University of Oklahoma College of Law University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899 1-8-1846 War Department -- Contracts. Letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting statements of contracts made under authority of that department during the year 1845 Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Indian and Aboriginal Law Commons Recommended Citation H. R. Doc. No. 51, 29th Cong., 1st Sess. (1846) This House Document is brought to you for free and open access by University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899 by an authorized administrator of University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. 29th CoNGREss, Doc. No. 51. Ho. OF REPS. 1st ·Session. War Dept. WAR DEPARTMEIST-CONTRACTS. LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF WAR, TRANSMITTING Statements of contracts made under authority of that department dvring the year 1845. JANUARY 8, 1846. Read, and laid upon the table. WAR DEPARTMENT, January 6, 1846. SIR: In compliance with the requirements of the acts of April 21, 1808 and March 3, 1809, I transmit to Congress, herewith, statements, numbered from 1 to R, showing what contracts have been made under the authority of this department during the year 1845. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, W. L. MARCY, Secretary of.. War. Hon. JoHN W. DAvis, ~peaker of the House of Representatives.