EVALUATION OF A PROPOSED SIGNIFICANT NATURAL AREA AT MT IRON, WANAKA R3762 EVALUATION OF A PROPOSED SIGNIFICANT NATURAL AREA AT MT IRON, WANAKA Coprosma shrubland on the southwest faces at the Allenby Farms site, Mt Iron. Contract Report No. 3762 March 2017 (Revised and updated) Project Team: Kelvin Lloyd - Report author: vegetation and flora Mandy Tocher - Report author: herpetofauna Brian Patrick - Report author: invertebrates Prepared for: Allenby Farms Ltd P.O. Box 196 Wanaka 9343 DUNEDIN OFFICE: 764 CUMBERLAND STREET, DUNEDIN 9016 Ph 03-477-2096, 03-477-2095 HEAD OFFICE: 99 SALA STREET, P.O. BOX 7137, TE NGAE, ROTORUA Ph 07-343-9017, 07-343-9018; email
[email protected], www.wildlands.co.nz CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. SITE CONTEXT 1 3. METHODS 1 4. ECOLOGICAL CONTEXT 4 5. INDIGENOUS VEGETATION AND HABITATS 5 5.1 Kānuka scrub and shrubland 5 5.2 Coprosma scrub and shrubland 6 5.3 Exotic grassland and herbfield 7 5.4 Swale turf 8 5.5 Cushionfield 8 6. FLORA 8 6.1 Species richness 8 6.2 Threatened and At Risk plant species 12 6.3 Pest plants 12 7. BIRDS 13 8. LIZARDS 14 8.1 Overview 14 8.2 “Remove from SNA” zone 14 8.3 Alternate SNA 18 9. INVERTEBRATES 18 9.1 Overview 18 9.2 Mixed Coprosma-dominant shrubland 18 9.3 Kānuka scrub and shrubland 19 9.4 Rock outcrop habitats 19 9.5 Open grassland and turf 19 10. PEST ANIMALS 20 11. ECOLOGICAL VALUES 20 11.1 District Plan (2009) - Section 6c Significance 20 11.2 Proposed District Plan - Section 6c Significance from Policy 22 11.3 Significance summary 23 12.