BUENA VISTA AUDUBON SOCIETY Birdhouse Auction LAGOON March 18, 2017 5:00-8:00 p.m. FLYER Save the date! VOLUME 46 / NUMBER 1 / JANUARY 2017

Breaking Point with director Bill Wisneski One of the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history is quickly approaching, yet very li=le is being done to stop it. A casualty of the "water wars" in the Southwest, 's largest lake is disappearing. The receding reveals a toxic mix of fine dust and chemicals that is threatening the health of millions. The Salton Sea has reached its breaking point, and Fme is running out.

Join us as Bill Wisneski presents his award-winning film Breaking Point. As a director, producer, writer, and cinematographer, he has received fourteen Pacific Southwest Emmy Awards and dozens of other naFonal accolades for his compelling environmental documentaries. His films have been shown at more than fiOy film fesFvals throughout the country and aired on numerous PBS staFons in the Western United States. In these days of environmental uncertainty, knowing and caring are not enough. Breaking Point is a call to acFon and Bill Wisneski is the perfect person to serve as our guide. Wednesday, January 18 6:30 p.m. Social; 7:00 p.m. Program NEWS & CONSERVATION VOLUME 46 / NUMBER 1 / JANUARY 2017 / 2

Bringing in the Sheaves Rails will come rejoicing… The lagoon’s fringe is geVng a makeover. Spor6ng life vests, waders, and hard hats, crews of up to twelve workers head out each morning to carve large swaths through the caBails. The County Department of Vector Control funds the Project Manager, Eli Kersh and two-month project. When completed this Biologist, Shana Carey month, the large open tracks will allow mosquito-control measures to reach the heart of the thick vegeta6on. California Fish and Wildlife supervises the work, and wildlife biologists are on hand to ensure there is no harm to the Ridgway’s rails. On the contrary, the swaths create new “edge habitat,” providing access for the rails and other species of birds, mammals, fish, and beneficial insects.

Work is concentrated on the north shore, both by the center and the new BVAS property across the street. Water views have opened drama6cally, enhancing the experiences of visi6ng classrooms and the general public. Who else will enjoy the changes? Winter visitors along the Pacific Flyway.

Water-Wise BVAS in the Community You don't usually hear about biology and car-engine oil changes in the same ar6cle. Members of the BVAS Garden Club and the Surfrider Ocean Friendly Gardens CommiBee united to transform the side yard of the Econo Lube N Tune on Vista Way and Coast Highway. Last year, BVAS hosted a class on how to create a bioswale. Par6cipants from the class worked together to design and construct the neighborhood water channel. The drainpipe from the roof was rerouted to empty into the swale and during a 2" rain last year, not one drop escaped! The primary purpose of the bioswale is to clean runoff by filtering it through the earth. While it is obvious that pollu6on was prevented from going into the ocean at this near-coastal site, bioswales are equally important anywhere in our watershed. Further, water is captured to irrigate landscaping and add to the water table. The plan6ng of the bioswale beau6fies the business district. We look forward to seeing these plants thrive as they help prevent ocean pollu6on. BIRDING!WITH!BVAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!VOLUME!46!/!NUMBER!1!/!JANUARY!!2017!/!3! 2016 / 4 !

