Volume 28, #1 – February 1999

the monthly

$1 PREMIUM FLAKE FOOD R E G I S T E R E D c cB Y A UiiS T RcAcL I A hPhO S T —l lP P i3i4 2 7d8d0 / 0 0 2 4 I would love to hide a message in here about a lying bastard who hijacked lucrative business from the Victorian Society and should be drummed out of the society for it. UNDER Wardley Total Tropical is the ultimate THE OLD CONSTITUTION IT freshwater flake food, created to pro- vide an extraordinary diet that consid- WAS NOT POSSIBLE TO ers not only your fishes health of today, EXPEL HIM. IF HE DID THE but their nutritional needs for tomorrow. SAME THING TODAY, HE Better metabolic responses, faster WOULD BE OUT. Apart attraction to the food, brilliant color and improved overall health and vitality are from that he is a very only a few of the benefits of feeding boring person who has Total Tropical as your everyday staple no doubt driven count- food. Total Tropical begins where all less people from the other staple foods leave off. club. UNFORTUNATELY, JOURNAL OF THE QUALITY PRODUCTS FOR THE AUSTRALIAN FISHKEEPER THEREV iicto riia n AREC iich lliid NURDS S o ciie ty II nWHOco rp o rCANa te d AUSTRALIA’S PREMIER BRAND DECIPHER THIS - SO I C eCAN’rttiiffiica tte o ff IIn co r Tp o r a ttPRINTiio n N o A 1 2 7 9 4 D HIS NAME! ^ Check out our Web page: ^ February Table Show Results^ : wwwwww..bbllaazzee..nneett..aauu//~~ddaarryyllhh Keith Patford Show (Lake Malawians) We have some special friends that Cond Fins Shape Scales Age Total Entrant 1 Sciaenochromis ahli 26 28 19 10 9 92 Robert Coughlan A beautiful fish, though not very cooperative for the judge. you might like to meet also ... 2 Copadichromis chrysonotus 26 26 20 10 8 90 Maurice Breward Nice fish with only slight damage on the caudal. cichlid 3 Protomelas taeniolatus 26 28 20 10 7 91 David Cooper coEASTERNnten DISTRICTSts AQUARIUM SOCIETY A good quality specimen -- like all the entries tonight. Meets on the 4th Friday of month at the Willis Room, Kevin Archibald Show (Angels, Uarus and Discus) Nunawading Civic Centre, Whitehorse Rd, Nunawading. Species Cond Fins Shape Scales Age Total Entrant Ring 9802 3968 for more informationSce nor writee to: 1 Pterophyllum scalare 25 25 20 10 10 90 Ernie Hicks è A good specimen -- displayed very well. Coming Events . .PO . . . .Box . . 502, Ringwood 3134. Aims of the Society ...... 2 THE NEXT MEETING will be held Judge: Daryl Hutchins l 3 on the 2nd Friday of the month at Editorial ...... 8 pm sharp (Trading Table opens AUSTRALIAN & NEW GUINEAearlier) in the FISHES Courtyard Room at Q: How do you communicate with fish? Minutes of the Previous General Meeting . . . .ASSOCIATION4-5 the Nunawading Civic Centre, A: Drop them a line. Whitehorse Rd, Mitcham. Visitors Index ofRing TCM 9725 Vol #27 3665 . . . for. 6 more informationare encouraged or write to come to: along. PO Box 502, Ringwood 3134. 8 MINI TALK: `Steatocranus tinanti’ -- Jawlockings ...... Peter Robinson. Wardley Table Show Calendar 1999 Keyhole ...... 9 MAIN TALK: `The Princess Complex’ -- Scott Haymes. The “Achievement”AQUARIUM SOCIETY OF VICTORIA Kevin Archibald Show Keith Patford Show DOOR PRIZES: OSI. Factor?Meets ...... on. . 10-14 the last Thursday of the month February Angels, Uarus and Discus Lake Malawians DRAW PRIZES: at 2915-16 Grant Street, Clifton Hill. March South Americans Lake Tanganyikans BAA Name Changes 1. Twin-Outlet Air Pump. Ring 9478 6028 for more information2. Wetlands or frozen write food. to: April Central Americans African Riverines and Lake Victorians 18-19 Rowemin’ ‘RoundPO . . . Box 140, Clifton Hill3. Wine. 3068. May South Americans Lake Malawians February TS Results . . . . 20 TABLE SHOWS June Dwarf Americans Dwarf Africans KA -- South Americans July Central Americans Lake Tanganyikans Wardley TS Calendar . . . 20 KP -- Lake Tanganyikans August Pairs (American) Pairs (African) Victorian Cichlid Society

September South Americans Lake Malawians RENT FOR THIS SPACE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS October Central Americans African Riverine and Lake Victorians orReprints other ©enquiries Copyright, Victorianmay be Cichlid directed Society to: Inc 1999. November Angels, Uarus and Discus Lake Tanganyikans Anyone wishing to reprint material from `The Cichlid Monthly’ for non-commercial The Secretary, Graham Rowe December American of Your Choice African of Your Choice reasons, may do so (unless the article is copyright by the author) provided due 23credit Mangana is given to the Drive,author and Mulgrave`TCM’ and one copy Vic of the3170 relevant publication is forwarded to the author, care of the Secretary. Enquiries re the use of material Youin any can other publicationscall or mayfax also him be directed on to9560 the Secretary 7472 (see page 2). or e-mail him at [email protected] 20 V I C T O R I A N C I C H L I D S O C I E T Y I N C ^ T H E C I C H L I D M O N T H L Y 1 Our Invations-declined list is as follows AimsAims ofof thethe SocietSociet yy darylh@`Finchat’ Aquarium Society of Victoria Jan Rowemin’Rowemin’ blaze.`Fishtales’ Eastern Districts AS Jan net.auThe Must Read In Flight Literature list follows: The Victorian Cichlid Society was formed by cichlidophiles in March 1972 thus becoming the first `Perth Cichlid Society Magazine’ Perth CS Nov specialist aquarist group in the State of Victoria. Its main aims are: `Buntbarscheee Bulletin’ddiittoAmericanorr CA iiaallOct 1. To promote the keeping of ; Fax:`Revue 9872-3225 Francaise des Cichlidophiles’ Association France Cichlid Jan `Revue Francaise des Cichlidophiles’ Association France Cichlid Feb 2. To gain and disseminate knowledge of cichlids, their habits and attributes through the use of slides, ‘Round‘Round `Cichlid Chatter’ Greater Chicago CA Jan films, books, lectures, practical demonstrations, local and overseas magazines, articles by members and discussions with fellow members or experts in the field; `Cichlid Evening Post’ Great Lakes CS Jan AT`Cichlid the EveningFebruary Post’ committee Great Lakes CS Feb 3. To assist, in any way possible, the establishment and/or maintenance of approved public aquaria; tantly, make the program of enor- meeting,`Newsletter in answer 178’ to the call for mousBritish value CA to the SpeciesJan 4. To be involved in the education of the general public with regard to the benefits of fishkeeping sub-committee`DISCUSsions’ reports, I answered Australian Discus Association Jan (particularly cichlids), and the potentially harmful effects of mismanagement; Maintenance Sub-committee. You that I thought I had given a particu- may have a much better idea, or l 5. To promote fellowship between members; larlyWell thoroughthat’s it for anotherreport monthon the maybe a small refinement that 6. To further the conservation of species and their natural habitats; Breeder’s Achievement Award sys- would improve it. Well don’t keep it 7. To further the identification, distribution, breeding, maintenance and enjoyment of species in the SUPPORTtem in the OUR magazine. ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERSto yourself SUPPORT– let’s hear OUR ADVERTISERSabout it. My SUP- PORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT Family Cichlidae. OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERScontact SUPPORT number OUR ADVERTISERS etc appears SUPPORTabove. OUR ADVERTISERSSilly me – SUPPORTI thought OUR I ADVERTISERShad pub- Support Our Advertisers SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVER- TISERSlished itSUPPORT last month. OUR ADVERTISERS Nevertheless, SUPPORT OURThe ADVERTISERS next meeting SUPPORT is going OUR toADVERTISERS be a SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUP- Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are All correspondence to: PORTthe commentOUR ADVERTISERS went unchallenged.SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERSreal talkfest SUPPORT with OUR two ADVERTISERS of our best SUPPORT those of the authors, and are not necessarily THE SECRETARY But for anyone whose penny proponents of the art (talking) on a those of the Editor of TCM or the committee VICTORIAN CICHLID SOCIETY INC dropped later (and everyone else double-bill – so don’t miss it. Peter of Tthe APPEARS Victorian Cichlid that Society some Inc. authorsYou are Michaelc/- 23 Mangana Loweth’s Drive, article Mulgrave, “A New Victoria, Way too), said articleA CappearsOM PonR pagesEHENis goingSIV toE give R usA NtheG low-downE on encouragedhave responded to write to, or toe-mail their the EditorEditor’s on to Artificially AustraliaHatch Angelfish3170 Eggs”. 10-14 of this edition. Read it; and those skinny African widgets ... anypleas subject and raised we herein. have found that the InFax the 9560-7472. May 1996 E-mail [email protected] of Brooklyn FOR THE DISCERNING HOBBYIST I think about it. Steatocranus tinanti. Scotty is postie has been kept busy with invita- AS’s magazine `Aquatica’ Dr Steven A* lot African of time and has Americanbeen put into Cichlidsgoing to tell us about his the FELLOW OF THE SOCIETY: Graham Rowe. tions, non-cichlid efforts and MRIFL. J. Schiff is “severe” on the pricing of dragging* Selected the BAA Tropical into the and 20th Princess Complex. Something that LIFEOur MEMBERS:first stop is in answer to the Discus and offers a solution in “Poor Century* Imported (before itGoldfish finishes) so that should have been sorted out years invitationGraham Rowe,in the Heinz February Staude, Kevin issue Archibald, of KeithMan’s Patford, Discus”. and Danny Genovese. we* have Range the flexiblityof Discus to do it differ- ago. I am looking forward to what `AquariumHONORARY World’, MEMBER: the FederationMax Davenport. of I hope the floodwaters have reced- ently.* Marine A quick Fishlook at the graph on should be a very interesting night, New Zealand Aquatic Societies’ mag- COMMITTEE MEMBERS: ed as we head to our next stop in the* centre-spread Aquatic Plants shows that with- but a note to the Chairman – don’t azine. They were relieved that one of answer to the invitation in the out a doubt the present system just forget your crook. PRESIDENT Aussie Magnussen . . 9546-2974 VICE-PRES Peter Robinson . . . . 9807-8196 * Tanks * Stands * Rocks their Dunedin members had a happy is not cutting it. If the BAA program SECRETARY Graham Rowe ...... 9560-7472January EDITOR issueDaryl Hutchinsof `The . . Magazine. . . 9872-3225 of * All Accessories * FrozenWaste and not,Live want Foods not. That’s my resultTREASURER in “TheKeith Fight Patford to. . . .Answer . . . .9716 2425a the Sunshine Facsimile Coast ...... 9872-3225Aquarium was a horse it would be dog food by motto. I have this tiny little space QuestionLIBRARIAN aboutLee Angels”.Ashton ...... 9561-5131Society’ SOCIAL SEC (I’veGlenn gotLacey RSI . . . . .from . . 9512-6706 typing now. Something has to be done to left so just for a change I think I AngelsSHOW S ECareRobbie definitely Toth . on. . . . peoples’. . 9808-4668THAT TRAD TABLE name!).John McCormickThey are very . . . 5944-3502 interest- get the graph heading in the right shall make an impassioned plea for COMMITTEE- Stuart Gray ...... 9758-1154 ...... Granville Lawrence ...... direction.HHII--FFIINN AAQQUUAARRIIUUMM minds at the moment. On arrival at ed in Bill Smith’s article from original contributions for this maga- AT-LARGE: Maurice Breward . . . .9752-2103 ...... Jason Taylor ...... 9569-3772 Jersey Shore AS in answer to the `Superfish’ of May-June 1991 entitled The changes suggested would zine. By contributions I mean any- Sub-Committee Chairpersons: Mailing: Helen Rowe. BAA: Daryl Hutchins; Constitution: 257 BLACKBURN ROAD, SYNDAL 3147 invitation in the February `Shoreline’, “Tankmates for Cichlids Part 1”. add some interest and, most impor- thing. Please. l Daryl Hutchins. Species Maintenance: Graham Rowe. Handbook: Daryl Hutchins. I find that they are engrossed by Some good ideas here. Ph: 9803 3109

