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THE NE K POST F Ir T , live Time, !\toney I , hop in Newark THE NE K POST F ir t FIVE CENTS Mayor Gets Poppy- Civic Leaders Hear Band 0 Official Recreation Association ~elects Speak On Safety June 14 as Date of Fund Drive Asks Community Help In May or" allace M. Johns on A lo n g With Other Uesidents Safety Program Now Being Of Newarl, Call For Citizens To upport Drh'e T o Carried On By Company Be t Of Their Ability During (lining Campaign A group o[ civic leaders yesterday ~ Georg Keighbors. president of the heard a discussion or grade c"ossing In the items to be construc- accidents and ways to prevent them. N wark ' Recreation Association. an- th e pruceeds of the proposed WiUiam M. Murphey, supel'intendent . ol'oplimi t C illb nounced this week that J lJne tl. 15 issue con templated by of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, M,ss Eliza beth Crook, membel' of and 10 have be"n chosen as the dates a"C seve ral Ji nes con- spoke ilt a meeting at the College Inn, the musIc department at the Univer- f h '. i S(·wers with the County and asked for community help in an sity of Del ware, spoke at the regu- oj' t e organIzatIOn 's campaign to mains. intensified safety program. lar dinne,· r" e ting of the Newark "aise funds for the year's program. recent public meeting at the Pa,·t of expanded activity through- Soroptimist Cl ub on Tuesday cvening I In a statcment this week. Mayor High School the quesM n. of I out the 13 sbates whore t'he B & 0 at the Coil ge Inn. Wall ace M. Johnson appealed to ili- or not it wo uld be pracWca l opera,tes, vhe p ''Ogram here will be Th,;, subject of her i n t ~res tin g talk zens to "SU I)port and contribute t city to abandon its present ... directed primarily at impressing good ~;'~~ inTI~e S~~~l~~ ~~r~~~~~;~mp:~pr ecia - the best of their a bi lity to this WOl'th~ treatment plant and discharge In c remohies inaugurating the 1952 safety habits on m o,torists and pedes- Members of the local club are mak- while commun.ity projecL " into tile Coun ty system Buddy Poppy Sale in Newark. the tJ·ians. The railroad has been doing ing plans to attend a join1 installation brought UI>· four-year-old daughter o [ a World similar work for many years. dinner to be held by the Dover club Mayor J ohnson fu,·ther stated that an attempt to answer this ques- War II veteran, F riday presented Ma- M I'. Murphey, said that a study of Mayor Johnson Is shown here having hl8 blood pressure checked prior to tak- in that city on June 7. "a growing community such as New- J. Francis Neide, city engllleer, YOI' Wallace M. J ohnson with one of grade crossing accidents showed ~hat Ing part In the recent blood collecting program here In Newark by the Amerl- ark should have the support of all issued the foll owin g statement: the first Poppies of the campaign. Post in one out of every three, the train can Red Cross. Newark donated a total of 144 pints of blood In the day- long citizens in ca"rying out an adequate present treat.ment plant was 475 , Veterans of Foreign Wars and its already was on the crossing when it _______p_ r_o_gro_m_a_t_t_h_e_N-:-e_w_C_en_t_u...:ry_C_lu_b_. ______ Pos t recreational program as advocated by in 1944 to handle a popu- Ladi es' Auxiliary ar.e taking I)art in was struck Iby a motor vehicle. More the Newark Recreation Association. persons. AJ I of the pro- the annual event in Newark. than 90 per cent of the people in all RaYlnond W. Heim Two Correll Brothe r s The scope <Yf the program includes the Th ~ :~j\~~ v:; . ti~~ r~f ~~~ se~~:~i:ntll~sla~:~:~~cte~e;o rR~h~n~~~~ ~~:s~n~l"ossing accidents live near the To Get Honorary Home For Short Vis it :~~o:.. ~,ty as weI! as the major~ty has sufficien t capacity to handle daughter of ,Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Rob- "They, a'bov" all, should never have William Correll, Quartermaster Officials of the group point out that present population, but some of inson, of 344 Delaw,ne Ci rcle. Her had their collision with the trains be- Degree At U. of D. Third CLass, with the Navy station at f this is purely a local pI'oject and one faciliti es are not sufficient. to fa ther served with .the Army and cause they were tami<Jiar with the Norfolk Va. and Henry Correll, AI'- i in w hi Ch the citizens 01 Newark :;ao~t~:o v\~:/~·~s~~tte;~oe~iate ~~:~tter 4~f ::~~~:on~~ the European cr~~~~~;;i~~ido~I~,.