John P. Lynch: Campus Citizen, Community Educator, Classics Professor Interviewed and Edited by Cameron Vanderscoff Santa Cruz University of California, Santa Cruz University Library 2015 This oral history is covered by a copyright agreement between John Patrick Lynch and the Regents of the University of California dated April 21, 2015. Under “fair use” standards, excerpts of up to six hundred words (per interview) may be quoted without the University Library’s permission as long as the materials are properly cited. Quotations of more than six hundred words require the written permission of the Head of Special Collections and Archives and a proper citation and may also require a fee. Under certain circumstances, not-for- profit users may be granted a waiver of the fee. For permission contact: Irene Reti at
[email protected], Oral Historian, Special Collections and Archives, McHenry Library, UC Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, 95064. Phone: 831-459-2847. Contents Interview History 1 “It was Run by My Mother Like a Boarding House”: Growing up in Great Barrington, Massachusetts 7 Early Faith, Education, and Introduction to Classics 15 Undergraduate Education at Harvard 20 Reflections on Vocational Directions and Education at Yale 37 “In This Country, You Need a Degree”: Reflections on Family Expectations and Reactions 44 From New England to Athens: Studying in Greece in a Time of Revolution 46 Reflections on the Sixties, the Study of Classics, and Mentorship 51 Coming to UCSC: Early Cowell College and the Classics Program 60 “They Decided to Tear