The Phenomenon of Cross-Dressing in Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai Story in Chinese Literature, Theatre and Film: Origin and Modern Versions
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FILOZOFICKÁ FAKULTA The phenomenon of cross-dressing in Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai story in Chinese literature, theatre and film: origin and modern versions Bakalářská diplomová práce KAROLÍNA KRIŠTOFOVÁ Vedoucí práce: Roman Shapiro, PhD Seminář čínských studií Kulturní studia Číny Brno 2021 THE PHENOMENON OF CROSS-DRESSING IN LIANG SHANBO AND ZHU YINGTAI STORY IN CHINESE LITERATURE, THEATRE AND FILM: ORIGIN AND MODERN VERSIONS Bibliografický záznam Autor: Karolína Krištofová Filozofická fakulta Masarykova univerzita Seminář čínských studií Název práce: The phenomenon of cross-dressing in Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai story in Chinese literature, theatre and film: origin and modern versions Studijní program: Mezinárodní teritoriální studia Studijní obor: Kulturní studia Číny Vedoucí práce: Roman Shapiro, PhD Rok: 2021 Počet stran: 50 Klíčová slova: Liang Shanbo a Zhu Yingtai, cross-dressing, literatúra, film, divadlo, adaptácia 2 THE PHENOMENON OF CROSS-DRESSING IN LIANG SHANBO AND ZHU YINGTAI STORY IN CHINESE LITERATURE, THEATRE AND FILM: ORIGIN AND MODERN VERSIONS Bibliographic record Author: Karolína Krištofová Faculty of Arts Masaryk University Department of Chinese Studies Title of Thesis: The phenomenon of cross-dressing in Liang Shanbo an Zhu Yingtai story in Chinese literature, theatre and film: origin and modern version Degree Programme: International Territorial Studies Field of Study: Cultural Studies of China Supervisor: Roman Shapiro, PhD Year: 2021 Number of Pages: 50 Keywords: Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, cross-dressing, literature, film, theatre, adaptation 3 THE PHENOMENON OF CROSS-DRESSING IN LIANG SHANBO AND ZHU YINGTAI STORY IN CHINESE LITERATURE, THEATRE AND FILM: ORIGIN AND MODERN VERSIONS Anotace Hlavným zámerom tejto bakalárskej práce je sledovať fenomén cross-dressingu v mo- derných adaptáciách príbehu Liang Shanbo a Zhu Yingtai v rôznych umeleckých pre- vedeniach ako je literatúra, divadlo a film. História tohto príbehu má viac ako tisíc ro- kov a dodnes stále vznikajú nové adaptácie. Element cross-dressingu je jeden z hlav- ných znakov príbehu a môže sa líšiť v závislosti od adaptácie. V novodobých adaptá- ciách príbehu sa cross-dressing líši najmä jeho prevedením a funkciou. 4 THE PHENOMENON OF CROSS-DRESSING IN LIANG SHANBO AND ZHU YINGTAI STORY IN CHINESE LITERATURE, THEATRE AND FILM: ORIGIN AND MODERN VERSIONS Abstract The main focus of this bachelor's thesis is to follow the phenomenon of cross-dressing in modern adaptations of the Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai story in various art forms such as literature, theatre, and film. This folktale has a history longer than a thousand years and new adaptations emerge still today. The cross-dressing element of the story is one of the main features of the narrative and may differ in various adaptations. In modern versions, the cross-dressing of the story differs mainly in execution and func- tion. 5 THE PHENOMENON OF CROSS-DRESSING IN LIANG SHANBO AND ZHU YINGTAI STORY IN CHINESE LITERATURE, THEATRE AND FILM: ORIGIN AND MODERN VERSIONS Declaration I hereby declare that the submitted thesis with the title The phenomenon of cross- dressing in Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai story in Chinese literature, theatre and film: origin and modern versions is a result of my own work and that it contains no material previously published or written by any other person except where due refer- ence is made in the text of the thesis. Brno June 14, 2021 ....................................... Karolína Krištofová 6 THE PHENOMENON OF CROSS-DRESSING IN LIANG SHANBO AND ZHU YINGTAI STORY IN CHINESE LITERATURE, THEATRE AND FILM: ORIGIN AND MODERN VERSIONS Acknowledgements I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. Roman Shapiro for his advice, support and all the helpful tips. Šablona DP 3.2.2-ARTS-dipl-obor-anglicky (2021-04-29) © 2014, 2016, 2018–2021 Masarykova univerzita 7 BIBLIOGRAPHY Table of Contents Introduction 11 Methodology ................................................................................................................................... 11 Research questions .................................................................................................................. 12 The historical and cultural development of the story and cross-dressing ............. 13 Historical development .......................................................................................................... 13 Historical background ............................................................................................................ 14 Cross-dressing ........................................................................................................................... 