The New Nuclear Industry

A briefing for the government from Tom Burke, Tony Juniper, Jonathon Porritt, Charles Secrett 17 April 2012

“As we stand today, is (new nuclear) an investable option for , RWE? Simply put, no. The cost of capital based on those risks would be way too high to give you an electricity price which is affordable… We think it is uninvestable for public equity markets. EDF may be willing to take on the construction risks but none of the other (big utilities) are willing to do that.” 1 Peter Atherton, Citigroup’s Head of European Utilities Research, July 2011

1 The New Nuclear Industry The Headlines 1. The History The UK Government has been erratic and inconsistent in its policies. Its current burst of enthusiasm generated sufficient momentum to tempt some ‘Big Players’ in the utilities world into a bidding war in 2009 for the option to build a new generation of nuclear plants. Subsequently, however, there has been a pronounced cooling of interest by key players among these same utilities. 2. The Utilities Three Joint Ventures (JVs) have been formed by some of the largest global utilities, and construction sites have been optioned. But, as of April 2012, only one of the JVs – GenCo – has formally confirmed its intention to proceed, named its reactor type and initiated the planning process. 3. Institutional Cold Feet Since 2009, the enthusiasm has waned. The actual investment by the companies involved has been minimal, consisting mostly of options rather than hard purchases. E.ON and RWE have recently exited the scene, withdrawing from their own Joint Venture (Horizon Nuclear Power), following in the footsteps of Scottish and Southern Electricity, which withdrew from the the NuGen Joint Venture in September 2011. A series of ongoing build, financing and operational shocks have struck the whole nuclear project: Fukushima, the global and eurozone credit crunches, the massive ongoing construction delays on present nuclear builds (particularly of the European Pressurised Reactor type most favoured for the UK), and doubts about the reliability of government ‘sweeteners’ over the nuclear timescale. 4. The Design Issue The only company that remains resolute in its commitment to nuclear power is EDF. But it is signed up to a reactor design (the European Pressurised Reactor - EPR) that it now widely believed to be a major problem. UK nuclear policy is caught on the horns of a dilemma: a programme without EDF is impossible, but no one except EDF will touch the EPR. 5. Are subsidised markets as safe as they look? In addition to the general risk that subsidies will be subject to the whim of government, nuclear operators must contend with the almost inevitable legal challenges relating to the creation of monopolies; and, must also confront a hardening attitude from the European Court, making companies liable to repay subsidies.

