C B. HUME & CO, Limited
J^JSTJD > RAILWAY N'S JOURNAL Vol XV: NO. S REVELSTOKE B.C.. THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1904 $2 OO a Year in Advance Will Hold Sitting in Revelstoke .r 'Xjt. 1 ty»*K tyfti tyfti tyfti tyt*t*r ftt Vp tyfti ty1*1*1 tyfti tyfti ty****** ty fti ty***** ty **** ty* **** ty* **^* ty* ty***** tyt't'ity r*l*i ty t't'i ty 1*1*1 ty fl* "l 1*1*11' FAREWELL TO Mr. H. Floyd, secretary of the Rev GREAT BRITAIN elstoke Board of Trade has received tie following leltti* from AV. A. fial- AND RUSSIA liher, M.P., announcing the important fact that the Hallway Commission Massey Hall, Toronto, Crowded will hold a sitting in Kevelstoke : May Clash on the Red Sea- DEPAKTRrlENT STORE House of Commons, with Enthusiastic Admirers — Ottawa, July Ulh. Britain Objects to Actions of mgggg;<»»ngm!CT^rvs-iT'.v^.'MJ:iili-yj..T.Mlg Significant Exhibitions of Re Secretary Board of Trade, Russian Pirate Fleets—Situ Hay, Oats, Bran, Shorts, Feed Wheat, ty •sszssm Kevelstoke, B. C. sentment against Government. Dear Sir,—1 have arranged with the ation is Critical. Flour, Roiled Oats, Etc. J* member's of the Railway Commission, TORONTO, July IS.—iMassoy hull was who will be going on a tour through LONDON*, July 20.—It is believed by packed to tliu doors Friday night by the "West during the latter part of loading naval officers here who are Bacon, Hams, Eggs, Groceries and ty one of the most enthusiastic audiences July and August, that they hold sit cognizant of certain sweeping orders c that ever assembled tliere, on the oc tings at Nelson and at Revelstoke.
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