Working paper 573

The fiscal impact of immigration A review of the evidence Gemma Hennessey and Jessica Hagen-Zanker April 2020

• The evidence offers no definitive answer as to whether migrants are net fiscal contributors or net burdens, as the fiscal impact of immigration is highly context-dependent.

Key messages • In general, the net fiscal impacts of immigration are minimal, hovering around plus or minus 0% of countries’ GDPs, meaning that migrants contribute as much to public finances in taxes as they receive in benefits. • This holds true in high-income and low- and middle-income countries (although the evidence base on the latter is scant). The evidence runs counter to negative public narratives that depict migrants as a strain on public finances and a threat to welfare systems. • Fiscal impact depends on the characteristics of migrants, with young, in work, highly skilled migrants often representing considerable net gains to public finances. • Fiscal impact also depends on the policy environment within host countries, including the extent to which labour markets absorb migrants, the informality of labour markets and migrants’ rights to work and receive welfare benefits. This material has been funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), however the views expressed do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Federal Council of Switzerland.

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This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Acknowledgements

Our thanks go to the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, who commissioned this paper as part of a larger set of research building on the Migration and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development briefing series. Many thanks also to the reviewers of earlier drafts of this paper: Marta Foresti, Stephen Gelb, Tom Hart and Hannah Postel, for their useful inputs and suggestions. Finally, thanks to Matthew Foley and Hannah Bass for providing editorial support.

3 Contents

Acknowledgements 3

List of boxes, tables and figures 5

1 Introduction 6

2 Describing the evidence 7 2.1 Geographical focus 7 2.2 Type of immigration covered 8 2.3 Methodological approaches 8

3 What do we know about the fiscal impact of immigration? 11 3.1 Main findings by region and country 11 3.2 An analytical model highlighting the factors influencing fiscal impact 12

4 The fiscal impact of immigration: evidence from high-income countries 14 4.1 Migrant characteristics 14 4.2 Host country characteristics 17

5 Reflections on low- and middle-income countries 20 5.1 The evidence base 20 5.2 Reflections on host country characteristics: low- and middle-income countries 21

6 Conclusions and implications for policy 24 6.1 Summary of the evidence 24 6.2 Evidence gaps 24 6.3 Implications for policy 24

References 27

Annex 1 Repository of studies 32

4 List of boxes, tables and figures


Box 1 Fiscal impact of refugees 16


Table 1 The net fiscal impact of immigration in nine low- and middle-income countries 21

Table A1 Repository of empirical studies, summarised by country focus, type of immigration, study type and fiscal impact 32


Figure 1 Geographic coverage in the repository 7

Figure 2 Methodological approaches in the repository 9

Figure 3 Factors influencing the fiscal impact of immigration 12

5 1 Introduction

Migration is increasingly recognised as an competitors in the welfare system (Tati, 2008) effective way to foster sustainable development: and labour market. for migrants themselves, for their countries So, what is the fiscal impact of immigration of origin and for host countries (Foresti and in host countries? If migrants1 pay more in taxes Hagen-Zanker, 2018). In host countries, than they receive in benefits, they are net fiscal migrants can fill important labour gaps, contributors and the host country is better off. If contribute to public service delivery and increase migrants contribute less in taxes than they receive government revenues through taxes and social in benefits, they represent a net fiscal burden. security contributions (Hagen-Zanker et al., This review brings together the existing 2017). However, all too often migrants are empirical evidence on the fiscal impact of perceived as drains on public finances or as immigration.2 It is the first to synthesise empirical taking advantage of national welfare systems. studies from both high- and low- and middle- In the United States (US), one recent report income countries, though the evidence base on found that 49% agreed that immigration was the latter is very limited. bad for the country and costly for the welfare The paper starts by describing the evidence system, and consumed resources that could be included in the repository on the fiscal impact spent on Americans (Hawkins et al., 2018). The of immigration (chapter 2) before outlining an view that migrants take more in services than analytical framework within which to understand they contribute in taxes is a key driver of anti- the findings (chapter 3). Chapter 4 analyses immigrant attitudes and encourages support the key factors that influence the impact of for tighter immigration restrictions in Europe immigration. Chapter 5 considers the limited (Dustmann and Preston, 2007; Blinder and evidence for low- and middle-income countries Markaki, 2018). Similar narratives are and reflects more broadly on potential differences seen in middle-income countries. In South between this group and high-income countries. Africa, rising xenophobia is linked to anti- To conclude, implications for policy-makers and immigrant narratives portraying immigrants as areas for future research are identified in chapter 6.

1 This broad group of migrants includes all types of migrants, including refugees. As argued by Carling (2017), differentiating between migrants and refugees is counter-productive because it could undermine protection for other migrants besides refugees. Further, refugees and migrants often face similar challenges and share similarities in their decision-making processes. However, most studies included in the repository focus on labour migrants only. ‘Immigrants’ and ‘immigration’ are used to indicate in-migration only (not out-migration).

2 Whilst it is accepted that emigration of citizens also has an impact on fiscal balances, the focus of this literature review is upon the fiscal impact of immigration only (for a discussion of the fiscal impact of emigration see Vargas-Silva, 2015).

6 2 Describing the evidence

This review of the evidence on the fiscal impact This chapter describes the scope and nature of of immigration was compiled via a desk- the evidence for the fiscal impact of immigration based literature review. Relevant studies were in terms of geographic focus, type of immigration retrieved via Google Scholar and other online studied and methodological approach. database searches and snowballing techniques. Criteria for inclusion in the repository included 2.1 Geographical focus global studies based on primary quantitative data analysis, analysing the fiscal impact of Figure 1 shows the geographic coverage of the immigration over the past 20 years (from 2000 review, clearly highlighting that certain countries, onwards), and in English. It should be noted that predominantly in North America and Europe, the evidence included focuses only on the effects make up the bulk of the empirical literature. of immigration; for the effects of emigration The repository includes ten studies from the US, see Vargas-Silva (2015). Further, the repository nine from the UK and eight from Sweden (not focused explicitly on the impact of immigration including comparative studies). and excluded studies on fiscal incidence more Little is known about the fiscal impact of broadly. In total, 71 studies fulfilling the criteria immigration outside of high-income countries, were retrieved (these are listed in Annex 1). with only one recent cross-country comparative

Figure 1 Geographic coverage in the repository

Source: Gemma Hennessey

7 study of nine low- or middle-income countries However, this distinction may not always be (OECD and ILO, 2018). Excluding the OECD accurate as non-Western migrants might relocate and ILO study, there were no studies (found for a variety of reasons (ibid.). in English) for South America, Africa or Asia Nine studies focus on refugees and asylum- (apart from Japan), perhaps remarkable given seekers, but only one estimates the future fiscal the high levels of immigration in these areas. impact of flows of asylum-seekers in Western Part of the reason for the lack of studies could Europe (see the box in section 4.1), while two US be limitations in data availability, or indeed the studies estimate the fiscal impact ofirregular or focus on English-language studies only in this undocumented immigration (Camarota, 2004; review. Low- and middle-income countries thus Rector and Richwine, 2013).3 represent a striking gap in the literature, and Many European studies differentiate between findings from high-income countries are unlikely regions of origin, often defined as ‘Western’ – to extrapolate to low- and middle-income that is high-income countries – and ‘non-Western’ contexts (Boehme and Kups, 2017). – that is low- or middle-income countries: The large number of studies in the US and Europe could be linked to greater demand fuelled • Four studies compare ‘Western’ and ‘non- by public debates around migration, especially Western’ immigration. (EU) or non-Western migration • Three studies focus entirely on ‘non-Western’ in Europe and undocumented migration in the US. immigration. Of the 71 studies included in the repository, 61 • Six studies compare the fiscal impact of EU estimate the fiscal impact of immigration at the immigration and non-EU immigration. national level in one country, six are comparative • One study compares immigration from cross-country studies and four look at the impact OECD and non-OECD countries. on a group of countries as a whole, namely Europe • Six studies focus on EU immigration only, (Kancs and Lecca, 2018), Western Europe (d’Albis and one on immigrants from the OECD only. et al., 2018a), 19 OECD countries (d’Albis et al., 2018b) and groups of EU countries (Oesterman et al., 2019) (see Annex 1 for details). 2.3 Methodological approaches

2.2 Type of immigration covered Empirical studies follow a range of methodological approaches which fall into Few empirical studies distinguish between two broad categories: static and dynamic (see different types of immigration. Only one study, Figure 2).4 Static approaches – used in more in Australia, breaks down fiscal impact by than half of studies – calculate the actual fiscal category of visa entry, drawing distinctions contributions of immigrants for a given year. between the fiscal impact of labour migrants, They use a cost–benefit analysis of migrants’ family, students, and refugees and asylum-seekers fiscal impact, summing taxes paid against (Access Economics, 2008). Indeed, there is a benefits received to estimate the net fiscal lack of national data disaggregated by migration contribution, often for a specific year as a status or category of entry. Instead, studies percentage of gross domestic product (GDP). employ country of origin as a proxy for migrant Dynamic approaches (used in around half categories, for instance assuming that EU of the repository) are forward-looking, and migrants in Denmark are labour migrants, but estimate migrants’ future long-term net fiscal migrants from Afghanistan, Iraq and Vietnam are impacts. Among the dynamic studies three main refugees or asylum-seekers (Gerdes et al., 2011). approaches are represented in the literature:

3 Both studies on irregular migration are from think tanks with anti-immigration leanings.

4 For an in-depth review of methodologies used in the literature on the fiscal impact of immigration, see Preston (2014), Vargas-Silva (2015) and Edo et al. (2018).

