Pipeline safety and emergency information for our neighbours.

Emergency: 1-877-420-8800 About Enbridge

Enbridge is a global energy infrastructure Incaseofemergency: leader. Our assets are diversified and balanced between natural gas and oil, Please find a safe place to call your local and we provide integrated services and emergency service or 911, if it’s available. first-and-last-mile connectivity to key Then call Enbridge at: supply basins and demand markets. 1-877-420-8800 We transport energy, operating the world’s longest, most sophisticated crude oil and liquids transportation system, with How to reach us: 17,018 miles (27,388 km) of active pipe. Public Awareness Hotline We deliver an average of 2.8 million (Non-EmergencyCalls Only) barrels of crude oil each day through our Mainline and Express pipelines, Phone and we transport 28% of the crude 1-877-640-8665 oil produced in North America. Email WedistributeenergyandareCanada’s [email protected] largest natural gas distribution provider, Mail with approximately 3.7 million retail Box 280 customers in Ontario, Quebec, New Norman Wells, NT Brunswick and New York State. X0E 0V0 Wegenerateenergywithaportfoliothat includes nearly 3,000 megawatts (MW), Website net, of wind, solar and geothermal projects. Enbridge.com/publicawareness Facebook Call or Click Before You Dig facebook.com/enbridge Before performing any ground disturbance activity on, along, across or under a pipeline, please contact your local one-call centre. Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. 1-867-597-7000 (collect) Alberta Alberta One Call 1-800-242-3447 (toll-free) Pipeline Safety: 1 A shared responsibility

As the owner and operator Your Role of thousands of kilometres As a resident, business owner or of pipelines transporting oil community member along Enbridge’s pipeline right-of-way (ROW), you also and natural gas, our highest have an important role to play. That’s why priority is operating our assets we’ve created this brochure to provide you safely and reliably to protect with the important information needed to the people, communities and help keep you safe. environment located nearby. After reading this brochure, you should know how to: • Excavate safely, using the Click or Call Before You Dig program (AB) or contacting Enbridge (NT); Public Awareness Program • Identify where pipelines may be located Our Public Awareness Program is in proximity to your home or business; dedicated to informing and educating • Recognize the signs of a pipeline leak; our neighbours about the presence of pipelines in their community. As part • Respond in an emergency situation, and of this Program, representatives from • Contact Enbridge. Enbridge regularly visits governments, Open lines of communication local communities, Aboriginal groups and other stakeholders to provide We always appreciate hearing from you them with important information about and have included at the front and the safety, maintenance programs, damage back of this brochure, numbers that you prevention, and emergency preparedness canusetocallus,bothinanemergency and response procedures. situation and in non-emergency situations. Keeping in touch with you is very important to us. That’s why we contact those who live and work near our systems on an ongoing basis.

Weaskthatyoupleasetake a few minutes to review the brochure and then store it in a convenient place. North Sea Hohe See

GERMANY Norman Wells UNITED KINGDOM Amsterdam London THE NETHERLANDS Brighton and Hove BELGIUM English Rampion Channel


Athabasca FFortort S St.t. J Johnohn Fort McMurray Cheecham

EEdmontondmonton HHardistyardisty Kerrobert

VVancouverancouver Regina Lethbridge Cromer Rowatt Gretna Halifax Fredericton Clearbrook MMontrealontreal

Great Falls SSuperioruperior Bualo Minot

Edgar BBostonoston TTorontooronto WestoverWestover Boise SSarniaarnia BualoBualo Stockbridge Chatham NNewew YorkYork Casper Leidy Guernsey Oakford Gurley PPhiladelphiahiladelphia Channahon ChicagoChicagoToledoToledo FFlanaganlanagan Steckman Accident Ridge Salisbury PatokaPatoka Saltville Wood River Nashville


Moss BluBobcat New Orleans Orlando Egan PortPort A Arthurrthur TampaTampa HoustonHouston

Corpus Christi


Liquids Pipeline LNG Facility Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Rail Natural Gas Gathering Pipeline Trucking Facility Natural Gas Liquids Pipeline Propane Terminal Crude Storage or Terminal Power Transmission Gas Storage Facility Renewable Energy NGL Storage Facility Gas Processing Plant Gas Distribution Service Territory Aliated Gas Distribution Territory Our operations 3

The Norman Wells pipeline was Norman Wells Pipeline Overview thefirstintheworldtobeburied Construction completely in permafrost, and start: January 1983 weareproudtohaveearned Originatesat: NormanWells, a safety and environmental Northwest Territories Terminatesat: Zama,Alberta record that lives up to the high Official opening: May 16, 1985 standards expected by our Pipeline design neighbours here in the North. capacity: 50,000 barrels/day Pipeline length: 869 kilometres (540 miles) Pipeline diameter: 323 millimetres The crude oil journey (12 inches) The Norman Wells oil deposits lie beneath the (Deh Cho) in Canada’s Above ground facilities Northwest Territories. While most of our pipelines are buried The 12-inch diameter pipeline travels underground, our systems also include approximately 750 km (466 miles) through many above ground facilities along the the Northwest Territories, with a design crudeoilpipelineroute. capacity of 50,000 barrels per day. Our Pump stations maintain flow in the pipeline pipeline assets in the Northwest Territories andaremonitored24/7byEnbridge’s include pump stations and related facilities control centre. Valve sites are located atNormanWells,Wrigley,andMackenzie. along the pipeline ROW and may be The pipeline stretches 870 kilometers usedtocontroltheflowofproductsinthe (540 miles) from Norman Wells, in the pipeline(s). Northwest Territories, to Zama, Alberta where it enters a third-party pipeline system and is sent to . At Edmonton, the line connects to the Enbridge mainline which moves crude oil and other liquid hydrocarbons to refinery customers in central and eastern Canada and the U.S.Midwest. Pipeline safety 4

