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FOUR THE JEFFERSONIAN, JEFFERSONTOWN ( JEFFERSON COUNTY ) KENTUCKY JULY 12, W46 m the afternoon and evening of Holy JTOWH METHODIST WACS. mw MM were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ray men, who are certainly helping Trinity Picnic 25, all of winners PICNIC WITH CITY GROUP Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mar- Seatonville News the animals in this neighborhood August the Complete t via iuiuih all of counties will com- Plans Are tin, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hall, Mr. By Mrs. Marvin Long and are much in demand as the from the Br Mn. Ida Ccrriiham. pete in Louisville at Ken- The W.S.C.S. of the Jefferson- and Mrs. Sabby Owens, Mr. and phone here is used to call them the The picnic chicken tucky for of annual and town Methodist Church met Several young married couples Mrs. Sammie Armstrong, Mrs. Josie Wigginton is now for neighbors who do not have State Fair the title supper Mr. and "Miss Kentucky' of the Holy Trinity Wednesday at the home of Mrs. enjoyed a hay ride, July 4th. It Mrs. Amos Brown, Mr. and Mrs. with Mrs. Jack Curry in Louis phone service. We're always glad Church in St. Matthews will be ville. a hand to anyone time E. H. Menart. The society from was given by Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Melvin Porter, Messrs. C. N. Her condition remains to lend in LaZ lheld Saturday, July 13 service about the same, which is, to say of trouble. ages of 18 and 28, Portland Mefhoaist Church, Porter and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Tichenor and Bobby Rouse., They 11 sorting at 4 o clock in the after-- Louisville, Miss Virginia 2, held a Joint meeting Brown. Those who enjoyed it the least, pitiful Anderson, as of September 1946. They went to Seatonville where they and Mrs. W. A. ' Nancy Ann Curry visited her daughter of Mr. must nnsxpRS inma talpnt. such with the Jeffersontown ladies roasted weiners and enjoyed ice King's Church News accepted by I The Public te reminded that aunt, Mrs. Ray Watson, last week Anderson, has been as sirurina. dancina. musical and all enjoyed a picnic dinner cream and cake. Airways as a rain or shine the picnic will be together Several Cedar Springs people By Mrs. Lowell Owen Pan American dramatic, or public speaking on the lawn. is held and that preparations are COMPLETE Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gene and friends enjoyed a nice picnic Flight Stewardess. She now ability. They will be judged in On the program were Mrs. L. There was 158 Sunday being made for an extra heavy Ray Brown, Sunday, were Mr. Thursday in lovely yard of in attending school at Coconut accordance with their intel- C. Tate, president of the Portland the School Sunday morning attendance. OPTICAL and Mrs. Marion Fulkerson and the Roscoe Stouts. Grove, Florida. ligence, charm, and beauty of society who called the meeting grandson, Jerry; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Douglas Mrs. W. T. Settles is at the face and figure. The committee in charge has to order and led a short devo- . Mrs. Clarence Marcum and SERVICE are proud parents arrangements Vice-Preside- Amos Brown; Misses May and daughters were callers in this the of a baby Kentucky Baptist Hospital and It is hoped that every civic, announced that all tional; Mrs. J. G. Akin, nt girl, named Betty to complete sup Allice Fulkerson; Miss Dorothy writers home Wednesday after- Jean, born doing nicely following an opera- social, and business organization are and that ample of the conference group 2. in-- Hall and Mr. Mason Fulkerson noon. The visit was much too them July Mother and baby tion July 1. She expects to re- in the county will sponsor a plies have been procured to and Mrs. C. E. Boren. Spiritual are doing fine Eyes Examined and Mrs. Ida Carrithers. short but we hope they will find turn home next week. favorite belle, so that folks in su patrons the least tney nave Life Secretary, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Fidler - w CAt-- - Glasses Fitted Mrs. Amos Brown, Mrs. Gene time to pay us a longer visit Howard Moody, Jr. left last tne rest oi nentucKy ana men , Around lifty women were Lenaee Replaced Ray Brown and little son, Ray, sometime soon. They have sold were among the guests who at- Friday on his return to Turin, Ga. all over the nation - will recog-- 1 Guests come from all over the present to enjoy the day. and Mrs. Ida Carrithers spent the cafeteria which they have tended the party given Friday after a visit with his parents, Mr. mze our home community as the county and city to the Holy inn-mo- st PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Wednesday afternoon with Mrs operated for several years and