E1156 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 16, 2020 . In 2002, she founded In God We Dave’s immeasurable contributions to my of- ceded in death by his brother Gilbert Dell Trust America, Inc., a nonprofit organization fice, the constituents I have represented and Bumpas, Jr. that encourages elected officials to display our to our country are something for which we Through his actions of encouragement to national motto ‘‘In God We Trust’’ in public should all be very grateful. Personally, I have thousands of people he knew, Coach Bumpas spaces like at town halls and other facilities. and will continue to value my friendship with left Mississippi a better place than he found it. As a result of this nonprofit, more than 700 Dave and wish him and his wife Catherine, He will be missed greatly by those who knew buildings at various levels of government their daughter Carolyn and son David the very him, but the lessons he instilled in so many throughout 37 states have the motto displayed best and brightest future. will continue to positively impact lives for many including the Bakersfield City Council Cham- f years to come. bers, as well as the Kern County Sheriff’s De- REMEMBERING THE LIFE OF partment, which recently added motto decals f to its patrol vehicles. COACH WALLY BUMPAS It has been a pleasure to work with my HONORING SCOTT CUNNINGHAM, close friend Jacquie, collaborating with her on HON. MICHAEL GUEST SENIOR ADVISOR TO THE RANK- issues impacting our community to improve OF MISSISSIPPI ING MEMBER FOR THE HOUSE ETHICS COMMITTEE the lives of our constituents. While her pres- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ence and passion on the Bakersfield City Wednesday, December 16, 2020 Council will certainly be missed, I have no HON. KENNY MARCHANT doubt she will continue to advocate for the Mr. GUEST. Madam Speaker, Coach Wally OF TEXAS policies and programs that she holds dear. On Bumpas was an icon to the many young men behalf of the 23rd Congressional District of and women he mentored, and I’m honored to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES California, I thank Jacquie for her service and have known him when he coached at Brandon Wednesday, December 16, 2020 wish her well as she begins this new chapter High School. Coach Bumpas taught history Mr. MARCHANT. Madam Speaker, I rise enjoying time with her children, Richard, Julie, and coached football in Lambert, Shelby, Wi- today in recognition of Scott Cunningham, a and Linda, and her grandchildren. nona, Jackson, McComb, and Brandon, Mis- member of my staff for over thirteen years, for f sissippi, and in 1990 was inducted into the Mississippi Association of Coaches Hall of his outstanding and dedicated service to the TRIBUTE TO DAVID KENNETT Fame. He loved his players and seeing them United States House of Representatives and advance in their careers and personal lives. to the Twenty-Fourth Congressional District of HON. KEN CALVERT Coach Bumpas was an avid reader, especially Texas. A Dallas native, Scott first came to Capitol OF CALIFORNIA of World War II history, and he found great Hill in 1999 as a congressional intern for Con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pleasure in traveling and fishing. Among his fondest times were trips to Europe and an Af- gressman and would return to Wednesday, December 16, 2020 rican safari with his wife, Kennie, and fly fish- intern again for each of the next two summers. Mr. CALVERT. Madam Speaker, I rise today ing in the Bahamas with many friends includ- In 2007, he joined my staff and has continued to honor and pay tribute to a dedicated and ing Quinton Dickerson, Dave Goldberg, and to serve the people of the 24th District of trusted member of my staff. At the end of this Charlie Modica, Jr. They thoroughly enjoyed Texas with energy and integrity, first as my Congress, my Chief of Staff, David Kennett, his company and advice, and they cherish the policy director and then as my legislative di- will be departing my office after many years of photos, stories, and memories of the time they rector and deputy chief of staff. He is currently invaluable service. shared together. my senior advisor, counseling and supporting After graduating from Delaware County After retiring from a longtime coaching ca- me in my role as the Ranking Member of the Christian School in 1990, Dave attended reer in 1995, Coach Bumpas was hired at his House Ethics Committee. Wheaton College where he earned a Bachelor retirement party by former Mississippi Gov- Much of Scott’s day-to-day work is now be- of Arts degree in English and History. While ernor Kirk Fordice. Working in Governor hind-the-scenes, but his passion for public pol- working at Houlihan’s restaurant in Springfield, Fordice’s successful re-election campaign that icy is still evident. He has handled each issue Virginia, Dave first joined my D.C. office as an year with many new friends including Lisa area for my team at some point during his ten- intern. After writing up a well-researched Buelow Ireland, Coach Bumpas began a sec- ure, even serving as a one-man legislative memo on the history of Puerto Rico, Dave ond career in politics and public service. In team for five months. As hectic as that time was offered a job as our staff assistant by my 1996, Coach Bumpas worked on the success- may have been, I also know that Scott first Chief of Staff, Ed Slevin. He was soon ful campaign of former Mississippi Third Dis- stresses about nothing more than managing promoted to a legislative assistant position, re- trict Congressman Charles W. ‘‘Chip’’ Pick- my flights. I am sure I would not have made sponsible for a portfolio that included infra- ering, Jr. He subsequently served for many it to Washington every week without him. structure and natural resources issues. In years on Congressman Pickering’s congres- Scott’s contributions were not limited to leg- 1998, Dave left my office, for the first time, to sional staff in