The Ukrainian Weekly 1961
• Address: То ігіиііо •pportaal- The Ukrainian Weekly ties tor children and yoath 81-83 Grand Street to realise their fall poten Jersey City 3, N. J. Tel. HEnderson 4-0237 tial for а creative life la SVQBODA Direct New York City Line: freedom and dignity." УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК UKRAINIAN О АІІУ BArclay 7-4125 D. D. Eisenhower Ukrainian National Aas'n The Ukrainian Weekly Section TeL HEnderson 6-8740 ИК LXVIIL 4. 123 SECTION TWO SVOBODA, THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1961 SECTION TWO No. 123 VOL LXVin SUPREME EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Russell Ник Is Sheriff Editorial YOUTH LEADERS HEAR REPORTS OF U.N.A. HOLDS MEETING Of Hartford THE NATIONS' BIRTHDAYS ON STAMP, MONUMENT JERSEY CITY, .N J., June the last UNA convention. Since In the next four days, two great sovereign nations on this 27 (Svoboda) — First full the delegates to the conven continent will have celebrated their birthdays. NEW YORK, N.Y.. June 27. "W.iat is really needed now," (Staff) — The Ukrainian Con he stated, "is that Ukrainians monthly meeting of the newly tion are usually selected on the Today, July 1, is the Dominion Day in Canada. Ninety reshuffled Supreme Executive basis of their organizational gress Committee of America and their friends everywhere four years ago, on July 1, four provinces of British North held another meeting with the in this country write to their Committee of the Ukrainian success, this current campaign, America formed the first federal union in the British Empire, National Association took place being a pre-convention one, representatives of Ukrainian own Congressmen, and urge *" yesterday, June 26, in the should be decisive for would be giving birth to the new nation known as Canada.
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