night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. H. T. Moody. He was gorgeous and gifted of all! ity picnic where a hearty wel-T- he Arthur Garrett. hope to have an independent, Jimmie Davis and family of Ari accompanied by his brother, winner of the State Fair ' come is given visitors, old and zona. Mrs. Mr. Arthur restful life for a while. Richard, Contest . "Miss Kentucky" . new. Hollis Pinnell, who will make him a ' Garrett and Dennis Garrett were Mrs. Ray Watson entertained Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Owen visit. will have much to look forward Held on the church grounds at ' DR. PAUL M. ZINKE in Louisville, Wednesday after- June 30 Miss Juanita McDaniel called Thursday afternoon on Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bright to - for this year's Miss America 4017 Frankfort Avenue, there noon. and the E. E. Kranzes from Sel-- 1 their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Pageant is offering 16 college will be in addition to plenty Of OPTOMETRIST ana Mrs. l,. r. Wright entertain- Mrs. Howard Hardin, of Shep- - eats a gamps I Miss Allie Fulkerson of Samu- lersburg. The Jeans and Longs ed at dinner Sunday Mr. and special training scholarships variety or and BETHEL herdsville. for and amusements, St. Matthewi Bank Bullalni els, Ky., is a guest this week of trailed along to enjoy the fried Mrs. S. A. Bright. Mr. and Mrs ranging from $5000 to $1000 White-hous- e 15 - The proceeds will be used to TAylor SSSS SMS Frankfort Artnaa her sister, Mrs. Gene Ray Brown. chicken dinner topped with peach Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Edw.Bright and daughter Ann each. In other words, runner- HEN'S In this neighborhood we can tec cream witn many splendid and daughters were dinner Douglas, of Campbellsville, ups to Miss America will bje help swell the building fund for and the new church. hardly wait for our Jeffersonian guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Virginia Bright, Louisville. awarded scholarship which will to come. They are getting more The Ray Watsons, Bain Wil Charles Whitehouse. Afternoon afford financial aid to the win-- callers included, Mr. i . and more interesting all the time. liams and the Longs attended an- Pvt. Benjamin Whitehouse came Howard Bright, Mr. and Mrs. ners, while they Stare perpanng ATTENTION I Jll my -- themselves ca- One of my neighbors took other horse show the other Sat home Saturday afternoon on a Emil Shively and Miss Vireinia for their chosen i COUNTY VETERANS today urday night. This it was y reers at any of the institutions Jeffersonian home with her time at furlough. Douglas. Louisville; Mrs . Nina TURTLE SOUP Sellersburg and they enjoyed Mr. approved by the Miss America 1 to read. the and Mrs. Frank Harp called Davis. Campbellsville; Mr. and Jerome J. Vandeventer, con-- ) company of the Kranzes and ls Saturday afternoon on Mr. Mrs. Robert Schwein, Pageant. AND Bfl.h and New Yark tact representative from the Vet- - along with the show. Mrs. Lowell Owen. City; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. May, Remember Kentucky's Mar- - eran's Administration office in FBI. AND 8 AT. J I IV IM.i Folks, these people really like Miss Ruby Louise Smith was St. Matthews and Mrs. L. K. May jorie Weaver! ! ! She's a movie Louisville, will be at the Jeffer- - Bratwurst Supper Joan Leslie, Robert Aids horse shows and fairs.' guest Saturday night of Miss and Miss May Buchanan. star now. Thirteen years ago - in sontown Fire Station every ' "CINDERELLA JONES" Mrs Isadora Frederick is still Betty Jean Kelly. A 1933 - she won the title of "Miss Thursday 9 in family home coming was ' from o'clock the Miss M.US in bed but looked better Wednes- Martha Kelly was guest held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kentucky". That was her start to morning until 3 in the afternoon j w day Saturday Adele Mara. Richard Fraser I when we saw her. night of Miss Gracie Joe Knapp July 4. Everyone that stardom to assist veterans and their de-- BETHEL CHURCH LAWN THE TIGER WOMAN" II Wayne, little son of Mr. and McCubbins. attended took a basket dinner Other Kentucky Beauties have pendents in filing claims and to Mrs. Everett Mrs. Clara Farmer, is to have Fidler was guest of which when spread consisted of been able to embark on such advise them regarding other his tonsils removed this Monday her son, Everett Fidler. BUN. MON. TUBS. JIXY everything from country ham and glamorous careers as modeling, benefits administered by the j 1 Mr. and Mrs. (Sunday Continuous to 11 P.M.) morning. The little fellow has Thomas Knapp fried chicken to ice cream singing, the stage, so on. Veterans Administration. AUG. 3, 1946 and family and and SAT. been having much trouble were guests Sunday ; . Judy Garland after cake.