ROBUST MEAN ESTIMATION FOR REAL-TIME BLANKING IN RADIOASTRONOMY Philippe Ravier1, Cedric Dumez-Viou1−2 1Laboratory of Electronics, Signals, Images, Polytech'Orleans´ - University of Orleans 12, rue de Blois, BP 6744 Cedex 2, F-45067 Orleans,´ France 2Observatoire de Paris/(CNRS No.704), Station de radioastronomie, F-18330 Nanc¸ay, France phone: + (33)., fax: + (33)., email:
[email protected] web: ABSTRACT assumption does not hold anymore and the exact PDF must be taken into account for precise threshold derivation. Radio astronomy observations suffer from strong interfer- ences that need to be blanked both in the time and frequency domains. In order to achieve real-time computations, in- 2. PROCEDURE USED FOR REAL-TIME terference detection is made by simple thresholding. The In order to achieve real-time computation, a simple thresh- threshold value is linked to the mean estimation of the power olding drives the time and/or frequency blanking decision. 2 of clean observed data that follows a χ distribution. Spu- The problem is formulated as the following binary hy- rious values insensitivity is obtained by replacing mean by pothesis test: robust mean. A theoretical study of the variance of three es- timators of the mean is presented. The study leads to a prac- tical trimmed percentage that is chosen for the robust mean. H0 : the SOI only is present, H1 : the SOI is polluted with additive interference. 1. INTRODUCTION The SOI is supposed to be Gaussian. On the other hand, Radioastronomy benefits from protected bands for the study no a priori information about the interference PDF is avail- of radio-sources.