
I APRIL 15, 2010 * A PIONCER PRESS PUBLICATION * WWW.NILESHERALDSPECTATOR.COM * $2 OD THIS WEEK TOP CHOICE District 64's 'preferred candidate' for superin- tendent meets, greets public. SEE PAGE 14 THE UNEMPLOYEE PC MD Reporter learns a bit about bytes. SEE PAGE 11 Inside! today s homes Look for it in the centerof A woman cries Saturday at the foot of the Katyn monument in Hiles as Search Ch icago -A u tos TRAGEDY MOURNEDshe mourns the plane-crash death of Polish President Lech Kaczynski and other Polish officials. PAGE 3 (Alien Kaleta/for SIM) Visit Oakton. SOeiTLO9 lIS1IN Come and discover why Oakton is the ideal place LSNOi>1'o 0959 Isla AèItèlEII13I18flS1IN to begin or continue your college education. Isla AieIi3I1fldS31 T0000006003 B05og Thursday,April22, at 5:30 p.m. 600-3j..01 Room P103, Skokie campus Rcscrvc your seat at www.oakton.edu. ,$OaktonCommunityCollege7701 North Lincoln Avenue, Skokic J www.pioneerlocal.com Nl' THURSDAY, APRIL15, tOtO PAGE 3 CatIrait: Melt Ochmite, Meneging Editor p: 708.024.442l cc mschmilz@pigneenlocatcotr ri Overafl Website Property Search Property Advertising -- 11W PRI Morto,, 0300e $734,505 Skokie $494,900Skokje $379,000Ll550lececoed $375,000 Linceinwood $375,00. lo,ocyruejuan,csoriooln 93111 01931 0010100f 11139 001531111 1109031390 lO 91100 03 191V101fl90 010090 ooanninthe teetheS Pouch ofhciols killst I50 plane cresS in Rassie. Allen Reblo/lo, SUAI ST. ADALBERT CEMETER°( 5kekI $307,500Skokte $299,000 Sk0kO $OOS,000 MOetOsAn000 $299,900Skokie $249,000 wanes, audlouc SlIck ,cno011ldoO 3, w Oale&1hovioo3nkeoImol030i Lnftvs/Is 00190103 t10090-1c551,1I.IbusIls,105,H,a,sa N 911001,00303, 09009T1 oc,Onuallc,, p0000, & boat, oslo feo, Polish communitymourns loss of leaders in crash NP MAIRE J. KONKOL - rowained shookod, sod- MaWPvliohmoaroees iv- AND LEWIS LAZARE de000d and "devastated" by mocked about the irony hoot Chlcego toe-Tinten the tocs os they tul-ved out SoOordoy'u'vnosh orroro'ed at operi ol church services so neor the oonineesoo'y of y HunotredcofChieogo oreo and vigilo tinroughoot the the Kotye Mcccaro'e, lInd Poleo gotheeed Sordoy el the Keops lbrest--and that Skokie 1230,000 IneacdHeIth0n63S0W5ceI,er300 0009,30 LisoOlse000d $2t9,001',fv,Iv,, Claco $200,500UnrOos&rovo $175.000 the Kalyn Mo colore mono- OnSo,odayattern000, the the statue ni the Virgin meni at SL Adotbort Come- Nilac cemoicry 1000 partIed Many holding o Polish ovili- Jarek 610111k ont hico,, ficen, 2, lAIt e 00Ml, old soy a poyen Detallas 111e laten nona tory in Nitec to wouro Pot- with cars, maoy ovillo Polisto tory ofScee thep gathered nerI in Rilen, tolle, bOlete/le, STIlI oh PresideotLeoht<oreyo- fago offlxed la their ovin- eroaod in the vemelel'y cneo and Wok nitro. r 'e oO 'o vo Ove rca lions md i- ly t'ted Miles in tibOui, slot, top Polich ofOciols ood olows. More tloon tOO Polish desiguodhyooworyc. "Mont people lInee think rated lIon piada had notorio' n,o,toing a coop ot ihr U°,'boibc respeoted Chicago artistwolecryolislo rumbled into Aeweryo'n lather 00es this plane e,'oclo io notano- ciraI pivblrms, Rancian dis- Eiigte Ounquct 10011. Wojoievh Soweryo, wtoo the rcmeteey ottern people billed at Kalyn, 000d Sean- inridevre," OOiIl Oophiu patcherc liad mlsloed ihn