The L2-Alexander torsion of Seifert fiber spaces

AUTHOR Gerrit Herrmann

Master thesis Advisor: Stefan Friedl

Faculty of Mathematics University of Regensburg Germany October 2015 Contents

1 Group von Neumann Algebra 5 1.1 Group algebra and its completion ...... 5 1.2 Group von Neumann algebra and Hilbert N (G)-module ...... 7 1.3 The trace map and dimension theorey ...... 10 1.4 Examples ...... 13

2 G-CW-Complex 14 2.1 Definition ...... 14 2.2 CW-complex with cellular action ...... 16 2.3 L2-Betti numbers ...... 18 2.4 Induction for G-CW -complexes ...... 22

3 Fuglede-Kadison Determinant 23 3.1 Definition and properties ...... 23 3.2 Fuglede-Kadison determinant for N (Z)...... 24 3.3 Being of determinant class ...... 26

4 Algebraic L2-torsion 28 4.1 Definition of L2-torsion ...... 28 4.2 Two basic properties ...... 28 4.3 Hilbert N (G)-complex for a compatible duo ...... 31 4.4 Restriction and Induction ...... 34

5 L2-Alexander torsion for CW-complexes 36 5.1 Definition of the L2-Alexander torsion for CW-complexes and manifolds . 36 5.2 Basic properties of L2-Alexander torsion ...... 38 5.3 Pullback of Alexander torsion ...... 39

6 Seifert fiber spaces 41 6.1 Definition ...... 41 6.2 Examples of Seifert fiber spaces ...... 42 6.3 Invariants coming from a Seifert fibration ...... 44 6.4 Thurston norm of a Seifert fiber space ...... 46 6.5 Seifert fiber spaces and S1-actions ...... 51

7 L2-Alexander torsion for Seifert fibered 3-manifolds 52 7.1 L2-Alexander torsion for S1-CW-complex ...... 53 7.2 L2-Alexander torsion for Seifert fiber spaces with non orientable base space 54 7.3 Outlook ...... 55

8 Appendix 57

2 Einleitung

Motivation Eine der fundamentalsten topologischen Invarianten ist die Euler-Charakteristik χ. Sie geht auf Leonhardt Euler zur¨uck, der 1758 bewies, dass die Anzahl der Ecken plus die Anzahl der Fl¨achen minus die Anzahl der Kanten eines konvexen Polyeders im- mer zwei betr¨agt. Seitdem gibt es eine rapide Entwicklung im Gebiet der Topologie, wobei die Euler-Charakteristik immer eine zentrale Rolle einnimmt. Sie ist zum Beispiel eine vollst¨andigeInvariante f¨urgeschlossene orientierbare zwei-dimensionalen Mannig- faltigkeiten. Zu den wichtigsten Eigenschaften geh¨oren, dass diese

ˆ leicht zu berechnen,

ˆ invariant unter stetigen Deformationen und

ˆ multiplikativ unter endlichen Uberlagerungen¨ ist.

Die moderne Definition der Euler-Charakteristik χ(X) eines topologischen Raumes X ist die alternierende Summe der Bettizahlen bi(X), woraus die Invarianz unter stetigen Deformationen folgt. Die Multiplikativit¨atunter endlichen Uberlagerungen¨ liefern die Bettizahlen nicht. Eine M¨oglichkeit, diesen Defekt zu umgehen, ist die Definition von L2- (2) Bettizahlen bi (X), deren alternierende Summe ebenfalls die Euler-Charakteristik ist. Aus dieser Idee heraus hat man eine ganze Reihe von L2-Invarianten gefunden, die jeweils ein Analogon zu den klassichen Invarianten bilden, mit der Eigenschaft multiplikativ unter endlichen Uberlagerungen¨ zu sein. Es stellt sich die Frage, welche Informationen bleiben, wenn die Euler-Charakteristik verschwindet. Die ersten Ans¨atzegehen auf Whitehead und Reidemeister zur¨uck, die die Torsion eines azyklischen, d.h. alle Bettizahlen sind null, Kettenkomplexes definierten. Bei deren Ans¨atze,ist es die Kunst, den Kettenkomplex azyklisch zu bekommen. F¨ur eine spezielle Klasse von 3-Mannigfaltigkeiten geht man daf¨ur¨uber den Funktionsk¨orper Q(t), wodurch die Torsion eine Funktion wird: das sogenannte getwistete Alexanderpoly- nom [FV11]. Diese Idee wurde von Li und Zhang im L2-Setting in [LZ06] aufgegriffen und resultierte in der L2-Alexander Torsion. In [DFL14] wurden diese Ideen weiter ausgearbeitet. F¨urdas getwistete Alexanderpolynom haben Friedl und Vidussi in [FV13] einen Zusammenhang zwischen dessen Grad und der Thurston Norm hergestellt. Es ist nun ein Ziel ein analoges Statement f¨ur L2-Alexander Torsion zu erzielen. Die Strategie des Beweises fassen wir hier kurz zusammen. Durch die Arbeiten von Perelmann hat man das folgende Result f¨urirreduzible 3-Mannigfaltigkeiten.

Theorem 0.1. [AFW15, Geometrization Theorem 1.7.6] Sei N eine kompakte, orien- tierbare irreduzible 3-Mannigfaltigkeit mit leerem oder torodialen Rand. Dann existiert eine m¨oglischerweiseleere Sammlung von disjunkten eingebetteten inkompressiblen Tori T1,...,Tm in N, so dass jede Komponente von N geschnitten entlang T1 ∪ · · · ∪ Tm hyperbolisch oder Seifert gefasert ist.

3 Sowohl die Thurston Norm, als auch der Grad der L2-Alexander Torsion verhalten sich additiv unter Verklebung entlang Tori, wodurch sich der Beweis auf Seifert gefaserte R¨aumeund hyperbolische Mannigfaltigkeiten reduzieren l¨asst.In dieser Arbeit behan- deln wir den Fall der Seifert gefaserten R¨aume(siehe Hauptsatz 7.1).

Aufbau der Arbeit/Kurzzusammenfassung Die angedachte Leserschaft dieser Arbeit sollte schon mindestens einen Kurs in al- gebraischer Topologie erfolgreich abgeschlossen haben. So werden Begriffe wie sin- gul¨areHomology, CW-Komplexe, universelle Uberlagerung¨ und Fundamentalgruppe als bekannt vorrausgesetzt. Darauf aufbauend geben wir im ersten Abschnitt eine kleine Einf¨uhrungin die Theorie der L2-Bettizahlen und der L2-Torsion. Wir beginnen mit den Grundlagen der von Neumann-Gruppenalgebra, die als Koeffizientensystem f¨urdie im zweiten Kapitel definierte Homologie f¨ur G-CW-Komplexe dient. Kapitel 3 und 4 dienen dem Leser als Einf¨uhrungin die L2-Torsion, die zur Vorstellung einer getwisten Version, der L2-Alexander Torsion, f¨uhrt. Im darauf folgenden Kapitel 5 findet diese getwistete Version Anwendung im Bereich der Topologie. Im sechsten Kapitel l¨osen wir uns zun¨achst von den L2-Invarianten und machen einen Ausflug in die Theore der Seifert gefaserten R¨aume.Dort stellen wir einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Thurston Norm und der Orbifaltigkeits-Euler-Charakteristik her. Dieser Zusammenhang ist der Schl¨usselzum Beweis des Hauptresultats: die Berechnung der L2-Alexander Torsion von Seifert gefaserten R¨aumen.Wer mit L2-Invarianten vertraut ist kann gleich mit Kapitel 4.3 anfangen.

4 1 Group von Neumann Algebra

1.1 Group algebra and its completion In this master thesis every group is countable if not stated otherwise. So let G be a (countable) group. Recall that the group algebra C[G] is the associative C-algebra with G as a basis and multiplication is defined by using the group multiplication. More precisely we have  X  C[G] = axx | ax ∈ C almost all zero . x∈G P P For α, β ∈ C[G] with α = axx and β = bxx addition and multiplication are defined by ! ! X X X α + β = axx + bxx := (ax + bx)x x∈G x∈G x∈G and ! ! X X X αβ = axx · byy := (axby)xy x∈G y∈G x,y∈G which can be rewritten to X X αβ = (axy−1 by)x = (axbx−1y)y. x,y∈G x,y∈G Moreover, for λ ∈ C the scalar multiplication is given by ! X X λα = λ axx = (λax)x. x∈G x∈G One easily checks that these operations satisfy all ring axioms and hence C[G] is a C algebra. For g ∈ G we have 1 · g ∈ C[G], thus we can view G as a subset of C[G] which is in fact a basis. Next we define an inner product and a corresponding norm on C[G] by X (α, β) := axbx, x∈G where bx is the complex conjugate of bx. s 1/2 X 2 kak = (α, α) = |ax| . x∈G Furthermore, we set X −1 α = axx . x∈G With the previous notation we obtain

5 Lemma 1.1. The map ( , ) is a inner product. For all α, β, γ ∈ C[G] we have (α, βγ) = (αγ, β) = (βα, γ). Thus, α is the adjoint element to α for left and right multiplication. Proof. The calculation that ( , ) is a hermitian form is left to the reader. Here we just show the second statement. By definition we have X X βα = (bx−1 ay)xy = (bxy−1 ax)y. x,y∈G x,y∈G Therefore X X (α, βγ) = axbxy−1 cy = bxy−1 axcy = (βα, γ). x,y∈G x,y∈G In a similar manner: X X (α, βγ) = axbycy−1x = axcy−1xby = (αγ, β). x,y∈G x,y∈G

Now C[G] has a pre-Hilbert structure and we write l2(G) for its completion i.e. ( ) 2 X X 2 l (G) = axx | |ax| < ∞ . x∈G x∈G Note that the multiplication of C[G] cannot be reasonably continued to l2(G), so that l2(G) is not a ring in general. But G is still acting on l2(G) from left and right and these actions are commuting. Moreover, these actions extend linear, so that l2(G) is a C[G]-bimodule. We fix this result in the following lemma. 2 2 2 Lemma 1.2. The completion l (G) is a C[G]-bimodule. Let `α : l (G) → l (G) be the map defined by x 7→ αx left multiplication for some fixed α ∈ C[G], then `α is bounded by X |α| := |ax|. x∈G

The same results holds for rα defined analogously for the right multiplication. Further, both G actions are isometric. Proof. We first show, that the G action is isometric. Recall the definition of the adjoint operator, we have (xγ, xγ) = (x∗xγ, γ) = (x−1xγ, γ) = (γ, γ). Now for arbitrary α ∈ C[G] we conclude

X X X kαγk = axxγ ≤ |ax|kxγk = |ax|kγk = |α|kγk. x∈G x∈G x∈G

6 1.2 Group von Neumann algebra and Hilbert N (G)-module Let B (l2(G)) denote the set of all bounded endomorphisms of l2(G). With the previous 2 lemma, we can embed C[G] in B (l (G)) in two ways by either sending α to rα or to `α. A crucial fact about the two embeddings is, that for all α, β ∈ C[G] we have

`αrβ = rβ`α.

This can be taken as the motivation of the following definition. Definition 1.3. We define the group von Neumann algebra N (G) as the set

 2  N (G) := A ∈ B l (G) | A`α = `αA ∀α ∈ C[G] . In other words the Group von Neumann algebra N (G) is the set of all G-equivariant bounded operators from l2(G) to l2(G), where G-equivariant refers to the left action. One easily checks that this is a subalgebra of B (l2(G)), which is closed under taking adjoint. As already mentioned we have C[G] ⊂ N (G). In addition to that, we can embed N (G) linear in l2(G), as we shall see in the next lemma.

Lemma 1.4. The C-linear map ev: N (G) −→ l2(G) φ 7−→ φ(1) is injective and satisfies ev(φ∗) = φ(1). Pn Proof. Let φ ∈ N (G) with φ(1) = 0 and γ ∈ C[G] with γ = i=1 cixi. Then we have

n n X X φ(γ) = ciφ(xi) = cixiφ(1) = 0 i=1 i=1 and since φ is continuous and C[G] is dense in l2(G) we conclude φ ≡ 0. Next we calculate for an arbitrary x ∈ G

(φ(1), x) = (1, φ∗(x)) = (1, xφ∗(1)) = (x−1, φ∗(1)) = (φ∗(1), x−1).

Thus, X X φ∗(1) = (φ∗(1), x) · x = (φ(1), x−1) · x = φ(1). x∈G x∈G

The second part can be seen as a generalization of Lemma 1.1. In addition we have C[G] is dense in N (G). Our standard model is l2(G)n. But we want to consider suitable subspaces.

7 Definition 1.5. A Hilbert N (G)-module is a Hilbert space V with a linear isometric G-action and which is G-isometric to a G-stable closed subspace of l2(G)n for some n ∈ N. A map between Hilbert N (G)-modules f : V → W is a bounded G-equivariant operator. Note that this slightly differs from the definition in [L¨uc03],since we only consider finite dimensional Hilbert N (G)-modules. On the first glance the naming Hilbert N (G)-module seems misleading because in the defintion N (G) does not appear. But if we have a Hilbert N (G)-morphism f : l2(G)n → l2(G)m, we can write it as a matrix over N (G).

Definition 1.6. A Hilbert N (G)-chain complex C∗ is a sequence of Hilbert N (G)- modules Ci and Hilbert N (G)-morphisms ci : Ci → Ci−1

cn+1 cn cn−1 ... Cn Cn−1 Cn−2 ... , such that ci ◦ ci−1 = 0. If we want to carry on to homological algebra, we must be careful. Obviously the kernel of a Hilbert N (G)-morphism is a Hilbert N (G)-module. However the image does not need to be closed. Therefore we have to take the closure of the image. We define the homology of a Hilbert N (G)-chain complex C∗ by

(2) Hn (C∗) = ker cn/Im cn+1.

(2) Then Hi (C∗) has indeed the structure of a Hilbert N (G)-module as we see in the next lemma.

