Technical Assistance Consultant’s Report

Project Number 42489 (TA 7240) February 2010

UZB: Water Supply and Sanitation Services Improvement Program

Prepared by: Uzkommunhizmat


For Uzbekistan Communal Services Agency (UCSA)

This consultant’s report does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB or the Government concerned, and ADB and th e Gove rnment can not be held lia ble f or its contents. (Fo r p roject p reparatory techni cal assistance: All the views expressed herein may not be incorporated into the proposed project’s design.

Republic of Uzbekistan Uzbek Agency “UZKOMMUNHIZMAT”

ADB TA 7240-UZB: Water Supply and Sanitation Services Improvement Program (WSSSIP) Tranche 2

Final Report Sub Project for City


Table of Contents

1. BACKGROUND ...... 0 1.1 Introduction ...... 0 1.2 Project Location...... 1 1.3 Scope of Appraisal Preparation ...... 1 1.4 Appraisal report (Technical) ...... 2 1.5 Approval of Scope and Costs by Government ...... 2 2.0 EXISTING WATER SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ...... 3 2.1 Existing Water System Description ...... 3 2.2 Existing Operational Problems-Water System...... 4 2.2.1. WaterIntake4 ...... 4 2.2.2. Kampiravat Treatment Plant ...... 4 2.2.3. Water Distribution Units 2.2.4. Transmission and Distribution Network 5 2.3 Current Water Quality 3.0 APPRAISAL REPORT CRITERIA ...... 7 3.1 Peak Flow Factors7 ...... 7 3.2 Pipeline Hydraulics-detailed design...... 8 3.2.1. Sizing ...... 8 3.2.2. Hydraulic Calculation ...... 8 3.2.3. Proposed System Layout...... 8 4. WATER DEMANDS...... 9 5. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT WORKS...... 9 5.1 Part 1 Intake ...... 10 5.2 Part 2 Kampiravat Water Treatment Plant ...... 10 5.3 Part 3 Rehabilitation of Transmission Main...... 11 5.4 Part 4 Rehabilitation of Water Distribution Network ...... 11 5.5 Part 5 Rehabilitation of Water Distribution Units...... 12 5.6 Recommendations...... 12 5.7 Preliminary Cost Estimates ...... 12 5.8 Improvement Benefits 11 5.8.1. Levels of Service ...... 12

5.8.2. Operating Costs and Income ...... 13 5.9 Pipeline Materials...... 13 5.10 Civil and Mechanical Works ...... 13 5.10.1. Storage Reservoir ...... 13 5.10.2. Booster Pump ...... 14 5.10.3. Chlorination...... 14 5.10.4 Plant and Equipment for Operations and Maintenance...... 14 5.10.5 Procurement Packages 6.0 Existing Sewerage System ...... 14 6.1 Existing Sewerage Systems ...... 14 6.2 Existing Operational Problems ...... 15 6.2.1. Andijan Sewage Collection System ...... 14 6.2.2. Sewage treatment...... 15 6.3 Current Sewage Characteristics...... 16 7.0 APPRAISAL REPORT CRITERIA ...... 17 7.1 Peak Flow Factors ...... 18 7.2 Sewage System Hydraulics-Design Basis...... 18 7.2.1. Sizing ...... 18 7.2.2. Hydraulic Calculation ...... 18 7.2.3. Proposed System Layout...... 18 8. SEWAGE FLOWS...... 19 9.0 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT WORKS...... 19 9.1 Part 1: Collection System Rehabilitation ...... 19 9.2 Part 2 Sewage Treament Works...... 10 9.3 Recommendations ...... 211 9.4 Preliminary Cost Estimates ...... 11 9.5 Improvement Benefits...... 12 9.5.1. Improvement Benefits ...... 21 9.5.2. Operating Costs and Income ...... 213 9.6 Pipeline Materials...... 213 9.7 Civil and Mechanical Works ...... 22 9.7.1. Pump stations and Sewage Treatment Plant Tanks...... 22 9.7.2. Chlorination...... 22 9.7.3. Plant and Equipment for Operation and Maintenance...... 23

10.0 Due Diligence ...... 23 10.1 Land Acquisition and Resettlement

10.2 Initial Social Analysis

10.3 Institutional and Capacity Development

10.4 Economic and Financial Analysis

10.5 Initial Environmental Examination

10.6 Earthquake Hardening

Appendix 1: Design Criteria for Projected Water Consumption to 2025

Appendix 2: Layout of Andijan Water Supply Facilities

Appendix 3: Layout of Andijan Water Distribution Network

Appendix 4: Schedule of Quantities and Preliminary Cost Estimates for Water System

Appendix 5: Design Criteria for Sewerage System

Appendix 6: Schematics of Proposed Andijan Sewerage System

(i) Collection System

(ii) Sewage Treatment Facility Layout

Appendix 7: Schedule of Quantities and Preliminary Cost Estimates for Sewerage


1.1 Introduction

The proposed Multi-tranche Financing Facility program (Investment Program) was developed to be undertaken in four tranches over the period 2009 to 2018 with a design horizon of 15 years; ie the design year is 2025. The first Tranche of the Investment Program approved by ADB in September 2009 is now under implementation by the Government. This report is prepared for the 5 cities under Tranche 2 of the Investment Program.

The water supply and sewerage systems in most of the towns and cities across the 12 provinces of Uzbekistan are in various stages of disrepair and require rehabilitation, upgrading and expansion. The total financing needs identified for the sector are estimated at $3.2 billion. ADB’s Investment Program will finance up to $375 million (including $75 million Government contribution) as a time slice of this requirement. As envisaged at project preparation, each tranche will focus on two to three different provinces, depending on population and costs. The Executing Agency for the Investment Program is the Uzbekistan Community Services Agency (UCSA), which is responsible for implementing externally financed projects in the sector.

Operation of the Inter-regional transmission mains (IRTMs) is the responsibility of provincial (oblast) water utilities (vodokanals). Delivery and operation and maintenance (O&M) of water supply and sewerage (WSS) services are the responsibility of district (rayon) water utilities (vodokanals). All vodokanals are potentially eligible to apply for inclusion under the Investment Program, but will be evaluated against the eligibility criteria agreed with the Government. Commitment by the vodokanals to institutional and financial reforms is an important aspect of eligibility, with a view to full sustainability after the water and sewerage facilities have been upgraded.

Under Tranche 2 of the Investment Program 5 subprojects located in 2 provinces have been identified as urgently required, and eligible, including:

Fergana Province:

• Rishtan City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of the existing water system;

• Fergana City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of the existing water system;

City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of the existing water system;

City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of existing water and sewerage systems.

Andijan Province:

• Andijan City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of existing water and sewerage systems.

These five subprojects have been confirmed as meeting the eligibility criteria and have been appraised in sufficient detail to confirm physical works, cost estimates, O&M costs, environmental

and social safeguards, and economic and financial sustainability. The appraisal report includes procurement packages and a procurement plan.

This appraisal report is for the Andijan water supply and sewerage systems subproject.

1.2 Project location Andijan City is situated in Andijan Province (see map). The proposed water supply system subproject includes rehabilitation of the existing intake at the Andijan Reserevoir, water treatment plant at Kampiravat, high lift pumping, transmission mains, water distribution units at Kurgantepa, Harabek and Hartum and rehabilitation and expansion of the existing distribution system in the urban areas. The existing sewerage system in Andijan consists of conventional gravity sewage collection system, with sewage lift/pump stations, sewage collector and conventional sewage treatment plant (activated sludge). The proposed sewerage component includes upgrading and expansion of the existing sewerage system.

1.3 Scope of Appraisal Preparation The appraisal process for the Andijan appraisal report included:

• Site visits to the Andijan vodokanal to verify basic data. Obtain updated data and determine, from discussions with vodokanal management, as to how the current water supply and distribution system and sewerage system infrastructure operates and the problems encountered in operating the systems, and how to plan for the rehabilitation and expansion of each system; • Evaluate the Andijan proposal against the agreed eligibility criteria for participating in Investment Program; • Review all UCSA reports and recommendations for the water and sewerage sector in Uzbekistan and, in particular, for Andijan vodokanal; • Water and sewerage quality aspects and treatment requirements; • Summarize the basic design criteria for 2025; population, water consumption/litres/capita/day (lpcd), sewerage volume, quality and treatment requirements; • Identify the improvements required to bring the water supply, treatment and transmission and distribution system and the sewerage system infrastructure in Andijan, to meet Uzbekistan water and sewerage system service standards; • Develop options for delivering the identified improvements to the Andijan vodokanal infrastructure; • Analyse and select the preferred option available to deliver the improvements to the Andijan urban water distribution and sewerage systems, based on value engineering and least cost principles, while meeting design and service standards; • Develop a schedule of quantities for each of the water and sewerage systems; • Develop pre-design cost estimates for each of the water and sewerage systems; • Provide criteria, general specifications, to be used for the later detailed design, tendering and construction;

• Prepare procurement packages and a procurement plans; • Prepare an initial environmental examination (IEE), including an environmental management plan (EMP), to mitigate identified impacts. Related costs are included as a line item in the subproject’s costs estimates; • Initial screening for resettlement requirements and preparation of a resettlement plan if required. Related costs are included as specific line item in the subproject’s costs estimates; • Prepare an economic and financial analysis; • Incorporate social and gender action plans including a program to improve hygiene in local schools, health clinics and hospitals; • Project revenue requirements, budget, and cost recovery plan including analysis of current and projected water tariff requirements, financing of gaps in revenue versus costs.

1.4 Appraisal report (Technical) The main objectives of the appraisal report, for both the water and sewerage system components are:

• Identify the operational problems currently impacting on the provision of adequate water supplies to customers of the Andijan urban water supply, transmission and distribution system. • Identify projections of water demand to include adequate provision for fire fighting according to Uzbekistan standards. • Develop options to improve water supply and distribution. • Provide recommendations for the investment requirements to improve water supplies and sewage disposal for the Andijan urban area. • Develop pre-design cost estimates. • Develop criteria for use in the detailed designs of the Andijan city infrastructure improvements. • New water and sewerage systems to be designed so that water supply and sewage effluent quality complies with Uzbekistan standards. Utilize least cost engineering approach to determine most cost effective and sustainable development.

1.5 Approval of Scope and Cost Estimates by Government After Government and ADB approval of Tranche 2 of the Investment Program, the work to be carried out by UCSA and their consultants will include:

• Carry out field surveys using GPS, satellite images, latest maps and supplementary field surveys.

• Generate topographical maps and profile drawings for all proposed water pipelines and sewerage collection system, including all reference points, with details insets for the water system including hydrants, valves, meters, service connections, and other appurtenances and for the sewage system including manholes, pump stations, service connections, flow measuring devices and other appurtenances. • Confirm water and sewage production demand, water/sewage quality, pumping and network operating pressures. • Use hydraulic network model to confirm pre-feasibility pipeline diameters and flows for both the water and sewage collection systems. • Produce final design report, schedule of quantities, specifications, and cost estimates for each of the water and sewerage systems. • Produce tender documents, procurement packages and a plan for the procurement process for each of the water and sewerage systems.


2.1 Existing Water System The current population of Andijan City is 373,000 of which 350,100 are covered by the urban water distribution network. There are 46,150 domestic connections in Andijan City but the water system also supplies water for Asaka, Khanabad and Kurgantepa cities and 4 villages, along the transmission mains. In addition to the domestic connections there are a number of commercial, institutional and small industrial connections.

Bulk water supply to Andijan City is provided from a surface water source, the Andijan Reservoir. The intake and the Kampiravat treatment plant was built with capacity of 275,000 m3/day, though the system being more than 30 years old, with insufficient maintenance, is actually operating at a much lower capacity, reported as only 85,000 m3/day.

Note: Note: As there are no working meters in the system, the vodokanal bases its estimate of supply on a theoretical calculation of the pump capacity times the hours of pump operation. Since most pumps are non operational and those that are, are highly inefficient, the actual supply of water is difficult to determine. The treatment process includes conventional coagulation, followed by sedimentation, filtration and chlorination. The high lift pumps at the clear water reservoir transfer the treated water to 3 water distribution units (WDUs), which serve Andijan City. The 3 WDU are located at Kurgantepa, Kharabek and Khartum. An 800 mm steel pipeline connects the water treatment plant to the WDUs. The pressure from the water distribution units is less than 2 bars/20 meters. The water quality meets Uzbekistan standards. In addition to the 3 WDUs there is a booster pump station at Bagishamal.

A series of 700-600 mm transmission mains transfers the water from the distribution units to the Andijan distribution network which has a total network length of 780 km. The majority of the 780 km network (545 km) is unlined steel pipes with diameters ranging from 100 mm to 1500 mm; the distribution network also contains 1.5 km of asbestos cement and 122 km of cast iron piping, most

of which was installed more than 25 years. In the last 15 years 112 km of polythene pipe has been installed.

2.2 Existing Operational Problems (Water System) The city is currently experiencing many water supply and distribution problems. The key ones are:

2.2.1 Intake

Raw water for Andijan is obtained from the Andijan Reservoir. The intake system is poorly maintained and requires rehabilitation.

2.2.2. Kampiravat Water Treatment Plant

The treatment plant has been poorly maintained, so only about 85,000 m3/day of treated water, of the original capacity of 275,000 m3/day, is actually produced. The chemical feed system, the sludge raking system in the primary and secondary clarifiers is corroded and not working, most of the filter units are operating at only partial capacity, much of the filter media is clogged or has been washed away. The settled sludge and backwash from the filters is discharged directly into the South Fergana Canal, as there is no sludge dewatering system. The high lift pumps are old, worn out and highly inefficient, probably less than 50%, and frequently breakdown. The gas chlorination unit was recently installed and is working. The various mechanical, electrical and control systems are outdated, only work intermittently and suffer from frequent breakdowns. The various concrete structures, tanks, buildings and related accessories are all in poor condition.

2.2.3 Andijan Bulk Water Distribution Centres (WDUs)

Kurgantepa WDU:

(a) The existing 2 x 5,000 m3 (10,000 m3) storage reservoirs are in poor condition, with leakage from the walls and floor joints; but is currently in operation.

(b) The pumps are in poor condition, with low efficiency, frequent breakdowns and low pressure- less than 3 bars/30 meters of head;

(c) The chlorination system is inoperative;

(d) The mechanical water meter is in poor condition and inoperative;

Kharabak WDU:

(a) The existing 10,000 m3 storage reservoir is in poor condition, was never properly completed;

(b) The pumps are in poor condition, with low efficiency, frequent breakdowns, with less than 2 bars/ 20 meters of pressure.

(c) The chlorination system is inoperative;

(d) The mechanical water meter is in poor condition and inoperative;

Khartum WDU:

(a) The existing 2 x 6,000 m3 (12,000m3) storage reservoirs are in poor condition, with leakage from the walls and floor joints; but are currently in operation.

(b) The pumps are in poor condition, inefficient, with frequent breakdowns, and less than 3 bars/30 meters of pressure.

(c) The chlorination system is inoperative;

(d) The mechanical water meter is in poor condition and inoperative.

General Issues:

(e) The water system only provides about 6 hours of supply daily, 3 hours twice per day. None of the domestic connections are metered, while some of the newer commercial and industrial users are metered, most of these meters are inoperative or inaccurate as the vodokanal does not have a meter testing and repair program. The vodokanal uses the pump running time as an estimate of water supply.

(f) Due to the low operating pressure at the water system, consumers at the farther points of the distribution system and at higher elevation get little or no water on high demand days or during peak demand hours.

2.2.4. Transmission and Distribution Network

(a) The 780 km distribution network includes 545 km of unlined steel pipe most of which is more than 40 years old. These water mains have a high level of deterioration and corrosion and are the cause of major network water losses with non revenue water (NRW) reported as 25%, including physical leakage and administrative losses.

Due to the lack of system meters there is insufficient data is available to confirm the network losses, and it is likely that the physical water losses will exceed 45%. (Vodokanals tend to use normative values based on assumed pump capacity and hours of operation for estimating water losses, and in the absence of accurate meters, these estimates are used for reporting water supply and calculating losses).

In addition to the lack of information, the leakage reported by the vodokanal is based on the operating condition of the existing system, low volume and pressure, less than 2 bars in most of the system, this translates to less than 20 meters of head, and explains why there is no water pressure above the second floor of buildings. The existing operating pressure in Andijan is much below the Uzbekistan standard of 40-60 meters of head (4-6 bars). The new systems will be designed to provide the required pressure, and once operative would cause much higher leakage than that reported, unless the corroded and leaky pipes are replaced.

The Bagishamal booster pumping station: is past its service life and all the pumps, mechanical and electrical systems are functioning inefficiently with frequent breakdowns and low pressure.

Key Performance Indicators, for assessing the need for water mains renewal and rehabilitation program are not available; these include:

• Non revenue water (NRW) measured as m3/km of pipe/day

• Pipe Repairs (Number/km/year)

• NRW (litres/connection/day)

• Bacteriological Failures (number/km/year)

• Chemical Failures (Number/km/year)

• Customer Complaints (Number/km/year)

• Pressure testing and leakage detection

However, most of this information is not currently tracked by the Andijan vodokanal (their assessment of rehabilitation requirements is based on the age of pipes and frequency of obvious leakage). The need for rehabilitation recommended in this report is based on physical condition of sample pipe from previous repairs, the estimated losses, and experience of the vodokanal. More detailed evaluations of the physical condition of the water mains, including metering, pressure testing and leakage detection, will be carried out as a part of the detailed design.

The combination of water losses in the network, high degree of deterioration of the cast iron and steel pipelines, limited supply schedules/hours of operation and low operating pressures means that all connected customers receive poor service, much below Uzbekistan standards, estimated at 35-40 litres per capita per day. In the majority of cases no water is available above the ground floor in multi-story buildings, nor is there sufficient flow to meet fire protection standards.

2.3 Current Water Quality The water quality indicators for the current and future Andijan water supply from the Andijan Reservoir are in Table 1 below; based on this data the Andijan treated water supply is of good quality and well within Uzbekistan standards.

Table 1 – Andijan Water Quality Information

Andijan Water Quality Analysis Component Unit WHO Uzbek Standard Andijan 950:2000 WDU PH Units 6.5-8.5 6-9 TDS Mg/l 1000 1000 (1500) Calcium Ca Mg/l 200 Sodium Na Mg/l 200 Chloride Cl Mg/l 250 250 Sulphate SO4 Mg/l 400 Nitrate NO3 Mg/l 50 45 Hardness Ca+Mg Mg*ecv/l 500 7/10 2.1-6.1 Turbidity NTU 1.5/2.0 2-8.3 Ammonium NH4 Mg/l 0.5 0.35

Polyphosphate Mg/l 3.5 Phosphorus Fluoride F Mg/l 1.5 0.7 Nitrite NO2 Mg/l 3 3 Iron Fe Mg/l 0.3 0.3 Manganese Mn Mg/l 0.5 0.1 Copper Cu Mg/l 1 1 Lead Pb Mg/l 0.01 0.03 Chromium Cr Mg/l 0.05 0.05 Cadmium Cd Mg/l 0.003 0.001 Zinc Za Mg/l 3 3 Nickel Ni Mg/l 0.07 0.1 Arsenic As Mg/l 0.01 0.05 Alpha Bq/l 0.1 0.1 Beta Bq/l 1 1 Aluminium Al Mg/l 0.2(0.5*) Beryllium Be Mg/l 0.002 N/c Boron B Mg/l 0.5 N/c Cadmium Cd Mg/l 0.001 N/c Molybdenum Mg/l 0.25 N/c Mo Mercury Hg Mg/l 0.0005 N/c Lead Pb Mg/l 0.03 N/c Selenium Se Mg/l 0.01 N/c Strontium Sr Mg/l 7 N/c Benzol C6H6 mkg/l 10 N/c Benzpyrene mkg/l 0.01 N/c Polyakrilamid mkg/l 2 N/c Total Coliforms MPN/100ml Not Allowed <100 N/c E Coli MPN/100ml Not allowed <3 Free Chlorine Mg/l 0.2 – 0.3 N/c –Not conducted (Analysis) N/a – Not available 3. APPRAISAL REPORT CRITERIA The general design criteria for the Andijan water system used in this appraisal report to determine the operating pressure, main and pipe diameter and related operational fittings (valves, meters, air valves, non return valves and fire hydrants) for the proposed transmission and distribution mains are summarized below. While the Uzbekistan standards for minimum pressure, fire fighting and hours of supply have been followed, these will be further checked and expanded in the detailed design stage.

3.1 Peak Flow Factors Uzbekistan standards have been used to calculate the multiplying factor for the peak day flow rate. This varies from 1.3 to over 2 times the daily average demand. The peak hourly rate, which could

occur twice per day, is expected to be twice the peak day flow rate. This takes into account the additional flow required for fire fighting purposes, for a two hour eventuality as per the SNIP (Uzbekistan regulatory standards).

The basic design criteria are in Appendix 1.

3.2 Pipeline Hydraulics-detailed design 3.2.1. Sizing

Pipelines will be sized to meet the maximum specified flow rate and to achieve the defined levels of service. Inlet mains from bulk supply mains to the bulk distribution storage will not be required to meet the full peak flow rates.

3.2.2. Hydraulic Calculation

Hydraulic calculations using the Hazen Williams Equation for the calculation of friction loss; the roughness factor applied for HDPE is 1001.

In the later detailed design stage it is recommended the hydraulic calculations for detailed design of the distribution network be conducted using Water Cad computer software.

3.2.3. Proposed System Layout

Generally, the final design of the water supply and distribution layout will depend on the following factors, to be incorporated in the detailed design:

• Quantities of water to be pumped, based on peak hour and fire flows • Operating Pressure • Reliability of supply • Good access for maintenance • Location of valves, air/vacuum relief valves and washouts. • Adverse ground conditions and difficult terrain. • Pipe materials and corrosion protection systems in aggressive or contaminated grounds for ductile iron or steel pipe. • Crossing of railways and water courses • Depth of frost penetration • Rights of way/Private ground. • Traffic loading • Location of other utilities equipment • Ease of operation

1 This is a conservative figure – HDPE can be rated at up 140, but doing do makes little difference to pipe diameters

After all the above points have been taken into consideration, site investigations undertaken and agreement reached with other utility (telephone, gas, electrical, cable, etc) operators, the most appropriate pipeline route can be selected. Usually the replacement of, and installation of new water mains and distribution pipes, will follow existing road, street and other utility rights of way.

4. WATER DEMANDS From the data available for analysis the water demands for the period 2010 to 2025 is indicated in Table 2 below:

Table 2 – Water demands for the period of 2009 to 2005

Water Demand Factors 2010 2015 2025

Total Population of Andijan Urban Area 373,800 410,300 468,000 Population of Andijan city supplied 350,000 410,300 468,000

Total population connected 350,000 410,300 468,000 Population Increase 2010 to 2025 -2%/year 36,500 94,000 Number of Domestic Water Connections 35,742 40,000 93,000

Domestic Water Consumption – l/c/day 126a 150 200 Daily Domestic Water Demand –m3/day 64,560a 61,500 93,600

Commercial and Industrial Consumption – 20,000 25,000 35,000 m3/day Total Daily Water Demand – m3/day 84,560a 84500 128,600 Peak day Bulk Supply – m3/day; 110,000 127,000 200,000 Distribution Losses – % 45 30 20 Water Available for – Domestic and Industrial 60,500 89,000 160,000 – peak day- m3/day Note: (a) Current water demand is based on Vodokanals estimates based on water pumps’ running time, not actual meters. Based on the social survey the supply is only 35 litres per capita per day. The actual demand is difficult to confirm. l/c/day. 5. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT WORKS Due to the extensive deterioration of the existing water system only the most urgent and major components can be replaced under this subproject. The Tranche 2 investments will focus on rehabilitating the raw water intake, the treatment plant, the 3 water distribution units and the 5 pump stations up to year 2025 water demands. In addition the worst leaking sections of the existing distribution system will be replaced and new distribution mains will be added to increase the water service coverage to 100% by 2025. Continued improvement of the distribution system will need to be carried out even after this intervention, by the provincial PIU and/or Andijan vodokanal, possibly through a future ADB loan. Their technical capacity will have been strengthened under Tranche 2. The tariff reform, reduced leakages and improved energy efficiency of the pumping system will lead to increasing revenues, enabling the Andijan vodokanal to conduct its own leakage

detection and repair, meter maintenance and expansion to connect new consumers as the population increases. If further evaluations reveal that more work is required now to attain targets of improved service/leakage reduction, UCSA could consider such follow-on works under later tranches of the Investment Program.

The measures to be taken to improve and expand the water supply for Andijan are below.

5.1 Part 1: Rehabilitate Water Treatment Plant 5.1 Intake:

Rehabilitate existing intake system from Andijan Reservoir. Replace screens, valves, meters, piping and rehabilitate related structures and accessories. 5.2 Part 2: Rehabilitate Kampiravat Water Treatment Plant

Refurbish all civil structures, tanks storage reservoirs, concrete works, buildings and related accessories. Replace the chemical/alum storage and feed system and the sludge raking and pumping systems in the primary and secondary clarifiers. Restore the filter units to full capacity by replacing base media, the influent and filtered water piping, the sand media, the backwash system, the control system and related accessories. Construct a new facility, consisting of settlement ponds for the sludge from the clarifiers and the filter backwash, decant the clear water and remove the sludge cake to landfill or other suitable final disposal. Replace the high lift pumps with modern high efficiency units, with ultrasonic meters, control valves and automated control system. The gas chlorination unit is working but should be checked and brought to 100% condition. Replace the electrical transformers, switch gear, motor control centres, related cabling panels. Rehabilitate office building, water testing laboratory, chemical storage building, repair shops complete with machinery and tools and generally refurbish the site, access roads, fencing, landscaping.

The rehabilitated water supply system is in Appendix 2 and the bill of quantities and cost estimate are in Appendix 4.

5.3 Part 3: Rehabilitation of Transmission Main It is proposed that the following rehabilitation and improvement work be undertaken in the transmission system:

Replace 1.5 km of 300 mm transmission main from the Bagishamal pump station to the distribution system.

The schematic of the transmission main is in Appendix 2 and the estimated bill of quantities is in Appendix 4.

5.4 Part 4: Rehabilitation of Distribution Network It is proposed that the following rehabilitation and improvement work be undertaken in the water distribution system2:

New Water Distribution Network:

(a) 17 km of 150 mm diameter pipe;

(b) 8.2 km of 200 mm diameter pipe;

(c) 2 km of 300 mm diameter pipe;

Rehabilitation of existing Distribution Network:

(a) 22.14 km of 600 mm diameter pipe;

(b) 10.6 km of 400 mm diameter pipe;

(d) Replace 23 valves with diameter 400-1000 mm. Provide 60, 50 mm air relief valves, 10 hydrants and 20 ultrasonic system water meters with diameters 150-1,000 mm;

(e) Replace all the water service property connections, including water meters, as part of water main replacement.

(e) Rehabilitate the Bagishamal booster pump station, construct 2 new 200 m3 reservoirs, high lift pumps, water meters and controls, electrical and mechanical system and structure.

Schematics of the new and replacement distribution network including length and diameter in Appendix 3 and the bill of quantities and cost estimate are in Appendix 4.

5.5 Part 5: Rehabilitation of Existing Water Distribution Units The following rehabilitation and improvement works will be required at the 3 WDUs:

Kurgantepa WDU:

(a) Rehabilitate the 2 x 5,000 m3 (10,000 m3) storage reservoirs;

(b) Replace the pumps, water meters, related piping, valves, controls and related electrical and mechanical systems;

(c) Replace the chlorination system, along with all related controls, piping and accessories;

(d) Rehabilitate all related structures, buildings and sites.

Kharabak WDU:

2 The proposals are based on information from the vodokanals, from site inspections, from the design institutes and UCSA inputs.

(a) Complete the 10,000 m3 storage reservoir, and replace mechanical and electrical equipment;

(b) Replace the pumps, water meters, related piping, valves, controls and related electrical and mechanical systems;

(c) Replace the chlorination system, along with all related controls, piping and accessories;

(d) Rehabilitate all related structures, buildings and sites.

Khartum WDU:

(a) Rehabilitate the existing 2 x 6,000 m3 (12,000m3) storage reservoirs, and replace mechanical and control systems;

(b) Replace the pumps, meters, related piping, valves, controls and related electrical and mechanical systems;

(c) Replace the chlorination system with liquid hypochlorite system with all related controls, piping and accessories;

(d) Rehabilitate all related structures, buildings and sites.

The WDUs and booster pump station are included in Appendixes 2 and 3, while the related bill of quantities and costs estimates are in Appendix 4.

5.6 Recommendations The preliminary layouts of the water supply, WDUs and transmission systems are in Appendix 2 and the layout of the distribution system is in Appendix 3. The bill of quantities for the works is summarized in Appendix 4. It is recommended that the improvements as described be implemented, with adjustments as necessary during detailed design.

5.7 Preliminary Cost Estimates The preliminary base cost estimates for the Andijan water supply subproject works is $20,585,840 million, including a budget for detailed design, operations and maintenance equipment and spare parts. The preliminary bill of quantities and cost estimates are in Appendix 4. However, these should be updated during detailed design.

5.8 Improvement Benefits The following benefits are expected from the improved works:

5.8.1. Levels of Service

On completion of the proposed improvement works water supply will be available to all existing customers with increased supply from current 35-40 lpcd to 200 lpcd by 2025. System operating pressures will be a minimum of 4 bars/40 m of head.

Water quality supplied to comply with Uzbekistan water quality standards.

5.8.2. Operating Costs and Income

(a) Initially billed income will increase when the new system becomes operative as consumers will have access to water 24 hrs/day compared with the current 6 hours per day. Furthermore supply will continue to improve in stages between 2012 and 2018, due to reduction in real network water losses as the rehabilitation is completed and leakage detection and repair programs are introduced in the Andijan vodokanal, along with the new treatment, feeder main system, reservoir storage and booster pumps.

(b) The real water losses in the distribution network are expected to be reduced by a minimum of 15%, when the proposed distribution system rehabilitation work is completed.

(c) Cost of materials and leakage repairs will be less as the numbers of defects reduces after the completion of the sub-project works.

(d) There will be an increase in electricity costs for operation of the new pumps, compared to the existing pumps, most of which are not working. However the new pumps will have high efficiency. The existing pumps are mostly past their service life with low efficiency, estimated at less than 50%. The new pumps and motors will have a combined efficiency of > 79%.

(e) The estimated O&M costs of the rehabilitated system, including effective chlorination systems, will be determined in conjunction with the vodokanal, during detailed design.

5.9 Pipeline Materials The transmission and distribution mains up to and including 315 mm diameter will be of HDPE Class PN 25 (or equivalent).

The pipelines between the import point to the outlet from the booster pump will be flanged ductile iron with cement mortar lining to EN BS 545 (or equivalent).

5.10 Civil and Mechanical Works 5.10.1. Storage Reservoirs

The reservoirs will be constructed from reinforced concrete, there will be an inlet main with ball valve, DN 400 mm outlet main with valve, DN 400 mm with valve to a washout main and DN 400 mm overflow pipe. The discharge from the overflow and washout pipes will be discharged to a local drain.

Two access points to the reservoirs will be provided in the roof slab, with access ladders internally and externally at the access points. DN 100 mm vents and roof drainage system will be installed.

Ultrasonic water meters will be installed in all pumping units and throughout the transmission and distribution systems.

A reservoir water level indication gauge will be installed in the pumping station building.

5.10.2. Booster Pumping Station

For efficient operational management, particularly at times of low demands, variable speed pumps will be used to pressurize the system. These pumps have lower energy demand as they automatically adjust their output to match variations in system pressure.

Velocity in the variable speed pump manifold will be designed to be around 1.0 m/s to improve the NPSH (net pressure suction head) available at the pumps. The pump discharge velocity should in general be less than 1.5 l/s to minimize hydraulic losses. The standby pump capacity will be 100% of the operational requirement.

The pump efficiency will be > 83%, based on a single stage centrifugal pump with horizontal split casing driven through a flexible coupling. The electric motor will be continuously rated at least 15% above the power adsorbed by the pump, the motor efficiency shall not be less than 96%. The combined pump and motor efficiency will be >79%.

5.10.3 Chlorination

(a) The chlorination building will have 2 separate rooms, one for the gas cylinders and the second one for the chlorine feed equipment. Both doors into the building must open outwards.

(b) The following chlorination equipment is required:

• Chlorine cylinders filled with liquid Cl2, suitable for drinking water.

• Isolating valves for each cylinder, gas manifold from cylinders to the chlorinators.

• Automatic cylinder change-over switch actuated by a pressure gauge.

• Emergency shut-off valve.

• Pressure reducing valve with pressure gauges and strainer.

• Safety vent valve with outgoing pipe ending above the building roof.

