LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER Is, 4989 Owners "), to Make and Maintain Wholly in the of Nos
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LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER is, 4989 owners "), to make and maintain wholly in the of Nos. 19 and 21, Harwar-street, and No; parishes of St. Leonard, Shoreditcb, and St. 87, Hackney-road. Matthew, Bethnal Green, in the county of Mid- Certain lands in the said parish of St. Matthew, dlesex, the 'railways and works hereinafter Bethnal Green, lying between the Hackney- described, or such of them or s-jch part or parts road, Baroness-road, Columbia Market, arid thereof respectively as the Bill shall define with Columbia-road, all needful stations, sidings, lifts (hydraulic or Certain lauds in the said parish of St. Matthew,- Bethnal Green, lying between Columbia-road, otherwise), approaches, works, machinery, appli r ances, and conveniences. Gascoigne-place, A irginia-rdad, and Brick- A railway (Railway No. 1) wholly in the said lane. parish of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, commencing 5. To authorise the owners to stop up and ex- in a yard belonging or reputed to belong to tinguish all rights of way over the following or the North London Railway Company, and in portions of the following streets, in the said the occupation of Caroline Kite, and adjoining parishes of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, and St. the north side of No. 30A, Harwar-streer, Matthew, Bethnal Green, that is to say:— and the east side of the viaduct of the North Long-street, between Union-buildings and bhe London Railway at a point on the south side JSorth London Railway; of that yard about 12 feet east of the eastern The road from Long-street, under the North face of the said viaduct, and terminating in London Railway, to Harwur-street; the garden or back yard of the house No. 25, The northern branch of Columbia-road, be- Long-street. tween Hackney-road and Crescent-place; A railway (Railway No. 2) wholly in the said The three streets known each as Crescent^ two parishes commencing in the said parish, of place, and St. Leonard, Shoreditch, by a junction with Perry's-place; Railway No. 1 at the point where the centre and to vest in the owners for the purposes of tho line of that railway crosses No. 43, Long- Bill, the site and soil of so much of the said street, and terminating in the said parish of streets as may be so stopped up. St. Matthew, Bethnal Green, in the house 6. To vest in the owners the usual potfefi numbered 102, Hackney-road. granted to railway companies for the construction and maintenance of railways, and especially the 2. To authorise and empower the owners to powers granted by the 16th section of the widen wholly in the said parish of St. Leonard, Railways Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, and Shoredilch, Perry's'place on the north side for the to authorise the owners in connection with, ana whole length thereof. for the purposes of all or any of the said railways 3i To authorise and empower the owners to and works, to make such alterations in the levels make and maintain in the said parish of St. of the roads, streets, or ways communicating Leonard, Shoreditch, a new street commencing at with the roads, streets, or ways intended to be the southern end of St. John's-terrace, and ter- diverted or altered under the powers of the1 Bill minating in Long-street at a point about 10 yards as may be necessary in executing the said in- north of the junction with that street of Union- tended works, and the Bill will also enable tlife buildings. owners to alter the width, level, and line of ally . 4. To authorise and empower the owners to road or street, and to deviate from the lines Of purchase compulsorily or by agreement lands the railways, roads, and other works he'reins- (including in that expression where used in this before mentioned to any extent within the limits Notice lands* houses, warehouses, buildings, and of deviation to be shown on the plans deposited other hereditaments, corporeal or incorporeal) as hereinafter mentioned or denned by the Bill, for the purposes of the said proposed railways and to deviate from the levels shown upon the and works, and for the providing space for the sections deposited as hereinafter mentioned to Enlargement of the said market, and the erection any extent which may be defined by the Bill. of warehouses and buildings for the purposes of 7. To enable the owners to purchase so much of or in connection therewith respectively, and for any house or other building or manufactory as the erection of dwellings for any persons of the may be required for the purposes of the Bill labouring classes Who may be removed from any without being subjected to the liability imposed lands acquired under the powers of the Bill, and by the 92nd section of the Lands Clauses Con* particularly to authorise and empower the owners solidation Act, 1845. for the purposes aforesaid, or any of thorn, to purchase compulsorily or by agreement all or any 8. To authorise and provide for the underpin- of the following lands in the said parishes of ning, or otherwise securing or strengthening of St. Leonard, Shoreditch, and St. Matthew, any houses or buildings which maybe rendered in- Bethnal Green, that is tb say :— secure or affected by any of the intended rail- Certain lands in the said parish of St. Leonard, ways or other works, and which houses and Shoreditch, lying between the North London buildings may not be required to be taken for the Railway, a stable occupied by Caroline Kite, purposes thereof. Nb. 64, Nichols-square, and 26, Harwar- 9. To authorise the levying of tolls, rates, and street, and the north side of Harwar-street. charges for the use of the said railways and Certain lands in the said parish of St; Leonard, works, or any of them, and to confer, vary, and Shoreditch, bounded on the east by No. 21, extinguish exemptions from tolls, rates, and Harwar-street, the west side of St. John's- charges. terrace, the west side of Hackney -road, 10. To authorise and empower the North Lou- the west side of Axe-place, a disused burial don Railway Company to purchase or take on le;ask, ground of the said parish of St. Leonard, and thfe owners to sell or lease, the said intended Shoreditch, and HS'o. 2", Union-street; on railways, or :iny of them, or any part thereof. the west by the viaduct of the North 11. The Bill may enable the North London Rail- London Railway, and the east side of way Company, instead of the owners, to construct Long-street; on the south by Union-build, and maintain the said railways, or any of them, ings, Union-street, the said disused burial and to exercise such of the before-mentioned ground, and the entry or passage into powers as are necessary for those purposes.. Axe-place from Hackney-road; and on the 12. To authorise and empower the owners '0:1 north by Harwar-street, the gardens or yards the one hand, and the North London Railway F 2.