2 Lemma 1.7 (Baby L -Hodge-de Rham Theorem). Let C∗ be a Hilbert N (G)-chain complex. Define the n-th Laplace operator by

∗ ∗ ∆n = cn+1cn+1 + cncn. Then we get the orthogonal decomposition

∗ Cn = ker ∆n ⊕ Im cn+1 ⊕ Im cn of Hilbert N (G)-modules and the natural map

(2) i : ker cn ∩ ker cn+1 = ker ∆n → Hn (C∗) is an isometric G-isomorphism. Proof. We have the decomposition:

⊥ Cp = ker cp ⊕ ker cp ⊥ ∗ Cp = Im cp+1 ⊕ (Im cp+1) = Im cp+1 ⊕ ker cp+1.

8 Since Im cp+1 ⊂ ker cp we get

⊥ ∗  Cp = ker cp ⊕ Im cp+1 ⊕ ker cp+1 ∩ ker cp .

∗ So we just have to show that ker cp+1 ∩ ker cp = ker ∆n. But this follows readily from the calculation:

∗ ∗ (∆nv, v) = (cn+1cn+1v, v) + (cncnv, v) ∗ 2 2 = kcn+1vk + kcnvk .

Similar to the homology we define:

Definition 1.8 (weakly exact). A short sequence of Hilbert N (G)-modules

i p 0 U V W 0 is called weakly exact, if i is injective, p has dense image and Im i = ker p. A morphism f : V → W is a weak isomorphism, if f is injective and has dense image.

Lemma 1.9. If f : V → W is a weak isomorphism, then there exists G-equivarient isometric isomorphism h : V → W .

Proof. Since f is injective and has dense image, f ∗f : V → V is a strictly positive operator which has dense image. Therefore it exits a self-adjoint operator g : V → V with g2 = f ∗f. We have Im g2 ⊂ Im g and so g has dense image as well. We define

bh : Im g −→ Im f v 7−→ fg−1(v).

The map bh is isometric because of the calculation:

(bhx, bhy) = (fg−1x, fg−1y) = (f ∗fg−1x, g−1y) = (g2g−1x, g−1y) = (gg−1x, gg−1y) = (x, y), where we used the fact that g is self-adjoint. Notice that f is invertible if and only if f ∗ is invertible. This implies Im f = W iff Im g = V . If f is not surjective we can extend bh by continuity to a isometric map h : V → W . The maps f and g are G-equivariant and so is h. The claim follows.

9 1.3 The trace map and dimension theorey Now we are following the work of Eckmann [Eck00]. Since we are mostly dealing with infinite groups and hence l2(G) has infinite dimension as a vector space, we want to de- velop a more suitable dimension concept, but with the familiar properties (see Theorem 1.15). For this purpose we introduce the von Neumann trace. Definition 1.10 (von Neumann trace).

trN (G) : N (G) −→ C f 7−→ (f(1), 1), where 1 ∈ G denotes the unit element. P Notice that for an element α = axx ∈ C[G], we have

trN (G)(`α) = (α, 1) = a1 which is often referred to as Kaplansky trace. Thus, the von Neumann trace can be seen as an extension of the Kaplansky trace. This map has indeed the basic characteristic of a trace map.

∗ Lemma 1.11. Let ϕ, ψ ∈ N (G). Then we have trN (G)(ϕ ) = trN (G)(ϕ) and the identity

trN (G)(ϕψ) = trN (G)(ψϕ) holds. P P Proof. Let ϕ(1) = axx and ψ(1) = bxx. Then

∗ ∗ trN (G)(ϕ) = (ϕ(1), 1) = a1 = (ϕ(1), 1) = (ϕ (1), 1) = trN (G)(ϕ ).

A similar calculation yields

∗ trN (G)(ϕψ) = (ϕψ(1), 1) = (ψ(1), ϕ (1)) X = (ψ(1), ϕ(1)) = bxax−1 x∈G = (ψ(1), ϕ(1)) = (ϕ∗ψ∗(1), 1) ∗ = trN (G)((ψϕ) ) = trN (G)(ψϕ).

2 n 2 n If F : l (G) → l (G) is a morphism, we can write it as a matrix (Fij)1≤i,j≤n with elements of N (G) as its entries in the usual way by satisfying

n n ! X X F (v1, . . . , vn) := F1kvk,..., Fnkvk . k=1 k=1

10 ∗ ∗ One observes that (Fij)1≤i,j≤n = (Fji)1≤i,j≤n. We extend the definition of the trace by

n X trN (G)(F ) = trN (G)(Fii) i=1

∗ and by Lemma 1.11 we obtain trN (G)(F ) = trN (G)(F ) and trN (G)(F1F2) = trN (G)(F2F1). Lemma 1.12. If F : l2(G)n → l2(G)n is self-adjoint and idempotent morphism, then

n X 2 trN (G)(F ) = kFij(1)k . i,j=1 Proof.

n n X X 2 trN (G)(F ) = (Fii(1), 1) = (Fii(1), 1) i=1 i=1 n n X X ∗ = (FijFji(1), 1) = (Fij(1),Fji(1)) i,j=1 i,j=1 n n X X 2 = (Fij(1),Fij(1)) = kFij(1)k . i,j=1 i,j=1

2 n 2 n Corollary 1.13. Let F : l (G) → l (G) be idempotent and self-adjoint, then trN (G) F is non negative and trN (G) F = 0 implies F = 0. Now we are ready to define the von Neumann dimension. Definition 1.14 (von Neumann dimension). Let V be Hilbert N (G)-module. Choose a G-embedding ϕ : V → l2(G)n and the orthogonal G-equivariant projection π onto Im ϕ. Then define the von Neumann dimension via

dimN (G) (V ) = trN (G)(π).

For l2(G) the projection is the identity map and we have

2 dimN (G) l (G) = trN (G) Id = (1, 1) = 1.

However any positive real number can appear as a dimension, as we will see in exam- ple 1.20. We gather now the most important properties of the group von Neumann dimension. Theorem 1.15. The von Neumann dimension is well defined i.e. independent of the choice of ϕ and has the following properties:

1. dimN (G) ≥ 0,

11 2. V = 0 ⇔ dimN (G) (V ) = 0, 3. 0 → U → V → W → 0 is a weakly exact sequence of Hilbert N (G)-modules, then

dimN (G) (U) + dimN (G) (W ) = dimN (G) (V ) ,

1 4. H < G is a finite index subgroup, then dimN (G) (V ) = [G:H] dimN (H) (V ). Proof. Let φ: V → l2(G)m be another isometric G-embedding and π0 the projection on the image of φ. Without lost of generality we may assume m = n. Otherwise we would extend ϕ via the map i: l2(G)n → l2(G)m, z 7→ (z, 0). This will add some rows and columns of zero to the projection π and has no effect on the trace. We get a morphism

F : Im ϕ ⊕ Im ϕ⊥ −→ l2(G)n v + w 7−→ φ ◦ ϕ−1(v).

Now we use the assumption, that φ and ϕ are isometric, and hence

(F v, F v) = (v, v) ∀v ∈ Im ϕ.

Therefore F ∗FF ∗F (v + w) = F ∗F v = F ∗F (v + w) and so F ∗F is the orthogonal projection on Im ϕ. And analogously FF ∗ is the orthogonal projection on Im φ. We conclude

∗ ∗ 0 trN (G)(π) = trN (G)(F F ) = trN (G)(FF ) = trN (G)(π ).

Thus dimN (G) is well defined. Now, statement (1) and (2) are direct consequences of Lemma 1.12. p Let 0 → U −→i V −→ W → 0 be weakly exact. We have V = Im i ⊕ ker p⊥ and i: U → Im i, p⊥ : ker p⊥ → W are weak isomorphisms. To simplify notion we think of 2 n ⊥ V as a subset of l (G) . Denote the orthogonal projection onto Im i and ker p with π1 and π2. Apparently π1 ⊕ π2 is the orthogonal projection onto V . We deduce

⊥ dimN (G) V = trN (G) π1 ⊕ π2 = trN (G) π1 + trN (G) π2 = dimN (G) Im i + dimN (G) ker p . By Lemma 1.9 we have

⊥ dimN (G) U = dimN (G) Im i and dimN (G) W = dimN (G) ker p . The last statement is an easy consequence of the fact, that l2(G) viewed as a Hilbert N (H)-module is isometric isomorph to l2(H) ⊕ ... ⊕ l2(H), where the identification is obtained by a choice of representation system of G/H. We get a very useful corollary, which characterises weak isomorphisms. Corollary 1.16. Let f : V → W be a Hilbert N (G)-morphism. Then the following statements are equivalent:

12 1. f is a weak isomorphism.

2. f is injective and dimN (G) (V ) = dimN (G) (W ).

3. f has dense image and dimN (G) (V ) = dimN (G) (W ). 4. the sequence 0 → V → W → 0 is weakly exact.

Proof. For (2)⇒(1) we apply Theorem 1.15 (3) to

0 V W W/Im f 0

and conclude dimN (G)(W/Im f) = 0, thus f has dense image by 1.15 (2). For (3)⇒(1) we do the same with the sequence

0 ker f V W 0 and conclude that f is injective. As a consequence of Lemma 1.9: (1)⇒(2),(3). The last implication is true by definition.

Corollary 1.17. Let f : U → W and g : V → U be weak isomorphism, then f ◦ g is weak isomorphism.

Proof. Obviously the composition of injective maps, is an injective map. We have dimN (G) U = dimN (G) W = dimN (G) U. Now f ◦ g is a weak isomorphism by 1.16 (2). Because it is so important for algebraic topology, we want to mention here the existence of a long weakly exact sequence for a short weakly exact sequence of N (G)-Hilbert chain complexes. The result is due to Cheeger and Gromov [CG85].

Theorem 1.18. Let 0 → C∗ → D∗ → E∗ → 0 be a short weakly exact sequence of Hilbert N (G)-chain complexes, then there exists a long weakly exact sequence

(2) (2) (2) (2) ... → Hn (C∗) → Hn (E∗) → Hn (E∗) → Hn−1(C∗) → ....

The theorem, as stated here, becomes wrong, if one allows non finite dimensional Hilbert N (G)-modules. In this case one needs some additional assumptions.

1.4 Examples

Example 1.19. Let G be a finite group. In this case C[G] is a finite dimensional vector 2 ∼ ∼ space of dimension |G|. All norms are equivalent and we obtain l (G) = C[G] = N (G). The von Neumann trace is 1/|G| times the ordinary trace for finite vector spaces and the same is true for the von Neumann dimension.

13 Example 1.20. The Hilbert N (Z)-module l2(Z) is isometric isomorph to L2(S1). The set of all square integrable functions from the S1 to C. The isomorphism is given by:

2 2 1 ϕ : l (Z) −→ L (S ) X n X n ant 7−→ anx . n∈Z n∈Z

We have an Z-action on L2(S1) given by

2 1 2 1 Z × L (S ) −→ L (S ) (n, f) 7−→ xn · f(x).

Thus the isomorphism is Z-equivariant. The N (Z)-algebra is given by L∞(S1) as one can see in the following way. Obviously multiplication with a function f from L∞(S1) commutes with the left action. On the other hand, we consider F ∈ N (Z). Then F (1), F evaluated on the constant 1 function, is an element in L2(S1). One easily sees, that F is given by pointwise multiplication with the function F (1). Since F was bounded we have kF kop ≤ ∞. But it is well known that in this case kF kop = kF (1)k∞. Let X be a measurable subset of S1. The set of all functions f ∈ L2(S1) with support in X are a N (Z)-submodule and the projection is given by multiplication with the characteristic function χX . It follows from the definition Z 2 dimN (Z) L (X) = trN (Z) χX = χX · 1 = Vol X. S1 2 G-CW-Complex

This chapter gives a brief introduction to the concept of a G-CW-complex. In fact we are mostly interested in CW-complex with cellular action (see 2.5). However we will take advantage of the more general definition in 6.29 and 7.2. Our main reference is [Die87], where we have taken most proofs from.

2.1 Definition Ordinary CW-complexes are constructed by iterated glueing of cells. We transfer this theory to G-spaces. Here G is a locally compact Hausdorff group. A diagram f A Y

j J F X Z

14 of G-spaces and G-maps is called G-pushout, if any commutative diagram:

f A Y

j J F X Z

V extends uniquely to a diagram:

f A Y

j J F X Z

V .

There is a special case of pushout called the adjunction space. Namely if j is an closed embedding. Then we can assume A is a subset of X and consider the following equiva- lence relation R on the disjoint union X t Y .

(z1, z2) ∈ R ⇔ z1 = z2

∨ (z1 ∈ A ∧ z2 ∈ A : f(z1) = f(z2))

∨ (z1 ∈ A ∧ z2 ∈ Y : f(z1) = z2)

∨ (z2 ∈ A ∧ z1 ∈ Y : f(z2) = z1) .

In this case Z = X tY/ ∼R, where the topology is induced by the projection X tY → Z. This space will be denoted by Z = X tf Y . The next proposition is the reason, why it is convenient to work with adjunction spaces. It enables us to interpret a pair of spaces by smaller ones.

Proposition 2.1. If j is a closed embedding. Then J is a closed embedding and the morphism (F, f):(X,A) → (X tf Y,Y ) is a relative homomorphism i.e. ∼ X/A = X tf Y/Y.

Proof. We have to check, that J is injective and when B ⊂ Y is a closed subset, then J(B) is closed. A complete set of representatives is given by [x] = {x} for all x ∈ X \ A

15 and [y] = {y, j(f −1(y))} for all y ∈ Y . So clearly J is injective. Now we take a closed subset B of Y . By the definition of the topology, we have to show, that F −1(J(B)) and J −1(J(B)) are closed. The second one is trivial since J is injective. Using the concrete description of the equivalence classes above, one sees F −1(J(B)) = j(f −1(B)). Therefore F −1(J(B)) is a closed, because f is continuous and j is a closed embedding.

Definition 2.2 (G-CW-complex). A G-CW-complex X is a G-space together with a G-invariant filtration ∅ = X−1 ⊂ X0 ⊂ ... ⊂ X, such that for any n ∈ N there exists a pushout diagram F qi F n−1 i∈Jn G/Hi × S Xn−1 i∈Jn F Qi F n i∈Jn G/Hi × D Xn i∈Jn , where Hi is a closed subgroup of G. X carries the colimit topology with respect to

(Xn)n∈N i.e B ⊂ X is closed iff B ∩ Xn is closed in Xn for all n ∈ N.

n n−1 We call a pair (G/Hi ×D , G/Hi ×S ) a cell and refer to (Qi, qi) as the characteristic map of the cell. Moreover we say X is of finite type, if G\X is a finite CW-complex and X is a free G-CW-complex, if the action of G is free. This definition will be applied in two different ways. Firstly, we look at a countable group G with discrete topology and secondly, we use the special case of a S1-CW- complex. The following discussion belongs to the first application.