218 V IICCTTOOR RI AI NA NC I CCHI LCIHD L SI OD C ISEOT YC II EN TC Y I N C ^ T HH EE CCI CI HC LHI LDI DM OMN OT HNL YT H L Y 139 similis > Protomelas similis Pseudotropheus elegans > Maylandia elegans Peter Robinson (video), Daryl Hutchins (TV) and Stuart Gray (setting up) Haplochromis spilonotus > Protomelas spilonotus Pseudotropheus estherae > Maylandia estherae HaplochromisPreviously spilorhynchus > Champsochromis spilorhynchus ... atPseudotropheus a greshakeiVCS > Maylandia greshakeiMeeting were thanked for allowing us to viewPOSSIBLY the Malawi video. Haplochromis straelini > Astatoreochromis straelini Pseudotropheus kingsizei > Pseudotropheus sp kingsizei Haplochromis symnodees > symnodees Pseudotropheus kingsizii > Pseudotropheus kingsizei Draw Prize: Steve Lawler won the Malvern Aquarium $40 voucher Haplochromis taeniolatus > Protomelas taeniolatus Pseudotropheus livingstoni > Maylandia livingstonii John McCormick won the Wetlands frozen food THaplochromisHE 12 triaenodon February > Mylochromis 1999 mollis meeting openedPseudotropheus at 8.27 pm lombardoi with > Maylandiathe President lombardoi in the Carl Bentin won the Aquarium plants. Haplochromis venustus > venustus Pseudotropheus novemfasciatus > THELAST chair.Haplochromis He wingati welcomed > Astatotilapia allwingati members and visitors.Pseudotropheus Apologies tropheops werenovemfasciatus received from: Any Other Business: Reminder about2nd the Aquaculture Conference. Dues are Hemichromis bimaculatus > Hemichromis guttatus Pseudotropheus ornatus > Pseudotropheus elongatus ornatus JeffHerichthys Staude, dovii > Nandopsis Danny dovii Genovese, GranvillePseudotropheus Lawrence, pindani > PseudotropheusJohn Reeves, socolofi Kevin overdue. If buying up big on the Trading Table, please give John a courtesy call ArchibaldHeros hellebruni >and Hypselacara Scott coryphaenoides Haymes (lateness). Pseudotropheus zebra > Maylandia zebra before the meeting so he can have your order ready and have enough for every- Heros spilurum > Archocentrus spilurus Sciaenochromis ahli > Sciaenochromis fryeri body else. HerosAll trimaculatum present > Amphilophus had received trimaculatus their magazine.Telmatochromis Minutes caninus of > theTelmatochromis previous dhonti meeting wereLabidochromis received joanjohnsonae on >a Melanochromis motion moved joanjohnsonae by PeterTheraps Robinson sieboldi > Theraps and sieboldii seconded by Jason Door Prizes, courtesy of TFH Australia, were won by: Rob Coghlan, Yoshimi Lamprologus brichardi > brichardi Thysia ansorgii > Thysochromis ansorgii FISH-ONLY Taylor.Lamprologus Therecaudopunctatus was > Neolamprologusno business caudopunctatus arising fromTilapia the lepidura minutes. > Oreochromis lepidura malindi Lawler, Ana Sijana, Maurice Breward, Graham Rowe (redonated) and Rob Lamprologus christyi > Neolamprologus christyi Tilapia leucosticta > Oreochromis leucosticta Coghlan. LamprologusTreasurer’s compressiceps Report: > Altolamprologus compressiceps Tilapia mossambica > Oreochromis mossambicus LamprologusOpening furcifer balance > Neolamprologus1143.75 furcifer Tilapia spilurus > Oreochromis spilurus The meeting adjourned for supper at 10.15 pm. l Lamprologus leleupi Income> Neolamprologus leleupi 963.06 (membershipTrematocranus and trading jacobfreibergi table >mainly) Aulonocara jacobfreibergi Lamprologus leleupi leleupi> Neolamprologus leleupi leleupi Trematocranus reginae > Aulonocara jacobfreibergi reginae LamprologusExpenditure leleupi longior> Neolamprologus 186.21 leleupi longior(postage, printingENDS CHANGES and supper 07Jan1999 mainly) l Lamprologus meeli > Neolamprologus hecqui AUCTION Closing balance 1920.60 Something to trade/sell? LamprologusAnnual Report:mustax > Neolamprologus Books are mustax at Auditors. Here is a summary. Lamprologus ocellatus > Neolamprologus to be conducted by the VCS this Millenium (depending upon when you consider that the New Mil starts) ocellatus 1/1/1998 1337.99 Need an odd fish or item? Lamprologus pleuromaculatus > Neolamprologus pleuromaculatus Income 4597.81 (auctions, memberships, raffles & trading table mainly) Write it up on the whiteboard at the next Meeting. LamprologusExpenditure pulcher > Neolamprologus 4015.20 pulcher (postage, printing and supper mainly) 17 April 1999 Lamprologus 31/12/1998sp > Neolamprologus sp 1920.60 (which balances with bank statement) Lamprologus tetracanthus > Neolamprologus tetracanthusTerm Deposit 18353.12 in the TheseLamprologus reports walteri > Neolamprologus were received falcicula on a motion moved by Stuart Gray and seconded Maravichromis mola > Mylochromis mola byMaravichromis Daryl obtususHutchins. > Mylochromis obtusus Melanochromis crabro > Pseudotropheus crabro COURTYARD ROOM Correspondence:Melanochromis exasperatus > LabidochromisManark Printing bill textilis Whitehorse Centre Confirmation of meeting dates at the MelanochromisCommonwealth perspicax > Pseudotropheus Bank Statement MALVERN perspicax Nunawading Civic Centre Mylochromis molaAquarium > Otopharynx lithobates Industries List of cichlids available Nandopsis loisellei > NandopsisAquarama friedrichstahli 99 Information AQUARIUMSWhitehorse Road, & Pet Supplies Neolamprologus elongatus > Neolamprologus brichardi Whitehorse Centre Bill for hall hire Mitcham Outgoing:Neolamprologus meeli >Kevin Neolamprologus Archibald Letter of thanks for the banner AP IMPORTERS OF TROPICALS AND GOLDFISH hecqui Neolamprologus toae > PeterPaleolamprologus McDonald toae Letter of thanks for use of Auctioneers license TANKS MADE TO ORDER CorrespondenceNeolamprologus walteri > Neolamprologus was received on a motion moved by Lee Ashton and second- Fish will be received FULL RANGE OF PET ACCESSORIES edfalcicula by David Cooper. from Noon Parananochromis transvestitus > Nanochromis transvestitusMini talk Group discussion “What my fish and I did over Christmas/New EXTENSIVE RANGEAuction OF “BETTACARE” commences PRODUCTS Pelvicachromis camerounensis > OPEN 6 DAYS – CLOSED WEDNESDAY Year”.Pelvicachromis A short pulcher breakcamerounensis was then held. 1 pm sharp PelvicachromisRob Coghlan thomasi > Anomalachromisdefeated Maurice Breward and Lee Ashton in Cichlid Heads. thomasi 54-56 Glenferrie Road, Malvern PseudotropheusA video auroraon Lake > Maylandia Malawi aurora was then shown. A brief mini auction was then held. Phone: 9509 1141 ThanksPseudotropheus to chameleon Ernie Hicks> Pseudotropheus and John McCormick (Trading Table) for the donations. crabro Present your VCS Membership Card and receive a 10% discount. PseudotropheusRobbie Tothdinghani then> Pseudotropheus announced the Wardleys Table Show results. flavus

