept. Wonder what Simon Regan’s and Angus James’s reaction would have been to all this. Such desperate and pathetic attempts by the shill bloggers to discredit Scallywag is all the proof you need that Scally was [and still is] a serious Establishment threat.

It should also be noted, that Boggins, has at one time or another tried to discredit and ridicule every survivor who has spoken out, whether in the media or to the police. Included among those he has tried to discredit, are people from different parts of the UK and those who have spoken about events that occurred before he even entered and after he had left care. It almost seems to be a full time occupation. Which would also help to explain his boast that he‘gets his food and fags bought for him.’ Worth thinking about I would think.* Shilling for Establishment paedophiles must be a well paid and very rewarding full time occupation. Am I right Jimmy and Darren???

Have you noticed how very few reliable accounts are even online ? The definitive story about what really happened at Bryn Estyn will probably never see the light of day. That’s what you rat bastards are banking on. But the full truth will come out. It’s not a matter of if; it’s a matter of when. And the likes of Jimmy Jones and his pal Darren Lavatory and all their filthy gang – including of course super shill Spivey - will be quaking in their boots when it does.

It’s self-appointed spokespersons are so determined to steamroll their personal versions of the story over everything, even up to and beyond the point where they destroy everybody else in the process. That’s what you’re paid to do Jimmy Shill. Carry on playing your evil games with your fellow traitorous vermin mates. You don’t have much time left. One day soon you will all awaken to find your smug smiles wiped clean off your sorry arsed faces.

NOTE: “I will be writing about my time in the welsh care system at a later date. More than likely by way of an altogether different platform than this blog, based solely on my experiences, not embellished or over- dramatised at the hands of a scandal-seeking Journalist or a compensation hungry pseudo ‘abuse’ victim”.” So do enlighten us Jimmy Shill. Do tell us where we can find your experiences of ‘care’. You penned this utter shite back in Nov 2013. It’s now May 2015. You’ve had a year and a half ... more than enough time I’d say.

Now back to Lavatory’s January 2015 page http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2015_01_01_archive.html On 31st January he posts and promotes the following video, saying “Social Services want this film banned in the UK. Why?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRH1grAgvtc The blurb under the video is: “This is the DVD called Traffic. The UK social services have made an attempt to ban this film. Where’s the evidence of that? Why? What's in the film that they want a ban on it? Every day children who are adoptable are removed from loving caring parents on evidence that would never stand up in a criminal court. Show the evidence for that wild claim. On the video we’re told a child is taken every 20 minutes in the UK! Most of the evidence is only the opinion and is never backed up by actual evidence. That is not proven. Even the evidence in cases where parents are accused of non accidental injury is not backed up by up-to-date evidenced based literature. Provide evidence for this. Then you have risk of future emotional harm, I’m still waiting for someone to show me just one case whereby a child has been taken, based on a risk of future emotional harm only this is the catch all term. You cannot assess future risk, where there is no historical or current evidence of risk. Yet this practice is widespread throughout the UK. That is a blatant outrageous lie. The current safeguarding training of people is not a means and method of safeguarding but a means and method of being able to take children who may have had a accident in the every day course of life. Unproven wild claim. Social workers in child protection are a breed of cold, heartless unempathetic people who demonstrate the most cold hearted and callous behaviour towards parents ever imaginable. This is the message being spread loud and clear by the NWO agents. I have covered this and the rest of this filthy shill propagandizing in various other PDFs [see top of this page.] Every child is a potential target now and no matter what the explanation from parents, they are considered to be the perpetrator. The courts work on the balance of probability, that is, it is probable you did it. Worse still it only needs to be 51%. In the family courts you have no chance, it is a complete stitch up from start to finish. Social workers, guardians, solicitors, barristers collude together to see to the swift removal of the child. The most vulnerable are targeted and completely railroaded during proceedings, they are never afforded reasonable adjustments that should be in place to support them. Parents from one end of the country to the other tell the same story. The evidence is mounting, parents are speaking out, they will no longer be silenced, they want their children back.” The video shows a couple who claim to have had their child forcibly removed. We know nothing about this pair or their circumstances. We’re not even told their names. If they want to convince us, why don’t they show us some evidence. All we have is hearsay. Why is Lavatory happy to promote a propaganda video that is totally devoid of evidence??? We are shown a clip of the treacherous rodent John Hemming MP plucking ‘statistics’ out of the sky and making a complete arse of himself when interviewed by Theo Chalmers. For more on Hemming see http://sharonkilby.co.uk/site/Phil_Thompsons_story.php Presumably Lavatory holds Hemming in high regard; why does he not expose the total lying fraudulent MP?