2.2 CW-complex with cellular action Recall the definition of a CW-complex.

Definition 2.3 (CW-complex). A CW-structure of a topological space X is a filtration

∅ = X−1 ⊂ X0 ⊂ ... ⊂ X, such that for any n ∈ N there exists a pushout diagram F qi F n−1 i∈Jn S Xn−1 i∈Jn F Qi F n i∈Jn D Xn i∈Jn and X carriers the colimit topology with respect to (Xn)n∈N.

16 Definition 2.4 (Cellular action). Let X be a G-space and a CW-complex. A group G acts cellular on X if 1. gE is an open cell for every open cell E and g ∈ G,

2. if gE = E then the induced map g : E → E is the identity. The next theorem characterises G-CW-complexes in terms of cellular action on a CW-complex. Theorem 2.5. If G acts cellular on a CW-complex X, then X admits a G-CW-complex structure. Proof. Our proof is very close to [Die87, Chapter 2, Proposition 1.15]. We choose a pushout diagram F qi F n−1 i∈Jn S Xn−1 i∈Jn F Qi F n i∈Jn D Xn i∈Jn .

The group G acts on Jn by permutation, because cellular action implies, that the filtra- tion {Xn} is G-invariant. Thus we can partition Jn in orbits Gα1, Gα2,... and choose ∼ for each orbit Gαi a G-equivariant bijection G/Hαi = Gαi. Here Hαi is the isotropy group of αi i.e. hαi = αi for all h ∈ Hαi . We define the map:

n Qαi : G/Hαi × D −→ Xn

(gHαi , s) 7−→ gQ(αi, s). The second condition of cellular action ensures, that it is a well defined map. Namely ◦ n for any h ∈ Hα, j ∈ Gαi and s ∈ D : Q(j, s) = hQ(j, s).

By continuity this extends to all s ∈ Dn. It remains to proof, that

F α ∈A qαi F n−1 i G/Hαi × S Xn−1 αi∈A

F α ∈A Qαi F n i G/Hαi × D Xn αi∈A is a pushout diagram, which follows directly from the construction and the fact, that a cellular action implies a discrete topology on G. Thus we receive the following corollary, which will be the situation in our most cases.

17 Corollary 2.6. Let p: Y → X be regular cover of a finite connected CW-complex X. Let G be a subgroup of the deck transformation group. Suppose the action of G is free. Then Y is a free G-CW-complex. Proof. A covering induces a CW-structure on Y . The deck transformation group acts cellular on this structure. One should notice, that Y doesn’t need to be connected. This flexibility will be useful later. Another corollary deals with the restriction to a subgroup. Suppose Y is G-space and H ⊂ G a subgroup. We can restrict the action of G to elements of H. This yields a H-space resH Y .

Corollary 2.7. Let Y be a free G-CW-complex and G a discrete group. Then resH Y is H-CW-complex. Moreover, if Y is of finite type and H a finite index subgroup, then resH Y is of finite type. Proof. Since G is discrete, we can view Y as a CW-complex by forgetting the group structure. Now H acts freely and cellular on Y .

2.3 L2-Betti numbers 2.3.1 Homology of G-CW-complexes Next we want to develop a suitable homology theory for a G-CW-complex X. This is done as follows. The n-chains Cn(X) are defined as Hn(Xn,Xn−1). The homology is singular homology with Z coefficients. The boundary map ∂n is the connecting homo- morphism from the long exact sequence of the triple (Xn,Xn−1,Xn−2). We have:

Theorem 2.8. Suppose X is a free G-CW-complex of finite type. Then C∗(X) is a free based Z[G]-module, where the basis elements correspond to the characteristic maps. Proof. The filtration {X } is G-invariant, so we get a commutative ladder: n n∈N

0 C∗(Xn−1,Xn−2) C∗(Xn,Xn−2) C∗(Xn,Xn−1) 0

g g g

0 C∗(Xn−1,Xn−2) C∗(Xn,Xn−2) C∗(Xn,Xn−1) 0 .

Now the long exact sequence in homology is natural in the sense, that we obtain the commutative diagram:

∂ ... Hn(Xn,Xn−1) Hn−1(Xn−1,Xn−2) ...

g g

∂ ... Hn(Xn,Xn−1) Hn−1(Xn−1,Xn−2) ... .

18 Thus the boundary map is indeed a Z[G]-morphism. Next we show that Hn(Xn,Xn−1) is free. Consider a pushout diagram:

F qi F n−1 i∈Jn G × S Xn−1 i∈Jn

F Qi F n i∈Jn G × D Xn i∈Jn . By proposition 2.1 we obtain the following G-homeomorphism

∼ G n G n−1 ∼ _ n Xn/Xn−1 = G × D / G × S = G × S

i∈Jn i∈Jn i∈Jn and further ∼ _ n ∼ M n Hn(Xn,Xn−1) = Hn( G × S ) = Hn(G × S ).

i∈Jn i∈Jn n ∼ Obviously one has Hn(G × S ) = Z[G] as Z[G]-module. If we choose a different pushout diagram, we obtain an automorphism of W G×Sn. i∈Jn So our basis of L H (G × Sn) will change by a permutation of the terms of sum or i∈Jn n by multiplication with trivial units ±g ∈ G in Z[G]. Definition 2.9 (L2-Betti numbers). Let X be a free G-CW-complex of finite type. Then we write (2) 2 C∗ (X) := l (G) ⊗Z[G] C∗(X) and define the i-th L2-Betti number

(2) (2) (2) bi (X) := dimN (G) Hi (C∗ (X)). Next we state and sketch the proofs of the most characteristic properties of the L2- Betti numbers. Theorem 2.10 (Homotopy invariance). Let X,Y be free G-CW -complex of finite type, which are G-homotopic. Then we have

(2) (2) Hi (X) = Hi (Y ). for every i ∈ Z. Proof. The proof is exactly the same as for ordinary CW -complexes. There are also equivariant analogues of Whitehead theorem, cellular and CW approximation. These can be found in [Mat71]. Theorem 2.11 (Characteristic number). Let H be a finite index subgroup of G. Let X be a G-CW -complex. Then

(2) (2) bi (X) = [G : H] · bi (resH X).

19 Proof. If we look in the proof of 2.5 how the H-CW -structure is constructed, we conclude for the chain-complex: ∼ C∗(resH X) = resH C∗(X). This yields the following description (2) 2 ∼ 2 C∗ (resH X) := l (H) ⊗Z[H] C∗(resH X) = l (H) ⊗Z[H] resH C∗(X).

A complete set of representatives {g1, . . . , gn} defines an H-equivariant isomorphism on generators

2 2 ϕ: l (H) ⊗Z[H] resH C∗(X) −→ resH l (G) ⊗Z[G] C∗(X) α ⊗ gic 7−→ α · gi ⊗ ci, which has the inverse map

2 2 resH l (G) ⊗Z[G] C∗(X) −→ l (H) ⊗Z[H] resH C∗ αgi ⊗ c 7−→ α ⊗ gic. These are chain isomorphisms and therefore descend to homology. We conclude from 1.15(4): (2) (2) dimN (G) Hi (X) = [G : H] · dimN (H) Hi (resH X).

2.3.2 L2-Betti numbers for CW -complexes

Let M be a connected finite CW-complex. Denote Mf the universal cover of M. Then Mf is also a CW -complex and π1(M) acts freely, transitively and cellular on it. By Theorem 2.5 Mf is a π1(M)-CW -complex of finite type.

Definition 2.12. Let M be a connected finite CW-complex. Denote π = π1(M) and define the L2-Betti numbers of M by

(2) (2) (2) bi (M) := dimN (π) Hi (C∗ (Mf)). Example 2.13. When we look at the circle S1, we have a CW-structure with one 0-cell 1 ∼ and one 1-cell. The induced Z-CW-structure is the usual CW-structure of Sf = R (see Figure 1). The chain complex is given by

(2) 1 2 −1 C0 (Sf) := l (Z) ⊗Z[g,g−1] Z[g, g ] (2) 1 2 −1 C1 (Sf) := l (Z) ⊗Z[g,g−1] Z[g, g ] with the differential g−1 0 l2(Z) l2(Z) 0

(2) 1 Since g−1 is injective, we have b0 (S ) = 0. By 1.16 g−1 has dense image and therefore (2) 1 (2) b1 (S ) = 0. In this example one can see, that the basis of Ci (Mf) is given by the i-cells of M, which is true in general.

20 −1 ge g e e e ...... −1 gv 2 g ve ve e g ve



Figure 1: The universal cover Sf1 of S1 with the induced hgi-CW-structure. The bound- ary operator is given by ∂(e) = gve − ve = (g − 1)ve

L2-Betti numbers tend to vanish more often then regular Betti numbers. One reason for this is probably that they are multiplicative under finite covers.

Theorem 2.14. Let M be a connected finite CW-complex and Mc a finite cover of degree d. Then we have (2) (2) d · bi (M) = bi (Mc).

Proof. Elementary covering theory tells us that M and Mc have the same universal cover Mf and π1(Mc) is a subgroup of π1(M). So we can apply the multiplicity of Theorem 2.11. We get a corollary, which reproofs the calculation of example 2.13. Corollary 2.15. Let M be a connected finite CW-complex, which has a selfcovering p: M → M of finite degree d > 1. Then all L2-Betti number, are zero. Another very useful property, which is the main obstruction to have vanishing L2-Betti numbers, is the connection to the . Theorem 2.16. Let M be a connected finite CW-complex. Then the equation

X i (2) χ(M) = (−1) bi (M) i∈N holds.

(2) Proof. Denote π := π1(M). The basis for each Ci (Mf) corresponds to the i-cells of M. Hence: (2) dimN (π) Ci (Mf) = #i − cells. Since χ(M) = P (−1)i#i−cells it remains to show i∈N

X i (2) X i (2) (−1) bi (M) = (−1) dimN (π) Ci (Mf), i∈N i∈N

21 as for the regular Euler characteristic. This is done in exactly the same way. One looks at the two weakly exact sequences:

(2) 0 ker ∂i Ci (Mf) Im ∂i 0

(2) 0 Im ∂i+1 ker ∂i Hi (Mf) 0 and uses the additivity of the von Neumann dimension:

X i X i (2) χ(M) = (−1) #i − cells = (−1) dimN (π) Ci (Mf) i∈N i∈N X i  = (−1) dimN (π) ker ∂i + dimN (π) Im ∂i i∈N X i  (2)  = (−1) dimN (π) Im ∂i+1 + dimN (π) Hi (Mf) + dimN (π) Im ∂i i∈N X i  (2)  X i (2) = (−1) dimN (π) Hi (Mf) = (−1) bi (M). i∈N i∈N

The last equation holds, because dimN (π) Im ∂i appears twice in the sum, but with different sign.

2.4 Induction for G-CW -complexes At the end of this section we construct a new G-CW-complex out of an old one. Suppose X is a H-CW-complex and i: H → G is an injective group homomorphism. Now G × X −1 has a H-action (h, (g, x)) = (gh , hx). We indicate the orbit space with G ×H X. The similarity to the tensor product is non random.

Lemma 2.17. If X is a free H-CW-complex, then G ×H X is a free G-CW-complex. Further we have

Cn(G ×H X) = Z[G] ⊗Z[H] Cn(X)

Proof. First one has to convince oneself that for any H-map f : X → Y the map G ×H f : G ×H X → G ×H Y sending (g, x) to (g, fx) is continues and hence a G-map. Now it is easy to see, that when X−1 ⊂ X0 ⊂ ... ⊂ X is a filtration of X, then G ×H X−1 ⊂ G ×H X0 ⊂ ... ⊂ G ×H X is a filtration of G ×H X. Similar for the push out diagram. A H-pushout diagram

F qi F n−1 i∈Jn H × S Xn−1 i∈Jn

F Qi F n i∈Jn H × D Xn i∈Jn

22 yields a G-pushout diagram

F G ×H qi F n−1 i∈Jn G × S G ×H Xn−1 i∈Jn

F G ×H Qi F n i∈Jn G × D G ×H Xn i∈Jn .

So there is a 1-1 correspondence of characteristic maps of X and G ×H X, which gives the desired isomorphism Cn(G ×H X) = Z[G] ⊗Z[H] Cn(X).

3 Fuglede-Kadison Determinant

3.1 Definition and properties In this chapter we give the definition of the Fuglede-Kadison determinant. Suppose f : V → W is a morphism between Hilbert N (G)-modules. We denote L(f, λ) the set of all subspaces L ⊂ V , such that kf(x)k ≤ λkxk for all x ∈ L. We define the spectral density function

+ + F (f): R → R  λ 7−→ sup dimN (G) L | L ∈ L(f, λ) L¨uck showed in [L¨uc03, Chapter 3.2], that this function is right continues and hence defines a Borel measure by F (f) ((a, b]) = F (f)(b) − F (f)(a). The Fuglede-Kadison determinant is defined by: ( R ∞  R ∞ exp 0+ ln(λ)dF (f) , 0+ ln(λ)dF > −∞, detN (G)(f) := 0, else. R ∞ We say f is of determinant class, when 0+ ln(λ)dF > −∞. Next we state the most important properties of detN (G), which are proved in [L¨uc03,Chapter 3.2]. Proposition 3.1. Let G be a group and let A, B be matrices over C[G]. Then the following hold. 1. Composing A with an isometric isomorphism, doesn’t change the Fuglede-Kadison determinant. 2. Let A and B be weak isomorphism and of determinant class, then A · B is of determinant class and we have

detN (G) A · B = detN (G) A · detN (G) B.

3. Let λ ∈ C \{0} and set k = dimN (G) Im A: k detN (G) λA = |λ| detN (G) A.

23 4. Denote by A⊥ : ker A⊥ → Im A the induced weak isomorphism of A. Then

⊥ detN (G) A = detN (G) A .