8 1. Net Present Value (NPV) models estimate the Figure 2 Methodological approaches in the repository net fiscal impact of migrants (and usually their descendants), often over their lifetime, using an imputed discount rate, so that the impact varies depending on the discount rate used. 2. Generational Accounting (GA) models extend the NPV approach, additionally considering the host country’s intertemporal budget constraint, to measure how the fiscal burden for future generations is modified by new immigration flows (Auerbach and Oreopoulos, 2000). These models rely on assumptions about future economic growth and the fiscal stance and borrowing by governments. 3. Macroeconomic models5 deal more broadly with the economy-wide impacts of immigration, going further than NPV and GA models to consider indirect fiscal effects from changes in macroeconomic variables such as wages, employment, consumption and savings. These studies typically estimate the net fiscal impact of simulated immigration flows or ‘shocks’ over longer periods.

The outcomes of static studies are relatively Note: Some studies use both dynamic and static approaches precise as they calculate the actual net fiscal Source: Gemma Hennessey impact of immigration for a chosen year, but they are of course highly dependent on which between 2001 and 2011 came to vastly different year is selected for analysis, and do not take fiscal outcomes ranging from very positive to into account migrants’ contributions at different slightly negative to very negative (see Annex 1) stages of the life cycle.6 Dynamic studies, on the (Dustmann and Frattini, 2014; Rowthorn, 2014; other hand, offer a forward-looking perspective MigrationWatch, 2014). How can this be? The including all stages of a migrant’s life, but doing different outcomes are due to the underlying so requires relying on (often hotly debated) assumptions in each study. The main assumptions assumptions about the future.7 to be considered include: The method employed has important consequences for findings. Even studies that • Attributing the cost of public goods. Studies follow the same methodological approach, with could either attribute the average unit the same data, can produce widely different cost of public goods to migrants, as the outcomes for the fiscal impact of immigration. population as a whole or attribute only the In the UK, three static studies calculating the marginal (additional) unit cost, assuming in fiscal impact of immigration with the same data other words that fixed costs such as costs

5 The majority of macroeconomic models included in the review are Computable General Equilibrium (GE) models.

6 Several more recent static studies have taken a longer-term perspective by calculating the fiscal impact of immigration over several years, e.g. in the UK (Dustmann and Frattini, 2014), Denmark (Martinsen and Rotger, 2017) and France (Chojnicki et al., 2018).

7 Several recent studies present both static and dynamic analyses (e.g. Blau and Mackie, 2017; Hansen et al., 2017; Oxford Economics, 2018).

9 of building and equipment (for schools fertility rates, economic growth, labour for example) are incurred with or without market participation rates and immigration migration, and so not part of migrants’ fiscal policy changes. Modelling future trends also impact. Because average costs are higher relies on what data is available. For instance, than marginal costs, the fiscal impact of a dynamic approach was not possible in the immigration in Argentina, Costa Rica, Côte OECD and ILO (2018) study of low- and d’Ivoire and Ghana was found to be negative middle-income countries, due to the lack of based on average costs, but positive based on available data. marginal costs (OECD and ILO, 2018).8 • Attributing the costs of migrants’ children. The choice of assumptions is sometimes political Given the high costs of public education, and ‘highly questionable’ (Vargas-Silva, 2015). whether children born to migrants in host Policy-oriented groups with set migration countries are treated as immigrants or agendas in the UK and US have tailored positive natives can affect whether net fiscal impact or negative findings to substantiate their fiscal is positive or negative (Rowthorn, 2008). arguments for or against immigration (ibid.). Studies also differ in how they attribute the Notably, studies in the repository from US cost of education for children in households think tanks – the Heritage Foundation (Rector headed by mixed immigrant and native et al., 2007; Rector and Richwine, 2013) and parents (e.g. Sriskandarajah et al., 2005; the Centre for Immigration Studies (Camarota, Liebig and Mo, 2013). 2004) – and UK Migration Watch (2006; 2014; • Modelling future trends in dynamic models. 2016) find that migrants are large net fiscal There are many ways to model future burdens, but these findings are contentious and, economic trends such as immigration flows, while they are not excluded here, they should be life expectancy, return migration rates, treated with caution (Vargas-Silva, 2015).

8 It is common for studies to calculate fiscal impact based on both public good assumptions.

10 3 What do we know about the fiscal impact of immigration?

Overall, the empirical evidence is mixed and does (Izquierdo et al., 2010) and in France except during not offer a definitive answer as to whether the economic recessions (Chojnicki et al., 2018). On net fiscal impact of immigration is positive or the whole, EU immigration is positive (Nyman and negative. As will be explored in the next chapter, Ahlskog, 2018; Oesterman et al., 2019). whether migrants are net contributors or net In Oceania, a handful of studies suggest that burdens to public finances depends in part on the fiscal impact of immigration is on the whole their characteristics, but also to a large extent positive in Australia (Access Economics, 2008) depends on the particular host country context and New Zealand (Slack et al., 2007; Nana et al., and policy environment. Either way, in general, 2009). In North America, the evidence is more the overall net fiscal impact of immigration mixed. Long-term estimates of the fiscal impact of relative to government budgets is found to be immigration find that, in general, immigrants are net small, typically within +/– 1% of GDP. fiscal contributors in the US (Chojnicki et al., 2011; Blau and Mackie, 2017) and increased immigration 3.1 Main findings by region and is fiscally beneficial in Canada (Dungan et al., country 2012). In the US, low-skilled migrants represent a net fiscal cost, although less of a fiscal cost than the There are clear geographical differences in whether low-skilled native population (Blau and Mackie the fiscal impact of immigration is found to be et al., 2017). Migrants represent a fiscal burden to positive or negative.9 Looking firstly to Europe, state and local levels of government (Reuben and studies of Sweden and Denmark tend to find the Gault, 2017). net fiscal impact of immigration to be negative, Although little is known about the fiscal impact and positive only for Europeans or immigrants of immigration elsewhere in the world, one from Western countries. Similarly, non-Western OECD/ILO (2018) study finds that immigration immigration is found to be negative for the fiscal in four African (Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Rwanda balance in the Netherlands, while (small and) and South Africa) and three Latin American positive only for immigrants from OECD countries countries (Argentina, Costa Rica and Dominican in Norway (Furlanetto and Robstad, 2017). The Republic) has small but mostly positive overall evidence from the UK is mixed, though one recent fiscal consequences. In two Asian countries study suggests that immigrants are long-term net (Kyrgyzstan and Nepal) the overall net fiscal impact fiscal contributors, especially migrants from the EU of immigration is small and negative (ibid.). In (Oxford Economics, 2018). Immigration is largely Japan, the long-term fiscal impact of immigration is found to be beneficial to public finances in Italy and positive but minimal (Fehr et al., 2004; Shimasawa Germany, in Spain even for low-skilled migrants and Oguro, 2010; Kitao et al., 2016).

9 Annex 1 summarises the findings for each of the 71 studies, by type of immigration, country and study type.

11 FigureFigure 3 3: FactorsFactors influencing in uencing the the fiscalscal impact of of immigrationimmigration

Migrant characteristics

Age and family ength of Sill level Type of Country of situation migration migration origin

Migrant scal life cycle et fiscal contribution Stage 2: abour maret participation

et fiscal benefit

Stage 1: Arrival Stage 3: etirement Age et fiscal cost et fiscal cost

igrants Ta and rights abour maret conomic Age profile characteristics growth welfare eligibility to systems benefits and right to wor

Host country characteristics

Source: adapted from Kaczmarcyk, 2015 Source: adapted from Kaczmarcyk (2015)

3.2 An analytical model in this phase are not contributing any revenue highlighting the factors influencing but may consume public services such as healthcare or unemployment benefits. This fiscal impact stage also includes migrant children who do The fiscal impact of immigration is dependent not yet work and pay taxes but incur costs, on several factors. Figure 3 summarises the for instance for education. factors emerging in the literature that influence 2. Labour market participation: Working-age the fiscal impact of immigration, namely migrant individuals in employment are typically a characteristics, host country characteristics, and net fiscal benefit as they contribute more in migrants’ position in the fiscal life cycle. There are taxes than they draw in benefits, with a lower three broad phases in a migrant’s fiscal life cycle: demand for social services. Depending on skill level and labour market dynamics, this 1. Arrival: Migrants who arrive in a country may not always be the case. at working age and are not immediately in 3. Retirement: Typically, retirees represent a net work may represent a net fiscal cost as they fiscal cost. In European countries with strong establish themselves and their families and welfare states, public expenditure on pensions are absorbed into the labour market. Not yet and health tends to be high; in countries with participating in the labour market, migrants weaker welfare states this is less of a concern.

12 If migrants return to their countries of origin markets and migrants’ eligibility to work upon retirement, this may limit the fiscal costs determine the extent to which migrants are to host countries. able to find work, and the design of tax systems determines the extent to which they effectively Two sets of factors – migrant characteristics extract taxes from this employment. The next and host country characteristics – determine chapter explores the empirical evidence on these the net fiscal impact of immigration alongside two sets of factors for high-income countries, a migrant’s stage in the fiscal life cycle. For before reflecting on the scant evidence for low- example, the absorptive capacity of labour and middle-income countries in chapter 5.