Remember the plan of the PTB is the total collapse of every society’s social structures. This is necessary in order for them to progress their NWO slavery agenda. One of the ways they do this is to discourage people entering the social services profession and to encourage existing staff to quit. They’re making the job of the social worker very unpleasant. Who would want to be known as a ‘baby snatcher/child trafficker’? Who would want to be videoed being unjustly insulted or confused by/subjected to the scourge of the earth shills who masquerade as ‘ordinary’ innocent parents yelling that they’ve had their children forcibly removed? Who would want to be publically branded a “paedo protecting scum cunt” [Chris Spivey’s words] for no justifiable reason? See my comments re Spiv and his opinion of social services under Tom’s video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JRFhbbKawI Here’s a few more examples of Spiv slandering Essex social workers: “useless twat Nicole Miles” and “dangerous, psycho cunts” and “shit stain on society who has so little disregard for a sleeping baby must fuck their own kids up the arse at least twice a day … Yes and you too Miles.” And it’s not just social workers who are having a rough time of it by the sewer dwelling rat shills, teachers and doctors and nurses are in the firing line too.

Emma Ibbitson, the producer of ‘Traffic’ is interviewed on the Richie Allen Show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fA7MbQIUkfU Richie Allen endorses Cathy O’Brien, David Icke, Andrea Davison, Zen Gardner ... NUFF SAID. Ibbitson says her three kids have been removed into care. Her story doesn’t ring true and she provides no evidence to support it; or to back up anything she says. She sounds like she’s been primed to repeat key phrases - risk of emotional harm; the ‘what if’ syndrome ...

Take a look at some of the linked videos to ‘Traffic’. For example, have a look at this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agD3TNYHyDQ entitled ‘Social Worker coming to the door to take our kids way in bad care’. We do not know the facts of this case. Yet following on are comments that predominantly demonize social services. For example someone says SS are “a pedofilic agency”. Another comment is: “UK social services kidnapping children for trafficking for profit and paedophiles.” Another example is: “SS workers' primary job is to target families and then snatch their children away to be sold off for adoption - it is well documented, have a look at Sabine's McNeill's speech before the EU Commission last March... I hope and pray this scandal gets out and UK SS get done for their child trafficking crimes.”

Here’s another video entitled ‘Social Service is Stealing Children and Abusing Them’ whereby another couple say social services have stolen their children. Again we don’t know the facts and we are not provided with any evidence. And of course, we see the familiar ‘risk of future harm’ claim being spouted ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhTmFq7qAv4 This is a Luke Rudkowski ‘We are Change’ video. NUFF SAID.

There are so many of these vile black propaganda videos flooding the internet. Have a look at my pdf on Sheva Burton.

Now a swift look at an exchange of comments on super spooky Spivey’s site. Spooks in cahoots with spooks; spreading their poison, whilst pretending to be on the level. Pathetic fukkin lot. http://chrisspivey.org/scandal-2/#more-23186

Darren Laverty OCT 11, 2014 @ 13:22:35 I’ll hold back with all the legal shit for now because its clear you were misled. I’ll offer the opportunity for you to rectify your allegations about me. I will confirm that JJ and me were friends for a very short period. That was until I proved the twat wasn’t anywhere near Bryn Estyn or any other home that is in North Wales. Ergo, he fabricated the Morrison allegations. All you need to do is read my version of events. Something you obviously haven’t considered thus far. Research is always something I’ve done before writing about any given subject. Hence the venom I use when evidencing JJ’s fabrications. He’s had me arrested twice and both times I’ve justified my actions/writings. He’s shared some private pics I had hidden on Tumblr, he’s tried to shut my wife’s business down, I’ve had numerous threatening phone calls(stupid twat left a message once, just for evidence like) He alleged I’ve poured petrol through his letter box, stolen a watch and ring and also a picture that was already online. He’s accused me of threatening his children and of being responsible for suicides of ex-residents. I know the cunt better than anyone online. I’m his nemesis who’s never been anything other than honest. You’d do well to remove or rectify your comments about me Chris. Everything you know has come from him. You got it wrong this time.

Regards Darren Laverty BA Hons Criminology Funny how he can’t back up his claims, such as his wife’s business being under threat, threatening phone calls ...