• Vacuum regulating valve and vacuum safety valve.

• Control panel for controlling components installed in the chlorine storage room, including alarm light and audible alarm of chlorine leakage. (c) The treated water is chlorinated with gas, using a modular, V-notch, vacuum operated feeder housed in free standing cubicles. The chlorinators will be operated in conjunction with motive water pumps and each chlorinator shall be complete with its injector unit, manifold gas inlet, vent and drain lines. The chlorinators shall also be complete with a flow meter having a 20:1 range, differential pressure regulator and vacuum/pressure relief devices.

(d) The following health and safety equipment should be provided:

• Gas leakage and monitoring equipment

• Controlled air ventilation of chlorine building.

• Safety equipment and leak detection/alarm equipment.

• Chlorine leak detection sample equipment

• Water test equipment.

5.10.4 Plant and Equipment for O&M

The design consultants in conjunction with the vodokanal, as approved by PPMU/UCSA, will determine and agree the following:

• A list of equipment required for the vodokanal to maintain after the rehabilitated works;

• Vehicles and excavators

• O&M maintenance equipment,

• Emergency pipe stocks based on usage and diameter.

• Pipe stocks for network extensions and diversions.

• Fittings for replacing and installing /new service connections,

• Joints and VJ repair clamps for mains and service repairs.

• Safety equipment.

• Computers and office equipment.

• Replacement of domestic water meters

• Spare parts for electrical/mechanical equipment will be added to the supply contracts sufficient for 3 or 5 years usage.

• Hach equipment for on site water quality testing.

• Leakage detection equipment

A budget of $851,710 has been included in the cost estimate.

5.10.5 Procurement Packages

The physical works, including spare parts in the Andijan water supply and distribution system will be completed under 1 ICB package. But the plant and equipment for O&M will be procured as part of 1 ICB package for the whole Project. The laboratory equipment, computers and administration material will be procured as part of the vodokanal capacity building package of Tranche 2. The indicated equipment, materials and civil works for the Andijan water supply component will be

procured through Uzbekistan’s procedures following ADB’s Procurement Guidelines under Asian Development Bank Loans.


6.1 Existing Sewerage System The current population of Andijan City is 373,000 of which about 37% or 140,000 are covered by the sewage collection network. There are an estimated 24,000 domestic, 115 institutional, 588 commercial and 17 industrial connections. The original sewerage system was constructed in 1950 with capacity of 50,000 m3/day, expanded to 100,000 m3/day in 1980-1983. However, due to slower than expected growth and the low volume of water supply, the current treatment plant is underutilized; based on vodokanal records for 2009 the average sewage flow was 37,000 m3/day. The Andijan sewerage system consists of the following major components:

• Sewage collection system; 135 km of concrete pipe for larger diameters, and asbestos and Victaulic/clay pipe for street mains and property connections. Street mains vary from 150-500 mm in diameter, with 24,700 connections, 3 pump stations and related structures, buildings and accessories;

• Sewage collector system: 46.6 km of 600-1000 mm diameter to transport wastewater from the industrial area and 13 km of 700-1500 mm diameter to transport sewage from the suburban areas. As the sewage collection system is combined with storm water run off, there are surges of high flow during rainy periods, which causes upsets in the biological treatment process, by washing out solids, reducing treatment efficiency;

• • Sewage treatment plant, activated sludge, reported 50,000 m3/day capacity, wet well, sludge handling system and treated effluent through a 1500 mm outfall to the Karadarya River.

6.2 Existing Operational Problems (Sewage System) Andijan City is currently experiencing many problems with the sewerage system. The key ones are:

6.2.1. Andijan Sewage Collection system

Much of the sewage collection network consists of uncoated concrete pipe, not corrosion/suphate resistant, most of which is more than 40 years old. Sections of these sewage mains have a high level of deterioration and corrosion and are the cause of infiltration of ground water in high groundwater areas. While the vodokanal reports substantial leakage in some areas of the system, due to the lack of system flow meters, or meters on sewage pumps, there is insufficient data available to confirm the amount of network leakage/infiltration. In addition most of the sewage system is connected to the surface storm water drains, ie a combined system. During heavy rains and spring runoff, the flows in the sewers increases substantially

The wet wells of the 3 pump stations are corroded. The pumps and related electrical and mechanical equipment are in poor operating condition, due to a lack of technical capacity of vodokanal staff, and insufficient funding for operations and maintenance (O&M) to repair and replace worn parts and generally provide preventative maintenance. The pumps in one of the pump stations are no longer working, and sewage regularly overflows into the street gutters.

The rehabilitated sewage collection system should incorporate allowance for storm water surges; using the storage capacity of the major collectors to dampen the flow into the sewage treatment plant, to prevent upset of the biological process. However, regular flushing of such storage areas should be carried out to prevent build up of solids and production of corrosive gasses.

It is recommended that more information be obtained as the physical condition of the sewage collection system, collectors. Similarly flow meters should be installed at the pump stations and the sewage treatment plant to determine volumes of infiltration and storm drainage.

6.2.2 Andijan Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)

The design capacity of the STP is 100,000, the original 50,000 m3/day treatment plant was constructed in 1967 and expanded to 100,000 m3/day by 1984. But the current inflow is reported as only about 37,000 m3/day. The existing condition of the main components is as follows:

• The wet well is corroded, with spalling of concrete and exposure of the reinforcing steel in places;

• The pumps, mechanical, electrical and control systems are outdated and inefficient, leading to frequent breakdown and high power costs;

• The primary (6) and secondary clarifiers (4) suffer from corrosion of the concrete tanks, wear and corrosion of mechanical, electrical and control systems, due to inadequate O&M;

• In the 5 aeration tanks, compressors and related mechanical, electrical and control systems suffer from corrosion and wear of the mechanical, electrical and control systems. Only 1 compressor was running during the site visit and as confirmed y the vodokanal;

• The sludge is stabilized through 3 aerobic digester tanks; the whole system suffers from corrosion and wear of all pumps, mechanical, electrical and control systems due to inadequate O&M;

• The sludge dewatering system consists of 12 sludge drying beds, but these are in poor condition, as found during the site inspection.

• Existing buildings are in disrepair and need rehabilitation, with laboratories, equipment, chemicals, works/repair shops and equipment being outdated and inoperative.

The electrical supply facilities; transformers, switch gear, motor control centres and panes at the sewage treatment plant are in poor repair and in urgent need of rehabilitation.

6.3 Current Sewage Characteristics The sewage characteristics of the current Andijan system from a sample in 2009 are in Table 2 below. (Provided by the Vodokanal)

Table 1 – Andijan Sewage Analysis

Andijan Sewage Analysis Component Unit Influent Effluent UZB Standards PH Units Total Dissolved mg/l 220 138 1000 Solids TDS Calcium Ca mg/l Alkalinity mg/l Chloride Cl mg/l Sulphate SO4 mg/l 200 Nitrate NO3 mg/l 9.1 Chemical mg/l 420 100 Oxygen Demand COD Turbidity NTU Ammonia NH4 mg/l 8.3 10 Polyphosphate mg/l 3.2 Phosphorus Biological mg/l 265 5.0 Oxygen Demand Nitrite NO2 mg/l 0.1 Iron Fe mg/l 0.5 Colloidal solids mg/l 20.0 Oil mg/l 2.0 Lead Pb mg/l n/a n/a Chromium Cr mg/l n/a n/a Cadmium Cd mg/l n/a n/a Zinc Za mg/l n/a n/a Nickel Ni mg/l n/a n/a Arsenic As mg/l n/a n/a

N/c –Not conducted (Analysis) N/a – Not available 7. APPRAISAL REPORT CRITERIA The general design criteria for the Andijan sewage system used in this appraisal report to determine the designs of the rehabilitation of the existing components are summarized below. While the Uzbekistan standards have been followed, these will be further checked and expanded in the detailed design stage.

7.1 Peak Flow Factors Uzbekistan standards have been used to calculate the multiplying factor for the peak day flow rate of the wastewater. This varies from 1.3 to over 1.5 times the daily average. The amount of infiltration and storm water surges could not be estimated.

The basic design criteria are in Appendix 5.

7.2 Sewage System hydraulics-design basis 7.2.1. Sizing

Collection mains will be sized to meet the average day flow rate and to achieve the defined levels of service. Pump stations, rising mains, collector sewers, pump stations and the sewage treatment plant will be based on the peak day flows.

7.2.2. Hydraulic Calculation

Hydraulic calculations using the Hazen Williams Equation for the calculation of friction loss in rising mains.

It is recommended the design of the rehabilitation be carried out using hydraulic calculations using Sewage Cad computer software.

7.2.3. Proposed System Layout

Generally, the final design of the sewage collection system layout will depend on the following factors, to be incorporated in the detailed design:

• Quantities of sewage, based on peak day flows • Sewage main gradients/slopes • Good access for maintenance • Location of manholes and pump stations • Adverse ground conditions and difficult terrain. • Pipe materials and corrosion protection systems in aggressive corrosive condition. • Crossing of drains and other features • Rights of way/Private ground. • Traffic loading • Location of other utilities equipment • Ease of operation • Allowance to dampen surges due to storm drainage. After all the above points have been taken into consideration, site investigations undertaken and agreement reached with other utility (telephone, gas, electrical, cable, etc) operators, the most

appropriate routes/locations for the rehabilitated and new sewerage system facilities will be decided, but will follow existing road, street and other utility rights of way.

8. SEWAGE FLOWS Sewage flow is based on the data available for analysis based on the water demands for the period 2010 to 2025 is indicated in Table 2 below:

Table 2 – Sewage flows for the period of 2010 to 2005

Sewage Flow Factors 2010 2015 2025

Total Population of Andijan Urban Area 373,000 410,300 468,000

Total population connected 139,443 180,000 384,500 Population Increase 2010 to 2025 - 37,300 91,000 2%/year Number of Domestic Sewage 24,410 36,000 77,000 Connections 80% of Water Consumption (160 l/c/d)a– 265(a) 120 185 l/c/day in 2025 Daily Domestic Sewage Flow –m3/day 17,000 21,600 71,000 Commercial and Industrial flows – 20,000 25,000 30,000 m3/day Total Sewage Flows—m3/day 37,000 46,600 100,000

Infiltration – %(b) 10,000 10,000 10,000 Design Flows, peak day—m3/day(c) 47,000 56,600 110,000

Note: (a) The existing high lpcd includes an allowance for infiltration, and is based on nominative data, as there are no working flow meters.(b)Will be checked during detailed design.(c) Will be updated once infiltration confirmed. 9. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT WORKS Due to the extensive deterioration of the existing sewerage system only the most urgent and major components can be replaced under this subproject. Continued improvement of the system will need to be carried out even after this intervention, by the provincial PIU and/or Andijan vodokanal. Their technical capacity will have been strengthened under Tranche 2 of the Investment Program. Sewage tariff reform, reduced infiltration and improved energy efficiency will lead to increasing revenues enabling the Andijan vodokanal to conduct its own repairs and cleaning/O&M, and expansion to connect new connections to the sewage system as the population increases. If further evaluations reveal that more work is required soon to attain targets of improved sewage collection and treatment, UCSA could consider such follow-on works under later tranches of the Investment Program.

The measures to be taken to improve and expand the sewerage system for Andijan are below.

9.1 Part 1: Sewage Collection System

Collection System: In order to properly plan, design and implement rehabilitation and expansion of the existing sewage collection system, considerable more information is required to be obtained as follows: (i) dry and wet weather flows in the major collectors by installing parshall flumes or other flow measuring devices at the pump stations and sewage treatment plant; (ii) physical inspections of sewers and collectors by human and cameras to determine extent of deterioration and need for rehabilitation or replacement, and (iii) determine steps required to provide storage of storm water drainage or how to bypass major storm flows to external drains to protect the collection system, pump stations and especially the sewage treatment plant from major hydraulic surges.

Pump Stations: Similar to the collection system, additional data and information is required before the existing pump stations can be designed and upgraded. In addition to determination of design flows, the pumps, the existing pump stations should be inspected in detail to determine what rehabilitation is required for both the structure, the inlet screening system, the pumps and the related mechanical, electrical and control systems.

Operations and Maintenance Equipment: Provide flushing and cleaning equipment for better maintenance of the sewers and pump stations, and tools and equipment for O&M, as part of the sewage treatment plant works.

9.2 Part 2: Sewage Treatment Plant It is proposed that the following rehabilitation and improvement work be undertaken at the sewage treatment plant:

Expand the capacity of the sewage treatment plant to 110,000 m3/day, through rehabilitation of the existing tanks, addition of new tanks, as required, and replacement of all mechanical and electrical systems. The main components include:

• Rehabilitate the concrete structures, provide new screens and screenings collection system for 2 aerated grit removal chambers and disposal system;

• Construct new septage discharge facility for discharge into sewage treatment plant pump station. This will enable septic tank pump out trucks to discharge their loads at the treatment sewage treatment plant;

• Wet well pump station-replace pumps, and all related piping, mechanical, electrical and control systems and access facilities (railings, ladders);

• Primary (7) and secondary (7) clarifiers-rehabilitate concrete tanks, replace all piping, mechanical, electrical and control systems and access facilities (railings, ladders,;

• Aeration tanks: rehabilitate 5 concrete tanks, provide new compressors with motors, and all related piping, mechanical, electrical and control systems and access facilities (railings, ladders);

• Provide new chlorination facility, rehabilitate effluent discharge facilities;

• Rehabilitate 3 aerobic sludge digesters, sludge settling tanks, sludge dewatering and disposal system-replace all pumps and mechanical, electrical and control systems;

• Sludge dewatering system-rehabilitate/construct new sludge drying beds, with sand, filtrate collector pipe;

• New electrical supply system, transformers, switch gear, motor control panels, cables and controls;

• Rehabilitate workshops, equipment and chemical storage buildings, laboratory, office building and related facilities;

• Rehabilitate the treatment plant site; landscaping, fencing

• Provide new maintenance equipment, vehicles, tools, spare parts, chemicals and consumables.

The layout of the STP is in Schematic 2 of Appendix 6 and the bill of quantities and the cost estimates for the proposed rehabilitated sewage treatment plant are in Appendix 7.

9.3 Recommendations It is recommended that the improvements as described be implemented for the Andijan sewerage system, with adjustments as necessary during detailed design. The detail design should also evaluate in more detail the requirements for future rehabilitation and expansion of the sewage collection network and the pump stations.

9.4 Preliminary Cost Estimates The preliminary base cost estimates for the Andijan sewerage system subproject works is $19,039,249, including a budget for detailed design, spare parts, operations and maintenance equipment including laboratory equipment. The base costs includes and allowance for implementation of the environmental management plan. The estimated costs based on preliminary data and bill of quantities is in Appendix 7. However, these should be updated during detailed design.

9.5 Improvement Benefits The following benefits are expected from the improved works:

9.5.1. Levels of Service

On completion of the proposed improvement works the sewage lift/pump stations and sewage treatment plant will be upgraded to treat dry weather sewage flows to meet Uzbekistan standards.

9.5.2. Operating Costs and Income

(a) The vodokanal will need to establish a sewage tariff or fee, related to the water consumption of each metered customer, as an additional line item on the water bill, or as a separate bill.

(b) Cost of materials and repairs will be less as the numbers of defects reduces after the completion of the rehabilitated sewage treatment plant..

(c) There should be a decrease in electricity costs for operation of the rehabilitated sewage treatment plant. The existing pumps and air compressors are obsolete and have low efficiency, estimated at less than 50%. The new pumps and motors will have a combined efficiency of > 79%.

(e) The estimated O&M costs of the rehabilitated treatment plant, including effective sludge disposal will be determined in conjunction with the vodokanal, during detailed design.

Note: During detailed design, the option of using anaerobic digestion, with methane gas collection and storage, should be investigated in detail. This would reduce power requirements and the methane gas collected could be used to power a gas generator which could produce sufficient power to run the plant and perhaps even sell excess electricity to the power grid. The capital cost of anaerobic digestion will add several million dollars of cost to the sewage treatment plant rehabilitation. The sewage plant may then qualify for registration with the Clean Development Mechanism which would provide carbon credits. However, there is little experience in Uzbekistan with anaerobic sludge digestion; the anaerobic digestion at the sewage treatment plant is not being operated due to lack of process skills and concern about safety issues related to the handling of the potentially explosive methane gas. Before this option is pursued further, the ability of the Andijan vodokanal to operate an anaerobic methane gas system safely would need to be confirmed.

9.6 Pipeline Materials The gravity collection system pipe will be sulphate resistant concrete (or equivalent).

The rising main pipe material and piping in the STP will be HDPE Class PN 25 (or equivalent).

9.7 Civil and Mechanical Works 9.7.1. Sewage Treatment Plant Tanks and Clarifiers

Concrete works will be with sulphate resistant cement reinforced with reinforcing steel and all surfaces lined with corrosion resistant material; coal tar epoxy or equivalent. The influent pump station at the treatment plant will be equipped with flow meters.

Pumps will be designed to ensure an efficient NPSH (net pressure suction head) is available for the pumps. The pump discharge velocity should in general be less than 1.5 l/s to minimize hydraulic losses. The standby pump capacity will be 100% of the operational requirement.

The pump and compressor efficiencies will be > 83%. Pump design will be based on modern sewage pump (Flygt or equivalent) specifications. The electric motors will be continuously rated at least 15% above the power adsorbed by the pumps, the motor efficiency shall not be less than 96%. The combined efficiency will be >79%.

9.7.2. Chlorination

(a) Gas chlorination is proposed for the sewage effluent. The chlorination buildings will have 2 separate rooms, one for the gas cylinders and the second one for the chlorine feed equipment. Both doors into the building must open outwards.

(b) The following chlorination equipment must be installed:

• Chlorine cylinders filled with 65 kg liquid Cl2, suitable for drinking water.

• Isolating valves for each cylinder, gas manifold from cylinders to the chlorinators.

• Automatic cylinder change-over switch actuated by a pressure gauge.

• Emergency shut-off valve.

• Pressure reducing valve with pressure gauges and strainer.

• Safety vent valve with outgoing pipe ending above the building roof.

• Vacuum regulating valve and vacuum safety valve.

• Control panel for controlling components installed in the chlorine storage room, including alarm light and audible alarm of chlorine leakage. (c) The chlorinator will be of the modular, V-notch, vacuum operated type housed in free standing cubicles. The chlorinators will be operated in conjunction with motive water pumps and each chlorinator shall be complete with its injector unit, manifold gas inlet, vent and drain lines. The chlorinators shall also be complete with a flow meter having a 20:1 range, differential pressure regulator and vacuum/pressure relief devices.

(d) The following health and safety equipment should be provided:

• Gas leakage and monitoring equipment

• Controlled air ventilation of chlorine building.

• Safety equipment and leak detection/alarm equipment.

• Chlorine leak detection sample equipment

• Water test equipment.

9.7.3 Plant and Equipment for O&M

PPTA consultants in conjunction with PPMU and vodokanal will determine and agree the following:

• A list of equipment required for the vodokanal to maintain after the rehabilitated works;

• Vehicles and excavators

• O&M maintenance equipment,

• Emergency pipe stocks based on usage and diameter.

• Pipe stocks for network extensions and diversions.

• Fittings for replacing and installing /new service connections,

• Joints and VJ repair clamps for mains and service repairs.

• Safety equipment.

• Computers and office equipment.

• Replacement of domestic water meters

• Spare parts for electrical/mechanical equipment will be added to the supply contracts sufficient for 3 or 5 years usage.

• Hach equipment for on site sewage quality testing.

• Gas detection equipment

• Safety harness and tools for accessing any below ground sewage facility.

9.7.4 Procurement Packages

The rehabilitation of the Andijan sewage treatment plant and pump stations, including spare parts, will be done as one ICB package. However the plant and equipment for O&M will be procured as part of one ICB package for the whole project. The indicated equipment, materials and civil works for the Andijan sewerage subproject will be procured through Uzbekistan’s procedures following ADB’s Procurement Guidelines under Asian Development Bank Loans.


10.1 Land Acquisition and Resettlement Land Acquisition and Resettlement (LAR) – Due Diligence report was prepared as part of the Tranche 2 preparation. This report confirms that the Andijan subproject has no negative social impacts associated with LAR and that the project will benefit the current 380,000, and almost 0.5 million future, residents of Andijan City by providing adequate safe drinking water supply and collection and proper disposal of wastewater, with water quality and sewage effluent meeting Uzbekistan standards, thereby reducing the pollution load on the receiving stream. There is no need for land acquisition or resettlement, but in the event that such requirement is identified during detailed design, the compensation matrix in the short resettlement plan will apply. The LAR is in the main Tranche 2 report.

10.2 Initial Social Analysis The social aspects of the Andijan subproject have been analysed to better understand the beneficiary context of the investment program and the socioeconomic conditions of the area, by conducting a socio-economic survey of 2,000 representative households across the 5 participating cities. The appropriateness of the proposed interventions has been assessed, as well as the potential positive and negative impacts if any, that will be brought about. Actions to maximize the positive social impact or to mitigate any negative impacts have also been identified. Any vulnerabilities that could undermine the program’s objectives or affect the program’s benefits to clients and beneficiaries have also been examined such as cost recovery measures which could potentially reduce access to water supply services for some poorer groups through increases in tariffs for water supply or user connection charges. No risk of negative social impact by has been identified. The full analysis is in the main report.

10.3 Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Development An initial assessment of current institutional structure and capacity of the Andijan vodokanal was conducted as part of the appraisal for Tranche 2 of the Investment Program. Main objectives of the initial assessment were to: (i) identify role, responsibility, obligations, property rights, and legal obligations of all stakeholders; (ii) review production objectives, schedules, monitoring and control systems as well as technical training requirements; (iii) review current institutional capacity of the vodokanal; (iv) determine training needs for personnel and/or staff reorganization; (v) ascertain needs for equipment and other supplies to improve productivity, and develop a procurement action plan; (vi) identify potential managers who can benefit from having a personnel development plan and ascertain training needs program for such staff; (vii) identify potential trainers able to train their colleagues within an organization; (viii) analyze current incentives schemes (if available) in vodokanal; (ix) determine major drawbacks in performance of vodokanal, particularly in planning and management; (x) ascertain water supply and sanitation tariff calculation and approval procedures. The institutional development plan and related resources is in the main report.

10.4 Economic and Financial Analysis Economic and financial analysis was completed and tariff plans for both water and sewerage were recommended to ensure sufficient income for the vodokanal to operate and maintain the new water and sewerage systems. The detailed analysis is in the main report.

10.5 Initial Environmental Examination An Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) study for the Andijan subproject was carried out following ADB’s Environment Policy (2002), the Environmental Assessment Guidelines (2003) and the Safeguards Policy Statement (2009), and relevant environmental policies and guidelines of the Government of Uzbekistan. The IEE involved: (i) gathering baseline information available on the physical, chemical, biological, and socio-economic environment of the sub-project area and subcomponent sites and understanding the technical, social, and institutional aspects of the sub-projects; (ii) public consultation and field visits; (iii) screening of potential issues, concerns, and impacts relative to

location, design, construction, and operation to distinguish those that are likely to be significant for a particular subcomponent and warranting further study; (iv) recommending measures to mitigate adverse issues, concerns, and impacts, particularly to the project design team; (v) preparing an environmental management plan (EMP) indicating impact areas, recommended mitigation measures along with costs, method of monitoring the impacts and responsible persons; and (vi) proposing the institutional set up for implementation of the EMP. The base cost of the bill of quantities includes an allowance for the EMP.

Based on the findings of the Rapid Environmental Assessment and the IEE, the classification of the Andijan subproject as Category “B” was confirmed, and no further special study or detailed EIA will be needed to be carried out to comply with the environmental policies of the ADB. The full IEE is attached to the main report.

10.6 Earthquake Zone The Andijan subproject area is located in a designated (Richter Scale) Earthquake Zone 8. Designs of all structures and buildings will incorporate strengthened against earthquake damage based on the related international or Uzbekistan standards, whichever are more conservative.


Calculated volumes of water consumption of Andijan Table № 3 2025

consumption Water consumption m3/day м3/hour

alculated average.sec. calculated sec. from max.hour calculated l/sec c hour l/sec from average Name of town Population, thousand Population, Population, thousand people by 1.01.10, by 1.01.10, thousand people Population,

Of them covered by centralized water supply, thousand people supply, thousand water Of them covered by centralized Population Industry needs Own and technological General Leakage General max. day average maximum Water consumption l/day per person Water consumption l/day per person 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 46 128826, 2117 1950 8125, Andijan 373841 468460 84 200,0 93692 23423 11711,5 12390,6 3441,8 2371,0 6 3,4 00,0 0 60

Appendix 2: Andijan water supply system layout



Andijan Water Supply 1535 US$ Dollars including:

Investment costs UoM Q-ty Unit cost Total cost Civil works Equipment

Kampiravat Water Treatment Plant Waterside wellfield and gravity trunkmain to Kampiravat Water unit 1 26,945 26,945 20,913 6,033 Treatment Plant Input blocks with horizontal sediment unit 2 1,494,581 2,989,163 2,748,367 240,796 tanks Automated filter unit unit 2 1,804,804 3,609,608 3,064,327 545,280 Chemicals processing facilities unit 1 447,831 447,831 307,596 140,236 Chlorination unit unit 1 144,720 144,720 42,801 101,919 Control room - laboratory unit 1 162,435 162,435 70,357 92,078 Refurbishment of ammoniation unit unit 1 26,083 26,083 17,838 8,245 Reservoir with capacity 3600 m3 unit 2 13,477 26,955 22,598 4,357 Reservoir with capacity 1000 m3 unit 2 8,005 16,010 11,653 4,357 Gateway unit 1 3,127 3,127 3,127 - Workshop unit 1 29,801 29,801 19,132 10,669 Ultrasonic water meters d-1400mm unit 2 28,761 57,523 15,473 42,050 Technological services unit 1 119,658 119,658 57,593 62,064 Boiler unit 1 9,024 9,024 6,385 2,639 Gas utilities unit 1 4,426 4,426 4,426 - Heating utilities unit 1 3,141 3,141 3,141 - Water utilities unit 1 4,653 4,653 4,653 - Toilet unit 1 5,227 5,227 5,227 - Landscaping, land improvement unit 1 33,082 33,082 33,082 - Site electricity supply and security unit 1 90,562 90,562 81,201 9,361 lighting Sand ground unit 1 51,276 51,276 51,276 - Fencing with gates unit 1 5,282 5,282 5,282 - Subtotal 7,866,532 6,596,448 1,270,084 Kurgantepa Water Distribution Unit Refurbishment of reservoir with capacity unit 2 130,862 261,723 257,366 4,357 5000m3 Technological services unit 1 183,986 183,986 154,104 29,882 Site electricity supply and security unit 1 34,265 34,265 30,523 3,742 lighting Landscaping, land improvement unit 1 33,082 33,082 33,082 - Gateway unit 1 2,282 2,282 2,282 - Toilet unit 1 10,454 10,454 10,454 - Fencing with gates unit 1 15,667 15,667 15,667 - Subtotal 541,459 503,478 37,981

Harabek Water Distribution Unit Construction of incomplete reservoir unit 1 353,679 353,679 351,500 2,178 with capacity 10 000 m3 Refurbishment of reservoir with unit 1 219,509 219,509 217,330 2,178 capacity 10 000 m3 Electrolysis unit unit 1 124,442 124,442 42,907 81,535 Materials warehouse unit 1 42,862 42,862 42,862 - Technological services unit 1 143,638 143,638 120,853 22,786 Ultrasonic water meters d-1200-1400mm unit 2 21,351 42,703 3,656 39,046 Site electricity supply and security unit 1 37,345 37,345 32,667 4,678 lighting Landscaping, land improvement unit 1 33,082 33,082 33,082 - Gateway unit 1 2,282 2,282 2,282 - Toilet unit 1 10,154 10,154 10,154 - Fencing with gates unit 1 15,667 15,667 15,667 - Subtotal 1,025,362 872,960 152,402 Hartum Water Distribution Unit Refurbishment of reservoir with unit 2 128,574 257,148 252,791 4,357 capacity 5 000 m3 Electrolysis unit unit 1 124,442 124,442 42,907 81,535 Technological services unit 1 70,758 70,758 59,366 11,393 Site electricity supply and security unit 1 34,265 34,265 30,523 3,742 lighting Landscaping, land improvement unit 1 33,082 33,082 33,082 - Gateway unit 1 2,282 2,282 2,282 - Toilet unit 1 10,154 10,154 10,154 - Fencing with gates unit 1 15,667 15,667 15,667 - Subtotal 547,799 446,772 101,027 Bagishamal Booster Pumping Station Construction of reservoir unit 1 42,071 42,071 42,071 - with capacity 200m3 Construction of reservoir unit 1 21,035 21,035 21,035 - with capacity 100m3 Pumping stations with pumps unit 5 117,487 587,435 378,489 208,946 Replacement of trunk main: unit 1 99,117 99,117 99,117 - d-300mm l-810m and d-200 l-700m Subtotal 749,658 540,712 208,946 Water mains Water mains d-600mm m 22,410 210 4,697,855 4,697,855 - Water mains d-400mm m 10,600 145 1,537,784 1,537,784 - Water distribution mains d-300mm m 2,000 85 170,588 170,588 - Water distribution mains d-200mm m 8,200 60 494,514 494,514 - Water distribution mains d-150mm m 17,100 53 909,440 909,440 - Replacement of valves on on water m 23 16,804 386,502 99,418 287,084 mains d-400 - 1 000mm Installation of air valves d-50mm m 60 118 7,104 1,827 5,277 Installation of fire hydrants m 10 1,488 14,875 3,826 11,049 Installaion of ultrasonic water m204,375 87,509 22,669 64,840 meters d-150-1 000mm Subtotal 8,306,172 7,937,923 368,249 Detailed design 693,259 Maintenance equipment 785,774 - 785,774 Lab Equipment (Mobile Lab) units 1 48,000 48,000 48,000 Computers (15) and printers (5) for 21,825 - 21,825 vodokanal Total Project Base Costs 20,585,840 16,898,292 2,994,289


2025 year

Number of sewage Number of sewage flows, thousand, m3/day flows, thousand, Of them 3 Calculated Population m /hour Calculated covered average thousand max. sec. Name of town Population, by sec. , l/sec people by l/sec (Q sec thousand sewage, daily (Q sec 1.01.10, max) thousand Sewage, average) people l/day per person per l/day max average of other other of of budget budget of Dailywaste of population of population organisations organisations wholesale users water flow.Q

Andijan 364, 7 461.667 384.569 185 71.15 21.04 16.61 108.80 4.53 6.66 1849.23 1259.26

TOTAL 364, 7 461.667 384.569 71.15 21.04 16.61 108.80 4.53 6.66 1849.23 1259.26


(i) Sewage Treatment Facility Layout

(ii) Collection System


Andijan Sewerage System 1535 US$ Dollars including: Investment costs UoM Q-ty Unit cost Total cost Civil works Equipment

Reconstruction of waste water treatment plant Construction of main pumping station unit 1 1,229,232 1,229,232 159,116 1,070,115 Construction of aerated sand collectors unit 1 532,690 532,690 456,484 76,207 Reconstruction of presettling tanks d-20m unit 1 593,989 593,989 306,374 287,615 Construction of presettling tanks d-40m with unit 1 1,077,945 1,077,945 736,575 341,369 sludge pumping station Reconstruction of 4-corridor aerotanks size unit 1 2,310,153 2,310,153 1,704,198 605,955 60x5x4 Reconstruction of secondary settling tanks d- unit 1 354,271 354,271 177,065 177,206 28m Reconstruction of secondary settling tanks d- unit 1 392,557 392,557 272,613 119,944 30m Construction of secondary settling tanks d- unit 1 1,041,922 1,041,922 877,178 164,744 40m Reconstruction of chlorination unit with unit 1 356,072 356,072 42,847 313,225 out put 25kg/h Reconstruction of 4-corridor aerobic stabilizer unit 1 2,090,341 2,090,341 1,542,982 547,360 size 60x5x4 Construction of radial sludge compression unit 1 543,637 543,637 356,817 186,820 tanks d-24m with pumping station Reconstruction of blust-pumping station unit 1 987,631 987,631 319,798 667,834 Reconstruction of sludge sites with drainage unit 1 2,606,416 2,606,416 2,606,416 0 system Reconstruction of sand sites with drainage unit 1 225,601 225,601 225,601 0 system Reconstruction of drainage pumping station unit 1 52,885 52,885 22,304 30,581 Transformer substation unit 1 58,995 58,995 2,025 56,970 Power distribution unit unit 1 40,197 40,197 9,616 30,581 Reconstruction of lab building unit 1 77,215 77,215 52,410 24,804 Reconstruction of workshops unit 1 238,041 238,041 32,978 205,063 Construction of garage unit 1 79,787 79,787 77,587 2,200 Construction of warehouse unit 1 103,970 103,970 103,970 0 Reconstrcution of sanitary inspection room unit 1 109,232 109,232 102,790 6,442 Reconstruction of gateway unit 1 3,494 3,494 3,494 0 Power supply utilities 6kV unit 1 123,688 123,688 123,688 0 Automation and telemechanization unit 1 102,566 102,566 79,758 22,808 Boreholes for water supply unit 1 221,077 221,077 119,351 101,726 Utilities, landscaping and fencing unit 1 1,767,836 1,767,836 1,589,636 178,200 Construction of discharge station unit 1 207,276 207,276 127,922 79,355 Subtotal 17,528,718 12,231,594 5,297,124

Detailed design 652,127 -

Maintenance equipment 717,066 - 717,066

Lab equipment 141,339 141,339

Total Project Base Costs 19,039,249 12,231,594 6,155,529

Republic of Uzbekistan Uzbek Agency “UZKOMMUNHIZMAT”

ADB TA 7240-UZB: Water Supply and Sanitation Services Improvement Program (WSSSIP) Tranche 2

Final Report Sub Project for Fergana City


Table of Contents

1. BACKGROUND ...... 1 1.1 Introduction ...... 1 1.2 Project location...... 2 1.3 Scope of Appraisal ...... 2 1.4 Appraisal report (Technical)...... 3 1.5 Preliminary Design and Documentation for Government Approval ...... 3 2.0 EXISTING WATER SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM...... 4 2.1 Existing Network Operation ...... 4 2.2 Existing Operational Problems (Water Supply) ...... 5 2.2.1. Pakana-Lyagen Well Field and Bulk Water Distribution Centre 2.2.2 Fergana Water Distribution Units 2.2.3 Transmission and Distribution System 2.3 Current Water Quality ...... 8 3.0 APPRAISAL REPORT CRITERIA...... 9 3.1 Peak Flow Factors ...... 10 3.2 Pipeline Hydraulics-detailed design...... 10 3.2.1. Sizing ...... 10 3.2.2. Hydraulic Calculation...... 10 3.2.3. Proposed System Layout ...... 10 4. WATER DEMANDS...... 11 5. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT WORKS...... 11 5.1 Part 1: Pakana-Lyagen Well Field ...... 12 5.2 Part 2: Transmission Main Extension...... 12 5.3 Part 3: Rehabilitation of Distribution Network ...... 13 5.4 Part 4: Rehabilitation of Existing Water Distribution Units ...... 13 5.5 Recommendations ...... 15 5.6 Preliminary Cost Estimates...... 15 5.7 Improvement Benefits...... 15 5.7.1. Levels of Service...... 15 5.7.2. Operating Costs and Income...... 15 5.8 Pipeline Materials...... 16 5.9 Civil and Mechanical Works...... 16

5.9.1. Storage Reservoir...... 16 5.9.2. Booster Pums...... 16 5.9.3. Chlorination ...... 17

6.0 DUE DILIGENCE 6.1 Land Acquisition and Resettlement...... 19 6.2 Initial Social Analysis...... 19 6.3 Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Development ...... 19 6.4 Economic and Financial Analysis ...... 19 6.5 Initial Environmental Examination...... 20 6.6 Earthquake Zone...... 20


Appendix 1: Design Criteria for Projected Water Consumption to 2025

Appendix 2: Schematic of Fergana Water Supply System

Appendix 3: Layout of Fergana Water Distribution Network

Appendix 4: Bill of Quantities and Preliminary Cost Estimates


1.1 Introduction The proposed Multi-tranche Financing Facility program (Investment Program) was developed to be undertaken in four Tranches over the period 2009 to 2018 with a design horizon of 15 years; ie the design year is 2025. The first Tranche of the Investment Program approved by ADB in September 2009 is now under implementation by the Government. This report is prepared for the 5 cities under Tranche 2 of the Investment Program.