13 4 The fiscal impact of immigration: evidence from high-income countries

A migrant’s family situation, for instance 4.1 Migrant characteristics whether they have children on arrival or go on to have children in the host country, influences 4.1.1 Age and family situation their net fiscal contributions largely due to Migrants are often much younger than native the high costs of education (Roodenberg et populations, meaning that a higher proportion al., 2003). Young, working age migrants with is of working age and contributing taxes, no children are thought to be most beneficial particularly in host countries with ageing for the fiscal balance (Storesletten, 2000). populations. This is the case in France, for Indeed, studies that exclude dependants from example, where the younger migrant population calculations of the net fiscal position of migrants contributes more to the fiscal balance than the are more positive (Rowthorn, 2008). Taking a older French national population (Chojnicki and dynamic perspective over an entire lifetime, once Ragot, 2016). OECD countries with younger the children of migrants enter the labour force immigrant populations enjoy more positive this has a positive impact on the fiscal balance fiscal impacts than those with older immigrant (Lee and Miller, 2000). populations (Liebig and Mo, 2013). Age at arrival also matters, with younger 4.1.2 Length of time in-country adults spending longer in phase two of the life Several studies show that the longer migrants cycle – labour market participation – as net fiscal have been in a host country, the larger their contributors. Migrants who arrive in a host net fiscal contributions (Sinn et al., 2001; country at working age represent a significant Gustaffson and Osterberg, 2001; Slack et al., saving to a host country’s fiscal balance in 2007). Migrants who have recently arrived may comparison to the native population, since spend time in phase one of the fiscal life cycle the high costs of their education are borne by as they attempt to enter the labour market, and another country (Oxford Economics, 2018). over time increase their net fiscal contributions Migrants who arrive as newborns are more as they gain employment. Indeed, many studies costly (Roodenberg et al., 2003). Dustmann and show that, over a long-term trajectory, the initial Frattini (2014) calculate that the UK government negative fiscal impacts of immigration become made a human capital saving of £14 billion more positive over time. between 1995 and 2011 from migrant workers This is particularly the case for refugees and being educated abroad. asylum-seekers, who initially represent net

14 fiscal burdens, with high social costs and low time in stage two of the fiscal life cycle as net employment rates,10 but become net contributors contributors (Hansen et al., 2017). after 15 years in Australia (Access Economics, In contrast, two studies suggest that in the 2008), eight years in the US (Evan and Fitzgerald, long term, low-skilled migration is just as 2017) and 16 years for migrants from the former beneficial for the fiscal balance as higher-skilled Yugoslavia, Ethiopians, Eritreans and Iranians in migration (Izquierdo et al., 2010; Chojnicki and Sweden (Ruist, 2019) (see Box 1). Ragot, 2016). One study in France suggests that, Many migrants are temporary and return to projected over 100 years, selective migration their country of origin before reaching retirement policies for high-skilled migrants had no fiscal – phase three of the fiscal life cycle – where they advantage compared to non-selective policies become a net fiscal cost. Even when migrants (Chojnicki and Ragot, 2016). take their pensions with them on return to their countries of origin for retirement, the host country 4.1.4 Types of migration still makes a significant saving in high public Labour migrants have more positive fiscal expenditure associated with the elderly, such as impacts than other types, such as family, students healthcare costs (Oxford Economics, 2018). or refugees and asylum-seekers, who tend to have a negative net fiscal impact, at least initially. 4.1.3 Skill level Indeed, Rowthorn (2008) makes the point that A large number of studies highlight the skill level the large positive fiscal contribution of labour of migrants as an important factor in explaining migrants is largely offset by the negative impact fiscal impact. Similar to the fiscal impact of of other migrant groups, which may explain why native workers, highly skilled migrants typically the overall net fiscal impact of immigration is contribute more to the fiscal balance than low- often found to be small. skilled counterparts (Storesletten, 2000; Fehr et al., The fiscal impact of immigration tends to be 2004; Chojnicki 2013; Blau and Mackie, 2017). more positive when labour migrants make up Migrants in high-skilled jobs earn more and the bulk of the migrant population (Hinte and consequently pay more in taxes, meaning they Zimmerman, 2014). The one retrieved study that make larger fiscal contributions (Auerbach disaggregates the fiscal impact of immigration and Oreopoulos, 2000). However, it should by visa categories finds that in Australia, labour be noted that highly skilled migrants are often migrants (arriving with a work visa) are large underemployed, sometimes due to a lack of net fiscal contributors, while refugees and recognition of professional certificates in host asylum-seekers remain net fiscal burdens for countries (Mallett, 2018), and are less likely to be the first 15 years (Access Economics, 2008).11 employed than their native counterparts (Leibig In a comparative study of OECD countries, in and Mo, 2013). Conversely, low- and semi-skilled Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal, where recent migrants are over-represented in lower-quality labour migrants make up a large proportion of and lower-paid work (Mallett, 2018), again the immigrant population, the fiscal impact of affecting their potential tax contribution. immigration is more positive than in countries Like low-skilled native workers, low-skilled where the immigrant population is made up of migrants are often net fiscal burdens. In the refugees and asylum-seekers (or older labour US, migrants without a high school diploma migrants) (Liebig and Mo, 2013). represent a net fiscal cost, but are less of a In the wake of the so-called global refugee fiscal burden than low-skilled natives (Blau crisis, several studies have sought to estimate and Mackie, 2017). Furthermore, low-skilled the fiscal impact of refugees in the EU and US, individuals may retire earlier, thus spending less outlined in Box 1.

10 In part due to the lack of right to work; see section 4.2.3

11 The model used only takes into account working age migrants.

15 Box 1 Fiscal impact of refugees Several recent studies have sought to quantify the fiscal impact of large-scale refugee movements. The fiscal costs of refugees compared to other migrant groups are higher, particularly due to the high initial costs of meeting immediate arrival needs, including welfare services, pressure on infrastructure and the costs of processing asylum applications (Holler and Schuster, 2018). In 2015–16, accommodating refugees cost EU member states between 0.1% and 0.6% of GDP (European Commission, 2016). In 2014, hosting 650,000 Syrian refugees cost Jordan 2.4% of GDP (Nasser and Symansky, 2014). As well as high initial costs, refugees often create long-term fiscal costs due to slow integration. Refugees typically integrate into labour markets more slowly than other migrants, taking around 15 years to match labour migrants’ and natives’ employment rates (Vargas-Silva and Ruiz, 2018; Fasani et al., 2018). Refugees are sometimes excluded from labour markets altogether, tend to be less educated than labour migrants (Holler and Schuster, 2018) and may require more welfare assistance due to greater physical and mental health requirements (Samuels, 2018). Unlike with labour migration, host countries cannot select refugees or asylum- seekers with certain characteristics (Holler and Schuster, 2018). Findings on the fiscal impact of refugee movements are summarised below: • In Sweden, refugees are estimated to be a net fiscal burden (Ruist, 2015; Alden and Hammarstedt, 2016; Ruist, 2019), although one study suggests that refugees from certain countries – the Former Yugoslavia, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Iran – had a less negative impact than those from others – Somalia and Iraq (Ruist, 2019). • In Austria, the long-term impact of refugees arriving between 2015 and 2019 is negative overall, eventually becoming positive as short-term costs fade out and refugees acquire skills and integrate into the labour market (Holler and Schuster, 2018). • In Germany, refugees arriving in 2015 are estimated to be net fiscal burdens overall; after 11 years they switch to being net contributors (Bach et al., 2017). However, increased investment in integration programmes would reduce fiscal costs by €11 billion (ibid.) • One study finds that, in the US, the initially negative net fiscal impact becomes positive after eight years (Evans and Fitzgerald, 2017), and after 15 years in Australia (Access Economics, 2008). However, both studies only include working-age refugees, excluding those in stage one (childhood) and stage three (retirement) of the fiscal life cycle. In the EU, Kancs and Lecca (2018) found that the annual long-term GDP effect of refugee flows ranged between 0.2% and 1.4%, depending on integration policies (see section 4.2.1). Meanwhile, another study of Western Europe found that ‘shocks’ of asylum-seekers did not damage fiscal balances because increases in public spending were compensated for by an increase in tax revenues (d’Albis et al., 2018). While dynamic studies show that the fiscal impact of refugee flows does improve over time, the benefits are often not large enough to offset the high previous costs (Gal, 2018).