~~rpC~'~~~ i ngS by Delaware's Dir~ctor Of i;;::~~ew;::~~~e o:as~e\~~:o:!~dR~~~~ ~~~~~ ~h t:k ~0:~1~~:a~' o~e;~~~~t~e:~~ sewa ge treatment. The State constructing overpasses or under- Vocational Education To their pru'ents, MI'. and Mrs. J . A. Cor- public funds, a summer program of Polution Commission has ;n- Mayor J.ohnson expressed the hope passes is not economically possible, Be Honored By State rell. sof~ball, swimming, and various play- that we wi ll be required to that suffiCIent funds wi ll be raised to the raill'oad officia l said. S.eaman Conell is now going to ground activities has been carried out complete treatment fuc ilities meet the needs of veterans relie[ ac- "Since ~here are more than 6,500 storekeeper's schOO l in Rhode Island in the city. Dur ing lhe win tel' a more not ti c in with the COU nLy tivilies in this area during the com- crossings on the B & 0 and the cost Raymond W. Heim, Delaware's di- as the results of having been one of limited one has been undel'taken in- pkg. ing year. of grade crossing separation today rector of vocational educa tJion, will the si x selected from a groun of 100 to cluding lhe canteen at the Century this new plant would of 9 ''Bnges from $100,000 to more than receive one o[ the honorary doctor's attend.' Club, skati ng. and other activities. $1.500.000 and $2,000.000. COlnmencementPlan $1,000,000 per cI'ossing, the funds re- degrees to be awarded at the Un iver- Mr. Neighbors stated that all of of bu ilding the County lin es has been bOl'J1 e prin- .. _ IF J q uired for total CI'ossing elimination :~t~seOsf ~e~~w~~~~ t1~,o ~mcCeOn"dc~:gentto eax; Newark Day CaDlp these activities, plus the necessity of .LlilnOUllCe( i or Ulle on the B & 0 would exceed a billion n paying a director and purchasing by local industry, and the dollars," he explained. announcement by Gov. Elbert K. Be!!ins Eight-Day necessary equipment all cost money. Coll;·t, it has been decided thai Class At Delaware About $48,000,000, an average of Carvel this week. L.) This money will be the object of the econ mica l course would be more than $1,000,000 pel' year, has been The Governor said he supposed "it Session Jilue 30 I June campaign. in with the County system than bu ild new treatment Exercises Will Be Held On :~;~~i~~ ee \i~~~~;~'~~e4~:s~ s!e~ ~~~~~~ was a well-Imown seCl'et" that Mr. I J . Z. Mi ll er, with Mrs. Ivan Parsons , at a tremendous cost." June 8; Dr. Mackie Will more than $1,500,000 has been spent ~~ir~h~~i~:,: e~~:,~~a~~e d~~~·~~' ~;e ~i~~~ Mrs. Grace G ibb Will Ser ve C lWIIMJla Dl S. Martin ~e h~S1'J~aS, ~ ~~~'t't1:il~a~~~i ~~e c:";~'~~~ eide also poi nted out that this Deliver The Sermon to equip 303 crossings with flashlight meri ted for "no one has worked hard- A s D. irecto.r; Fw For E n t ire oac 1 artin Quits Inumber of volunteers hav~_ agr eed to would also eliminate a tre­ signals and gates. Other crossings are er to buiJd the state." S W II B $8 t k . capi tal expenditure at a time es IOn I epA U ' , a . e Pal·t 'n the collection whiCh of- we are faced with oiher ca pi, Baccalaureate and Commencement pr,~~:c t~~n~: bs~~~~e a~a~ I;~~::, ~~~s: Mr. Heim is a native of Will iams- ost t DIverSIty; fic,a ls hope \V, II reach every home in expend itures of major proportions. exercises for the senior class at the matic protection will be provided at port, Pa., and received his bachelor's O ITicials of the annua l Newa"k Day W'll J' D P the city. University of Delaware will be held more and more crossings, selected degree from Pennsylvania and his Camp announced this week that the lOIn 'U ont '1 Announcement \Va" made last week on the campus, June 8, 1952. from the standpoint of accident ex- master's from Columbia Unive,·sity. eight-day session wi ll be held on June that Hugh GaUagher has donated a The BaccaJ.aureate service wiJ l be- perience and U'affic conditions," Mr. ~e S;;~~~~yi:an~:ric ~I~~ral a:du~~:.~~ 30, July I, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, and II at ,,,m Leave Newark June 14 p lot of ground neal' SHverbrook to the rk gin at 11:00 A.M.
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