SAN!DIEGUITO!RIVER!PARK!BIRD!WALK! Saturday,!January!21st!—!8:30!a.m.!! Lower!Crest!Canyon! Directions:!Lower!Crest!Canyon—!From!I'5,!take!Via!de!la! THE!SALTON!SEA! Valle!west;!left!on!Jimmy!Durante!Blvd.;!left!on!San! Sunday,!January!22nd!!! Dieguito!Rd.!Drive!east!1!mile!to!trailhead.! Bob!Miller!will!be!our!guide!to!the!Imperial!Valley’s!birding! Leader:!John!Haddock!(760'941'7824)! hot'spot,!the!Salton!Sea.!Bob’s!extensive!knowledge!of!birds,! ! geology,!ecology,!and!history!will!bring!the!desert!to!life!! BASIC!BIRDING!WORKSHOP!AND! Sandhill!cranes,!waterfowl,!raptors,!burrowing!owls…!the!list! BUENA!VISTA!LAGOON!BIRD!COUNT! th is!endless.!! Saturday,!January!28 !—!9!a.m.! ! Come!along!with!BVAS!birders!for!our!basic!birding! ! This!is!an!overnight!trip!and! workshop!and!bird!count!at!Buena!Vista!Lagoon.!No! ! limited!to!the!first!15!people! experience!necessary.!! who!contact!Steve.!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leader:!Tom!Troy!(760'420'7328)! ([email protected])!! ! Registration!$25!! ! ! ADAPTATIONS!FOR!LIVING!ON!THE!SEA!! ! Registration!starts!on!! th !!!Seabirds!have!evolved!many!ways!of!surviving!the! January!6 ! challenges!of!living!a!life!intimately!tied!to!the!sea.!What! Burrowing!Owl!(S.!Brad)! adaptations!help!them!find!food!and!cope!with!excess!salts?!! One!group!of!birds,!the!Procellariiformes,!evolved!external! ! tubular!nasal!passages,!which!describe!their!collective!name! JJooiiinn!!!UUss!!!FFoorr!!!OOuurr!!!RReegguulllaarrlllyy!!! “tubenoses.”!Tubenoses!include!albatrosses,!shearwaters,! petrels,!and!storm'petrels.! SScchheedduullleedd!!!BBiiirrdd!!!WWaalllkkss!!!!! !!!All!tubenoses!have!nostrils!! !!! enclosed!in!a!tube.!The!shearwaters,!! WHELAN!LAKE!BIRD!SANCTUARY!WALK!! petrels!(including!the!northern!! Saturday,!January!7th!—!8!a.m.! fulmar),!and!storm'petrels!have!one!! Directions:!From!I'5,!take!Hwy!76!east;!turn!left!at!Douglas! tube!on!top!of!the!bill.!Albatrosses!! Drive;!continue!to!the!light!at!North!River!Rd;!go!left!on!North! have!two!tubes,!one!on!each!side!! River!Rd.!Pass!through!entrance!gate!and!follow!signs!to!the! of!the!bill.!The!tubular!nostrils!may!! Northern!fulmar! lake.!Feel!free!to!contact!the!leader!for!directions.! help!funnel!scents,!and!tubenoses!! (Steve!Brad)! Leader:!John!Haddock!(760'941'7824)! have!an!excellent!sense!of!smell,!! ! which!allows!them!to!easily!detect!fish,!squid,!krill,!and! zooplantkton.!(Some!species!also!feed!on!carrion.)!Some! LAKE!HODGES! species!are!nocturnal,!and!excellent!olfaction!is!also!important! Sunday,!January!8th!—!7:30!a.m.! in!finding!nests!on!crowded!nesting!colonies.! Lake!Hodges!is!home!to!a!variety!of!waterfowl,!waders,!and! !!Tubenoses!drink!seawater!and!have!specially!adapted!nasal! raptors.!We!may!see!the!grebes!dancing!!The!lake!is!nestled!in! glands!to!cope!with!high!salinity!(approximately!3.5!percent).! oak!woodlands,!coastal!sage!scrub,!and!riparian!areas.!! The!nasal!glands!pump!chloride!and!sodium!ions!out!of!the! Location:!We!will!meet!in!the!parking!area!across!from! blood!stream!into!secretions,!which!exit!out!of!the!nostrils! Hernandez!Hideaway!Mexican!Restaurant!at!19320!Lake!Dr,! and!down!along!the!grooves!on!the!bill.!! Escondido.!Join!us!for!lunch!after!the!walk!at!the!Hernandez! ! Hideaway.!Note!the!time!change,!we’re!starting!early!! ! Leader:!Steve!Brad!(760'633'1639)[email protected]! ! ! ! STEVE’S!SURPRISE!THURSDAY!WALK! ! th Thursday,!January!12 !—!8!a.m.! ! Come!along!on!our!weekday!surprise'location!bird!walk!on!the! ! second!Thursday!of!each!month.!Where!we!go!is!based!on! ! recent!reports!and!Steve’s!personal!surveying.!If!you’d!like!to! !!!! get!on!Steve’s!Second!Thursday!Walk!notification!list,!send!an! ! Laysan!albatross! [email protected].! MEMBERSHIP / VOLUNTEERS VOLUME 46 / NUMBER 1 / JANUARY 2017 / 4

