26 Sep 2019 the Trimmed Mean in Non-Parametric Regression
The Trimmed Mean in Non-parametric Regression Function Estimation Subhra Sankar Dhar1, Prashant Jha2, and Prabrisha Rakhshit3 1Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT Kanpur, India 2Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IIT Kanpur, India 3Department of Statistics, Rutgers University, USA September 27, 2019 Abstract This article studies a trimmed version of the Nadaraya-Watson estimator to estimate the unknown non-parametric regression function. The characterization of the estimator through minimization problem is established, and its pointwise asymptotic distribution is derived. The robustness property of the proposed estimator is also studied through breakdown point. Moreover, as the trimmed mean in the location model, here also for a wide range of trim- ming proportion, the proposed estimator poses good efficiency and high breakdown point for various cases, which is out of the ordinary property for any estimator. Furthermore, the usefulness of the proposed estimator is shown for three benchmark real data and various simulated data. Keywords: Heavy-tailed distribution; Kernel density estimator; L-estimator; Nadaraya-Watson estimator; Robust estimator. arXiv:1909.10734v2 [math.ST] 26 Sep 2019 1 Introduction We have a random sample (X1,Y1),..., (Xn,Yn), which are i.i.d. copies of (X,Y ), and the regres- sion of Y on X is defined as Yi = g(Xi)+ ei, i =1, . , n, (1) where g( ) is unknown, and e are independent copies of error random variable e with E(e X)=0 · i | and var(e X = x)= σ2(x) < for all x. Note that the condition E(e X) = 0 is essentially the | ∞ | 2000 AMS Subject Classification: 62G08 1 identifiable condition for mean regression, and it varies over the different procedures of regression.
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