Mississippi. Congressman Pick- islative work. He is known for his servant’s move to California. ering always considered Coach Bumpas to be heart and is never happier than when he is Dave and his family would wind up moving a loyal, trusted friend and was grateful to have able to help a constituent with a casework back to D.C. and he rejoined my office to him as a member of his staff. issue. Whether it takes only five minutes or a serve as my legislative director in 2001, a post Coach Bumpas also enjoyed researching full five years to solve, Scott is always deter- he would fill until leaving for the second time, his genealogy and learned he descended from mined to see a job through to the end. He in 2003 to join The Ferguson Group, where he French Huguenot Eduod Bompasse, who ar- came to Capitol Hill all those years ago to worked as a federal advocate on behalf of a rived at Plymouth on the ‘‘Good Ship For- help people, especially his fellow Texans, and number of Riverside County organizations, in- tune,’’ the first boat to arrive after the any of my constituents who have worked with cluding the Western Municipal Water District Mayflower, on November 10, 1621. In recent him can attest to the fact that he has suc- and the Riverside Community College District. years, Coach spent his days enjoying his ceeded. In 2016, following the departure of my long- home on Lake Lorman in Madison County, I am not sure what my tenure in Congress time Chief of Staff, David Ramey, Dave once Mississippi. Coach Wally Bumpas passed would have been like without Scott again joined my office to serve in that leader- away at the age of 84 on December 6, 2020, Cunningham as part of my team, and not only ship role. His third stint in my office began just surrounded by family. He is survived by his because he drew the first-place selection in as a new Republican administration was form- wife and the love of his life, the former Kennie the Congressional office lottery twice for me ing and Dave played a big role in helping Tuth Robison, whom he married on July 23, and his coworkers. Scott’s loyalty, determina- qualified Californians find roles to serve in our 1961, at St. John’s Catholic Church in Oxford, tion, and focus on giving back all informed federal agencies. Dave staffed our weekly MS. He is also survived by son Wally how my team and I approached our work here California Republican Delegation lunches as Bumpas, Jr. and wife Reni, daughter Elizabeth on Capitol Hill. On behalf of myself and the well as aided me in my role this past Con- ‘‘Sis’’ Bumpas, son Ken Bumpas and wife people of Texas’s 24th District, I thank him for gress as a Deputy Chair of the National Re- Lisa. as well as seven grandchildren and four his thirteen years of service and wish him the publican Congressional Committee. great-grandchildren. Coach Bumpas was pre- very best on his future endeavors.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:51 Dec 17, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A16DE8.012 E16DEPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with REMARKS December 16, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1157 IN RECOGNITION OF DR. AHMAD credibility of the process. I urge this body to Becky was born in Schenectady, New York, JABER advance this bill. and went to St. Lawrence University on a f ROTC scholarship. She joined the Army as a Quartermaster officer and rose to the rank of HON. TRIBUTE TO RANDY BONNER OF MICHIGAN Lieutenant Colonel. Ms. Leggieri first came to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the House as an Army Fellow for Rep. Caro- HON. KEN CALVERT lyn Kilpatrick of Michigan in 2009. Rep. Kil- Wednesday, December 16, 2020 OF CALIFORNIA patrick was a member of the Subcommittee, Ms. TLAIB. Madam Speaker, I rise today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and during her fellowship Becky met the com- honor the memory of the late Dr. Ahmad Wednesday, December 16, 2020 mittee staff and learned the mechanics of the Jaber, a physician and founder of the Arab appropriations process. The Committee, rec- American Association of New York, a human Mr. CALVERT. Madam Speaker, I rise today ognizing her talent, hired Rebecca in 2010. rights advocacy organization. to honor and pay tribute to my friend Randy She began serving on the Defense Sub- Dr. Jaber was born and raised by his wid- Bonner, who is stepping down this month from committee in the minority. In that capacity, she owed mother in the Palestinian village of the Canyon Lake City Council. Randy is a needed to be versed on every facet of a vast Yamoun in the West Bank. Following the ex- community leader, a veteran, and a dedicated and complex bill that encompasses hundreds ample of his mother, Dr. Jaber worked hard to public servant whose many tireless efforts to of thousands of people and every issue rang- put himself through college and medical better our region will be missed. ing from day care to the delivery systems for school. He immigrated to the United States in Randy settled into his lakeshore home in nuclear weapons. This year’s bill amounts to 1974 to pursue a medical career in obstetrics. Canyon Lake more than two decades ago nearly $700 billion and it impacts our nation’s While he is well-known for having delivered after retiring from his two professional careers, security and that of our planet. Becky’s skills more than five thousand babies over the which included over 35 years in the computer/ and her life experiences were all she needed course of his career, Dr. Jaber was celebrated disk drive industry, and 28 years in the Marine to make the right decisions. In 2015, Becky for his generosity and advocacy on behalf of Corps Reserves, from which he retired as a Leggieri became the Subcommittee’s Minority others. Colonel. His first foray into serving the small, Staff Director and has worked by my side for Dr. Jaber founded the Arab American Asso- gated city of Canyon Lake came in 2007 when the past five years to ensure