A few studies find thatirregular migration – against amnesty for irregular migrants in the in the US represents a large net fiscal burden US, arguing that regularising them would lead to (Camarota, 2004; Rector and Richwine, 2013), large increases in public spending as they become due to the fact that irregular migrants are eligible for social programmes. typically low-skilled and in low-paid work, and so contribute little in income tax. Both studies are 4.1.5 Country of origin from anti-immigrant-leaning think tanks and use Slack et al. (2007) notes that migrants’ fiscal a fiscal argument to advocate – controversially impact differs widely between nationalities, since

16 migrants from different regions have diverse Luxembourg, where migrants are net fiscal personal, family and social characteristics. contributors, employment rates among migrants Many European studies differentiate between are higher than for the native-born population the fiscal impacts of migration of different (ibid.). Indeed, the fiscal impact of EU A8 countries of origin, often between ‘Western’ migrants12 who arrived in the UK between 2004 migrants from high-income countries, who and 2008 was more positive than that of the are mostly net fiscal contributors, and ‘non- native-born population, despite these migrants Western’ migrants from low- and middle-income being largely engaged in low-skilled, low-paid countries, who are typically net fiscal burdens work, due to extremely high employment rates (Wadensjo, 2000; Wadensjo and Orrje, 2002; (Dustmann et al., 2010). Wadensjo, 2007; Gerdes, 2007; Gerdes et Entry into phase two of the fiscal life cycle al., 2011; Hansen et al., 2017). For instance, (labour market participation) depends on how one Danish study concluded that the lifetime absorptive labour markets are for migrants. For net fiscal impact of Western immigration instance, in the US, the labour market is more was positive, but negative for non-Western absorptive than in Sweden, with migrants having immigration, as well as – interestingly – for a positive fiscal impact in the former, and a the native population (Hansen et al., 2017). negative impact in the latter (Storesletten, 2003). Migrants from non-Western countries are In Denmark, Schou (2006) projects the fiscal typically more likely to be unemployed and impact of new immigration of a 0.1% increase less educated, and often include refugees, while in population per year using two scenarios: first, migrants from Western countries may find it a scenario where new migrants have the same easier to integrate into the labour market. characteristics as the current migrant population; EU migration is an interesting case due to free and second, where migrants are immediately movement – selective migration policies from EU integrated into the labour market. The first countries is not possible. EU immigrants typically scenario results in a negative projected net fiscal have a more favourable fiscal impact than impact, while the second has a positive net fiscal non-EU immigrants (Dustmann and Frattini, impact. A similar study in Sweden comes to a 2014; Martinsen and Rotger, 2017; Oxford similar conclusion (Ekberg, 2011). Economics, 2018; Oesterman et al., 2019). This One recent study estimated the fiscal impact may be due in part to the fact that a greater share of refugee flows in Europe under different of EU migrants are labour migrants, as opposed integration policies (Kancs and Lecca, 2018). to refugees and asylum-seekers (Oesterman et al., The authors found that the short-term costs of 2019). One recent comparative study found that providing integration programmes for refugees the net fiscal impact of EU migration is generally are outweighed by the long-term fiscal benefits. positive but modest – falling mostly between plus Indeed, ‘the long-run cost of non-integration is or minus 0.4% of GDP (Nyman and Ahlskog, likely to be considerably higher than the short- 2018). Further, EU migrants have a more run investment costs of refugee integration’ positive impact on the fiscal balance than their (Kancs and Lecca, 2018: 2627). A similar study native-born counterparts in many EU countries in Germany found that increased investment (Oesterman et al., 2019). in integration programming for the 890,000 refugees who arrived in 2015 would lead to an 4.2 Host country characteristics €11 billion saving for public finances over 15 years (Bach et al., 2017). 4.2.1 Labour market characteristics Labour market participation is ‘the single most 4.2.2 Economic growth important determinant of migrants’ net fiscal Estimates of the fiscal impact of immigration contribution’ (Liebig and Mo, 2013: 129). In depends on a host country’s economic growth.

12 The EU A8 countries are Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

17 In countries with large budget deficits, both 4.2.4 Migrant rights native-born and migrant populations tend to be a The fiscal impact of immigration is heavily fiscal liability (Liebig and Mo, 2013; Nyman and dependent on migrants’ rights in a host country, Ahlskog, 2018; Oesterman et al., 2019).13 Indeed, both in terms of access to public services and the the fiscal impact of immigration in France right to work (Vargas-Silva, 2015). between 1979 and 2011 was positive except The right to access public services and benefits for the years 1995 and 2011, which followed varies widely across countries – immigration recessions (Chojnicki et al., 2018). One study is more costly where welfare systems are more (Oesterman et al., 2019) found a drop in the net generous and have fewer restrictions to social fiscal contributions of EU migrants following the services and benefits, and less costly in countries 2009 financial crisis. that restrict migrants’ access. Whether migrants are eligible for social benefits and services 4.2.3 Tax and welfare systems may be dependent on the length of time they The fiscal impact of immigration is strongly have been in a country. Irregular migrants, dependent on the characteristics of a host including asylum-seekers, may have limited country’s tax and welfare systems. Scandinavian rights and are often denied access to services. states such as Denmark and Sweden have both Even with de jure access, take-up rates may high tax rates and high social expenditures. be lower among migrants than for the native In combination with low labour market population (Hennessey and Hagen-Zanker, participation among migrants in both countries, 2018). Restrictions on the right to work impede in general migrants represent net fiscal burdens migrants’ ability to pay taxes, preventing (Ekberg, 2011; Hansen et al., 2017). In countries migrants from entering stage two of the fiscal life with less generous welfare systems, migrants (as cycle. For example, employment bans for asylum- well as the native-born population) cost less to seekers in Germany are estimated to have cost public finances, for instance in the US. German taxpayers €40 million a year in welfare One recent study tested the hypothesis that expenditures and forgone tax revenues (Marbach differences in the fiscal effects of EU immigration et al., 2017). in different countries were due to differences in tax and welfare systems by grouping countries 4.2.5 Age profile by system type (Oesterman et al., 2019). There The age profile of the host population influences were differences in fiscal impact between tax the extent of immigration’s impact on the fiscal and welfare systems, however these were smaller balance. Many high-income countries have than expected – as the higher public expenditure ageing populations; for instance, it is estimated under universal welfare states was compensated that, in 2060, one in three Germans will be for by the tax revenues contributed by EU over 65 (Ferguson, 2019). A growing elderly migrants (ibid.). population significantly increases a government’s Depending on the administrative structure social spending on pensions and health, in host countries, the revenues and costs of while at the same time a shrinking working- immigration may be borne disproportionately age population reduces revenues and other by certain levels of government. A handful of contributions collected, representing a threat US studies consider the impact of immigration to fiscal sustainability (Clements et al., 2015). on public finances at federal versus state and There may be a lot to gain from an increase in local levels separately. The fiscal impact of young, income-earning and tax-paying migrants, immigration is found to be negative at state and improving the ratio of the economically active to local level, but positive at federal level (Lee and the economically inactive. Reflecting on findings Miller, 2000; Blau and Mackie, 2017; Reuben from the US, Germany and Spain, Collado and Gault, 2017). et al. (2004) notes that the fiscal impact of

13 Studies that follow a static methodological approach that calculates the net fiscal contributions of migrants for one year should be interpreted with caution, as fiscal effects differ from year to year.

18 immigration in the US is relatively small as the generation in the US. Immigration is also thought ageing population problem is less pronounced. to reduce the fiscal burden stemming from ageing Several studies have suggested that increased populations in France (Chojnicki and Ragot, immigration could be a solution to fiscal 2016), Spain (Collado et al., 2016), Germany problems in countries with ageing populations (Bonin et al., 2000) and Japan (Shimasawa and (Storesletten, 2000; d’Albis et al., 2018b). The Oguro, 2010).14 fiscal consequences of immigration are found to However, increased immigration is unlikely to be positive for OECD countries by increasing the be sufficient in reversing or preventing the fiscal working age proportion of the population and burden from ageing populations. One study found reducing per capita public spending on the elderly that, while doubling highly skilled immigration (d’Albis et al., 2018b). Storesletten (2000) suggests flows was positive for the fiscal balance, it made that an additional 1.6 million 40–44-year-old ‘essentially no difference’, as the scale of migration highly skilled migrants a year could solve the fiscal needed to make a real impact on fiscal stresses is problems associated with the ageing baby boom unfeasible (Fehr et al., 2004: 297).

14 One study assesses the fiscal impact of immigration in a country of netemigration , namely Ukrainian migrants in Poland (Kaczmarcyk, 2015). In this context, with a shrinking working-age population due to emigration, migrants have a better fiscal position than the Polish population (ibid.).

19 5 Reflections on low- and middle-income countries

The fiscal impact of immigration in low- and in OECD countries), and largely positive. In middle-income countries is likely to be different most countries, immigrants are thought to be than in high-income countries, given the different net fiscal contributors, or in other words have host country context, for instance lower rates a positive net fiscal impact on public finances. of tax collection and smaller welfare systems In only two of the nine countries, Kyrgyzstan (Vargas-Silva, 2015). However, the evidence base (2013) and Nepal (2011), is the fiscal impact of outside of high-income countries is scant. Prior immigration negative. While the overall net fiscal to the OECD and ILO reports on the impact impact is minimal, the per capita fiscal impact of immigration on ten developing countries’ of immigration is in some countries quite high, economies in 2017–18, there were no studies varying from -20% to 10%.15 Moreover, in all calculating the fiscal impact of immigration in countries except Argentina and Kyrgyzstan, low- or middle-income countries (Boehme and immigrants’ per capita fiscal contributions are Kups, 2017). higher than those of the native-born population. In South Africa and Rwanda, the per capita net 5.1 The evidence base fiscal contribution of migrants is more than five percentage points higher than the native- The OECD/ILO study followed a static born population. methodological approach to calculate the net That the native-born population contributes fiscal impact oflabour immigration for a specific more to the fiscal balance than immigrants in year, as a percentage of overall GDP and GDP Argentina and Kyrgyzstan is mostly explained by per capita (see Table 1). The study was restricted the age profile of the immigrant population – in by data limitations. Actual tax record data was both countries, immigrants are older than the unavailable, meaning that calculations were native-born population. As a result, compared to based instead on government budget data and the native-born population, immigrants are more national household surveys (and the authors note likely to receive pension payments and medical that it was not possible to make an estimate for services, and less likely to contribute revenues Thailand due to insufficient available data). as they earn and consume less. Kyrgyzstan has The overall net fiscal impact of immigration a relatively generous pension programme, and differed across the nine countries, but in with nearly a quarter of migrants over 65 per general was estimated to be small, between capita immigrants represented a large net fiscal plus or minus 1% of GDP (echoing findings burden (19%).

