CONTROL ORDERS IN 2011 FINAL REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT REVIEWER ON THE PREVENTION OF TERRORISM ACT 2005 by DAVID ANDERSON Q.C. Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation MARCH 2012 3XEOLVKHGE\762 7KH6WDWLRQHU\2IILFH DQGDYDLODEOHIURP Online ZZZWVRVKRSFRXN Mail, telephone, fax and email TSO 32%R[1RUZLFK15*1 7HOHSKRQHRUGHUVJHQHUDOHQTXLULHV 2UGHUWKURXJKWKH3DUOLDPHQWDU\+RWOLQH/R&DOO )D[RUGHUV (PDLOFXVWRPHUVHUYLFHV#WVRFRXN 7H[WSKRQH The Parliamentary Bookshop %ULGJH6WUHHW3DUOLDPHQW6TXDUH London SW1A 2JX 7HOHSKRQHRUGHUVJHQHUDOHQTXLULHV )D[RUGHUV (PDLOERRNVKRS#SDUOLDPHQWXN ,QWHUQHWKWWSZZZERRNVKRSSDUOLDPHQWXN TSO@Blackwell and other accredited agents 19541 Control Order Cover / sig1 / plateA CONTROL ORDERS IN 2011 FINAL REPOrT Of THE INDEPENDENT REVIEWEr ON THE PrEVENTION Of TErrOrISM ACT 2005 by DAVID ANDERSON Q.C. Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation Presented to Parliament pursuant to Section 14(6) of the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 March 2012 London: The Stationery Office £21.50 © Crown copyright 2012 You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit open-government-licence/ or e-mail:
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