A Chance to Make a BVAS OFFICERS, BOARD*, AND CHAIRS Difference! President Natalie Shapiro* 406-241-2153 Vice-President Dennis Huckabay* 760-757-6437 Buena Vista’s Board is Secretary Judi Wilson* 760-439-3649 looking for people who are Treasurer Sandy McMullen* 760-944-5690 interested in leadership Director Andy Mauro* 760-753-1266 posiPons: commiMee Director Dave Billings* 760-753-7925 members, commiMee Director Kathy Billings* 760-753-7925 chairs, and treasurer are Director Jane MygaM* 505-249-5333 Director Curt Busk* 521-393-4755 some of the posiPons that Center Manager AnneMe Schneider 760-945-8891 we are looking to fill in the ConservaPon Chair Joan Herskowitz* 760-942-5167 new year. If you are FaciliPes/Exhibits Danny DiMento* 858-688-6891 interested in finding out Field Trips Steve Brad* 760-633-1639 more, call Natalie Shapiro Bird House AucPon Kelly Deveney* 760-721-2441 GiX Shop Denise Riddle* 760-439-0256 at 406-241-2153. Library C.J. DiMento 760-231-9096 Membership/Mailings Janice Osborne email: [email protected] Build a Bird or Bee House! NaPve Plant Club Joan Bockman* Join our first-ever workshop to create your email: [email protected] own bird or bee house. Keep or donate Nature Story Time Sally Bickerton 760-722-0375 NewsleMer Editor Bruce Montgomery* 760-931-6678 your masterpiece to the Annual Birdhouse NewsleMer Editor PaMy Montgomery* 760-931-6678 AucPon in March. email: [email protected] Who: Teens and adults (ages 12 & up) Programs Dennis Huckabay* 760-757-6437 When: Saturday, January 21st; 10:00 - 2:00 Publicity Natalie Shapiro* 406-241-2153 Where: Buena Vista Nature Center email: [email protected] Volunteers/Outreach Bob Crowell* 760-207-3884 Materials fee: $8.00 email: [email protected] To reserve your place, Webmaster J.J. Springer 818-859-8244 call the nature center at 760-439-BIRD.

Curing the Empty Nest Syndrome…One Birdhouse at a Time

The Lagoon Flyer is looking for stories to Pckle the fancy (or funny bone) of members striving to aMract the perfect roommate. If you have had success in enPcing our feathered friends to live in your birdhouse, let us know. Send your story and pictures to us at [email protected]. Extra credit if the birdhouse came from a BVAS aucPon. Who knows? You may be the next Jimmy Olsen!

BVAS DONATION MINI-FORM (Clip and Send) Name: ______Email: ______Address: ______Amount.: ______Check (enclosed) ______or *Credit Card ______*Credit Card Info: # ______Exp. ______Please indicate how you’d like your donaTon applied: Nature Center & Programs/BVAS Nature Endowment: ______DonaPons of $100 or more will be doubly-matched by a special grant, with the combined funds placed in the new BVAS Nature Endowment to create a dependable source of support for generaPons to come. DonaPons of less than $100 will go into the general operaPng account to fund current expenses. Ridgway’s Rail Society/Land AcquisiTon Fund: ______BVAS is sPll collecPng funds to support its legacy campaign to restore and manage the newly-acquired lagoon parcel, and to purchase and restore a 31-acre property near the Whelan Lake Bird Sanctuary. Send to: BVAS; P.O. Box 480; Oceanside, CA 92049. NEWS & EVENTS VOLUME 46 / NUMBER 1 / JANUARY 2017 / 5

Derailed? Get on Board! In 2014 three West Coast subspecies of the clapper rail found themselves in an en:rely new species— Ridgway’s rail. One subspecies calls San Diego County home—the light-footed Ridgway’s rail, which resides in coastal salt marshes of . All three subspecies of Ridgway’s rail have the dubious dis:nc:on of being on the Federal Endangered Species list. The scien:fic name (Rallus obsoletus) sounds as if the endangered bird has already disappeared. But the root of the species name comes from La:n for “dull” or “plain,” referencing the rather drab feather pa@ern on the bird’s back. Further, a Ridgway’s rail has a strangely shaped body, with a bulging breast and a rather saggy rear. If you catch a head-on view, you’ll see that the bird is laterally compressed—looking surprisingly thin, as if it had walked into a closing vice. (Hence the phrase “thin as a rail.”) But being drab and thin is an evolu:onary advantage. This special colora:on and configura:on make it easier for the bird to slip through dense vegeta:on without being seen or crea:ng a noisy distrac:on. Why then are these rails endangered? These rails require a very specific configura:on of salt marsh, namely edges where cordgrass meets mudflats or :dal sloughs. Unfortunately, their preferred marsh habitat has been under a@ack by us humans for quite some :me. Conver:ng marshland to agricultural lands was a common prac:ce. Dikes were built for flood protec:on further inland, changing the nature of the marshes—some:mes as drama:cally as from a salt water marsh to a freshwater marsh, such as at the Buena Vista Lagoon. Expanding ci:es targeted salt marshes for waste disposal sites. Humans seemed to have declared war on marshes. But we have now begun to realize the enormous value of marshlands for flood control, for enhanced water quality, and as cri:cal habitat for wildlife, just to name a few benefits. Efforts to protect, restore, and provide new marsh habitats are underway. Coopera:ve efforts between cap:ve breeding programs (such as those underway at Sea World and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park) and sites with appropriate habitat (such as Buena Vista Lagoon) work to kick-start the recovery through releases of new rails. To paraphrase Maya Angelou, we did then what we knew how to do. Now that we know be@er, we can do be@er—for marshes, for rails, for ourselves and our world. For more on this topic, see our website: www.bvaudubon.org/news/