2 The New Nuclear Industry 1. The History

The history of nuclear construction in the The Government implemented a series UK has proceeded in fits and starts, and is of measures to facilitate prospective characterized by sporadic bouts of short- nuclear operators, including major reforms term enthusiasm followed by periods of of the planning system (that more or indecision and inactivity as construction, less guaranteed rapid approval of pre- financing and operational problems mount designated sites), the implementation of up. In one of those periods, during the a Generic Design Approval process (the 1990s, the UK effectively abandoned GDA) to speed approval of reactor types, nuclear power when the Conservative and the underwriting of waste disposal administration of John Major made and power prices for nuclear generators. the decision not to replace any of the It was made clear that, in effect, what existing nuclear fleet. That decision was prospective operators wanted, they would ratified by the new Labour government get. What the Government wanted was of 1997, whose first formal contribution a major nuclear generation programme to the debate was the 2003 Energy White run by at least two, ideally more, nuclear Paper, according to which the ‘current operators. economics’ of nuclear power ‘make new Utilities were not slow to read the nuclear build an unattractive option and signals. In a flurry of activity, three there are important issues of nuclear major Joint Ventures (JVs) were formed, waste to be resolved.’ 2 The government including some of the largest companies therefore decided not to initiate any new in the world. The so-called ‘UK nuclear nuclear plants. renaissance’ reached its high point in 1 Citigroup: nuclear However, by 2006, that policy had 2009, when the Nuclear Decommissioning investment environment undergone a complete U-turn. The Authority began auctioning off designated in UK “dire”. Industrial Fuels and Power, July Government published an energy review sites leading to a frenzied bidding war for 7 2011. Accessed 26 announcing that, ‘we have concluded that the prime spots. The Independent noted March 2012 at: http:// new nuclear power stations would make that one of the JVs bidding for the Wylfa, article/0012075.html a significant contribution to meeting our Oldbury and Bradwell sites, NuGen, ‘pulled 2 energy policy goals’. 3 The subsequent out [of the auction] after competition Energy white paper, Our energy future – creating White Paper (2008) stated that ‘the became so fierce it ran for six weeks a low carbon economy, electricity industry should, from now rather than the expected one, and netted Cm 5761, Department on, be allowed to build and operate the Government a whopping £387million of Trade and Industry (February 2003). new nuclear power stations’. This was a rather than the expected £100million’. 5 3 disingenuous statement, since nuclear The Energy Challenge, Energy Review Report builds had always been allowed, but they 2006, Cm 6887, were too expensive and hence financially Department of Trade and risky in the UK’s liberalized energy market. Industry (July 2006). However, to drive home the Government’s 4 Meeting the Energy new commitment to nuclear power, the Challenge – A White Paper on Nuclear Power, paper added ‘nuclear power can and will Cm 7296, Department make a real contribution to meeting our for Business, Enterprise commitments to limit damaging climate & Regulatory Reform (January 2008). change’. 4 5 Nuclear Firms Pay £70m for Site, The Independent, 29 October 2009. Accessed on 26 March 2012 at: www. news/nuclear-firms-pay- 16370m-for-sellafield- site-1811063.html

3 The New Nuclear Industry 2. The Utilities

(1) Nuclear New Build NuGen was the first of the JVs to have fractured; in September 2011, SSE Generation Ltd (‘NNB GenCo.’, announced that it was pulling out, ‘after or more commonly “GenCo”) concluding that, for the time being, its a JV between EDF Energy and Centrica. resources are better deployed on business EDF Energy is a wholly owned subsidiary activities and technologies where it has of Electricite de France SA, one of the the greatest knowledge and experience’.7 largest electricity producers in the Of the three JVs, NuGen is considered world, with revenues of over €65 billion the least advanced in its plans. It is, in 2011.6 EDF SA, which is 85% owned by ‘currently assessing the financial case for the French government, operates the the scheme and will decide whether to go entire French nuclear fleet of 58 reactors. ahead in 2015’.8 Centrica (formerly British Gas) is the It is important to bear in mind that all largest supplier of gas to the UK domestic the Utilities have brought forward their market. The joint venture is split 80:20 proposals via Joint Ventures. These JVs between the two, with EDF the senior have no assets themselves, and will have partner. to borrow the money to pay for the new GenCo has bought land at Hinkley and reactors. Those loans will have to be Sizewell, at each of which they plan to guaranteed, and a number of analysts build 2 European Pressurised Reactors have questioned whether the parent (EPRs), which will have a total capacity companies could provide sufficiently between them of 6.6GW. convincing guarantees to help reduce the cost of capital. In effect, that means the (2) Horizon Nuclear Power, a JV utilities will need to acquire Government between E.ON and RWE, split 50/50. loan guarantees. To all extents and purposes, Horizon The likelihood of either the UK Nuclear is now defunct. Both E.ON Government or the Spanish Government 6 EDF 2011 Earnings Surge and RWE npower have now withdrawn being prepared to offer such guarantees Mainly On Fall Away from their own Joint Venture, and will seems to us to be very low. As the owner Of 2010 Charges, Dow play no further part in any new nuclear Jones Deutschland 16 of 85% of EDF, it’s a different story for the February 2012. Accessed programme in the UK. This is a massive French Government. But, right now, with on March 24 2012 at: blow to the nuclear industry as a whole. the French economy facing such massive site/2012/02/edf-2011- Horizon bought land at Wylfa in Anglesey challenges, taking on such a large liability earnings-surge-mainly- and Oldbury in Gloucestershire, and was at this stage seems improbable. on-fall-away-of-2010- planning approximately 6 GW of power at charges.html the two sites. 7 SSE sells nuclear stake for initial £5.75m, businessGreen, 17 (3) NuGeneration Ltd (NuGen), February 2012. Accessed a JV of GDF Suez, Iberdrola and Scottish on 24 March 2012 at: and Southern Electricity (SSE) – split 37.5%, 37.5%, 25%. NuGen dropped out bg/news/2153085/sse- sells-nuclear-stake-initial- of the Wylfa/Oldbury auction, and has gbp575m settled for buying the Sellafield site, 8 Cumberland News 1st considered the least attractive site due Mar 2012 Accessed on to the fact that technical constraints will 23 March 2012 at: www. prevent a plant there connecting to the nuclear-reactor-firm- National Grid before 2023. joins-industry-group- 1.930172?referrerPath=bu siness1.930172?referrerPa th=business

