Legislative Journal
COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Legislative Journal TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 2013 SESSION OF 2013 197TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 1 SENATE (Whereupon, the Senate en bloc stood in a moment of silence in solemn respect to the memory of the VICTIMS OF SANDY TUESDAY, January 1, 2013 HOOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, Newtown, Connecticut.) The PRESIDENT. This is the constitutional day and hour for PRESENTATION OF ELECTION RETURNS the convening of the 197th Regular Session of the General As- sembly. The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the Sergeant-at- Arms. The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Jim Cawley) called The SERGEANT-AT-ARMS. Mr. President, I have the honor the Senate to order at 12 m., Eastern Standard Time. to present the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the Honorable PRAYER Carol Aichele. Secretary AICHELE. Mr. President, I have the honor to pres- The Chaplain, Reverend MARTIN D. ODOM, Pastor of ent the official returns and statements of campaign expense com- Bethel Village A.M.E. Church, Harrisburg, offered the following pliance for the offices of Attorney General, Auditor General, prayer: State Treasurer, and Senators in the General Assembly for the election held November 6, 2012. Let us pray. The PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks Secretary Aichele. The Eternal God, Creator and Sustainer of all humankind, we returns for Treasurer, Auditor General, and Attorney General thank You for this day that You have made. We thank You for will lie on the table. this opportunity that You have given us to serve, to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those whom You have ELECTION RETURNS OF SENATORS called each and all of us to help and uplift.
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