I S S U E 2 2 • A P R I L 2 0 2 1 THE DARFIN WEEKLY The latest from the world of Finance You are richer than you think! The concept of compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. Shape your future with the right financial plan, as good advice goes a long way. Speak to Darfin Finance about your personal finances or your business finances. We offer attractive and realistic rates for Fixed/Term Deposits Accounts, Call Accounts, and Plan Investments Accounts for Projects; Educational Needs and for your Retirement needs. Call us on 055 822 9858 (cell and WhatsApp) or 0302 201 702, or visit us at www. darfinfinance.com, or locate our offices adjacent to the Tesano Baptist Church, 2/31 Nsawam Circle Road, or email us at
[email protected] You could be richer than you think.! G H A N A R E A D Y T O B E T H E D A R F I N W E E K L Y T A K E N O F F E U A M L B L A C K L I S T – B O G I N T H I S S O U R C E : B & F T E D I T I O N The Head, Financial Stability at the Bank of Ghana (BoG), Dr. Joseph France, has disclosed that all is set Ghana ready to be taken off EU AML for Ghana to be removed from the European Union’s blacklist – BoG (EUs) list of countries with high levels of deficiencies in their Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter Mechanical Lloyd to delist from Terrorist Financing (CTF) regimes.