To Seven Churches God Can Help Us Overcome Sin and Trouble

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To Seven Churches God Can Help Us Overcome Sin and Trouble A MESSAGE TO SEVEN CHURCHES GOD CAN HELP US OVERCOME SIN AND TROUBLE. MISSING LETTERS SOME OF THE LETTERS S A ____ D I ____ ARE MISSING FROM THE NAMES OF THE SEVEN L A ____ D I C ____ ____ BIBLE PASSAGE: CHURCHES FROM REVELATION 1—3 ____ M Y R ____ A TODAY’S BIBLE STORY. MEMORY VERSE: USE YOUR BIBLE FOR E ____ H E S ____ S REVELATION 1:8 HELP FILLING IN THE T H ____ A T I R ____ MISSING LETTERS. P E R ____ ____ M U M ____ H I L ____ D E L ____ H I A COLUMN FROM LAODICEA THE CHURCH IN THE WEALTHY CITY OF LAODICEA IS TALKED ABOUT IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION. THIS COLUMN WAS DISCOVERED IN SOME LAODICEAN RUINS. LOOK CLOSELY. CAN YOU FIND THE CROSS, MENORAH, AND SHOFAR? THESE CARVINGS SHOW HOW THE CHURCH IN LAODICEA PROBABLY GREW OUT OF THE CITY’S SYNAGOGUE. “LET EVERYONE WITH EARS LISTEN” In his letters to the churches, John challenged everyone with ears to listen to what God was telling them. So how do ears work, anyway? The cells in the hairs trigger chemicals that Sound travels through the air into the inner ear are sent to the brain as nerve impulses Tiny hairs in your ear are triggered The brain makes sense of the nerve by the sound waves impulses, translating sound waves into information you can understand 26 © 2020 LifeWay etb_younger_explorer_guide_sum20.indd 26 12/13/19 1:01 PM 127 26 E 28 E 30 E CHURCHES OF THE Byzantium Heraclea (Istanbul) Bosporus REVELATION THRACE Chalcedon MAPREV. 2–3 OF THE City MARMARA SEA Nicomedia Samothrace S Cities of the Seven Churches PONTU GOD CAN HELP US OVERCOME SIN AND TROUBLE. 7 CHURCHES BITHYNIA AND When John was exiled to the island of Major road Cyzicus Nicaea Imbros Dardanelles S Abydos a n g a Patmos, he had a vision. In this vision, Lemnos Prusa r i us R . Jesus told John to write MYSIA 40 N m SEVEN MESSAGES Troas i S TO SEVEN CHURCHES. Assos Jesus had a unique Adramyttium Dorylaeum A message for each church. He wanted the E Cotiaeum Lesbos churches to overcome their troubles and G Mitylene Skiros E Nacoleia Pergamum A Ancyra obey His commands. A Thyatira Appia N Euboea Hermus R. S Temenothyrae/ Flaviopolis This map shows the locations E Chios Sardis Sebaste A Smyrna Philadelphia of each of these churches. 38 N LYDIA Tripolis IA YG See if you can find them all: Ephesus HR Andros Hierapolis P Apamea Tralles Laodicea 38 N Ephesus, Laodicea, Pergamum, Samos Magnesia Tinos Samos Mae Ikaria Colossae Trogyllium Alabanda Philadelphia, Sardis, Smyrna, Heraclea Aphrodisias PISIDIA Delos Miletus Patmos and Thyatira. Cyclades . R ) CARIA R . Paros s R n Naxos u a r ) u . Cibyra t m s a R s l k John writes Revelation a s e Halicarnassus A D ( encouraging Christians Idyma du C Islands (In P to remain faithful. AM PH Cos Cos YL IA Perga Santorini Cnidus LYCIA Rhodes 36 N Xanthus Rhodes Patara Myra 36 N MEDITERRANEAN SEA Crete 26 E 28 E 30 E This is a reconstruction of the altar in Pergamum, one of the 7 churches. MY DAY God has always existed, He BEFORE BREAKFAST: exists right now, and He will always exist. That means that AFTER BREAKFAST: God will always be with His followers! Next to each time of day, write something you LUNCH TIME: will do or where you will be at that time. As you write, AFTERNOON: think about John’s message that God is always with His followers and will help them AFTER DINNER: resist sin when they ask Him. © 2020 LifeWay 27 etb_younger_explorer_guide_sum20.indd 27 12/13/19 1:01 PM.
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