KIDS’ CORNER AT THE NATURE CENTER Joey’s and Johnny’s Clubhouse— A “tech helper”to assist with Sunday, January 15, from 1-4 p.m. seWng up and running the computer, projector, and Kids and parents are invited to par:cipate. Come join us as we microphone at our nine do a li@le birding, followed by a bird craC. general meePngs. We meet from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on the Preschool Nature StoryPme— 3rd Wednesday of each Monday, January 23, at 10 a.m. Bring your li@le ones to our month, except for July, monthly program that gently introduces them to the wonders of August, and December. nature. We’ll have stories, songs, a take-home craC, and more. Please contact Bob Crowell if interested. The focus for January will be weather. 760-207-3884 Ques:ons? Call Sally at 760-525-2351 LAGOON FLYER DATED MATERIAL NON-PROFIT ORG. Please Deliver Promptly BUENA VISTA AUDUBON SOCIETY U.S. POSTAGE PAID P.O. Box 480 PERMIT # 193 Oceanside, CA 92049 Change Service Requested Oceanside, CA

BVAS QUICK CALENDAR Buena Vista Audubon A Chapter of the Na3onal Audubon Society Mon. Jan. 2 Garden Club 10 a.m. 2202 S. Coast Highway Oceanside, CA 92054 Fri. Jan. 6 Board Mee3ng 9 a.m. 760-439-BIRD Sat. Jan. 7 Whelan Lake Walk 8 a.m. email: [email protected] Sun. Jan. 8 Lake Hodges Walk 7:30 a.m. website: www.bvaudubon.org Mon. Jan. 9 Garden Club 10 a.m. Thurs. Jan. 12 Steve’s Surprise Walk 8 a.m. Fri. Jan. 13 Nature Guide Mee3ng 10 a.m. Hours Sun. Jan. 15 Joey & Johnny’s Clubhouse 1 p.m. Sunday: 1 - 4:00 p.m. Monday: CLOSED Mon. Jan. 16 Garden Club 10 a.m. Tuesday - Saturday: Wed. Jan. 18 General Mee3ng 6:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. “Breaking Point” with Bill Wisneski Sat. Jan. 21 San Dieguito River Pk. Bird Walk 8:30 a.m. Sat. Jan. 21 Birdhouse Workshop 10 a.m. SAVE THE CENTER Sun. Jan. 22 Overnight Trip: The Salton Sea $10 A YEAR! Mon. Jan. 23 Garden Club 10 a.m. Switch to the electronic Mon. Jan. 23 Preschool Nature Story3me 10 a.m. copy of the Lagoon Flyer. Sat. Jan. 28 Basic Birding Workshop 9 a.m. Email Janice Osborne at & Lagoon Bird Count [email protected] with your name and email address. Reddish Egret by Steve Brad Upcoming Events at Neighboring Audubon Chapters

Na#onal Audubon President, David Yarnold, Presents the State of Our Audubon Union Date: Friday, March 17, 2017 Time: 6:00 PM Loca:on: Mile Square Park Banquet Center, Fountain Valley, CA.

Please join Sea and Sage Audubon Society at our March Annual Dinner. The speaker is our Na:onal Audubon President, David Yarnold, coming to us from his home in New York. He is an outspoken and eloquent advocate for birds and the environment. Mr. Yarnold became Audubon's 10th president in 2010, charged with leading a turnaround that would expand Audubon's effec:veness while building on the organiza:on's strong conserva:on legacy. With 463 local Chapters, 22 state offices and 44 Audubon Centers across the country, Audubon connects nearly four million people using science, advocacy and educa:on. "We are all Audubon," Yarnold says. "No other organiza:on has our wingspan when it comes to being able to drive conserva:on ac:on, whether in individual backyards or in Congress.”

Please check our website www.seaandsageaudubon.org for informa:on about reserva:ons and pricing. We will also have a great silent auc:on. See you there!

February 26, 2017