The water supply and sewerage systems in most of the towns and cities across the 12 provinces of Uzbekistan are in various stages of disrepair and require rehabilitation, upgrading and expansion. The total financing needs identified for the sector are estimated at $3.2 billion. ADB’s Investment Program will finance up to $375 million (including $75 million Government contribution) as a time slice of this requirement. As envisaged at project preparation, each tranche will focus on two to three different provinces, depending on population and costs. The Executing Agency for the Investment Program is the Uzbekistan Community Services Agency (UCSA), which is responsible for implementing externally financed projects in the sector.

Operation of the Inter-regional transmission mains (IRTMs) is the responsibility of provincial (oblast) water utilities (vodokanals). Delivery and operation and maintenance (O&M) of water supply and sewerage (WSS) services are the responsibility of district (rayon) water utilities (vodokanals). All vodokanals are potentially eligible to apply for inclusion under the Investment Program, but will be evaluated against the eligibility criteria agreed with the Government. Commitment by the vodokanals to institutional and financial reforms is an important aspect of eligibility, with a view to full sustainability after the water and sewerage facilities have been upgraded.

Under Tranche 2 of the Investment Program 5 subprojects located in 2 provinces have been identified as urgently required, and eligible, including:

Fergana Province:

• Rishtan City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of existing water system;

• Fergana City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of existing water and sewerage systems;

• Margilan City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of existing water and sewerage systems,

• Kokand City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of existing water and sewerage systems,

Andijan Province:

• Andijan City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of existing water and sewerage systems.

These five subprojects have been confirmed as meeting the eligibility criteria and have been appraised in sufficient detail to confirm physical works, cost estimates, O&M costs, environmental


and social safeguards, and economic and financial sustainability. The appraisal report includes procurement packages and a procurement plan.

This appraisal report is for the Fergana water supply system subproject.

1.2 Project location Fergana City is situated in Fergana Province (see map). The proposed water supply system subproject includes expansion of the existing well field, construction of new wells, augmentation of supply from the IRTM Hanabad Fergana, rehabilitation of transmission mains and rehabilitation and expansion of the existing distribution system in the urban areas. The existing sewerage system in Fergana consists of a conventional gravity sewage collection system, with sewage lift/pump stations, sewage collector and conventional sewage treatment plant (activated sludge). Improvements of the sewerage system is not part of this subproject, but may be considered under a subsequent tranche of the Investment Program or under a future program by the Government.

1.3 Scope of Appraisal Preparation The appraisal process for the Fergana appraisal report included:

• Site visits to the Fergana vodokanal to verify basic data. Obtain updated data and determine, from discussions with vodokanal management, as to how the current water supply and distribution system infrastructure operates and the problems encountered in operating the system, and how to plan for the rehabilitation and expansion of the system; • Evaluate the Fergana proposal against the agreed eligibility criteria for participating in Investment Program; • Review all UCSA reports and recommendations for the water sector in Uzbekistan and, in particular, for Fergana vodokanal; • Water quality aspects and treatment requirements; • Summarize the basic design criteria for 2025; population, water consumption/litres/capita/day (lpcd), quality and treatment requirements; • Identify the improvements required to bring the water supply, transmission and distribution system in Fergana, to Uzbekistan water service standards; • Develop options for delivering the identified improvements to the Fergana vodokanal infrastructure; • Analyse and select the preferred option available to deliver the improvements to the Fergana urban water distribution system, based on value engineering and least cost principles, while meeting design and service standards; • Develop a schedule of quantities for the water system; • Develop pre-design cost estimates for the water system;


• Provide criteria, general specifications, to be used for the later detailed design, tendering and construction; • Prepare procurement packages and a procurement plans; • Prepare an initial environmental examination (IEE), including an environmental management plan (EMP), to mitigate identified impacts. Related costs are included as a line item in the subproject’s costs estimates; • Initial screening for resettlement requirements and preparation of a resettlement plan if required. Related costs are included as specific line item in the subproject’s costs estimates; • Prepare an economic and financial analysis; • Incorporate social and gender action plans including a program to improve hygiene in local schools, health clinics and hospitals; • Project revenue requirements, budget, and cost recovery plan including analysis of current and projected water tariff requirements, financing of gaps in revenue versus costs.

1.4 Appraisal report (Technical) The main objectives of the appraisal report are:

• Identify the operational problems currently impacting on the provision of adequate water supplies to customers of the Fergana urban water supply, transmission and distribution system. • Identify projections of water demand to include adequate provision for fire fighting according to Uzbekistan standards. • Develop options to improve water supply and distribution. • Provide recommendations for the investment requirements to improve water supply for the Fergana urban area. • Develop pre-design cost estimates. • Develop criteria for use in the detailed designs of the Fergana city infrastructure improvements. • New water system to be designed so that water supply quality complies with Uzbekistan standards.

1.5 Preliminary Design and Documentation for Government Approval After Government and ADB approval of Tranche 2 of the Investment Program, the work to be carried out by UCSA and their consultants will include:

• Carry out field surveys using GPS, satellite images, latest maps and supplementary field surveys.


• Generate topographical maps and profile drawings for all proposed water pipelines and sewerage collection system, including all reference points, with details insets for the water system including hydrants, valves, meters, service connections, and other appurtenances, property connections, flow measuring devices and other appurtenances. • Confirm water demand, water quality, pumping and network operating pressures. • Use hydraulic network model to confirm pre-feasibility pipeline diameters and flows in the water distribution systems. • Produce final design report, schedule of quantities, specifications, and cost estimates in the water system. • Produce tender documents, procurement packages and a plan for the procurement process for the water system.


2.1 Existing Water System The current population of Fergana City is 234,680 of which 80% (188,600) are covered by the urban water distribution network. There are a reported 64,966 domestic, as well as a number of institutional, commercial and industrial connections. The Fergana water supply system also provides some water for Margilan, through the Kirguli water distribution unit.

Bulk water supply to Fergana is provided from a well field consisting of 68 wells located at Pakana- Lyagen, which provides a reported 75,000 m3/day to the city. In addition there are 28 other wells located throughout the Fergana City urban area.

There is another bulk supply system at Kirguli consisting of 14 wells, which supply water to both Fergana and Margilan. The water supply unit at Kirguli has 2 storage reservoirs, chlorination and high lift pumps.

There is a bulk water supply unit at Pakana-Lyagan with 2 x 5,000 m3 (10,000 m3) reservoirs, chlorination and high lift pumps which pumps the treated water into six water distribution units (WDUs) in Fergana located at Timura 1, Timura 2, Khasanova, Aybeka, Ulugbeka and Akhunbabayevski, all with storage and pumping facilities, but no chlorination. In addition, there is a booster pump station at Turgeneva. Each WDU consists of storage reservoirs, pumps and related accessories and buildings.

Unlined steel transmission mains connect the well fields to the WDUs from where the water is pumped into the distribution network. The pressure from the water distribution unit is less than 2 bars/20 meters. The water quality exceeds Uzbekistan standards for hardness.

The Fergana distribution network has a total water distribution network length of 551 km. The majority of the network (324 km) consists of unlined steel pipes with diameters ranging from 100 mm to 1000 mm installed in the 1960’ties and 190 km of cast iron pipe with diameter from 100-900 mm, mostly installed between 20-25 years ago. The system also contains about 16.7 km of asbestos


cement pipe, 100-300 mm in diameter 1961-1966. In the past 5 years 20.7 km of 25-200 mm polythene pipe has been installed.

2.2 Existing Operational Problems (Water System) The city is currently experiencing many water supply and distribution problems. The key ones are:

2.2.1. Pakana-Lyagen Well Field and Bulk Water Distribution Centre

The 68 wells are in varying degrees of disrepair; 32 of them are no longer operational and the pumps in the remaining 34 are in poor condition, being past their mechanical life. There are no meters and the electrical, mechanical and control systems are in disrepair and function poorly and inefficiently with high power cost. The chlorination system is non functional, though calcium hypochlorite powder is added to the storage reservoirs. The bulk water distribution centre is in poor condition and the reservoirs, chlorination system and high lift pumps and related accessories and buildings need to be rehabilitated or replaced. The quality of the Pakana-Lyagen well field water is marginal in terms of meetings Uzbekistan standards, with high hardness level caused by calcium and magnesium. The current rated capacity of the well system is 141,000 m3/day, but actual reported production is only 75,000 m3/day.

2.2.2. Fergana Water Distribution Unit (WDUs)

Akhunbabayevski WDU

(a) The existing 2 x 2000 m3 storage reservoirs are in poor condition, built in 1977, with leakage from the walls and floor joints; but currently in operation;

(b) Of the 6 pumps only 3 are working, but are in poor condition, installed in 1977, with total design capacity of 2520 m3/hr and less than 2 bars/20 m of pressure;

(c) The mechanical water meter is in poor condition and inoperative.

Timura 1 WDU

(a) This WDU has 2 wells and 500 m3 storage reservoirs, in poor condition, with leakage from the walls and floor joints; but currently in operation;

(b) The 3 pumps are in poor condition, installed in 1960, with capacity of 90 m3/hr each, at less than 2 bars/20 m of pressure;

There is no chlorination or meters.


Timura 2 WDU

(a) This WDU has 2 wells and 2 x 500 m3 storage reservoirs, in poor condition, with leakage from the walls and floor joints; but currently in operation;

(b) The pumps are in poor condition, installed in 1970’ties, with capacity of 180 m3/hr and less than 2 bars/20 meters of pressure;

There is no chlorination or meters.

Khasanaova WDU

(a) The existing 2x 2,000 m3 storage reservoir are in poor condition, with leakage from the walls and floor joints; but currently in operation;

(b) There are 5 pumps, 3 in poor condition, 2 not working, all installed in the 1970’ties, with total design design capacity of 1600 m3/hr, at less than 2 bars/20 meters of pressure;

There is no chlorination or metering.

Aybeka WDU

(a) There are 2 wells discharging into a 1000 m3 storage reservoir is in poor condition, with leakage from the walls and floor joints; but is currently in operation;

(b) Of the 4 pumps, only 2 are working though in poor condition, installed in the 1970’ties, with total design capacity of 890 m3/hr, with less than 2 bars/20 meters of pressure;

There is no chlorination or metering.

Ulugbeka WDU

(a) The existing 500 m3 storage reservoir is in poor condition, with leakage from the walls and floor joints; but currently in operation;

(b) The 4 pumps are in poor condition, installed in 1970’ties with total design capacity of 400 m3/hr, with less than 2 bars/20 meters of pressure;

There is no chlorination or metering.

Kirguli WDU:

(a) The existing 3 x 6,000 plus 1 x 2,000 m3 storage reservoirs are in poor condition, with leakage from the walls and floor joints. The small reservoir is completely out of service. The lower/underground level of the WDU is flooded;

(b) The 5 pumps were installed in 1987, with total design capacity of 21,800 m3/hr, but the pumps are 23 years old and worn, with low efficiency, and less than 3bars/30 meters of pressure;


(c) The original chlorination system is inoperative, but chlorination is being carried out by “primitive” calcium hypochlorite addition to the storage reservoirs;

(d) The mechanical water meter is in poor condition and inoperative.

Turgeneva WDU and Booster Pump Station:

(a) The existing 2 x 3,000 m3 storage reservoirs are in poor condition, with leakage and corrosion;

(b) Of the 5 pumps, 3 are working but in poor condition, installed in 1977, with total design capacity of 2380 m3/hr, with less than 2 bars/20 m of pressure;

(c) There are 2 chlorination system is inoperative, and while the well water quality is good, the leaky distribution system and interrupted supply could cause contamination from the surrounding ground water and street drainage;

(d) The mechanical water meter is in poor condition and inoperative.

General Issues:

(e) The water system only provides 3-4 hours of service daily. None of the domestic connections are metered, and while some of the commercial and industrial users are metered, these are not operating, as the vodokanal does not have meter testing a repair facilities;

(f) Due to the low operating pressure the water system consumers at the farther points of the distribution system and at higher elevation get little or no water, especially in the high demand summer months.

2.2.3. Transmission and Distribution Network

(a) A total of 324 km of the distribution network consists of unlined steel pipe which is more than 40 years old. These water mains have a high level of deterioration and corrosion and are the cause of major network water losses with non revenue water (NRW) reported as >47%, including physical leakage and administrative losses). Due to the lack of system meters there is insufficient data is available to confirm the network losses; however it is likely that the physical water losses will exceed 45%.

(Vodokanals tend to use normative values based on the pump capacities for estimating water losses and in the absence of accurate meters, these normative values are used for reporting water supply and calculating losses).

In addition to the lack of information, the leakage reported by the vodokanal is based on the operating condition of the existing system, low volume and low pressure, limited to less than 2 bars, less than meters of head, and explains why there is no water pressure above the second floor of buildings. The existing operating pressure in Fergana is much below the Uzbekistan standard of 40- 60 meters of head (4-6 bars). The new systems will be designed to provide the required pressure, and once operative would cause much higher leakage than that reported, unless the corroded and leaky pipes are not replaced.


Key performance indicators, for assessing the need for water mains renewal and rehabilitation program include:

• NRW (m3/km/day)

• Pipe Repairs (Number/km/year)

• NRW (litres/connection/day)

• Bacteriological Failures (number/km/year)

• Chemical Failures (Number/km/year)

• Customer Complaints (Number/km/year)

• Pressure testing and leakage detection

However, this information is not currently tracked by the Fergana vodokanal (their assessment of rehabilitation requirements is based on the age of pipes, obvious leakage and local knowledge of the system). The need for rehabilitation recommended in this report is based on physical condition of sample pipe from previous repairs, the estimated losses and experience of the vodokanal. More detailed evaluations of the physical condition of the water mains, including metering, pressure testing and leakage detection, will be carried out as a part of the detailed design.

The combination of water losses in the network, high degree of deterioration of the cast iron and steel pipelines, limited supply schedules/hours of operation and low operating pressures means that all connected customers receive poor service, much below Uzbekistan standards. In the majority of cases no water is available above the ground floor in multi-story buildings, nor is there sufficient flow to meet fire protection standards.

2.3 Current Water Quality The water quality indicators for the current Fergana water supply are in Table 1 below; based on this data the current Fergana water supply is of marginal quality and some parameters, specifically high content of calcium and magnesium, do not meet Uzbekistan standards.

Table 1 – Fergana Water Quality Information

Fergana Water Quality Analysis Component Unit WHO Uzbek Standard Fergana 950:2000 WDU PH Units 6.5-8.5 6-9 7-8.2 TDS mg/l 1000 1000 (1500) 652-761 Calcium Ca mg/l 200 Sodium Na mg/l 200 Chloride Cl mg/l 250 250 Sulphate SO4 mg/l 400 250-306


Nitrate NO3 mg/l 50 45 4.8-11 Hardness Ca+Mg Mg*ecv/l 500 7/10 8.5-10 Turbidity NTU 1.5/2.0 2 Ammonium NH4 mg/l 0.5 Polyphosphate mg/l 3.5 Phosphorus Fluoride F mg/l 1.5 0.7 0.5-0.7 Nitrite NO2 mg/l 3 3 Iron Fe mg/l 0.3 0.3 Manganese Mn mg/l 0.5 0.1 Copper Cu mg/l 1 1 Lead Pb mg/l 0.01 0.03 Chromium Cr mg/l 0.05 0.05 Cadmium Cd mg/l 0.003 0.001 Zinc Za mg/l 3 3 Nickel Ni mg/l 0.07 0.1 Arsenic As mg/l 0.01 0.05 Alpha Bq/l 0.1 0.1 Beta Bq/l 1 1 Aluminium Al mg/l 0.2(0.5*) Beryllium Be mg/l 0.002 N/c Boron B mg/l 0.5 N/c Cadmium Cd mg/l 0.001 N/c Molybdenum Mo mg/l 0.25 N/c Mercury Hg mg/l 0.0005 N/c Lead Pb mg/l 0.03 N/c Selenium Se mg/l 0.01 N/c Strontium Sr mg/l 7 N/c Benzol C6H6 mkg/l 10 N/c Benzpyrene mkg/l 0.01 N/c Polyakrilamid mkg/l 2 N/c Total Coliforms MPN/100ml Not Allowed <100 N/c E Coli MPN/100ml Not allowed <3 Free Chlorine mg/l 0.2 – 0.3 N/c –Not conducted (Analysis) N/a – Not available

3. APPRAISAL REPORT CRITERIA The general design criteria for the Fergana water system used in this appraisal report to determine the operating pressure, main and pipe diameter and related operational fittings (valves, meters, air valves, non return valves and fire hydrants) for the proposed transmission and distribution mains are summarized below. While the Uzbekistan standards for minimum pressure, fire fighting and hours of supply have been followed, these will be further checked and expanded in the detailed design stage.


3.1 Peak Flow Factors Uzbekistan standards have been used to calculate the multiplying factor for the peak day flow rate. This varies from 1.3 to over 2 times the daily average demand. The peak hourly rate, which could occur twice per day, should be twice the peak day flow rate. This takes into account the additional flow required to be provided for fire fighting purposes, for a two hour eventuality as per the SNIP (Uzbekistan regulatory standards).

The basic design criteria are in Appendix 1.

3.2 Pipeline Hydraulics-detailed design 3.2.1. Sizing

Pipelines will be sized to meet the maximum specified flow rate and to achieve the defined levels of service. Inlet mains from bulk supply to the bulk distribution storage will not be required to meet the full peak flow rates.

3.2.2. Hydraulic Calculation

Hydraulic calculations using the Hazen Williams Equation for the calculation of friction loss; the roughness factor applied for HDPE is 1001.

In the later detailed design stage it is recommended the hydraulic calculations be conducted using Water Cad computer software.

3.2.3. Proposed System Layout

Generally, the final design of the water supply and distribution layout will depend on the following factors, to be incorporated in the detailed design:

• Quantities of water to be pumped, based on peak hour and fire flows • Operating Pressure • Reliability of supply • Good access for maintenance • Location of valves, air/vacuum relief valves and washouts. • Adverse ground conditions and difficult terrain. • Pipe materials and corrosion protection systems in aggressive or contaminated grounds for ductile iron or steel pipe. • Crossing of railways and water courses

1 This is a conservative figure – HDPE can be rated at up 140, but doing do makes little difference to pipe diameters


• Depth of frost penetration • Rights of way/Private ground. • Traffic loading • Location of other utilities equipment • Ease of operation After all the above points have been taken into consideration, site investigations undertaken and agreement reached with other utility (telephone, gas, electrical, cable, etc) operators, the most appropriate pipeline route can be selected. Usually the replacement of, and installation of new water mains and distribution pipes, will follow existing road, street and other utility rights of way.

4. WATER DEMANDS From the data available for analysis the water demands for the period 2010 to 2025 is indicated in Table 2 below:

Table 2 – Water demands for the period of 2009 to 2005

Water Demand Factors 2010 2015 2025

Total Population of Fergana Urban Area 234,000 257,400 284,000

Total population connected 188,600 220,000 284,000 Population Increase 2009 to 2025 - 2% 31,400 60,000 Number of Domestic Water Connections 38,000 44,000 71,000 Average Water Consumption – l/c/day 275a 150 200 Daily Domestic Water Demand – 20,000 33,000 56,800 m3/day Commercial and Industrial Consumption – 8,000 10,000 17,000 M3/day

Total Daily Water Demand – m3/day 28,000 43,000 73,800 Peak Day Demand, m3/day ; 37,200 56,000 116,000 Existing sources: 37,200 75,000 75,000 IRTM Hanabad Fergana: 41,000 41,000 Distribution Losses – % 47 35 20 Water Available for – Domestic and 19,700 75,400 92,000 Industrial – peak day -m3/day

Note a: As indicated above current water consumption records are not based on actual metering and are therefore in some doubt. 5. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT WORKS Due to the extensive deterioration of the existing water system only the most urgent and major components can be replaced under this subproject/Investment Program. Continued improvement of the systems will need to be carried out even after this intervention. The technical capacity of the


provincial departments and the Fergana vodokanal will have been strengthened under the Investment Program. The tariff reform, reduced leakages and improved energy efficiency will lead to increasing revenues enabling the Fergana vodokanal to conduct its own leakage detection and repair, meter maintenance and expansion to connect new consumers as the population increases. If further evaluations reveal that more work is required to attain targets of improved service/leakage reduction, UCSA could consider such follow-on works under later tranches of the Investment Program.

The rehabilitation of the existing Fergana water supply facilities will not increase the volume of supply. The additional water demand requirements for 2025 will be met by obtaining water from the Hanabad Fergana IRTM (Intern-regional trunk main-currently under construction with a loan from the PRC) which uses the Andijan Reservoir as the water source. The IRTM will augment the Fergana supply by 41,000 m3/day. The Pakana-Lyagen well field water will be blended with the new bulk water supply from the IRTM. The blending will be done through the Pakana WDU. As this new source of water is of good quality, the blended supply entering the Fergana water distribution system will meet Uzbekistan standards.

The measures to be taken to improve and expand the water supply for Fergana are below.

5.1 Part 1: Rehabilitation of the Pakana-Lyagen Well Field (a) Rehabilitate 32 existing well(s), chemical treatment and surging, new screens if necessary, new pumps, meters, valves, mechanical and electrical systems, control system and related structures;

(b) Replace pumps, meters, valves, mechanical and electrical systems, control system and related structures on all existing 68 wells;

(c) Replace 7 transformers, switch gear, motor control panels;

Construct new bulk water unit, with reservoirs, pumps, meter and related mechanical, electrical and control systems.

The layout of the rehabilitated and expanded Fergana water supply system is in Appendix 2. The related bill of quantities and cost estimate is in Appendix 4.

5.2 Part 2: Transmission Main Extension It is proposed that the following rehabilitation and improvement work be undertaken in the transmission system from Pakana-Lyagen well field to distribution system:

(a) 5.0 km of 800 mm diameter trunk main from Pakana-Lyagen well fled to Pakana WDU;

(b) 3.5 km of 1000 mm diameter trank main from Pakana to Kirguli WDU;

(c) 3.0 km of 700 mm diameter trunk main from Pakana to Ahunbabaev WDU;

(d) 2.5 km of 900 mm diameter trunk main from Pakana to the Fergana water distribution system;


(e) 0.5 km of 500 mm diameter trunk transmission main from the Kirguli WDU to the Fergana distribution system;

(f) 2.0 km of 600 mm diameter trunk main from Kirguli to Margilan.

The layout of the transmission mains is in Appendix 2 while the bill of quantities and cost estimate is in Appendix 4.

5.3 Part 3: Rehabilitation of Distribution Network It is proposed that the following rehabilitation and improvement work be undertaken in the water distribution system2:

Rehabilitation/replacement of the existing distribution network as follows:

(a) 15.0 km of 500 mm diameter water main;

(b) 7.4 km of 400 mm diameter water main;

(c) 6.0 km of 300 mm diameter water main; and

(d) 10.0 km of 200 mm diameter water main.

This work includes; hydrants, valves, thrust blocks and replacement of property connections to the new rehabilitated distribution system and installation of valves and water meters to each service connection.

Schematics of the distribution network main lengths and diameters in Appendix 3 and the related bill of quantities and cost estimates are in Appendix 4.

5.4 Part 4: Rehabilitation of Existing Water Distribution Units The following water system rehabilitation and improvement works will be required:

Pakana WDU:

(a) Rehabilitate existing 2 x 5000 m3 storage reservoirs;

(b) Replace 6 pumps;

(c) Install chlorination unit and water meters;

(d) Replace all related mechanical (piping, valves), electrical (transformers, switchgear, MCCs, cables) and control systems;

Rehabilitate all related structures, buildings and site.

2 The proposals are based on information from the vodokanals, from site inspections, and UCSA inputs.


Akhunbabayevski WDU

(a) Rehabilitate existing 2 x 2000 m3 storage reservoirs;

(b) Replace 6 pumps;

(c) Install chlorination unit and water meters;

(d) Replace all related mechanical (piping, valves), electrical (transformers, switchgear, MCCs, cables) and control systems;

(e) Rehabilitate all related structures, buildings and site.

Turgeneva WDU and Booster Pump Station:

(a) rehabilitate the existing 2 x 3,000 m3 storage reservoirs;

(b) Replace 5 pumps, with total design capacity of 2380 m3/hr, at 4 bars/40 m of pressure.

(c) Install chlorination unit and water meters;

(d) Replace all related mechanical (piping, valves), electrical (transformers, switchgear, MCCs, cables) and control systems;

(e) Rehabilitate all related structures, buildings and site.

Kirguli WDU:

(a) Rehabilitate existing 3 x 6,000 m3 storage reservoirs;

(b) Replace 5 pumps, with total design capacity of 21,800 m3/hr, at 4 bars/40 m of pressure.

(c) Install chlorination unit and water meters;

(d) Replace all related mechanical (piping, valves), electrical (transformers, switchgear, MCCs, cables) and control systems;

(e) Rehabilitate all related structures, buildings and site.


(a) The new water system is designed to operate for 24 hours daily. All connections will be metered;.

(b) The operating pressure at the new water system will be between 4-6 bars (40-60 m) as required by Uzbekistan standards;

(c) The other small local WDUs in the existing Fergana system will be decommissioned once the new system comes on line.


The above works are depicted in Appendix 3 and the estimated bill of quantities and cost estimates are in Appendix 4.

5.5 Recommendations The bill of quantities for the above works and preliminary base cost estimates are summarized in Appendix 4. It is recommended that the improvements as described, be implemented, with adjustments as necessary during detailed design.

5.6 Preliminary Cost Estimates The preliminary base cost estimates for the Fergana water supply subproject works is $24,566,414, including detailed design, spare parts, operations and maintenance equipment, laboratory equipment and office equipment. The estimated costs are based on preliminary data as indicated in Appendix 4. However, these should be updated during detailed design.

5.7 Improvement Benefits The following benefits are expected from the improved works:

5.7.1. Levels of Service

On completion of the proposed improvement works water supply will be available to more than 95% of the total urban population in Fergana population with 200 lpcd based on 24 hour per day by 2025.. System operating pressures will be a minimum of 40 m of head.

Water quality supplied to comply with Uzbekistan water quality standards.

5.7.2. Operating Costs and Income

(a) Initially billed income will increase when the new system becomes operative as consumers will have access to water 24 hrs/day compared with the current 3-4 hours per day. Furthermore supply will continue to improve in stages between 2012 and 2018, due to reduction in real network water losses as the rehabilitation is completed and leakage detection and repair programs are introduced in the Fergana vodokanal, along with the new feeder main system, reservoir storage and booster pumps.

(b) The real water losses in the distribution network are expected to be reduced by a minimum of 15%, when the proposed distribution system rehabilitation work is completed.

(c) Cost of materials and leakage repairs will be less as the numbers of defects reduces after the completion of the sub-project works.

(d) There will be an increase in electricity costs for operation of the new pumps, compared to the existing pumping costs, as the volume of supply and pressure increases. However, the new pumps will have high efficiency, > 79%.


(e) The estimated O&M costs of the rehabilitated system, including effective chlorination systems, will be determined in conjunction with the vodokanal, during detailed design.

5.8 Pipeline Materials The transmission and distribution mains up to and including 315 mm diameter will be of HDPE Class PN 25 (or equivalent).

The pipelines between the import point to the outlet from the booster pump will be flanged ductile iron with cement mortar lining to EN BS 545 (or equivalent).

5.9 Civil and Mechanical Works 5.9.1. Storage Reservoirs

The reservoirs will be constructed from reinforced concrete, there will be an inlet main with ball valve, DN 400 mm outlet main with valve, DN 400 mm with valve to a washout main and DN 400 mm overflow pipe. The discharge from the overflow and washout pipe will be discharged to a local drain.

Two access points to reservoirs will be provided in the roof slab, with access ladders internally and externally at the access points. DN 100 mm vents and roof drainage system will be installed.

A 200 mm EM water meter will be installed between the import point and the inlet to the storage reservoir.

A reservoir water level indication gauge will be installed in the pumping station building.

5.9.2. Booster Pumps

For efficient operational management, particularly at times of low demands, the duty pumps will be of the variable speed type. These pumps have lower energy demands as they automatically adjust their output to match variations in system pressure.

Velocity in the variable speed pump manifold will be designed to be around 1.0 m/s to improve the NPSH (net pressure suction head) available at the pumps. The pump discharge velocity should in general be less than 1.5 l/s to minimize hydraulic losses. The standby pump capacity will be 100% of the operational requirement.

The pump efficiency will be > 83%, based on a single stage centrifugal pump with horizontal split casing driven through a flexible coupling. The electric motor will be continuously rated at least 15% above the power adsorbed by the pump at the duty pump, the motor efficiency shall not be less than 96%. The combined efficiency will be >79%.


5.9.3. Chlorination

(a) The capacity of vodokanals to O&M gas chlorinators, even after capacity building and training should be reviewed carefully by UCSA during detailed design. If gas is to be used, the chlorination building will have 2 separate rooms, one for the gas cylinders and the second one for the chlorine feed equipment. Both doors into the building must open outwards.