416 V I C T O R I A N C I C H L I D S O C I E T Y I N C ^ T H E C I C H L I D M O N T H L Y 157 While on the subject of sub- ter every spawning is that BAA Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum > Archocentrus nigrofasciatus Cichlasoma oblongum > Nandopsis oblongus species. Regardless of what system records would reflect the actual state BAA Name ChangesCichlasoma octofasciatum > Nandopsis octofasciatus we Indexcontinue with, ofsub-species TCM will –of Volumethe nation (or state #27anyway) as AS Allstated in Aquariumlast month’s magazine, the Cichlasoma& poponoi Pet > Amphilophus Supplies popenoi P/L have to be a part of it. Some species Cichlasoma sajica > Archocentrus sajica regards all available species at any Breeder’s Achievement records are now com- Cichlasoma salvini > Nandopsis salvini that Byhave Daryl been claimed Hutchins and accepted given time. This information would be pletely electronic. The following(Cichlidarium) list was Cichlasoma septemfasciatum > Archocentrus septemfasciatus in good faith over a period of many 8 Dunoon Court, Mulgrave, VictoriaCichlasoma 3170 severum (off > Heros Police severus Road) of enormous value to the Species extracted from the Name-Change program’s Cichlasoma sieboldi > Theraps sieboldi yearsThere have are beenonly ninerelegated editions to in saidVolume 27Maintenance (April to December) Sub-Committee as 1998 was whose log file. CichlasomaWe sieboldiispecialise > Theraps in sieboldi status.the Iyear for thatone allhave club no activities intention were of alignedmethods with include the calendar picking year. the brains of Cichlasoma spectabile > Caquetaia spectabile If you have been a participant in theCICHLIDS, BAA Cichlasoma NATIVES, spilurum > Archocentrus KILLIFISH, spilurus subtracting them from effected totals. travellers, guesswork and no small Cichlasoma spinosissimum > Archocentrus spinosissimus program it should serve to explain anything ThatAquarium just would Keeping not be Forcricket. Apistogramma: We amount David of witchcraft. Soares ...... 7 CichlasomaMARINES synspilum > Vieja synspilum would,Aquatic however, Prairie need Dog to- Nannacara exercise aureocephala, The: Peter Robinson . . 4 that may have mystified you on the list of your Cichlasoma temporale > Hypselacara temporale All BAA records are now electronic andCichlasoma all other tetracanthus rare > Nandopsisspecies. tetracanthus someAssociations control over Incorporationwhat is claimable. Act Amendments: DoJ...... 5 registrations posted last month. It must also Cichlasoma trimaculatum > Amphilophus trimaculatus so the database can be interrogated MaybeAvoid we Stress, could Avoidmake useDisease: of the Don Johnson...... 5 illustrate how hopeless the task was EVERYTHINGmanually Cichlasoma FORumbriferum THE > Nandopsis AQUARIUM umbriferus Breeding For the Future: Rueben Taylorin whatever ...... way . . . .is . . needed...... Some...... 3 as many of the changes were effected 40-50 Crenicara filamentosa > Dicrossus filamentosus `Cichlid Register’ in this regard. Geophagus acuticeps > Satanoperca acuticeps Caves, Bridges, and Tunnels: Dan basicMcMonigle. programs . . . .have . . . . been. . . . . created...... 4 times, some only once or twice. Phone: (03) 9546 1025 When you think about it you will Geophagus balzani > Gymnogeophagus balzanii Culturing Paramecium: John Suttonfor .the . . .BAA . . . .that . . .input . . . . records; ...... global- ...... 5 GeophagusBusiness balzanii > GymnogeophagusHours: balzanii realiseDisease that someone Symptoms who and specialises Treatments: Pet & Aquarium Industries ...... 3 Aequidens aff portalegrensis > Cichlasoma aff portalegrense Geophagus jurupari > Satanoperca leucosticta ly rename fishes; check for dupli- Aequidens awani > Cichlasoma bimaculatum Mon-Sat 9am-7pm; Sunday 11am-5pm; in Discus, Angels, Peacocks, Geophagus meridionalis > Gymnogeophagus meridionalis Double Mirror (The Teachers), The:cates; Hal Makin. output . . .lists . . . . for. . . .members’ ...... 6 Aequidens curviceps > Laetacara curviceps GeophagusClosed surinamensis Wednesday. > Geophagus brachybranchus TropheusIndex ofor TCMsome - Volumeother group #26: that Daryl Hutchins.information . and. . . .species’ ...... statistics ...... for . . . 1 Aequidens dorsigerus > Laetacara dorsiger Geophagus waverini > Geophagus brasiliensis waverini Indoor/Outdoor Pond System: Chuck Davis...... 2 Aequidens geayi > Guianacara geayi Haplochromis ahli > Sciaenochromis fryeri encompasses a lot of varieties is the information of the SMS. Aequidens itanyi > Krobia guianensis Haplochromis annectens > Protomelas annectens doingJawlockings: far more for ourGraham hobby Rowe. than the ...... 1-9 AequidensVictoria’s maronii > Cleithracara maronii First andHaplochromis Original bloyeti > Astatotilapia bloyeti Cichlid Centre If you have a better idea, let me “giveKeyhole: yuz a race Darren to 100” Howard merchant. . . . . It...... 1-3, 7 Aequidens orinense > Cichlasoma orinense Haplochromis borleyi > Copadichromis borleyi Letter: PIJAC Fish Sub-Committeeknow...... The. . . .BAA . . . .program ...... must. . . . be. . .res- . . . . 1 Aequidens paraguayensis > Bujurquina vittata Haplochromis brownae > Astatotilapia sp Carp is way past time the efforts of these Aequidens portalegrensis > Cichlasoma portalegrense Master of Disaster: Jim Ellenbergerurrected ...... somehow...... asap...... 7 Haplochromis burtoni > Astatotilapia burtoni aquarists were recognised. Aequidens thayeri > Laetacara thayeri Haplochromis compressiceps > Dimidiochromis compressiceps Member Profile - Aussie Magnussen: ...... 5 Amphylophus longimanus > Amphilophus longimanus Haplochromis electra > Placidochromis electra AnMember extremely Profiles valuable - Maurice side-benefit Breward and Jason Taylor: ...... 8 Apistogramma kleei > bitaeniata Haplochromis ericotaenia > Mylochromis ericotaenia Night Before Christmas - Legal Version, The: Anon ...... l. . . 9 ApistogrammaL ornatipinnisivi >n Apistogrammag P steindachneriicture HaplochromisAqu euchilusa r> Chilotilapiaium euchilus of encouraging all members to regis- Apistogramma Lparvai >v Apistogrammaing cacatuoides Pic parvature HaplochromisAq ufenestratusar > iProtomelasum fenestratus Notes From the Pond: Gary Wagner...... 8 Apistogramma reitzigi > Apistogramma borelli Haplochromis fuscotaeniatus > Nimbochromis fuscotaeniatus Apistogramma weisei > Apistogramma sp Rotpunkt Notices of Motion: ...... 2 Haplochromis grandeosusMelways > Otopharynx Ref: Map grandeosus 41 B9 Petenia splendida - the Gentle Giant: Peter Robinson...... 6 Auloncara mamelela > Aulonocara* Expertmamelela advice Haplochromis heterodon > Otopharynx heterodon Aulonocara jacobfriebergi > Aulonocara jacobfreibergi Haplochromis horei > CtenochromisGeelong horeiRoad ThereProfile - Ad Must Konings: Be . . . . 50. . . . . Ways...... to . . . .Leave ...... Your...... 8 Cichlasoma amazonarum* We buy > Cichlasoma and dimerus sell tanks andHaplochromis fish incola > Mylochromis incola PS4Y2K: Snihctuh Lyrad ...... 7 Cichlasoma amazonorum > Cichlasoma dimerus Haplochromis jacksoni > Copadichromis jacksoni Rowemin’ ‘Round:(pre-)Loved Graham Rowe . . . . .Stuff ...... 1-9 Cichlasoma atromaculatum* Specials> Nandopsis oblongum every week Haplochromis johnstoni > Placidochromis johnsoni Cichlasoma bifasciatum > Vieja bifasciatum Haplochromis Servicelinni > Nimbochromis Rd linni Francis St Some Thoughts on Aquarium Care: Christopher Andrews ...... 9 Cichlasoma* A citrinellumwide >range Amphilophus of citrinellus Cichlids at reasonableHaplochromis lividus > Astatotilapia lividus SteatocranusBesides tinanti the - proprietarythe Secretive waysCichlid: you Peter can Robinson also: ...... 8 Cichlasoma dovii > Nandopsis dovii Haplochromis livingstoni > Nimbochromis livingstoni What is a Cichlid? It’s Greek, Unless You’re a Roman: Brent Cole. . . . . 4 Cichlasoma ellioti > Thorichthys ellioti prices Haplochromis margarita > Otopharynx aureomarginatus l Cichlasoma facetum > Nandopsis facetus Haplochromis mloto > Copadichromis mlotoLiving WhatAdvertise Stinks in itThere? here Andfor freeSix Other (not Questionsforgetting that this mag is Cichlasoma festae* Cichlids > Nandopsis festae * Tropicals * GoldfishHaplochromis mola > Mylochromis mola Picture My Wife Commonly Asks: Keith Shepherd ...... 2 Cichlasoma festivum > Mesonauta festivus Haplochromis moorii > Cyrtocara mooriiAquarium available on the internet before you get it by snail mail) is here Whose Kids Are Those Anyway?: Ron Coleman ...... 2 Cichlasoma friedrichstahli > Nandopsis loisellei Haplochromis niger > Astatotilapia niger l Put it on the Trading Table (commission applies) Cichlasoma hartwegi > Vieja hartwegi Haplochromis nigricans > NeochromisMillars Rd nigricans Y2K and the Aquarist: Snihctuh Lyrad ...... 6 Cichlasoma hellebruniOPEN > Hypselacara 7 coryphaenoides DAYS A WEEKHaplochromis obtusus > Mylochromis obtusus l Write it on the whiteboard at a General Meeting Cichlasoma longimanus > Amphylophus longimanus Haplochromis ornatus > Protomelas ornatus Cichlasoma maculicauda > Vieja maculicauda Haplochromis ovatus > Otopharynx ovatus (Want Ads too) Cichlasoma555A managuense Geelong > Nandopsis managuensis Road, BrooklynHaplochromis polystigma 3025 > Nimbochromis polystigma Cichlasoma meeki > Thorichthys meeki Haplochromis quadrimaculatus > Copadichromis quadrimaculatus l You can also put it in the Mini Auction (donation) Cichlasoma motaguense >Phone/Fax: Nandopsis loisellei 9314 7711Haplochromis rostratus > Fossorochromis rostratus Cichlasoma nicaraguense > Copora nicaraguense Haplochromis sexfasciatus > Placidochromis sexfasciatus