4 The New Nuclear Industry 3. Institutional Cold Feet

From the present perspective (April It was only a matter of time before 2012), it looks as if the peak of the Horizon was decommissioned. current bout of nuclear enthusiasm in the UK was the 2009 NDA land auction. At 3.2 Centrica that time, utility CEOs gushed about the Centrica, 20% partners in the most fantastic opportunity that nuclear power advanced of the JVs, GenCo, has been offered their businesses, expressing their prevaricating for some time. CEO Sam delight at getting a slice of the action. Laidlaw is refusing to activate Centrica’s The withdrawal from NuGen by SSE in option until ‘the end of next year [i.e. September 2011 was the first concrete 2012] or in early 2013’, adding: step away from the nuclear programme, but for industry observers, the writing has “The reality is that post the news about been on the wall for the past two years. Flamanville and Fukushima, we are clearly going to have some changes. 3.1 RWE/E.ON & HORIZON People have been focusing a little more on the optionality since then. We’ll give The decision by E.ON UK and RWE 9 it our best shot, but if at the end of the Dutch utility puts off npower to exit the scene was hardly plan for nuclear power day, if we add all that up and we just surprising given what had happened in plant. Reuters, 23 January don’t think the returns are there for the 2012. Accessed on March Germany after the Fukushima disaster. perceived risk, then we’ve always been 22 2012 at: http:// The immediate closure of all Germany’s very clear that this is an option, not an nuclear plants after Fukushima cost RWE, commoditiesNews/ obligation for us… we will only do it if it the main nuclear operator in Germany, idAFL5E8CN1XY20120123 makes good sense and good returns… it’s 10 Siemens to quit over £1 billion in lost revenues. The 11 no done deal”. nuclear industry. BBC decision to phase out all nuclear reactors News, 18 September on an accelerated timetable was also a Nick Luff, Centrica’s finance director, 2011. Accessed on March hammer blow; retaining a nuclear division emphasised Centrica’s ‘wait and see’ 24 2012 at: http:// approach and said the decision hinged on solely to deal with a handful of reactors business-14963575 in a foreign country simply didn’t add securing licences, confidence EDF could 11 deliver on appropriate cost estimates, and Centrica says nuclear up. In January 2012, RWE pulled out of a ‘no done deal’ as plan for the construction of a new nuclear government assurance of a “sufficiently profits halve. The Daily plant at Borssele in the Netherlands, attractive electricity price”. “There is Telegraph, 28 July 2011. in a JV with EDF and the Dutch utility an awful lot to do to be able to make an 12 UK power plant Delta. Delta blamed the pullout on investment decision,” he said, adding investment needed to the fact that’…[in the] last half-year “Not all of those things may happen in keep lights on, warns 12 Centrica chief Sam the investment climate has worsened time.” Laidlaw, The Daily Telegraph 23 February due to the financial crisis. In addition, Part of Centrica’s reluctance to commit overcapacity of electricity production has 2012. Accessed on 23 is the open hostility of much of the March 2012 at: www. 9 increased further due to the recession’. investment world and their shareholder newsbysector/energy/ Further momentum against the German base to the nuclear project. A senior oilandgas/9102378/UK- JV’s nuclear ambitions had also come energy investment consultant, formerly power-plant-investment- from the decision in September 2011 by of Coopers & Lybrand and Arthur D. needed-to-keep-lights- Little, now at Evolution Securities, wrote on-warns-Centrica-chief- Siemens AG (Germany’s largest electricity Sam-Laidlaw.html generating plant suppliers) to abandon of Centrica’s involvement in the GenCo 13 City presses Centrica to nuclear manufacturing. Siemens CEO project: ‘Centrica is a minority holder in a cancel plans for building Peter Loescher said, ‘the [nuclear] technology in which it has no institutional nuclear power plants. The chapter for us is closed’, giving as his understanding, and where, as emphasized Guardian, 25 July 2011. by Flamanville, construction risk is Accessed 24 March 2012 reason ‘the clear positioning of German at: society and politics for a pullout from notorious. Centrica should not progress nuclear energy’. 10 new nuclear further’. 13 jul/25/centrica-nuclear- power-stations