(b) The following chlorination equipment must be installed:

• Chlorine cylinders filled with 65 kg liquid Cl2, suitable for drinking water.

• Isolating valves for each cylinder, gas manifold from cylinders to the chlorinators.

• Automatic cylinder change-over switch actuated by a pressure gauge.

• Emergency shut-off valve.

• Pressure reducing valve with pressure gauges and strainer.

• Safety vent valve with outgoing pipe ending above the building roof.

• Vacuum regulating valve and vacuum safety valve.

• Control panel for controlling components installed in the chlorine storage room, including alarm light and audible alarm of chlorine leakage. (c) The chlorinator will be of the modular, V-notch, vacuum operated type housed in free standing cubicles. The chlorinators will be operated in conjunction with motive water pumps and each chlorinator shall be complete with its injector unit, manifold gas inlet, vent and drain lines. The chlorinators shall also be complete with a flow meter having a 20:1 range, differential pressure regulator and vacuum/pressure relief devices.

(d) The following health and safety equipment should be provided:

• Gas leakage and monitoring equipment

• Controlled air ventilation of chlorine building.

• Safety equipment and leak detection/alarm equipment.

• Chlorine leak detection sample equipment

• Water test equipment.

5.9.4 Plant and Equipment for O&M

The design consultants in conjunction with the PPMU and vodokanal will determine and agree the following:


• A list of equipment required for the vodokanal to maintain after the rehabilitated works;

• Vehicles and excavators

• O&M maintenance equipment,

• Emergency pipe stocks based on usage and diameter.

• Pipe stocks for network extensions and diversions.

• Fittings for replacing and installing /new service connections,

• Joints and VJ repair clamps for mains and service repairs.

• Safety equipment.

• Computers and office equipment.

• Replacement of domestic water meters

• Spare parts for electrical/mechanical equipment will be added to the supply contracts sufficient for 3 or 5 years usage.

• Hach equipment for on site water quality testing.

• Leakage detection equipment

5.9.5 Procurement Packages

The Fergana water system improvements, including spare parts, will be procured as one ICB package. The plant and equipment for O&M will be procured as part of one ICB package for the whole Tranche 2 Project. The indicated equipment, materials and civil works for the Fergana water supply component will be procured through Uzbekistan’s procedures following ADB’s Procurement Guidelines under Asian Development Bank Loans.


6.1 Land Acquisition and Resettlement Land Acquisition and Resettlement (LAR) – Due Diligence report was prepared as part of the Investment Program. This report confirms that the Fergana subproject has no negative social impacts associated with LAR and that the project will benefit almost 0.5 million current residents of Fergana and Margilan cities by providing better water quality and quantity. Minor land acquisition is required. The owners and affected persons will be compensated as per the compensation matrix in the Resettlement Report, which is attached to the main report for Tranche 2.


6.2 Initial Social Analysis The social aspects of the Fergana subproject have been analysed to better understand the social context of the investment program and the socioeconomic conditions of the area. The appropriateness of the proposed interventions has been assessed, as well as the potential positive and negative impacts if any, that will be brought about. Actions to maximize the positive social impact or to mitigate any negative impacts have also been identified. Any vulnerabilities that could undermine the program’s objectives or affect the program’s benefits to clients and beneficiaries have also been examined such as cost recovery measures which could potentially reduce access to water supply services for some poorer groups through increases in tariffs for water supply or user connection charges.

No social risks or impacts by the proposed works have been identified. The complete analysis is in an appendix of the main project/Tranche 2 financing request report.

6.3 Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Development An initial assessment of current institutional structure and capacities of the Fergana vodokanal was conducted as part of the appraisal for Tranche 2 of the Investment Program. Main objectives of the initial assessment were to: (i) identify role, responsibility, obligations, property rights, and legal obligations of all stakeholders; (ii) review production objectives, schedules, monitoring and control systems as well as technical training requirements; (iii) review current institutional capacity of the vodokanal; (iv) determine training needs for personnel and/or staff reorganization; (v) ascertain needs for equipment and other supplies to improve productivity, and develop a procurement action plan; (vi) identify potential managers who can benefit from having a personnel development plan and ascertain training needs program for such staff; (vii) identify potential trainers able to train their colleagues within an organization; (viii) analyze current incentives schemes (if available) in vodokanal; (ix) determine major drawbacks in performance of vodokanal, particularly in planning and management; (x) ascertain water supply and sanitation tariff calculation and approval procedures.

The Fergana vodokanal should consider a contract with the industrial zone, for the industrial zone to operate the Fergana sewage treatment plant in return for the treated effluent which many of the industries use in lieu of fresh water. This is a win/win proposition as Fergana and Margilan Cities would have their wastewater treated at no cost to their taxpayers and the industrial zone will get better quality effluent, if they properly operate the sewage treatment plant, thereby saving substantial cost to provide further treatment of the effluent before use in their processes, ie it is in the industrial zone’s best interest to ensure a good quality effluent/good operation and maintenance of the sewage treatment plant.

The complete report is presented in the appendix of the main project financing request report.

6.4 Economic and Financial Analysis The financial report, tariff plan, vodokanal budgets and projected incomes are presented in detail in the appendix of the main project/Tranche 2 financing request report.


6.5 Initial Environmental Examination An Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) study for the Fergana subproject was carried out following the Environment Policy (2002), and Environmental Assessment Guidelines (2003), of ADB’s Safeguards Policy Statement (2009), and relevant environmental policies and guidelines of the Government of Uzbekistan (GoU).

The IEE involved: (i) gathering baseline information available on the physical, chemical, biological, and socio-economic environment of the sub-project area and subcomponent sites and understanding the technical, social, and institutional aspects of the sub-projects; (ii) public consultation and field visits; (iii) screening of potential issues, concerns, and impacts relative to location, design, construction, and operation to distinguish those that are likely to be significant for a particular subcomponent and warranting further study; (iv) recommending measures to mitigate adverse issues, concerns, and impacts, particularly to the project design team; (v) preparing an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) indicating impact areas, recommended mitigation measures, method of monitoring the impacts and responsible persons; and (vi) proposing the institutional set up for implementation of the EMP. The base cost estimates include and allowance for implementation of the EMP and the works contract(s) will include a specific line item for the mitigation detailed in the EMP.

Based on the indication of the Rapid Environmental Assessment and the findings of the IEE, the classification of the Fergana subproject as Category “B” was confirmed, and no further special study or detailed EIA will be needed to be carried out to comply with the environmental policies of the ADB.

The complete IEE report is presented in the appendix of the main report.

6.6 Earthquake Zone The Fergana subproject area is located in a designated (Richter Scale) Earthquake Zone 8. Project design will incorporate strengthened of structures based on the related Uzbekistan standards.


Appendix 1. Design Criteria for Projected Water Demand by 2025


Consumption 2025 year Consumption Consumption м3/day м3/hour

Of them Population covered by Popula Name thousand centralized tion of towns people water thousa by 1.01.10 supply, nd thousand people calculated sec. from max.hour l/sec from calculated average.sec. average hour l/sec Population Industry Own and technological needs General Leakage General max. day average maximum. Water consumption l/day per person

Fergana 284,00 284,00 200 56800 14200 2840,0 73840,0 17721,6 114452, 4768,8 7272,5 2020,1 1324,7 233,1 Kirguli Subtotal 233,1 284,00 284,00 56800,00 14200 2840,00 73840,00 17721,60 114452 4768,83 7272,47 2020,13 1324,68 Margilan 202,52 265,80 265,80 180 47844 11961 5980,5 65785,5 15788,5 101967,5 4248,6 6479,2 1799,8 1180,2 Tashlak 16,4 16,90 16,88 150 2531,94 632,99 316,5 3481,4 835,5 5396,2 224,8 342,9 95,2 62,5 Subtotal 218,92 282,70 282,68 50375,94 12593,99 6296,99 69266,92 16624,06 107363,7 4473,5 6822,1 1895,0 1242,6 Total 452,02 567 567 107176 26794 9137 143107 34346 221816 9242 14095 3915 2567


Appendix 2 – Schematic of the Water Supply System


Appendix 3: Layout of Fergana Water Distribution Network


Appendix 4: Preliminary Bill of Quantities and Cost Estimates for Water System

Fergana Water Supply 1,535 US$ Dollars including: Investment costs UoM Q-ty Unit cost Total cost Civil works Equipment Rehabilitation of Pakana-Lyagan Wellfield Cleaning the boreholes units 32 16,217 518,952 518,952 0 Pumping stations on boreholes units 12 21,349 256,189 88,951 167,238 Pumping stations on boreholes units 28 23,197 649,517 190,667 458,850 Pumping stations on boreholes units 28 24,883 696,713 197,753 498,960 Equipment for pumping stations on boreholes units 68 4,414 300,137 79,372 220,765 Boreholes pumps automation sets 68 9,708 660,120 41,854 618,266 Reconstruction of fencing with gates units 1 288,811 288,811 288,811 0 Refurbishment of collection pipes 1 1,004,901 1,004,901 921,337 83,564 Subtotal 4,375,341 2,327,698 2,047,643 Reconstruction of Pakana-Lyagan WDU Reconstruction of reservoirs with capacity 5 000m3 units 2 303,407 606,814 602,457 4,357 Construction of booster pumping station units 1 867,377 867,377 510,915 356,461 Construction of electrolysis unit units 1 112,350 112,350 45,405 66,945 Reconstruction of technological services units 1 673,871 673,871 651,085 22,786 Reconstruction of control office - laboratory units 1 87,635 87,635 74,013 13,622 Construction of heating units units 3 11,735 35,205 25,183 10,023 Construction of warehouse units 1 11,767 11,767 11,767 0 Rehabilitation of gateway units 1 1,987 1,987 1,987 0 Rehabilitation of workshop units 1 42,409 42,409 22,950 19,459 Rehabilitation of garage units 1 25,003 25,003 21,987 3,016 Construction of gas utilities units 1 10,835 10,835 10,168 667 Water utilities units 1 17,400 17,400 17,400 0 Construction of toilet units 1 9,692 9,692 9,692 0 Landscaping and land improvement units 1 220,231 220,231 220,231 0 Construction of site power supply system units 1 97,228 97,228 90,211 7,017 Rehabilitation of fencing with gates units 1 57,997 57,997 57,997 0 Transformer substation 2x400 units 5 89,086 445,428 22,292 423,136 Subtotal 3,323,229 2,395,741 927,488 Rehabilitation of Ahunbabaevskiy WDU Rehabilitation of reservoirs with capacity 2000m3 units 2 27,810 55,620 51,263 4,357 Rehabilitation of Ahunbabaevskaya pumping station units 1 378,262 378,262 231,487 146,775 Rehabilitation of chlorination unit units 1 68,866 68,866 35,393 33,472 Rehabiltation of workshop units 1 27,145 27,145 22,050 5,094 Garage units 1 17,393 17,393 14,376 3,016 Technological services units 1 484,483 484,483 461,698 22,786 Site power supply units 1 94,184 94,184 82,490 11,694 Landscaping and land improvement units 1 70,362 70,362 70,362 0 Gateway units 1 1,987 1,987 1,987 0 Subtotal 1,198,301 971,105 227,195


Republic of Uzbekistan Uzbek Agency “UZKOMMUNHIZMAT”

ADB TA 7240-UZB: Water Supply and Sanitation Services Improvement Program (WSSSIP) Tranche 2

Final Report Sub Project for Kokand City


Table of Contents

1. BACKGROUND...... 1 1.1 Introduction...... 1 1.2 Project location...... 2 1.3 Scope of Appraisal Preparation-Water...... 2 1.4 Appraisal report (Technical)...... 3 1.5 Preliminary Design and Documentation for Government Approval...... 3 2.0 EXISTING WATER SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM...... 4 2.1 Existing Water System...... 4 2.2 Existing Operational Problems...... 4 2.2.1. Kokand Bulk Water Distribution Unit ...... 4 2.2.2. Mukini Water Distribution Unit 2.2.3. Transmission and Distribution Network...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.3 Current Water Quality...... 6 3.0 APPRAISAL REPORT CRITERIA...... 7 3.1 Peak Flow Factors...... 7 3.2 Pipeline Hydraulics-detailed design...... 8 3.2.1. Sizing...... 8 3.2.2. Hydraulic Calculation...... 8 3.2.3. Proposed System Layout ...... 8 4. WATER DEMANDS...... 9 5. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT WORKS...... 9 5.1 Part 1: New Supply Systems-from the Ming-Tut and Tulyash Well Fields .... 10 5.2 Part 2: Transmission Main Extension...... 10 5.3 Part 3: Rehabilitation of Distribution Network ...... 10 5.4 Part 4: Rehabilitation of Existing Water Distribution Units ...... 11 5.5 Recommendations ...... 11 5.6 Preliminary Cost Estimates...... 11 5.7 Improvement Benefits...... 12 5.7.1. Levels of Service...... 12 5.7.2. Operating Costs and Income ...... 12

5.8 Pipeline Materials...... 12 5.9 Civil and Mechanical Works...... 13 5.9.1. Storage Reservoir...... 13 5.9.2. Pumps 13 5.9.3. Chlorination...... 14 5.9.4 Plant and Equipment for Operation and Maintenance 5.9.5 Procurement Packages

6.0 Existing Sewerage System 6.1 Existing Sewage Collection and Treatment System 6.2 Existing Operational Problems...... 4 6.2.1. Kokand Sewage Collection System...... 4 6.2.2. Kokand Sewage Treatment Plant...... Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.3 Current Sewage Characterisitcs...... 6 7.0 APPRAISAL REPORT CRITERIA...... 7 7.1 Peak Flow Factors 7.2 Pipeline Hydraulics-detailed design...... 8 7.2.1.Sizing...... 8 7.2.2. Hydraulic Calculation...... 8 7.2.3. Proposed System Layout ...... 8 8. SEWAGE FLOWS...... 9 9.0 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT WORKS...... 9 9.1 Part 1: Collection System Rehabilitation 9.2 Part 2 Sewage Treament Plant ...... 10 9.3 Recommendation...... 10 9.4 Preliminary Cost Estimate ...... 11 9.5 Improvement Benefits...... 11 9.5.1 Levels of Service 9.5.2 Operating Cost and Income 9.6 Pipeline Materials 9.7 Civil and Mechanical Works...... 11 9.7.1. Pump Satations and STP Tanks ...... 13 9.7.2. Chlorination ...... 13 9.7.3. Plant and Equipment for O&M...... 14

9.7.4 Procurement Packages

10.0 Due Diligence 10.1 Land Acquisition and Resettlement ...... 25 10.2 Initial Social Analysis………………………………………………………………22 10.3 Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Development ...... 25 10.4 Economic and Financial Analysis...... 26 10.5 Initial Environmental Examination...... 26 10.6 Earthquake Zone...... 26


Appendix 1: Design Criteria for Projected Water Consumption to 2025

Appendix 2: Schematic of Kokand Bulk Water Supply System

Appendix 3: Layout of Kokand Water Distribution Network

Appendix 4: Schedule of Quantities and Preliminary Cost Estimates

Appendix 5: Design Criteria for Sewerage System

Appendix 6: Schematics of Proposed Kokand Sewerage System

(i) Collection System

(ii) Sewage Treatment Facility Layout

Appendix 7: Schedule of Quantities and Preliminary Cost Estimates


1.1 Introduction The proposed Multi-tranche Financing Facility program (Investment Program) was developed to be undertaken in 4 tranches over the period 2009 to 2018 with a design horizon of 15 years; ie the design year is 2025. The first tranche of the Investment Program approved by ADB in September 2009 is now under implementation by the Government. This report is prepared for the 5 cities under Tranche 2 of the Investment Program.

The water supply and sewerage systems in most of the towns and cities across the 12 provinces of Uzbekistan are in various stages of disrepair and require rehabilitation, upgrading and expansion. The total financing needs identified for the sector are estimated at $3.2 billion. ADB’s Investment Program will finance up to $375 million (including $75 million Government contribution) as a time slice of this requirement. As envisaged at project preparation, each tranche will focus on two to three different provinces, depending on population and costs. The Executing Agency for the Investment Program is the Uzbekistan Community Services Agency (UCSA), which is responsible for implementing externally financed projects in the sector.

Operation of the Inter-regional transmission mains (IRTMs) is the responsibility of provincial (oblast) water utilities (vodokanals). Delivery and operation and maintenance (O&M) of water supply and sewerage (WSS) services are the responsibility of district (rayon) water utilities (vodokanals). All vodokanals are potentially eligible to apply for inclusion under the Investment Program, but will be evaluated against the eligibility criteria agreed with the Government. Commitment by the vodokanals to institutional and financial reforms is an important aspect of eligibility, with a view to full sustainability after the water and sewerage facilities have been upgraded.

Under Tranche 2 of the Investment Program 5 subprojects located in 2 provinces have been identified as urgently required, and eligible, including:

Fergana Province:

• Fergana City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of existing water system;

• Fergana City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of existing water and sewerage systems;

• Margilan City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of existing water and sewerage systems,

• Kokand City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of existing water and sewerage systems,

Andijan Province:

• Andijan City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of existing water and sewerage systems.

These five subprojects have been confirmed as meeting the eligibility criteria and have been appraised in sufficient detail to confirm physical works, bill of quantities, cost estimates, O&M costs, environmental and social safeguards, and economic and financial sustainability. The appraisal report includes procurement packages and a procurement plan.

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This appraisal report is for the Kokand water supply and sewerage systems subproject.

1.2 Project location Kokand City is situated in Fergana Province. The proposed water supply system subproject includes expansion of the existing well field, construction of new wells, transmission mains and rehabilitation and expansion of the existing water distribution network in the urban areas. The Government has decided that the Project should focus on the most urgent needs and that additional identified works may be included in a subsequent tranche of the Investment Program, or be addressed through locally financed schemes. The existing sewerage system in Kokand consists of a gravity combined sewage collection system, as storm drainage from street drains also enters the sewage collectors, with sewage lift/pump stations, sewage trunk collectors and conventional activated sludge sewage treatment process. The proposed sewerage component includes rehabilitation, upgrading and expansion of the existing sewerage system.

1.3 Scope of Appraisal Preparation-Water The appraisal process for the Kokand report included:

• Site visits to the Kokand vodokanal to verify basic data. Obtain updated data and determine, from discussions with vodokanal management, as to how the current water supply and distribution system infrastructure operates and the problems encountered in operating the systems, and how to plan for the rehabilitation and expansion of the system; • Evaluate the Kokand proposal against the agreed eligibility criteria for participating in the Investment Program; • Review all UCSA reports and recommendations for the water sector in Uzbekistan and, in particular, for Kokand vodokanal; • Water quality aspects and treatment requirements to meet Uzbekistan standards; • Summarize the basic design criteria for 2025; population, water consumption/liters/capita/day (lpcd), quality and treatment requirements; • Identify the improvements required to bring the water supply, transmission and distribution system infrastructure in Kokand up to Uzbekistan water system service standards; • Develop options for delivering the identified improvements to the Kokand vodokanal infrastructures; • Analyse and select the preferred option available to deliver the improvements to the Kokand urban water distribution, based on value engineering and least cost principles, while meeting design and service standards; • Develop a bill of quantities for each of the water system; • Develop pre-design cost estimates for the rehabilitation of the water system; • Provide criteria, general specifications, to be used for the follow-on detailed design, tendering and construction;

2 of 40

• Prepare procurement packages and a procurement plans; • Prepare an initial environmental examination (IEE), including an environmental management plan (EMP), to mitigate identified impacts. Related costs are included as a line item in the subproject’s costs estimates; • Initial screening for resettlement requirements and preparation of a resettlement plan if required. Related costs are included as specific line item in the subproject’s costs estimates; • Prepare an economic and financial analysis; • Incorporate social and gender action plans including a program to improve hygiene in local schools, health clinics and hospitals; • Project revenue requirements, budget, and cost recovery plan including analysis of current and projected water tariff requirements, financing of gaps in revenue versus costs. Completed as part of the economic and financial analysis, as reported separately.

1.4 Appraisal report (Technical) The main objectives of the appraisal report, for the water system components are:

• Identify the operational problems currently impacting on the provision of adequate water supplies to customers of the Kokand urban water supply, transmission and distribution system. • Identify projections of water demand to include adequate provision for fire fighting according to Uzbekistan standards. • Develop options to improve water supply and distribution. • Provide recommendations for the investment requirements to improve water supplies for the Kokand urban area. • Develop pre-design cost estimates; • Develop criteria for use in the detailed designs of the Kokand city infrastructure improvements. • New water system to be designed so that water supply quality complies with Uzbekistan standards. Because the existing water facilities were planned and constructed during the Soviet era, the design capacities were based on projected growth that has not occurred and as such the designed capacity of the water systems are larger than currently required and many of the basic structures are underutilized. The oversized mechanical and electrical equipment has badly deteriorated and is only partially functioning. The proposed works are based on a least cost approach which has determined that rehabilitation and expansion of existing facilities is more cost effective than constructing new facilities

1.5 Preliminary Design and Docuation Government Approval After Government and ADB approval of Tranche 2 of the Investment Program, the work to be carried out by UCSA and their consultants will include:

• Carry out field surveys using GPS, satellite images, latest maps and supplementary field surveys.

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• Generate topographical maps and profile drawings for all proposed water pipelines and sewerage collection system, including all reference points, with details insets for the water system including hydrants, valves, meters, service connections, and other appurtenances and for the sewage system including manholes, pump stations, service connections, flow measuring devices and other appurtenances. • Confirm water production and demand, water quality, pumping and network operating pressures. • Use hydraulic network model to confirm pre-feasibility pipeline diameters and flows for the water distribution system. • Produce final design report, bill of quantities, specifications, and cost estimates the water systems. • Produce tender documents, procurement packages and a plan for the procurement process for the water systems. 2. EXISTING WATER SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM

2.1 Existing Water System The current population of Kokand City is 221,000 of which 98% (218,000) are covered by the urban water distribution network. There are an estimated 43,000 domestic connections as well as a number of commercial and institutional users. In addition, Dangara City is also covered by the Kokand system, with population of 33,443.

Bulk water supply to Kokand is currently provided from a well field consisting of 14 wells located at Ming-Tut, which provides an estimated 54,523 m3/day, through the bulk supply distribution unit.

The bulk water supply distribution unit (WDU) for Kokand is located at Ming-Tut. A 2.5 km, 800 mm DI pipeline connects the WDU to the city’s distribution system. The WDU currently has 2- 2000 m3 storage reservoirs, from where the water is pumped into the distribution network. Currently, the chlorination system is not in operation, the meter is inoperative and the pumps only run intermittently, being past their operating life. The pressure from the water distribution unit is less than 2 bars/20 meters. The water quality is good and meets Uzbekistan and WHO standards.

In addition, there is a WDU at Mukimi pumping station.

The majority of the distribution network has unlined steel pipes with diameters ranging from 50 mm to 400 mm. The distribution network also contains sections of asbestos cement and cast iron piping, all installed between 1961-1966. From 1998 to date polythene pipe has been installed.

2.2 Existing Operational Problems The city is currently experiencing many water supply and distribution problems. The key ones are:

2.2.1. Kokand Bulk Water Distribution Unit at Ming-Tut

(a) The existing 4,000 m3 storage reservoir is in poor condition, with leakage from the walls and floor joints; but is currently in operation.

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(b) The pumps are in poor condition, only 1 of 3 works, with less than 2 bars/20 meters of pressure.

(c) The chlorination system is inoperative, and while the well water quality is good, the leaky distribution system and interrupted supply could cause contamination from the surrounding ground water and street drainage, so maintaining a residual chlorine level is an Uzbekistan requirement.

(d) The mechanical water meter is in poor condition and inoperative;

(e) The water system only provides 4-6 hours daily. None of the domestic connections are metered, while some of the commercial and industrial users are metered, the meters are old and faulty; the vodokanal does not have a meter testing and repair shop. The current water consumption records are based on estimates of pump capacity times hours of operation and appear to be grossly over reported.

(f) Due to the low operating pressure at the water system consumers at the farther points of the distribution system and at higher elevation get little or no water; especially during peak hours and high consumption/summer days.

2.2.2 Mukini Water Distribution Unit

The pumps are in poor condition, inefficient and past their service life, producing less than 2 bars/20 meters of pressure;

2.2.3. Transmission and Distribution Network

Most of the distribution network consists of unlined steel pipe which is more than 40 years old. These water mains have a high level of deterioration and corrosion and are the cause of major network water losses with non revenue water (NRW) reported as >25%, including physical leakage and administrative losses. Due to the lack of system meters there is insufficient data is available to confirm the network losses; however it is likely that the physical water losses will exceed 45%. (Vodokanals tend to use the hours of pump operation multiplied by the pump capacity for estimating water losses, and in the absence of accurate meters, these normative values are used for reporting water supply and calculating losses).

Key Performance Indicators, for assessing the need for water mains renewal and rehabilitation program are not available; these include:

• NRW (m3/km/day)

• Pipe Repairs (Number/km/year)

• NRW (litres/connection/day)

• Bacteriological Failures (number/km/year)

• Chemical Failures (Number/km/year)

• Customer Complaints (Number/km/year)

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• Pressure testing and leakage detection

However, this information is not currently tracked by the Kokand vodokanal (their assessment of rehabilitation requirements is based on the age of pipes). The need for rehabilitation recommended in this report is based on physical condition of sample pipe from previous repairs, the estimated losses and experience of the vodokanal. More detailed evaluations of the physical condition of the water mains, including metering, pressure testing and leakage detection, will be carried out as a part of the detailed design.

The combination of water losses in the network, high degree of deterioration of the cast iron and steel pipelines, limited supply schedules/hours of operation and low operating pressures means that all connected customers receive poor service, much below Uzbekistan standards. In the majority of cases no water is available above the ground floor in multi-story buildings, nor is there sufficient flow or pressure to meet fire protection standards.

In addition to the lack of water flow information, the leakage reported by the vodokanal is based on the operating condition of the existing system; ie low volume and low pressure, limited to 1.2-1.7 bars in most systems, this translates to 12-17 meters of head, and explains why there is no water pressure above the second floor of buildings. The existing operating pressure in Kokand is much below the Uzbekistan standard of 40-60 meters of head (4-6 bars). The new systems will be designed to provide the required pressure, and once operative would cause much higher leakage than that reported, unless the corroded and leaky pipes are replaced.

2.3 Current Water Quality The water quality indicators for the current Kokand water supply are in Table 1 below; based on this data the Kokand water supply is of good quality and well within Uzbekistan standards.

Table 1 – Kokand Water Quality Information

Kokand Water Quality Analysis Component Unit WHO Uzbek Standard Kokand 950:2000 WDU PH Units 6.5-8.5 6-9 8.1 TDS mg/l 1000 1000 (1500) 184 Calcium Ca mg/l 200 Sodium Na mg/l 200 Chloride Cl mg/l 250 250 Sulphate SO4 mg/l 400 60-105 Nitrate NO3 mg/l 50 45 2.5 Hardness Ca+Mg Mg*ecv/l 500 7/10 4-5 Turbidity NTU 1.5/2.0 Ammonium NH4 mg/l 0.5 Polyphosphate mg/l 3.5 Phosphorus

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Fluoride F mg/l 1.5 0.7 0.5 Nitrite NO2 mg/l 3 3 Iron Fe mg/l 0.3 0.3 Manganese Mn mg/l 0.5 0.1 Copper Cu mg/l 1 1 Lead Pb mg/l 0.01 0.03 Chromium Cr mg/l 0.05 0.05 Cadmium Cd mg/l 0.003 0.001 Zinc Za mg/l 3 3 Nickel Ni mg/l 0.07 0.1 Arsenic As mg/l 0.01 0.05 Alpha Bq/l 0.1 0.1 Beta Bq/l 1 1 Aluminium Al mg/l 0.2(0.5*) Beryllium Be mg/l 0.002 N/c Boron B mg/l 0.5 N/c Cadmium Cd mg/l 0.001 N/c Molybdenum mg/l 0.25 N/c Mo Mercury Hg mg/l 0.0005 N/c Lead Pb mg/l 0.03 N/c Selenium Se mg/l 0.01 N/c Strontium Sr mg/l 7 N/c Benzol C6H6 mkg/l 10 N/c Benzpyrene mkg/l 0.01 N/c Polyakrilamid mkg/l 2 N/c Total Coliforms MPN/100ml Not Allowed <100 N/c E Coli MPN/100ml Not allowed <3 Free Chlorine mg/l 0.2 – 0.3 N/c –Not conducted (Analysis) N/a – Not available

3. APPRAISAL REPORT CRITERIA The general design criteria for the Kokand water system used in this appraisal report to determine the operating pressure, main and pipe diameter and related operational fittings (valves, meters, air valves, non return valves and fire hydrants) for the proposed transmission and distribution mains are summarized below. While the Uzbekistan standards for minimum pressure, fire fighting and hours of supply have been followed, these will be further checked and expanded in the detailed design stage.

3.1 Peak Flow Factors Uzbekistan standards have been used to calculate the multiplying factor for the peak day flow rate. This varies from 1.3 to over 2 times the daily average demand. This takes into account the 10 l/sec additional flow required to be provided for fire fighting purposes, for a two hour eventuality as per the

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SNIP (Uzbekistan regulatory standards). The peak day design capacity of the rehabilitated Kokand water system is 100,000 m3/day.

The basic design criteria are in Appendix 1.

3.2 Pipeline Hydraulics-detailed design 3.2.1. Sizing

Pipelines will be sized to meet the maximum specified flow rate and to achieve the defined levels of service. Inlet mains from bulk supply to the bulk distribution storage will not be required to meet the full peak flow rates.

3.2.2. Hydraulic Calculation

Hydraulic calculations using the Hazen Williams Equation for the calculation of friction loss; the roughness factor applied for HDPE is 1001.

In the detailed design stage it is recommended the hydraulic calculations be conducted using Water Cad computer software.

3.2.3. Proposed System Layout

Generally, the final design of the water supply and distribution layout will depend on the following factors, to be incorporated in the detailed design:

• Quantities of water to be pumped, based on peak hour and fire flows • Operating Pressure • Reliability of supply • Good access for maintenance • Location of valves, air/vacuum relief valves and washouts. • Adverse ground conditions and difficult terrain. • Pipe materials and corrosion protection systems in aggressive or contaminated grounds for ductile iron or steel pipe. • Crossing of railways and water courses • Depth of frost penetration • Rights of way/private ground. • Traffic loading • Location of other utility lines and conduits

1 This is a conservative figure – HDPE can be rated at up 140, but doing do makes little difference to pipe diameters

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• Ease of operation After all the above points have been taken into consideration, site investigations undertaken and agreement reached with other utility (telephone, gas, electrical, cable, etc) operators, the most appropriate pipeline route can be selected. Usually the replacement of, and installation of new water mains and distribution pipes, will follow existing road, street and other utility rights of way.

4. WATER DEMANDS From the data available for analysis the water demands for the period 2009 to 2025 is indicated in Table 2 below:

Table 2 – Water demands for the period of 2010 to 2005

Water Demand Factors 2010 2015 2025

Total Population of Kokand Urban Area 221,000 243,000 273,000 Total Population of Dangara 33,400 36,700 41,000 Total population connected 100% by 2025 242,000 277,000 314,000 Population Increase 2009 to 2025 – 2 %/year 35,000 73,000 Number of Domestic Water Connections (a) 43,600 50,000 63,000 Domestic Water Consumption – l/c/day(b) 179 150 200 Daily Domestic Water Demand –m3/day 39,100 41,400 63,000 Budget, Commercial and Industrial Consumption – 4,000 5,000 7,000 m3/day Avg Daily Water Demand – m3/day 43,100 46,400 70,000 Expected Peak Day Supply – m3/day ; 37,000 100,000 100,000 Existing source at: Ming-Tut well field 37,400 37,400 37,400 New source at: Tulyash well field 62,600 62,600 Distribution Losses – % 45 32 20 Water Available for – Domestic and Industrial – m3/day 20,350 68,000 80,000

Note: (a) Assumes 5 persons per household for design purposes. (b) The reported consumption seems to be based on the design capacity of the system, but the social surveys indicated that less than 40 lpcd is actually available. 5. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT WORKS Due to the extensive deterioration of the existing water system only the most urgent and major components can be replaced under this subproject/Investment Program. Continued improvement of the systems will need to be carried out even after this intervention by the provincial PIU and/or Kokand vodokanal. Their technical capacity will have been strengthened under the Investment Program. The tariff reform, reduced leakages and improved energy efficiency will lead to increasing revenues enabling the Kokand vodokanal to conduct its own leakage detection and repair, meter maintenance and expansion to connect new consumers as the population increases. If further evaluations reveal that more work is required now to attain targets of improved service/leakage reduction, UCSA could consider such follow-on works under later tranches of the Investment Program.