164 V I C T O R I A N C I C H L I D S O C I E T Y I N C ^ T H E C I C H L I D M O N T H L Y 157 1. Self-aggrandisement? - Has been take me too long to work out that by their nets on – spurred-on, no doubt, the worm in the right direction. I known to be the case. far the most satisfaction can be by the threat of a total ban on impor- thought that the downturn might be in 2. To get rich? - If you have been in gained in this hobby from point five – tation as much as anything. part dueA Qto long-termUA-L membersIFE hav- the hobby for more than a year ensuring that a species does not Spawning and participation rates set- ing bred everything that they are you will have worked out that this become extinct within the (Australian) tled down through the late-70s to mid- interested in. A constant stream of is just not going to happen. hobby. 80s (won’t it be great when we enter new members during the 90s argues 3. Captive conservation? - A noble Unfortunately, at present the the noughties) with a spike in the againstNA TURALthis having muchWATER of an effect aspiration, but quite impossible Breeder’s Achievement Award sys- early-80s. unless the new members did not par- FTER a discussion with Ad CONDITI0NER with our present governments’ tem, while recognising “active” breed- AThings were looking up somewhat ticipate for some reason. Konings, I must correct a statement This has in fact turned out to be the JattitudesAWLOC to fish. KIers who areN breedingG speciesS that inin thethe late-80s.previous issueBut the of Keyhole.bubble tragi-FOR PONDS & JAWLOCKINGS case and I for one would like to know 4. To help make our hobby pay its they have not bred before, only callyMaylandia burst, iswith a nomena serious nudum and almostand all way?HE - AboutBRITISH the best that weCichlid can details.serves toYork encourage & Districts a “breed’em Aquarists and constantthe fish I declinesaid were through now in the 90s. If AQUARIUMSwhy new members do not join in? askAssociation for, financially. has a stand at the Societyleave’em” meetsattitude. onThis the effect second is no thisMaylandia decline are continues actually atin theMetricola. present Has the BAA program not had a T5. ToYorkshire ensure that Aquarists species Festival remain atin Tuesdaydoubt responsible each month. for theAlan spikes will tellin rateI have (the beendotted looking black for line on the high enough profile? Are new mem- Doncasterthe hobby? Racecourse - This is something on 20-21 we youthe whograph is speakingpresented and on morethe centre-details graph)Gymnogeophagus we are heading balzanii, toward zero bers aware that we accept spawnings March.should Phil onalways 00 11 44consider 1924 367086 when onspread how forto findyour them elucidation. if you ring 00 11 participation“Haplochromis around quadrimaculatus” the turn of andthe registered with other aquarium soci- Century. This alarming trend can not eties so that they do not have to start will acquiring,help with detailsbreeding He orwill disposing also tell 44Said 1904 graph 414272. clearly shows the soci- “Cichlasoma” umbriferum for some be allowed to continue. from scratch? Is the incentive of a youof what fishes. is on at the Yorkshire ety’sGreat early Lakes rush CSof spawningsis holding whentheir friends in Sydney. So far, no luck. certificate not enough or inappropri- CichlidAfter I Groupworked meeting,out point whichtwo above are Springall those Auction keen youngsters on March acquired 21st. However,Possibly, my if earlierwe can statement work out that why ate? Has there been inappropriate heldand settledon the forsame number night four,as ours. it did not Contactand bred Ken everything on 00 11they 1 could440 942lay this“It is decline so common has occurred that it is we rare” can is turn 3779 for more details. comingpus true for Neetroplus nemato- behavior that discouraged new mem- There are several other Cichlid bers? Or am I not the only one who Cleveland AS is holding their Show . Sydney can not find good- Area Groups in England. Wessex finds the breed’em and leave’em sys- and Auction on April 17th and 18th. quality ones, so we can help out. Area Group is re-organising so I have tem repugnant? Has the fun part George on 00 11 1 440 350 1231 can no current details. The North-West Recently some Apistogrammas been replaced by the achievement fill you in with the details. Cichlid Group meets on the first made a re-appearance. factor? Friday each month. Dennis THEonTHE 00 11 Envy CornerNEXTNEXT (all prices are in US Unfortunately, A bitaeniata had a All of the above would be 44® 1942 707593 will supply more Dollars): preponderance of females, so pairs addressed, I believe, if the BAA pro- are extremely scarce. Apistogramma gram were to be altered in such a way CyphotilapiaGENERGENER frontosa 6-bar...... 1.25”AATT ...... 4.00IONIONeach (min 10) spFor “Four all stripes” your has signwriting just been Cyphotilapia frontosa 6-bar...... 5” ...330.00 for 25 as to acknowledge and encourage imported.requirements real species maintenance – a subject Cyphotilapia frontosa 6-bar` ...... 2” ...240.00 for 25 An Australian product, CyphotilapiaIN FISH frontosa 7-bar FOOD Albino ...... 2.5” HAS ARRIVED! .....89.00 each COMPUTER-CUTWe also need a keen reporter SIGNS to that I have championed several times Cyphotilapia frontosa “Samazi Blue” F1 ...... 2” .....15.00 each do this column properly. Volunteers beforete inst e`TCM’d by t heditorials.e Queens lTheand only CyprochromisIntroducing leptosoma “Blue Ocean Flash” ...... 1.5”Star International ...... 3.00 each pleaseCAR, ring TRUCK, the Editor. BOAT It could and even way toU nachieveiversity othisf T eisch ntoo lrecogniseogy. Cyphotilapia frontosa “Mpimbwe” ...... 1.75” ...... 7.00 each be done by a number of cichlido- multiple spawnings of a single philes who notice one or two inter- species. Subsequent spawnings to be Labidochromis spinnovative “Perlmutt” F1 Cichlid ...... 1” and Spirulina ...... 3.50 each FACTORY SIGNS Available from: Aulonocara contratus...... 1.5” ...... 3.00 each esting “new” fish and pool their separated by an appropriate length of floating/sinking pellets – as well as the observations.Factory 1,Or 11 several Swift people Way, time,B ofL course.ACKB AttentionURN, shouldMAR OalsoONDAH and Benthochromis tricoti 3M, 4F...... Adults ...... 80.00 group MENTONE AQUARIUMS Pxyichromis orthostomabest(Hap flake Large-mouth)...... 1” food available...... 5.00 each could doDandenong the work on anSouth informal be paid to the careful separation of roster basis once every few months. subspecies and recognised geo- That’s it until next month, Please think about it. l graphicaland oorth ecolorr go odvarieties aquar iu(notm ASK AT YOUR FAVORITE RETAILER 9706 5916 shops happy cichlid keeping l hybrids).

812 V I C T O R I A N C I C H L I D S O C I E T Y I N C ^ T H E C I C H L I D M O N T H L Y 193 The “Achievement” Factor?

200 200 A Breeder’s Achievement Award LEGEND:

Off-White Paper Registrations

By Daryl Hutchins Participants Chairperson: BAA Sub-Committee Average 150 150 achievement, n. 1. Something Decade Average accomplished, esp. by valor, boldness, or superior ability; a great or heroic deed. 2. the act of achieving; accom- plishment: the achievement of one’s object.