5 The New Nuclear Industry 3.3 Iberdrola, GDF Suez, SSE dealt with at greater length in a separate briefing (Briefing 2: Investing in Nuclear & NuGen Power - Current Concerns 4.4.12), but As noted above, SSE has already pulled out obviously some of these overlap with of this JV, leaving a 25% hole in its future factors that individual companies need capital provision. Of the three JVs looking to consider when approaching a project seriously at the UK nuclear market, NuGen of the scale of nuclear new build. One of was always the most cautious; they do not those factors must be the size of the debt need to activate their option to buy until that companies need to be ready to take 2015, and will not have the infrastructure on in order to participate. For investors, to feed into the National Grid until 2023, the major risk here is bankruptcy or well behind the planned schedules of similar debt default. For company CEOs GenCo and Horizon. and Boards of Directors, the problem of debt is also one of share price credibility. There are few open signs of the intentions of GDF Suez and Iberdrola, but, in January Obviously, investors care about share 2011, they pulled out of a Romanian JV prices too but massive debts depress to build two new reactors at Cernavoda, share values and that can make a project that they had been involved companies vulnerable to takeover. For in since 2008. In a joint statement, the shareholders, that can be a profitable three companies cited, ‘economic and outcome; for company managers it usually market-related uncertainties surrounding means redundancy. Boards of all the this project, related for the most part private companies involved in the joint to the present financial crisis, which are ventures attempting to build new nuclear not reconcilable now with the capital in the UK (i.e. everyone except EDF) need requirements of a new nuclear power to be alive to the impact that huge hikes project’. 14 in debt levels will have on share value. The consequence may be to depress share Just as Centrica’s involvement has price, often via a ratings downgrade by attracted scepticism from city investment the relevant rating agencies. ICIS Heren analysts, so have both the Horizon and reported that investment analysts at the NuGen Joint Ventures. ICIS Heren reported European Nuclear Forum felt that: that, at the European Nuclear Forum in Brussels in March 2012, ‘senior analysts’ ‘while the views of ratings agencies 14 The cautious strategy were openly doubtful of both of the latter alone would not be enough to dissuade of the third UK new- build consortium. two ventures. They: a company from investing in nuclear, a Nuclear Engineering potential ratings downgrade might give International, 4 March ‘questioned whether…two of the three a utility considerable pause for thought. 2011. Accessed on 23 consortia in the running to build up to March 2012 at : www. If it is already on the edge of a ratings 3GW of new nuclear capacity in the UK band, a nuclear project could be the asp?storyCode=2059056 would go through with the job. [Analysts thing that pushes them over the edge - 15 said] “One consortium is led by E.ON Nuclear energy it’s just another negative factor.” investment could risk and RWE - is it likely they will invest as utility credit rating say they’re exiting nuclear in their country? The sources went on to suggest that ratings analysts. ICIS Heren The second involves GDF SUEZ, who are agencies such as Moody’s or Standard & Reports, 20th Mar 2012. Accessed 24 March 2012 in Belgium, where there is strong anti- Poor’s who have a limited tolerance to at: nuclear sentiment - so investment from debt hold nuclear as high-risk. 16 16 them seems uncertain too.” 15 Nuclear energy The risk of ratings downgrades has been investment could risk subjected to forensic analysis by the utility credit rating say 3.4 Impact on Share Price analysts. ICIS Heren Texas Institute, who found that ‘while Reports, 20th Mar 2012. Issues of investor confidence have been the announcement of an intent to build a Accessed 24 March 2012 at:

