STEPAN BANDERA, LEADER OF ORGANIZATION OP UKRAINIAN NA­ 30fh Anniversary of Archbishop UNA ExecutiveCommitteeDiscusses TIONALISTS (OUN), DIES FROM CYANIDE POISONING IN MUNICH Ivan Buchko 100th Anniversary of Shevchenko's AT THE AGE OF 50. —HIS ASSOCIATES CHARGE HE WAS A VICTIM October 20, 1959 marked the beath MOSCOW-DIRECTED MURDER PLOT. — UKRAINIANS THE WORLD 30th anniversary of the bish­ opric of Archbishop Ivan SOYUZIVKA, Kerhonkson, 6 per cent on all mortgage OVER SHOCKED BY SUDDEN DEATH OF PATRIOT Buchko, titular head of N. Y.—The 100th anniversary loans. AND FREEDOM FIGHTER Ukrainian Cathojics in West­ of the death of Tares Shev- The Executive Committee of ern Europe, a day which is chenko, Ukraine's greatest the UNA also discussed cer­ remembered by Ukrainian REPERCUSSION OF HS DEATH IN AMERICAN poet, which will take place in tain improvements of the UNA Catholics the world over. Estate. Among them was the AND EUROPEAN PRESS March 1961, was one of the Archbishop Buchko was many topics of discussion enlargement of the swimming MUNICH,'Germany, Oct 16 (AP). — Stepan Bandera, born in, 1891 near Lviv. Sub­ of the Executive Committee of pool, a decision which was tJkreiefan Nationalist leader, died under mysterious circum­ sequently, in 1915, he was the Ukrainian National Asso­ taken in May, 1959 by the stances yesterday at his secluded home here. The police said ordained a priest upon his ciation at the meeting which Executive Committee. tfdsy that no evidence of foul play had been found. graduation from a Seminary in was held last Friday, Octo­ Those who took part in the V_j! tir. Bantfera died after allegedly falling on the staira. Rome, and in 1929 he was ber 16, 1959. The Supreme Ex­ meeting were Supreme Presi­ таШ fcwe ^'witnesses. The chief of the Munich homicide consecrated bishop and served ecutive Committee discussed dent Dmytro Halychyn, vice a4uad said the' police were looking into the circumstances. as the auxiliary bishop under the need and the possibility president and vice preeidenteas, Metropolitan Andrew Shepty- of printing special publications Joseph Lesawyer and Anne .'/••.!• ЙІ?ІІІІ OF CYANIDE POISONING tsky. In 1939,. prior to the in the Ukrainian and English Herman, respectively; Su­ -'• MUNICH, Germany, Oct. 19 (AP). — Investigators estab­ outbreak ,of Worjd War П, languages, as well as approp­ preme Secretary Dr. .Jaroalaw lished to^ay -tfiat cyanide poison killed Stepan Bandera, anti- Bishop Buchko was appointed riate celebration of the anni­ Padoch. Supreme Treasurer Apostolic Vieitatbr for Ukrain­ Roman Slobodian, and An­ fcJmftlunlst gtierlUa chief from Ukraine. The myetery that versary within the framework ! surrounded his life continued in death. ian Catholic parishes in South of the UNA, and in this mat­ thony Dragan, editor of Svo­ America, and. for several boda. Both Messrs. Daniel „,/.^i£ aaeoc^latee, charged that he was a victim of a Moscow- ter a special appeal will be months he performed the duties made. Slobodian and Walter Kwas, directed niuijdejc plot of a Vicar General, of the Phi- administrators of Soyu2ivka, л iThe bqdyot the 50-year old Bandera was found Thursday adelphla Exarchate of the Another .matter under, dis­ attended the meeting and dis­ oh the stairway of hie apartment house here. It was one of Ukrainian,Catholic Diocese in cussion was the investment o? cussed matters pertaining to the many hideouts from which he directed nationalist Ukrain- the United States. ,He return­ the UNA funds, and it was de­ Soyuzivka. ed to Rome in І94І, where in cided that UNA members in During., the meeting a spe­ George Lenyk, Mr. Bandera's deputy, said: 1942 he was made Apostolic the United States should pay cial tribute waa paid to the , •*?We are, convincedhe was killed by the Bolsheviks. But Visltatpr.for Ukrainian Cath­ late Stepan Bandera, leader Archbishop Ivan Buchko 5 and a half per cent on all the question remains: HoW was he made to take the poison?" olics in Germany and Western mortgage loans for personal of the Ukrainian nationalist Russian emigre leaders who opposed Mr. Bandera's plans Europe. use and б per cent on loans movement, who died suddenly tjtjjh Ufo&manihdepehdence but shared hia anti-communist viewe j Archbishop Buchko is an chenko Scientific Society and for investments in real estate. the day before In Munich, Ger­ said they, too, were certain he was assassinated, as was hie outstanding .Ukrainian patron holds an honorary degree from UNA members in Canada pay many. predecessor, Col: Eugene Konovalets, in 1938. Of arte and Ukrainian culture. the Free Ukrainian Univer- He is a member of the Shev- ,aity in Munich. ,: ' l REPORT BY BANDERA'S CLOSEST COLLABORATOR Rr.i.i : ggea ' ' ' 13 '" ' I ••' Г-Ч ' A NeW District Committee of U.N.