A review of donor organisations that support palliative care development in five world regions A report prepared for the Open Society Institute Michael Wright, Thomas Lynch, David Clark International Observatory on End of Life Care Lancaster, 2008 Address for communication: The Revd Dr Michael Wright International Observatory on End of Life Care Institute for Health Research Lancaster University Lancaster LA1 4YT United Kingdom Email:
[email protected] Contents Tables Executive summary i Introduction: aim, objectives and methods of the review 1 Results 5 Donor activity Indicative examples by type of organisation 8 Multilateral 8 Bilateral 9 Humanitarian 12 Faith-based 16 Business 17 Hospice support groups 18 International/ national associations 20 Discussion 22 Conclusions and recommendations 24 Directory of Funding Organisations 25 All regions 25 Africa 34 Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States 38 Latin America 42 Middle East 43 Central, South and East Asia 44 India 46 China 47 References 48 Tables Table 1 Information requested from donors identified in the scoping exercise 3 Table 2 Inclusion/ exclusion criteria 4 Table 3 Limitations to the project 5 Table 4 Typology of donor organisations 6 Table 5 Total palliative care donors by type 7 Table 6 Palliative care donors by region of activity 7 Table 7 Global Fund grants awarded to proposals that include palliative care: indicative examples 9 Table 8 Palliative care initiatives among PEPFAR prime partners 11 Table 9 Funding activity: the International Palliative Care Initiative 13 Table 10 Funding activity: the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund 14 Table 11 Funding activity (2006-7): Hospice Care Kenya 18 Table 12 Hospice of Hope Romania: Income 2005 and 2006 19 Table 13 Funding activity: Help the Hospices 20 Executive Summary Although some palliative care funders are well known and have a relatively high profile, many are not.