S DEFINED in my Macquarie 100 100 A~ Dictionary, the word “achieve- _ ment” hardly seems applica- ble to breeding fish. It is far from heroic; there is no valor involved; Ave rarely any boldness (except in a finan- cial sense); and while the ability to provide optimum conditions for the fish may be required, I do not think that this is what the definition means. As for ability to deliver the goods - 50 50 that is entirely up to the fishes. However, the notion of an “accom- plishment” being the achievement of one’s object seems quite applicable to the breeding of fishes - presuming that we have an “object” in doing so. If so, just what is our object in breeding cichlids? There may be others, but I 0 0 have come up with the following that 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 I have noticed/heard of: Performance of the Breeder’s Achievement Award system over the past 27 years.

10 V I C T O R I A N C I C H L I D S O C I E T Y I N C ^ T H E C I C H L I D M O N T H L Y 11 1. Self-aggrandisement? - Has been take me too long to work out that by their nets on – spurred-on, no doubt, the worm in the right direction. I known to be the case. far the most satisfaction can be by the threat of a total ban on impor- thought that the downturn might be in 2. To get rich? - If you have been in gained in this hobby from point five – tation as much as anything. part dueA Qto long-termUA-L membersIFE hav- the hobby for more than a year ensuring that a species does not Spawning and participation rates set- ing bred everything that they are you will have worked out that this become extinct within the (Australian) tled down through the late-70s to mid- interested in. A constant stream of is just not going to happen. hobby. 80s (won’t it be great when we enter new members during the 90s argues 3. Captive conservation? - A noble Unfortunately, at present the the noughties) with a spike in the againstNA TURALthis having muchWATER of an effect aspiration, but quite impossible Breeder’s Achievement Award sys- early-80s. unless the new members did not par- FTER a discussion with Ad CONDITI0NER with our present governments’ tem, while recognising “active” breed- AThings were looking up somewhat ticipate for some reason. Konings, I must correct a statement This has in fact turned out to be the JattitudesAWLOC to fish. KIers who areN breedingG speciesS that inin thethe previouslate-80s. issueBut the of Keyhole.bubble tragi-FOR PONDS & JAWLOCKINGS case and I for one would like to know 4. To help make our hobby pay its they have not bred before, only callyMaylandia burst, iswith a nomena serious nudum and andalmost all way?HE - AboutBRITISH the best that weCichlid can servesdetails. to York encourage & Districts a “breed’em Aquarists and constantthe fish I declinesaid were through now in the 90s. If AQUARIUMSwhy new members do not join in? askAssociation for, financially. has a stand at the leave’em”Society meetsattitude. onThis the effect second is no thisMaylandia decline are continues actually atin theMetricola. present Has the BAA program not had a T5. ToYorkshire ensure that Aquarists species Festival remain atin doubtTuesday responsible each month. for theAlan spikes will tellin rateI have (the been dotted looking black for line on the high enough profile? Are new mem- Doncasterthe hobby? Racecourse - This is something on 20-21 we theyou whograph is speakingpresented and on morethe centre-details graph)Gymnogeophagus we are heading balzanii, toward zero bers aware that we accept spawnings March.should Phil onalways 00 11 44consider 1924 367086 when spreadon how forto findyour them elucidation. if you ring 00 11 participation“Haplochromis around quadrimaculatus” the turn of andthe registered with other aquarium soci- Century. This alarming trend can not eties so that they do not have to start will acquiring,help with detailsbreeding He orwill disposing also tell 44Said 1904 graph 414272. clearly shows the soci- “Cichlasoma” umbriferum for some be allowed to continue. from scratch? Is the incentive of a youof what fishes. is on at the Yorkshire ety’sGreat early Lakes rush CSof spawningsis holding whentheir friends in Sydney. So far, no luck. certificate not enough or inappropri- CichlidAfter I Groupworked meeting,out point whichtwo above are allSpring those Auction keen youngsters on March acquired 21st. However,Possibly, my if earlierwe can statement work out that why ate? Has there been inappropriate andheld settledon the forsame number night four,as ours. it did not andContact bred Ken everything on 00 11they 1 could440 942lay this“It is decline so common has occurred that it is we rare” can is turn 3779 for more details. comingpus true for Neetroplus nemato- behavior that discouraged new mem- There are several other Cichlid bers? Or am I not the only one who Cleveland AS is holding their Show . Sydney can not find good- Area Groups in England. Wessex finds the breed’em and leave’em sys- and Auction on April 17th and 18th. quality ones, so we can help out. Area Group is re-organising so I have tem repugnant? Has the fun part George on 00 11 1 440 350 1231 can no current details. The North-West Recently some Apistogrammas been replaced by the achievement fill you in with the details. Cichlid Group meets on the first made a re-appearance. factor? Friday each month. Dennis THEonTHE 00 11 Envy CornerNEXTNEXT (all prices are in US Unfortunately, A bitaeniata had a All of the above would be 44® 1942 707593 will supply more Dollars): preponderance of females, so pairs addressed, I believe, if the BAA pro- are extremely scarce. Apistogramma gram were to be altered in such a way CyphotilapiaGENERGENER frontosa 6-bar...... 1.25”AATT ...... 4.00IONIONeach (min 10) spFor “Four all stripes” your has signwriting just been Cyphotilapia frontosa 6-bar...... 5” ...330.00 for 25 as to acknowledge and encourage imported.requirements real species maintenance – a subject Cyphotilapia frontosa 6-bar` ...... 2” ...240.00 for 25 An Australian product, CyphotilapiaIN FISH frontosa 7-bar FOOD Albino ...... 2.5” HAS ARRIVED! .....89.00 each COMPUTER-CUTWe also need a keen reporter SIGNS to that I have championed several times Cyphotilapia frontosa “Samazi Blue” F1 ...... 2” .....15.00 each do this column properly. Volunteers beforete sint e`TCM’d by t heditorials.e Queens lTheand only CyprochromisIntroducing leptosoma “Blue Ocean Flash” ...... 1.5”Star International ...... 3.00 each pleaseCAR, ring TRUCK, the Editor. BOAT It could and even way toU nachieveiversity othisf T eisch ntoo lrecogniseogy. Cyphotilapia frontosa “Mpimbwe” ...... 1.75” ...... 7.00 each be done by a number of cichlido- multiple spawnings of a single philes who notice one or two inter- species. Subsequent spawnings to be Labidochromis spinnovative “Perlmutt” F1 Cichlid ...... 1” and Spirulina ...... 3.50 each FACTORY SIGNS Available from: Aulonocara contratus...... 1.5” ...... 3.00 each esting “new” fish and pool their separated by an appropriate length of floating/sinking pellets – as well as the observations.Factory 1,Or 11 several Swift people Way, time,B ofL course.ACKB AttentionURN, shouldMAR OalsoONDAH and Benthochromis tricoti 3M, 4F...... Adults ...... 80.00 group MENTONE AQUARIUMS Pxyichromis orthostomabest(Hap flake Large-mouth)...... 1” food available...... 5.00 each could doDandenong the work on anSouth informal be paid to the careful separation of roster basis once every few months. subspecies and recognised geo- That’s it until next month, Please think about it. l graphicaland oorth ecolorr go odvarieties aquar iu(notm ASK AT YOUR FAVORITE RETAILER 9706 5916 shops happy cichlid keeping l hybrids).