Dogman OCT 11, 2014 @ 14:00:28 Thanks for that Darren. JJ took in a lot of people. Me more than most. I mistook his rage against everybody as a symptom of someone that suffered abuse. My daughter was raped when she was 9 and can lash out verbally. Dogman’s daughter was raped when she was 9. Really? Who raped her? Was it you Dogman? Does she know you’re spreading lies about her all over the WWW? No wonder you hide behind that stupid pseudonym. Reveal your identity you lying pathetic cowardly creature.

Needlz OCT 11, 2014 @ 21:04:35 Hello Darren, I don’t usually get involved in the comments but I will make an exception just this once, and once only. Before you start with the big ‘I am’ bollocks, I best tell you that it doesn’t work here. Amongst other information I hold on you, is a copy of the Observer newspaper dated 13th September 1992. My advice to you would be to quit while you are ahead. Chris.

Maz OCT 11, 2014 @ 22:17:14 Hi Mods – posted earlier but didn’t realise it was a wrong email addy.

This was from the very earlier DI thread on So-Vile. Hope it’s helpful. x

Originally Posted by martyr pope View Post There are former residents of Bryn Estyn posting on twitter as has been mentioned.The realjimmyjones,seems a genuine lad fukkin give me strength,ryantanner5 and driftwood or angleseydriftwood,aka Darren Laverty.This last one seems to have an agenda against Steve Messham over obvious past differences.He has criticised Steve regarding his craving for media attention and yet over the years has appeared several times in the media himself,BBC programmes among them,about the abuse.He admits he was physically abused,which is obviously bad enough but never sexually abused and for this reason seems to doubt that there was ever any rampant sexual abuse, even though it has already been proved due to SOME convictions.He seems intent on debunking Steve’s version of events regardless of the damage he causes so that his version of events comes to the fore.He claims that Steve Messham was and is in it for the money and yet Darren Laverty set up a company-Official Campaign Ending Abuse Nationwide Ltd.So a profit making limited company.Ex drug dealer,thinks he’s a hard man,shill,we’ll see.Google Darren Laverty Wales.

Indeed he did https://opencorporates.com/companies/gb/03275291 http://www.companieslist.co.uk/03275291-official-campaign-ending- abuse-nationwide-limited OFFICIAL CAMPAIGN ENDING ABUSE NATIONWIDE LIMITED was a Private Limited Company, registration number 03275291, established in United Kingdom on the 7 November 1996. The company was dissolved. It was in business for 18 years and 5 months. DARREN RICHARD LAVERTY, secretary.

On this 15/4/15 post http://chrisspivey.org/make-no-bones-about-the- midgets-drones/#more-26168 super prick Spiv says:

I had the radio host Sean Maguire contact me last night to say that he had just had the poison dwarf, Royden Jones on his show, who in turn had said that I had threatened him and his family… As if! Show us the proof then ya spiteful, deranged, muggy looking cunt. Personally, I can’t be arsed to write anything much new about the odious little wannabe, who in truth never will be. He is a menace who dwells with other menaces and anyone with half a brain should be able to see for themselves what their collective game is. That last sentence is about the only bit of truth I’ve heard from super shill Spiv’s foul mouth. But he forgot to mention that he is the leader of the troll team.

Sean Maguire is of course yet another Spivey sycophant and paedophile suck up who also dwells in Spiv’s gang of menaces.

Course, he pretends to want to help the victims of child sex abuse but I have yet to find one person who he has helped. He does however openly challenge anyone to provide evidence that Jimmy Savile is the monster that he is made out to be whilst preaching that our political system is basically sound and is being tarnished by the actions of one or two paedophile MP’s from way back when.

You see, what I discovered was indeed quite startling. For instance, JJ’s long running feud with Darren Laverty raises many questions about his integrity. After all, JJ has hinted on many occasions that he would like me to back him in his public spat with Laverty and indeed sent me what he considered solid proof that Laverty had, according to the Observer newspaper, taken part in child abuse. (I have since spoken with Darren about this and I am satisfied that there is no foundation to Midget Mans claim).

And yet he says on 12/10/14 that “Laverty is undoubtedly an unsavory character.” http://chrisspivey.org/laverty-a-clarification/

What a narcissistic self aggrandizing prat Chris Spivey is. You can smell the shit coming off all these Establishment stools.

