Volume 28, #1 February 1999 the monthly $1 PREMIUM FLAKE FOOD R E G I S T E R E D c cB Y A UiiS T RcAcL I A hPhO S T l lP P i3i4 2 7d8d0 / 0 0 2 4 I would love to hide a message in here about a lying bastard who hijacked lucrative business from the Victorian Cichlid Society and should be drummed out of the society for it. UNDER Wardley Total Tropical is the ultimate THE OLD CONSTITUTION IT freshwater flake food, created to pro- vide an extraordinary diet that consid- WAS NOT POSSIBLE TO ers not only your fishes health of today, EXPEL HIM. IF HE DID THE but their nutritional needs for tomorrow. SAME THING TODAY, HE Better metabolic responses, faster WOULD BE OUT. Apart attraction to the food, brilliant color and improved overall health and vitality are from that he is a very only a few of the benefits of feeding boring person who has Total Tropical as your everyday staple no doubt driven count- food. Total Tropical begins where all less people from the other staple foods leave off. club. UNFORTUNATELY, JOURNAL OF THE QUALITY PRODUCTS FOR THE AUSTRALIAN FISHKEEPER THEREVictorian ARECichlid NURDS Society I nWHOcorpo rCANated AUSTRALIA’S PREMIER BRAND DECIPHER THIS - SO I CeCAN’rtiiffiicate off IIncor Tpor atPRINTiion No A12794D HIS NAME! ^ Check out our Web page: ^ February Table Show Results: ^ wwwwww..bbllaazzee..nneett..aauu//~~ddaarryyllhh Keith Patford Show (Lake Malawians) We have some special friends that Species Cond Fins Shape Scales Age Total Entrant 1 Sciaenochromis ahli 26 28 19 10 9 92 Robert Coughlan A beautiful fish, though not very cooperative for the judge. you might like to meet also ... 2 Copadichromis chrysonotus 26 26 20 10 8 90 Maurice Breward Nice fish with only slight damage on the caudal. cichlid 3 Protomelas taeniolatus 26 28 20 10 7 91 David Cooper coEASTERNnten DISTRICTSts AQUARIUM SOCIETY A good quality specimen -- like all the entries tonight. Meets on the 4th Friday of month at the Willis Room, Kevin Archibald Show (Angels, Uarus and Discus) Nunawading Civic Centre, Whitehorse Rd, Nunawading. Species Cond Fins Shape Scales Age Total Entrant Ring 9802 3968 for more informationSce nor writee to: 1 Pterophyllum scalare 25 25 20 10 10 90 Ernie Hicks è A good specimen -- displayed very well. Coming Events . .PO . .Box . 502, Ringwood 3134. Aims of the Society . .2 THE NEXT MEETING will be held Judge: Daryl Hutchins l 3 on the 2nd Friday of the month at Editorial . 8 pm sharp (Trading Table opens AUSTRALIAN & NEW GUINEAearlier) in the FISHES Courtyard Room at Q: How do you communicate with fish? Minutes of the Previous General Meeting . .ASSOCIATION4-5 the Nunawading Civic Centre, A: Drop them a line. Whitehorse Rd, Mitcham. Visitors Index ofRing TCM 9725 Vol #27 3665 . for. 6 more informationare encouraged or write to come to: along. PO Box 502, Ringwood 3134. 8 MINI TALK: `Steatocranus tinanti’ -- Jawlockings . Peter Robinson. Wardley Table Show Calendar 1999 Keyhole . 9 MAIN TALK: `The Princess Complex’ -- Scott Haymes. The “Achievement”AQUARIUM SOCIETY OF VICTORIA Kevin Archibald Show Keith Patford Show DOOR PRIZES: OSI. Factor?Meets . on. 10-14 the last Thursday of the month February Angels, Uarus and Discus Lake Malawians DRAW PRIZES: at 2915-16 Grant Street, Clifton Hill. March South Americans Lake Tanganyikans BAA Name Changes 1. Twin-Outlet Air Pump. Ring 9478 6028 for more information2. Wetlands or frozen write food. to: April Central Americans African Riverines and Lake Victorians 18-19 Rowemin’ ‘RoundPO . Box 140, Clifton Hill3. Wine. 3068. May South Americans Lake Malawians February TS Results . 20 TABLE SHOWS June Dwarf Americans Dwarf Africans KA -- South Americans July Central Americans Lake Tanganyikans Wardley TS Calendar . 20 KP -- Lake Tanganyikans August Pairs (American) Pairs (African) Victorian Cichlid Society September South Americans Lake Malawians FOR RENT THIS SPACE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS October Central Americans African Riverine and Lake Victorians orReprints other ©enquiries Copyright, Victorianmay be Cichlid directed Society to: Inc 1999. November Angels, Uarus and Discus Lake Tanganyikans Anyone wishing to reprint material from `The Cichlid Monthly’ for non-commercial The Secretary, Graham Rowe December American of Your Choice African of Your Choice reasons, may do so (unless the article is copyright by the author) provided due 23credit Mangana is given to the Drive,author and `TCM’ Mulgrave and one copy Vic of the 3170 relevant publication is forwarded to the author, care of the Secretary. Enquiries re the use of material Youin any can other publicationscall or may fax also him be directed on to 9560 the Secretary 7472 (see page 2). or e-mail him at [email protected] 20 V I C T O R I A N C I C H L I D S O C I E T Y I N C ^ T H E C I C H L I D M O N T H L Y 1 Our Invations-declined list is as follows AimsAims ofof thethe SocietSocietyy darylh@`Finchat’ Aquarium Society of Victoria Jan Rowemin’Rowemin’ blaze.