The measures to be taken to improve and expand the water supply for Kokand are below.

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5.1 Part 1: New Supply System-from the Ming-Tut and Tulyash Well Fields (a) Rehabilitate existing 14 well(s) at Ming-Tut; chemical treatment and surging, new screens if necessary, new pumps, meters, valves, mechanical and electrical systems, control system and related structures. Rehabilitated capacity will be 37,400 m3/day;

(b) Replace existing raw water transmission main from the well field to the WDU with new 2.5 km, 800 mm diameter DI pipe;

(c) Construct new well field at Tulyash, 4 well pads, each with 3 boreholes, total 12 new wells, to provide 62,600 m3/day of additional supply, complete with all mechanical, electrical and control systems. The well pads will be spaced at 300 meters. The 3 boreholes in each well pad will draw water from different depths of the aquifer, varying from 60-150 meters. The casing will be 55-300 mm and the well screen/filter will be 200 mm diameter. The well pumps will have capacity of 290 m3/hour, with a 40 meter head. The 12 wells will be connected by 400-600 mm diameter pipe. The electricity for the well field will be provided by a new 36/6kW transformer substation, fed by 3 km of overhead power line. Each pump will have an electricity meter to monitor amperage and power consumption.

Note: the capacity of both the Ming-Tut and Tulyash well fields have been confirmed by hydro- geological studies.

The schematic layout of the water supply system is in Appendix 2 and the bill of quantities and cost estimate is in Appendix 4.

5.2 Part 2: Transmission Main Extension It is proposed that the following rehabilitation and improvement work be undertaken in the transmission system:

Construct new 9.3 km, 800 mm diameter (design pressure of P=0.6 MPa) raw water transmission main from Tulyash well field to the existing WDU at Ming-Tut.

The layout of the transmission main lengths and diameters are in Appendix 2. The bill of quantities and cost estimates are in Appendix 4.

5.3 Part 3: Rehabilitation of Distribution Network It is proposed that rehabilitation of 66 km of existing pipe and construction of be undertaken in the water distribution system: Note: Final quantities will be based on the detailed evaluation of the existing pipe, leakage detection testing, during detailed surveys and analysis of the detailed design).

Rehabilitate/replace existing pipe as follows:

(a) 11.4 km of 400 mm HDPE pipe;

(b) 18.1 km of 300 mm HDPE pipe;

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(c) 18.6 km of 200 mm HDPE pipe:

(d) 16.5 km of 150 mm HDPE pipe;

(e) 1.2 km of 100 mm HDPE pipe;

(f) Includes all hydrants, valves, structures and replacement of property connections.

New Distribution Network Extension in Mukimi area:

(a) 2.4 km of 150 mm HDPE pipe;

(b) 0.83 km of 100 mm HDPE pipe;

(c) 0.75 km of 50 mm HDPE pipe.

(d) Install property connections along with all new and replacement pipe.

The schematic of the rehabilitated distribution system is in Appendix 3 and the bill of quantities and cost estimate are in Appendix 4.

5.4 Part 4: Rehabilitation of Existing Water Distribution Units The following water system rehabilitation and improvement works will be required:

(a) Rehabilitate the WDU at Ming-Tut, with capacity of 84,000 m3/day-consisting of two new 10,000 m3 reservoirs (total storage of 20,000 m3) capacity reinforced concrete (RC) storage reservoirs, to meet peak water, and fire fighting, demands. Rehabilitate the pump house structure, provide new pumps, chlorinator (calcium hydrochloride), supply warehouse, electrical transformer station, switch gear and motor control panels, site and related facilities.

(b) Rehabilitate the WDU at Mukimi, refurbish structures and buildings, replace pumps, chlorination system, and related mechanical, electrical and control systems and site.

Layout of the proposed rehabilitated Kokand water supply is in Appendix 2. The related bill of quantities and cost estimate are in Appendix 4.

5.5 Recommendations The preliminary layouts of the water supply, WDU and transmission systems are in Appendix 2, while the layout of the distribution system is in Appendix 3. The bill of quantities and estimated costs are in Appendix 4. It is recommended that the improvements described, above be implemented, with adjustments as necessary during detailed design.

5.6 Preliminary Cost Estimates The preliminary base cost estimates for Kokand water component is $14,095,810, including spare parts, O&M equipment and an allowance for detailed design. The breakdown of the costs based on

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preliminary bill of quantities is in Appendix 4. However, these should be updated during detailed design.

5.7 Improvement Benefits The following benefits are expected from the improved works:

5.7.1. Levels of Service

On completion of the proposed improvement works water supply that will be available to 100% of all existing customers and all new connections ise 200 lpcd by 2026. System operating pressures will be a minimum of 4 bars or 40 m of head.

The hours of service will increase to 24 hrs/day y 2020.

Water quality supplied to comply with Uzbekistan water quality standards.

5.7.2. Operating Costs and Income

(a) Initially billed income will increase when the new system becomes operative as consumers will have access to water 24 hrs/day compared with the current 4-6 hours per day. Furthermore supply will continue to improve in stages between 2012 and 2018, due to reduction in real network water losses as the rehabilitation is completed and leakage detection and repair programs are introduced in the Kokand vodokanal, along with the new feeder main system, reservoir storage and booster pumps.

(b) The real water losses in the distribution network are expected to be reduced by a minimum of 15%, when the proposed distribution system rehabilitation work is completed.

(c) Cost of materials and leakage repairs will be less as the numbers of defects reduces after the completion of the sub-project works.

(d) There will be an increase in electricity costs for operation of the new pumps, as there will be 12 more well pumps, the water system capacity will have increased compared to the existing low levels; however the new pumps will have high efficiency. The existing pumps are obsolete, with low efficiency, estimated at less than 50%. The new pumps and motors will have a combined efficiency of > 79%.

(e) The estimated O&M costs of the rehabilitated system, including effective chlorination systems, will be determined in conjunction with the vodokanal, during detailed design.

(f) Pipeline Materials: the transmission and distribution mains up to and including 315 mm diameter will be of HDPE Class PN 25 (or equivalent).

The pipelines between the import point to the outlet from the booster pump will be flanged ductile iron with cement mortar lining to EN BS 545 (or equivalent).

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5.8 Pipeline Materials The transmission and distribution mains up to and including 315 mm diameter will be of HDPE Class PN 25 (or equivalent).

The pipelines between the import point to the outlet from the booster pump will be flanged ductile iron with cement mortar lining to EN BS 545 (or equivalent).

5.9 Civil and Mechanical Works 5.9.1. Storage Reservoirs

The reservoirs will be constructed from reinforced concrete, there will be an inlet main with ball valve, DN 400 mm outlet main with valve, DN 400 mm with valve to a washout main and DN 400 mm overflow pipe. The discharge from the overflow and washout pipe will be discharged to a local drain.

Two access points to the reservoir will be provided in the roof slab, with access ladders internally and externally at the access points. DN 100 mm vents and roof drainage system will be installed.

A 200 mm EM or ultrasonic water meters will be installed between the import point and the inlet to the storage reservoir.

A reservoir water level indication gauge will be installed in the pumping station building.

5.9.2. Pumps

The duty pumps in the WDUs may be variable speed type, for more efficient operational management, particularly at times of low demands. These pumps have lower energy demands as they automatically adjust their output to match variations in system pressure.

Velocity in the variable speed pump manifold will be designed to be around 1.0 m/s to improve the NPSH (net pressure suction head) available at the pumps. The pump discharge velocity should in general be less than 1.5 l/s to minimize hydraulic losses. The standby pump capacity will be 100% of the operational requirement.

The pump efficiency will be > 83%, based on a single stage centrifugal pump with horizontal split casing driven through a flexible coupling. The electric motor will be continuously rated at least 15% above the power adsorbed by the pump at the duty pump, the motor efficiency shall not be less than 96%. The combined efficiency will be >79%.

The pumping system will be located in the WDU at Ming-Tut.

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5.9.3. Chlorination

(a) Chlorination is proposed to be provided by a liquid dosing system using calcium hydrochloride powder, which will be mixed appropriately with water. If chlorine gas was to be used the system would consist of the following facilities. The chlorination building will have 2 separate rooms, one for the gas cylinders and the second one for the chlorine feed equipment. Both doors into the building must open outwards.

(b) The following chlorination equipment must be installed:

• Chlorine cylinders filled with 65 kg liquid Cl2, suitable for drinking water.

• Isolating valves for each cylinder, gas manifold from cylinders to the chlorinators.

• Automatic cylinder change-over switch actuated by a pressure gauge.

• Emergency shut-off valve.

• Pressure reducing valve with pressure gauges and strainer.

• Safety vent valve with outgoing pipe ending above the building roof.

• Vacuum regulating valve and vacuum safety valve.

• Control panel for controlling components installed in the chlorine storage room, including alarm light and audible alarm of chlorine leakage. (c) The chlorinator will be of the modular, V-notch, vacuum operated type housed in free standing cubicles. The chlorinators will be operated in conjunction with motive water pumps and each chlorinator shall be complete with its injector unit, manifold gas inlet, vent and drain lines. The chlorinators shall also be complete with a flow meter having a 20:1 range, differential pressure regulator and vacuum/pressure relief devices.

(d) The following health and safety equipment should be provided:

• Gas leakage and monitoring equipment

• Controlled air ventilation of chlorine building.

• Safety equipment and leak detection/alarm equipment.

• Chlorine leak detection sample equipment

• Water test equipment.

Note: If gas chlorinators are to be used the vodokanal staff must be properly trained in its operation, regular maintenance, and safety procedures.

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5.9.4 Plant and Equipment for O&M

PPTA consultants in conjunction with PPMU and vodokanal will determine and agree the following:

• A list of equipment required for the vodokanal to maintain after the rehabilitated works;

• Vehicles and excavators

• O&M maintenance equipment,

• Emergency pipe stocks based on usage and diameter.

• Pipe stocks for network extensions and diversions.

• Fittings for replacing and installing /new service connections,

• Joints and VJ repair clamps for mains and service repairs.

• Safety equipment.

• Computers and office equipment.

• Replacement of domestic water meters

5.9.5 Procurement Package

The indicated equipment, materials and civil works for the Kokand water supply subproject will be procured through Uzbekistan’s procedures following ADB’s Procurement Guidelines under Asian Development Bank Loans.


6.1 Existing Sewage Collection and Treatment System The current population of Kokand City is 221,000 and the population of Mukimiy Village 33,4000, of which 36% (81,000) are covered by the sewage collection network. There are 24,410 domestic, 118 institutional, 865 commercial and 27 industrial connections. The first sewers and pump stations were built in 1940 to service various areas within the city. A centralized system was constructed in 1974, with capacity of 100,000 m3/day, but most of this volume has not yet materialized. The Kokand sewage system also treats wastewater from Mukimiy village. Based on vodokanal records the sewage flow in 2009 was 36,920 m3/day.

The Kokand sewerage system consists of the following major components:

• Sewage collection system; 179 km of concrete sewage pipe with diameter ranging from 150 mm to1000 mm. There are 2 pump stations; one built in 1970, but rehabilitated in 2004, the second is in Mukimiy town about 6 km south of the city;

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• The collection system discharges into two gravity collectors; The Ishanabad collector with diameter ranging from 1200-1500 mm flows for 9.3 km to the sewage treatment plant (STP); and the Dangara collector with 1000 mm diameter which flows for 11 km to the STP;

• Sewage treatment plant is located 9 km north of the city, the treatment process is activated sludge, 100,000 m3/day capacity, wet well, screening, primary settling tanks, aeration basins/tanks, secondary settling tanks, sludge stabilization by aerobic digester and sludge dewatering on drying beds. Sludge is used by farmers as soil conditioner. The effluent is chlorinated and discharged through an outfall to the Naymansay drain into the Sirdaya River.

6.2 Existing Operational Problems (Sewage System) The city is currently experiencing many problems with the sewerage system. The key ones are:

6.2.1. Kokand Sewage Collection system

About 31 km of the sewage collection network consists of uncoated/non sulphate resistant concrete pipe which is 35-70 years old old. These sewage mains have a high level of deterioration and corrosion and are the cause of major network leakage and infiltration of ground water in high groundwater areas. Due to the lack of system flow meters there is insufficient data available to confirm the network leakage/infiltration.

Reason for collection system deterioration: Much of the collection system suffers from heavy corrosion due to low slopes and lack of regular flushing which has caused a build up of solids in many areas of the pipe. This accumulation of solids when decomposing, gives of gasses which when combined with the moisture in the system creates sulphuric acid which in turn corrodes the unlined concrete sewage pipe, manholes and pump stations. As a result some of the pipe and manholes have collapsed or are about to collapse and need urgent rehabilitation or replacement.

The 2 pump stations in the sewage collection system suffer from corrosion of the wet wells and the pumps, related electrical and mechanical equipment is mostly in poor operating condition, due to a lack of technical capacity of vodokanal staff and insufficient funding for operations and maintenance (O&M) to repair and replace worn parts and generally provide preventative maintenance.

The need for rehabilitation of the sewerage system recommended in this report is based on the physical condition of sample pipe from previous repairs and visual inspection of manholes, pump stations and existing sewage treatment plant. More detailed evaluations of the physical condition of the sewage collection system, including sewage flow metering, will be carried out as a part of the detailed design.

6.2.2 Kokand Sewage Treatment Plant

The nominal/design capacity of the existing STP is 62,000 m3/day, however rthe actual capacity is much less as most of the pumps and air compressors are inoperative. The existing condition of the main components is as follows:

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• Wet well-the concrete is corroded, heavy siltation and accumulation of solids creates gasses that corrode the unlined concrete walls;

• The pump station pumps, mechanical, electrical and control systems are outdated and inefficient, leading to frequent breakdown and high power costs;

• The primary and secondary clarifiers suffer from corrosion of the concrete tanks, wear and corrosion of mechanical, electrical and control systems, due to inadequate O&M and because these systems are well past replacement age;

• The aeration tanks, blowers/motors and a compressors and related mechanical, electrical and control systems suffer from corrosion and wear and tear of the mechanical, electrical and control systems, only 1-2 compressors are running, much of the air piping and diffusers are corroded and inoperative;

• The sludge handling, dewatering and disposal system also suffer from corrosion and wear of all pumps, mechanical, electrical and control systems due to inadequate O&M;

• The sludge dewatering system consists of sludge drying beds, but these are in poor condition, as found during site inspection.

• Existing buildings are in disrepair and need rehabilitation, with laboratories, equipment, chemicals, etc. being mostly inoperative.

6.3 Current Sewage Characteristics The sewage characteristics of the current Kokand system from sample in 2009 are in Table 2 below.

Table 1 – Kokand Sewage Analysis

Kokand Sewage Analysis Component Unit Influent Effluent UZB Standards PH Units 6.8 7.2 Total Dissolved mg/l 612 604 1000 Solids TDS Calcium Ca mg/l 7.9 7.2 Alkalinity mg/l 4.9 4.3 Chloride Cl mg/l 57 41 Sulphate SO4 mg/l 174 156 200 Nitrate NO3 mg/l 0.86 1.88 9.1 Chemical Oxygen mg/l 62 20 100 Demand COD Turbidity NTU 19 30 Ammonium NH4 mg/l 7.7 1.3 10 Polyphosphate mg/l 2.0 2.3 3.2 Phosphorus

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Biological Oxygen mg/l 12.5 3.1 5.0 Demand Nitrite NO2 mg/l 0.055 0.035 0.1 Iron Fe mg/l 0.82 0.36 0.5 Colloidal solids mg/l 63.0 13.0 20.0 Oil mg/l 1.53 0.04 2.0 Lead Pb mg/l n/a n/a Chromium Cr mg/l n/a n/a Cadmium Cd mg/l n/a n/a Zinc Za mg/l n/a n/a Nickel Ni mg/l n/a n/a Arsenic As mg/l n/a n/a N/c –Not conducted (Analysis) N/a – Not available 7. APPRAISAL REPORT CRITERIA The general design criteria for the Kokand sewage system used in this appraisal report to determine the designs of the rehabilitation of the existing components are summarized below. Basic assumption is that 80% of the population in design year 2025 will be connected to the sewerage system. While the Uzbekistan standards have been followed, these will be further checked and expanded in the detailed design stage.

7.1 Peak Flow Factors Uzbekistan standards have been used to calculate the multiplying factor for the peak day flow rate of the wastewater. This varies from 1.3 to 1.5 times the daily average demand. The amount of infiltration cannot be estimated at this time and should be evaluated during detailed design.

The basic design criteria are in Appendix 5.

7.2 Sewage System hydraulics-design basis 7.2.1. Sizing

Collection mains will be sized to meet the average day flow rate and to achieve the defined levels of service. Pump stations, rising mains, collector sewers, pump stations and the STP will be based on the peak day flows.

7.2.2. Hydraulic Calculation

Hydraulic calculations using the Hazen Williams Equation for the calculation of friction loss; the roughness factor applied for the rehabilitated concrete pipe will be determined as part of the detail design.

In the detailed design stage it is recommended the hydraulic calculations be conducted using Sewage Cad computer software.

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7.2.3. Proposed System Layout

Generally, the final design of the sewage collection system layout will depend on the following factors, to be incorporated in the detailed design:

• Quantities of sewage, based on peak day flows • Sewage mains and collectors gradients/slopes • Good access for maintenance • Location of manholes and pump stations • Adverse ground conditions and difficult terrain. • Pipe materials and corrosion protection systems in aggressive corrosive condition. • Crossing of drains and other features • Rights of way/private ground. • Traffic loading • Location of other utility lines, conduits and equipment • Ease of operation After all the above points have been taken into consideration, site investigations undertaken and agreement reached with other utilites (telephone, gas, electrical, cable, etc) operators, the most appropriate routes/locations can be determined, The rehabilitated and new sewerage system facilities will follow existing road, street and other utility rights of way.

8. SEWAGE FLOWS Sewage flows is based on the data available for analysis based on the water demands for the period 2010 to 2025 is indicated in Table 2 below:

Table 2 – Sewage flows for the period of 2010 to 2005

Sewage Flow Factors (estimated) 2010 2015 2025

Total Population of Kokand Urban Area 221,000 243,000 273,000 Rural areas also served/Dangara 33,400 36,700 41,000 Total population connected -70% in 2025 80,000 120,000 207,000 Population Increase 2010 to 2025 - 2%/year 25,300 60,000 Number of Domestic Sewage Connections (a) 24410 24,000 41,400 90% of Water Consumption (185 lpcd) – l/c/day(b) 150 185 Daily Domestic Sewage Flow –m3/day 19,000 20,000 37,800 Budget, Commercial and Industrial flows – m3/day 5,000 10,000 18,000 Total Sewage Flows--m3/day 24,700 30,000 55,800

Infiltration – 20% 9,000 6,000 7,200 Design Flows, m3/day 33,700 36,000 62,000

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Notes: (a) Includes domestic, commercial, budget and industrial. (b) Based on 90% of water consumption, though normative values would be 80%, so includes some allowance for infiltration. Estimates of infiltration to be checked during detailed design. 9. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT WORKS Due to the extensive deterioration of the existing sewerage system only the most urgent and major components can be replaced under this subproject/Investment Program. Continued improvement of the system will need to be carried out even after this intervention by the provincial PIU and/or Kokand vodokanal. Their technical capacity will have been strengthened under the Investment Program. Sewage tariff reform, reduced infiltration and improved energy efficiency will lead to increasing revenues enabling the Kokand vodokanal to conduct its own repairs and cleaning/O&M, and expansion to connect new consumers to the sewage system as the population increases. If further evaluations reveal that more work is required now to attain targets of improved sewage collection and treatment, UCSA could consider such follow-on works under later tranches of the Investment Program.

In addition to rehabilitation for the existing sewage collection, pumping and treatment system, the collection system will be expanded to connect more areas of the city to the sewerage system.

The measures to be taken to improve and expand the sewerage system for Kokand are below.

9.1 Part 1: Sewage Collection System Rehabilitation:

(a) Rehabilitate/replace 26.9 km of existing street collector mains, estimated as;

15.6 km of 200 mm pipe, 1.3 km of 300 mm pipe, 1.5 km of 400 mm pipe, 7 km of 600 mm and 1.5 km of 800 mm pipe;

(b) ) Rehabilitate 2 pump stations, complete with civil works and buildings, new pumps, mechanical, electrical and control systems, including spare parts and consumables for 3 years;


(a) Construct 45.6 km of new sewage collectors, estimated as;

19.1 km of 200 mm pipe, 16.8 km of 300 mm pipe, 3.2 km of 400 mm pipe and 6.5 km of 500 mm pipe.

(b) Provide sewage collection system and pump station cleaning and maintenance equipment, vehicles and tools for proper operation and maintenance.

The layout of the sewage collection system is in Schematic 1 of Appendix 6. The bill of quantities and cost of the proposed Kokand sewage collection system is in Appendix 7.

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9.2 Part 2: Sewage Treatment Plant It is proposed that the following rehabilitation and improvement work be undertaken at the existing sewage treatment plant to rebuild this plant to capacity of 62,000 m3/day. The rehabilitation of the main components include:

• Rehabilitate/reconstruct the concrete walls, provide new screens and screenings collection system, 3 new aerated grit removal chambers and disposal system;

• Construct inlet facility for dumping of septic tank pump out waste from truck;

• Wet well pump station-replace 2 pumps and all related piping, mechanical, electrical and control systems and access facilities (railings, ladders);

• Primary (2) and secondary (4) clarifiers-rehabilitate 2 concrete tanks, replace all piping, mechanical, electrical and control systems and access facilities (railings, ladders,;

• Aeration tanks-replace blowers/motors and compressors, and all related piping, mechanical, electrical and control systems and access facilities (railings, ladders);

• Provide new liquid chlorination facility, rehabilitate effluent discharge facilities;

• Sludge handling/aerobic digestion, dewatering and disposal system-replace pumps and mechanical, electrical and control systems;

• Sludge dewatering system-rehabilitate/construct new sludge drying beds;

• Rehabilitate workshops, office, equipment and chemical storage buildings, laboratory, and office building;

• Provide new maintenance equipment, vehicles, tools, spare parts, chemicals and consumables.

The layout of the STP is in Schematic 2 of Appendix 6. The schedule of quantities and the cost estimates for the proposed rehabilitated sewage treatment plant are in Appendix 7.

Note: During detailed design, the option of using anaerobic digestion, with methane gas collection and storage, should be investigated in detail. This would reduce power requirements and the methane gas collected could be used to power a gas generator which could produce sufficient power to run the plant and perhaps even sell excess electricity to the power grid. The capital cost of anaerobic digestion will add several million dollars of cost to the sewage treatment plant rehabilitation. The sewage plant may then qualify for registration with the Clean Development Mechanism which would provide carbon credits. However, there is little experience in Uzbekistan with anaerobic sludge digestion; the anaerobic digestion at the Tashkent sewage treatment plant is not being operated due to lack of process skills and concern about safety issues related to the handling of the potentially explosive methane gas. Before this option is pursued further, the ability of the Kokand vodokanal to operate an anaerobic methane gas system safely would need to be confirmed.

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9.3 Recommendations It is recommended that the improvements as described be implemented, with adjustments as necessary during detailed design.

9.4 Preliminary Cost Estimates The preliminary cost estimates for the Kokand sewerage system subproject works is $30,536,000, including spare parts, operations and maintenance equipment, laboratory equipment and detailed engineering. The cost estimate based on preliminary data and bill of quantities is in Appendix 7. However, these should be updated during detailed design.

9.5 Improvement Benefits The following benefits are expected from the improved works:

9.5.1. Levels of Service

On completion of the proposed improvement works the sewage collection system will be available to all existing customers and 44,000 new customers (80% of total in 2025), with less infiltration, working pump stations, less odour and better level of treatment/quality of effluent.

Sewage effluent should meet Uzbekistan standards.

9.5.2. Operating Costs and Income

(a) The vodokanal will need to establish a sewage tariff or fee, related to the water consumption of each metered customer, as an additional line item on the water bill, or as a new charge.

(b) Cost of materials and leakage repairs will be less as the numbers of defects reduces after the completion of the sub-project works.

(c) There should be a decrease in electricity costs for operation of the rehabilitated pump stations and the STP. The existing pumps and air compressors are obsolete and have low efficiency, estimated at less than 50%. The new pumps and motors will have a combined efficiency of > 79%.

(e) The estimated O&M costs of the rehabilitated sewerage system, including effective sludge disposal will be determined in conjunction with the vodokanal, during detailed design.

(f) Pipeline materials; the collection system pipe will be sulphate resistant concrete (or equivalent).

The rising main pipe material and piping in the STP will be HDPE Class PN 25 (or equivalent).

9.6 Pipeline Materials The transmission and distribution mains up to and including 315 mm diameter will be of HDPE Class PN 25 (or equivalent).

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Sewage collection pipe and collectors will be PVC or sulphate resistant concrete.

9.7 Civil and Mechanical Works 9.7.1. Pump Stations and STP Tanks

Concrete works will be with sulphate resistant cement reinforced with reinforcing steel and all surfaces lined with corrosion resistant material; coal tar epoxy or equivalent.

All pump stations will be equipped with sewage flow meters.

Pumps will be designed to ensure an efficient NPSH (net pressure suction head) is available for the pumps. The pump discharge velocity should in general be less than 1.5 l/s to minimize hydraulic losses. The standby pump capacity will be 100% of the operational requirement.

The pump efficiency will be > 83%, based on a single stage centrifugal pump with horizontal split casing driven through a flexible coupling. The electric motor will be continuously rated at least 15% above the power adsorbed by the pump at the duty pump, the motor efficiency shall not be less than 96%. The combined efficiency will be >79%.

9.7.2. Chlorination

(a) The capacity of vodokanals to O&M gas chlorinators, even after capacity building and training should be reviewed carefully by UCSA during detailed design. Assuming gas will be used the chlorination building will have 2 separate rooms, one for the gas cylinders and the second one for the chlorine feed equipment. Both doors into the building must open outwards.

(b) The following chlorination equipment must be installed:

• Chlorine cylinders filled with 65 kg liquid Cl2, suitable for drinking water.

• Isolating valves for each cylinder, gas manifold from cylinders to the chlorinators.

• Automatic cylinder change-over switch actuated by a pressure gauge.

• Emergency shut-off valve.

• Pressure reducing valve with pressure gauges and strainer.

• Safety vent valve with outgoing pipe ending above the building roof.

• Vacuum regulating valve and vacuum safety valve.

• Control panel for controlling components installed in the chlorine storage room, including alarm light and audible alarm of chlorine leakage. (c) The chlorinator will be of the modular, V-notch, vacuum operated type housed in free standing cubicles. The chlorinators will be operated in conjunction with motive water pumps and each

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chlorinator shall be complete with its injector unit, manifold gas inlet, vent and drain lines. The chlorinators shall also be complete with a flow meter having a 20:1 range, differential pressure regulator and vacuum/pressure relief devices.

(d) The following health and safety equipment should be provided:

• Gas leakage and monitoring equipment

• Controlled air ventilation of chlorine building.

• Safety equipment and leak detection/alarm equipment.

• Chlorine leak detection sample equipment

• Water test equipment.

9.7.3 Plant and Equipment for O&M

PPTA consultants in conjunction with PPMU and vodokanal will determine and agree the following:

• A list of equipment required for the vodokanal to maintain after the rehabilitated works;

• Vehicles and excavators

• O&M maintenance equipment,

• Emergency pipe stocks based on usage and diameter.

• Pipe stocks for network extensions and diversions.

• Fittings for replacing and installing /new service connections,

• Joints and VJ repair clamps for mains and service repairs.

• Safety equipment.

• Computers and office equipment.

• Replacement of domestic water meters

• Spare parts for electrical/mechanical equipment will be added to the supply contracts sufficient for 3 or 5 years usage.

• Hach equipment for on site sewage quality testing.

• Gas detection equipment

• Safety harness and tools for accessing any below ground sewage facility.

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9.7.4 Procurement Packages

The indicated equipment, materials and civil works for the Kokand sewerage subproject will be procured through Uzbekistan’s procedures following ADB’s Procurement Guidelines under Asian Development Bank Loans.


10.1 Land Acquisition and Resettlement Land Acquisition and Resettlement (LAR) – Due Diligence report (see Appendix in main report) was prepared as part of the Investment Program. This report confirms that the Kokand subproject has no negative social impacts associated with LAR and that the project will benefit 207,000 residents of Kokand and Dangara by providing adequate safe drinking water supply. There is need to acquire land for the new water distribution mains from the new Tulyash well field to the existing water distribution unit at Ming-Tut. The owners receive replacement land and be compensated for loss of structures and income, as per the compensation matrix of the LAR Report, attached to the main Tranche 2 documents.

10.2 Initial Social Analysis The social aspects of the Kokand subproject have been analysed to better understand the social context of the investment program and the socioeconomic conditions of the area. The appropriateness of the proposed interventions has been assessed, as well as the potential positive and negative impacts if any, that will be brought about. Actions to maximize the positive social impact or to mitigate any negative impacts have also been identified. Any vulnerabilities that could undermine the program’s objectives or affect the program’s benefits to clients and beneficiaries have also been examined such as cost recovery measures which could potentially reduce access to water supply services for some poorer groups through increases in tariffs for water supply or user connection charges.

No risk of negative social impact by has been identified. The complete report is presented in an appendix of the main report.

10.3 Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Development An initial assessment of current institutional structure and capacities of the Kokand vodokanal was conducted as part of the appraisal for Tranche 2 of the Investment Program. Main objectives of the initial assessment were to: (i) identify role, responsibility, obligations, property rights, and legal obligations of all stakeholders; (ii) review production objectives, schedules, monitoring and control systems as well as technical training requirements; (iii) review current institutional capacity of the vodokanal; (iv) determine training needs for personnel and/or staff reorganization; (v) ascertain needs for equipment and other supplies to improve productivity, and develop a procurement action plan; (vi) identify potential managers who can benefit from having a personnel development plan and ascertain training needs program for such staff; (vii) identify potential trainers able to train their colleagues within an organization; (viii) analyze current incentives schemes (if available) in vodokanal; (ix) determine major drawbacks in performance of vodokanal, particularly in planning and management; (x) ascertain water supply and sanitation tariff calculation and approval procedures.

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The complete evaluation is presented in the related appendix of the main report.

10.4 Economic and Financial Analysis The complete report is presented in the related appendix of the main report.

10.5 Initial Environmental Examination An Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) study for the Kokand subproject was carried out following ADB’s Environment Policy (2002), Environmental Assessment Guidelines (2003) and the Safeguards Policy Statement (2009), and relevant environmental policies and guidelines of the Government of Uzbekistan (GoU).

The IEE involved: (i) gathering baseline information available on the physical, chemical, biological, and socio-economic environment of the sub-project area and subcomponent sites and understanding the technical, social, and institutional aspects of the sub-projects; (ii) public consultation and field visits; (iii) screening of potential issues, concerns, and impacts relative to location, design, construction, and operation to distinguish those that are likely to be significant for a particular subcomponent and warranting further study; (iv) recommending measures to mitigate adverse issues, concerns, and impacts, particularly to the project design team; (v) preparing an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) indicating impact areas, recommended mitigation measures, method of monitoring the impacts and responsible persons; and (vi) proposing the institutional set up for implementation of the EMP.

Based on the indication of the Rapid Environmental Assessment and the findings of the IEE, the classification of the Kokand subproject as Category “B” was confirmed, and no further special study or detailed EIA will be needed to be carried out to comply with the environmental policies of the ADB.

The complete IEE report is presented in the related appendix of the main report.

10.6 Earthquake Zone The Kokand subproject area is located in a designated (Richter Scale) Earthquake Zone 8. Project design will incorporate strengthening of structures based on the related international or Uzbekistan standards, whichever are more conservative.

