Changzhen Gong, Ph.D. 1925 West County Road B2 Roseville, MN 55113 (651) 631-0204
[email protected] Publications on Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Essays 1. Trajectory and Direction of Modern Acupuncture Development, To be appeared in May 2021 issue of Journal of Clinical Acupuncture. 2. Mast Cells and Acupuncture Points Research (Co-authored with Leng Sanhua, Li Yongming and others), To be appeared in Acupuncture Research. 3. Discussions on Acupuncture as Adjunctive Therapy for Chronic Stable Angina: A Randomized Clinical Trial Published in JAMA Internal Medicine (Co-authored with Wang Shaobai and others), China Acupuncture and Moxibustion. 4. New Thought on Acupuncture from German Clinical Trials (Co-authored with Wei Liu), Chinese Medicine Herald. Vol 27, Issue 1: 1-6. January 28, 2021. 5. A Discourse on Acupuncture Techniques by Yang Jizhou (Part II), International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture, Volume 29, Number 3, 2020. 6. Innovation of Theory and Practice in Chinese Medicine Pandemics-Revelation of Chinese Medicine Treatment for Pneumonia Caused by Coronavirus (Co-authored with Fang Bangjiang and others), Chinese Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, Vol 40, No. 11: 1285-1290. November 2020. 7. Estimated Number of Acupuncture Practitioners in Mainland China in 2018: Multi- perspectives, (Co-authored with Arthur Fan et al), Medical Acupuncture, Vol 32. No 5. 2020. 8. Covid-19 Interview (Co-authored with Hui Wei and others), World Chinese Medicine, Vol 1. No 1. 2020. 9. Acupuncture Strategies by Yang Jizhou (Part I), International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture, Volume 29, Number 2, 2020.