6 The New Nuclear Industry new nuclear reactor had no measurable It will not have escaped the attention impact on a utility’s credit rating, the of key decision-makers in utilities that, actual construction of a new nuclear plant in the year to March 2012, shares in SSE carried an almost 70 percent probability (who pulled out of nuclear in September that the utility would experience a rating 2011) have risen by 3% while those in downgrade’, before adding that, ‘ratings Centrica (still in) have fallen by 13%. downgrades often negatively impact a company’s share price while increasing its cost of borrowing, so the impact on utility shareholders and its customers can be both immediate and long-lasting’. 17

4. The Design Issue

Of the three Joint Ventures still in the Government commissioned a report field, GenCo is the furthest ahead and the by Francois Roussely, a former CEO of most likely to see this project through. EDF, to examine the EPR’s failure to The primary reason for that is the win the bid for four new reactors in the participation of EDF in the project. EDF UAE. Roussely’s report refers to issues is one of the largest nuclear operators in with ‘complexity of the EPR…[which] the world, and is backed by the French without doubt hinders its construction government, making them one of the few and consequently impacts on its cost’. It old-fashioned state-owned giants, and also pointed to deep problems with ‘the one of the few with genuine expertise in credibility of both the EPR model and the nuclear management. French nuclear industry’s ability to build new reactors’, which ‘has been severely But even a company the size of EDF has eroded by the difficulties encountered at sought to spread the capital risk of this the Finnish construction site of Olkiluoto project, and their problems in keeping and at the site of the third tranche of the Centrica’s commitment firm have been Flamanville plant’. 17 New Texas Institute discussed above. If, as seems increasingly study on nuclear power likely, Centrica drops out, EDF will need Partly as a result of these problems, projects financing, Texas another partner. But finding another India, which had been due to order six Institute press release, 13 September 2011. partner may become increasingly difficult EPRs, announced in September 2011 Accessed on March 25 as the idea gains traction that EDF’s that it was postponing that decision 2012 at: http://www. cherished choice of reactor, the French- pending further research. It was also news/newsletters/item/ designed and French-built EPR, has reported in the Indian press that French for-immediate-release- fundamental design flaws that make it Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN) president new-texas-institute- unfeasibly expensive. Andre-Claude Lacoste had said he “could study-on-nuclear-power- not rule out” a moratorium on EPR projects-financing-2.html The two EPRs already under construction 18 construction, describing the design as French Nuclear Safety in Europe at Okiluoto (Finland) and Authority cannot rule “very compromised”. 18 Flamanville (France) have become out moratorium on 3rd generation EPR nuclear notorious for their cost and time over- It has been suggested that these reactor, The Hindu 1 April runs. So much so that the French difficulties can be written off as first- 2011