So Daz and JJ have fallen out. Who cares whether they have or not or whether they were ‘friends’ in the first place. It matters not a jot. They’re both piss taking game-playing fakes who work for the enemy. Likewise we’re told Spiv is on Daz’s side and has turned on JJ. So has Spiv fallen out with JJ’s socks too??? Seriously, who gives a fuck. Who decided that any of these three are so important that we should concern ourselves with any of their ‘public’ spats? These three are bloody loathsome creatures who operate behind a host of internet personas and have their strings pulled by a much higher authority. Spiv alone works with four faceless/nameless site moderators - Fuck the State, Gallows, Dogman and Wolfie. They and so-called ‘team Outlaw’ [in reality team Spiv] are all pro-paedophile puppets singing from the same hymn sheet. They are all lying bastards - evil dark and dangerous individuals peddling their psychological warfare; all of them protecting high powered paedophiles; all of them out to mind-fuck you and I and destroy anything decent on this planet.

In this Slog post https://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2014/01/29/the-paedofile- time-to-let-some-light-in-on-this-and-chuck-out-the-garbage-thats- getting-in-the-way/ Lavatory pretends JJ and Jane Russell are two different people! Seriously, who does this clown think he’s kidding? He says: “You and The Outlaw and Jane Russell( both also banned. Outlaw is on police bail awaiting forensic examination of his IPad) are now confined to trolling blogs and leaving malicious comments. Pathetic and lonely behaviour.” Beam me up, Scotty.

Take heart though. The Divine guidance, or spirit-filled intuition will always be there whenever you truly seek for it, to guide you to the truth, no matter how many propagandists surround you and try to poison your mind with lies and slander.[Barbara Hartwell.]

Let’s take a look at who is in Lav’s circle of friends and who he looks up to. Well, as we know, he thinks highly of Sir Spiv - he re-bloggs Spiv’s posts http://darrenlaverty.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/come-for-outing-chris- spivey-troll.html and twitters https://twitter.com/search?q=%40darrenlavertyx ‘Happy Christmas’ messages to Spiv and family. Just his allegiance to Spiv is enough to discredit the prick!

On twitter he advertises the following

Hosted by Brenda Mcnamara https://www.facebook.com/events/443061289179453/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAeqrlIZB48 Tom Cahill says: “Subversive, pro-paedophile counter intelligence agent, Bill Baloney just can't stop himself. He's got one of his naive supporters, Brenda, aka, Mumsy Mcnamara, posing with a little boy who's got a Freemason sign on his T-shirt ...” Read on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2BXCzt96rc

Daz Lavatory re-tweets fellow cointel agent Will Black’s twitterings; in fact these two are so close that they plan to search for driftwood together on Anglesey. Lavvy is also pally with Janette Shill Scharenborg. She even calls him and his family part of her extended family! See her comment under his dead troll vid. Another monkey blogger Adeybob plays along, sending his seal of approval [see his long post under the same vid.] Lav also engages with another fake – David Icke’s son Gareth Icke.

Lavatory subscribes to Sean Maguire, Danielle La Verite, Adeybob, Needleblog https://www.youtube.com/user/DarrenLaverty

Now a swift nose at some typical troll banter before I bring this pdf to a close. Take a look at the comments which follow this article https://kevingreen1950.wordpress.com/2013/10/07/theoutlawjimmy-is- the-curse-of-bryn-estyn/

1. Reply

Darren Lavertyon June 12, 2013 at 2:36 pm said: A week is long enough to wait for an answer don’t you think?


Outlawon June 12, 2013 at 3:04 pm said: It is I agree, but am staying away from the whole thing as it is toxic and has brought me nothing but grief.. My thoughts are my thoughts and they will stay with me


2. Darren Lavertyon June 13, 2013 at 3:37 pm said: How can they stay with you when you’ve posted the above blog? My questions are serious challenges to your assumptions. C’mon now you can’t expect me to let this pass without answering.


Outlawon June 13, 2013 at 6:19 pm said: Of course I don’t expect you to let it pass.

Who are you referring to when you say ‘staying with me?’..

Daz mate, am I not entitled to my own thoughts about this?

I have formed an opinion and I have tried to offer a balanced account of what I have seen, I want no more connection with it as it’s toxic and harmful to anyone who ‘dares’ even mention it in public. Let alone ask questions, as I have done.

Too many secrets and too many conflicting stories exist.

I do know quite a few ex-Bryn Estyn lads as it goes, from South Wales mainly but some I knew from other Approved schools. As for being cryptic???

