Intelligence Squared U.S. - 1 - October 30, 2013 Andrea Bussell | 718.522.7171
[email protected] Rebecca Shapiro | 718.522.7171
[email protected] Mark Satlof | 718.522.717
[email protected] Intelligence Squared U.S. Let anyone take a job anywhere For the Motion: Bryan Caplan, Vivek Wadhwa Against the Motion: Kathleen Newland, Ron Unz Moderator: John Donvan AUDIENCE RESULTS Before the debate: After the debate: 46% FOR 42% FOR 21% AGAINST 49% AGAINST 33% UNDECIDED 9% UNDECIDED Start Time: (18:46:35) John Donvan: And I now want to bring to the stage the chairman of Intelligence Squared U.S. What we normally do before the debates, and we're going to do it now, is spend a couple of minutes framing this debate and why we picked it and what we're hoping for to come from the debate. So I'd like to bring to the stage now the gentleman who brought Intelligence Squared U.S. to New York City. Let's please welcome Robert Rosenkranz. [applause] 18:47:00 Robert Rosenkranz: Hi, John. John Donvan: Hi, Bob. So we do various kinds of motions. Sometimes it's right out of the headlines. It's a policy choice. We've done "Repeal Obamacare" or "Abolish the Minimum Wage." And then we do others that are a judgment on the state of things like "science refutes Prepared by National Capitol Contracting 200 N. Glebe Rd., #1016 Arlington, VA 22203 Intelligence Squared U.S. - 2 - God." Tonight we're doing one of our, "What if," kind of hypothetical debates.