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The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities


The Guardian, April 1, 1987

Wright State University Student Body

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Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1987). The Guardian, April 1, 1987. : Wright State University.

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The Cardinal, wh"ch was gun ninety-five year ago and hie dily dmits i "I t-leanin , i privat , con­ trolled by a board consi ting of five students, four faculty member , the editor and bu ines manager. The Herald is one of the first Sawyer Brown dusts off good time music, begins quest for success

established a reputation for Country Vocal Group in the shimmying, shaking and letting same_year. Since their first it all hang out on stage. During single hit the charts, Sawyer the Bogart's performance, Miller Brown has not been without a new busine s manager. It's rare today to find a band danced and pranced to the beer sia1gle on the weekly charts. In that knows how to have a good delight of hi audience, focusing fact, for well over a year they He said the Cardinal, and to time just playing their music. omc extent the Herald, arc much of his motion on the were nearly continuously in the The art is not lost, however, as top ten. truggling as they compete for coon-tail jacket he donned for evidenced by the most recent the first part of the show. "The Horizon Award meant a the ame advertisers. A merger, performance of a group that is The five-man band radiates lot to us," Hubbard said. "It according to Ausman, would soaring to success. with energy, and the audience is was really flattering that the ave both paper and give UW a Sawyer Brown, champion pro­ the main power source. Accor­ organization would recognize inglc, strong daily paper. duct of Ed McMahon's "Star ! ding to Hubbard, the per­ and award a band like us. '' ow, there are two dailies, Search,,, seemed to thoroughly formers who influenced them "We're country, but not in hich is a great concept, but enjoy themselves as they let the most were the true the lines of the traditional. It there's not enough advertising to loose at Bogart's last Saturday . "showmen" of their time. meant a lot to us, because it support them. We wanted to get night. As part of their current "People like Elvis and Chuck meant that people sat up and them together before they both national tour, the show took Berry, who came from the era took notice." go down the tubes,'' he said. Cincinnati by storm. of the live show, were big in­ The fact that people took Ausman said the two papers "Our music is more or less an fluences. We probably admired notice was no accident. Hub­ can survive for only five or six outpouring of what we are," "'People like that." bard admitted the key to Sawyer more months. said keyboardist Gregg Hub­ Sawyer Brown has climbed in­ Brown's success was persistence Keefe agrees. "I think there bard. "We've had different to the limelight only in the last and hard work. was a lot to be gained by ~he musical influences, but we're two years. The "We hoped (we would suc­ Herald and Ausman financially basically country. Energetic Association awarded the band ceed), and we worked hard After the meeting, Keefe through a merger. But there's country.'' the "Horizon Award" in 1985, toward it. We hung together, , Ausman, Atkins and also alot to be gained And energetic they are. Lead and Billboard and Cashbox believed in each other. But the Mark I • ed editor Brian Beneker politically.'' singer Miller has already magazmes vot them Best New s. "8 2 SPOR

Weird, rainy beginning to season 0 0

Student Development is now accepting applica ions for

Nexus Editor

A partial list of duties are as follows:

1. Production of 3 i sues of Nexus each year, breeze to one per quarter, within the established rel d budget 2. Supervise all business, production and of­ ST. GEORG UNIVERSITY fice personnel SCHOOL OF MEDICI E 3. Responsible for all reports to Budget Board; Mid-Year Review, ext Year Budget Proposal, any special needed pro­ posals 4. Handle all personnel problems 5. And other duties