15 1 Cross-dressing in Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai story in literary adaptations 17 1.1 Cross-dressing theme in traditional Chinese literature ..................................... 17 1.2 Cross-dressing in modern literary adaptations of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai ................................................................................................................................... 19 1.2.1 Imitating male scholar .......................................................................................... 20 1.2.2 Anxiety of cross-dressing ..................................................................................... 22 1.2.3 Emphasis on love theme and education ......................................................... 23 1.3 Summary .............................................................................................................................. 25 2 Zhu Yingtaiʹs cross-dressing in theatre and opera film 27 2.1 Cross-dressing in Chinese theatre .............................................................................. 27 2.1.1 Yue Opera ................................................................................................................... 27 2.1.2 The first colour opera film ................................................................................... 29 2.1.3 Huangmei Opera and The Love Eterne ........................................................... 30 2.2 Double-dressing in The Love Eterne and the male impersonator Ivy Ling Po .................................................................................................................................................. 30 2.3 Cross-dressing of Zhu Yingtai in The Love Eterne ............................................... 32 2.4 Summary .............................................................................................................................. 35 3 The modern reading of the cross-dressing in Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai story in modern adaptations 36 3.1 The homosocial male world .......................................................................................... 36 3.1.1 Male bond in modern Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai adaptations ...... 37 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY 3.2 Zhu Yingtai in modern movie adaptations .............................................................. 39 3.3 The role and the depiction of cross-dressing in movie adaptations ............. 40 3.4 Anxiety about Zhu Yingtaiʹs gender or Liang Shanboʹs sexual orientation?41 3.5 Summary .............................................................................................................................. 43 Conclusion 44 Bibliography 45 Primary sources ............................................................................................................................. 45 Secondary literature .................................................................................................................... 45 Šablona DP 3.2.2-ARTS-dipl-obor-anglicky (2021-04-29) © 2014, 2016, 2018–2021 Masarykova univerzita 9 INTRODUCTION Introduction Methodology In this work, I will analyse selected adaptations of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai 梁山 伯与祝英台 or Liang-Zhu 梁祝 story from the second half of the twentieth century and the twenty-first century, focusing on the phenomenon of cross-dressing. The adapta- tions differ in the year of release and in the artistic form. The analysed adaptations are: • Chinese novel Liang Shanbo yu Zhu Yingtai 梁山伯与祝英台 (1954) by Zhang Henshui 张恨水 • English novel Butterfly Lovers : a Tale of the Chinese Romeo and Juliet (2000) by Fan Dai • Opera film The Love Eterne (Liang Shanbo yu Zhu Yingtai 梁山伯与祝英台) (1963) directed by Li Han Hsiang 李翰祥 • Movie The Lovers (Liang Zhu 梁祝) (1994) directed by Tsui Hark 徐文光 • Movie The Butterfly Lovers (Hudie meng: Liang Shanbo yu Zhu Yingtai 蝴蝶梦:梁 山伯与祝英台) (2004) directed by Ming Chin Tsai 蔡明钦 I chose two novels that follow the traditional narrative of the story. Adaptation from Fan Dai is the first English version in the fiction form of the story. The author of the Chinese version is popular novelist Zhang Henshui. The most popular version of the story is the opera film The Love Eterne. This version emerged from the opera version of the story and contains the episodes most beloved by the audience. One of the movies I will analyse is The Lovers, in which the main theme is a teenage love story. Another movie, The Butterfly Lovers, is an animated version of the story targeted at junior spec- tators. In these modern adaptations I will focus on the depiction and function of cross- dressing in the story, and in the case of the opera film The Love Eterne also on the cross- dressing on a theatrical level. My thesis will also include a review of the previous research on the subject, in- cluding the traditional roots of the Liang-Zhu. The evolution of the story