Д. This time he left alone and in­ stead of going straight to his Pope John ХХІИ Assures Ukrainian Branches in Boston, Mass. home, he went in his car to STEPAN BANDERA ,, ; • .).>• -.f,,.. - і, і——, buy some fruit Returning Bishops of Freedom to Persecuted її BOSTON, Mass. — On Sun-1 Dr. Jaroslaw Padoch, who was' home, Bandera came out of hie' -h USSR day, October, 1І, 1950 a meet-Ube principal speaker at the car alone and rang the door­ ipg of -UNA Branches of the meeting. At the conclusion of bell of his apartment house. the meeting a new District The door was opened auto- Boston area- .took л place, at Coihihl^.. of;;UNA 'feraichW maticaUy^ ^apparently _b^ Ш -whieh reptewntattve*' of UNA Was eJecfeo, with the follow­ wife, who heara thereafter n •{ Branches from Boston, Salem, ing officers r N. Dawyskyba— 4 and Taunton, Mass/ an^l'Man­ a scream, of a German boyln( MUNICH, Germany, Oct 20. lotig helped direct a those who caftnor apeatt'td th£ chaltfnaar Stepan Buryi—vice the hall. When she rah out on — (UPl) ~'Funerali*ervices'his homeland's freedom.,,„He world. BtHT as-'ОДи* Christ chester, N. H- and Woonsocket, chairman; Anne,Chopek,—sec­ the corridor, she saw her hus-| Were being held today for Ste-fwas so hated by the Commu, died »h ordei-46"rlse,^^ the R. I., participated. Among retary ; Mykola Bachiarchyi— band lying on the steps on the pan Bandera/ a mystery man}nізts that other Ukrainians same way ytfUr church shffers them were Supreme Advisers - treasurer, and Mykola Hapjy,' _ first floor, blood running from who died here, of cyanide poi posted,a 24-hour guard around persecuti6n btrt ft will triumph John Кокolsky, Miss Anne Michael Kyoil and Joseph Xri T !,( £ jla^ пГЦІе, he had l'hla mouth, nose and ears. He son while working with an ariti him. ., ,.: „ n ІП the end." " ' ' '4 •< і Chopek and Nicholas Dawy- cha—members of the auditing Soviet underground in his na­ Bandera , was found uncop The"'Itallah press >ih repbrt^ skybai and Supreme Secretary committee. tive Ukraine; * seioua at the foot of the Jtairs Щ* audience Pope John ХХЩ ing the • address of the Pdfle Bandera, 50, a refugee from in his home last Thursday, only spoke., about the certainty of Underscored the'fact-Chat be*-' STEPAN BANDERA IN UKRAINIAN NATIONALIST Ukraine'which became part of two minutes after two body­ the final victory of Ukrainian hind the Iron Curtain there Catholics who suffer persecu­ MOVEMENT the Soviet Union in 1920, had guards left him at the front are several million Ukrainian UCCA Branches of Metropolitan door. He was suffering from tion and enslavement in the Catholics and that ten Ukrain­ ЗШт Bandera/в life was stored to freedom. A year later severe head injuries and did Soviet Union. ian Bishops and several hun­ New York Hold Meeting completely devoted to the he and his close associates cipal lieutenant, proclaimed the not regain consciousness be­ "All the nations are glori­ dred priests were victims of etrujggle fbr • UJcrainlan free- broke away from the OUN, independence of Ukraine and fore he died. fying Almighty God. some in Soviet Russian persecution. NEW YORK. — Represent*; dph> and,liberation. In 1927 he headed by Col. Andriy Melnyk Statute of the UCCA so as to set up a Ukrainian government An autopsy . disclosed су tivee of the branches of the becam* a nteniber. of the U- and established a new OUN. make the organization more at Lvov. anide poisoning but there was Ukrainian Congress Committee kralnlan Military Organization On June 30, 1941 the OUN flexible. "Apparently sympathetic at no ruling as to whether it was Of America of New York City, (UVO), and'^h І929 a mem­ under his direction proclaimed The meeting was chaired by first, the Germans quickly murder or suicide. His friends O. Boydunyk, Ukrainian Journalist Brooklyn, Hempstead, N. Y. ber of the, Organization of U- the restoration of the Ukrain­ Ivan Wynnyk, president of the turned against the Lvov re­ said he would never have com­ and Newark, Jersey City, Tren­ kramiah Nationalists (OUN); ian state. The Nazi government Front Europe, Gives Lecture United Ukrainian American gime and threw most of its mitted suicide —- that he was ton, N. J. and Bridgeport, Conn. in ДВЗІ.п* b^caine a member reacted swiftly and ordered Organization of Greater New leaders into prisoH. However, murdered by Soviet agents as well as others met on Satur­ of tie ТркеаЛШ .Committee of Bandera to disband the gov­ In New York York, while Ivan Baxarko serv­ they offered Mr. Bandera and who somehow penetrated hie day, October 17, 1959 at the, the 0UN. In Western Ukraine, ernment, and when he refused ed as secretary. Mr. Stetsko the possibility of recently reinforced guard. Ukrainian National Home to ah.d ih І934 Jta chief and.Su- to comply, he was arrested and collaboration. This Was refused The mystery surrounding the NEW YORK.
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