oversight of the ciation of New York as a welcoming center for Randy was elected to serve as the Canyon Department of Defense and numerous intel- new immigrants to New York from the Middle Lake POA Treasurer, then as the president in ligence agencies. She balanced competing pri- East. Under his leadership, the organization 2008. With his experience on the Canyon orities from administrations, Members of Con- grew to become a social services organization Lake POA, Randy felt prepared to serve on gress, labor. industry, state and local govern- that provides adult education services, youth the City Council in 2010 and was elected by ments, and citizen interest groups. Her hon- programming, and mental health services. the voters to fill that role. After a brief hiatus esty, knowledge of the issues, and willingness More than that, the organization seeks to cre- off the council, Randy was elected again in to listen allowed her to develop legislation in ate cross-culture dialogue within New York’s 2016 to rejoin the council. He was selected by which the many parties involved felt a sense multiethnic communities. It has served as a li- his city council colleagues to serve as the of shared ownership in its enactment. aison to challenge discrimination against Arab city’s mayor in 2014 and 2017. Becky Leggieri is a person of scrupulous Americans. Throughout his time on the council, Randy ethics and is possessed of a sterling intellect I invite you to join me in recognizing the leg- has been a Board Member of the Western and nimble mind, an innate political shrewd- acy of Dr. Ahmad Jaber as we give honor to Riverside County Conservation Agency, the ness, and poise under pressure. Most impor- his memory. Western Riverside Council of Governments tantly, she used these talents in the service of f and the Riverside Transportation Agency. He her country and this institution to ensure that has also served on the I–15 Through the Committee and House’s constitutional pre- INTRODUCTION OF THE COMMU- Temecula Valley Task Force and the South- rogatives were respected and protected. Her NITY DRIVEN RECOVERY FOR west Communities Financing Authorities Joint steady hand will be sorely missed. PUERTO RICO ACT Powers Agreement (Animal Friends of the Val- I know Ms. Leggieri’s husband, John, and ley). Randy is also an active member of the her children, Olivia and Gabriel, are so very HON. JESU´ S G. ‘‘CHUY’’ GARCI´A Canyon Lake Men’s Golf Club, Over The Hill proud of her, as are we all. I wish Becky every OF ILLINOIS Group, After Lunch Bunch, Canyon Lake Trav- happiness and success in her future endeav- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES el Club, Canyon Lake Yacht Club, and was ors. the Master of Ceremonies at the first Canyon Wednesday, December 16, 2020 f Lake Veterans Day event and then again in Mr. GARCI´A of Illinois. Madam Speaker, I 2010. COMMITTEE REPORT FROM THE rise today to introduce the Community Driven I want to personally acknowledge and thank COMMITTEE ON VETERANS’ AF- Recovery for Puerto Rico Act along with my Randy for serving on my Academy Nomina- FAIRS, ‘‘HIJACKING OUR HE- colleague from New York, . tions Selection Committee, and helping to de- ROES: EXPLOITING VETERANS This bill strengthens transparency and local termine which students from the 42nd Con- THROUGH DISINFORMATION ON oversight of federal recovery efforts in Puerto gressional District receive nominations to our SOCIAL MEDIA’’ Rico by establishing a Civil Society Task military service academies. I know I speak on Force to ensure that Puerto Ricans have a behalf of all residents in expressing my heart- HON. seat at the table in decisions about recovery felt thanks and praise for Randy’s significant OF CALIFORNIA efforts. contributions to the city of Canyon Lake. I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES More than three years since Hurricane wish Randy, and his family, the very best in Wednesday, December 16, 2020 Maria hit Puerto Rico, the island is still dev- the years to come. astated and Puerto Rican voices have been f Mr. TAKANO. Madam Speaker, I rise today shut out of the federal recovery process. The as Chairman of the House Committee on Vet- Civil Society Task Force established by this CONGRATULATING REBECCA erans’ Affairs, to bring attention to an impor- bill will represent different sectors of Puerto LEGGIERI ON HER RETIREMENT tant issue facing our nation’s veterans. Rican society including community organiza- During a hearing held on November 13 of tions, unions, nonprofits and small businesses. HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY last year, the Committee heard about the risks The Task Force will be embedded within fed- OF INDIANA faced by our nation’s veterans when using so- eral recovery agencies to ensure that the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cial media. Based on the results of that hear- Puerto Rican community’s ideas and concerns ing, as well as additional research and anal- are incorporated into the recovery process. Wednesday, December 16, 2020 ysis, my Committee has prepared a report that The federal recovery effort in Puerto Rico Mr. VISCLOSKY. Madam Speaker, I rise not only details the risks faced by veterans, has been removed from the people of the is- today to pay tribute to Rebecca Leggieri, Clerk but also outlines a series of policy options and land for too long, and this bill provides an im- of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, other solutions. The executive summary of the portant mechanism to bridge that gap and en- who will be retiring at the end of this year after report, ‘‘Hijacking Our Heroes: Exploiting Vet- hance the accountability, transparency and more than 24 years of service to our country. erans through Disinformation on Social

VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:51 Dec 17, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16DE8.016 E16DEPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with REMARKS