That seems par for the course with regard to anyone who talks about Bryn Estyn, as you yourself have been very cryptic at times.

I regret ever getting involved with it, and being so vocal armed with only half of the story has brought only trouble to my door..

I have never once claimed to be the font of knowledge of all things Bryn Estyn, but I have learned enough to walk away from it..

There is much I do not know, but what I have learned is enough to tell me to leave it alone and concentrate on other things.

Is that not enough?


3. Darren Lavertyon October 7, 2013 at 2:02 pm said: walk away? I’m sorry but I think you’ve dug too deep to climb out. You’ve been offered a ladder and you refused it.


Outlawon October 7, 2013 at 2:11 pm said: I prefer to get to the truth, which I believe I have now.

I have to stand by what I have written and will continue to do so.

I have been warned to ‘stay away’, threatened, trolled and had all sorts of accusations levelled at me due to this issue.

Why would that be?

All it does it make me believe there is more to it than anybody seems to be willing to say.

I look for the truth, nothing more. No agenda, just facts.

I can climb out at any time I decide, I will make that choice.


4. Darren Lavertyon October 7, 2013 at 2:59 pm said: Keep telling yourself that. At the end of the day it changes nothing. The “Truth” about Bryn Estyn is known only to those who know and unfortunately I’m one of the few still alive who fall into this category. You’re not and never will be, just like the hoards of others. The warnings/threats you describe would have and will continue to arrive. Whether it’s about the Mcanns, Bryn Alyn, Messham, blood groups, aliens or anything else you’ve chosen to attach yourself to. But they reach no further than the screen of your computer. As for choices…you’re right, only you can make them. There are consequences for every single choice made but these consequences aren’t controlled by you. You have but one option… to live with them.

The entry above hints at this and points at that but there’s not an ounce of evidence to support any of it. No-ones ever going to approach you and your family, we both know it in reality. The threats and disclosures were only ever made to wind you up, and they worked. If you can’t see that’s all they ever were then the cunts who wrote them have been provided with a bonus, by yourself.

We all know I’ve drifted away from the constant drivel being written on various social networks. But only me and mine know just how beneficial this move has been. The benefits of stepping back are tangible. My family have seen the depths I’ve sunken to and threw me a life jacket. At first I refused to take hold. I can handle it…. I thought! But what is there to handle? Trolls? and er……lies? And er…accusations?

It all pales into insignificance when one goes through a reality check. Costs and benefits? Costs? My time and all that’s included in that time. Benefits? Fuck all. Why? because I know why I’m on this planet and it isn’t to spend my life attacking and defending what appears on my monitor. Be it blog entries or tweets or opinions, they all melt away when one realises the absolute “TRUTH” about Bryn Estyn.

Not a soul on the internet has yet to offer more truth about “the big house” than I, not a single living soul has taken to the net and offered anything even close to how it was.

Everything else means shit. It’s babble and it’s perpetuated by more babble.


Outlawon October 7, 2013 at 5:01 pm said: I must ask, how do you know that any threats and/or disclosures were meant only to ‘wind me up?’ Unless you somehow know the exact nature of and what they consisted of?

I have never spoken of, nor written anywhere the FULL extent of the troublesome activities that myself and my family were subjected to, so how are you aware of them?

You refer to everything as ‘babble’, so does that include your contribution, as well as your testimony at Waterhouse for example?

Does anybody have a legitimate claim to speak about their experiences at Bryn Estyn, simply because you claim to have laid down the ‘definitive’ version for posterity?

Your comments just leave me with more questions I’m afraid and it carried on on TWITTER

Driftwood @Angleseydrift19m All it take sis the right amount of time and the right words and the truth will ALWAYS emerge. ALWAYS and forever this is the case.


Driftwood @Angleseydrift20m @theoutlawjimmy Your comments just leave me with more questions I’m afraid… so off you go and ask all your pals who also know fuck all Expand

Driftwood @Angleseydrift23m @theoutlawjimmy >2 below the belt and worthy of retaliation. In time Expand

Driftwood @Angleseydrift24m You refer to everything as ‘babble’, so does that include your contribution, as well as your testimony at Waterhouse for example? That’s >>>


Driftwood @Angleseydrift24m @theoutlawjimmy ditto last tweet Expand

Driftwood @Angleseydrift24m @theoutlawjimmy “the FULL extent of the troublesome activities that myself and my family were subjected to, so how are you aware of them?>>> Expand Driftwood @Angleseydrift25m @theoutlawjimmy Unless you somehow know the exact nature of and what they consisted of… er you fucking told me. Expand