15 The difference in per capita to overall net fiscal impact can be explained by the size of immigrant populations in each of the countries – in the Dominican Republic, where migrants are thought to make a considerable positive per capita net fiscal impact of 8%, as the immigrant population is relatively small (3.9%), the overall net fiscal benefit is minimal: just 0.2%.

20 Table 1 The net fiscal impact of immigration in nine low- and middle-income countries

Country Income level Year Overall net fiscal Per capita net fiscal impact (% GDP) impact of immigrants (% per capita GDP) Argentina Upper middle 2013 0.11% 2.5% Costa Rica Upper middle 2013 0.27% 3.0% Côte d’Ivoire Lower middle 2008 0.67% 9.4% Dominican Republic Upper middle 2007 0.22% 8.2% Ghana Lower middle 2013 0.04% 4.2% Kyrgyzstan Lower middle 2013 –0.55% –19.3% Nepal Low 2011 –0.12% –2.9% Rwanda Low 2013 0.74% 2.5% South Africa Upper middle 2011 0.85% 2.5%

Note: Based on a marginal cost (see section 2.4). Source: (OECD and ILO, 2018)

In Nepal, the overall net fiscal impact of consistent with findings from the literature immigration was also negative. The immigrant in high-income countries. While the evidence population in Nepal is 69% female and has the is limited, the following considers how host lowest employment rate of the nine countries – country characteristics in low- and middle- just 42%. However, the dependency ratio for the income countries may influence the fiscal impact immigrant population is lower than for the native- of immigration, and how this may differ from born, with a higher proportion of working age. high income countries. The large net fiscal contributions of immigrants in South Africa and Rwanda is 5.2.1 Labour market characteristics largely explained by favourable age profiles As in high-income countries, labour market and high employment rates, higher than the participation is a key determining factor in native-born population. In Rwanda immigrants migrants’ fiscal impact: in Rwanda and South contribute more to the fiscal balance than the Africa, where migrants have high labour market native-born population, contributing nearly participation rates, migrants are large net fiscal three times more in taxes and contributions, contributors (OECD and ILO, 2018). and receiving less in expenditures. This is due In contrast to high income countries, low- to migrants being almost entirely of working and middle-income countries often have large age, and high concentrations working in non- informal sectors – in the OECD/ILO study, the vulnerable employment and high productivity nine economies were on average 45% informal sectors. In South Africa, migrants are easily in 2013, compared to 20% in OECD countries. absorbed into the labour market with a high Migrant workers tend to be over-represented employment rate of 79%, and immigrants are in informal sectors (Mallett, 2018), and so the higher skilled than the native-born population. informality of employment is likely to affect immigrants’ fiscal contributions more than the 5.2 Reflections on host country native-born population. characteristics: low- and middle- The informality of labour markets influence an individual’s net fiscal contributions in income countries two ways. On the one hand, depending on a That high employment rates, favourable age country’s regulatory framework, individuals in profiles and in part skill level contributes to the informal sector may pay little or no income positive net fiscal impacts of immigration in tax, and informal businesses no corporate tax some low- and middle-income countries is (Bohme and Kups, 2017). Being unregistered or

21 hidden from the authorities, informal enterprises Consumption taxes are regressive and are by their nature administratively difficult to disproportionately affect poorer individuals tax (Long and Miller, 2018). Countries with (Lustig, 2018). Unlike in high-income countries, large informal sectors tend to receive lower where more progressive taxes have an equalising revenues from direct taxes (Besley and Persson, effect, high consumption taxes on basic goods in 2014). While informal workers still contribute low- and middle-income countries can increase consumption (indirect) taxes, wages in the poverty (ibid.). informal sector are typically lower, limiting these As with the native-born population, low indirect contributions (ibid.). revenue raising capacity limits the fiscal On the other hand, workers in the informal contributions of migrants to public finances. sector may be eligible for fewer benefits or Reforming tax policy and increasing tax social transfers, and thus cost public finances collecting capabilities in low- and middle- less. Those in informal employment are often income countries to increase revenues would excluded from the contributory elements of bolster public finances and make the most social security systems (OECD and ILO, 2018); of the contributions of the native-born and this could particularly impact migrants’ fiscal migrant population alike. For instance, including contributions given their over-representation in the informal sector could increase the fiscal informal sectors. contributions of migrants – such attempts have been made in Ghana to directly tax informal 5.2.2 Tax and welfare systems enterprises, although with mixed results (Bohme Compared to high-income countries, in low- and and Kups, 2017). middle-income countries there are often both low Low- and middle-income countries also rates of tax collection and low social spending, tend to spend less than high-income countries: influencing both the taxes paid and social public expenditures as a percentage of GDP in benefits received by migrants (and the native- 2010 were around 17% on average in low- and born population). Public revenues as a share of lower-middle-income countries, and 30% in GDP tend to be lower in low- and middle-income OECD countries (OECD and ILO, 2018). In countries than in high-income countries: 14% terms of social spending, low- and middle- on average in low-income countries, 16% in income countries also spend less: a study of 29 lower-middle-income countries and 20% in low- and middle-income countries found that upper-middle-income countries, compared to they allocated on average around 10% of GDP 24% in OECD countries (in 2010) (OECD and to social spending, compared to OECD countries, ILO, 2018). In many countries, the government’s which on average allocate 19% (Lustig, 2018). tax collecting capability is poor – a symptom Indeed, the upper-middle-income countries and cause of under-development (Long and devoted higher shares of expenditure to social Miller, 2018). Indeed, levels of taxation tend to spending (namely social security, health and increase as a country transitions from a low- to education) than the lower-income countries in the a high-income economy, as a result of economic OECD and ILO study. There was wide variation development and increases in tax collecting in social spending across the nine countries, capacity (Besley and Persson, 2014). with Côte d’Ivoire allocating 20% of public Lower-income countries tend to rely more expenditure to social spending and 1% on social on indirect taxes (e.g. consumption taxes and security, compared to nearly 70% in Kyrgyzstan, international trade taxes) more heavily than with 40% on social security (OECD and ILO, direct taxes (e.g. income and corporate tax or 2018). Kyrgyzstan is however an outlier, and its social security contributions). In the OECD relatively high social spending can be explained and ILO study, low- and lower- middle-income by its legacy as a former member of the Soviet countries received between 57% and 78% Union, which had a universal pension scheme. of their total revenue from indirect taxes. Higher-income countries tend to have more Consumption taxes on goods and services comprehensive social security systems, though make up the bulk of indirect tax revenues. here too there are exceptions, one of them

22 being the US. Lower-income countries typically practice (Hennessey and Hagen-Zanker, 2018). only provide extensive benefits to public sector Depending on the regulatory environment, it may workers and universal support is more limited be the case that immigrants contribute the same (for instance child benefit tends to be targeted in taxes or social security as natives, even though towards particular groups). Migrants, like the they are barred from receiving benefits. native-born population, thus contribute less but also receive less from tax and welfare systems in 5.2.4 Age profile low- and middle-income countries than in high- With fertility rates in low- and middle-income income countries. countries higher than in high income countries, and at the same time pension systems less 5.2.3 Migrant rights developed, the debate in high-income countries as In the OECD and ILO (2018) study, immigrants to whether immigration may be an antidote for were equally or less likely to receive benefits the fiscal problems related to ageing populations or pensions than the native-born population, is not yet of importance in low- and middle- once personal characteristics were taken into income countries (Boehme and Kups, 2017). account. This could in part be due to irregular In contrast, in many lower income countries immigration status or over-representation in and in particular in Sub-Saharan Africa, the informal employment (ibid.). youth population is growing. In Rwanda, for The rights of immigrants to receive social instance, we see the opposite dynamic – the security benefits differed widely across the migrant population is on average older than nine low- and middle-income countries in the the native-born population, with nine in ten OECD and ILO (2018) study. It is often the migrants of working age, compared to four in case that benefits, e.g. pensions, are limited ten of the native-born population under 15 years to citizens only, and migrants with irregular old (OECD and ILO, 2018). Due to the high status were excluded from the social security proportion of the population not yet working, system across all nine countries. Even migrants migrants also contribute towards increasing with de jure access to public services including the proportion of economically active to healthcare and education are often excluded in economically inactive.

