(The Commons Registration Authority) Index
Essex County Council (The Commons Registration Authority) Index of Register for Deposits made under s31(6) Highways Act 1980 and s15A(1) Commons Act 2006 For all enquiries about the contents of the Register please contact the: Public Rights of Way and Highway Records Manager email address: highwayrecords@essexhighways.org Telephone No. 0345 603 7631 Highway Statement Highway Declaration Expiry Date Commons Statement Link to Deeds Reg No. Unique Ref No. DISTRICT PARISH LAND DESCRIPTION OS GRID REFERENCES POST CODES DEPOSITOR/LANDOWNER DEPOSIT DATE Deposit Date Deposit Date SUBMITTED REMARKS (PART B) (PART C) (PART D) DEPOSIT Gerald Paul George of The Hall, C/PW To be All of the land being The Hall, Langley Upper Green, Saffron CA16 Form & 1299 Uttlesford Saffron Walden TL438351 CB11 4RZ Langley Upper Green, Saffron 23/07/2021 23/07/2021 allocated. Walden, CB11 4RZ Plan Walden, Essex, CB11 4RZ Ms Louise Humphreys, Webbs Farmhouse, Pole Lane, White a) TL817381 a) Land near Sudbury Road, Gestingthorpe CO9 3BH a) CO9 3BH Notley, Witham, Essex, CM8 1RD; Gestingthorpe, b) TL765197, TL769193, TL768187, b) Land at Witham Road, Black Notley, CM8 1RD b) CM8 1RD Ms Alison Lucas, Russells Farm, C/PW To be Black Notley, TL764189 CA16 Form & 1298 Braintree c) Land at Bulford Mill Lane, Cressing, CM77 8NS c) CM77 8NS Braintree Road, Wethersfield, 15/07/2021 15/07/2021 15/07/2021 allocated. Cressing, White c) TL775198, TL781198 Plan d) Land at Braintree Road, Cressing CM77 8JE d) CM77 8JE Braintree, Essex, CM7 4BX; Ms Notley d) TL785206, TL789207 e) Land
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