Submit your application by April 17th, 1987 to Student Development, 122 Allyn Jlall. w9rk, _but ain't !lObQ,dy gonna' t_ually, thc'·-students don't need • ·In a shocking move yesterday, This elicited itiunacrous ap-' tell me I can't do it if I want to go to classes at all. We don't the Wright State Academic plause from the rest of the to." need them." Council voted by an overwhelm­ group. Unfortunately for the SO op­ Student Government chairer ing margin to eliminate student "It's not often you see so­ ponents of the issue, the vote Quirk Dentman was furious at academic activities from classes. meone in this office with the was taken in the middle of the the decision. "They didn't give "We don't need student input guts to stand up and make such AC meeting, when some had , a flying flip what we had to say in classes," said council member a definitive statement, these not arrived yet and others had (the SG representatives). Barbie MannDroll. "We know days," Ditnman said. "I've already left. None were able to Students have the right to do what's best for them, so we can always known we had it in us, vote on the subject, and it pass­ homework and take tests if they assign the grades without all if we could just 5nd it. But ed without difficulty. want to, and if someone had that silly paperwork." then, I thought I might be ''This is a great triumph for told us ahead of time that this The Council decision will put wrong, too." us," said Rob Waggle, AC issue was coming up, we would an end to in-class work, With the words Of Tarr still member. "Now if we could just have done something about it. '' homework and testing pro­ resounding in the meeting room, pass the resolution that prevents ''I was gonna go to the AC cedures. " Grades will be deter­ Dimman called for a vote. students from repeating courses meetin' to vote, but I hadn't mined by the discretion, or in­ There followed a stunned silence they have failed, we'll be set." recovered from spring break discretion, of the individual pro­ amongst the representatives. Waggle's proposal, which he yet,'' said Vice 0'Cryin, SO fessor,' ' MannDroll said. ''Ac­ Finally Dimrnan asked 'what was has been working on for several representative from the S.O.B .. tdfruy iods-9 wrong. "I don't particularly like doing ''You all know what a vote is, don't you?" he said. When he received no answer, there followed a scene of minor iJJDJS JtfE!JM JD paJaffo SiJSSIJ/J aJOUJ OU panic until S&M representative Dave Blogeesc found the old .'/!JunoJ stfvs 'tf.1vssaJau J, uaJv s1uapn1s and dusty copy of Robert's R ules of Order which no one else had realized existed. Blogeese proceeded lo' read • p1u1wa11p pnpu1 '""' 1Jossai0Jd •Ills PafttJM ":>JtHIJ 10 uot111w LS avv the definition of the word , 'vote,' and continued to do so until all the members seemed to understand. Dimman then recal!ed for vote. The count was six to four in favor of members liking the ·idea of voting on the issue of takin a vote and thus Burns' proposal :as re-introduced and passed b) a margin of six-two with Dim~ man and Burns the -dissenifo votes. ''This just .might be the big­ gest thing we''ve ever done,'' Dimman said, afterward. 11 1 c ee :the possibility that our con­ tituents might expect mor votes to be ,ta'ken in the futur.... fter a moment of concen­ trated thought. he added, "It inda scary, isn't it?''

£ NVIOHV09 L86l 'l fµdv 4 GUAR IA April 1. 1987

'A buck is a buck' New chairer moves Budget Boa d ·offices to V

ly MENTHE llut Ed The WSU Budget Board tcr day made public a new image which may affect the future flo of monies to subsidized

run y 'd. thou h, '

t n ion." at ace to ena rungy cautioned, ho v r, "W don•t r ly giv a that group applying for monie buck,,. h aid. should not feel the pr ent There was some confusion as board is an easy touch. There to what he had said, exactly, have b en new provi ions, he due to a slur in his speech aid, to take care of tho e pro­ which Grungy describ d as bein~ po al which do not meet with a result of "too many executive BB standards. decision help r .'' He would not "Anybody who doe n't toe elaborate further on that point, the line will have to deal with but was finally able to clear up the man e call 'The H tchet'." :>tlll?U:>'8,, aq1 upunomre :>.rn the confu ion as to bi previous He refu ed to indcntify the UO!llUl !U!WPll Al! ;)A!Un 111. statement by breaking into song my tcriou fl ure known by no UO!l~unrOOJ ll! Jl!WWO:> :>J! and singing ''a buck is a buck i other name, but offered a hasty -1as poo pue :>:>!JJO Su! noH a buck" while prancin nimbly "no comment" when con- :>ql '1 :>lUOJ l lltl)( qll?ll :>ql tlWl?Utll(,' aq1 U! ~A:>!lPl? :>:m So!ddoqM :nu JO 1~q :nu uo

B.F. GOOD IBBED We're the other thing

For the latest in steel-belted, double-ply with white raised letters rubbers ...

