Next Saturday's Fixtures. ·
ere .& Journal devoted to the intereat• of Rugby League -Football, and containinw tlae only authorised List of Namea, Numbers, Colors and Positiona of Playera. Publi1hed by the N.S. W. Rugby Football League &t their Office, 165 Phillip Street, Sydney, N.S. W. Vol. 4- No. 18. (COPYRIGHT) SYDNEY, AUGUST 18, 1923. Price-Threepence ARTHUR OXFORD. THIRD GRADE KNOCK- OUT. Eastern Suburbs' Prolific Scoring The Third Grade Premiership having been decided, ,vith Kensing Medium. ton on top, the League Committee In Oxford Easts have a match· have instituted a knock-out competi tion to be decided amongst the winner of note, who compares fav eight leading clubs. Those eligible ourably with stars of other times, to compete are Ken ington, ~ew who have been mighty exponents to,vn, Glebe, North Sydney, Redfern of goal-kicking. His inclusion in United. Ea ·tern Suburbs, Mascot and Marrickville. The matches the State team to journey north is will extend over three Saturdays, well merited, and the selection has on similar lines to the old order of been more than favourably com the City Cup, and the League is mented on. To·day -he has a sub donating a set of medals to the suc cessful team. The draw and stantial lead in the individual score grounds are as follows :- list, and his consistency bids fair NEWTOWN v. GLEBE.-Marrick- to land him well over the century ville Oval, 2 p.m. Referee, V. Ryan; Touch Judges, H. Eden ere the season closes. An excel borough and T. Glazebrook. lent forward, he -c-omo1nes plenty NORTH SYDNEY v.
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