5. If G is a subgroup of H, then we can view A as a matrix over C[H] and

detN (H) A = detN (G) A


6. detN (G) A ⊕ B = detN (G) A detN (G) B

AC 7. If A and B are weak isomorphisms and of determinant class. Then is of 0 B determinant class and AC det = det A · det B N (G) 0 B N (G) N (G) .

8. If H is a subgroup of G with finite index k. If A is an m×n-matrix of determinant class. We obtain a km × kn matrix Ae with entries in C[H] by a choice of complete representation system. For every such choice Ae is of determinant class and

[G:H] detN (G) A = detN (H) Ae

Remark 3.2. If ϕ: G → H is an group isomorphism, then it induces a ring isomorphism 2 2 ϕ∗ : Z[G] → Z[H] and an isometric isomorphism between l (G) and l (H). By the first property detN (G) A = detN (H) ϕ∗A and by fifth property it is true for ϕ being a monomorphism. Most of the properties are familiar from the regular determinant, especially when A and B are weak isomorphisms. But there are some odd phenomenons. For example detN (G) is defined even in the case m 6= n and detN (G) 0 = 1 for the zero map. In general the Fuglede-Kadison determinant is very hard to compute, but in the next section we give a description for the case G = Z.

3.2 Fuglede-Kadison determinant for N (Z) Lemma 3.3. Suppose f ∈ N (Z). Via the isomorphism from example 1.20 we define:  1 −1 Uλ := x ∈ S | |f(x)| ≤ λ = |f| ([0, λ]) and denote  2 1 Vλ := g ∈ L (S ) | supp g ⊂ Uλ .

In this case: F (f)(λ) = dimN (Z) Vλ = Vol (Uλ) .

24 Proof. Let g ∈ Vλ. Since supp g ⊂ Uλ we have

|f(x)g(x)| ≤ |λg(x)| and hence Vλ ∈ L(λ, f). Next we show by contradiction that Vλ is maximal with this property. Suppose there is a Hilbert N (Z)-submodule W , which has a greater dimension. 1 This means, there exists an u ∈ W \ Vλ and a measurable set X ⊂ S \ Uλ such that u(x) 6= 0 for all x ∈ X. Because W is a vector space we can define

v := u − χUλ u ∈ W and v is not the null function. We get

kf · vk > λ · kvk.

This is a contradiction to v ∈ W . Thus, such an u cannot exists and therefore Vλ is the maximal element in L(f, λ).

∞ 1 2 1 2 1 Theorem 3.4. Let f ∈ L (S ). Denote with Mf : L (S ) → L (S ) the multiplication operator with f. Then Z  detN (Z)(Mf ) = exp ln f(|λ|) · χ{z∈S1 | f(z)6=0}dvolz S1 Proof. Two shorten the notation, we omit the exponential and writing f instead of R ∞ Mf . The integral 0+ ln(λ)dF (f) is defined by an approximation of simple functions −1 of the type χln−1((a,b]). Note that the logarithm is monotone and hence, ln ((a, b]) = (ln−1(a), ln−1(b)]. We calculate Z −1 −1 χln−1((a,b])dF (f) := F (f)(ln (b)) − F (f)(ln (a))

= Vol Uln−1(b) − Vol Uln−1(a) = Vol |f|−1 (−∞, ln−1(b)) − Vol |f|−1 (−∞, ln−1(a)) = Vol (ln ◦|f|)−1 ([a, b)) Z = χ(ln ◦|f|)−1([a,b))dvolz.

Due to the fact that ln−1(a) = exp(a) > 0 we conclude

Z ∞  detN (Z)(Mf ) = exp ln(λ)dF (f) 0+ Z  = exp ln f(|λ|) · χ{z∈S1 | f(z)6=0}dvolz . S1

25 −1 We are now able to calculate detN (Z) rα for an element α ∈ C[g, g ]. We can multiply α with trivial units, because the Fuglede-Kadison determinant is invariant under iso- metric isomorphisms. Therefore we multiply with the least power of g in α and obtain a polynomial expression. n k X i g α = aig , i=0 Pn i k We set pα(x) = i=0 aix . The isomorphism from 1.20 sends g α to pα(x). With the preceding discussion we get Z  detN (G) rα = detN (G) rgk · rα = exp ln |pα(λ)| · χ{z∈S1 | f(z)6=0}dvolz S1 Z 1  2πit = exp ln |pα(e )|dt . 0 The last expression is well known and has been widely studied under the name Mahler measure. Let z1, . . . , zn be the roots of pα. It can be shown using Jensen’s formula that Z 1  n 2πit Y 1 Y exp ln |pα(e )|dt = |a0| = |an| · max {1, |zi|} . 0 |zi| |zi|≤1 i=1

3.3 Being of determinant class This subsection is devoted to the question, which morphisms are of determinant class. The starting point of the question is the following conjecture. 2 m 2 n Conjecture 3.5. Let A ∈ M(m×n, Q[G]). Then the induced map rA : l (G) → l (G) is of determinat class. For a very large class of group, called sofic group, it has been verified by Elek and Szab´o[ES05]. These class is closed under taking subgroups and finite index extension and contains all residually finite groups. By a result of Hempel [Hem87] the fundamental group of a 3-manifold is residually finite. Therefore we have

Proposition 3.6. Let M be a three manifold. Denote π := π1(M). Given a matrix A ∈ M(m × n, Q[π]). Then the induced map rA is of determinant class. This is the case we are mostly interested in. The next two lemmas are preparation for Section 4 and state that being of determinant class is well behaved under commutative diagrams of weak isomorphism. Lemma 3.7. Given a commutative square. g U V

k h f W Z

26 if three are weak isomorphism and of determinant class, then the fourth is a weak iso- morphism and of determinant class.

Proof. Without lost of generality the maps g, h are weak isomorphism and of determinant class. Now h ◦ g is a weak isomorphism and of determinant class by Corollary 1.17 and Proposition 3.1(2). Since the diagram is commuting the same holds for k ◦ f. By assumption one of k and f is a weak isomorphism and we conclude by the same argument, that the other map is a weak isomorphism and of determinant class.

Lemma 3.8. Given a commutative ladder of Hilbert N (G)-modules:

0 U1 V1 W1 0

f g h

0 U2 V2 W2 0 with weakly exact rows and every map on the row is of determinant class. When two of the maps f, g, h are weak isomorphism and of determinant class, then also the third will be a weak isomorphism and of determinant class.

Proof. We look the diagram:

⊥ 0 ker p1 V1 ker p1 0

0 U1 V1 W1 0

⊥ 0 ker p2 V1 ker p2 0

0 U2 V2 W2 0

By Lemma 3.7 we can restrict to the case of the diagram

⊥ 0 ker p1 V1 ker p1 0

g| g g| ⊥ ker p1 ker p1 ⊥ 0 ker p2 V2 ker p2 0

By property 3.1(6) applied to g|ker p ⊕ g| ⊥ = g one sees that all three maps are of 1 ker p1 determinant class. We write g = (g|ker p ⊕ Id) ◦ (Id ⊕g| ⊥ ) and conclude that all three 1 ker p1 maps are weak isomorphisms.

27 4 Algebraic L2-torsion

In this section we develop the main algebraic tools for the L2-Alexander torsion, which we want to study in Section 5. We are still following [L¨uc03].But we restrict ourself to the case, where C∗ is weakly acyclic.

4.1 Definition of L2-torsion

2 Definition 4.1 (L -torsion). We say a Hilbert N (G)-complex C∗ :

cn cn−1 0 ... Cn Cn−1 ... C0 0

2 2 is L -Det-acyclic, if every morphism cn is of determinant class and all L -Betti number are vanishing. Then the L2-Torsion is given by

(2) Y (−1)p τ (C∗) := detN (G)(cp) ∈ (0, ∞). p∈Z

2 (2) If C∗ is not L -Det-acyclic, we set τ (C∗) = 0. For example, if the Euler characteristic is not zero.

4.2 Two basic properties Most statements about torsion can be broken down to two formulas: the transformation formula and the multiplicity of torsion. Both formulas will be proved by induction and the next lemma is the inductive step.

2 Lemma 4.2. Let C∗ be a L -Det-acyclic chain complex of length n + 1. We define a 0 sub-chain complex C∗ by

0 C∗ : ... 0 Cn+1 Im cn+1 0 ...

00 0 and C∗ := C∗/C∗. Then the identity

(2) 0 (2) 00 (2) τ (C∗)τ (C∗ ) = τ (C∗) holds.

0 00 2 Proof. By construction C∗ and C∗ are L -Det-acyclic. We obtain a commutative dia-

28 gram:

0 Cn+1 Cn+1 0 0

cn+1 cn+1

⊥ 0 Im cn+1 Cn (Im cn+1) 0

⊥ cn cn

0 0 Cn−1 Cn−1 0

cn−1 cn−1 ......

⊥ It is detN (G)(cn) = detN (G)(cn ) by Proposition 3.1(4) and therefore

n−1 (2) 0 (2) 00 (−1)n+1 ⊥ (−1)n Y (−1)i τ (C∗)τ (C∗ ) = detN (G)(cn+1) · detN (G)(cn ) detN (G)(ci) i=0 (2) = τ (C∗)

2 Theorem 4.3 (Transformation formula). Let C∗ or D∗ are L -Det-acyclic and f∗ : C∗ → 2 D∗ be a weak chain-isomorphism. Then both are L -Det-acyclic and we have ! (2) Y (−1)p+1 (2) τ (D∗) = detN (G) (fp) τ (C∗) p∈Z

Proof. The proof is done by induction over the length of the complex C∗. Making the base case n = 2 will help us with the inductive step. We obtain the following commutative diagram.

c1 0 C1 C0 0

f1 f0 d1 0 D1 D0 0

Now the maps c1 and d1 are weak isomorphisms, because the chain complexes are weakly acyclic. Therefore we can calculate:

detN (G) (f0c1) = detN (G)(d1f1)

detN (G)(c1) · detN (G)(f0) = detN (G)(f1) · detN (G)(d1)

(2) detN (G) f1 (2) τ (D∗) = · τ (C∗). detN (G) f0

29 Let the statement be true for n > 2. Suppose C∗ has length n + 1. We define the 0 00 0 00 chain complexes C∗ and C∗ respectively D∗, D∗ as in Lemma 4.2. Now the statement 0 0 00 00 is true for C∗ and D∗ by the base case. Moreover it is true for C∗ and D∗ by induction hypothesis. We obtain the equations

(2) 0 (−1)n+2 0 (−1)n+1 (2) 0 τ (D∗) = detN (G)(fn+1) · detN (G)(fn) τ (C∗) n−1 (2) 00 00 (−1)n+1 Y (−1)i+1 (2) 00 τ (D∗ ) = detN (G)(fn ) · detN (G)(fi) τ (C∗ ) i=0 and the diagram

⊥ 0 Im cn+1 Cn (Im cn+1) 0

0 00 fn fn fn ⊥ 0 Im dn+1 Dn (Im dn+1) 0

0 00 One easily sees, that fn ⊕ fn = fn and hence

0 00 detN (G)(fn) · detN (G)(fn ) = detN (G)(fn). The equation of Lemma 4.2 finishes the proof.

i∗ p∗ Theorem 4.4 (Product formula). Let 0 C∗ D∗ E∗ 0 be a weakly short exact sequence of N (G)-chain complexes. Suppose for every n ∈ N, the morphism ⊥ ⊥ in : Cn → ker pn and pn : (ker pn) → En are isometric. If two out of the three C∗,D∗,E∗ are L2-Det-acyclic, then the third is L2-Det-acyclic and we get

(2) (2) (2) τ (C∗)τ (E∗) = τ (D∗)

⊥ ⊥ Proof. The maps i∗ : C∗ → ker p∗ and p∗ : (ker p∗) → E∗ are weak isometric chain isomorphisms and therefore detN (G) in = detN (G) pn = 1. The transformation formula 4.3 yields:

(2) (2) τ (ker p∗) = τ (C∗) (2) (2) ⊥ τ (E∗) = τ ((ker p∗) ).

⊥ Thus it is sufficient to show the theorem for C∗ = ker p∗ and E∗ = (ker p∗) . In this case we can write the differential dn of D∗ by

 0  dn dn ⊥ ⊥ dn = 00 : ker qn ⊕ ker qn → ker qn−1 ⊕ (ker qn−1) , 0 dn

0 00 ⊥ where dn and dn are the differentials of ker qn and ker qn . Again we use induction on the length of D∗ starting with n = 2. For n = 2 we can apply Lemma 3.8 and deduce

 0  d1 d1 0 00 detN (G) (dn) = detN (G) 00 = detN (G) (d1) detN (G) (d1 ). 0 d1

30 With the notation from Lemma 4.2, we get a commutative diagram

0 0 0

0 00 0 C∗ C∗ C∗ 0

0 00 0 D∗ D∗ D∗ 0

0 00 0 E∗ E∗ E∗ 0

0 0 0 and the equations

(2) 0 (2) 00 (2) τ (C∗)τ (C∗ ) = τ (C∗) (1) (2) 0 (2) 00 (2) τ (D∗)τ (D∗ ) = τ (D∗) (2) (2) 0 (2) 00 (2) τ (E∗)τ (E∗ ) = τ (E∗). (3) By induction hypotheses we obtain

(2) 0 (2) 0 (2) 0 τ (C∗)τ (E∗) = τ (D∗) (4) (2) 00 (2) 00 (2) 00 τ (C∗ )τ (E∗ ) = τ (D∗ ) (5) All equations combined proof the claim.

4.3 Hilbert N (G)-complex for a compatible duo In this section we look at twisted L2-invariants. The ideas come from the paper of Friedl, L¨uck and Dubois [DFL14] about L2-Alexander torsion. Here we work out the algebraic fundamentals.

Definition 4.5. Let π be a group, φ ∈ Hom(π, R), and γ : π → G a homomorphism. We say that φ and γ are compatible, if φ: π → R factors through γ i.e. there exists φ0 : G → R such that φ = φ0γ. γ π G

φ φ0


31 For t ∈ R+ we define the ring homomorphism

κ(φ, γ, t): Z[π] −→ R[G] X X φ(x) axx 7−→ axt γ(x). x∈G x∈G

It lets us view R[G] and hence N (G) as a Z[π]-right module. This gives rise to a functor from finite free Z[π]-modules to Hilbert N (G)-modules.