7 The New Nuclear Industry of-a-kind engineering problems and The ONR published a list of 31 GDA issues that subsequent iterations will proceed on the reactor design in the summer of more predictably – a belief expressed 2011, along with an agreed resolution plan most recently by a leading advocate of from co-applicants EDF and Areva. But, nuclear power, Mark Lynas, writing in in its latest report, ONR said the delayed the Guardian. He claimed, in February and poor quality replies from EDF and 2012, that ‘the two other EPRs under Areva ‘will require a re-baselining of our construction at Taishan, in China, are assessment team resource allocation’ - proceeding on budget and on time’. 19 This because ONR staff plans as well as those is not the case now, and it was not the of ONR’s technical support contractors case then. As long ago as October 2011, were aligned to the currently published Finnish State Broadcaster, YLE, reported resolution plans. These delays could push that the Taishan EPRs were being plagued the final Design Acceptance Confirmation by exactly the same problems that have back to 2013. 21 afflicted Olkiluoto and Flamanville. It While it remains to be seen whether the stated: Taishan project will have the magnitude ‘YLE has obtained inspection reports of trouble that Olkiluoto and Flamanville from China’s National Nuclear Safety have, it is still the case that, despite Administration based on visits in 2009, having first been commissioned over a as construction was beginning there. decade ago, there is not a single operating The results are familiar to observers EPR anywhere in the world. Sufficient of the Finnish and French ventures. doubts exist about the EPR’s ability to When building work began on the new, perform that in the – increasingly likely – third reactor at Olkiluoto, the Finnish event of a Centrica pullout, finding a new Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority partner for EDF will be extremely hard. 19 This nuclear deal is (STUK) detected quality-control good for Britain and the shortcomings in areas such as concrete battle against climate pouring… Four years later, the list of change. The Guardian, 17 20 February 2012. Accessed problems at Taishan is very similar…’. on March 25 2012 at: Even in the UK, where the Generic Design commentisfree/2012/ Assessment (GDA) is supposed to smooth feb/17/nuclear-deal- the design approval process there are britain-climate-change ongoing problems with EPR assessment. 20 Problems seen in On March 1 2012, the Office for Nuclear Olkiluoto-type project in Regulation (ONR), responsible for China,, 7 October 2011. Accessed on 25 overseeing the GDA, reported that some March 2012 at: www.yle. of the ‘deliverables’ on the resolution fi/uutiset/news/2011/10/ plan for design issues for the UK EPR ‘have problems_seen_in_ olkiluoto_type_project_ been late or do not provide the quality of in_china_2930807.html information or depth of evidence that we 21 UK EPR issues could expected’. ‘[I]t is unlikely that the GDA push resolution into 2013, Issues will be closed-out on the timescales delay construction of indicated in the resolution plans’, the Hinkley Point C, i-Nuclear Independent Nuclear ONR said in its progress report for the News March 1, 2012. quarter ending December 2011. Accessed 26 March 2012 at: http://www.i-nuclear. com/2012/03/01/update- uk--issues-could-push- resolution-into-2013- delay-construction-of- hinkley-point-c/

8 The New Nuclear Industry 5. Are subsidised markets as safe as they look?

In the ‘Political Risks’ section of our briefing Conclusion on investment, we asked the following question: can a national government, such Although the nuclear industry manages as the UK, that has never fully embraced to portray itself as standing on very nuclear be trusted to see through multi- solid ground, with robust balance sheets decade subsidy regimes, particularly when it and positive prospects, nothing could has recently spectacularly reneged on other be further from the truth. This is an low-carbon subsidies? It also seems clear industry in which the major players all that many of the sweeteners offered by find themselves in difficult circumstances, the UK government may breach EU subsidy and whose investors are increasingly regulations and leave companies in receipt sceptical about (if not hostile to) their of them open to legal challenge. This is plans for new nuclear build. RWE npower a particularly worrying development for and E.ON UK have already quit the field, companies operating within subsidized and as has SSE. Centrica looks very uncertain, regulated markets. Recent developments and has many rather more pressing appear to show that the European Court of challenges that it must address urgently. Justice is moving to a position where not In effect that just leaves EDF, whose only will illegal subsidies be stopped by total dependence on its nuclear portfolio future court decisions, but that, in addition, is looking a lot less secure, given the 22 EDF should repay state political circumstances in France. aid-EU court adviser. recipient companies will have to repay any Reuters, Oct 20, 2011. subsidies received. The case in question Accessed 26 March 2012 involves a potential repayment by EDF of at: http://uk.reuters. com/article/2011/10/20/ over £1 billion. A final ruling is expected in court-edf-stateaid- the Spring of 2012. 22 idUKL5E7LK1FW20111020

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9 The New Nuclear Industry