ED 192Ale IR 000 906 AUTHOR () Frederick, Franz 4
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 192ale IR 000 906 AUTHOR () Frederick, Franz 4. TITLE Guide to Microcomputers. INSTITUTION Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Washington, D.C.: ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, Syracuse, N.Y. SPONS AGENCY National Inst. of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. EEPORT NO ISBN-0-89240-030-2 PUB LATE SO CONTRACT 400-77-0015 NOTE 159p. AVAILABLE PRCMAECT Publications Sales, 1126 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20036 ($9.50/AECT members: $11,50/non-members). TDES PRICE MF01/PC07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Computer Assisted Instruction: Computer Graphics: *Computer Managed Instruction: Equipment Maintenance: *Microcomputers: *Minicomputers: *Programing Languages: Videodisc Recordings ABSTRACT This comprehensive guide to microcomputers and their role Ln education discusses the general nature of microcomputers: computer languages in simple English: operating systems and what they can do for you: compatible systems: special accessories: service and maintenance: computer assisted instruction, computer managed instruction, and computer graphics: time sharing and resource sharing: Potential instructional and media center applications: and special applications, e.g., eleqtronic mail, networks, and videodiscs. Available resources are presented in a bibliography of magazines and journals about microcomputers and software and their uses, a selected list of companies specializing in creating specialized languages and applications programs for microcomputers, and a selected list of companies specializing in the preparation of educational programs for use on microcomputers. (CNC) *********************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS ari the best that can be made * * from the original document,. *********************.************************************************* U S010Ail1iNtNIOF HEALTH. ltOUCAt*ON VOW AN' 14A t ioNat. INSSIFUlt OF IOUCAtiON o,M0 Nt 1, A'. It( 11.Nf 1,141, 1 IMP,A OW (IIM A /y WI I ly.
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