φ,γ,t 2 M∗ := l (G) ⊗R[G] R[G] ⊗κ(φ,γ,t) M. ∼ n When we choose a basis such that M = Z[π] , we get an isomorphism M φ,γ,t = l2(G)n and the structure of Hilbert N (G)-module. We write

(2) (2) φ,γ,t τ (C∗, φ, γ, t) := τ (C∗ ) for the corresponding torsion. However all this depends on the choice of basis. There- 1 fore we look at based Z[π]-chain complexes C∗. A useful fact is, that this functor is commuting with direct sums. Thus this functor is exact. Let F : Z[π]n → Z[π]m be a Z[π]-morphism of based Z[π]-modules. We have a basis for the source and target, so we can write F as a matrix (Fij) 1≤i≤n , which multiplies by right. We can look at: 1≤j≤m

ρ(F, φ, γ, t) := (κ(φ, γ, t)(Fij)) 1≤i≤n . 1≤j≤m One easily checks, that the following diagram is commutative:

φ,γ,t φ,γ,t F φ,γ,t (Z[π]m) (Z[π]n)

ρ(F, φ, γ, t) l2(G)n l2(G)m .

This leads to a crucial observation about torsion. Namely given a based Z[π]-chain complex C∗, then all differential ci can be seen as matrices and we get

(2) (2) φ,γ,t Y (−1)i τ (C∗, φ, γ, t) = τ (C∗ ) = detN (G) (ρ(ci, φ, γ, t)) . i∈Z

(2) If we want to understand τ (C∗, φ, γ, t), it will be sufficient to look at the differentials ci, the morphism κ(φ, γ, t), and how its effect the Fuglede-Kadison determinant. The next lemma is an example of this idea.

1Here based means finite and free.

32 Lemma 4.6. Let C∗ be a free Z[π]-chain complex and ϕ: G → K be a monomorphism. Suppose φ and ϕ ◦ γ are compatible. Then φ: π → R and γ : π → G are compatible and

(2) (2) τ (C∗, φ, ϕγ, t) = τ (C∗, φ, γ, t).

Proof. First we observe for a trivial unit h ∈ Z[π], that

φ(h) φ(h)  κ(φ, ϕ ◦ γ, t)(h) = t ϕγ(h) = ϕ∗ t γ(h) = ϕ∗ (κ(φ, γ, t)(h)) .

Everything extends linear and we conclude:

(2) Y (−1)i τ (C∗, φ, ϕγ) = detN (K) (ρ(ci, φ, ϕγ, t)) i∈Z Y (−1)i = detN (K) (ϕ∗ (ρ(ci, φ, γ, t))) i∈Z Y (−1)i = detN (G) ((ρ(ci, φ, γ, t))) . i∈Z The last equation is obtained from the remark after Proposition 3.1. In view of the transformation formula we emphasize again, that the torsion depends on the choice of basis. One could be more careful and consider ordered basis, but:

Proposition 4.7. Let C∗ be a free Z[π]-chain complex with ordered basis and φ: π → R, γ : G → R are compatible. Denote by Cf∗ the free Z[π]-chain complex which rises from C∗ by a permutation of basis. Then we have

(2) (2) τ (C∗, φ, γ, t) = τ (Cf∗, φ, γ, t).

Proof. The isomorphism f∗ : C∗ → Cf∗ is given by a permutation matrix Afi . Obviously

ρ(Afi , φ, γ, t) is also a permutation matrix and we have

detN (G)(ρ(Afi , φ, γ, t)) = 1, because permutation matrices are isometrics. The transformation formula states

(2) Y (−1)p+1 (2) τ (C∗, φ, γ, t) = detN (G)(ρ(Afp , φ, γ, t)) τ (Cf∗, φ, γ, t) p∈Z (2) = τ (Cf∗, φ, γ, t).

33 4.4 Restriction and Induction

Suppose C∗ is a based Z[π]-chain complex. Let H be a finite index subgroup of π. We can view C∗ as Z[H]-chain complex by restricting the action to H. We denote the resulting complex by resH C∗. Obviously this is a free chain complex. To compute (2) τ (resH C∗, φ, γ, t) we would like to use Proposition 3.1(8). However this is not possible without restrictions to the map γ. For example if γ is the trivial map, we loose all information about H. This problem doesn’t appear if ker γ ⊂ H. Then isomorphism theorems yield: ∼ ∼ π/H = (π/ ker γ) / (H/ ker γ) = Im γ/ Im γ|H . We obtain the following proposition.

Proposition 4.8 (restriction). Let C∗ be a based Z[π]-chain complex. Let H be a finite index subgroup. Suppose φ: π → R and γ : π → Γ are compatible with ker γ ⊂ H. Then there exists r ∈ R such that: (2) r (2) [π:H] τ (C∗, φ, γ, t) = t · τ (resH C∗, φ, γ, t)

This result is best possible in the sense, that we have to choose a basis for resH C∗ and for any two reasonable choices the torsion differs by a factor tr for some r ∈ R. By reasonable choice we mean a choice of isomorphism of Theorem 1.15(4). We will see this phenomenon again when we deal with the topological application.

Proof. Denote ΓH = Im γ|H . The proofs consists of two parts. First we show 2 ∼ 2 resΓH l (Γ) ⊗κ(φ,γ,t) C∗ = l (ΓH ) ⊗φ,γ resH C∗. Afterwards we can use the transformation formula to calculate the torsion. Then the claim follows from Proposition 3.1. We have already seen that we can restrict to the case, where γ is surjective. Let {g1, . . . , gn} be a complete set of representatives of π/H. This yields a complete set of representatives yi of ΓH in Γ via γ(gi) = yi. We define the chain isomorphism on generators

2 2 f∗ : resΓH l (Γ) ⊗κ(φ,γ,t) C∗ −→ l (ΓH ) ⊗κ(φ,γ,t) resH C∗

yi ⊗ c 7−→ 1 ⊗ gic with the inverse map:

−1 2 2 f∗ : l (ΓH ) ⊗κ(φ,γ,t) resH C∗ −→ resΓH l (Γ) ⊗κ(φ,γ,t) C∗

1 ⊗ gic 7−→ yi ⊗ c.

Next we have to show, that the determinant of fi is a power of t for every i ∈ N. Let {c1, . . . , cr} be the basis of Ci. We get the corresponding basis {1 ⊗ c1,..., 1 ⊗ cr} for 2 2 l (Γ) ⊗ Ci and the basis {y1 ⊗ c1, . . . , yn ⊗ cr} for resΓH l (Γ) ⊗ Ci. On the otherhand we φ(g1) φ(gn) get the basis {1⊗g1c1,..., 1⊗gncr}, which is the same as {y1t ⊗c1, . . . , yrt ⊗cr}. φ(gj ) Hence fi is a diagonal matrix with t as its entries. So it is for some ri ∈ R:

ri detN (G)(fi) = t .

34 We deduce by the transformation formula and Proposition 3.1(8):

(2) 2 Y (−1)i+1 (2) 2 τ (l (ΓH ) ⊗κ(φ,γ,t) resH C∗) = detN (G)(fi) · τ (resΓH l (Γ) ⊗κ(φ,γ,t) C∗) i∈Z r (2) 2 = t · τ (resΓH l (Γ) ⊗κ(φ,γ,t) C∗)

r (2) 2 [Γ:ΓH ] = t · τ (l (Γ) ⊗κ(φ,γ,t) C∗) .

Next we deal with a converse situation. Therefore we need a basic fact about tensor products. Lemma 4.9. Let M be a Z[H]-module. Moreover let φ: H → K and ϕ: K → G be a group homomorphisms. Then there is an isomorphism ∼ Z[G] ⊗ϕ Z[K] ⊗φ M = Z[G] ⊗ϕ◦φ M as left Z[G]-modules. Proof. The isomorphism is given by the map

f : Z[G] ⊗ϕ◦φ M −→ Z[G] ⊗ϕ Z[K] ⊗φ M α ⊗ m 7−→ α ⊗ 1 ⊗ m, which has the inverse map −1 f : Z[G] ⊗ϕ Z[K] ⊗φ M −→ Z[G] ⊗ϕ◦φ M α ⊗ β ⊗ m 7−→ αϕ(β) ⊗ m.

In the case M = Z[H] we get the induced isomorphisms ∼ ∼ Z[G] ⊗ Z[K] ⊗ Z[H] = Z[G] and Z[G] ⊗ Z[H] = Z[G] P P both sending an element ah ·h ∈ Z[H] to ah ·ϕφ(h) ∈ Z[G]. So we will think about it as equality. We rewrite this observation: Proposition 4.10. Let f : H → π be a group homomorphism and φ, γ compatible. If N C∗ is a based Z[H]-chain complex, then D∗ = Z[π] f C∗ will be a based Z[π]-chain complex and we have φf,γf,t φ,γ,t C∗ = D∗ as N (G)-chain complexes. Therefore we conclude (2) (2) τ (C∗, φf, γf, t) = τ (D∗, φ, γ, t) . Proof. By definition we have φ,γ,t ∼ 2 D∗ = l (G) ⊗R[G] R[G] ⊗(φ,γ,t) Z[π] ⊗f C∗ and φf,γf,t 2 C∗ = l (G) ⊗R[G] R[G] ⊗(φf,γf,t) C∗.

35 5 L2-Alexander torsion for CW-complexes

5.1 Definition of the L2-Alexander torsion for CW-complexes and manifolds We now apply the developed tools to topology. Let π be a group and X be free π-CW- complex of finite type. Suppose φ: π → R and γ : π → G are compatible. We define a function

(2) + + τ (X, φ, γ): R −→ R (2) φ,γ,t t 7−→ τ (C∗ (X)).

In the case that γ is the identity map we write τ (2)(X, φ). This function is not well defined as we will see in the next lemma. Therefore we need a weaker notion of equality. We say two functions f, g : + → + are equivalent, if there exists a r ∈ , such that R R . R f(t) = trg(t). This defines an equivalence relation. We write f = g, if f and g belong to the same equivalence class.

Lemma 5.1. The equivalence class of a function τ (2)(X, φ, γ) is well defined i.e. inde- pendent of the choice of pushout diagrams.

Proof. Different choices of pushout diagrams yield a change of basis by permutation and multiplication with trivial units. The permutation invariance has already been dealt with in Proposition 4.7. Multiplication with trivial units corresponds to a diagonal matrix A with entries gi ∈ G. We get

 φ(g1)  t g1 0 ... 0  0 tφ(g2)g ... 0   2  detN (G) ρ(A, φ, γ, t) = detN (G)  . . ..   . . . 0  φ(gn) 0 0 . . . t gn n Y = tφ(gi) = tr. i=1 Now the lemma follows from the transformation formula.

Theorem 5.2 (topological invariance). Let X and Y be free π-CW-complexes of fi- nite type and φ: π → R, γ : G → R are compatible. Let f : X → Y be a cellular π-homeomorphism. Then we have

τ (2)(X, φ, γ, t) ˙= τ (2)(Y, φ, γ, t)

Proof. Consider the short exact sequence of free Z[π]-modules.

0 C∗[1](X) cone∗(f) C∗(Y ) 0

36 Here C∗[1] denotes the suspension of C∗ by 1 i.e. n Cn[1] := Cn−1 and cn[1] := (−1) cn−1, Moreover   cn[1](X) fn conen(f) := Cn[1](X) ⊕ Cn(Y ) and ∂n := . 0 cn(Y )

The basis of C∗(X) and C∗(Y ) induce a basis for cone∗(f). Notice that the map in and pn are than given by matrices with 1 on the main diagonal and 0 elsewhere. Therefore ρ(in, φ, γ, t) and ρ(pn, φ, γ, t) satisfy the assumption of Lemma 4.4 and we have (2) φ,γ,t (2) (2) φ,γ,t τ (C∗(X)[1] ) · τ (Y, φ, γ, t) = τ (cone∗(f) ). It follows directly from the definition that (2) φ,γ,t (2) −1 τ (C∗(X)[1] ) = τ (X, φ, γ, t) . Now combining the work of Whitehead about simple homotopy theory [Coh73, Theorem (2) φ,γ,t r . 22.2] and Chapman [Cha74, Theorem 1], we get τ (cone∗(f) ) = t = 1.

Definition 5.3 (Admissible triple). Let N be a connected finite CW-complex, φ ∈ 1 H (N, R), and γ : π1(N) → G a group homomorphism. When φ and γ are compatible, we call (N, φ, γ) an admissible triple. Definition 5.4 (L2-Alexander torsion for an admissible triple). Let (N, φ, γ) be an admissible triple. The universal cover Ne is a π1(N)-CW-complex and we define: τ (2)(N, φ, γ) := τ (2)(N,e φ, γ). This definition was first introduced by Li and Zhang in [LZ06]. In their paper they allow t ∈ C∗, but show τ (2)(N, φ, γ)(t) = τ (2)(N, φ, γ)(|t|). That is why we have restricted to t ∈ [0, ∞) from the beginning. We will take the time to address some problems about the existence of the function τ (2)(N, φ, γ), even if they not appear in this thesis. Recall the definition of a chain complex to be L2-Det-acyclic. The chain complex must have trivial L2-homology and every morphism has to be of determinant class. This converts to two natural question about L2-Alexander torsion τ (2)(N, φ, γ) viewed as a function in t ∈ R+. φ,γ,t + 1. If C∗(Ne) is weakly acyclic for one t ∈ R , will it be weakly acyclic for every t ∈ R+? φ,γ,t + 2. If C∗(Ne) has differentials of determinant class for one t ∈ R , will it have differentials of determinant class for every t ∈ R+? These two questions seems to have a positive answer by the unpublished work of Friedl and L¨uck [FL15],[L¨uc15]and independently by the likewise unpublished work of [Liu15]. The relevance of these results will be discussed in the last Section of this thesis.

37 5.2 Basic properties of L2-Alexander torsion Some basic properties are stated here. Each is a direct consequence of Section 4.

Proposition 5.5. Let (N, φ, γ) be an admissible triple and let r ∈ R, then τ (2)(N, rφ, γ)(t) = τ (2)(N, φ, γ)(tr).

Proof. We have already seen this kind of argument in Lemma 4.6. We take a generator h ∈ Z[π] and consider κ(rφ, γ, t)(h) = trφ(h)γ(h) = κ(φ, γ, tr).

