bs_bs_bannerJournal of Zoology Journal of Zoology. Print ISSN 0952-8369 Movement and habitat use of Australia’s largest snake-necked turtle: implications for water management D. S. Bower1*, M. Hutchinson2 & A. Georges1 1 Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra, Canberra, ACT, Australia 2 South Australian Museum, Adelaide, SA, Australia Keywords Abstract freshwater; radio-telemetry; home range; weir; tortoise; river; sex differences. Hydrological regimes strongly influence ecological processes in river basins. Yet, the impacts of management regimes are unknown for many freshwater taxa in Correspondence highly regulated rivers. We used radio-telemetry to monitor the movement and Deborah S. Bower, School of Environmental activity of broad-shelled river turtles Chelodina expansa to infer the impact of and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle, current water management practices on turtles in Australia’s most regulated river Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia. – the Murray River. We radio-tracked C. expansa to (1) measure the range span Tel: +61 02 49212045; and examine the effect of sex, size and habitat type on turtle movement, and (2) Fax: +61 02 49 216923 examine habitat use within the river channel and its associated backwaters. C. Email:
[email protected] expansa occupied all macro habitats in the river (main channel, backwater, swamp and connecting inlets). Within these habitats, females occupied discrete home *Present address: School of Environmental ranges, whereas males moved up to 25 km. The extensive movement of male and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle, turtles suggests that weirs and other aquatic barriers may interfere with movement Callaghan, NSW, 2308, Australia. and dispersal. Turtles regularly move between backwaters and the main river channel, which highlights the likely disturbance from backwater detachment, a Editor: Virginia Hayssen water saving practice in the lower Murray River.