_At your nearest drug store ff¥ff4f.V22222ff.fiiifif.f .f£:· · Lab;' ·' · ~df:lihch · willbincllud~ed· ~ ..b d ffff¥f¥f¥ff¥¥f waterbe , ot tu , se ect o y gels, and forceps. ·s)fsDw sva asn stfDMJV "We encourage the students • to come prepared to conduct • ·spunod Ofr Japun s1ad Joj papuawwo~a.i JON their own experiments. We don't • mind if they bring along their • own equipment. In fact, that • really saves on our cleaning • bills," Houses said. • The university offers course • credit for classes taught at the • motel under the course number • Human Sexuality 101. "We're • just teaching the basics here. We • Q hope students will take it "upon • themselves to delve deeper into • ·s1sad wa1qo.id aso111 JJD Jo P!" s1aa P!DH-J/DH the subject," Houses said. • While no text is required for • ·p/DN-J!DH--.1aaaojap .J/Dlf CJlfJ paau notf UiJlfJ 'os fl the class, students are permitted • to practice the first couple of • iJJnJJS .inotf U! SCJJO'L/ 8U!JOq times on Ophelia, a used CPR • dummy who decided she could pouvuo .l!Dlf.J/Dlf .inotf.1nott 118nOJ'lfl{onOJl{JJ 8uJuun.ioUJUUn.L SJDUJ!UD pJ!M aADlf notfnott o make better money in this eT­ panding field. So far there's been no need to initiate an attendance policy in OIVH-HIVH the course, but instructors are discussing implementing.one a means of keeping.·stutlent who are not registered for the class from attendin~. Wright State. English in a language laboratory Although they frightened her "We're starting a program class and have to wear preppy at first, Pepsi is now certain where we help them mismatch polos and kilts and penny they meant her no harm and UUT Al?P!lOH s,OSA\ their clothing and wear loafers with argyles or no socks merely wanted to extend to mohawks," Tiger said. "They at all. Wright State the opportunity of ll? p~l~JJO UO!ll?~npd I~lOWV also have to change their major "It's amazing how many being its sister school and set­ from business to theatre to students are already attending ting up an exchange program. Go intergalactic! That's the make it successful,'' he said. Wright State from Har­ She described the creatures as word coming from Vice Presi­ In like kind, exchange vardetonyaleoxford. I saw one "well-dressed in Pierre Cardin dent for Student Affairs Elenore students from just .the other day with flying suits and Gucci loafers." She Pepsi folloWing her amazing eY­ Harvardetonyaleoxfiird must mallards on corduroy--really also said the aliens were "well­ perience of being abducted by pick up Dayton-hick accents and stunning. When I finally realized groomed." aliens from the plane only occasionally read what's it, I notified the Office of Inter- A program at Harvardetonyaleoxford. assigned to them in class-­ national Students immediately,'' Harvardetonyaleoxford !s being Pepsi, who recently changed usually when the assignment has Pepsi said. implemented for the 1988-89 her name when she was unable a lot of pictures. school year an~ will be added to to "Catch the wave" and nearly the list of exchange programs drowned, was invited aboard the "We're sure that by bringing Steve Tiger, director of the which now includes China, alien spacecraft in the parking these two diverse cultures Office of International Students, Japan and Brazil. lot outside the Administrative together, we'll be narrowing the said, although intergalactics are As part of the prep for the Wing after working late one gap between this universe and somewhat beyond the realm of summer exchange, WSU evening last week. those beyond,'' Pepsi sighed. his office, he believed he could tudents will be required to help these aliens adjust to life at learn and ''practise'' Oxbridge tuDJ2oJda2UDtf:JXa uanv Aq paJ:Jnpqv ·a·A

hero," O'Neill said. "We ex­ theaters, but its lasting impact the dialogue prove he had trou­ changed diet tips on the set.'' will be minimal. The next ble with memorizing the .script. Plans for a sequel to Walking generation will have little in­ "Well, I, uh, er, I, uh, Fat are in the works, but terest in Petrofsky's gastro­ well.. .! really don't recall...," Petrofsky may not play himself intestinal difficulties. Reagan said. · in the film. Casting director The highlight of the film may Most Hollywood critics view Richard Simmons said, "He well be a cameo appearance by the film as a '•future classic'', must, he must, he must decrease House Speaker Tipp O'Neill as but this writer thinks otherwise. his thighs!" Petrofsky's doctor. "Jerry's my Walking Fat will fill the in JDJ auplJDM --Aqd8J~OJQOJD8 DJ siBJS JO IlSA\ J3WJOA :qJBWOJS Sfq puu Aoq 8 JO

