Origin, Rise, and Progress of Mormonism : Biography of Its
r?^. ^ DEC 6 1917 Sectioe TT 8^ SMITH'S ACCOUNT OF TAKING THE "GOLDEN BIBLE" FROM MORMON HILL. : ORIGIN, RISE, AND PROGRESS '• ^i^^^' ( DEC 6 19 MORMONISM^%5SlCAl ^i BIOGRAPHY OF ITS FOUNDERS AND HISTORY OF ITS CHURCH. PERSONAL REMEMBRANCES AND HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS HITHERTO UNWRITTEN. By POMEROY TUCKER, PALMYRA, N. T. NEW YORK D. APPLETON AND COMPANY. 443 & 445 BROADWAY. 1867. Entered, according to Act of Cougress, in the year 1S67, by POMEEOT TUCKEE, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of New Tork. PREFACE MoRMONiSM, in its progress and maturity, has attained a conspicuous page in the annals of our century. Yet a fiiU account of the remarkable sect, beginning v/ith its origin and rise, and circumstantially disclosing the earlier designs and delusions of its founders, has hitherto re- mained unwritten. The facts and reminiscences contained in this volume, based upon the author's personal knowl- edge and information, are produced to fill the blank and supply the omitted chapters in Mormon history. Chronologically tracing the Church of Latter-D^y Saints, from its singularly humble starting-point, through a wonderfully successful career of domination by crafty leaders over blind infatuation, to its assumed dignity of a newly-revealed gospel dispensation, with its extraordinary hierarchal powers and pretensions, this truthfal narrative is necessary to the completion of the history from the foundation of the institution. Events and incidents, which at their occurrence were viewed by enlightened minds as too insimiificant for serious thouo-ht, are now rescued from oblivion for record and preservation, as important illus- 4 PREFACE.
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