Ann. Geophys. Discuss., Manuscript under review for journal Ann. Geophys. Discussion started: 7 May 2019 c Author(s) 2019. CC BY 4.0 License. Model of Propagation of VLF Beams in the Waveguide Earth- Ionosphere. Principles of Tensor Impedance Method in Multilayered Gyrotropic Waveguides. Yuriy Rapoport#1, Vladimir Grimalsky*2, Victor Fedun~3, Oleksiy Agapitov ┴4, John Bonnell┴5, Asen 5 Grytsai#6, Gennadi Milinevsky#ε7, Alex Liashchuk±8, Alexander Rozhnoiϕ9, Maria Solovievaϕ10, Andrey Gulin#11 #Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine *Autonomous University of State Morelos (UAEM), Mexico 10 ~The University of Sheffield, UK ┴University of California, Berkeley, USA ε College of Physics, International Center of Future Science, Jilin University, Changchun, China ±National Center for Control and Testing of Space Facilities of the State Agency of Ukraine ϕInstitute of the Earth Physics, RAS, Moscow, Russia 15
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[email protected] Correspondence to: Yuriy Rapoport (
[email protected])_ Abstract. Modeling propagation of VLF electromagnetic beams in the waveguide earth-ionosphere (WGEI) is of a great 20 importance because variation in the characteristics of these waves is an effective instrument for diagnostics the influences on the ionosphere “from above” (Sun-Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere), “from below” (the most powerful meteorological, seismogenic and other sources in the lower atmosphere and lithosphere/Earth, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis etc.), from inside the ionosphere (strong thunderstorms and lightning discharges) and even from the far space (such as gamma-flashes, cosmic rays etc.).