Finitely Generated Groups Are Universal
Finitely Generated Groups Are Universal Matthew Harrison-Trainor Meng-Che Ho December 1, 2017 Abstract Universality has been an important concept in computable structure theory. A class C of structures is universal if, informally, for any structure, of any kind, there is a structure in C with the same computability-theoretic properties as the given structure. Many classes such as graphs, groups, and fields are known to be universal. This paper is about the class of finitely generated groups. Because finitely generated structures are relatively simple, the class of finitely generated groups has no hope of being universal. We show that finitely generated groups are as universal as possible, given that they are finitely generated: for every finitely generated structure, there is a finitely generated group which has the same computability-theoretic properties. The same is not true for finitely generated fields. We apply the results of this investigation to quasi Scott sentences. 1 Introduction Whenever we have a structure with interesting computability-theoretic properties, it is natural to ask whether such examples can be found within particular classes. While one could try to adapt the proof within the new class, it is often simpler to try and code the original structure into a structure in the given class. It has long been known that for certain classes, such as graphs, this is always possible. Hirschfeldt, Khoussainov, Shore, and Slinko [HKSS02] proved that classes of graphs, partial orderings, lattices, integral domains, and 2-step nilpotent groups are \complete with respect to degree spectra of nontrivial structures, effective dimensions, expansion by constants, and degree spectra of relations".
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