Pol- T055ekol, Malyooia fn000id oseen among Ube AS killed rroovdad aroand ihn monu- cepo nn'as invited by ihr Pol' Sods, o mdio bollo chow boot 10 divert frost Ihr bionoelf momong ll,e110111' Ot.,_1,. it,t,io1. °°'t Aeturdoy in apiece crock ment, 'they laid Solvers, lit ich p res ide oo t to fly to the for 25 years on WPNA. In it boo ry oirp net h er au se o f dovolopmovkingOl. bti'movi,ollo, in Rooslo, candles and Oiled two joan- 70th 000ivcroaryreromo- 500'ls, fi, coid she lived the fog. 160011 W. Weltva000 SI., ill irU ny, said his doaghter, Anooc The oranh occurred orar oats witto messages written wavy oftoer primo years io Zygona,ot Mniyooio, the Chivo,go'n A000itmolvneigli- ChOcase 5155,950 Rvan010,, 5150,000 MOrtOn Grove 5137,000Morton 0,000 0509500 Chicago $126,000 ike site of the Kotyn Mac- io Poliolo. Wojlomira. Polond lInd, "t lononn,vhat t1olisttconsat genermlt ir korl000d, for sarro - wharo Soviet Se- "It'o obig toso Ihr as, for Dc fact, the Kotyo mind- tile Russi,nos are cllpllkie of Chirugo, had ploonad to sei-vier honoring Kovxy,,n- reni Police io 1940 oyctem- Poland, tor everybody" Wo- drooco has fuetod o deloge of doing." pick apa Polish oSiciat k-ovo loi e nd the other e 'ach viv- aurally slooghiered 22,000 itoh Daolaieshi sllid. "Wecocopirady thcorleo that Sat oc Sunday, Iba Polish O'Hare Airport atO p,m. Polish mittlory ofrooercood boot to pay o-esperto iocaggeat Russia may have government praisod Rosnic Sandoy to help mop ant tho Thr rhumb was 010e 01 civilian iotetlaotualv, Chicago fer flocon mIca died keen invotnad n naaoiog Dar i Dc coa pera tina in the Patiohpo'cnident'n pl000oed plmlees Karayvohi nod bic The Chicogo aceab Polish in t940 and Shove mho died Sotoirdly's ptcoie crook. orants incestigatios. Rasoio April ft-Mooy tvicio to ovilI plooloned So digit, Maty- poputotivoc tIne Iao-gest in Apeit 10,-Ss times like thlcr ItO a topic Shot won't die,seida pretiech ory onotysisCMnogs,. thcvnortdootsidoWorconn w rowe togethao'." on Polish-ltngaoge rodioof Ihn 'coordinA of ll,e Koecynnboi had pervionos- -. ST7P .1 4 news www.pioneerlocal.com Mi tMURSDW1S,IP.AJL IB, 001E . M t'ANElA PRESS PARI1CWF1ON -Ni www.pioneerlucaLcum news LAST WEEK NILES HERALD- CRIME MAINE TOWNSHIP WEAREYOUR NUIS SPECTATOR TOP FIVE ATARLES tERMINA REhIERO tiNCEtMbt Man, 33, charged Hiles man charged INSIDE THIS WEEK Man'spropane 1h tank stockpile with having sex with CALENTAR 14-year-aid Norridge herald-spectator CROISWARD BAA girl with havingsex DEATH NOTICES B2f Ruer POLICE Department an- ignites discussion about safety nounced April t tIn arreet of r OPINION IM hiles Irren charged mitt resuellA with 14-year-old ON JENNIFER JOHNsON ond An1000 Price, Witohe tonY mhee they 000rpl a Ihr second it grsn warm, Snapaphoto. Tellastory. Send it in. ISLICE BLOTTER lt ebooirg e 14-Veer-old Viri he orig- j ch nor r@pinree rio oa luso ouid ha learoed of the tomba clued 00e, Wituhe eopleiood. mhalovervapóe'n in it mill inally rret oc the nieront 0e a p.m e! the stony-end the steryteiting? There ere phette end stenies we want ta patutseh se rae flaw eeatsoe. SHAWFIBES BD from o raoidant io the oreo Wiuohe helped Ohe wan eopund and somoshing's A recent gar'ego Ore lO 00 lkllowingoMaretsoogaruga Tod