`Fishtales’ Eastern Districts AS Jan net.auThe Must Read In Flight Literature list follows: The Victorian Cichlid Society was formed by cichlidophiles in March 1972 thus becoming the first `Perth Cichlid Society Magazine’ Perth CS Nov specialist aquarist group in the State of Victoria. Its main aims are: `Buntbarscheee Bulletin’ddiittoAmericanorr CA iiaallOct ‘Round‘Round1. To promote the keeping of cichlids; Fax:`Revue 9872-3225 Francaise des Cichlidophiles’ Association France Cichlid Jan 2. To gain and disseminate knowledge of cichlids, their habits and attributes through the use of slides, `Revue Francaise des Cichlidophiles’ Association France Cichlid Feb films, books, lectures, practical demonstrations, local and overseas magazines, articles by members `Cichlid Chatter’ Greater Chicago CA Jan and discussions with fellow members or experts in the field; `Cichlid Evening Post’ Great Lakes CS Jan AT`Cichlid the EveningFebruary Post’ committee Great Lakes CS Feb 3. To assist, in any way possible, the establishment and/or maintenance of approved public aquaria; tantly, make the program of enor- meeting,`Newsletter in answer 178’ to the call for mousBritish value CA to the SpeciesJan 4. To be involved in the education of the general public with regard to the benefits of fishkeeping sub-committee`DISCUSsions’ reports, I answered Australian Discus Association Jan (particularly cichlids), and the potentially harmful effects of animal mismanagement; Maintenance Sub-committee. You that I thought I had given a particu- may have a much better idea, or l 5. To promote fellowship between members; larlyWell thoroughthat’s it for anotherreport monthon the maybe a small refinement that 6. To further the conservation of species and their natural habitats; Breeder’s Achievement Award sys- would improve it. Well don’t keep it 7. To further the identification, distribution, breeding, maintenance and enjoyment of species in the SUPPORTtem in the OUR magazine. ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERSto yourself SUPPORT– let’s hear OUR ADVERTISERSabout it. My SUP- PORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT Family Cichlidae. OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERScontact SUPPORT number OUR ADVERTISERS etc appears SUPPORTabove. OUR ADVERTISERSSilly me – SUPPORTI thought OUR I ADVERTISERShad pub- Support Our Advertisers SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVER- TISERSlished itSUPPORT last month. OUR ADVERTISERS Nevertheless, SUPPORT OURThe ADVERTISERS next meeting SUPPORT is going OUR toADVERTISERS be a SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUP- Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are All correspondence to: PORTthe commentOUR ADVERTISERS went unchallenged.SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERSreal talkfest SUPPORT with OUR two ADVERTISERS of our best SUPPORT those of the authors, and are not necessarily THE SECRETARY But for anyone whose penny proponents of the art (talking) on a those of the Editor of TCM or the committee VICTORIAN CICHLID SOCIETY INC dropped later (and everyone else double-bill – so don’t miss it. Peter of Tthe APPEARS Victorian Cichlid that Society some Inc. authorsYou are Michaelc/- 23 Mangana Loweth’s Drive, article Mulgrave, “A New Victoria, Way too), said articleA CappearsOM PonR pagesEHENis goingSIV toE give R usA NtheG low-downE on encouragedhave responded to write to, or toe-mail their the EditorEditor’s on to Artificially AustraliaHatch Angelfish3170 Eggs”. 10-14 of this edition. Read it; and those skinny African widgets ... anypleas subject and raised we herein. have found that the InFax the 9560-7472. May 1996 E-mail [email protected] of Brooklyn FOR THE DISCERNING HOBBYIST I think about it. Steatocranus tinanti. Scotty is postie has been kept busy with invita- AS’s magazine `Aquatica’ Dr Steven A* lot African of time and has Americanbeen put into Cichlidsgoing to tell us about his the FELLOW OF THE SOCIETY: Graham Rowe. tions, non-cichlid efforts and MRIFL. J. Schiff is “severe” on the pricing of dragging* Selected the BAA Tropical into the and 20th Princess Complex. Something that LIFEOur MEMBERS:first stop is in answer to the Discus and offers a solution in “Poor Century* Imported (before itGoldfish finishes) so that should have been sorted out years invitationGraham Rowe,in the Heinz February Staude, Kevin issue Archibald, of KeithMan’s Patford, Discus”. and Danny Genovese. we* have Range the flexiblityof Discus to do it differ- ago. I am looking forward to what `AquariumHONORARY World’, MEMBER: the FederationMax Davenport. of I hope the floodwaters have reced- ently.* Marine A quick Fishlook at the graph on should be a very interesting night, New Zealand Aquatic Societies’ mag- COMMITTEE MEMBERS: ed as we head to our next stop in the* centre-spread Aquatic Plants shows that with- but a note to the Chairman – don’t azine. They were relieved that one of answer to the invitation in the out a doubt the present system just forget your crook.
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