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I APRIL 15, 2010 * A PIONCER PRESS PUBLICATION * WWW.NILESHERALDSPECTATOR.COM * $2 OD THIS WEEK TOP CHOICE District 64's 'preferred candidate' for superin- tendent meets, greets public. SEE PAGE 14 THE UNEMPLOYEE PC MD Reporter learns a bit about bytes. SEE PAGE 11 Inside! today s homes Look for it in the centerof A woman cries Saturday at the foot of the Katyn monument in Hiles as Search Ch icago -A u tos TRAGEDY MOURNEDshe mourns the plane-crash death of Polish President Lech Kaczynski and other Polish officials. PAGE 3 (Alien Kaleta/for SIM) Visit Oakton. SOeiTLO9 lIS1IN Come and discover why Oakton is the ideal place LSNOi>1'o 0959 Isla AèItèlEII13I18flS1IN to begin or continue your college education. Isla AieIi3I1fldS31 T0000006003 B05og Thursday,April22, at 5:30 p.m. 600-3j..01 Room P103, Skokie campus Rcscrvc your seat at ,$OaktonCommunityCollege7701 North Lincoln Avenue, Skokic J Nl' THURSDAY, APRIL15, tOtO PAGE 3 CatIrait: Melt Ochmite, Meneging Editor p: 708.024.442l cc mschmilz@pigneenlocatcotr ri Overafl Website Property Search Property Advertising -- 11W PRI Morto,, 0300e $734,505 Skokie $494,900Skokje $379,000Ll550lececoed $375,000 Linceinwood $375,00. lo,ocyruejuan,csoriooln 93111 01931 0010100f 11139 001531111 1109031390 lO 91100 03 191V101fl90 010090 ooanninthe teetheS Pouch ofhciols killst I50 plane cresS in Rassie. Allen Reblo/lo, SUAI ST. ADALBERT CEMETER°( 5kekI $307,500Skokte $299,000 Sk0kO $OOS,000 MOetOsAn000 $299,900Skokie $249,000 wanes, audlouc SlIck ,cno011ldoO 3, w Oale&1hovioo3nkeoImol030i Lnftvs/Is 00190103 t10090-1c551,1I.IbusIls,105,H,a,sa N 911001,00303, 09009T1 oc,Onuallc,, p0000, & boat, oslo feo, Polish communitymourns loss of leaders in crash NP MAIRE J.
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