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Appendix 1: Design criteria for projected water demand through to 2025

2025 year

Water supply, Water supply, thousand, m3/day thousand, m3/hour Population Of them Calculated Calculated thousand Name of town covered max. sec. average people by Population, by water, l/sec sec. , l/sec 1.01.10 thousand thousand Water, people l/day per person person per l/day max users average of budget of budget M3 x 1000 Commercial of population of population organizations organizations Daily water flow,

Kokand 221.3 272.8272.8 200 56.0 3.5 2.5 62.0 2.6 3.9 1083.0 722.0

Dangara 33.4 41.2 41.2 150 7.0 0.5 0.5 8.0 0.3 0.5 137.0 83.0

TOTAL 254.8 314.0314.0 63.00 4.0 3.0 70.0 2.9 4.4 1220.0 805.0

Appendix 2: Schematic layout of Kokand bulk Water Supply System

Appendix 3: Schematic of Kokand Water Distribution Improvements

Appendix 4 – Bill of Quantities and Preliminary Cost Estimates for Water System

Kokand Water Supply 1535 US$ Dollars including: Investment costs UoM Q-ty Unit cost Total cost Civil works Equipment Land recultivation units 1 1,881 1,881 1,881 0 Tulyash Underground Wellfield Main pumping station (4 bunches - 12 boreholes, 2 bunches - units 1 394,080 394,080 210,810 183,270 reconstruction, 2 bunches - new construction) Technological services units 1 547,182 547,182 539,038 8,143 Improvement, landscaping, fencing units 1 59,050 59,050 59,050 0 Site power supply units 1 20,007 20,007 20,007 0 External power supply with transformer sub-station units 1 126,559 126,559 94,793 31,767 Access roads units 1 13,111 13,111 13,111 0 Borehole pumps automation sets 12 6,909 82,905 7,137 75,768 Subtotal 1,242,894 943,946 298,948 Mingut Water Distribution Unit Rehabilitation of pumping station with chlorination unit units 1 613,932 613,932 317,061 296,871 Collection reservoirs with capacity 10 000m3 units 2 414,434 828,867 828,867 0 Technological services units 1 198,503 198,503 163,785 34,718 Borehole pumps automation sets 12 8,176 98,107 7,186 90,921 Heating unit units 1 15,099 15,099 14,621 477 Gateway units 1 4,234 4,234 4,234 0 Cesspit units 1 7,202 7,202 7,202 0 Rehabilitation of warehouse units 1 36,753 36,753 36,753 0 Toilet units 1 2,154 2,154 2,154 0 Water and sewerage utilities units 1 23,840 23,840 23,840 0 Improvement, landscaping, fencing units 1 140,483 140,483 140,483 0 Site power supply units 1 33,948 33,948 33,948 0 External power supply units 1 107,701 107,701 61,040 46,661 Transformer substations units 1 105,995 105,995 63,323 42,672 Rehabilitation of boreholes units 14 17,341 242,780 61,546 181,234 Gas utilities units 1 12,921 12,921 11,962 959 Subtotal 2,472,520 1,778,005 694,515 Refurbishment of vodokanal facilities Administrative office with laboratory units 1 104,897 104,897 89,520 15,377 Workshop units 1 154,781 154,781 107,842 46,939 Garage units 1 69,123 69,123 65,171 3,952 Improvement, landscaping, fencing units 1 132,366 132,366 132,366 0 Land allocation units 1 0 0 0 0 Subtotal 461,167 394,899 66,268 Mukimi Water Distribution Unit Rehabilitation of booster pumping station units 1 120,909 120,909 91,237 29,672 Technological services units 1 111,556 111,556 97,034 14,523 Power supply units 1 133,100 133,100 108,658 24,442 Subtotal 365,565 296,928 68,637 Pipelines Trunk main Trunk main from wellfield to WDU d=800 l=9,3 km m 9300 410 3,815,705 3,778,190 37,515 Water Distribution Mains for Kokand city Water distribution mains d =800 мм l=1,8 km m 1800 456 820,183 820,183 0 Water distribution mains d =400 mm l=11,4 km m 11400 110 1,255,014 1,255,014 0 Water distribution mains d =300 мм l=18,1 km m 18100 69 1,254,378 1,254,378 0 Water distribution mains d =200 мм l=18,6 km m 18600 41 763,924 763,924 0 Water distribution mains d =150 мм l=16,5 km m 16500 27 439,430 439,430 0 Water distribution mains d =100 мм l=1,2 km m 1200 13 15,845 15,845 0 Water Distribution Mains for Mukimi settlement Water distribution mains d=150 мм l=2,4 km m 2400 24 56,695 56,695 0 Water distribution mains d=100 мм l=0,83 km m 830 20 16,731 16,731 0 Water distribution mains d=50 мм l=0,75 km m 750 9 6,385 6,385 0 Subtotal 8,444,290 8,406,775 37,515

Detailed design 466,827

Maintenance equipment 570,841 0 570,841

Lab Equipment (Mobile Lab) units 1 48000 48,000 48,000

Computers (15) and printers (5) for vodokanal 21,825 21,825

Total Project Base Costs 14,095,810 11,822,434 1,806,550

Appendix 5: Design Criteria for Sewerage System

2025 year

Number of Number of sewage flows, thousand, sewage flows, m3/day thousand, Population Of them m3/hour Calculated Calculated thousand covered Name of towns max. sec. average people by Population, by l/sec sec. , l/sec 1.01.10 thousand sewage, сут

thousand Sewage, people l/day per person person per l/day max users average of budget of budget water flow, Qdaily. Q Daily waste of population of population organizations organizations other wholesale

Kokand 221.4 272.8198.7 185 36.8 9.5 8.5 54.8 2.29 3.41 947.41 634.14 d/c Dangara 33.4 41.2 8.3 128 1.1 1.1 0.04 0.09 25.23 12.25

TOTAL 254.8 314.0207.0 37.9 9.5 8.5 55.9 2.33 3.50 972.643 646.393

Appendix 6: Schematics of Proposed Kokand Sewerage System

(i) Collection System

(ii) Sewerage System Layout

(iii) Sewage Treatment Facility Layout

Appendix 7: Schedule of Quantities and Preliminary Cost Estimates

Kokand Sewerage System 1535 US$ Dollars including: Investment costs UoM Q-ty Unit cost Total cost Civil works Equipment

Rahabilitation of Waste Water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation of facade of main pumping station No 1 unit 1 28,905 28,905 28,905 0 Rehabilitation of main pumping station No 2 unit 1 1,506,525 1,506,525 193,637 1,312,888 Rehabilitation of aerated grit removal unit 1 61,213 61,213 3,324 57,889 Rehabilitation of primary clarifiers d- 30 with pumping unit 1 307,142 307,142 91,309 215,833 station Rehabilitation of primary clarifiers d- 28 м with unit 1 302,223 302,223 86,389 215,833 pumping station Rehabilitation of 4-corridor aero tanks size 84х6х5 unit 1 1,129,216 1,129,216 1,045,544 83,672 Rehabilitation of 3-corridor size 84х5,6х4 unit 1 595,057 595,057 554,586 40,471 Rehabilitation of secondary clarifiers d- 30 м unit 1 223,819 223,819 69,131 154,688 Rehabilitation of secondary clarifiers d- 28 m unit 1 219,545 219,545 64,857 154,688 Rehabilitation of chlorination station with output 11 kg unit 1 209,505 209,505 14,955 194,550 of chlorine/hour Rehabilitation of Parshall flume unit 1 2,872 2,872 2,872 0 Reconstruction of contact reservoirs unit 1 151,950 151,950 151,950 0 Rehabilitation of 3-corridor aerobic stabilizer size unit 1 1,304,894 1,304,894 1,194,989 109,905 84х5,56х4 Rehabilitation of radial sludge thickeners of stabilized unit 1 426,782 426,782 127,483 299,299 mix with d- 18 m with pumping station Reconstruction of air blowing station unit 1 951,646 951,646 280,359 671,288 Rehabilitation of sludge beds with drainage system unit 1 1,030,113 1,030,113 1,030,113 0 artificially based Rehabilitation of sand sites with drainage system unit 1 346,688 346,688 346,688 0 artificially based Reconstruction of drainage pumping station unit 1 65,201 65,201 39,346 25,855 Reconstruction of power distribution unit 0,6 kWa unit 1 21,264 21,264 9,253 12,010 Reconstruction of transformer substation 35/6 unit 1 26,750 26,750 14,425 12,326 Boreholes for water supply unit 1 88,729 88,729 48,175 40,554 Reconstruction of lab building unit 1 108,795 108,795 87,186 21,608 Rehabilitation of repair workshops unit 1 237,395 237,395 32,332 205,063 Rehabilitation of garage unit 1 8,842 8,842 8,842 0 Rehabilitation of warehouse unit 1 17,366 17,366 17,366 0 Rehabilitation of sanitary inspection room unit 1 106,898 106,898 101,041 5,857 Rehabilitation of canteen unit 1 6,749 6,749 6,749 0 New construction of discharge station unit 1 213,989 213,989 134,635 79,355 Site communication and improvement unit 1 1,048,112 1,048,112 941,192 106,920 Rehabilitation of gateway unit 1 2,972 2,972 2,972 0 Transformer substation 400-6/0,4 unit 1 52,974 52,974 2,108 50,866 Electric power network 6kW unit 1 131,818 131,818 131,818 0 Automation and telemechanization unit 1 208,899 208,899 86,239 122,660 Gas utilites unit 1 22,399 22,399 22,399 0 Subtotal 11,167,247 6,973,168 4,194,079

Kokand city Rehabilitation of pumping stations Pumping station on Mahalla 26-32 territory unit 1 315,481 315,481 177,284 138,197 Pumping station site near Engine Repairing Plant unit 1 91,800 91,800 47,204 44,596 Subtotal 407,281 224,488 182,792

Construction of collectors and networks Collector from sq. Mukimii to street T.Malik d-500 - m 6,500 435 2,825,248 2,815,028 10,220 6,5 km Collectors d-200 l-19,1km m 19,100 130 2,479,680 2,479,680 0 Collectors d-300 l-16,8 km m 16,800 188 3,162,536 3,162,536 0 Collectors d-400 l-3,2 km m 3,200 306 978,536 978,536 0 Rehabilitation of city collectors and networks Collectors d-200 l-15,6 km m 15,600 130 2,025,289 2,025,289 0 Collectors d-300 l-1,3 km m 1,300 193 250,786 250,786 0 Collectors d-400 l-1,5 km m 1,500 306 458,689 458,689 0 Collectors d-600 l-7,0 km m 7,000 510 3,572,719 3,572,719 0 Collectors d-800 l-1,5 km m 1,500 732 1,097,275 1,097,275 0 Subtotal 16,850,758 16,840,537 10,220

Detailed design 1,055,897

Maintenance equipment 818,806 818,806

Lab equipment 189,339 189,339

Connection of school toilet to sewerage newtwork 46,710 46,710

Total Project Base Costs 30,536,037 24,084,904 5,395,237

Republic of Uzbekistan Uzbek Agency “UZKOMMUNHIZMAT”

ADB TA 7240-UZB: Water Supply and Sanitation Services Improvement Program (WSSSIP) Tranche 2

Final Report Sub Project for Margilan City


Table of Contents

1. BACKGROUND ...... 1 1.1 Introduction ...... 1 1.2 Project location...... 2 1.3 Scope of Work...... 2 1.4 Appraisal report (Technical)...... 3 1.5 Prelimnary Design and Documentation for Government Approval...... 4 2.0 EXISTING WATER SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM...... 4 2.1 Existing Network Operation ...... 4 2.2 Existing Operational Problems...... 5 2.2.2 Kirguli Water Distribution Unit ...... 2.2.3 Yujniy Water Distribution Unit 2.2.4 Atlas and TOF Water Distribution Units 2.2.5 Tashlak Water Distribution Unit 2.2.6 Water Distribution System 2.2.7 General 2.3 Current Water Quality ...... 8 3.0 APPRAISAL REPORT CRITERIA...... 9 3.1 Peak Flow Factors ...... 9 3.2 Pipeline Hydraulics-detailed design ...... 9 3.2.1. Sizing...... 9 3.2.2. Hydraulic Calculation...... 10 3.2.3. Proposed System Layout ...... 10 4. WATER DEMANDS ...... 10 5. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT WORKS...... 11 5.1 Part 1: Intake from IRTM...... 12 5.2 Part 2: Transmission Main Extension...... 12 5.3 Part 3: Rehabilitation of Distribution Network ...... 12 5.4 Part 4: Rehabilitation of Existing Water Distribution Units ...... 13 5.5 Recommendations ...... 14 5.6 Preliminary Cost Estimates...... 14 5.7 Improvement Benefits...... 14

5.7.1. Levels of Service...... 14 5.7.2. Operating Costs and Income...... 14 5.8 Pipeline Materials...... 15 5.9 Civil and Mechanical Works...... 15 5.9.1. Storage Reservoir...... 15 5.9.2. Booster Pumps...... 15 5.9.3. Chlorination ...... 16 5.9.4 Plant and Equipment for O&M 5.9.5 Procurement Packages

6.0 Due Diligence 6.1 Land Acquisition and Resettlement 6.2 Initial Social Analysis 6.3 Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Development ...... 18 6.4 Economic and Financial Analysis ...... 18 6.5 Initial Environmental Examination...... 18 6.6 Earthquake Zone...... 19


Appendix 1: Design Criteria for Projected Water Consumption to 2025

Appendix 2: Schematic of Margilan Water Supply System

Appendix 3: Layout of Margilan Water Distribution Network

Appendix 4: Bill of Quantities and Preliminary Cost Estimates for Water


1.1 Introduction The proposed Multi-tranche Financing Facility program (Investment Program) was developed to be undertaken in four Tranches over the period 2009 to 2018 with a design horizon of 15 years; ie the design year is 2025. The first tranche of the Investment Program, approved by ADB in September 2009, is now under implementation by the Government. This report is prepared for the 5 cities under Tranche 2 of the Investment Program.

The water supply and sewerage systems in most of the towns and cities across the 12 provinces of Uzbekistan are in various stages of disrepair and require rehabilitation, upgrading and expansion. The total financing needs identified for the sector are estimated at $3.2 billion. ADB’s Investment Program will finance up to $375 million (including $75 million Government contribution) as a time slice of this requirement. As envisaged at project preparation, each tranche will focus on two to three different provinces, depending on population and costs. The Executing Agency for the Investment Program is the Uzbekistan Communal Services Agency (UCSA), which is responsible for implementing externally financed projects in the sector.

Operation of the Inter-regional transmission mains (IRTMs) is the responsibility of provincial (oblast) water utilities (vodokanals). Delivery and operation and maintenance (O&M) of water supply and sewerage (WSS) services are the responsibility of district (rayon) water utilities (vodokanals). All vodokanals are potentially eligible to apply for inclusion under the Investment Program, but will be evaluated against the eligibility criteria agreed with the Government. Commitment by the vodokanals to institutional and financial reforms is an important aspect of eligibility, with a view to full sustainability after the water and sewerage facilities have been upgraded.

Under Tranche 2 of the Investment Program 5 subprojects located in 2 provinces have been identified as urgently required, and eligible, including:

Fergana Province:

• Rishtan City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of existing water system;

• Fergana City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of existing water system;

• Margilan City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of existing water system,

• Kokand City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of existing water and sewerage systems,

Andijan Province:

• Andijan City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of existing water and sewerage systems.

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These five subprojects have been confirmed as meeting the eligibility criteria and have been appraised in sufficient detail to confirm physical works, cost estimates, O&M costs, environmental and social safeguards, and economic and financial sustainability. The appraisal report includes procurement packages and a procurement plan.

This appraisal report is for the Margilan water supply subproject.

1.2 Project location Margilan City is situated in Fergana Province (see map). The proposed water supply system subproject includes expansion of the existing ground water supply, including connection to the IRTM Hanabad Fergana, rehabilitation and expansion of water distribution units and transmission mains and rehabilitation and expansion of the existing distribution system in the urban areas. The Government has decided that the Project should focus on the most urgent needs and that further works may be included in a subsequent phase of the Investment Program, or be addressed through locally financed schemes. The existing sewerage system consists of gravity sewage collection system, with sewage lift/pump stations, sewage collector system with the sewage being pumped for treatment in the Fergana sewage treatment plant. Rehabilitation of the sewerage component is not in the scope of this tranche, but may be included under later tranches of the Investment Program, or other future programs of the Government.

1.3 Scope of Appraisal Preparation The appraisal process for the Margilan appraisal report included:

• Site visits to the Margilan vodokanal to verify basic data, obtain additional data and determine, from discussions with vodokanal management, as to how the current water supply and distribution system infrastructure operates and the problems encountered in operations and how to plan for the rehabilitation and expansion of the system; • Evaluate the Margilan proposal against the agreed eligibility criteria for participating in the Investment Program; • Review all UCSA reports and recommendations for the water sector in Uzbekistan and, in particular, for Margilan vodokanal; • Water quality aspects and treatment requirements; • Summarize the basic design criteria for 2025; population, water consumption/liters/capita/day (lpcd), quality and treatment requirements; • Identify the improvements required to bring the water supply, transmission and distribution system in Margilan, in line with Uzbekistan water system service standards; • Develop options for delivering the identified improvements to the Margilan vodokanal water infrastructure; • Analyse and select the preferred option available to deliver the improvements to the Margilan urban water distribution system, based on value engineering and least cost principles, while meeting design and service standards;

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• Develop a schedule of quantities for the water system; • Develop pre-design cost estimates for the water system; • Provide criteria, general specifications, to be used for the later detailed design, tendering and construction; • Prepare procurement packages and a procurement plan; • Prepare an initial environmental examination (IEE), including an environmental management plan (EMP), to mitigate identified impacts. Related costs are included as a line item in the subproject’s costs estimates; • Initial screening for resettlement requirements and preparation of a resettlement plan if required. Related costs are included as specific line item in the subproject’s costs estimates; • Prepare an economic and financial analysis; • Incorporate social and gender action plans including a program to improve hygiene in local schools, health clinics and hospitals; • Project revenue requirements, budget, and cost recovery plan including analysis of current and projected water tariff requirements, and financing of gaps in revenue versus costs.

1.4 Appraisal report (Technical) The main objectives of the appraisal report are:

• Identify the operational problems currently impacting on the provision of adequate water supplies to customers of the Fergana urban water supply, transmission and distribution system. • Identify projections of water demand to include adequate provision for fire fighting according to Uzbekistan standards. • Develop options to improve water supply and distribution. • Provide recommendations for the investment requirements to improve water supplies for the Margilan urban area. • Develop pre-design cost estimates. • Develop criteria for use in the detailed designs of the Margilan city infrastructure improvements. • New water system to be designed so that water supply quality complies with Uzbekistan standards. All proposed works are based on the least cost solution, basically to rehabilitate existing systems, which is less costly than building new facilities.

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1.5 Preliminary Design and Documentation for Government Approval After Government and ADB approval of Tranche 2 of the Investment Program, the work to be carried out by UCSA and their consultants will include:

• Carry out field surveys using GPS, satellite images, latest maps and supplementary field surveys. • Generate topographical maps and profile drawings for all proposed water pipelines and sewerage collection system, including all reference points, with details insets for the water system including hydrants, valves, meters, service connections, and other appurtenances. • Confirm water demand, water quality, pumping and network operating pressures. • Use hydraulic network model to confirm pre-feasibility pipeline diameters and flows for the water distribution system. • Produce final design report, schedule of quantities, specifications, and cost estimates for the water system. • Produce tender documents, procurement packages and a plan for the procurement process for the water system.


2.1 Existing Water System The current population of Margilan City is 202,520 of which 90.7% (183,700) are covered by the urban water distribution network. There are 30,637 domestic, 125 institutional, 503 commercial and 12 industrial connections.

Bulk water supply to Margilan is provided from ground water sources, a total of 62 wells:

• Seven wells located at the Southern/Yujniy site; • Two wells at Atlas and two wells at TOF; • Six wells at Tashlak; • There are 46 wells located throughout the city area; and, • Kirguli water distribution unit provides additional water from Fergana.

The bulk supply distribution units for Margilan are located at the well fields at Yujniy, Tashlak and at Kirguli. Currently, the chlorination systems at the WDUs are not in operation, the meters are inoperative and the pumps only run intermittently, or only one of 3 actually operational, being past their operating life. The pressure from the water distribution unit is reported as 1.2-1.7 bars (12-17 m of head).

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A 4 km, 1000 mm diameter connects the Kirguli WDU to the Margilan distribution system. A series of 400 and 300 mm transmission mains transfers the water from the Yujniy and Tashlak WDUs to the Margilan distribution network which has a total network length of 171.1 km. The network includes 144 km of unlined steel pipes with diameters ranging from 50 mm to 400 mm; the distribution network also contains sections of asbestos cement and cast iron piping, all installed between 1961-1966. From 1998 to date, polythene pipe has been installed.

2.2 Existing Operational Problems (Water System) The city is currently experiencing many water supply and distribution problems. The key ones are:

2.2.1 Well Water Supply

The major of the water supply comes from the wells at Yujniy. But only half of these are functioning. While the reported capacity of the water supply system is 65,000 m3/day; the vodokanal reports that they produce 55,000 m3/day of which 41,800 m3/day, actually reaches consumers. The volume from the Yujniy and Tashlak well fields is reported as 35,000 m3/day. However, this is difficult to confirm, as there are no working meters. Based on the social survey completed for the Project, the actual supply is less than 30 litres per capita per day. The hardness in the water from the Yujniy wells exceeds the Uzbekistan standards. The chlorination system is not functioning.

There are 6 wells in the Tashlak system, of which 3 are working, 2 are not equipped with pumps and the pump in the sixth well need repair/replacement. This water also exceeds the Uzbekistan standards for hardness. The chlorination system is not functioning.

Of the other wells around the system less than half are operating. These wells tend to be shallow and many are contaminated from surface pollution. The water from these wells, in addition to having high hardness, also has high levels of nitrate, which is an indication of contamination with human waste.

Note: As there are no working meters in the system, the vodokanal bases its estimate of supply on a theoretical calculation of the pump capacity times the hours of pump operation. Since most pumps are non operational and those that are, are highly inefficient, the actual supply of water is difficult to determine.

2.2.2 Kirguli Bulk Water Distribution Unit

(a) The existing 3 x 6,000 plus 1 x 2,000 m3 storage reservoirs are in poor condition, with leakage from the walls and floor joints. The small reservoir is completely out of service. The lower/underground level of the WDU is flooded;

(b) The 5 pumps were installed in 1987, with total design capacity of 21,800 m3/hr, but the pumps are 23 years old and worn, with low efficiency, and less than 3bars/30 meters of pressure;

(c) The original chlorination system is inoperative, but chlorination is being carried out by “primitive” calcium hypochlorite addition to the storage reservoirs.

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(d) The mechanical water meter is in poor condition and inoperative;

(e) The water from Kirguli originates in Fergana and therefore has the same high hardness as the Fergana supply.

2.2.3 Yujniy Water Distribution Unit

(a) The existing 1000 m3 storage reservoir is in poor condition, with leakage from the walls and floor joints; but is currently in operation;

(b) The 2 pumps are in poor condition, with less than 2 bars/20 meters of pressure;

(c) The chlorination system is inoperative;

(d) The mechanical water meter is in poor condition and inoperative.

2.2.4 Atlas and TOF WDUs

(a) The existing 500 m3 storage reservoir, in each location, is in poor condition, with leakage from the walls and floor joints; but are currently in operation;

(b) The 2 pumps, in each location, are in poor condition, with less than 2 bars/230 meters of pressure;

(c) There is no chlorination or meters in these small systems.

2.2.5 Tashlak Water Distribution Unit

(a) The existing 2 x 1,000 (2,000 m3 storage reservoir is in poor condition, with leakage from the walls and floor joints; but is currently in operation;

(b) The 2 high lift pumps are in poor condition, with less than 2 bars/20 m of head of pressure.

(c) The chlorination system is inoperative, and while the well water quality is good, the leaky distribution system and interrupted supply could cause contamination from the surrounding ground water and street drainage.

(d) The mechanical water meter is in poor condition and inoperative.

2.2.6 General

(a) The water system only provides 3-4 hours of supply daily. None of the domestic connections are metered. While some of the commercial and industrial users are metered, these meters are inoperative as the vodokanal does not have meter testing or repair facilities.

(b) Due to the low operating pressure at the water system consumers at the farther points of the distribution system and at higher elevation get little or no water, especially in the high demand summer months.

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2.2.7 Transmission and Distribution Network

(a) Of the total of 17 km of transmission mains and 171.1 km of distribution network pipe, 143.6 km consists of unlined steel pipe which is more than 40 years old. These water mains have a high level of deterioration and corrosion and are the cause of major network water losses with non revenue water (NRW) reported as 27%, including physical leakage and administrative losses. However, due to the lack of system meters there is insufficient data available to confirm the network losses; it is likely that the physical water losses will exceed 45%. (Vodokanals tend to use normative values based on the pump capacities for estimating water losses and in the absence of accurate meters, these normative values are used for reporting water supply and calculating losses).

In addition to the lack of information, the leakage reported by the vodokanal is based on the operating condition of the existing system, low volume and very low pressure, reported as 1.2-1.7 bars, 12-17 meters of head, and explains why there is no water pressure above the second floor of buildings. The existing operating pressure in Margilan is much below the Uzbekistan standard of 40- 60 meters of head (4-6 bars). The new system will be designed to provide the required pressure, and once operative would cause much higher leakage than that reported, unless the corroded and leaky pipes are not replaced.

Key performance indicators, for assessing the need for water mains renewal and rehabilitation program include:

• NRW (m3/km/day)

• Pipe Repairs (Number/km/year)

• NRW (litres/connection/day)

• Bacteriological Failures (number/km/year)

• Chemical Failures (Number/km/year)

• Customer Complaints (Number/km/year)

• Pressure testing and leakage detection

However, this information is not currently tracked by the Margilan vodokanal (their assessment of rehabilitation requirements is based on the age of pipes, history of leakage/failure and general familiarity with the system). The need for rehabilitation recommended in this report is based on physical condition of sample pipe from previous repairs, the estimated losses and experience of the vodokanal. More detailed evaluations of the physical condition of the water mains, including metering, pressure testing and leakage detection, will be carried out as a part of the detailed design.

The combination of water losses in the network, high degree of deterioration of the cast iron and steel pipelines, limited supply schedules/hours of operation and low operating pressures means that all connected customers receive poor service, much below Uzbekistan standards. In the majority of

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cases no water is available above the ground floor in multi-story buildings, nor is there sufficient flow to meet fire protection standards.

2.3 Current Water Quality The water quality indicators for the current Margilan water supply are in Table 1 below; based on this data the Margilan water supply has hardness approaching the Uzbekistan maximum level. However, this ground water will be blended with “sweet” water from the Hanabad Fergana IRTM which will bring Andijan Reservoir water to Margilan to make the new blended water meet Uzbekistan standards.

Table 1 – Margilan Water Quality Information

Margilan Water Quality Analysis Component Unit WHO Uzbek Standard WDU 950:2000 PH Units 6.5-8.5 6-9 TDS mg/l 1000 1000 (1500) Calcium Ca mg/l 200 Sodium Na mg/l 200 Chloride Cl mg/l 250 250 Sulphate SO4 mg/l 400 Nitrate NO3 mg/l 50 45 Hardness Ca+Mg Mg*ecv/l 500 7/10 5-9 Turbidity NTU 1.5/2.0 Ammonium NH4 mg/l 0.5 Polyphosphate mg/l 3.5 Phosphorus Fluoride F mg/l 1.5 0.7 Nitrite NO2 mg/l 3 3 Iron Fe mg/l 0.3 0.3 Manganese Mn mg/l 0.5 0.1 Copper Cu mg/l 1 1 Lead Pb mg/l 0.01 0.03 Chromium Cr mg/l 0.05 0.05 Cadmium Cd mg/l 0.003 0.001 Zinc Za mg/l 3 3 Nickel Ni mg/l 0.07 0.1 Arsenic As mg/l 0.01 0.05 Alpha Bq/l 0.1 0.1 Beta Bq/l 1 1 Aluminium Al mg/l 0.2(0.5*) Beryllium Be mg/l 0.002 N/c Boron B mg/l 0.5 N/c Cadmium Cd mg/l 0.001 N/c

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Molybdenum Mo mg/l 0.25 N/c Mercury Hg mg/l 0.0005 N/c Lead Pb mg/l 0.03 N/c Selenium Se mg/l 0.01 N/c Strontium Sr mg/l 7 N/c Benzol C6H6 mkg/l 10 N/c Benzpyrene mkg/l 0.01 N/c Polyakrilamid mkg/l 2 N/c Total Coliforms MPN/100ml Not Allowed <100 N/c E Coli MPN/100ml Not allowed <3 Free Chlorine mg/l 0.2 – 0.3 N/c –Not conducted (Analysis) N/a – Not available

3. APPRAISAL REPORT CRITERIA The general design criteria for the Margilan water system used in this appraisal report to determine the operating pressure, main and pipe diameter and related operational fittings (valves, meters, air valves, non return valves and fire hydrants) for the proposed transmission and distribution mains are summarized below. While the Uzbekistan standards for minimum pressure, fire fighting and hours of supply have been followed, these will be further checked and expanded in the detailed design stage.

3.1 Peak Flow Factors Uzbekistan standards have been used to calculate the multiplying factor for the peak day flow rate. This varies from 1.3 to over 2 times the daily average demand. The peak hourly rate, which could occur twice per day, should be twice the peak day flow rate. This takes into account the additional flow required to be provided for fire fighting purposes, for a two hour eventuality as per the SNIP (Uzbekistan regulatory standards).

The basic design criteria are in Appendix 1.

3.2 Pipeline Hydraulics-detailed design 3.2.1. Sizing

Pipelines will be sized to meet the maximum specified flow rate and to achieve the defined levels of service. Inlet mains from bulk supply to the bulk distribution storage will not be required to meet the full peak flow rates.

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3.2.2. Hydraulic Calculation

Hydraulic calculations using the Hazen Williams Equation for the calculation of friction loss; the roughness factor applied for HDPE is 1001.

In the detailed design stage it is recommended the hydraulic calculations be conducted using Water Cad computer software.

3.2.3. Proposed System Layout

Generally, the final design of the water supply and distribution layout will depend on the following factors, to be incorporated in the detailed design:

• Quantities of water to be pumped, based on peak hour and fire flows • Operating Pressure • Reliability of supply • Good access for maintenance • Location of valves, air/vacuum relief valves and washouts. • Adverse ground conditions and difficult terrain. • Pipe materials and corrosion protection systems in aggressive or contaminated grounds for ductile iron or steel pipe. • Crossing of railways and water courses • Depth of frost penetration • Rights of way/Private ground. • Traffic loading • Location of other utilities equipment • Ease of operation After all the above points have been taken into consideration, site investigations undertaken and agreement reached with other utility (telephone, gas, electrical, cable, etc) operators, the most appropriate pipeline route can be selected. Usually the replacement of, and installation of new water mains and distribution pipes, will follow existing road, street and other utility rights of way.

4. WATER DEMANDS From the data available for analysis the water demands for the period 2010 to 2025 is indicated in Table 2 below:

Table 2 – Water demands for the period of 2009 to 2005

1 This is a conservative figure – HDPE can be rated at up 140, but doing do makes little difference to pipe diameters

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Water Demand Factors 2010 2015 2025

Total Population of Margilan Urban Area 202,000 222,000 265,800 Total Population of rural area 16,400 18,000 16,900 supplied/Tashlak Total population connected 196,000 220,000 280,000 Population Increase 2009 to 2025 - 2%/year 21,600 64,300 Number of Domestic Water Connections (a) 30,637 37,000 56,000 Domestic Water Consumption – l/c/day 210(b) 150 180 Daily Domestic Water Demand –m3/day 24,000 33,000 50,400 Commercial and Industrial Consumption – 3,000 8,000 18,600 m3/day Total Daily Water Demand – m3/day 27,000 41,000 69,000 Design/Peak day Water Demand – m3/day 35,000 102,000 102,000 Existing source at: Yujniy rehabilitated 35,000 42,000 42,000 New source at: IRTM Hanabad Fergana 60,000 60,000

Distribution Losses – % 45 32 20 Water Available for – Domestic and 19200 69,000 82,000 Industrial –peak day- m3/day

Note: (a) Calculates as 6 persons per household in 2010, but for design purposes use 5. (b) Nominal based on original system design capacity, actual reported in survey is about 40 l/c/day. 5. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT WORKS Due to the extensive deterioration of the existing water system only the most urgent and major components can be replaced under this subproject/Investment Program. Continued improvement of the system will need to be carried out even after this intervention, by the provincial PIU and/or Margilana vodokanal. Their technical capacity will have been strengthened under the Investment Program. The tariff reform, reduced leakages and improved energy efficiency will lead to increasing revenues enabling the Margilan vodokanal to conduct its own leakage detection and repair, meter maintenance and expansion to connect new consumers as the population increases. If further evaluations reveal that more work is required now to attain targets of improved service/leakage reduction, UCSA could consider such follow-on works under later tranches of the Investment Program.

The rehabilitation of the existing Margilan water supply facilities will not increase the volume of supply. In fact the actual production volume will be less, as the 46 shallow contaminated wells will be abandoned, leaving only the rehabilitated Yujniy wells. The additional water demand requirements for design year 2025 will be met by the Habana Fergana IRTM (currently under construction with loan from PRC), which will augment the Margilan supply by up to 60,000 m3/day. The well field water from Yujniy and Tashlak will be blended with the new water source from the IRTM Hanabad Fergana (Andijan Reservoir source) which is of good quality. The blending will be done through the Kirguli and Tashlak WDUs. As this new source of water is of good quality, the blended supply entering the Margilan water distribution system will meet Uzbekistan standards.