23 6 Conclusions and implications for policy

6.1 Summary of the evidence in these contexts are very different to those in high-income countries, as discussed in chapter 5. The evidence on the fiscal impact of immigration Much more research is needed to understand how varies widely depending on the host country immigration in low- and middle-income countries context, the types of immigration covered, can contribute to economic development. More and the methodological approach and choices research is also needed on the fiscal impact of followed. As a result, it is hard to generalise as immigration in low- and middle-income countries to whether the impact of immigration is positive by migration status. or negative for a country’s public finances. The There is also a lack of data breaking down host country context has a strong influence on the fiscal consequences of immigration bytype the fiscal impact of immigration, including how of immigration or visa entry category, beyond easily migrants can enter the labour market, using the country of origin as a proxy for refugee how generous welfare systems are and whether status. In OECD countries, family migration is immigrants have the right to work and access the most common reason for migration, more so welfare services. Immigrants’ characteristics also than free movement in the EU or humanitarian, matter, including their age profile, skill level, labour and student flows (OECD, 2017). In all length of time in a country, return rates and but one study in the repository, these different migration status. types of migration are invisible. Better data with In general, the evidence suggests that the information on visa entry type is needed. overall net fiscal impact of immigration is Wider data limitations restrict calculations of minimal; this holds true in both high and the fiscal impact of immigration more broadly, low- and middle-income countries (although particularly in low- and middle-income countries. the evidence on the latter is limited). Far from More and better data, such as actual tax records yielding an additional strain on countries’ public with information on country of birth, are finances, migrants on the whole contribute required to accurately calculate the fiscal impact as much or slightly more than they receive in of immigration. Dynamic studies analyse the benefits. Indeed, since migrants are usually long-term fiscal consequences of immigration and of working age, it is often the case that they so are particularly relevant to policy, but have contribute more to the fiscal balance than their only been conducted in a handful of countries, in native counterparts. part due to data limitations. 6.2 Evidence gaps 6.3 Implications for policy

Very little is known about the fiscal impact of Migrants make contributions to host country immigration outside of high-income countries, economies beyond just paying taxes, contributing and many of the world’s largest migrant-receiving towards economic growth with higher demand countries are not covered in the literature. It is for goods and services, and higher consumption likely that the fiscal consequences of immigration (Foresti and Hagen-Zanker, 2018). Migrants

24 also make important contributions to innovation (and hence cost less), are better educated and and development in host countries (Gelb and participate more in the labour market (and so Krishnan, 2018). pay more taxes). However, long-term studies Unlocking the fiscal benefits of migration is a suggest that, after high initial costs on arrival, matter of policy choice and coherence. refugees in high-income countries eventually become net contributors to public finances, after Adapt immigration policy to around a decade. While overall in fiscal terms maximise fiscal benefits refugees and asylum-seekers represent a net cost, they tend to account for a very small share of the The evidence base does not support restrictions population, so their impact on the fiscal balance on immigration – indeed, restrictive immigration tends to be minimal. policies risk undermining the potential fiscal benefits of migration. In many cases, youthful Maximise access to work migrant populations contribute more in revenues and consume less in public services than the Labour policies thus have a key role to play in native population. Although immigration harnessing the potential benefits of immigration alone cannot solve fiscal problems related to for public finances. Above all else, participation ageing populations in high-income countries, in the labour market is the critical determinant the younger age profile of migrants can in part in ensuring that the fiscal impact of immigration alleviate the tax burden, boosting fiscal revenues (and the native-born population) is positive by increasing the ratio of working age to inactive – maximising contributions and minimising population. Since labour migrants – with regular benefits received from public finances. In many status and in the formal sector – contribute cases there are large fiscal gains to be made in the most to the fiscal balance, increasing legal raising migrants’ employment levels to that of pathways for labour migration is beneficial for the native-born population (Liebig and Mo, public finances. 2013). Indeed, evidence on the labour market Selective immigration policies that favour effects of immigration suggests the impact of high-skilled migration could be most beneficial, immigration on average wages and native-born since high-skilled migrants in higher-paid jobs employment are typically small or even positive contribute more in income tax to the public (Edo et al., 2018). purse. However, the specific needs of host Governments that exclude migrant groups countries’ labour markets should be taken into from the labour market – as is often the case account; for instance in ageing populations, for asylum seekers – lose out on their potential younger low- to medium-skilled migrant workers fiscal contributions (Clemens et al., 2018). As may be essential to fill labour shortages, for a minimum, removing the barriers to work example in the care sector. Increasing legal that certain migrants face could increase fiscal migration pathways for certain employment contributions. The evidence suggests that sectors could facilitate this, for instance through investing in the integration of immigrants tools such as the Global Skills Partnerships. In pays off in fiscal terms. While initially labour low- and middle-income countries, selective market integration could be slow and costly immigration policies may be unlikely to attract a (for instance due to language barriers or health large number of highly skilled migrants, however issues), the evidence shows that even these creating an accommodating environment for migrant groups have positive impacts on a migrants by simplifying visa and work permit country’s fiscal balance over time. Indeed, the applications could make a country more long-term fiscal costs of the non-integration attractive for highly skilled workers (OECD and of migrants may be higher than the short-term ILO, 2018). costs of integration programming. This is Labour migrants contribute more to public especially the case in high-income countries finances than refugees or asylum-seekers, given with welfare systems that provide extensive that they usually have fewer welfare needs unemployment and other benefits.

25 Policies should also focus on increasing the While the evidence shows that, overall, quality of labour market integration. Immigrants immigration does not have a detrimental impact often enjoy high employment rates but in low- on welfare systems, its effects are not equally quality employment, for instance concentrated in distributed in host countries. In areas where large the informal sector or in vulnerable employment. increases in population may put extra pressure Reforms should include policies to recognise on public services, welfare systems should invest qualifications gained in countries of origin and in these specific localities – immigrants’ revenues encouraging the growth of the formal sector. can contribute to extending services, while at the Lastly, investing in the employability of same time increasing employment opportunities. migrants (and natives) through vocational and language training would increase their Use the economic evidence to inform contributions to the fiscal balance, improving a more balanced public narrative the quality of employment, increasing wages and thus tax contributions. There is no strong evidence that migrants are welfare drains or detrimental to public finances. Consider tax systems and welfare Rather, migrants often have no impact or make provision a small contribution to the fiscal balance. In other words, migrants put in as much (or Key to the fiscal contributions of migrants and more) than they take out, often making a larger natives alike is the design of tax and welfare contribution to the fiscal balance than their systems. Improving governments’ tax collecting native counterparts. capability and designing more progressive fiscal With concerns about the fiscal consequences policies increases public revenues and is more of immigration at the heart of negative public equitable for both migrants and natives. Extending narratives, efforts should be made to shift public tax collection to the informal sector, where attitudes by targeting specific groups with reliable immigrants are often concentrated, could widen information about the economic realities of the tax pool and increase the gains to be made migration (Dempster and Hargrave, 2017). With from immigration. By extension, regularising the key labour shortages in many economies, the status of irregular migrants could also increase the contributions of migrants to the fiscal balance and net fiscal benefits of immigration. host countries more broadly should be emphasised.

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31 Annex 1 Repository of studies

Table A1 Repository of empirical studies, summarised by country focus, type of immigration, study type and fiscal impact

Country Study Study type Outcome Year(s) Type of Fiscal impact variable immigration Direction Details Australia Access Dynamic Migrant Net fiscal Base year All (working Positive 3.4 million Economics Fiscal Impact impact per 2006/7, age) AUD in year 1 (2008) Model 1,000 new projected 7.7 million immigrants in 20 years AUD in year 10 million AUD 8.4 million AUD in year 20 Net fiscal Refugees Initially –20.1 million impact per (working age) negative, AUD in year 1 1,000 new eventually 1.1 million refugees in positive AUD in year 10 million AUD 4.3 million AUD in year 20 Austria Mayr (2005) Dynamic Lifetime Base year All Positive 65.6% Generational tax burden 1998 compared to Accounting on future 71.2% generations with a projected flow of 10,000 extra immigrants per year compared to current flows Holler and Dynamic Net fiscal 2015– Refugees: Initially –10,000 EUR Schuster General impact € per 2060 2015–2020 negative, in 2020 (2018) Equilibrium capita cohort eventually –2,000 EUR in positive 2040 3,000 EUR in 2060

32 Country Study Study type Outcome Year(s) Type of Fiscal impact variable immigration Direction Details Canada Grubel (2005) Static Net fiscal 2000 All: 1990 Negative –6,294 CAD impact in CAD cohort per capita Grubel and Static Net fiscal 2005– All: Negative –16.3 billion Grady (2011) impact in billion 2006 1987–2004 CAD to –23.6 CAD cohort billion CAD (depending on assumptions) Dungan et al. Dynamic Net fiscal 2011– All Positive 14 billion CAD (2012) Macroeconomic impact in billion 2021 CAD in 2021 with simulated flow of 100,000 extra immigrants Javdani and Static Net fiscal 2005– All: Negative –500 CAD Pendakur impact in CAD 2006 1970–2004 (2014) per capita cohort Denmark Wadensjo Static Net fiscal 1997 All Negative –0.7% (2000) impact as % Western Positive 0.1% GDP Non-Western Negative –0.8% Wadensjo and Static Net fiscal 1991 Non-Western Negative –48,000 DKR Orrje (2002) impact in DKR 1995 –62,600 DKR per capita 1996 –63,700 DKR 1997 –58,200 DKR 1998 –50,500 DKR Schou (2006) Dynamic Projected net 2007– All Negative –0.14% General fiscal impact of 2101 Equilibrium an immigration flow of a 0.1% increase in With Positive 2.24% population per immediate year as % GDP integration into in 2101 labour market Wadensjo Static Net fiscal Western Positive 49,000 DKK (2007) impact in DKK and more per capita positive than native (35,000 DKK) Non-Western Negative –41,000 DKK

