MAGAZINE OF THE GEOLOGISTS’ ASSOCIATION GAGA Volume 6 No. 1 March 2007 TThhee IIssllaanndd ooff EEllbbaa PPoott LLuucckk -- KKeennsswwoorrtthh QQuuaarrrryy CChhaannggee ttoo SSuurrvviivvee PPhhoottooggrraapphhiicc AArrcchhiivveess SSoouutthheerrnn TThhaaiillaanndd GGaass CChhiimmnneeyyss MMeesssseell PPiitt FFrrooddiinngghhaamm IIrroonnssttoonnee CC NNeeuuttrraall FFiieelldd TTrriippss?? Magazine of the Geologists’ Association Volume 6 issue 1, 2007 GAGA CONTENTS is published by the Geologists’ Association. Four issues are 3. The Association produced in the year. ISSN 1476-7600 4. GA Meetings March/April/May Production team: Paula Carey, John Cosgrove, John Crocker, Vanessa Harley, Bill French 5. In the Proceedings Printed by GRAYAM PRESS, Billericay. 6. The Island of Elba - A Geological Jewel The GEOLOGISTS’ ASSOCIATION does not accept any responsibility for views and opinions 9. Pot Luck - Kensworth Quarry expressed by individual authors in this magazine. 10. Change to Survive The Geologists’ Association The Association, founded in 1858, exists to foster the progress and 11. GA Photographic Archives diffusion of the science of geology, and to encourage research and the development of new methods. It holds meetings for the read- 13. Southern Thailand - Coast to Coast ing of papers and the delivery of lectures, organises museum demonstrations, publishes Proceedings and Guides, and conducts 15. Book Review - A Pocket Guide to the field meetings. London Clay Annual Subscription for 2007 are £40.00, Associates £30.00, Joint Members £58.00, Students £18.00. 16. What are Gas Chimneys? For forms of Proposal for Membership and further information, apply to the Executive Secretary, The Geologists’ Association, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0DU. 18. Frankfurt Field Trip Part 2 E-mail
[email protected] - The Messel Pit Telephone 020 7434 9298 Fax 020 7287 0280 Website: 20.