182 V I C T O R I A N C I C H L I D S O C I E T Y I N C ^ T H E C I C H L I D M O N T H L Y 193 While on the subject of sub- ter every spawning is that BAA Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum > Archocentrus nigrofasciatus Cichlasoma oblongum > Nandopsis oblongus species. Regardless of what system records would reflect the actual state BAA Name ChangesCichlasoma octofasciatum > Nandopsis octofasciatus we Indexcontinue with, ofsub-species TCM will –of Volumethe nation (or state #27anyway) as AS Allstated in Aquariumlast month’s magazine, the Cichlasoma& poponoi Pet > Amphilophus Supplies popenoi P/L have to be a part of it. Some species Cichlasoma sajica > Archocentrus sajica regards all available species at any Breeder’s Achievement records are now com- Cichlasoma salvini > Nandopsis salvini that Byhave Daryl been claimed Hutchins and accepted given time. This information would be pletely electronic. The following(Cichlidarium) list was Cichlasoma septemfasciatum > Archocentrus septemfasciatus in good faith over a period of many 8 Dunoon Court, Mulgrave, VictoriaCichlasoma 3170 severum (off > Heros Police severus Road) of enormous value to the Species extracted from the Name-Change program’s Cichlasoma sieboldi > Theraps sieboldi yearsThere have are beenonly ninerelegated editions to in saidVolume 27Maintenance (April to December) Sub-Committee as 1998 was whose log file. CichlasomaWe sieboldiispecialise > Theraps in sieboldi status.the Iyear for thatone allhave club no activities intention were of alignedmethods with include the calendar picking year. the brains of Cichlasoma spectabile > Caquetaia spectabile If you have been a participant in theCICHLIDS, BAA Cichlasoma NATIVES, spilurum > Archocentrus KILLIFISH, spilurus subtracting them from effected totals. travellers, guesswork and no small Cichlasoma spinosissimum > Archocentrus spinosissimus program it should serve to explain anything ThatAquarium just would Keeping not be Forcricket. Apistogramma: We amount David of witchcraft. Soares ...... 7 CichlasomaMARINES synspilum > Vieja synspilum would,Aquatic however, Prairie need Dog to- Nannacara exercise aureocephala, The: Peter Robinson . . 4 that may have mystified you on the list of your Cichlasoma temporale > Hypselacara temporale All BAA records are now electronic andCichlasoma all other tetracanthus rare > Nandopsisspecies. tetracanthus someAssociations control over Incorporationwhat is claimable. Act Amendments: DoJ...... 5 registrations posted last month. It must also Cichlasoma trimaculatum > Amphilophus trimaculatus so the database can be interrogated MaybeAvoid we Stress, could Avoidmake useDisease: of the Don Johnson...... 5 illustrate how hopeless the task was EVERYTHINGmanually Cichlasoma FORumbriferum THE > Nandopsis AQUARIUM umbriferus Breeding For the Future: Rueben Taylorin whatever ...... way . . . .is . . needed...... Some...... 3 as many of the changes were effected 40-50 Crenicara filamentosa > Dicrossus filamentosus `Cichlid Register’ in this regard. Geophagus acuticeps > Satanoperca acuticeps Caves, Bridges, and Tunnels: Dan basicMcMonigle. programs . . . .have . . . . been. . . . .created ...... 4 times, some only once or twice. Phone: (03) 9546 1025 When you think about it you will Geophagus balzani > Gymnogeophagus balzanii Culturing Paramecium: John Suttonfor .the . . .BAA . . . that. . . .input . . . .records; ...... global- ...... 5 GeophagusBusiness balzanii > Hours:Gymnogeophagus balzanii realiseDisease that someone Symptoms who and specialises Treatments: Pet & Aquarium Industries ...... 3 Aequidens aff portalegrensis > Cichlasoma aff portalegrense Geophagus jurupari > Satanoperca leucosticta ly rename fishes; check for dupli- Aequidens awani > Cichlasoma bimaculatum Mon-Sat 9am-7pm; Sunday 11am-5pm; in Discus, Angels, Peacocks, Geophagus meridionalis > Gymnogeophagus meridionalis Double Mirror (The Teachers), The:cates; Hal Makin. output . . .lists . . . . for. . . .members’ ...... 6 Aequidens curviceps > Laetacara curviceps GeophagusClosed surinamensis Wednesday. > Geophagus brachybranchus TropheusIndex ofor TCMsome - Volumeother group #26: that Daryl Hutchins.information . and. . . .species’ ...... statistics ...... for . . . 1 Aequidens dorsigerus > Laetacara dorsiger Geophagus waverini > Geophagus brasiliensis waverini Indoor/Outdoor Pond System: Chuck Davis...... 2 Aequidens geayi > Guianacara geayi Haplochromis ahli > Sciaenochromis fryeri encompasses a lot of varieties is the information of the SMS. Aequidens itanyi > Krobia guianensis Haplochromis annectens > Protomelas annectens doingJawlockings: far more for ourGraham hobby Rowe. than the ...... 1-9 AequidensVictoria’s maronii > Cleithracara maronii First andHaplochromis Original bloyeti > Astatotilapia bloyeti Cichlid Centre If you have a better idea, let me “giveKeyhole: yuz a race Darren to 100” Howard merchant. . . . . It...... 1-3, 7 Aequidens orinense > Cichlasoma orinense Haplochromis borleyi > Copadichromis borleyi Letter: PIJAC Fish Sub-Committeeknow...... The. . . .BAA . . . program...... must. . . . be. . .res- . . . . 1 Aequidens paraguayensis > Bujurquina vittata Haplochromis brownae > Astatotilapia sp Carp is way past time the efforts of these Aequidens portalegrensis > Cichlasoma portalegrense Master of Disaster: Jim Ellenbergerurrected ...... somehow...... asap...... 7 Haplochromis burtoni > Astatotilapia burtoni aquarists were recognised. Aequidens thayeri > Laetacara thayeri Haplochromis compressiceps > Dimidiochromis compressiceps Member Profile - Aussie Magnussen: ...... 5 Amphylophus longimanus > Amphilophus longimanus Haplochromis electra > Placidochromis electra AnMember extremely Profiles valuable - Maurice side-benefit Breward and Jason Taylor: ...... 8 Apistogramma kleei > bitaeniata Haplochromis ericotaenia > Mylochromis ericotaenia Night Before Christmas - Legal Version, The: Anon ...... l. . . 9 ApistogrammaL ornatipinnisivi >n Apistogrammag P steindachneriicture HaplochromisAqu euchilusa r> Chilotilapiaium euchilus of encouraging all members to regis- ApistogrammaL parvai >v Apistogrammaing cacatuoides Pic parvature HaplochromisAq ufenestratusar > iProtomelasum fenestratus Notes From the Pond: Gary Wagner...... 8 Apistogramma reitzigi > Apistogramma borelli Haplochromis fuscotaeniatus > Nimbochromis fuscotaeniatus Apistogramma weisei > Apistogramma sp Rotpunkt Notices of Motion: ...... 2 Haplochromis grandeosusMelways > Otopharynx Ref: Map grandeosus 41 B9 Petenia splendida - the Gentle Giant: Peter Robinson...... 6 Auloncara mamelela > Aulonocara* Expertmamelela advice Haplochromis heterodon > Otopharynx heterodon Aulonocara jacobfriebergi > Aulonocara jacobfreibergi Haplochromis horei > CtenochromisGeelong horeiRoad ThereProfile - Ad Must Konings: Be . . . . 50. . . . . Ways...... to . . . .Leave ...... Your...... 8 Cichlasoma amazonarum* We buy > Cichlasoma and dimerus sell tanks andHaplochromis fish incola > Mylochromis incola PS4Y2K: Snihctuh Lyrad ...... 7 Cichlasoma amazonorum > Cichlasoma dimerus Haplochromis jacksoni > Copadichromis jacksoni Rowemin’ ‘Round:(pre-)Loved Graham Rowe . . . . .Stuff ...... 1-9 Cichlasoma atromaculatum* Specials> Nandopsis oblongum every week Haplochromis johnstoni > Placidochromis johnsoni Cichlasoma bifasciatum > Vieja bifasciatum Haplochromis Servicelinni > Nimbochromis Rd linni Francis St Some Thoughts on Aquarium Care: Christopher Andrews ...... 9 Cichlasoma* A citrinellumwide >range Amphilophus of citrinellus Cichlids at reasonableHaplochromis lividus > Astatotilapia lividus SteatocranusBesides tinanti the - proprietarythe Secretive waysCichlid: you Peter can Robinson also: ...... 8 Cichlasoma dovii > Nandopsis dovii Haplochromis livingstoni > Nimbochromis livingstoni What is a Cichlid? It’s Greek, Unless You’re a Roman: Brent Cole. . . . . 4 Cichlasoma ellioti > Thorichthys ellioti prices Haplochromis margarita > Otopharynx aureomarginatus l Cichlasoma facetum > Nandopsis facetus Haplochromis mloto > Copadichromis mlotoLiving WhatAdvertise Stinks in itThere? here Andfor freeSix Other (not Questionsforgetting that this mag is Cichlasoma festae* Cichlids > Nandopsis festae * Tropicals * GoldfishHaplochromis mola > Mylochromis mola Picture My Wife Commonly Asks: Keith Shepherd ...... 2 Cichlasoma festivum > Mesonauta festivus Haplochromis moorii > Cyrtocara mooriiAquarium available on the internet before you get it by snail mail) is here Whose Kids Are Those Anyway?: Ron Coleman ...... 2 Cichlasoma friedrichstahli > Nandopsis loisellei Haplochromis niger > Astatotilapia niger l Put it on the Trading Table (commission applies) Cichlasoma hartwegi > Vieja hartwegi Haplochromis nigricans > NeochromisMillars Rd nigricans Y2K and the Aquarist: Snihctuh Lyrad ...... 6 Cichlasoma hellebruniOPEN > Hypselacara 7 coryphaenoides DAYS A WEEKHaplochromis obtusus > Mylochromis obtusus l Write it on the whiteboard at a General Meeting Cichlasoma longimanus > Amphylophus longimanus Haplochromis ornatus > Protomelas ornatus Cichlasoma maculicauda > Vieja maculicauda Haplochromis ovatus > Otopharynx ovatus (Want Ads too) Cichlasoma555A managuense Geelong > Nandopsis managuensis Road, BrooklynHaplochromis polystigma 3025 > Nimbochromis polystigma Cichlasoma meeki > Thorichthys meeki Haplochromis quadrimaculatus > Copadichromis quadrimaculatus l You can also put it in the Mini Auction (donation) Cichlasoma motaguense >Phone/Fax: Nandopsis loisellei 9314 7711Haplochromis rostratus > Fossorochromis rostratus Cichlasoma nicaraguense > Copora nicaraguense Haplochromis sexfasciatus > Placidochromis sexfasciatus