S NVIOHV09 L86 I 'I l!JdV 6 GUARDIAN pril I, 7 Former WSU b·omedica/ engineer turn • Jumpin e ry t 0 s I ca ca

By GLOVE CHALK______G·Sports Editor

or ing out in a prhate \ aco, T a gym, de elopin hi r t weap n- A/C he Petro Plunder. The Plunder i a phy i all damagin b dy lam ith a biomedi al t ri t. When Jumpin~ Jerry applie the Plunder, he v hemently claw at hi oppo­ nent trunk , not only cau ing hi impo ing frame to come era hing do n on hi foe, but al o lea ing un i htly red g he in the midri t of the defeated. "The g he re emble cabie " Jumpin' Jerry aid. "It reall d ter the om n from attempting to date anyon who h had th mi fortun of wre tling me. hat leave more ladie for my con umption." Ju p ' J rry pr ctlce o of B fore ettling on Jumpin nil t. CLASSIFIEDS

CLARK DEN AN: You are cordially invited OPUS: I'd like to give you the Liz Taylor DAVE: rm filled with marshmall wfluff. In­ to join u for th liqwd refreshment of your cellulite treatment with the Hoover Upright. dulge. WAS choice in the Rath keller or elsewhere. Let me know if you want it on carpet or tool '069-Betty Jane and Bobbi Jean, the BJ suction. Happy Bungying! ENDY : Only if you promi e to wear Twin. Graham crackers and Her hey bar a LOST: This cl ificd. If found, return to UFFY: It's OK, really. You know I can't lingerie. LOVE YOU, DA VE. The Daily Guardia11, 046 Univer ity Center. TALL, DARK, HANDSOME man eek mature tand the itching, but I don't mind the well­ relationship with pregnant duck or female ing. Chu k. WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE : Puppies. TRIPS: Sec Portland, Akron and Bu Gap, who walk like one. Platypu e need not Tennessee. S day , 2 night . Hotel accom- Dad'cm apply. KAREN AND CHUCK: What were all the beep ATTENTION: We need even able-bodied modatio where pplicable. Tran rtation cor noi I heard in the office yesterday? men, ome gu amole dip and a p achute. not includ d. peci 1 rat on mule rid . Lanolin and Aloe. Apply ROT office. LOOKING FOR A NICE grea y pork sandwich Pa k 'Em Up and Move' m Out ravel . rved in a dirty htray FOR SALE: A pair of lightly u ed rubber . TO WHOM IT MAY CO CERN. WANTED : A real man with a tron urge to Never oiled, just a little wet. Comes with MATELESS HERMAPHRODITE eek the amc make high quality hand cream and/orgum­ matching umbrella and raincoat...Oh, MICHELE: Leave some for the rest of us. for intimate relationship. mi bears depending on consistency. Sappy you're sick. You're rich enough already. Moanwildcr.

SLIGHTLY PORTLY YOUNG LADY seeks BODACIOUS MAMA seeks tall, dark stud for RELUCTANT FISH FANCIER desires a young RENT-A-CASKET For those who don't intend amorous 300 lb. tuna player for a course in after-hours rendezvous in hot tub filled with guppy for a good time. Should by finny and to be needing one very long. Rent-to-own. thrombosis. Cholesterol or bust. Make me Chcez Whiz. Must have tattoo. Call be able to make fishy lips with me. Trade-ins accepted. hit the high notes, baby. 499-MUFF. 1 .• ., I • . .· • . ... . • . r· : 1 1 ,!t~:~:•: 1 / i f ' ! ', ' : ~ · · . ~~ i ·.·t . . · . ~: " · •' •· t ·· : · 1 \ : ' : \ ; ~ , 1 , ~ • . • ::: ~ ~ ~ j ~ (' 1 ~ 1 : . ~ : ~ · ; •1 1', •