Another simple property following from Lemma 4.6 is Proposition 5.6. Let (N, φ, γ) be an admissible triple and let ϕ : G → H be a monomor- phism. Then τ (2)(N, φ, ϕ ◦ γ) = τ (2)(N, φ, γ). Proposition 4.8 becomes:

Proposition 5.7. Let (N, φ, γ) be an admissible triple. Let p : Nb → N be a finite ∗ regular cover such that ker(γ) ⊂ πb := π1(Nb). We write φb = p φ and we denote by γb the restriction of γ to πb. Then

(2) (2) [Nb:N] τ (N,b φ,b γb) ˙= τ (N, φ, γ) . Example 5.8. We look at the L2-Alexander torsion τ (2)(S1, φ, γ) of a circle with γ 1 having infinity image. Since π1(S ) = Z, γ has infinity image is equivalent with γ being injective. By Proposition 5.6 we can assume γ is the identity map. As in Example 2.13:

g−1 0 l2(Z) l2(Z) 0 .

Now applying the L2-Alexander torsion to this chain complex yields:

(2) 1 φ(g)   −φ(g) τ (S , φ) = detN (G) t g − 1 = max 1, t . In view of Lemma 7.2 it might be useful, to rewrite the result. We can act on S1 with S1 via

S1 × S1 −→ S1 (t, z) 7−→ tnz.

The isotropy group H of one point v is the cyclic group H = he2πi/ni and we have n 1 |H| = n. The orbit of the action corresponds to the element g ∈ π1(S ). We write n kφ = φ(g ) = n · φ(g) and get:

n τ (2)(S1, φ) = max 1, t−φ(g )/|H| = max 1, t−kφ/|H| .

38 5.3 Pullback of Alexander torsion Let f : Y → X be a continuous cellular map between finite connected CW-complexes. We obtain two possible definitions for the pullback f ∗(τ (2)(X, φ, γ)) of an admissible triple (X, φ, γ). First by definition we easily see, that (Y, φf∗, γf∗) is an admissible triple, where f∗ : π(Y ) → π(X) is the induced map on the fundamental group. On ∗ ∗ the other site we can pullback the universal cover f Xe. Then C∗ := C∗(f Xe) is a free (2) Z[π(Y )]-module and we can calculate the torsion τ (C∗, φ, γ). The next lemma states that if one exists both coincide. Lemma 5.9. Let f : Y → X be a continuous cellular map between finite connected CW-complexes. Then

(2) (2) φ,γ,t ∗ τ (Y, φf∗, γf∗) ˙= τ (C∗ (f Xe)).

Proof. After choosing a fundamental domain for the action of π1(Y ) and π1(X) on Ye and Xe respectively, we have a homeomorphism

∗ n o f Xe = (x,e y) ∈ Xe × Y | p(xe) = f(y) ∼ = π1(X) ×f∗ Y,e

∗ ∼ which translate to an isomorphism C∗(f Xe) = Z[π1(X)] ⊗f∗ C∗(Ye). The Alexander torsion is a topological invariant, so that the torsion does not depend on the choice of fundamental domain. The claim follows from Proposition 4.10. Remark 5.10. In the previous lemma and in the following discussion it is not really necessary, that Y is connected. We could define the torsion of an non connected space as the product of the torsion of each component. For simplicity, we suppress the case of Y having more than one connected component. Let i: Y,→ X be a subcomplex. As described before we can pullback the universal cover of Xe. In this case we get an even simpler description. Let p: Xe → X be the covering map, then i∗Xe ∼= p−1(Y ). Therefore we can view p−1(Y ) as a subcomplex of Xe. Definition 5.11 (L2-Alexander torsion of pairs). Let (X, φ, γ) be an admissible triple, p: Xe → X the universal cover, and Y ⊂ X a subcomplex. Denote Ye := p−1(Y ). Then C∗(Xe)/C∗(Ye) is free π1(X)-module and we define:

(2) (2) φ,γ,t τ (X, Y, φ, γ, t) := τ (C∗ (X,e Ye)). Lemma 5.12. Let (X, φ, γ) be an admissible triple, p: Xe → X the universal cover, and −1 i: Y,→ X a subcomplex. Denote π := π1(X) and Ye = p (Y ). If two out of three of (2) (2) (2) τ (X, φ, γ, t), τ (X, φi∗, γi∗, t) and τ (X, Y, φ, γ, t) exist, then although the third one exists and we have the identity:

(2) (2) . τ (X, φ, γ, t) τ (X, Y, φ, γ, t) = (2) . τ (Y, φi∗, γi∗, t)

39 Proof. We get the short exact sequence of free Z[π]-modules:

i∗ p∗ 0 C∗(Ye) C∗(Xe) C∗(X,e Ye) 0.

Since C∗(Ye) is a subcomplex of C∗(Xe) the maps are given by matrices, which have 1 on the main diagonal and zero elsewhere. We obtain the short exact sequence:

iφ,γ,t pφ,γ,t φ,γ,t ∗ φ,γ,t ∗ φ,γ,t 0 C∗ (Ye) C∗ (Xe) C∗ (X,e Ye) 0.

φ,γ,t ⊥,φ,γ,t Still the maps i∗ and p∗ are isometrics and we can apply the product formula 4.4. We get: (2) φ,γ,t (2) φ,γ,t (2) φ,γ,t τ (C∗ (X,e Ye)) · τ (C∗ (Ye)) = τ (C∗ (Xe)). (2) φ,γ,t (2) In Lemma 5.9 we have seen, that τ (C∗ (Ye)) = τ (Y, φi∗, γi∗, t). Proposition 5.13 (Glueing formula). Given a pushout diagram

i1 T N1

i2 j1

j2 N2 M

such that every map is cellular and i1 an closed embedding. Let (M, φ, γ) be an admissible (2) (2) (2) triple and the torsion τ (N1, φj1, γj1), τ (N2, φj2, γj2), and τ (T, φj1i1, γj1i1) exist, then τ (2)(M, φ, γ) exists. More over,

(2) (2) . (2) (2) τ (N1, φj1, γj1, t) · τ (N2, φj2, γj2, t) = τ (T, φj1i1, γj1i1, t) · τ (M, φ, γ, t). Proof. The pushout diagram

i1 T N1

i2 j1

j2 N2 M yields the π-equivariant pushout diagram

i1 ∗ ∗ ∗ i1j1 Mf j1 Mf

i2 j1

j2 j∗Mf Mf 2 .

40 We get an isomorphism by Proposition 2.1

∗ ∗ ∗ ∼ ∗ C∗(j1 M,f i1j1 Mf) = C∗(M,f j2 Mf).

By the topological invariance of the L2-Alexander torsion 5.2 we have:

(2) (2) τ (N1, T, φj1∗, γj1∗, t) ˙= τ (M,N2, φ, γ, t).

All the assumptions of Lemma 5.12 are satisfied and we can apply it to both sides.

Next we are going to introduce Seifert fiber spaces and the Thurston norm to show that the L2-Alexander torsion detects the Thurston norm of Seifert fiber spaces.

6 Seifert fiber spaces

Seifert fiber spaces were first introduced by Seifert [Sei32] in the year 1932. Since then they play an important role in the study of 3-manifolds. The most mentionable appli- cations are the JSJ-decomposition and the Thurston’s geometrization conjecture. The theory of Seifert fiber spaces is well developed and there are a lot of great introduction to this subject for example [JN83] and [Sco83]. What we are interested in, is the Thurston norm (see Definition 6.16) of those spaces. All results about Seifert fiber spaces, which we need to prove Theorem 6.26 will be recalled.

Convention. In this master thesis a 3-manifold is an orientable, compact 3-dimensional manifold, with empty or toroidal boundary.

6.1 Definition Definition 6.1 (fiber torus). A fiber torus V (p, q) is a solid torus with a fibration obtained from the trivial I-bundle over the disk D2 by

I × D2/ ∼ (0, x) ∼ (1, e2πiq/px),

Sp 2πiqk/p where one fiber is of the form k=1 I × (e x). A more descriptive picture is: Taking a solid torus with standard fibration, cutting it along a meridian and twist it by the angle 2πp/q as illustrated in Figure 2.

Definition 6.2. A fiber preserving homeomorphism of a fiber torus is an automorphism of a solid torus which sends fiber to fiber.

One can check that up to fiber preserving homeomorphism the number p is unique, while q can be chosen to be ±q mod p.

41 Figure 2: The middle fiber will be glued to itself, while the black fiber in the picture will be glued to a different fiber. The result is a fiber torus V (2, 3).

Definition 6.3. A Seifert fiber space M is a 3-manifold, which is the disjoint union of embedded circles, such that every circle has a tubular neighbourhood which is fiber preserving homeomorph to a fiber torus. A fiber is regular, if the fiber torus is V (1, 0) and singular or exceptional otherwise. The circles in the boundary give ∂M the structure of a trivial S1-bundle over S1.

Lemma 6.4. The number of exceptional fibers is finite.

Proof. By convention the manifold M is compact. All fibers in the neighbourhood of a singular fiber are regular. So the singular fibers lie discrete. Every infinite discrete subset of a compact space has an accumulation point. The neighbourhood of such an accumulation point is not a fiber torus and therefore the number of exceptional fibers must be finite.

6.2 Examples of Seifert fiber spaces In order to understand the definition better, we will go through a list of 3-manifolds which admit a Seifert fibration.

Example 6.5. This list will be discussed in more detail below.

ˆ S1-bundles

ˆ 3-manifolds with fixed point free S1 action

ˆ A Seifert fiber space with a fiber torus removed

ˆ Torus knots

ˆ Lens spaces

ˆ A finite covering of a Seifert fiber space

42 S1-bundles are exactly the Seifert fiber spaces, which admit a Seifert fibration without a singular fiber. For example the 3-sphere is a S1-principal bundle, via the Hopf fibration. This means the bundle structure comes from a free S1-action. Therefore the 3-sphere is an example for the second item in the list, too. One can ask, if this is the only possible fibration of S3 and the answer is no.

Lemma 6.6. The 3-sphere admits different Seifert fibrations.

Proof. We are thinking of the 3-sphere to be the set

3  2 2 2 S = (z, w) ∈ C | |z| + |w| = 1 and fix some coprime numbers p, q ∈ Z. Then there is an S1-action: S1 × S3 −→ S3 (θ, z, w) −→ (θpz, θqw).

Now we want to see the Seifert fibration coming from this action. We can decompose S3  3 2 1  3 2 1 in two solid tori T1 = (z, w) ∈ S | |z| ≤ 2 and T2 = (z, w) ∈ S | |w| ≤ 2 with ∼ 1 1 T1 ∩ T2 = S × S . The action restricts to T1 and T2 and it is not difficult to see that T1 ∼ is fiber homeomorph to a fiber torus V (p, q). Analogously T2 = V (q, p).

Fixing the notation from the proof we see that one orbit in the intersection T1 ∩ T2 is the standard embedding of a (p, q)-torus knot. It follows directly from the definition that a Seifert fiber space with a fiber torus removed is again a Seifert fiber space. So we deduce:

Lemma 6.7. Let K be a (p, q)-torus knot and denote νK a tubular neighbourhood. Then S3 \ νK is a Seifert fiber space.

Another example of Seifert fiber spaces are lens spaces. A lens space L(a, b) is the 3 quotient S /Za via the cyclic action (z, w) 7→ (e2πi/az, e2πib/aw).

This action commutes with the action above and so we get a Seifert fibration of a lens space L(a, b). The fact that most Seifert fibrations come from S1-actions is no coincidence as we will see in Section 6.5 below. The last class of examples we discuss is the finite regular cover of a Seifert fiber space.

Lemma 6.8. Let M be a 3-manifold with a given Seifert fibration and p: Mc → M a regular cover of degree d. Then p induces a Seifert fiber structure on Mc. Moreover let F be a regular fiber, k the number of connected components of p−1(F ) and l the degree of the induced covering of one component C ⊂ p−1(F ) → F . Then the equation d = k · l holds.

43 p


Figure 3: The base space of the Seifert fibration of S3 defined in Lemma 6.6.

Proof. Let F be a fiber in M. It has the homeomorphism type of a circle, thus p−1(F ) are disjoint circles and [ Mc = p−1(F ) F is a fiber One has to check that the neighbourhood of a component C ⊂ p−1(F ) is a (p, q)-fiber torus. This can be done by looking at the automorphisms of the solid torus. We skip the details. Next we have to show, that the numbers l and k are independent of the choice of regular fiber and connected component. Assume F is a regular fiber and k the number of components of p−1(F ). Since F is a regular fiber, there exists a neighbourhood U of F , such that every fiber F 0 in U is regular and p−1(F 0) has k components. So we see, having k components is an open condition. Every regular fiber can have at most d components covering it. Hence having not k components is an open condition, too. Both conditions cover M and since M is connected, we have that every fiber is covered −1 by k connected components. Now let C1,C2 ⊂ p (F ) be two components. Because the deck transformation group acts transitively, there is an element in the group of deck transformation, which induces an isomorphism between C1 and C2 as coverings.

6.3 Invariants coming from a Seifert fibration The basic way of thinking about a Seifert fiber space is as an S1-bundle over an . We don’t give a precise definition of this statement and refer to [Sco83]. The idea behind it is as follows. Every fiber has a neighbourhood which admits an S1-action, via

S1 × S1 × D2 −→ S1 × D2 p q (z, s1, r · s2) 7−→ (z s1, rz s2).

The orbits of this action correspond to the fibers of the fiber torus. Now we can look at the quotient space. When we have a regular fiber torus, then the quotient space is 2 2 D . When we have a (p, q)-fiber torus, then the quotient space is D /Zp, where Zp acts 2iπq/p 2 2 by rotation e . Topologically D /Zp is just D . But we want to keep the additional information of this action. So the base space Σ := M/S1 of a Seifert fiber space M is a

44 pointed surface (see Figure 3). The points correspondence to the exceptional fibers and are decorated with the number p of the corresponding fiber torus V (p, q). Such spaces are intensively studied in complex geometry, where they appear as vari- eties of polynomials in two complex variables. The following invariant and the fact that it is multiplicative under finite cover comes from this area of mathematics. Definition 6.9. (Orbifold Euler characteristic) Let Σ be a punctured surface, with points indexed by p1, . . . , pn. The orbifold Euler characteristic is defined by

n X 1 χ (Σ) = χ(Σ) − (1 − ). orb p i=1 i If there are no exceptional points we just have the ordinary Euler characteristic. Example 6.10. Taking the surface of Figure 3 we get 1 1 1 1 χ (Σ) = χ(S2) − (1 − ) − (1 − ) = + . orb p q p q Theorem 6.11. (Riemann-Hurwitz formula) Let f :Σ → Σ0 be a finite cover of of degree k, then we have 0 χorb(Σ) = k · χorb(Σ ).