164 V I C T O R I A N C I C H L I D S O C I E T Y I N C ^ T H E C I C H L I D M O N T H L Y 157 Haplochromis similis > Protomelas similis Pseudotropheus elegans > Maylandia elegans Peter Robinson (video), Daryl Hutchins (TV) and Stuart Gray (setting up) Haplochromis spilonotus > Protomelas spilonotus Pseudotropheus estherae > Maylandia estherae HaplochromisPreviously spilorhynchus > Champsochromis spilorhynchus ... atPseudotropheus a greshakeiVCS > Maylandia greshakeiMeeting were thanked for allowing us to viewPOSSIBLY the Malawi video. Haplochromis straelini > Astatoreochromis straelini Pseudotropheus kingsizei > Pseudotropheus sp kingsizei Haplochromis symnodees > Astatotilapia symnodees Pseudotropheus kingsizii > Pseudotropheus kingsizei Draw Prize: Steve Lawler won the Malvern Aquarium $40 voucher Haplochromis taeniolatus > Protomelas taeniolatus Pseudotropheus livingstoni > Maylandia livingstonii John McCormick won the Wetlands frozen food HaplochromisTHE 12 triaenodon February > Mylochromis 1999 mollis meeting openedPseudotropheus at 8.27 pm lombardoi with > Maylandiathe President lombardoi in the Carl Bentin won the Aquarium plants. Haplochromis venustus > Nimbochromis venustus Pseudotropheus novemfasciatus > THELAST Haplochromischair. He wingati welcomed > Astatotilapia allwingati members and visitors.Pseudotropheus Apologies tropheops werenovemfasciatus received from: Any Other Business: Reminder about2nd the Aquaculture Conference. Dues are Hemichromis bimaculatus > Hemichromis guttatus Pseudotropheus ornatus > Pseudotropheus elongatus ornatus HerichthysJeff Staude, dovii > Nandopsis Danny dovii Genovese, GranvillePseudotropheus Lawrence, pindani > PseudotropheusJohn Reeves, socolofi Kevin overdue. If buying up big on the Trading Table, please give John a courtesy call HerosArchibald hellebruni >and Hypselacara Scott coryphaenoides Haymes (lateness). Pseudotropheus zebra > Maylandia zebra before the meeting so he can have your order ready and have enough for every- Heros spilurum > Archocentrus spilurus Sciaenochromis ahli > Sciaenochromis fryeri body else. HerosAll trimaculatum present > Amphilophus had received trimaculatus their magazine.Telmatochromis Minutes caninus of > Telmatochromisthe previous dhonti meeting Labidochromiswere received joanjohnsonae on >a Melanochromis motion moved joanjohnsonae by PeterTheraps Robinson sieboldi > Theraps and sieboldii seconded by Jason Door Prizes, courtesy of TFH Australia, were won by: Rob Coghlan, Yoshimi Lamprologus brichardi > Neolamprologus brichardi Thysia ansorgii > Thysochromis ansorgii FISH-ONLY LamprologusTaylor. Therecaudopunctatus was > Neolamprologusno business caudopunctatus arising fromTilapia the lepidura minutes. > Oreochromis lepidura malindi Lawler, Ana Sijana, Maurice Breward, Graham Rowe (redonated) and Rob Lamprologus christyi > Neolamprologus christyi Tilapia leucosticta > Oreochromis leucosticta Coghlan. LamprologusTreasurer’s compressiceps Report: > Altolamprologus compressiceps Tilapia mossambica > Oreochromis mossambicus LamprologusOpening furcifer balance > Neolamprologus1143.75 furcifer Tilapia spilurus > Oreochromis spilurus The meeting adjourned for supper at 10.15 pm. l Lamprologus leleupi Income> Neolamprologus leleupi 963.06 (membershipTrematocranus and trading jacobfreibergi table >mainly) Aulonocara jacobfreibergi Lamprologus leleupi leleupi> Neolamprologus leleupi leleupi Trematocranus reginae > Aulonocara jacobfreibergi reginae LamprologusExpenditure leleupi longior> Neolamprologus 186.21 leleupi longior(postage, ENDSprinting CHANGES and supper 07Jan1999 mainly) l Lamprologus meeli > Neolamprologus hecqui AUCTION Closing balance 1920.60 Something to trade/sell? LamprologusAnnual mustaxReport: > Neolamprologus Books are mustax at Auditors. Here is a summary. Lamprologus ocellatus > Neolamprologus to be conducted by the VCS this Millenium (depending upon when you consider that the New Mil starts) ocellatus 1/1/1998 1337.99 Need an odd fish or item? Lamprologus pleuromaculatus > Neolamprologus pleuromaculatus Income 4597.81 (auctions, memberships, raffles & trading table mainly) Write it up on the whiteboard at the next Meeting. LamprologusExpenditure pulcher > Neolamprologus 4015.20 pulcher (postage, printing and supper mainly) 17 April 1999 Lamprologus sp31/12/1998 > Neolamprologus sp 1920.60 (which balances with bank statement) Lamprologus tetracanthus > Neolamprologus tetracanthusTerm Deposit 18353.12 in the LamprologusThese reports walteri > Neolamprologus were received falcicula on a motion moved by Stuart Gray and seconded Maravichromis mola > Mylochromis mola Maravichromisby Daryl obtususHutchins. > Mylochromis obtusus Melanochromis crabro > Pseudotropheus crabro COURTYARD ROOM MelanochromisCorrespondence: exasperatus > LabidochromisManark Printing bill textilis Whitehorse Centre Confirmation of meeting dates at the MelanochromisCommonwealth perspicax > Pseudotropheus Bank Statement MALVERN perspicax Nunawading Civic Centre Mylochromis molaAquarium > Otopharynx lithobates Industries List of cichlids available Nandopsis loisellei > NandopsisAquarama friedrichstahli 99 Information AQUARIUMSWhitehorse Road, & Pet Supplies Neolamprologus elongatus > Neolamprologus brichardi Whitehorse Centre Bill for hall hire Mitcham NeolamprologusOutgoing: meeli >Kevin Neolamprologus Archibald Letter of thanks for the banner AP IMPORTERS OF TROPICALS AND GOLDFISH hecqui Neolamprologus toae > PeterPaleolamprologus McDonald toae Letter of thanks for use of Auctioneers license TANKS MADE TO ORDER NeolamprologusCorrespondence walteri > Neolamprologus was received on a motion moved by Lee Ashton and second- Fish will be received FULL RANGE OF PET ACCESSORIES edfalcicula by David Cooper. from Noon Parananochromis transvestitus > Nanochromis transvestitusMini talk Group discussion “What my fish and I did over Christmas/New EXTENSIVE RANGEAuction OF “BETTACARE” commences PRODUCTS Pelvicachromis camerounensis > OPEN 6 DAYS – CLOSED WEDNESDAY Year”.Pelvicachromis A short pulcher breakcamerounensis was then held. 1 pm sharp PelvicachromisRob Coghlan thomasi > Anomalachromisdefeated Maurice Breward and Lee Ashton in Cichlid Heads. thomasi 54-56 Glenferrie Road, Malvern PseudotropheusA video auroraon Lake > Maylandia Malawi aurora was then shown. A brief mini auction was then held. Phone: 9509 1141 PseudotropheusThanks to chameleon Ernie >Hicks Pseudotropheus and John McCormick (Trading Table) for the donations. crabro Present your VCS Membership Card and receive a 10% discount. PseudotropheusRobbie Tothdinghani then> Pseudotropheus announced the Wardleys Table Show results. flavus

