The Dally M Melba" Studios Wyndham St
• Journal devoted to the intae•ta of Rugby Leawu• Football, and containinw th only authoriaed Li•t of Nam.a, Number., Colar• and Poaition• of Player•. --:, Pabli1hed by the N.8. W . Ru1by J'ootball Leaaue at Office, 165 P hillip ~treet, Sydney, N.8. W . Vol. 4- No. 16. (OOPYRIQHT) SYDNEY, AUGUST 4, 1923. Price- Threepence ") Have Your Tea• Photc,vraphed by Lord Raglan Hoiel 11 Cr. Henderson Road and The Dally M Melba" Studios Wyndham St. 65 Market Street, Sydney PATENT ALEXANDRIA. IMPROVED Official Photographera to JACK HARTNETT, Proprietor. LIGHTWEIGHT FOOTBALL BOOT (., N.8. W . Rugby Football League. Late Flemming's Hotel, Geo. St .____ ___________________ 'Phoae, City 827 Mr. CHAS. McDOUGALL, Mr. R. LENNON, Vice-President, N .S. W .R.F .L. Vice-P resident, N .s.·w .R.F.L. THE RUGBY LEAGUE NEWS. August 4, 1923. ·· ~h TacikJe • EVERYTHING FOR FOOTBALL! RUGBY MATCH FOOTBALLS N icnolson's Lightning • . • . • . 18 / S Nlcholson's Royal, hand sewn . 8 / 6, 10/ 6 21 / • Nicholson's Royal, Spee Selected . • • 12/ 6 Nicnolson's A.N.A. Special . • . N icholson' s Special Chrome .•.... 25 /- Nicholson's Royal Speclal • . • • . • • • 15/ 6 20 / • • • •... ....• 16/6 Ford's Interstate .......• Nicholson's International Gilbert' s Best English .••. 30/· The Wond• Price Rqby Ball ''DALLY M'' 22/6 FINEST MADE Complete - SUNDRIES - Shin Guards, no s traps, 2/ 3, 3 / 6 M.S. Rugger Boots, special, 15/ Lacing Awls . • . • . 6d. Shin Guards, c ontinuous Dally M. Rugby Boots 18/ 11 l!ooks on Football . 1 / 6, 2/ 3 straps - 2 / 6, 2 / 9, 3 / 3, 4 / 9 Leather Boot Studs, doz.
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