“I attest to the accuracy of the information based upon my clinical evaluation and chart review. All of these findings are documented in the patient’s records.”

Dentist Signature:______Date:______

Patient Name:______

Tooth/Area:______Proposed Treatment:______

Tooth/Area:______Proposed Treatment:______

Tooth/Area:______Proposed Treatment:______

Tooth/Area:______Proposed Treatment:______

Patient’s diagnosis:______

Additional diagnoses: ______

Date of initial evaluation/charting: Date(s) of scaling/root planing: Date of reevaluation/charting: ______UR ______UL ______LL ______LR ______

ADDITIONAL SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION ENCLOSED:  Periodontal chart  X-rays  Chart notes  Narrative  Clinical/Intraoral photographs

BONE  Horizontal bone loss in these areas: ______ Vertical bone loss or defects in these areas: ______ Loss of lamina dura integrity in these areas: ______ Other bone pathology: ______

TOOTH PATHOLOGY  Tooth #___ fractured below gingival attachment level.  Tooth #___ has caries below gingival attachment level.  Other : ______

SOFT TISSUE PATHOLOGY  Gingival hyperplasia/overgrowth in these areas: ______ Gingival margin recession in these areas: ______ Lack of attached gingiva in these areas: ______ Cosmetic gingival recontouring desired in these areas: ______ Frenum attachment in this area ______is causing this problem: ______ Other soft tissue pathology: ______

EXTRACTIONS  These teeth are treatment planned to be extracted: ______ These teeth are currently missing: ______

BONE GRAFTING  Being done for periodontal defects on these teeth: ______ Being done for periimplant defects on these implants: ______ Being done at the same time as placement of these implants: ______ Being done for ridge preservation during extraction of these teeth or implants: ______ Being done to augment sinus cavity via a sinus lift