Let p: Mc → M be a finite cover of Seifert fiber spaces. With the notation from Lemma 6.8 the factor k is the degree of the induced cover p: M/Sc 1 → M/S1. We 1 want to extend the invariant χorb(M/S ) to an invariant of Seifert fiber spaces, which is multiplicative under finite coverings. One could just correct the invariant by the factor l. However we go a step further and define a whole family of invariants. Taking an element φ ∈ H1(M; R), we write

kφ(M) := φ([F ]), where F is a regular fiber. Note that F has the homeomorphism type of a circle and therefore is an (possibly trivial) element in first homology. If M is clear from the context, we omit it from the notation.

Lemma 6.12. Let M be a Seifert fiber space and p: Mc → M a finite covering. If Mc is equipped with the Seifert fiber structure of Lemma 6.8 we have

l · kφ(M) = kp∗(φ)(Mc) for every φ ∈ H1(M). Proof. Let φ ∈ H1(M) and F be a regular fiber. Let C ⊂ p−1(F ) be a connected component. By definition we have

∗ kp∗(φ)(Mc) = p φ([C]) = φ(p∗[C]) = φ(l · [F ]) = l · φ([F ]), where we have used the fact p∗[C] = l·[F ] and l is the degree of the covering C → F .

45 This lemma together with the Riemann-Hurwitz formula and Lemma 6.8 yields the following theorem:

Theorem 6.13. Let M be a 3-manifold with a given Seifert fibration and p : Mc → M a regular covering of degree d. Let Mc be given induced Seifert fiber structure. Then we have d · kφ · χorb(Σ) = kp∗φ · χorb(Σ)b , where Σ and Σb are the base spaces of M and Mc.

6.4 Thurston norm of a Seifert fiber space In this section we give a formula for the Thurston norm in terms of the invariants defined in the previous section. To begin we recall the definition and the basic properties of the Thurston norm. Lemma 6.14. Let M be a 3-manifold. Then the Poincar´edual of every element of H1(M, Z) can be represented by an orientable embedded surface.

Definition 6.15 (Complexity of a surface). Let S be a orientable surface and Ci its connected components. We define

− X χ (S) := −χ(Ci) 2 2 Ci6=S ,D as the complexity of S. Definition 6.16 (Thurston norm). Let M be a 3-manifold. We define

 − xM (φ) := min χ (Sφ) |Sφ is dual to φ . Theorem 6.17 ([Thu86]). The map

1 xM : H (M; Z) −→ N φ 7−→ xM (φ) extends to a seminorm on H1(M; R). In the following homology and cohomology are with real coefficients if not stated otherwise.

6.4.1 The closed case Lemma 6.18 (Thurston-norm of principal S1-bundles). Let M be a closed prime 3- manifold with infinite fundamental group and M 6= S1 ×S2. Moreover let M be principal 1 1 S -bundle over the base space Σg and φ ∈ H (M). Then the Thurston norm is given by

xM (φ) = |χ(Σg) · kφ| where kφ is as defined before.

46 Before we proceed with the proof, we recall the definition of the transfer map.

Definition 6.19. (Freudenthal-Hopf) Let M be a closed orientable n-dimensional man- k ifold. Let PDM : H (M) → Hn−k(M) denote the Poincar´eduality. For a map f : M → N to an m-dimensional closed manifold N, we define

∗ −1 f! := PDM f PDN and ! −1 f := PDN f∗PDM . Proof. We split our investigation in two parts. First we prove the identity for the trivial bundle. By K¨unneththeorem we have:

1 H2(M) = H2(Σg) ⊕ H1(Σg) ⊗ H1(S ).

1 Now let γ ∈ H1(Σg; Z) be a generator embedded in Σg. Then obviously γ × S is an 1 embedded torus in M and a generator of H1(Σg) ⊗ H1(S ). Since the Thurston norm is subadditive, elements with vanishing Thurston norm build a linear subspace. So we can 1 ignore H1(Σg) ⊗ H1(S ). It follows directly from the definition, that kφ is linear in φ. Thus without loss of generality we restrict ourself to the case, where φ ∈ H1(M) is dual to the generator Σg ∈ H2(Σg; Z). In this case we get kφ = 1. Let i: Sφ ,→ M represents Σg in H2(M), then it induces an isomorphism (p◦i)∗ : H2(Sφ) → H2(Σg) and by Lemma 2 8.2 Sφ has at least the genus of Σg. Because Σg 6= S , we conclude

xM (φ) = −χ(Σg) · kφ.

Next we consider the case, where M is a non trivial S1-bundle. In this case we will actually show, that the Thurston norm is trivial and the fiber is a trivial element of H1(M), and therefore kφ is also zero. All this will be derived from the long exact sequence due to Gysin [Bre93, Theorem 13.2]:

p∗ p! p∗ p! 1 1 0 ∪e 2 2 1 0 H (Σg) H (M) H (Σg) H (Σg) H (M) H (Σg) 0.

Here e is the Euler class. It is not trivial by the classification of S1-bundle and the assumptions that S1-bundle is non trivial. Therefore the map ∪e is a isomorphism. Using the exactness of the sequence, we obtain, that p! is the zero map and thus p∗ is surjective. But p∗ is also injective and hence an isomorphism. To get a better understanding of this isomorphism, we change to homology using Poincar´eduality.

p! p∗ (∪e)! p! p∗ 0 H1(Σg) H2(M) H2(Σg) H0(Σg) H1(M) H1(Σg) 0.

−1 The map p! sends a cycle c ∈ H1(Σg) to its pre-image p (c) [GH14, Section 4] and in this case it is attaching a regular fiber. Thus every element in H2(M) is represented

47 by tori and hence xM ≡ 0. Now we show kφ = 0 by taking a second look to the Gysin sequence:

(∪e)! p! ... H2(Σg) H0(Σg) H1(M) ...

So p! is the zero map. The same argument as before p! sends a point to a regular fiber [F ] ∈ H1(M) and therefore [F ] = 0. Hence kφ = φ([F ]) = 0. The aim is to express the Thurston norm in terms of the invariants defined in the previous section. But these invariants depend on the choice of a Seifert fibration, which is not unique as we have seen for S3. However the problem disappears when we restrict our attention to aspherical Seifert fiber spaces.

Theorem 6.20. Let M be a Seifert fiber space and let f : M → N be a homeomorphism. Then f is homotopic to a fiber preserving homeomorphism unless one of the following occurs.

1. M is covered by S3 or S1 × S2.

2. M is covered by S1 × S1 × S1.

A proof of the theorem can be found in [Sco83, Theorem 3.9]. We will use the following conclusion of the theorem.

Corollary 6.21. Let M be a closed S1-bundle and aspherical. Then M admits a unique Seifert fiber structure up to fiber preserving homeomorphism.

Proof. Since M is aspherical we only have to consider the case M = S1 ×S1 ×S1. Given a Seifert fibration on S1 × S1 × S1 with base orbifold Σ we have a short exact sequence [JN83, Corollary 6.3]:

orb 0 Z π1(M) π1 (Σ) 1

orb Here π1 (Σ) is the orbifold fundamental group. It is defined by generators and relaters

orb pi Y Y π1 (Σ) := ha1, b1, . . . , ag, bg, c1, . . . , cr | ci = 1, [ai, bi] · ci = 1i, where ai, bi corresponds to underlying surface and ci to the exceptional points with index 3 orb pi. In this case π1(M) = Z and so π1 (Σ) is an abelian group of rank two. Therefore we can change the presentation to:

orb pi Y π1 (Σ) := ha1, b1, . . . , ag, bg, c1, . . . , cr | ci = 1, ci = 1, [ai, bi] = 1i, One easily sees that, the only possibility to end up with an abelian group of rank two is 1 g = 1 and all ci are trivial. Which means we have a S -bundle over the torus.

48 Theorem 6.22. Let M be a aspherical closed Seifert fiber space. Fix a Seifert fiber structure on M and denote the base space Σ. Then the Thurston norm is given by

xM (φ) = |χorb(Σ) · kφ|.

Proof. As shown in [AFW15, Section 3.2(C.10)] a Seifert fiber space is finitely covered by a S1-principal bundle. Let p : Mc → M be such a cover of degree d. By Corollary 6.21 the Seifert fibration on Mc is unique and therefore we may suppose Mc carries the induced Seifert fiber structure. By the multiplicity of Theorem 6.13 we obtain:

kp∗φ χorb(Σ)b k χ (Σ) = φ orb d By a famous theorem of Gabai [Gab83, Corollary 6.13], we have

x (p∗φ) x (φ) = Mc . M d and by Lemma 6.18 we conclude

∗ |kp∗φ χorb(Σ)b | x (p φ) |k χ (Σ)| = = Mc = x (φ). φ orb d d M

6.4.2 Doubling The definition of Thurston norm still makes sense, when the manifold M has boundary. Then elements S ∈ H2(M, ∂M) are represented by properly embedded surfaces. This means, that the boundary of S is embedded in the boundary of M and only the boundary of S lies in the boundary of M. Theorem 6.17 still holds in this setting.

3 1 ∼ Example 6.23. In the special case of a knot exterior M = S \ νK it is H (M) = R. The Thurston norm of a generator φ ∈ H1(M; Z) fulfils the equation:

xM (φ) = 2 · genus(K) − 1

(p−1)(q−1) For a (p, q)-torus knot K, it is well known that genus(K) = 2 . In view of Theorem 6.26 we use the explicit description of the Seifert structure of a (p, q)-torus knot in Lemma 6.7 to regain this result. The base space Σ looks like Figure 3 with a disk 1 1 p+q−pq 3 removed, so that χorb(Σ) = p + q − 1 = pq . In addition we have |kφ(S \ νK)| = pq, 3 because the generator is the meridian µ ∈ H1(S \νK) and in terms of this a regular fiber 3 [F ] ∈ H1(S \νK) is given by [F ] = pq·µ. We obtain xM (φ) = |χorb(Σ)·kφ| = |p+q−pq| and x (φ) + 1 1 − p − q + pq (p − 1)(q − 1) genus(K) = M = = . 2 2 2

49 To extend the results to manifolds with boundary we use a standard technique in low dimensional topology, which is called doubling. The procedure consists of the following steps: 1. Calculate the closed case.

2. Get a glueing formula along boundary.

3. Double the manifold by taking two disjoint copies and glue them together along their boundary.

4. Use step 1 and 2 to do the calculation. In the previous section we have already dealt with part one. The glueing formula of the Thurston norm can be found in the book of Eisenbud and Neumann [EN85]: Theorem 6.24. Let T be a collection of incompressible disjoint tori embedded in N. Let B be a component of N \ T and denote iB : B → N the inclusion in N. For every φ ∈ H1(M) the Thurston norm satisfies the equality

X ∗ xN (φ) = xB(iBφ). B⊂N\T

The glueing formula for the orbifold Euler characteristic is more familiar. Lemma 6.25. Let S be an orbifold and U, V ⊂ S an open cover of S. We obtain

χorb(S) = χorb(U) + χorb(V ) − χorb(U ∩ V )

This formula is proved in exactly the same way as for the regular Euler characteristic. If two orbifolds are glued together along their boundary, which is homeomorphic to S1, then χorb becomes additive. We are ready to prove: Theorem 6.26. Let M be a prime orientable compact 3-manifold with infinite funda- mental group, which is closed or has toroidal boundary. Let M be Seifert fibered with 1 2 1 2 1 base space Σg and M 6= S × S ,S × D . Then for any φ ∈ H (M), we have

xM (φ) = |χorb(Σ) · kφ|, where kφ := φ([F ]) and F is a regular fiber. Proof. Most of the theorem has already been proven. We only need to consider the case, where M has boundary. Therefore we can double the manifold.

i1 F i2 M M ∂M M M, which we denote M doub. Then M doub is not S1 × S2, because M 6= S1 × D2. Given a 1 class φ ∈ H (M) we write Sφ ∈ H2(M, ∂M) for a properly embedded dual i.e. ∂Sφ ⊂

50 doub doub doub ∂M. The double Sφ is a closed surface, which embeds in M and thus Sφ ∈ doub doub H2(M ). The Poincare dual φ satisfies

∗ doub ∗ doub i1φ = i2φ = φ.

When we apply Theorem 6.24 to the tori of ∂M we get

doub xM doub (φ ) = xM (φ) + xM (φ).

doub doub When Σg is the base space of M, then Σg is the base space of M . A regular fiber F ∈ M \ ∂M can be seen as a regular fiber in M doub. It is clear from the construction doub that kφ(M) = kφdoub (M ). Hence,

doub kφdoub · χorb(Σg ) = kφ (χorb(Σg) + χorb(Σg))

= kφχorb(M) + kφχorb(M).

Because M doub is closed, we can apply Theorem 6.22 and we get:

doub x doub (φ ) |k doub | x (φ) = M = φ · |χ (Σdoub)| = |k χ (Σ )|. M 2 2 orb g φ orb g

6.5 Seifert fiber spaces and S1-actions In this section we will discuss under which condition a Seifert fiber space M admits an S1-action. We recall the well know slice theorem[Die87, Chapter 1, Theorem 5.6]:

Theorem 6.27 (Slice Theorem). Let M be a manifold on which a Lie group G acts effectively. For any x ∈ M the map G/Gx → M, [g] 7→ g · x extends to an equiv- ariant diffeomorphism in a neighbourhood. I.e for every x ∈ M the orbit Gx has a neighbourhood, which is G-equivariant diffeomorph to G ×Gx TxM/TxGx. This insures that a 3-manifold M, with a fixed point free S1-action is Seifert fibered. 2πiq/p ∼ 2 In fact, in this case Gx = he i and TxM/TxGx = D . Hence the neighbourhood of 1 2 an orbit is diffeomorph to S ×he2πiq/pi D , which is exactly our model for a fiber torus V (p, q). The opposite is true up to a cover of degree two as we will see in the next theorem.