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The measures to be taken to improve and expand the water supply for Margilan are below.

5.1 Part 1: New Supply System-from Existing Well Fields and IRTM Hanabad Fergana Yujniy;

Rehabilitate existing 7 well(s) at Yujniy, chemical treatment and surging, new screens if necessary, pumps, meters, valves, mechanical and electrical systems, control system and related structures and facilities. Rehabilitated capacity will be 42,000 m3/day.

Note: The 46 wells currently in use around Margilan urban area will be disconnected from the rehabilitated system as the water quality in these wells exceeds Uzbekistan standards and is deteriorating.

IRTM Hanabad Fergana

(d) Import 60,000 m3/day from the Hanabad Fergana IRTM through the Kirguli WDU, but the connection will be part of the IRTM, not this project.

The schematic of the new Margilan water supply system is in Appendix 2. The related bill of quantities and cost estimates is in Appendix 4.

5.2 Part 2: Transmission Main Extensions 5 km of 700 mm diameter water transmission main from Kirguli WDU to Yujniy WDU, to bring additional bulk water from the IRTM Hanabad Fergana to the Margilan water system, including all related meters, valves, structures and controls.

The schematic of the transmission system works is in Appendix 2 and the bill of quantities and related cost estimates are in Appendix 4.

5.3 Part 3: Rehabilitation of Distribution Network It is proposed that the following expansion and rehabilitation works be undertaken in the Margilan water distribution systems:

(a) 2.0 km of 500 mm diameter distribution main;

(b) 4.0 km of 400 mm diameter distribution main;

(c) 5.5 km of 300 mm diameter distribution main;

(d) 2.0 km of 200 mm diameter distribution main;

(e) 2.0 km of 150 mm diameter distribution main;

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(f) 4.5 km of 100 mm diameter distribution main.

Note: The works include all related valves, hydrants, service connections, meters and related structures.

Reconstruction/Replacement of Existing Water Mains (Margilan):

(a) 3.0 km of 500 mm diameter distribution main;

(b) 2.0 km of 250 mm diameter distribution main;

(c) 15.0 km of 200 mm diameter distribution main;

(d) 7.0 km of 150 mm diameter distribution main;

Note: The works include all related valves, hydrants, service connections, meters and related structures.

Schematics of the distribution network main lengths and diameters are in Appendix 3. The related bill of quantities and cost estimates are in Appendix 4.

5.4 Part 4: Rehabilitation of Existing Water Distribution Unit The following water system rehabilitation and improvement works will be required:

Kirguli WDU will be improved as part of the Fergana water supply rehabilitation and expansion.


(a) Rehabilitate the existing 2 x 5,000 m3 storage reservoirs;

(b) Install new booster pumps, with total capacity of 5,000 m3/h and 6 bars/60 m pressure.

(c) Construct new chlorination system;

(d) Install system meters;

(e) Replace all electrical components, transformers, switch gear, motor control centres, cabling and related control system;

(f) Rehabilitate all structures, buildings, site facilities and related accessories;


(a) Construct 2 x 1,000 m3 storage reservoirs;

(b) Replace high lift pumps;

(c) Install new chlorination system;

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(d) Install system water meters;

(e) Replace all electrical components, transformers, switch gear, motor control centres, cabling and related control system;

(f) Rehabilitate all structures, buildings, site facilities and related accessories;

The WDUs are shown in Appendix 2 and the related bill of quantities and cost estimates are in Appendix 4.

5.5 Recommendations It is recommended that the improvements as described, be implemented, with adjustments as necessary during detailed design.

5.6 Preliminary Cost Estimates The preliminary base cost estimates for the Margilan water supply subproject works is $12,024,500, including an allowance for detailed design, spare parts and operations and operations and maintenance equipment. The detailed breakdown of the costs based on preliminary data is indicated in Appendix 4. However, this should be updated during detailed design.

5.7 Improvement Benefits The following benefits are expected from the improved works:

5.7.1. Levels of Service

On completion of the proposed improvement works water supply will be available to all existing customers with increased l/c/d from current estimated 40 to 150 lpcd in the period 2015 to 2018 and to 180 lpcd in 2025. System operating pressures will be a minimum of 4 bars/40 m of head.

The blended water quality supplied, to comply with Margilan water quality standards.

5.7.2. Operating Costs and Income

(a) Initially billed income will increase when the new system becomes operative as consumers will have access to water 24 hrs/day compared with the current 4 hours per day. Furthermore supply will continue to improve in stages between 2012 and 2018, due to reduction in real network water losses as the rehabilitation is completed and leakage detection and repair programs are introduced in the Margilan vodokanal, along with the new feeder main system, reservoir storage and booster pumps.

(b) The real water losses in the distribution network are expected to be reduced by a minimum of 15%, when the proposed distribution system rehabilitation work is completed.

(c) Cost of materials and leakage repairs will be less as the numbers of defects reduces after the completion of the sub-project works.

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(d) There will be an increase in electricity costs for operation of the new pumps, compared to the existing pumps, as much higher volumes and pressure will be provided. However, the new pumps will have high efficiency of > 79%.

(e) The estimated O&M costs of the rehabilitated system, including effective chlorination systems, will be determined in conjunction with the vodokanal, during detailed design.

5.8 Pipeline Materials The transmission and distribution mains up to and including 315 mm diameter will be of HDPE Class PN 25 (or equivalent).

The pipelines between the import point to the outlet from the booster pump will be flanged ductile iron with cement mortar lining to EN BS 545 (or equivalent).

5.9 Civil and Mechanical Works 5.9.1. Storage Reservoirs

The reservoirs will be constructed from reinforced concrete, with an inlet main with ball valve, DN 400 mm outlet main with valve, DN 400 mm with valve to a washout main and DN 400 mm overflow pipe. The discharge from the overflow and washout pipe will be discharged to a local drain.

Two access points to the reservoirs will be provided in the roof slab, with access ladders internally and externally at the access points. DN 100 mm vents and roof drainage system will be installed.

A 200 mm EM water meter will be installed between the import point and the inlet to the storage reservoir.

A reservoir water level indication gauge will be installed in the pumping station building.

5.9.2. Pumps

For efficient operational management, particularly at times of low demands; variable speed pumps will be used to pressurize the system. These pumps have lower energy demands as they automatically adjust their output to match variations in system pressure.

Velocity in the variable speed pump manifold will be designed to be around 1.0 m/s to improve the NPSH (net pressure suction head) available at the pumps. The pump discharge velocity should in general be less than 1.5 l/s to minimize hydraulic losses. The standby pump capacity will be 100% of the operational requirement.

The pump efficiency will be > 83%, based on a single stage centrifugal pump with horizontal split casing driven through a flexible coupling. The electric motor will be continuously rated at least 15% above the power adsorbed by the pump at the duty pump, the motor efficiency shall not be less than 96%. The combined efficiency will be >79%.

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5.9.3. Chlorination

(a) The capacity of the vodokanal to O&M a gas chlorinator, even after capacity building and training should be reviewed carefully by UCSA during detailed design. If gas is to be used, the chlorination building will have 2 separate rooms, one for the gas cylinders and the second one for the chlorine feed equipment. Both doors into the building must open outwards.

(b) The following chlorination equipment must be installed:

• Chlorine cylinders filled with 65 kg liquid Cl2, suitable for drinking water.

• Isolating valves for each cylinder, gas manifold from cylinders to the chlorinators.

• Automatic cylinder change-over switch actuated by a pressure gauge.

• Emergency shut-off valve.

• Pressure reducing valve with pressure gauges and strainer.

• Safety vent valve with outgoing pipe ending above the building roof.

• Vacuum regulating valve and vacuum safety valve.

• Control panel for controlling components installed in the chlorine storage room, including alarm light and audible alarm of chlorine leakage. (c) The chlorinator will be of the modular, V-notch, vacuum operated type housed in free standing cubicles. The chlorinators will be operated in conjunction with motive water pumps and each chlorinator shall be complete with its injector unit, manifold gas inlet, vent and drain lines. The chlorinators shall also be complete with a flow meter having a 20:1 range, differential pressure regulator and vacuum/pressure relief devices.

(d) The following health and safety equipment should be provided:

• Gas leakage and monitoring equipment

• Controlled air ventilation of chlorine building.

• Safety equipment and leak detection/alarm equipment.

• Chlorine leak detection sample equipment

• Water test equipment.

5.9.4 Plant and Equipment for O&M

PPTA consultants in conjunction with PPMU and vodokanal will determine and agree the following:

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• A list of equipment required for the vodokanal to maintain after the rehabilitated works;

• Vehicles and excavators

• O&M maintenance equipment,

• Emergency pipe stocks based on usage and diameter.

• Pipe stocks for network extensions and diversions.

• Fittings for replacing and installing /new service connections,

• Joints and VJ repair clamps for mains and service repairs.

• Safety equipment.

• Computers and office equipment.

• Replacement of domestic water meters

• Spare parts for electrical/mechanical equipment will be added to the supply contracts sufficient for 3 or 5 years usage.

• Hach equipment for on site water quality testing.

• Leakage detection equipment

5.9.5 Procurement Packages

The Margilan water system physical rehabilitation and upgrading works will be procured as one ICB package/contract. However, the plant and equipment component will be procured as part of one ICB package for the whole project. Laboratory and computer/administration equipment will be procured as part of the Project’s vodokanal capacity building component. The indicated equipment, materials and civil works for the Margilan water supply component will be procured through Uzbekistan’s procedures following ADB’s Procurement Guidelines under Asian Development Bank Loans.


6.1 Land Acquisition and Resettlement Land Acquisition and Resettlement (LAR) – Due Diligence report was prepared as part of the Investment Program. This report confirms that the Margilan subproject has no negative social impacts associated with LAR and that the project will benefit more than 220,000 residents of Margilan and Tashlak by providing higher volume, better quality water at higher pressures. There is not need for land acquisition in Margilan, but in case there are changes during detailed design, the compensation matrix in the resettlement plan would apply. The LAR is in the appendix of the main Tranche 2 report.

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6.2 Initial Social Analysis The social aspects of the Margilan subproject have been analysed to better understand the social context of the investment program and the socioeconomic conditions of the area. The appropriateness of the proposed interventions has been assessed, as well as the potential positive and negative impacts if any, that will be brought about. Actions to maximize the positive social impact or to mitigate any negative impacts have also been identified. Any vulnerabilities that could undermine the program’s objectives or affect the program’s benefits to clients and beneficiaries have also been examined such as cost recovery measures which could potentially reduce access to water supply services for some poorer groups through increases in tariffs for water supply or user connection charges.

No risk of negative social impact by has been identified. The detailed analysis is in the appendix of the main report.

6.3 Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Development An initial assessment of current institutional structure and capacities of the Margilan vodokanal was conducted as part of the appraisal for Tranche 2 of the Investment Program. Main objectives of the initial assessment were to: (i) identify role, responsibility, obligations, property rights, and legal obligations of all stakeholders; (ii) review production objectives, schedules, monitoring and control systems as well as technical training requirements; (iii) review current institutional capacity of the vodokanal; (iv) determine training needs for personnel and/or staff reorganization; (v) ascertain needs for equipment and other supplies to improve productivity, and develop a procurement action plan; (vi) identify potential managers who can benefit from having a personnel development plan and ascertain training needs program for such staff; (vii) identify potential trainers able to train their colleagues within an organization; (viii) analyze current incentives schemes (if available) in vodokanal; (ix) determine major drawbacks in performance of vodokanal, particularly in planning and management; (x) ascertain water supply and sanitation tariff calculation and approval procedures.

The complete report is presented in the appendix to the main report.

6.4 Economic and Financial Analysis

The detailed financial analysis, operating budget, tariff structure and related recommendation are in the appendix to the main report.

6.5 Initial Environmental Examination An Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) study for the Margilan subproject was carried out following the Environment Policy (2002), and Environmental Assessment Guidelines (2003), of ADB’s Safeguards Policy Statement (2009), and relevant environmental policies and guidelines of the Government of Uzbekistan (GoU).

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The IEE involved: (i) gathering baseline information available on the physical, chemical, biological, and socio-economic environment of the sub-project area and subcomponent sites and understanding the technical, social, and institutional aspects of the sub-projects; (ii) public consultation and field visits; (iii) screening of potential issues, concerns, and impacts relative to location, design, construction, and operation to distinguish those that are likely to be significant for a particular subcomponent and warranting further study; (iv) recommending measures to mitigate adverse issues, concerns, and impacts, particularly to the project design team; (v) preparing an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) indicating impact areas, recommended mitigation measures, method of monitoring the impacts and responsible persons; and (vi) proposing the institutional set up for implementation of the EMP.

Based on the indication of the Rapid Environmental Assessment and the findings of the IEE, the classification of the Fergana subproject as Category “B” was confirmed, and no further special study or detailed EIA will be needed to be carried out to comply with the environmental policies of the ADB.

The complete IEE report is presented in the appendix of the main report.

6.6 Earthquake Zone The Margilan subproject area is located in a designated (Richter Scale) Earthquake Zone 8. Project design will incorporate strengthened of structures based on the related Uzbekistan standards .

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Appendix 1. Design criteria for projected water demand through to 2025

Calculated volumes of water consumption of Fergana and Margilan Table № 3 Consumption 2025год Consumption Consumption м3/day м3/horr Of them calculate calculated Population, covered d sec. Name of thousand by from c. from towns people by Population, centraliz max.hou average 1.01.10 thousand ed water supply, person r l/sec hour l/sec needs General Industry average thousand Leakage maximum. Population people General max. day Own and technological Water consumption l/day per

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Fergana 284,00 284,00 200 56800 14200 2840,0 73840,0 17721,6 114452, 4768,8 7272,5 2020,1 1324,7 233,1 Kirguli Subtotal 233,1 284,00 284,00 56800,00 14200 2840,00 73840,00 17721,60 114452 4768,83 7272,47 2020,13 1324,68 Margilan 202,52 265,80 265,80 180 47844 11961 5980,5 65785,5 15788,5 101967,5 4248,6 6479,2 1799,8 1180,2 Tashlak 16,4 16,90 16,88 150 2531,94 632,99 316,5 3481,4 835,5 5396,2 224,8 342,9 95,2 62,5 Subtotal 218,92 282,70 282,68 50375,94 12593,99 6296,99 69266,92 16624,06 107363,7 4473,5 6822,1 1895,0 1242,6 Total 452,02 567 567 107176 26794 9137 143107 34346 221816 9242 14095 3915 2567

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Appendix 2: Schematic of Water Supply System

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Appendix 3: Bill of Quantities and Cost Estimates for Margilan Water

Margilan Water Supply 1535 US$ Dollars including: Investment costs UoM Q-ty Unit cost Total cost Civil works Equipment

Rehabilitation of Yujniy Wellfield and WDU Cleaning boreholes 7 units units 7 16,858 118,005 118,005 0 Pumping stations on boreholes (7 units) units 7 20,569 143,985 59,110 84,875 Automation of borehole pumps (set) 7 units sets 7 13,298 93,083 40,045 53,038 Rehabilitation of collection pipes units 1 406,323 406,323 384,896 21,427 Reservoirs with capacity 5000 m3 units 2 321,431 642,862 602,574 40,288 Rehabilitation of booster pumping units 1 618,727 618,727 302,527 316,200 Construction of chlorination unit units 1 116,763 116,763 45,419 71,344 Technological communications units 1 346,796 346,796 335,403 11,393 Construction of heating units units 2 15,927 31,854 25,172 6,682 Rehabilitation of warehouse units 1 11,767 11,767 11,767 0 Rehabilitation of gateway units 1 1,987 1,987 1,987 0 Construction of gateway units 1 4,428 4,428 4,428 0 Construction of gas utilities units 1 10,166 10,166 10,166 0 Water supply and sewerage utilities units 1 19,471 19,471 17,406 2,064 Landscaping and land improvement units 1 98,761 98,761 98,761 0 Site power supply units 1 70,244 70,244 70,244 0 Fencing with gates units 1 14,796 14,796 14,796 0 Transformer substation 2x400 units 1 29,695 29,695 4,269 25,427 Construction of trunk main from Kirguli WDU to distribution mains d- m 4,000 802 3,206,057 3,099,989 106,068 1000mm l-4km Ultrasonic water meters on water trunk main with d-600mm 1 unit units 1 8,437 8,437 27 8,410 Ultrasonic water meters on water trunk main with d-700 mm 2 units units 2 10,546 21,092 67 21,025 Ultrasonic water meters on water trunk main with d-1000mm 2 units units 2 15,066 30,132 96 30,036 Subtotal 6,045,430 5,247,155 798,275

Tashlak Wellfield and WDU Construction of reservoirs with capacity 1000m3 units 2 49,772 99,544 95,187 4,357 Pumping station units 1 236,137 236,137 188,012 48,125 Chlorination unit units 1 47,887 47,887 40,622 7,265 Landscaping and land improvement units 1 41,345 41,345 41,345 0 Fencing with gates units 1 14,796 14,796 14,796 0 Subtotal 439,709 379,962 59,747

Pipelines Construction of trunk main Construction of trunk main from Kirguli WDU to Yujniy WDU d- m 5,000 320 1,599,055 1,585,812 13,243 700mm l-5km Construction of new water distribution mains of Margilan New construction of water distribution mains d-500 mm l-2km m 2,000 173 346,195 324,562 21,632 New construction of water distribution mains d-400 mm l-4km m 4,000 111 443,515 415,825 27,690 New construction of water distribution mains d-300 mm l-5.5km m 5,500 68 371,597 359,819 11,778 New construction of water distribution mains d-200 mm l-2km m 2,000 33 65,771 55,535 10,236 New construction of water distribution mains d-150 mm l-2km m 2,000 24 48,040 37,711 10,329 New construction of water distribution mains d-110 mm l-4.5km m 4,500 13 57,658 48,511 9,147 Reconstruction of water distribution mains of Margilan Reconstruction of water distribution mains d-500 mm l-3km m 3,000 207 622,054 604,027 18,027 Reconstruction of water distribution mains d-250 mm l-2.0km m 2,000 46 92,345 82,305 10,040 Reconstruction of water distribution mains d-200 mm l-15km m 15,000 29 429,910 414,234 15,676 Reconstruction of water distribution mains d-160 mm l-7km m 7,000 22 151,138 141,108 10,030 Subtotal 4,227,277 4,069,450 157,827

Detailed design 379,288

Maintenance equipment 814,949 0 814,949

Lab Equipment (Mobile Lab) units 2 48,000 96,000 96,000

Computers (15) and printers (5) for vodokanal 21,825 21,825

Total Project Base Costs 12,024,477 9,696,567 1,948,622

22 of 25 Republic of Uzbekistan Uzbek Agency “UZKOMMUNHIZMAT”

ADB TA 7240-UZB: Water Supply and Sanitation Services Improvement Program (WSSSIP) Tranche 2

Final Report Sub Project for Rishtan City


Table of Contents

1. BACKGROUND...... 2 1.1 Introduction...... 2 1.2 Project location...... 3 1.3 Scope of Appraisal Preparation...... 3 1.4 Appraisal report (Technical) ...... 4 1.5 Preliminary Design and Documentation for Government Approval...... 4 2. EXISTING WATER SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM...... 4 2.1 Existing Water System ...... 5 2.2 Existing Operational Problems...... 5 2.2.1. Existing Water Supply ...... 6 2.2.2. Rishtan Water Distribution Unit-2 2.2.3. Transmission and Distribution Network...... 6 2.3 Current Water Quality...... 7 3. APPRAISAL REPORT CRITERIA...... 10 3.1 Peak Flow Factors...... 10 3.2 Pipeline Hydraulics-detailed design ...... 10 3.2.1. Sizing...... 10 3.2.2. Hydraulic Calculation ...... 10 3.2.3. Proposed System Layout...... 10 4. WATER DEMANDS...... 11 5. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT WORKS...... 11 5.1 Part 1: New Water Supply System...... 12 5.2 Part 2: Transmission Main Extension...... 13 5.3 Part 3: Rehabilitation of Existing Water Distribution Units...... 13 5.4 Part 4: Rehabilitation of Existing Distribution Network ...... 14 5.5 Recommendations...... 14 5.6 Preliminary Cost Estimates ...... 14 5.7 Improvement Benefits ...... 14 5.7.1. Levels of Service ...... 15 5.7.2. Operating Costs and Income ...... 15 5.8 Pipeline Materials ...... 15 5.9 Civil and Mechanical Works...... 15 5.9.1. Storage Reservoir...... 15

5.9.2. Booster Pump...... 16 5.9.3. Chlorination...... 16 5.9.4. Plant and Equipment for O&M 5.9.5. Procurement Package

6. DUE Diligence...... 17 6.1 Land Acquisition and Resettlement ...... 18 6.2 Initial Social Analysis ...... 18 6.3 Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Development...... 18 6.4 Economic and Financial Analysis...... 18 6.5 Initial Environmental Examination ...... 18 6.6 Earthquake Zone ...... 19


• Appendix 1: Design Criteria for Projected Water Demand by 2025

• Appendix 2: Schematic of Rishtan Water Source and Bulk Supply System

• Appendix 3: Schematic of Rishtan Water Distribution System Improvements

• Appendix 4: Bill of Quantities and Cost Estimate


1.1 Introduction The proposed Multi-tranche Financing Facility program (Investment Program) was developed to be undertaken in four tranches over the period 2009 to 2018 with a design horizon of 15 years; ie the design year is 2025. The first Tranche of the Investment Program approved by ADB in September 2009 is now under implementation by the Government. This report is prepared for the 5 cities under Tranche 2 of the Investment Program.

The water supply and sewerage systems in most of the towns and cities across the 12 provinces of Uzbekistan are in various stages of disrepair and require rehabilitation, upgrading and expansion. The total financing needs identified for the sector are estimated at $3.2 billion. ADB’s Investment Program will finance up to $375 million (including $75 million Government contribution) as a time slice of this requirement. As envisaged, each tranche will focus on two to three different provinces, depending on population and costs. The Executing Agency for the Investment Program is the Uzbekistan Community Services Agency (UCSA), which is responsible for implementing externally financed projects in the sector.

Operation of the Inter-regional transmission mains (IRTMs) is the responsibility of provincial (oblast) water utilities (vodokanals). Delivery and operation and maintenance (O&M) of water supply and sewerage (WSS) services are the responsibility of district (rayon) water and sewerage utilities (vodokanals). All vodokanals are potentially eligible to apply for inclusion under the Investment Program, but will be evaluated against the eligibility criteria agreed with the Government. Commitment by the vodokanals to institutional and financial reforms is an important aspect of eligibility, with a view to full sustainability after the water and sewerage facilities have been upgraded.

Under Tranche 2 of the Investment Program 5 subprojects located in 2 provinces have been identified as urgently required, and eligible, including:

Fergana Province:

• Rishtan City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of the existing water system;

• Fergana City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of the existing water system;

• Margilan City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of the existing water system;

• Kokand City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of existing water and sewerage systems.

Andijan Province:

• Andijan City-rehabilitation, expansion and upgrading of existing water and sewerage systems.

These five subprojects have been confirmed as meeting the eligibility criteria and have been appraised in sufficient detail to confirm physical works, cost estimates, O&M costs, environmental and social safeguards, and economic and financial sustainability. The appraisal report includes procurement packages and a procurement plan.

This appraisal report is for the Rishtan water supply subproject.

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1.2 Project location Rishtan City is situated in Fergana Province. The proposed subproject includes expansion of an existing well field, construction of new wells, new raw water transmission main, rehabilitation of the existing bulk water distribution unit, construction a new water distribution unit and rehabilitation and expansion of the existing water distribution system in the urban area. In addition, the new raw water transmission main will provide takeoffs for 4 villages, along the transmission main to Rishtan. However, there are insufficient funds to replace all existing pipe under Tranche 2, though these may be included in a subsequent tranche of the Investment Program, or be addressed through locally financed schemes. The existing sewage disposal in Rishtan consists of several individually constructed systems, each serving a number of residential blocks and private housing. Upgrading and expansion of the sewerage system is being planned for either inclusion in a future tranche of the Investment Program or from other funding sources.

1.3 Scope of Appraisal Preparation The appraisal process for the Rishtan appraisal report included:

• Site visits to the Rishtan vodokanal to verify basic data. Obtain updated data and determine, from discussions with vodokanal management, as to how the current water supply and distribution infrastructure operates and the problems encountered in operating the system, how to plan for the rehabilitation and expansion; • Evaluate the Rishtan proposal against the agreed eligibility criteria for participating in Investment Program; • Review all UCSA reports and recommendations for the water sector in Uzbekistan and, in particular, for Rishtan vodokanal; • Water quality aspects and treatment requirements; • Summarize the basic design criteria for 2025; population, water consumption/liters/capita/day (lpcd); • Identify the improvements required to bring the water supply, transmission and distribution infrastructure in Rishtan vodokanal to Uzbekistan water service standards; • Apply value engineering, including evaluation of any options for delivering the needed improvements to the Rishtan vodokanal infrastructures; • Analyse and select the preferred option available to deliver the improvements to the Rishtan urban water distribution network, based on value engineering and least cost principles, while meeting design and service standards; • Develop a bill of quantities; • Develop pre-design cost estimates; • Provide criteria and general specifications, to be used for the later detailed design, tendering and construction; • Prepare procurement packages and a procurement plan; • Prepare an initial environmental examination (IEE), including an environmental management plan (EMP), to mitigate identified impacts. Related costs are included as a line item in the subproject’s costs estimates;

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• Initial screening for resettlement requirements and preparation of a resettlement plan if required. Related costs are included as specific line item in the subproject’s costs estimates; • Prepare an economic and financial analysis and revenue requirements, budget, and cost recovery plan including analysis of current and projected water tariff requirements, financing of gaps in revenue versus costs. • Incorporate social and gender action plans including a program to improve hygiene in local schools, health clinics and hospitals;

1.4 Appraisal report (Technical) The main objectives of the appraisal report are:

• Identify the operational problems currently impacting on the provision of adequate water supplies to customers of the Rishtan urban water supply, transmission and distribution system. • Identify projections of water demand to include adequate provision for fire fighting in accordance with Uzbekistan standards. • Evaluate options to improve water supply and distribution. • Provide recommendations for the investment requirements to improve water supplies to the Rishtan urban area. • Develop pre-design cost estimates. • Develop criteria for use in the detailed design of the Rishtan water infrastructure improvements. • Ensure that water quality provided to the city complies with Uzbekistan standards.

1.5 Preliminary Design and Documentation for Government Approval After Government and ADB approval of Tranche 2 of the Investment Program, the work to be carried out by UCSA and their consultants will include:

• Conduct field surveys using GPS, satellite images, latest maps and supplementary field surveys to develop the basic grid; • Generate topographical maps and profile drawings for all proposed pipelines including all reference points, with details inset for hydrants, valves, meters, service connections, and other appurtenances. • Confirm water production demand, water quality, pumping and network operating pressures. • Use hydraulic network model to confirm pre-feasibility pipeline diameters and flows. • Produce final design report, schedule of quantities, specifications, and cost estimates. • Produce tender documents, procurement packages and a plan for the procurement process.


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2.1 Existing Water System The current population of the city is 34,100, of which 21,000 are covered by the urban water distribution network. There are 4,800 connections. In addition the Rishtan water supply system provides water for 3,600 residents in 3 peri-urban areas.

Currently bulk water supply to Rishtan is provided from 3 ground water sources:

The Selkitma well field: 7 boreholes, which provides an estimated 1,500 m3/day, although the design capacity was 19,000 m3/day, the well pumps discharge into the bulk water distribution centre with 1000 m3 storage (2 x 500), chlorination and 3 high lift pumps which pumps the water to the Rishtan water distribution centre-2: built in 1993-94. It has 2 storage reservoirs with 2 x 7,000=14,000 m3 capacity, and water flows by gravity to the distribution system. This unit was required to reduce the pressure from the existing intake, the water has to be pumped over a hill, and provide peak hour and fire storage, as flow from here to the Rishtan distribution system is by gravity.

The Topvaldiev water supply system: located in the north east outskirts of Rishtan, consists of 2 boreholes with well pumps, 500 m3 storage reservoir, 2 high lift pumps, and connection to the Rishtan distribution system, but also supplies water to local villages.

The Kashkarna water supply system: Consists of 3 boreholes leading directly to the Rishtan and local village distribution systems.

Local wells: Dozens of wells throughout the urban area, used by local residents to supplement the limited supply from the piped water system.

Transmission Mains: The existing Selkitma system pumps water to the Rishtan water distribution centre-2. From the distribution centre there are 2 existing 400 mm lines for 1.1 km, after which there is only one 300 mm line to transfer the water from the distribution unit to the Rishtan distribution network.

Distribution System: The Rishtan distribution system has a total network length of 60 km. The majority of the network (38.5 km) consists of unlined steel pipes with diameters ranging from 50 mm to 300 mm, built from 1959-1980. 2.2 Existing Operational Problems

The city is currently experiencing many water supply and distribution problems. The key ones are:

2.2.1 Existing Water Supply

The Selkitma well field is located in a flood plain and of the 7 boreholes, only 1 is operating. One well was washed away in spring floods and the other 5 have stopped producing due to siltation and lack of maintenance and the pumps and related electrical and mechanical equipment has been removed. The existing pump is also near the end of its service life, is highly inefficient and should be replaced.

Bulk distribution unit at Selkitma: One of the 500 m3 storage reservoirs has been filled with mud and the second is in poor condition. There is no chlorination equipment. Of the 3 high lift (250 m3/hr with 115 m pumping head) only one is operating, the others are beyond repair.

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Note: In addition to the physical problems, the Selkitma well field is located on the border with Kyrghistan and some of the recharge to the aquifer may be from across the border, causing a potentially awkward situation to obtain international agreement in order to expand the well field to meet the growing water demand in Rishtan.

The Topvaldiev water supply system: only 1 well is operating, in the other there is no equipment. The well is too shallow and the water quality is poor. The 500 m3 storage reservoir was built in 1959 and is not operating due to severe leakage. Only 1 high lift pump is working and there is no chlorination.

The Kashkarna water supply system: Only 1 well is operating. The water quality is poor, hard and high sulphates and nitrates-both indicators of sewage contamination, unsuitable for potable water supply.

Local wells: The wells are shallow and the water quality is poor, and not chlorinated.

2.2.2. Rishtan Bulk Water Distribution Unit-2

(a) The existing 2 x 7,000 m3 storage reservoirs are in working condition but suffer from neglect and poor quality construction and should be rehabilitated;

(b) The chlorination system is inoperative, there is no equipment;

(c) The mechanical water meter is in poor condition and inoperative;

(d) The water system only provides 1,500 m3/day hours daily. There is no meter.

2.2.3. Transmission and Distribution Network

(a) A total of 60 km of the distribution network consists of unlined steel pipe which is more than 40 years old. These water mains have a high level of deterioration and corrosion and are the cause of major network water losses with non revenue water (NRW) reported as >22%, including physical leakage and administrative losses. However, due to the lack of system meters and connection meters there is insufficient data available to confirm the network losses; however it is likely that the physical water losses will exceed 22%. (Vodokanals use the run time of the pumps for estimating water losses, and in the absence of accurate meters, these normative values are used for reporting water supply and calculating losses).

In addition to the lack of information, the leakage reported by the vodokanal is based on the operating condition of the existing system, low volume and very low pressure, limited to 1.2-1.7 bars, this translates to only 12-17 meters of head, and explains why there is no water pressure above the second floor of buildings during high demand days and peak hours. The existing operating pressure in Rishtan is much below the Uzbekistan standard of 40-60 meters of head (4-6 bars). The new systems will be designed to provide the required pressure, and once operative would cause much higher leakage than that reported, unless the corroded and leaky pipes are replaced.

Key performance indicators, for assessing the need for water main rehabilitation or replacement program include:

• NRW (m3/km/day)

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• Pipe Repairs (Number/km/year)

• NRW (litres/connection/day)

• Bacteriological Failures (number/km/year)

• Chemical Failures (Number/km/year)

• Customer Complaints (Number/km/year)

• Pressure testing and leakage detection

However, this information is not currently tracked by the vodokanal (their assessment of rehabilitation requirements is based on the age of pipes and general knowledge of the condition of the old pipe). The need for rehabilitation recommended in this report is based on physical condition of sample pipe from previous repairs, the estimated losses and experience of the vodokanal. More detailed evaluations of the physical condition of the water mains, including metering, pressure testing and leakage detection, will be carried out as a part of the detailed design.