Driftwood @Angleseydrift27m @theoutlawjimmy I must ask, how do you know that any threats and/or disclosures were meant only to ‘wind me up? what else can they be? Expand

Driftwood @Angleseydrift44m right, that’s that. I’m involved in a conspiracy against @theoutlawjimmy. Now can you see how far things have gone in your heads? Moving on Expand

Driftwood @Angleseydrift46m @theoutlawjimmy At last. You’ve said it. I knew you would eventually. It’s taken a while but I knew it would come. Expand

Driftwood @Angleseydrift51m At the end of the day it all makes Perfect Sense: http://youtu.be/5VH5xJpjnxc . “And the monkey sat on a pile of stone” View media

Driftwood @Angleseydrift58m @JaneRussellMKII I’m bored of you and bored of tweets concerning trolls. It’s in my control so shall be controlling it better. regards View conversation

Driftwood @Angleseydrift1h @JaneRussellMKII and View conversation

Driftwood @Angleseydrift1h @JaneRussellMKII don’t follow me then. Simple. But where would your entertainment come from then? JJ? and er……… View conversation

Driftwood @Angleseydrift1h @JaneRussellMKII Bully tactics? FFS Expand

Driftwood @Angleseydrift1h we live we learn……………most do anyway.


Driftwood @Angleseydrift1h @JaneRussellMKII I fought for him. Where were you? Bully?Me? Oh dear. View conversation

Driftwood @Angleseydrift1h @JaneRussellMKII If I remember right you slept through it all. As did every single Pal of JJ’s. Not me though…I was fighting with keys View conversation

Driftwood @Angleseydrift1h @JaneRussellMKII WHY? you blind? I was there, I was up until 5am tweeting everyone who’d received the tweets in realtime. Anyone else there? View conversation

Driftwood @Angleseydrift1h @fairybulldog not an attack…a defense. I’m defending the maj who live in the real world away from fucking Trolllife. He said she said shit View conversation

Driftwood @Angleseydrift1h @fairybulldog 2>and stop entertaining the audience with utter tripe. View conversation

Driftwood @Angleseydrift1h @fairybulldog unfair?………fuck me you haven’t got a clue. Whats fair to 20 dead friends is that I show some respect to their memories>> View conversation

Driftwood @Angleseydrift1h @fairybulldog take a seat and make yourself comfortable. No more space troop crap. Just FACTS View conversation

Driftwood @Angleseydrift1h @fairybulldog but necessary View conversation

Driftwood @Angleseydrift2h @madamemooch @123cookiec ask JJ View conversation

Driftwood @Angleseydrift2h @madamemooch only going to get worse View conversation

Driftwood @Angleseydrift2h @madamemooch @123cookiec babble……absolute babble View conversation

Driftwood @Angleseydrift2h @theoutlawjimmy there is no jury, no trial, no nothing. View conversation Reply Retweet Favorite More

Driftwood @Angleseydrift2h THE CURSE OF BRYN ESTYN……on and on and on and on… http://wp.me/p2T4Yn-1DF via@wordpressdotcom

Very funny and intelligent prose. Professional even. But are these comments for real? Is this how real victims and strivers of truth and justice carry on? I think not.

Notice how Jones sneaks this message into his article: “What I will say however, is that my initial instincts were right and I still do not believe that the focus of any investigation into ‘Establishment Paedophile Rings’ and highly-placed Political figures should be directed at Bryn Estyn.” Well done boyo, you’re serving your master well. Now rot in hell you scumbag sell out. You too Lavatory. And the rest of you Spivey suck up degenerate filth. Your sorry arses are well and truly owned and controlled by Satan. Hope it’s worth it.

And finally, before I leave you with the copy/pasted items, I’ll just give a swift mention of his blog hit counter. At the time of writing this PDF [May 2015] Lavatory’s hits are 127,329. I very much doubt that figure is a true reflection of his readership. And if it is, then that is more proof of whose side Darren Laverty is really on. Put it this way, if the likes of Tom Cahill had anywhere near those numbers viewing his videos, we would absolutely be seeing changes for the betterment of humanity by now.

Taking Care: Beyond Reform? (Tuesday 17 February, BBC 2W) tells the story of Darren Laverty, 35-years-old, from Anglesey. http://www.bbc.co.uk/pressoffice/pressreleases/stories/2004/02_february /16/beyond_reform.shtml