33 Country Study Study type Outcome Year(s) Type of Fiscal impact variable immigration Direction Details Denmark Gerdes et al. Static Net fiscal 2004 Western Positive 2.6 billion DKK (continued) (2011) impact in billion 2004 Non-Western Negative –12.8 billion DKK DKK 2008 Western Positive 3.9 billion DKK 2008 Non-Western Negative –9.1 billion DKK 2008 Non-Western Negative –2.2 billion excluding DKK refugees Hansen et al. Dynamic Average Lifetime All (2013 Negative –637 EUR (2017) NPV net lifetime cohort) EUR per Western (2013 Positive 2,546 EUR person-year cohort) Non-Western Negative –1,070 EUR (2013 cohort) Non-Western Negative –1,738 EUR excluding refugees (2013 cohort) Dynamic Net fiscal 2050 All Positive 0.4 billion EUR Macroeconomic impact in billion EUR in 2050 Western Positive 1.5 billion EUR of projected immigration Non-Western Negative –1.64 billion flows EUR Martinsen and Static Net fiscal 2002– EU Positive 6.6 billion EUR Rotger (2017) impact in billion 2013 EUR France Chojnicki Static Net fiscal 2005 All Positive 0.2% (2013) impact as % GDP Dynamic Lifetime Base year All Positive 14.2% Generational tax burden 2005 (compared to Accounting on future 14.5%) generations High-skilled Positive 11.4% with a (compared to projected flow 14.5%) of 100,000 per year compared 50% Positive 12.8% to no new high-skilled (compared to immigration 14.5%) after 2005

34 Country Study Study type Outcome Year(s) Type of Fiscal impact variable immigration Direction Details France Chojnicki and Dynamic Increase in 2100 All Positive 2% (continued) Ragot (2016) Generational spending Accounting on social protection required if no net migration after 2010 as % GDP Chojnicki et al. Static Overall net 1979– All Negative –0.5% (2018) fiscal impact as 2011 % GDP 1979 Negative –0.12%, worse than natives 1984 Negative –0.18%, better than natives 1989 Positive 0.05%, better than natives 1995 Negative –0.21%, better than natives 2001 Negative –0.02%, worse than natives 2006 Negative –0.08%, worse than natives 2011 Negative –0.49%, better than natives Germany Bonin et al. Dynamic Average Base year All: Positive 55,400 USD (2000) Generational lifetime 1996 1996 cohort Accounting net fiscal contribution of 1996 cohort in USD Tax reduction All Positive 68,300 USD for future natives with 200,000 immigrants a year compared to no migration in USD per capita Sinn et al. Static Net fiscal 1997 All Negative –748 EUR; (2001) impact in EUR but positive per capita 859 EUR for migrants who have been in Germany for over 25 years

35 Country Study Study type Outcome Year(s) Type of Fiscal impact variable immigration Direction Details Germany Loeffelholz et Static Net fiscal 1997 All Positive 1% (continued) al. (2004) impact as % GDP Gerdes (2007) Static Net fiscal 2002 Non-Western Negative –4,234 EUR impact in EUR per capita Bach et al. Dynamic Yearly average 2030 Refugees: Negative –2.1 billion (2017) Macroeconomic fiscal impact in 2015 cohort EUR; –26 EUR EUR; EUR per current per capita for capita; GDP integration 15-year period levels (becomes positive after 11 years but does not offset previous costs); –0.07%. Yearly average Refugees: Negative 689 million fiscal impact in 2015 cohort overall EUR; 8 EUR per EUR compared with improved (but less capita; 0.02% to current integration negative) integration policies levels; and in (vocational EUR per capita training and language) Italy Moscorola Dynamic Reduction All Positive 6% (2001) Generational of the inter- Accounting generational budget imbalance with 50,000 immigrants per year in % points

36 Country Study Study type Outcome Year(s) Type of Fiscal impact variable immigration Direction Details Japan Shimasawa Dynamic Reduction in 2050 All Positive 699% and Oguro General public debt compared to (2010) Equilibrium to GDP ratio 719% in % with immigration flow of 150,000 per year compared to no immigration Kitao et al. Dynamic Reduction in Guest workers Positive 2–3% (2016) General consumption Equilibrium tax in % points with guest worker programme – projected immigration flow of 200,000 guest workers for 10 years Netherlands Roodenberg et Dynamic Lifetime fiscal Lifetime Non-Western Negative –95,000 EUR al. (2003) Generational impact EUR per (arriving as Accounting capita newborn) Non-Western Negative –43,000 EUR (arriving aged 25) Adjustment of Non-Western Negative 0.34% tax rate in % with same Positive 0.01% points required socio- to make economic the future characteristics budget viable as Dutch with annual natives immigration flow of 0.05%

37 Country Study Study type Outcome Year(s) Type of Fiscal impact variable immigration Direction Details New Zealand Slack et al. Static Net fiscal 2005– All Positive 3.3 billion NZD (2007) impact in billion 2006 NZD Net fiscal All: arrived less Positive 2,680 NZD impact in NZD than 5 years per capita ago All: arrived less Positive 3,470 NZD than 5–14 years ago All: arrived over Positive 4,280 NZD 15 years ago Nana et al. Dynamic Net fiscal 2021 All Positive 0.2% (2009) General impact as Equilibrium % GDP with doubling immigration to 40,000 immigrants per year in 2021 Norway Holmoy and Dynamic Net fiscal 2015– OECD Positive 1% Strom (2012) General impact as % 2100 Equilibrium GDP in 2100 with increase of 5,000 Non-OECD Negative –0.3% immigrants per year Furlanetto Dynamic Net fiscal Use data OECD Positive Immigration and Robstad Macroeconomic impact of an from (small) shock is (2017) immigration 1990– positive in shock 2014 short run and neutral in long run Poland Kaczmarczyk Static Net fiscal 2012 Ukrainians in Positive More beneficial (2015) impact in PLN Warsaw fiscal impact than natives

38 Country Study Study type Outcome Year(s) Type of Fiscal impact variable immigration Direction Details Spain Collado et al. Dynamic Increase in All Positive 16% (2004) Generational fiscal burden Accounting on future generations in a scenario of zero immigration versus 60,000 immigrants per year Oficina Static Net fiscal 2005 All Positive 0.5% Economica impact as % (2006) GDP Izquierdo et al. Dynamic Net fiscal 1995– Low-skilled Positive (2010) General impact of a 2050 projected Equilibrium High-skilled Positive immigration flow as % GDP per capita Sweden Gustafsson Static Net fiscal 1983– All Positive, and impact as % 1992 negative in Oesterberg GDP 1992 (2001) Storesletten Dynamic Net lifetime Lifetime All Negative –175,000 SEK (2003) SEK per capita NPV Aged 20–30 Positive 0.2 million SEK Ekberg (2011) Dynamic Net fiscal 2006– All (favourable Positive 0.97%; 33 NPV impact in 2050 2050 labour market billion SEK as % GDP; situation) billion SEK with Negative –1.56%; unfavourable –114.8 billion market SEK situation Ruist (2014a) Static Net fiscal 2011 Bulgarians and Positive 30,000 SEK impact in SEK Romanians: per capita 2008–2010 cohort

39 Country Study Study type Outcome Year(s) Type of Fiscal impact variable immigration Direction Details Sweden Ruist (2014b) Static Net fiscal 2007 EU A10 Positive Minor, zero or (continued) impact in SEK slightly positive per capita Dynamic Lifetime Mixed Between NPV contribution in –150,600 and SEK per capita +143,511 SEK depending on interest rates, income assimilation rates and allocation of public goods Ruist (2015) Static Net fiscal 2007 Refugees Negative –1% impact as % GDP Alden and Static Net fiscal 2006– Refugees: Negative –37,000 and Hammarstedt impact in SEK 2012 2005–2007 –125,000 (2016) per capita cohort SEK in 2012 (depending on how public costs are allocated) Ruist (2019) Dynamic NPV Average annual 2015 Refugees Negative –53,000 fiscal net (from countries (natives also SEK, positive contribution with stronger negative but between 15 over the labour market less so) and 40 years lifetime in SEK performancea) in country per capita but does not outweigh the net fiscal costs beforehand and afterwards Refugees Negative –94,000 (from countries (natives also SEK, positive with weaker negative but between 20 labour market less so) and 30 years performanceb) in country but does not outweigh the net fiscal costs before and after

a Former Yugoslavia, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Iran. b Somalia and Iraq.