pril 1, 19 7 GUARDIAN 7 trac sters false start in season opening tourneys

in the 5000-meter run. men were Steve Perez in the ahead of her clo e t Cedarville tudebaker's time was 14:59, 5000-meter run with his sixth competitor. while Lee's time was further place time of 15:49 and the The Raider track team headed back at 15:44. 4 400 Raider relay team with into action thi week looking to t the Cedarville College In­ it fourth place time of 3:43.7. impro e on their early sea on vitational, the Raider track team Lady Raider runner Keaton performance . Look for a full gave it their all, but came up provided the biggest highlight of till hort to the sup rior run­ the day, bowing up her male rundown of how the Raider ner from Ander on, Blufton, teammates with a sparkling fir t trackster fared at both the Cedarville and Wilmington. place performance in the Wal h Invitational and Ohio Leading the Raider in the 5000-meter run. Keaton' time Relay early ne t week in The lo ing cau e wa tudebaker, was 12:04, over thirty econd Daily Guardian. odd Bunnell and Lady Raider Lindie eaton. tudeb k r fini hed a very Women's tennis team plows go d fourth place in hi 1500-met r run event, whil through start of season Bunn 11 fin ih d an even b tt r third pl c in the 00 m ter run ll but on play r n la t with a tim of 2:03 .6 to year' quad i returning to the highlight the Raider cau e. courts thi year. The team is Al o placing for the Raider Don't let the now fool you, spearheaded by sophomore Jen­ tennis season is in full swing ny Herpy. Playing at the despite the foot of snow fleece number one position a year ago, on the courts. Herpy posted a 6-10 record. ''I "We should improve upon have improved my forehand and our 8-9 season last year,'' said I expect to have a winning 3rd year coach Sharon Paul. season," Herpy said. "We have 2 The game scenario ran ju t Last year's record was the be t a well-balanced team, and I like the match-up of two days in the history of the Lady think we are strong at the top prior with Amherst jumping out (Tampa, FL)--Bos ay earned his Raider tennis team. See "Tennis", page 8 econd win of the s on with to a two run lead with a pair of an eight inning, ix hit scores in the third, only to see Looking for.a Summer Job? performance. the Raiders score three times in We need 3 to 5 individuals to r h · another t o-run heir half of the third. work behind the counter at homer in the fir t, hile Bleh Both teams scored once in the Adventure Golf. If you're an hit a three-run hot in the third­ ixth, but Amherst tied the Outgoing, Dependable, Hard­ -that homerun matched Bleh's game at four all with a run in working person, Apply now! car r high for a eason, as he the seventh. Aplications will be taken on h hit one in each of hi Neither team scored in the Saturday, April 4th and Sun­ previou two e on at WSU. eighth, and when Amherst came day, April 5th from noon to lton w nt thre for three away with a goo e egg in their 4 p.m. I while Ted half of the ninth, the stage was For more Information or if you have any que tion , Call Bl kcley went thr for four, in­ et for what turned out to be a us at 274-8689 clu in a homerun and two le -than-fant tic fini h. R I. B h r t al o blasted one Carp nter again was at the ------1 fence for the aider . root of Amherst's undoing, but only this time Carpenter's winn­ t 4 ing way was a bit less violent than his previous homer. Itta m~rtn Jt I Carpenter walked to force in ( a eland, FL)--The Raiders the winning run, and the and Amh r t battle for nine inn- Raiders had dodge Amherst ing again, re ulting in the same once again. If you want more out of your col­ I 5-4 core. lege life or your tired of just being 1 average and you are a motivated in­ ·=·=·1:n;e;ar=·x:rts===== M=aJ~=rs=r===,======dividual whose committed to friend­ ship and loyalty we are for ~·ou. Depressed? II For: enth inning run . Hate The Snow? *LEADERSHIP eh pitched 6.1 inning to *BROTHERHOOD llrncr the win, despite giving up Rather Be in Florida? *SCHOLARSHIP Jhits and four run , while Sut­ *ATHLETIC earncd hi econd ave with OR FUN.... l inning of four-hit hurling. Cheer Up!