The combination of water losses in the network (22% is reported), high degree of deterioration of the cast iron and steel pipelines, infiltration of polluted ground water, lack of chlorination, limited supply schedules/hours of operation and low operating pressures means that all connected customers receive poor service, much below Uzbekistan standards. In the majority of cases no water is available above the ground floor in multi-story buildings, nor is there sufficient flow to meet fire protection standards.

2.3 Current Water Quality The water quality indicators for the current Rishtan water supply from Topvaldiev and Kashkaran indicate that this water supply has high hardness and indicators of pollution, and is unsuitable for a municipal water supply. The key indicators are in the table below, and exceed Uzbekistan standards.

Table 1 – Rishtan Water Quality Analsysis

Kashkaran/Topvaldiev Water Quality Analysis Component Unit WHO Uzbek Standard Rishtan 950:2000 WDU-1 PH Units 6.5-8.5 6-9 7.5 TDS mg/l 1000 1000 (1500) 2582 Calcium Ca mg/l 200 Sodium Na mg/l 200 Chloride Cl mg/l 250 250 166 Sulphate SO4 mg/l 400 1027 Nitrate NO3 mg/l 50 45 38 Hardness Ca+Mg Mg*ecv/l 500 7/10 26 Turbidity NTU 1.5/2.0 0.56 Ammonium NH4 mg/l 0.5 Polyphosphate Phosphorus mg/l 3.5 Fluoride F mg/l 1.5 0.7 0.33 Nitrite NO2 mg/l 3 3

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Iron Fe mg/l 0.3 0.3 Manganese Mn mg/l 0.5 0.1 Copper Cu mg/l 1 1 Lead Pb mg/l 0.01 0.03 Chromium Cr mg/l 0.05 0.05 Cadmium Cd mg/l 0.003 0.001 Zinc Za mg/l 3 3 Nickel Ni mg/l 0.07 0.1 Arsenic As mg/l 0.01 0.05 Alpha Bq/l 0.1 0.1 Beta Bq/l 1 1 Aluminium Al mg/l 0.2(0.5*) Beryllium Be mg/l 0.002 N/c Boron B mg/l 0.5 N/c Cadmium Cd mg/l 0.001 N/c Molybdenum Mo mg/l 0.25 N/c Mercury Hg mg/l 0.0005 N/c Lead Pb mg/l 0.03 N/c Selenium Se mg/l 0.01 N/c Strontium Sr mg/l 7 N/c Benzol C6H6 mkg/l 10 N/c Benzpyrene mkg/l 0.01 N/c Polyakrilamid mkg/l 2 N/c Total Coliforms MPN/100ml Not Allowed <100 N/c E Coli MPN/100ml Not allowed <3 Free Chlorine mg/l 0.2 – 0.3 N/c –Not conducted (Analysis) N/a – Not available The water quality form the proposed new water source near the Sohk River is of good quality and meets Uzbekistan standards for key indicators, as in Table 2 below.

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Table 2 New Rishtan Water Source Quality Information

Rishtan Water Quality Analysis-New well field at Sokh River Component Unit WHO Uzbek Standard Rishtan WDU 950:2000 PH Units 6.5-8.5 6-9 7.6 TDS mg/l 1000 1000 (1500) Calcium Ca mg/l 200 Sodium Na mg/l 200 Chloride Cl mg/l 250 250 13 Sulphate SO4 mg/l 400 Nitrate NO3 mg/l 50 45 3.5 Hardness Ca+Mg Mg*ecv/l 500 7/10 5.1 Turbidity NTU 1.5/2.0 Ammonium NH4 mg/l 0.5 Polyphosphate Phosphorus mg/l 3.5 Fluoride F mg/l 1.5 0.7 0.6 Nitrite NO2 mg/l 3 3 Iron Fe mg/l 0.3 0.3 Manganese Mn mg/l 0.5 0.1 Copper Cu mg/l 1 1 Lead Pb mg/l 0.01 0.03 Chromium Cr mg/l 0.05 0.05 Cadmium Cd mg/l 0.003 0.001 Zinc Za mg/l 3 3 Nickel Ni mg/l 0.07 0.1 Arsenic As mg/l 0.01 0.05 Alpha Bq/l 0.1 0.1 Beta Bq/l 1 1 Aluminium Al mg/l 0.2(0.5*) Beryllium Be mg/l 0.002 N/c Boron B mg/l 0.5 N/c Cadmium Cd mg/l 0.001 N/c Molybdenum Mo mg/l 0.25 N/c Mercury Hg mg/l 0.0005 N/c Lead Pb mg/l 0.03 N/c Selenium Se mg/l 0.01 N/c Strontium Sr mg/l 7 N/c Benzol C6H6 mkg/l 10 N/c Benzpyrene mkg/l 0.01 N/c Polyakrilamid mkg/l 2 N/c Total Coliforms MPN/100ml Not Allowed <100 N/c E Coli MPN/100ml Not allowed <3 Free Chlorine mg/l 0.2 – 0.3 N/c –Not conducted (Analysis) N/a – Not available

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3. APPRAISAL REPORT CRITERIA The general design criteria used in this appraisal report to determine the operating pressure, main and pipe diameter and related operational fittings (valves, meters, air valves, non return valves and fire hydrants) for the proposed transmission and distribution mains are summarized below. While the Uzbekistan standards for minimum pressure, fire fighting and hours of supply have been followed, these will be further checked and expanded in the detailed design stage.

3.1 Peak Flow Factors Uzbekistan standards have been used to calculate the multiplying factor for the peak day flow rate. This varies from 1.3 to over 2 times the daily average demand. The peak hourly rate, which could occur twice per day, should be twice the peak day flow rate. This takes into account the additional flow required to be provided for fire fighting purposes, for a two hour eventuality as per the SNIP (Uzbekistan regulatory standards).

The basic design criteria are in Appendix 1.

3.2 Pipeline Hydraulics-detailed design 3.2.1. Sizing

Pipelines will be sized to meet the maximum specified flow rate and to achieve the defined levels of service. Inlet mains from bulk supply to the bulk distribution storage will not be required to meet the full peak flow rates.

3.2.2. Hydraulic Calculation

Hydraulic calculations using the Hazen Williams Equation for the calculation of friction loss; the roughness factor applied for HDPE is 1001.

In the later detailed design stage it is recommended the hydraulic calculations be conducted using Water Cad computer software.

3.2.3. Proposed System Layout

Generally, the final design of the water supply and distribution layout will depend on the following factors, to be incorporated in the detailed design:

• Quantities of water to be pumped, based on peak hour and fire flows • Operating Pressure • Reliability of supply • Good access for maintenance • Location of valves, air/vacuum relief valves and washouts. • Adverse ground conditions and difficult terrain. • Pipe materials and corrosion protection systems in aggressive or contaminated grounds for ductile iron or steel

1 This is a conservative figure – HDPE can be rated at up 140, but doing so makes little difference to pipe diameters

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pipe. • Crossing of railways and water courses • Depth of frost penetration • Rights of way/Private ground. • Traffic loading • Location of other utilities equipment • Ease of operation After all the above points have been taken into consideration, site investigations undertaken and once agreement is reached with other utility (telephone, gas, electrical, cable, etc) operators, the most appropriate pipeline route can be selected. Usually the replacement of, and installation of new water mains and distribution pipes, will follow existing road, street and other utility rights of way, but new or expanded WDUs may require land acquisition.

4. WATER DEMANDS From the data available for analysis the water demands for the period 2009 to 2025 is indicated in Table 3 below:

Table 2 – Water demands for the period of 2009 to 2005

Water Demand Factors 2009 2015 2025

Total Population of Rishtan Urban Area 34,100 35,000 38,000 Total Population of rural area supplied 15,300 16,000 19,000 Total population connected-increase from 70% 23,980 30,000 57,000 in 2010 to 90% in 2025 Population Increase 2010 to 2025 – 1.1%/year 1600 76,00 Number of Domestic Water Connections form 4800 6,000 9,500 Rishtan water supply. (assumes 5 persons/connection) Domestic Water Consumption – l/c/day (a) 30 150 150 Daily Domestic Water Demand –m3/day 2400 4,500 5,700 Rural villages, commercial and poultry plant 3000 3500 4,400 (2,000 m3/day) consumption – m3/day Total Daily Water Demand, including losses 5,400 8,000 10,100 – m3/day Expected Peak Day Demand – m3/day ; 12,900 12,900 Existing source at Topvaldiev deep well: 1500 2,900 2,900 New source at Sohk River: 10,000 10,000 Distribution Losses – % 50 30 20 Peak Day Availability m3/day 1500 9,000 10,320 Note: Reported supply to piped system is 1,500 m3/day, but with losses only delivering 750 m3/day. 5. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT WORKS Raw Water Supply

Three options for improving the raw water supply in terms of both quality and quantity were evaluated.

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Option 1: Rehabilitate wells and systems at the existing location at Selkitma, and install additional wells to increase the yield. However, due to the political sensitivities/nearness to the border with another country, and the fact that additional withdrawal at this site could involve recharge of the aquifer from across the border, expansion was determined to be impractical. The additional cost of raising the well heads above the flood level would also make the cost for this option prohibitive. Furthermore, the existing raw water transmission main is of unlined steel and badly corroded, and in any case of insufficient size, and therefore would need to be replaced, adding further cost to this option.

Option 2: Rehabilitate and upgrade the wells in the Rishtan urban area (Topvaldiev, Kashkaran and local wells) to meet the total design demand was also rejected as there is insufficient volume of water and would require treatment to remove the excessive hardness of the ground water in this local aquifer.

Option 3: Locate a new ground water source, with capacity to meet the design demand of Rishtan, with good quality. Such a source was found at the existing well field near the Sokh River. This well field was constructed to provide water to a poultry processing plant, which has since shut down. The City has transferred the water system to the vodokanal. Pump testing indicates that up to 10,000 m3/day can be extracted from the well field. The water quality analysis indicate that the water from this aquifer is well within the Uzbekistan standards for municipal water supply. The poultry plant and the four villages along the way, will also be supplied with good quality water through take offs from the transmission mains. The works involved in developing this option are described below.

In addition to the 10,000 m3/day from the Sohk River well field, the Topvaldiev well field will be reconstructed with deeper wells, below the polluted strata, to augment the water supply by 2,900 m3/day to meet peak day demands. The good quality water from the Sohk River system will be blended with the Topvaldiev water so that the blended water entering the water distribution system will meet Uzbekistan standards.

Distribution System:

Due to the extensive deterioration of the existing distribution system only the most urgent and major components can be replaced under this subproject/Investment Program. Continued improvement of the systems will need to be carried out even after this intervention by the provincial PIU and/or vodokanal. Their technical capacities will have been strengthened under the Investment Program. The tariff reform, reduced leakages and improved energy efficiency will lead to increasing revenues enabling the Rishtan vodokanal to conduct its own leakage detection and repair, meter maintenance and expansion to connect new consumers as the population increases. If further evaluations reveal that more work is required now to attain targets of improved service/leakage reduction, UCSA could consider such follow-on works under later tranches of the Investment Program.

The measures to be taken to improve and expand the water supply system for Rishtan are below.

5.1 Part 1: New Supply System-from Sohk River Well Field and Topvaldiev Wells Sokh River Well Field: Rehabilitate existing 7 well(s). Each well will require chemical treatment/cleaning and surging, new screen, well pump, meter, valves, mechanical, electrical and

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control systems and related structures. Rehabilitated capacity of the 7 wells will be 10,000 m3/day.

Bulk Water Distribution Unit at Well Field: Construct new 2 x 500=1000 m3 storage reservoirs, install absorbing filters, rehabilitate chlorination room and install new chlorination equipment (liquid hypo-chlorinator), rehabilitate pump room and install 3 new high lift pumps, complete with meters, mechanical, electrical and control system, provide new electrical high voltage supply, transformers, switch gear, motor control centres, and related structures and buildings, complete with access, parking, landscaping and accessories.

Tolpavaldiev Supply System: Install 2 new wells in deep aquifer (200m), to provide 2,900 m3/day of water supply, complete with screens, well pumps, meters, valves, mechanical, electrical and control systems and related structures;

The schematic of the new water system is in Appendix 2. The bill of quantities and cost estimate are in Appendix 4.

5.2 Part 2: Transmission Main Extension It is proposed that the following rehabilitation and improvement work be undertaken in the transmission system:

New water transmission main: (from Sohk River to poultry plant take off use existing 400 mm, 2850 m line): New line: 12,250 m line from poultry plant to existing line at Bogistan as follows; 6,250 m of 315 mm diameter HDPE pipe to Chaen, with take offs for Novbahar and Chaen villages; 6,000 m of 250 mm diameter HDPE pipe to Bogistan village.

From Bogistan to Rishtan construct new transmission main of 5.3 km of 315 mm diameter pipe to Kashkaren and to connect to distribution system.

Install new 3.35 km 180 mm diameter transmission main from Kashkaren to connect to the Topvaldiev water distribution unit, to provide blending of the Topvaldiev water.

The schematic of the transmission mains are in Appendix 2 and the bill of quantities and cost estimate are in Appendix 4.

5.3 Part 3: Rehabilitation of Existing Water Distribution Units: The Rishtan water distribution centre-2 (WDU-2): Rehabilitate existing storage reservoirs, 2 x 7,000=14,000 m3 capacity. Provide new piping, valves, bulk water meter, chlorination system, and new control system. Provide new electrical system and motor control centres and panels. Rehabilitate the existing structures, buildings and general site. Note: There are no pumps in this WDU, as water flows by gravity to Rishtan.

The Topvaldiev distribution unit: Construct new 200 m3 reservoir for blending with water from WDUC-2, high lift pumps with piping, bulk water meter and valves, chlorination system and related electrical, mechanical and control systems. Rehabilitate/construct required new structures, buildings and site works.

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The schematics of the WDCs are in Appendix 2 and the bill of quantities and costs estimate are in Appendix 4.

5.4 Part 4: Rehabilitation of Distribution Network Rehabilitate/Replace Existing Corroded and Leaking Pipe:

(a) 11.7 km of 110 mm diameter pipe;

(b) 1.5 km of 160 mm diameter pipe

(c) 1.6 km of 200 mm diameter pipe; and

(d) ).5 km of 225 mm diameter HDPE pipe.

New Water Distribution Mains:

Construct new water distribution lines to expand coverage of the water system from current 70% to 100% of the future/2025 population of Rishtan as follows:

(a) 16.9 km of 110 mm diameter pipe;

(b) 9,2 km of 160 mm diameter pipe

(c) 0.6 km of 180 mm diameter pipe,

(d) 1.8 km of 200 mm diameter pipe; and

(e) 5.2 km of 225 mm diameter HDPE pipe.

All rehabilitated and new pipe installation includes hydrants, valves, thrust blocks and property connections.

The layout and proposed improvements to the distribution system are in Appendix 3 and the bill of quantities and cost estimate are in Appendix 4.

5.5 Recommendations It is recommended that the improvements as described above, be implemented, with adjustments as necessary during detailed design.

5.6 Preliminary Cost Estimates The preliminary base cost estimate for the Rishtan subproject works is $7,137,000, including an allowance for detailed design, maintenance equipment and spare parts. The bill of quantities and costs are based on preliminary data as indicated in Appendix 4. However, these should be updated during detailed design.

5.7 Improvement Benefits The following benefits are expected from the improved works:

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5.7.1. Levels of Service

On completion of the proposed improvement works water supply will be available to all existing customers with increased from 30 to 150 lpcd by 2025. System operating pressures will be a minimum of 4 bars/40 m of head.

Water quality will comply with Uzbekistan water quality standards.

5.7.2. Operating Costs and Income

(a) Initially billed income will increase when the new system becomes operative as consumers will have access to water 24 hrs/day compared with the current 2 hours per day. Furthermore supply will continue to improve in stages between 2013 and 2016, due to reduction in real network water losses as the rehabilitation is completed and leakage detection and repair programs are introduced in the vodokanal, along with the new feeder main system, reservoir storage and booster pumps.

(b) The real water losses in the distribution network are expected to be reduced by a minimum of 15%, when the proposed distribution system rehabilitation work is completed.

(c) Cost of materials and leakage repairs will be less as the numbers of defects reduces after the completion of the sub-project works.

(d) There will be an increase in electricity costs for operation of the new pumps, as much more water will be pumped, however the new pumps will have high efficiency. The existing pump is obsolete and has low efficiency, estimated at less than 50%. The new pumps and motors will have a combined efficiency of > 79%.

(e) The estimated O&M costs of the rehabilitated system, including effective chlorination systems, will be determined in conjunction with the vodokanal, during detailed design.

5.8 Pipeline Materials The transmission and distribution mains up to and including 315 mm diameter will be of HDPE Class PN 25 (or equivalent).

The pipelines between the import point to the outlet from the booster pump will be flanged ductile iron with cement mortar lining to EN BS 545 (or equivalent).

5.9 Civil and Mechanical Works 5.9.1. Storage Reservoirs

The reservoirs will be constructed from reinforced concrete, the storage capacity will be 14,000 m3 (2x7000), there will be an inlet main with ball valve, DN 400 mm outlet main with valve, DN 400 mm with valve to a washout main and DN 400 mm overflow pipe. The discharge from the overflow and washout pipe will be discharged to a local drain.

Two access points to the reservoir will be provided in the roof slab, with access ladders internally and externally at the access points. DN 100 mm vents and roof drainage system will be installed.

A 200 mm EM water meter will be installed between the import point and the inlet to the storage reservoir.

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A reservoir water level indication gauge will be installed in the pumping station building.

5.9.2. Booster Pump

The Topvaldiev system has no water storage, therefore for efficient operational management, particularly at times of low demands; variable speed pumps will be used to pressurize the system. These pumps have lower energy demands as they automatically adjust their output to match variations in system pressure.

Velocity in the variable speed pump manifold will be designed to be around 1.0 m/s to improve the NPSH (net pressure suction head) available at the pumps. The pump discharge velocity should in general be less than 1.5 l/s to minimize hydraulic losses. The standby pump capacity will be 100% of the operational requirement.

The pump efficiency will be > 83%, based on a single stage centrifugal pump with horizontal split casing driven through a flexible coupling. The electric motor will be continuously rated at least 15% above the power adsorbed by the pump at the duty pump, the motor efficiency shall not be less than 96%. The combined efficiency will be >79%.

5.9.3. Chlorination

(a) The capacity of vodokanals to O&M gas chlorinators, even after capacity building and training should be reviewed carefully by UCSA during detailed design. If gas is to be used, the chlorination building will have 2 separate rooms, one for the gas cylinders and the second one for the chlorine feed equipment. Both doors into the building must open outwards.

(b) The following chlorination equipment must be installed:

• Chlorine cylinders filled with 65 kg liquid Cl2, suitable for drinking water.

• Isolating valves for each cylinder, gas manifold from cylinders to the chlorinators.

• Automatic cylinder change-over switch actuated by a pressure gauge.

• Emergency shut-off valve.

• Pressure reducing valve with pressure gauges and strainer.

• Safety vent valve with outgoing pipe ending above the building roof.

• Vacuum regulating valve and vacuum safety valve.

• Control panel for controlling components installed in the chlorine storage room, including alarm light and audible alarm of chlorine leakage. (c) The chlorinator will be of the modular, V-notch, vacuum operated type housed in free standing cubicles. The chlorinators will be operated in conjunction with motive water pumps and each chlorinator shall be complete with its injector unit, manifold gas inlet, vent and drain lines. The chlorinators shall also be complete with a flow meter having a 20:1 range, differential pressure regulator and vacuum/pressure relief devices.

(d) The following health and safety equipment should be provided:

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• Gas leakage and monitoring equipment

• Controlled air ventilation of chlorine building.

• Safety equipment and leak detection/alarm equipment.

• Chlorine leak detection sample equipment

• Water test equipment.

5.9.4 Plant and Equipment for O&M

PPTA consultants in conjunction with PPMU and vodokanal will determine and agree the following:

• A list of equipment required for the vodokanal to maintain after the rehabilitated works;

• Vehicles and excavators

• O&M maintenance equipment,

• Emergency pipe stocks based on usage and diameter.

• Pipe stocks for network extensions and diversions.

• Fittings for replacing and installing /new service connections,

• Joints and VJ repair clamps for mains and service repairs.

• Safety equipment.

• Computers and office equipment.

• Replacement of domestic water meters

• Spare parts for electrical/mechanical equipment will be added to the supply contracts sufficient for 3 or 5 years usage.

• Hach equipment for on site water quality testing.

• Leakage detection equipment

5.9.5 Procurement Packages

The Rishtan water system improvements, including spare parts will be procured as one ICB package. The O&M equipment will be included in one ICB package for all the subprojects. The indicated equipment, materials and civil works for the Rishtan subproject will be procured through Uzbekistan’s procedures following ADB’s Procurement Guidelines under Asian Development Bank Loans.


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6.1 Land Acquisition and Resettlement Land Acquisition and Resettlement (LAR) – Due Diligence report was prepared as part of the Investment Program. This report confirms that the Rishtan subproject has minimal social impacts associated with LAR for the Topvaldiev water system, and that the project will benefit 35,000 residents of Rishtan city by providing adequate safe drinking water supply. However there will be land acquisition of 1.2 hectares for the Topvaldiev WDU, with compensation paid as per the compensation matrix of the LAR. The complete Resettlement Report is in the main Tranche 2 report.

6.2 Initial Social Analysis The social aspects of the Rishtan subproject have been analysed to better understand the social context of the investment program and the socioeconomic conditions of the area. The appropriateness of the proposed interventions has been assessed, as well as the potential positive and negative impacts if any, that will be brought about. Actions to maximize the positive social impact or to mitigate any negative impacts have also been identified. Any vulnerabilities that could undermine the program’s objectives or affect the program’s benefits to clients and beneficiaries have also been examined such as cost recovery measures which could potentially reduce access to water supply services for some poorer groups through increases in tariffs for water supply or user connection charges.

No risk of negative social impact by has been identified. The complete report is presented in the Tranche 2 main report.

6.3 Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Development An initial assessment of current institutional structure and capacities of the Rishtan vodokanal was conducted as part of the appraisal for Tranche 2 of the Investment Program. Main objectives of the initial assessment were to: (i) identify role, responsibility, obligations, property rights, and legal obligations of all stakeholders; (ii) review production objectives, schedules, monitoring and control systems as well as technical training requirements; (iii) review current institutional capacity of the vodokanal; (iv) determine training needs for personnel and/or staff reorganization; (v) ascertain needs for equipment and other supplies to improve productivity, and develop a procurement action plan; (vi) identify potential managers who can benefit from having a personnel development plan and ascertain training needs program for such staff; (vii) identify potential trainers able to train their colleagues within an organization; (viii) analyze current incentives schemes (if available) in vodokanal; (ix) determine major drawbacks in performance of vodokanal, particularly in planning and management; (x) ascertain water supply and sanitation tariff calculation and approval procedures.

The proposed capacity development is detailed in the main Tranche 2 report.

6.4 Economic and Financial Analysis The economic and financial analysis for Rishtan, are in the appendix of the main Tranche 2 report.

6.5 Initial Environmental Examination An Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) study for the Rishtan subproject was carried out following the Environment Policy (2002), and Environmental Assessment Guidelines (2003), of

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ADB’s Safeguards Policy Statement (2009), and relevant environmental policies and guidelines of the Government of Uzbekistan (GoU).

The IEE involved: (i) gathering baseline information available on the physical, chemical, biological, and socio-economic environment of the sub-project area and subcomponent sites and understanding the technical, social, and institutional aspects of the sub-projects; (ii) public consultation and field visits; (iii) screening of potential issues, concerns, and impacts relative to location, design, construction, and operation to distinguish those that are likely to be significant for a particular subcomponent and warranting further study; (iv) recommending measures to mitigate adverse issues, concerns, and impacts, particularly to the project design team; (v) preparing an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) indicating impact areas, recommended mitigation measures, method of monitoring the impacts and responsible persons; and (vi) proposing the institutional set up for implementation of the EMP.

Based on the indication of the Rapid Environmental Assessment and the findings of the IEE, the classification of the Rishtan subproject as Category “B” was confirmed, and no further special study or detailed EIA will be needed to be carried out to comply with the environmental policies of the ADB.

The complete IEE report is presented in the main report of Tranche 2.

6.6 Earthquake Zone The Rishtan subproject area is located in a designated (Richter Scale) Earthquake Zone 8. Project design will incorporate strengthened of structures based on the related international or Uzbekistan standards, whichever are more conservative.

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Table №3-3 2025 Name of Use m3/day Use м3/hour districts, villages and towns

l/sec hour max head) head) General General average average by water supply Industry Industry thousand people maximum maximum water supply in % Populaiton thousand pople Household - specific - specific Household Number of population, Number of population in Coverage of population with with population of Coverage coveredby water supply Maximum daily, total Present number of population, of population, number Present covered of population Number calculated average sec sec from average calculated

drinking water use(l/day per 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 d/c RISHTAN 34.100 21.000 62 38.065 38.065 150.00 5709.82 856.47 6566.29 7879.55 328.31 448.37 124.55 Population of villages, connected to district center Tuda 3.446 1.500 44 4.327 4.327 100.00 432.75 64.91 497.66 597.19 24.88 33.98 9.44 Ok er 2.676 1.100 41 3.361 3.361 100.00 336.05 50.41 386.46 463.75 19.32 26.39 7.33 Koshkaren 2.63 1.000 38 3.303 3.303 100.00 330.27 49.54 379.82 455.78 18.99 25.94 5.28 Total by district 42.852 23.600 49.056 49.056 450.000 6808.891 1021.334 7830.225 9396.270 391.511 534.678 146.593 center Population of villages, connected to water trunk main before WDU-2

Novbahor 2.036 1.100 54 2.557 2.557 100.00 255.68 38.35 294.03 352.84 20.08 27.42 5.58 Chaen 0.45 0.250 56 0.565 0.565 100.00 56.51 8.48 64.99 77.99 4.44 6.06 1.23 Poultry factory 2000.00 2000.00 2400.00 100.00 250.00 27.78 Subtotal 2.486 1.35 109.5831 3.122 3.122 200 312.19 2046.83 2359.02 2830.82 124.52 283.48 34.59

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Population of villages, connected to water trunk main after WDU-2 Bogiston 1.551 0.850 55 1.948 1.948 100.00 194.77 29.22 223.99 268.79 11.20 15.29 3.11 Kupolon 2.514 1.850 74 3.157 3.157 100.00 315.71 47.36 363.06 435.68 18.15 24.79 5.04 Subtotal 4.065 2.7 66 5.104819 5.105 115.00 510.48 76.57 587.05 704.47 29.35 40.09 8.15 Total by water main 6.551 4.050 62 8.227 8.227 315.000 822.67 2123.40 2946.07 3535.29 153.87 323.57 42.74 trunk Sum 49.403 27.650 56 57.283 57.283 7631.56 3144.73 10776.30 12931.56 545.38 858.24 189.33

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Appendix 2 – Schematic of Water Supply System (source, transmission main, water distribution centres)

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Appendix 3—Schematic of Water Distribution Rehabilitation and Expansion

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Appendix 4—Bill of Quantities and Cost Estimate

Rishtan Water Supply 1535 US$ Dollars including: Investment costs UoM Q-ty Unit cost Total cost Civil works Equipment

Poultry farm Wellfield Buildings and facilities Construction of booster pumping station unit 1 308,752 308,752 185,385 123,368 Rehabilitation of pumping station buildings on boreholes unit 7 35,143 246,003 122,339 123,663 Construction of reservoirs with capacity 500m3 unit 2 64,316 128,633 124,976 3,657 Technological services unit 1 144,663 144,663 125,171 19,492 Rehabilitation of chlorination unit with output 0.5kg/h unit 1 104,420 104,420 55,997 48,422 Simplified absorbing filters unit 2 3,761 7,521 7,517 4 Pit latrine unit 1 6,600 6,600 6,586 14 Digging unit 1 7,114 7,114 7,114 - Repair of gateway unit 2 6,064 12,128 11,756 373 External power supply unit 1 108,448 108,448 15,296 93,152 Security lighting unit 1 18,471 18,471 18,426 45 Power supply network unit 1 26,493 26,493 19,777 6,717 Automation unit 1 20,840 20,840 4,808 16,032 Access roads unit 1 990 990 990 - Landscaping and land improvement unit 1 16,750 16,750 16,750 - Subtotal 1,157,827 722,888 434,939 Boreholes Cleaning the boreholes (depth - 120m) with brushes unit 7 5,171 36,199 36,199 - Borehole surging with air compressors unit 1 18,850 18,850 18,850 - Borehole surging with the existing pump and dismantling the unit 1 3,270 3,270 3,270 - pump CCTV survey of the boreholes unit 1 3,637 3,637 3,637 - Removing the pump from the borehole unit 1 3,142 3,142 3,142 - Borehole surging using boring equipment unit 1 8,131 8,131 8,131 - Subtotal 73,230 73,230 - Total for Poultry farm Wellfield 1,231,056 796,117 434,939 Water Distribution Unit -1 Buildings and facilities Construction of pumping station buildings on the boreholes unit 2 7,877 15,754 14,543 1,211 Utilities for pumping station (electricity, heating, etc) unit 2 35,601 71,202 42,258 28,945 Construction of booster pumping station unit 1 219,735 219,735 108,051 111,684 Construction of reservoirs with capacity 200m3 unit 2 33,444 66,887 63,230 3,657 Technological services unit 1 95,772 95,772 85,106 10,666 Construction of chlorination unit with output 0.5kg/h unit 2 44,667 89,335 40,972 48,363 Absorbing filters unit 2 3,761 7,521 7,517 4 Pit latrine unit 1 13,209 13,209 13,181 28 Digging unit 1 7,448 7,448 7,448 - Construction of administrative office unit 1 86,030 86,030 77,208 8,822 Construction of gateway unit 1 16,387 16,387 15,500 886 External power supply unit 1 15,760 15,760 724 15,036 Security lighting unit 1 6,982 6,982 6,959 23 Power supply network unit 1 9,163 9,163 5,804 3,358 Automation unit 1 25,522 25,522 4,808 20,714 Access roads unit 1 499 499 499 - Landscaping and land improvement unit 1 4,509 4,509 4,509 - Fencing and gates unit 1 18,580 18,580 18,580 - Subtotal 770,295 516,897 253,397 Boreholes Borehole boring, depth 160m 1 99,440 99,440 99,440 - Subtotal 99,440 99,440 - Total for WDU-1 869,734 616,337 253,397

Water Distribution Unit -2 Reconstruction of reservoirs with capacity 7000m3 unit 2 76,310 152,620 152,620 - Technological services unit 1 118,244 118,244 107,601 10,643 Reconstruction of chlorination unit with output 1kg/h unit 1 95,506 95,506 47,699 47,807 Pit latrine unit 1 13,209 13,209 13,181 28 Digging unit 1 7,355 7,355 6,970 385 Repair of gateway unit 1 6,081 6,081 5,894 186 External power supply unit 1 10,949 10,949 724 10,225 Security lighting unit 1 6,414 6,414 6,391 23 Power supply network unit 1 79,477 79,477 78,964 513 Automation unit 1 28,644 28,644 4,808 23,836 Access roads unit 1 520 520 520 - Landscaping and land improvement unit 1 2,781 2,781 2,781 - Rehabilitation of the bridge over the channel unit 1 6,206 6,206 6,206 - Total for WDU-2 528,004 434,358 93,646 Pipelines Trunk mains Trunk main from wellfield to WDU-2, d-315mm - 6.25km unit 1 1,052,294 1,052,294 1,038,887 13,407 and d-250mm - 6km Trunk main from WDU-2 to distribution mains, d-315mm unit 1 455,495 455,495 390,034 65,461 Construction of water mains - Trunk main - d-180мм L-3,35km m 3,350 42 139,729 128,000 11,729 Water mains- d-225мм L-0,55km m 550 56 31,065 27,890 3,175 Water mains- d-200мм L-1,6km m 1,600 53 84,336 75,716 8,620 Water mains- d-160мм L-1,45km m 1,450 47 68,812 61,779 7,033 Water mains- d-110мм L-11,675km m 11,675 43 501,369 450,125 51,244 Reconstruction of water mains Water mains- d-225мм L-5,235km m 5,235 64 337,216 302,750 34,466 Water mains- d-200мм L-1,83km m 1,830 60 110,622 99,316 11,306 Water mains- d-180мм L-0,58km m 580 57 33,322 29,917 3,406 Water mains- d-160мм L-9,255km m 9,255 54 504,229 452,693 51,536 Water mains- d-110мм L-16,885km m 16,885 48 807,260 724,752 82,508 Total for pipelines 4,125,750 3,781,859 343,891

Detailed design 207,597 Maintenance equipment 167,947 167,947 Computers, printers for vodokanal (6pc, 3printers) 7,000 7,000 Total Project Base Costs 7,137,088 5,628,671 1,300,821