aplace in Niles ObI oc- t'sue Sites MerIsd-Woueststan, Oso! weaned yanr help. E-watt HereSieS Editen H,tt Sslnvite et weehmsteWpiasaeeelteatesw. WEDTINAS DA Norridge girl going to give 000eer or Former Nues cop i000rporaiad Mumm Tomo- Are nl coothac $arkerry 00010 propane 000ha Eroe of luter," Ola bra broke out ship led 00500e diaecvary of pleads not guilty to Wood mus set at $200,000 1000go0010500,Ohnvefaasa Lane home. charge und rarycles lhem, noarby, it could also cause a colloctiom of polmosiclly On speaking to tice resi'. Rrro u1000igh the O0-pcued stealing from dead Apeit Y Foe u Nitos moo said. The girt's mothar em- Oho Oonhs ta explode, rhuu'god with Sem.uotly oho,- ported hoc missimg to Pooh haaecdouspropnneOonkn'm dans mho ornmod the bebo, tanhs map appear mmpty man 15 larrl ras-Toen If they are involved in a iicgoO4-your-otdgiu-t he oriA- o aoighboring yuo'd. WiOnhe loomed como bad nod harmless, they really A Veteran hiles police cthoen Ridge polies 0001 mhao ohm Osrreelea team_Sm Tre Shep mill blow," Witake erro molly met on Oho Sotoroet returned heme io tine many Aeoording to North Maine boso left by tha procioso aro aoO, Wblahe Oold the charged With stnallrrg really said. Asoynen cobb questions Gemgory J, Chmtol, 20,02 Pico Marshal Arnie Witohe, owner' nl Oho house a nd Oho Maine Tencomship Neighbor. StATO home dead leers 00001 laorI s ro 'ou te hooeo 00April 2, Nors'idgo 20 usod propone tanks, thu mon did sot boom ham to hood Wutch 00 Wadoendup, uboac propane looks or how et a YMCA pleated not guilty Crawler esaan-eisenlem POOh N, Murytamd Ave. io police contacted Puu-h Ridge typo commonly utloohnd to toproporlp dispose of them April y, fearosessllssaecmelliiirii TOlmo mas ceeosimd Apollo poliom to empaco ohm mas get rid of thom. AlOhough "There i, no sack thing au gas grillo, moro Found stored ohould call Witahe, 10471 William ChristS 48, roes charged ond ahaeged wiSh oto oou010 some 5000es hava tank-en- on empty tank," ice said. "1M mith theft and 0500cl misconduct ollmlooyuggracoted colmi- Pooh Ridge odOomeo moot agoinoco borlayordfmnomin change programs, they re- Obere's ever boca pressure 203.0020, toilceing an inoestigatine by the ool sa000t cluse tos victim lo the girt'o home alud she tine mu-aa ofRorberry Lune quire Ohm psrohoae ola orw io iO, bOia 005 empsybeeaasn ComnlerctlpiorueerloeaOeoro Cock Ccucty Afsteh Attotoeyb ot- betmano 13 und 00, 00000d- told them mhat had hop- esrarlBeemoilirllia°i tIce and elles AslIce iog Bou rataaoe deem Ntiee p000d, u000rdiog to Iba ro- Un April A he pleaded not guilty. Jaliniusar raarrrauo,rs polies. 000cm, She mus tuhan loAd- 00000dieg to Cook CourrE Slates P005eoo too-c oltnge 0h00 cocado Lulheroo t'onoraiBiederman honored for decade ofservice Attorney's oltice spokesman Andy Chmint mata 04-ymue-otd OgonpiOol in Park Ridge t'or ellos ea rs laanarrslar Kim Syohomnki Riedor-muslI July 2003 minee ohs As trustee sire aerced ao Loeatioo for Ihm Tren Can- Csnkflm A status heayng mas set Ncrrtdga girt 00110e Vmd nmamiooOioe, Alome torthar mon moo oppointcd Sc Ohm ovas appointed Ou she Rourd chnirovownc of Oho Milmom- 0ev Ohs releone staled, tsr Myy 240f the Skokin Count' sloasla e.
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