416 V I C T O R I A N C I C H L I D S O C I E T Y I N C ^ T H E C I C H L I D M O N T H L Y 157 Our Invations-declined list is as follows AimsAims ofof thethe SocietSocietyy darylh@`Finchat’ Aquarium Society of Victoria Jan Rowemin’Rowemin’ blaze.`Fishtales’ Eastern Districts AS Jan net.auThe Must Read In Flight Literature list follows: The Victorian Cichlid Society was formed by cichlidophiles in March 1972 thus becoming the first `Perth Cichlid Society Magazine’ Perth CS Nov specialist aquarist group in the State of Victoria. Its main aims are: `Buntbarscheee Bulletin’ddiittoo Americanrr iCAiaall Oct 1. To promote the keeping of cichlids; Fax:`Revue 9872-3225 Francaise des Cichlidophiles’ Association France Cichlid Jan `Revue Francaise des Cichlidophiles’ Association France Cichlid Feb ‘Round‘Round2. To gain and disseminate knowledge of cichlids, their habits and attributes through the use of slides, `Cichlid Chatter’ Greater Chicago CA Jan films, books, lectures, practical demonstrations, local and overseas magazines, articles by members `Cichlid Evening Post’ Great Lakes CS Jan and discussions with fellow members or experts in the field; `Cichlid Evening Post’ Great Lakes CS Feb AT the February committee 3. To assist, in any way possible, the establishment and/or maintenance of approved public aquaria; `Newsletter 178’tantly, make British the CA program of enor- Jan meeting,`DISCUSsions’ in answer to the call for mous value Australian to Discusthe AssociationSpecies Jan 4. To be involved in the education of the general public with regard to the benefits of fishkeeping sub-committee reports, I answered (particularly cichlids), and the potentially harmful effects of animal mismanagement; Maintenance Sub-committee. You that I thought I had given a particu- may have a much better idea, or l 5. To promote fellowship between members; larlyWell thoroughthat’s it for anotherreport monthon the maybe a small refinement that 6. To further the conservation of species and their natural habitats; Breeder’s Achievement Award sys- would improve it. Well don’t keep it 7. To further the identification, distribution, breeding, maintenance and enjoyment of species in the temSUPPORT in the OUR magazine. ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERSto yourself SUPPORT– let’s hear OUR ADVERTISERSabout it. My SUP- PORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT Family Cichlidae. OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERScontact SUPPORT number OUR ADVERTISERS etc appears SUPPORTabove. OUR ADVERTISERSSilly me – SUPPORTI thought OUR I ADVERTISERShad pub- Support Our Advertisers SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVER- lishedTISERS itSUPPORT last month. OUR ADVERTISERS Nevertheless, SUPPORT OURThe ADVERTISERS next meeting SUPPORT is going OUR to ADVERTISERS be a SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUP- Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are All correspondence to: thePORT commentOUR ADVERTISERS went unchallenged.SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERSreal talkfest SUPPORT with OUR two ADVERTISERS of our best SUPPORT those of the authors, and are not necessarily THE SECRETARY But for anyone whose penny proponents of the art (talking) on a those of the Editor of TCM or the committee VICTORIAN CICHLID SOCIETY INC dropped later (and everyone else double-bill – so don’t miss it. Peter of Tthe APPEARS Victorian Cichlid that Society some Inc. authorsYou are Michaelc/- 23 Mangana Loweth’s Drive, article Mulgrave, “A New Victoria, Way too), said articleA CappearsOM PonR pagesEHENis goingSIV toE give R usA NtheG low-downE on encouragedhave responded to write to, or toe-mail their the EditorEditor’s on to Artificially AustraliaHatch Angelfish3170 Eggs”. 10-14 of this edition. Read it; and those skinny African widgets ... anypleas subject and raised we herein. have found that the InFax the 9560-7472. May 1996 E-mail [email protected] of Brooklyn FOR THE DISCERNING HOBBYIST I think about it. Steatocranus tinanti. Scotty is postie has been kept busy with invita- AS’s magazine `Aquatica’ Dr Steven A* lot African of time and has Americanbeen put into Cichlidsgoing to tell us about his the FELLOW OF THE SOCIETY: Graham Rowe. tions, non-cichlid efforts and MRIFL. J. Schiff is “severe” on the pricing of dragging* Selected the BAA Tropical into the and 20th Princess Complex. Something that LIFEOur MEMBERS:first stop is in answer to the Discus and offers a solution in “Poor Century* Imported (before itGoldfish finishes) so that should have been sorted out years invitationGraham Rowe,in the Heinz February Staude, Kevin issue Archibald, of KeithMan’s Patford, Discus”. and Danny Genovese. we* have Range the flexiblityof Discus to do it differ- ago. I am looking forward to what `AquariumHONORARY World’, MEMBER: the FederationMax Davenport. of I hope the floodwaters have reced- ently.* Marine A quick Fishlook at the graph on should be a very interesting night, New Zealand Aquatic Societies’ mag- COMMITTEE MEMBERS: ed as we head to our next stop in the* centre-spread Aquatic Plants shows that with- but a note to the Chairman – don’t azine. They were relieved that one of answer to the invitation in the out a doubt the present system just forget your crook. PRESIDENT Aussie Magnussen . . 9546-2974 VICE-PRES Peter Robinson . . . . 9807-8196 * Tanks * Stands * Rocks their Dunedin members had a happy is not cutting it. If the BAA program SECRETARY Graham Rowe ...... 9560-7472January EDITOR issueDaryl Hutchinsof `The . . Magazine. . . 9872-3225 of * All Accessories * FrozenWaste and not,Live want Foods not. That’s my resultTREASURER in “TheKeith Fight Patford to . . . .Answer . . . .9716 2425a the Sunshine Facsimile Coast ...... Aquarium.9872-3225 was a horse it would be dog food by motto. I have this tiny little space QuestionLIBRARIAN aboutLee Angels”.Ashton ...... 9561-5131Society’ SOCIAL SEC (I’veGlenn gotLacey RSI . . . . .from . . 9512-6706 typing now. Something has to be done to left so just for a change I think I AngelsSHOW S ECareRobbie definitely Toth . on. . . . peoples’. . 9808-4668THAT TRAD TABLE name!).John McCormickThey are very . . . 5944-3502 interest- get the graph heading in the right shall make an impassioned plea for COMMITTEE- Stuart Gray ...... 9758-1154 ...... Granville Lawrence ...... direction.HHII--FFIINN AAQQUUAARRIIUUMM minds at the moment. On arrival at ed in Bill Smith’s article from original contributions for this maga- AT-LARGE: Maurice Breward . . . .9752-2103 ...... Jason Taylor ...... 9569-3772 Jersey Shore AS in answer to the `Superfish’ of May-June 1991 entitled The changes suggested would zine. By contributions I mean any- Sub-Committee Chairpersons: Mailing: Helen Rowe. BAA: Daryl Hutchins; Constitution: 257 BLACKBURN ROAD, SYNDAL 3147 invitation in the February `Shoreline’, “Tankmates for Cichlids Part 1”. add some interest and, most impor- thing. Please. l Daryl Hutchins. Species Maintenance: Graham Rowe. Handbook: Daryl Hutchins. I find that they are engrossed by Some good ideas here. Ph: 9803 3109

128 V I C T O R I A N C I C H L I D S O C I E T Y I N C ^ T H E C I C H L I D M O N T H L Y 139 ^ Check out our Web page: ^ February Table Show Results^ : wwwwww..bbllaazzee..nneett..aauu//~~ddaarryyllhh Keith Patford Show (Lake Malawians) We have some special friends that Species Cond Fins Shape Scales Age Total Entrant 1 Sciaenochromis ahli 26 28 19 10 9 92 Robert Coughlan A beautiful fish, though not very cooperative for the judge. you might like to meet also ... 2 Copadichromis chrysonotus 26 26 20 10 8 90 Maurice Breward Nice fish with only slight damage on the caudal. cichlid 3 Protomelas taeniolatus 26 28 20 10 7 91 David Cooper coEASTERNnten DISTRICTSts AQUARIUM SOCIETY A good quality specimen -- like all the entries tonight. Meets on the 4th Friday of month at the Willis Room, Kevin Archibald Show (Angels, Uarus and Discus) Nunawading Civic Centre, Whitehorse Rd, Nunawading. Species Cond Fins Shape Scales Age Total Entrant Ring 9802 3968 for more informationSce nor writee to: 1 Pterophyllum scalare 25 25 20 10 10 90 Ernie Hicks è A good specimen -- displayed very well. Coming Events . .PO . . . .Box . . 502, Ringwood 3134. Aims of the Society ...... 2 THE NEXT MEETING will be held Judge: Daryl Hutchins l 3 on the 2nd Friday of the month at Editorial ...... 8 pm sharp (Trading Table opens AUSTRALIAN & NEW GUINEAearlier) in the FISHES Courtyard Room at Q: How do you communicate with fish? Minutes of the Previous General Meeting . . . .ASSOCIATION4-5 the Nunawading Civic Centre, A: Drop them a line. Whitehorse Rd, Mitcham. Visitors Index ofRing TCM 9725 Vol #27 3665 . . . .for6 more informationare encouraged or write to come to: along. PO Box 502, Ringwood 3134. 8 MINI TALK: `Steatocranus tinanti’ -- Jawlockings ...... Peter Robinson. Wardley Table Show Calendar 1999 Keyhole ...... 9 MAIN TALK: `The Princess Complex’ -- Scott Haymes. The “Achievement”AQUARIUM SOCIETY OF VICTORIA Kevin Archibald Show Keith Patford Show DOOR PRIZES: OSI. Factor?Meets ...... on. . 10-14 the last Thursday of the month February Angels, Uarus and Discus Lake Malawians DRAW PRIZES: at 2915-16 Grant Street, Clifton Hill. March South Americans Lake Tanganyikans BAA Name Changes 1. Twin-Outlet Air Pump. Ring 9478 6028 for more information2. Wetlands or frozen write food. to: April Central Americans African Riverines and Lake Victorians 18-19 Rowemin’ ‘RoundPO . . . Box 140, Clifton Hill3. Wine. 3068. May South Americans Lake Malawians February TS Results . . . . 20 TABLE SHOWS June Dwarf Americans Dwarf Africans KA -- South Americans July Central Americans Lake Tanganyikans Wardley TS Calendar . . . 20 KP -- Lake Tanganyikans August Pairs (American) Pairs (African) Victorian Cichlid Society

September South Americans Lake Malawians RENT FOR THIS SPACE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS October Central Americans African Riverine and Lake Victorians orReprints other ©enquiries Copyright, Victorianmay be Cichlid directed Society to: Inc 1999. November Angels, Uarus and Discus Lake Tanganyikans Anyone wishing to reprint material from `The Cichlid Monthly’ for non-commercial The Secretary, Graham Rowe December American of Your Choice African of Your Choice reasons, may do so (unless the article is copyright by the author) provided due 23credit Mangana is given to the Drive,author and Mulgrave`TCM’ and one copy Vic of the3170 relevant publication is forwarded to the author, care of the Secretary. Enquiries re the use of material Youin any can other publicationscall or may fax also him be directed on to9560 the Secretary 7472 (see page 2). or e-mail him at [email protected] 20 V I C T O R I A N C I C H L I D S O C I E T Y I N C ^ T H E C I C H L I D M O N T H L Y 1 Volume 28, #1 – February 1999

the monthly

$1 PREMIUM FLAKE FOOD R E G I S T E R E D c cB Y A UiSiT R AccL I A P hOhS T — PlPl3 4 i2i7 8 0d/ d0 0 2 4 I would love to hide a message in here about a lying bastard who hijacked lucrative business from the Victorian Cichlid Society and should be drummed out of the society for it. UNDER Wardley Total Tropical is the ultimate THE OLD CONSTITUTION IT freshwater flake food, created to pro- vide an extraordinary diet that consid- WAS NOT POSSIBLE TO ers not only your fishes health of today, EXPEL HIM. IF HE DID THE but their nutritional needs for tomorrow. SAME THING TODAY, HE Better metabolic responses, faster WOULD BE OUT. Apart attraction to the food, brilliant color and improved overall health and vitality are from that he is a very only a few of the benefits of feeding boring person who has Total Tropical as your everyday staple no doubt driven count- food. Total Tropical begins where all less people from the other staple foods leave off. club. UNFORTUNATELY, JOURNAL OF THE QUALITY PRODUCTS FOR THE AUSTRALIAN FISHKEEPER THEREViictoriian C iiAREchlliid So cNURDSiiety IIncorpo rWHOated CAN AUSTRALIA’S PREMIER BRAND DECIPHER THIS - SO I CeCAN’rtiifiicate of IIncorpora Ttiion NPRINTo A12794D HIS NAME!