Feel the heat in Student Government! RUSH BETA!

SEE A BROTHER FOR Rl SH P-4RTl f\FO OR R/f>E Run for the stipened position. Petitions available in Stu­ OR LEAIE '\A.\.1£ -t\D .\f.-HLBO.\" \L\IBER f\ dent Development,122 Allyn. , ...... \tf.4/L BOX G8. I ::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~·=·:·:·:·:·:·: ~------~.:____..!------.J a UARDIAN April I, 19 7 Tennis doubt Cont nu d fr m page 7 and the bottom of our lineup." Although Herpy admit she doe not play double a well he doe in ingles, he and ila Cor on tallied at the pot on



SERVICES OUT FOR A LITTLE FU in your life? Try ill Live with a Brazili n f anuly for a rall h, month. T ea brcatht kin train ride. cc ROO ANTED. or apanment on A T TO LIVE with a guy from Fran ?? 18 W. fir t Street, I l floor. Downtown. the mo t bcautiful atcrfall in the orld. Woodman Drive 10 minut from WSU. 1nd out ho to make your dr come Low tudent rat . Call 224-8200. Applications available in 122 Student $130 a month. Cabl TV. pond to either true at the ulti-Cultural Llvin Pro Services. 253-1223 or mb A89. In ormati al MeetiJla...April 2 t 2:30 d THE ORD SHOP word proces ing rvic : 6:30 p.m. in the Upper Hearth Lou e of term papers, resumes, letter, theses; skill­ GO INTER ATIONALI Become an Armchair the Univer ity Center. Cont xl.71 l i r ed in APA format; re ·i ion cl con ultation Am ador. "Muddy River", a film from more detail 111 cl LOST availabl . Prof ional accurate ervicc; Japan-Wednesday, April lS, 7 p.m.; letter-quality printmg. Call 426-3374. Thur day, April 16, 2 p.m.; Friday, April A T TO LIVE with a girl from ·o d 17. 3 p.m. FREE--Sponsorcd by the Am­ Jarucro??? Make your dr come truc­ GOVERN ENT JOB . Sl6,000-SS9,230/ycar. LOST: 200 healthy blood donor . If found, come to the Multi-Cultural Living Pro am bassador aub. please return to 041 U.C. on Wed. April 1st ow hiring. Call 805-687-6000 Ext. R-8888 Informational Mectin at 2:30 and 6:30 for current federal Ii t. from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. GO I TERNATIONALI Become an Armchair p.m. on April 2 in the Upper Hearth Amb ador. "The Great Wall", a film Loun e. from China-Wednesday, April 8, 7 p.m.; Thursday, April 23, 2 p.m.; Friday, April 24, 3 p.m. FREE--Spon red by the Am- PERSONALS h1p r~ally me n ... come to the inform & EXPRESS-Cu tomized van and auto D D b dor aub. tional mcctina at 2:30 and 6:30 p.m. in the rentals. Daily, weekly, monthly. Low t KEEP AN m (and an arm) out for the Blood­ Upper Hearth Lounge on April 2. Thi prices in town. GO INTERNATIONAL! Become an Armchair mobile. 4/1/87 10-4 p.m., 041 U.C. your chance of a lifetimel ! ! Ambas ador. "Bye-Bye Brazil", a film BAD CREDIT? Slow credit? No credit? IOVit/1 from Brazil--Wedncsday, April 22, 7 p.m.; OUR AREA HOSPITALS need approximately FRIDAY APRll 3RD at Gilly's it's Blues from Visa Card Guaranteed. Total cot S7S. No Thursday, April 23, 2 p.m.; Friday, April 260 pints of blood EACH DAY. Make your Columbus featuring the Columbus Jets. collateral deposit required. 278-5438. 24, 3 p.m. FREE--Sponsored by the Am­ contribution and f ecl good about yourselfl And Saturday at Gilly's, April 4th, it's bas ador aub. 4/1/87, 10-4 p.m., 041 U.C. McGuffey Lane.