Stronger together in UNISON UNISON national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender committee Annual Report 2016 #ULGBT16 23999.indd 1 14/10/2016 15:03 UNISON national LGBT committee annual report 2016 Contents Introduction from the co-chairs 4 Recruiting and organising 5 Bargaining 8 Campaigning 10 International 14 From the caucuses 18 In the regions 22 This report of UNISON‟s national lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members committee covers our work from November 2015, following the last annual conference, to the end of September 2016. Actions on last year‟s conference decisions and monitoring information are included in a separate document. Please email
[email protected] for a copy, or write to Carola Towle, UNISON LGBT equality, 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY. UNISON is the UK‟s largest public service trade union. We have a proud history of working for equality for all. For more information on our work for LGBT equality, visit 3 annual LGBT report 2016.pdf 1 14/10/2016 15:10 UNISON national LGBT committee annual report 2016 Introduction from the co-chairs What an incredible year, with its highs such as UNISON‟s fabulous presence at scores of prides and progress on global recognition of LGBT human rights but also lows on the international front. LGBT rights have been brought to the fore with the homophobic shooting in Orlando and rising numbers of transphobic murders in Turkey, for example. In the UK, reported anti-LGBT hate crime increased by 147% in the three months following the referendum on EU membership.