40 Country Study Study type Outcome Year(s) Type of Fiscal impact variable immigration Direction Details UK Gott and Static Net fiscal 1999– All Positive 2.5 billion GBP Johnson impact in billion 2000 (2002) GBP Sriskandarajah Static Net fiscal 2003– All Negative –0.4 billion et al. (2005) impact in billion 2004 GBP GBP MigrationWatch Static Net fiscal 1999– All Negative –1 billion GBP (2006) impact in billion 2000 GBP Dustmann et Static Revenue/ 2005– EU A8 Positive 1.35–1.6 al. (2010) expenditure 2009 ratio migrants v. natives Rowthorn Static Net fiscal 2001– EEA 2001– Negative –0.3 billion (2014) impact in billion 2011 2011 cohort GBP GBP Non-EEA –29.7 billion 2001–2011 GBP cohort MigrationWatch Static Net fiscal 1995– All Negative –148 billion (2014) impact in billion 2011 GBP GBP EEA Negative –13.6 billion GBP Non-EEA Negative –134.9 billion GBP 2001– EEA Negative –13.4 billion 2011 GBP EEA: 2000 Negative –0.25 billion onwards cohort GBP Non-EEA Negative –116.8 billion GBP Non-EEA: 2000 Negative –27.17 billion onwards cohort GBP

41 Country Study Study type Outcome Year(s) Type of Fiscal impact variable immigration Direction Details UK Dustmann and Static Net fiscal 1995– EEA Positive 4.4 billion (continued) Frattini (2014) impact in billion 2011 to 28.2 GBP billion GBP (depending on average or marginal public goods), better than natives Non-EEA Negative –118 billion to 59.6 billion GBP (depending on average or marginal public goods), worse than natives 2001– A10: 2000 Positive 5 billion 2011 onwards cohort to 10.5 billion GBP (depending on average or marginal public goods), better than natives EEA: 2000 Positive 15.3 billion onwards cohort to 18.2 billion GBP (depending on average or marginal public goods), better than natives Non-EEA: 2000 Positive 5.2 billion onwards cohort to 20.5 billion GBP (depending on average or marginal public goods), better than natives MigrationWatch Static Net fiscal 2014– All Negative –16.8 billion (2016) impact in billion 2015 GBP GBP EEA Negative –1.2 billion GBP Non-EEA Negative –15.6 billion GBP Non-EEA 2001 Negative –6.2 billion onwards cohort GBP

42 Country Study Study type Outcome Year(s) Type of Fiscal impact variable immigration Direction Details UK Oxford Static Net fiscal 2016– EEA Positive 4.7 billion GBP (continued) Economics impact in billion 2017 Non-EEA Negative –9 billion GBP (2018) GBP Net fiscal All Positive 400 GBP contribution EEA Positive 2,300 GBP relative to the native-born Non-EEA Negative –800 GBP population in GBP per capita Dynamic Net lifetime Lifetime EEA: 2016 Positive 78,000 EUR NPV GBP per capita (50 years) cohort Non-EEA: 2016 Positive 28,000 GBP cohort US Auerbach and Dynamic Increase in All Positive, 3.5%–3.9% Oreopoulos Generational fiscal burden minor (2000) Accounting faced by future generations in scenario of no future immigration after 2000 Lee and Miller Dynamic Net fiscal Base year All Positive 0.4% (2000) NPV impact of 1998, 100,000 projection additional of 75 immigrants per years year in year 75 as % of tax revenue % federal tax Positive 0.7% revenue % state tax Negative –0.5% revenue Storesletten Dynamic Average Lifetime High-skilled Positive 96,000 USD (2000) lifetime net General Medium-skilled Negative –2,000 USD Equilibrium fiscal impact in USD per capita Low-skilled Negative –36,000 USD Reduction in Highly skilled, Positive 4.4% income tax in aged 40–44, % points with without an additional children 1.6 million per year

43 Country Study Study type Outcome Year(s) Type of Fiscal impact variable immigration Direction Details US Camarota Static Net fiscal 2002 Irregular Negative –10.4 billion (continued) (2004) impact in USD; USD; –2,700 in USD per USD per household household Rector et al. Static Net fiscal 2004 Low-skilled Negative –89.1 billion (2007) impact in USD USD Chojnicki et al. Dynamic Net fiscal 1945– All Positive 0.3% (2011) General impact in 2000 Equilibrium GDP % points (historical) of historical immigration compared to if no migration Rector and Static Net fiscal 2010 Irregular Negative –4,344 USD Richwine impact per Regular Negative –14,387 USD (2013) household in USD Blau and Static Net fiscal 2013 All Negative Negative Mackie (2017) impact in USD overall but per capita positive for federal level (note natives also negative overall) Net fiscal All Positive 963 USD impact in USD per capita at federal level Dynamic Net fiscal 75–year All Mixed 58,000 USD NPV impact in year projection (no public 75 in USD per goods) or capita –5,000 USD (with public goods) All (recently Positive 259,000 USD arrived) (no public goods) or 173,000 USD (public goods) Low-skilled Negative (but less of a net fiscal burden than low-skilled natives)

44 Country Study Study type Outcome Year(s) Type of Fiscal impact variable immigration Direction Details US Rueben and Static Difference net 2011– All Negative –2,950 USD (continued) Gault (2017) fiscal impact 2013 (average cost); between –450 USD immigrants (marginal cost) and natives in USD per capita, state and local government only Evans and Dynamic Net fiscal 20–year Refugees (aged Positive 21,324 USD Fitzgerald impact in USD projection 18–45; 2017 per capita over 2010–2014 20 years cohort) Western D’Albis et al. Dynamic Net fiscal Use data Asylum-seekers Positive Europec (2018a) Macroeconomic impact (GDP) from with one 1995– asylum-seeker 2015 per 1,000 inhabitants Net fiscal All Positive impact (GDP) with one immigrant per 1,000 inhabitants 19 OECD D’Albis et al. Dynamic Net fiscal Use data All Positive countriesd (2018b) Macroeconomic impact (GDP) from with one 1980– immigrant 2015 per 1,000 inhabitants c Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, , Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Portugal and the UK d Australia, Canada, Japan and the United States, and the 15 Western European countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Portugal and the UK.

45 Country Study Study type Outcome Year(s) Type of Fiscal impact variable immigration Direction Details EU Kancs and Dynamic Net present 2016– Refugees Negative Negative until Lecca (2018) General value of 2040 year 19 Equilibrium projected refugee flows with advanced Positive Negative integration until year 9 policies (integration policy investment paid off) with full Positive Negative integration until year 10 policies (integration policy investment paid off) EUe Oesterman et Static Net fiscal 2005– EU Positive Between 0% al. (2019) impact in % 2015 and 0.54% GDP (marginal depending on costs) institutional regime Comparative: Berger et al. Dynamic Income tax 2060 All (2016) General reduction Equilibrium in % points of projected immigration flows Austria Positive 14.3% Germany Positive 7.3% Poland Positive 1.7% UK Positive 6.2% Comparative: Bogdanov et Static Net fiscal 2013 EU al. (2015) impact in billion EUR Austria Positive 25.3 billion EUR Germany Positive 2.6 billion EUR Netherlands Positive 1.5 billion EUR UK Positive 7.7 billion EUR e EU countries are grouped by institutional regime, based on labour market/welfare system: basic security (Ireland, Malta and the UK), continental corporatist (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland), Mediterranean corporatist (Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal), state insurance, universal (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden).

46 Country Study Study type Outcome Year(s) Type of Fiscal impact variable immigration Direction Details Comparative: Fehr et al. Dynamic Income tax 2000– All (2004) General rate increase 2100 Equilibrium % in 2100 with doubled immigration flows compared to current immigration flows EU Minor, 27.4% positive compared to 29% Japan Minor, 22.9% positive compared to 23.5% US Minor, 12.8% positive compared to 13.3% 20.4% (doubling low-skilled migration) 10.8% (doubling high-skilled migration) Comparative: Nyman and Static Net fiscal Average EU Ahlskog impact as % 2004/5– (2018) GDP 2014/15 Austria Positive 0.38% Belgium Positive 0.81% Bulgaria Negative –0.01% Croatia Positive 0.17% Czech Positive 0.27% Republic Cyprus Positive 1.26% Denmark Positive 0.32% Estonia Negative –0.15% Finland Positive 0.25% France Positive 0.25% Germany Positive 0.25% Greece Positive 0.35%

47 Country Study Study type Outcome Year(s) Type of Fiscal impact variable immigration Direction Details Hungary Positive 0.39% Iceland Positive 0.11% Ireland Negative –0.06% Italy Positive 0.35% Latvia Negative –0.06% Lithuania Negative –0.03% Malta Positive 0.42% Netherlands Positive 0.19% Norway Positive 0.87% Poland Negative –0.14% Portugal Positive 0.22% Slovakia Negative –0.09% Slovenia Negative –0.05% Spain Positive 0.06% Switzerland Positive 1.67% Sweden Positive 0.38% UK Positive 0.31% Comparative: OECD (2013) Static Net fiscal Average All impact as % 2007– GDP 2009 Australia None 0% Austria Positive 0.12% Belgium Positive 0.76% Canada Negative –0.06% Czech Negative –0.01% Republic Denmark Positive 0.11% Estonia Positive 0.49% Finland Positive 0.16% France Negative –0.52% Germany Negative –1.13% Greece Positive 0.98% Hungary Positive 0.08% Iceland Positive 0.9% Ireland Negative –0.23% Italy Positive 0.98% Luxembourg Positive 2.02% Netherlands Positive 0.40%

48 Country Study Study type Outcome Year(s) Type of Fiscal impact variable immigration Direction Details Norway Positive 0.42% Poland Negative –0.32% Portugal Positive 0.52% Slovenia Positive 0.76% Slovakia Negative –0.06% Spain Positive 0.54% Sweden Positive 0.2% Switzerland Positive 1.95% UK Positive 0.46% US Positive 0.03% OECD and ILO Static Net fiscal All Mixed, (2018) impact in % generally GDP (based on small and marginal costs) positive Argentina 2013 Positive 0.11% (worse than natives) Costa Rica 2013 Positive 0.27% (better than natives) Cote d’Ivoire 2008 Positive 0.67% (better than natives) Dominican 2007 Positive 0.22% (better Republic than natives) Ghana 2013 Mixed 0.04% (better than natives) Kyrgyzstan 2013 Negative –0.55% (worse than natives) Nepal 2011 Negative –0.12% (better than natives) Rwanda 2013 Positive 0.74% (better than natives) South Africa 2011 Positive 0.85% (better than natives)

Note: EU A8 countries: Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.


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