Theorem 6.28. Let M be a Seifert fiber space with orientable base space. Then M admits an S1-action.

Proof. We have described a local S1-action before. For this action the number p is unique, while q leaves a choice of sign, which is choosing a direction for the action. So the local action can be extended to the whole manifold M, if and only if we can orient all fibers coherently, which is equivalent to have an oriented base space.

51 X0-skeleton: X1-skeleton: X2-skeleton:

v0 v1 v0 v1 v0 v1

Figure 4: The filtration of the fiber torus V (p, q). The dotted line indicates the S1-orbit.

This action will be encoded in combinatorial data with the help of S1-CW-complex, which has been defined in the Section 2.2. There is a general statement about G- equivariant triangulations [Ill83]. However in the simple case of a three manifold with an S1 action we give a direct construction. Theorem 6.29. Every Seifert fiber space with orientable base space admits an S1-CW- structure.

Proof. We start with a S1-CW-structure of a fiber torus V (p, q). Morally one just gives a CW-structure to the space V (p, q)/S1. This result is the following filtration: We have two 0-cells v0 and v1, two 1-cells e0, e1 and one 2-cell d as shown in Figure 4 and the characteristic maps are just the orbits. Now let M be a Seifert fiber space with orientable base space. First we remove a neighbourhood of each exceptional fiber to end up with a trivial S1-bundle over a surface Σg with toroidal boundary. For Σg we find a CW -structure and this gives a 1 1 S -CW -structure for S × Σg. Now we can glue back the fiber tori, such that the fibers of the boundary torus coincide. Glueing is the same as a pushout diagram and since we have a S1-CW-structure on the fiber torus, we get a S1-CW-structure for the whole manifold M.

7 L2-Alexander torsion for Seifert fibered 3-manifolds

We have gathered everything to calculate the L2-Alexander torsion for an interesting class of 3-manifolds, namely the Seifert fiber spaces. The goal of this section is the following theorem. Theorem 7.1 (Main Theorem). Let M be a Seifert fiber space with M 6= S1×S2,S1×D2 and (M, φ, γ) an admissible triple, such that the image of a regular fiber under γ is an element with infinite order in G. The L2-Alexander torsion is given by

τ (2)(X, φ, γ) = max 1, txM (φ) .

52 We will establish the theorem in two steps. First we show the theorem for M with orientable base space. Afterwards we use a glueing formula along tori to obtain the remaining cases.

7.1 L2-Alexander torsion for S1-CW-complex Lemma 7.2 (L2-torsion of S1-CW-complex). Let X be a connected S1-CW-complex of finite type and φ ∈ H1(X; R). Suppose that for one and hence all x ∈ X the map 1 1 evx : S → X defined by z 7→ z · x induces an injective map γ ◦ evx : π1(S , 1) → G. The composite 1 evx φ π1(S , 1) π1(X, x) R is given by multiplication with a real number. Let kφ denote this number. Define the S1-orbifold Euler characteristic of X by

S1 X n X 1 χorb(X) = (−1) · |Hi| n≥0 i∈Jn where Jn denotes the set of open n-cells and for i ∈ Jn the set Hi is the isotropy group of the corresponding cell. Then

1 2 n χS (X)·k o τ (X, φ, γ) = max 1, t orb φ

Proof. We use induction over the dimension of cells. In dimension zero X is a circle. There the theorem holds by example 5.8. Now the induction step from n-1 to n is done as follows. Per definition of S1-CW-complex we can choose a equivariant S1-pushout with dim(Xn) = n F q F S/H × Sn−1 i X i∈Jn i n−1

i j . F Q F S/H × Dn i X i∈Jn i n And obtain from the glueing formula 5.13:

Y (2) 1 n 1 n−1 (2) τ (S /Hi × D ,S /Hi × S , γQi, φQi) = τ (Xn,Xn−1, γ, φ)

i∈Jn The left hand side can be computed by the suspension isomorphism 8.1.

Y (2) 1 n 1 n−1 Y (2) 1 (−1)n τ (S /Hi × D ,S /Hi × S , γQi, φQi) = τ (Sf, φQi, γQi)

i∈Jn i∈Jn Y n = max 1, t(−1) kφ/|Hi|

i∈Jn n P  (−1) k 1/|Hi| = max 1, t φ i∈Jn

53 Here we used the assumption that γ ◦ evx has infinite image. The torsion for Xn−1 is defined by induction hypothesis. We can apply Lemma 5.12 and conclude:

(2) (2) (2) τ (Xn, γ, φ) = τ (Xn,Xn−1γ, φ) · τ (Xn−1, γi, φi)

n P n S1 o  (−1) k 1/|Hi| χ (Xn−1)k = max 1, t φ i∈Jn · max 1, t orb φ

1 n χS (X)·k o = max 1, t orb φ

All Seifert fiber spaces with orientable base space admit a S1-CW-structure by The- 1 S1 orem 6.29. One easily sees that χorb(M/S ) = χorb(M). With Theorem 6.26 we have verified Theorem 7.1 for all Seifert fiber spaces with orientable base space.

Example 7.3. Let K be a (p, q)-torus knot and φ ∈ H1(S3 \ νK; Z) a generator. We have already seen that xS3\νK (φ) = p + q − pq. Therefore:

τ (2)(S3 \ νK, φ) = max 1, tp+q−pq

We derive another useful fact from Lemma 7.2. Namely the vanishing of the L2- Alexander torsion of a torus T 2. For the obvious S1 action, we have

S1 2 1 χorb(T ) = χ(S ) = 0 Thus for any φ ∈ H1(T 2) and compatible γ with infinite image i.e. τ (2)(T 2, φ, γ) ˙=1. Therefore the glueing formula 5.13 along tori reduces to:

Corollary 7.4. Let (N, φ, γ) be an admissible triple. Assume N can be obtained by glueing 3-manifolds N1,...Nm along tori T1,...,Tn in their boundary such that the re- (2) striction of γ to each torus Ti has infinite image and the torsion τ (Nk, φik, γik) exists for all k ∈ {1, . . . , m}. Then

m Y (2) . (2) τ (Nk, φik∗, γik∗) = τ (N, φ, γ) k=1

7.2 L2-Alexander torsion for Seifert fiber spaces with non orientable base space One should observe, that cutting a Seifert fiber space M along a torus T , such that the standard fibration of the torus and the fibration of M coincide is exactly the same as cutting the base space of M along S1. This will be the key observation in both proofs.

Lemma 7.5. Let M be a Seifert fiber space with a Klein bottle as base space and (M, φ, γ) admissible, such that the image of γ restricted to a fiber has infinite image. Then

τ (2)(M, φ, γ, t) = max 1, txM (φ)

54 Q p1

p1 p1 p2

p2 p2 p3

p p 3 S 3

Figure 5: A Klein bottle with two boundary components and three exceptional points is cutted along two S1 to obtain two orientable pieces.

Proof. We can cut M along two tori, such that we obtain two Seifert fibered pieces M1,M2 both with orientable base space (see Figure 5) and a fiber of M and the fibers of the two tori coincide. Then the restriction of γ to the tori has infinite image by assumption. We use the glueing formula along tori 7.4 and obtain

(2) (2) (2) τ (M, φ, γ, t) = τ (M1, φi1, γi1, t) · τ (M2, φi2, γi2, t)  x (i∗φ)  x (i∗φ) = max 1, t M1 1 · max 1, t M2 2  x (i∗φ)+x (i∗φ) = max 1, t M1 1 M2 2 = max 1, txM (φ)

Theorem 7.6. Let M be a Seifert fiber space with a non orientable base space other than RP 2 and (M, φ, γ) admissible, such that the image of γ restricted to a fiber has infinite image. Then τ (2)(M, φ, γ, t) = max 1, txM (φ) Proof. By the classification of non orientable surfaces, we can cut the base space along S1, such that every piece is a Klein bottle with boundary or a M¨obiusstripe. This corresponds to cutting M along tori, such that every connected component has a M¨obius stripe or Klein bottle as base space. Because of the additivity of the Thurston norm and the glueing formula along tori it is sufficient to proof the statement for every piece. The case of the Klein bottle has been dealt with in the lemma before. Since the doubling of a M¨obiusstripe is the Klein bottle, we can use exactly the same doubling argument as in Theorem 6.26 to receive the desired result.

7.3 Outlook In [DFL14] the authors introduced the concept of a function to be monomial in the limit and the degree of a function, which is monomial in the limit. We recall the definitions.

55 Definition 7.7 (monomial in the limit). We say a function f is monomial in the limit, if there are D, d ∈ R and non-zero real numbers c, C ∈ R, such that f(t) f(t) lim = c and lim = C t→0 td t→∞ tD Definition 7.8 (degree of a map). If f is monomial in the limit, we define deg f := D − d as the degree of f. . Suppose f = g. We have that f is monomial in the limit, if and only if g is. In this case we have deg f = deg g. So the degree is an invariant of the weaker notion of equality of function. The main theorem 7.1 can be restated to

(2) deg τ (N, φ) = xN (φ) for all Seifert fiber spaces N with infinite fundamental group and N 6= S1 × S2,S1 × D2. We have mentioned earlier one of the important results in 3-dimensional topology. It is the JSJ-decomposition and Thurston’s geometrization conjecture: Theorem 7.9. [AFW15, Geometrization Theorem 1.7.6] Let N be a compact, ori- entable, irreducible 3-manifold with empty or toroidal boundary. There exists a (possibly empty) collection of disjointly embedded incompressible tori T1,...,Tm in N such that each component of N cut along T1 ∪· · ·∪Tm is hyperbolic or Seifert fibered. Furthermore any such collection of tori with a minimal number of components is unique up to isotopy. From this we obtain the following corollary. Corollary 7.10. Let N be a irreducible 3-manifold, such that every connected component of the JSJ-decomposition is a Seifert fiber space. Let (N, φ, γ) be admissible and γ has infinite image restricted to each fiber of each component. Then:

(2) deg τ (N, φ, γ) = xM (φ) Sm Proof. By Theorem 7.1 we have for every component Nk of N \ i=1 Tm: (2) deg τ (Nk, φik∗, γik∗) = xNk (φ) Now the glueing formula along tori states

m (2) X (2) deg τ (N, φ, γ) = deg τ (Ni, φik∗, γik∗) k=1 m X ∗ = xNi (ikφ) k=1

= xN (φ)

56 The last thing to achieve a complete picture is to understand the L2-Alexander torsion for a hyperbolic 3-manifold. Last month on the ArXiv appeared a paper by Friedl and L¨uck [FL15] and independently a paper by Liu [Liu15]. Both state the theorem:

Theorem 7.11. Let M be a irreducible 3-manifold with infinite fundamental group and empty or toroidal boundary. Then we get for any element φ ∈ H1(M; Z).

(2) deg τ (M, φ) = xM (φ)

8 Appendix

Here we present two lemmas, which might be, but don’t have to be subject of an algebraic topology course.

Lemma 8.1 (Suspension). Let X be a connected CW-complex and φ ∈ H1(X, R) and γ : π1(X) → Γ such that φ, γ are compatible. Then we have:

τ (2)(X × Dn,X × Sn−1, γ, φ, t) = τ (2)(X, γ, φ, t)(−1)n

Proof. The universal cover of X × Dn is Xe × Dn, where Xe is the universal cover of X. We have

n n−1 n n−1 C∗(Xe × D , Xe × S ) := C∗(Xe × D )/C∗(Xe × S ) ∼ n n−1 = C∗(Xe) ⊗Z C∗(D )/C∗(Xe) ⊗Z C∗(S ) ∼ n n−1 = C∗(Xe) ⊗Z C∗(D ,S ) All the isomorphisms are well known and come from the CW-structure of the cartesian product of two CW-complexes. Therefore they don’t change the torsion. So we have to n n−1 n understand the complex C∗(D ,S ). For the obvious CW-structure of D , with one 0-cell, one n-1-cell and one n-cell, we have Sn−1 as a subcomplex with one 0-cell and one n-1-cell. Hence ( n n−1 Z i = n Ci(D ,S ) = 0 else By the definition of tensor products of chain complexes, we have

n n−1 ∼ n n−1 C∗(Xe × D , Xe × S ) = C∗(Xe) ⊗Z C∗(D ,S ) = C∗−n(Xe)

Lemma 8.2. Let Σg, Σg+k be surfaces with genus(Σj) = j and k > 0. There cannot exist a continuous map f :Σg → Σg+k, such that f∗ : H2(Σg) → H2(Σg+k) induces an isomorphism.

57 b1 b2

a1 a2

1 Figure 6: A surface of genus two, with the standard basis of H (Σ2).

2 ∼ ∼ Proof. There are isomorphisms H (Σg) = Hom (H2(Σg), Z) = Z. For an arbitrary ∗ ∗ φ ∈ Hom (H2(Σg), Z) we have f (φ) := φ ◦ f∗. Thus f is an isomorphism if and only if f∗ is an isomorphism. We show the statement for cohomology. Suppose there is a ∗ 2 2 continuous map f :Σg → Σg+k such that f : H (Σg+k) → H (Σg) is an isomorphism. We use the fact that f ∗ is a ring homomorphism with respect to the cup product. Using the usual representation of a surface (see Figure 6), with the standard basis 1 {a1, b1, . . . , ag, bg} for H (Σg), we get a linear pairing by

1 1 2 ∼ H (Σg) × H (Σg) −→ H (Σg) = Z (γ1, γ2) 7−→ γ1 ∪ γ2 satisfying ai ∪ bj = δij and ai ∪ aj = bi ∪ bj = 0. ∗ 1 1 Now the map f : H (Σg+k) → H (Σg) has at least a kernel of rank 2 · k. Hence there ∗ Pg+k is an element γ ∈ ker f \{0} with γ = i=1 λiai + µibi and λi 6= 0 or µi 6= 0 for some i ∈ {1, . . . , g + k}. Without loss of generality we can suppose that λi 6= 0. Therefore we conclude ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 0 = f (γ) ∪ f (bi) = f (γ ∪ bi) = f (λi[Σg+k]) = ±λi · [Σg], which is a contradiction.


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