Ourpipelinesmeetorexceed practices—are subject to government government standards, and over regulations, which we meet or exceed. a half-century of experience When we do disturb the ground, we strive to restore the land to its original condition has proven that pipelines and to protect the quality of the air and are the single safest method water that sustain us. of transporting petroleum Protecting your community products and natural gas. Enbridge has a wide range of programs that help maintain the safety of the pipeline(s) that run near your community. We invest heavily in the tools, technologies, people and strategies we need to make sure our pipeline networks have the strength and fitness needed to do the job safely and reliably. Processes and technologies From the purchase of high quality steel pipe, manufactured to meet stringent criteria, to the cathodic protection system Enbridge takes seriously its responsibility we employ to prevent corrosion once for safe pipeline operation. the pipe is installed, Enbridge makes the Being responsible for pipeline integrity, safety of the system a priority before and however, does not mean working alone. during operation. We work year-round to provide safe, The processes and technologies we use reliable operations, and we regularly topreventanddetectleaksinclude: communicate important information to • The careful selection and testing of pipe local governments, Aboriginal groups, fire prior to and during the manufacturing and police services, business owners and process; neighbours. • X-ray or ultrasonic testing of all welds From the ground up during construction; While our pipelines are buried out of • Sophisticated monitoring and control sight beneath the ground in the ROW, we systems that operate around the clock, neverlosesightofthebiggerpictureof 365 days a year; our potential impact on the air, water and • Tests to confirm pipeline integrity on land around us, and our responsibility to new pipelines/systems, and preserve all elements of our environment. • The use of durable coating systems and In fact, our activities—everything from cathodic protection (use of low voltage pipeline design, construction, testing, electric current) to protect pipe from maintenance, operation and safety external corrosion. 5

People and practices know what’s expected, talking to you, and In addition to developing and putting the implementing programs in place that will right processes and technologies into help to protect the environment. place, the right people and practices also The Norman Wells pipeline performs to drive our efforts to keep the pipeline safe environmental standards that are second Our initiatives include: to none in our industry. Ongoing monitoring and inspection • Regular pipeline ROW patrols by ensures the line continues to safely aircraft, and in some areas by land; transport thousands of barrels of crude oil • Investigative dig programs to support every day through one of the world’s most pipeline integrity; challenging ecosystems. • Meeting and exceeding industry Inadditiontoacomputerizedleak standards and regulations; detection system, Enbridge regularly • Public awareness education; and conducts in-line monitoring inspections • The stationing of emergency response to detect even minute changes in pipeline staff and equipment at strategic wall geometry. locations along the pipeline route. Sensitive areas along the pipeline route are equipped with slope monitoring Right-of-way equipment and watercourse crossings Protection of the northern environment are also continuously monitored. has always been one of Enbridge’s top Every five years, a bathymetric survey priorities. During construction, Enbridge is conducted to determine depth of cover used existing linear disturbances for at the Great Bear and Mackenzie Rivers. the ROW wherever possible. Where The pipeline ROW is regularly surveyed necessary, the ROW was hand cleared from the air to identify potential leaks as and after construction restored to as close well as to spot any unauthorized activities. as possible to original condition. The work included drainage and erosion control Protecting the northern measures, restoration of all grading environment and culture cuts and protection of the slopes and/ Wildlife and cultural concerns were or riverbanks. Marketable timber was addressed during the Norman Wells marked, cut, trimmed and stacked for regulatory approvals process and subsequent removal as part of the hand continue to feature in discussions clearing process. with governments, local communities, Respecting the environment Aboriginal groups and other stakeholders. Whether it’s plant life, wildlife, soil, fresh Prior to construction, Enbridge also water or historical artifacts, in every aspect developed an archeological protection of our business we work hard to preserve program to ensure protection and thenaturalbalanceofyourland.Todothat, preservation of historic sites. we plan very carefully from start to finish on any project, making sure our people Pipeline safety 6 (continued)

During construction, a wildlife harvesting Thewaywedobusiness protection plan was developed and At Enbridge, we hold ourselves to implemented in consultation with local high standards of corporate social trappers. With their input, key habitats responsibility, which for us, means and nesting sites were avoided. Surveys conducting business in a socially have shown little interference with wildlife responsibleandethicalmanner,protecting distribution along the pipeline corridor. the environment and the safety of people; Ongoing studies of the area were and,engaging,learningfrom,respecting initiated in relation to waste disposal, and supporting the community and hazardous substances, increased access cultures with which we work. and habitat alteration, with ongoing Our commitment to sustainability environmental monitoring throughout underpins our long-term vision: to be the and after completion of the project. leading energy infrastructure company in On steep riverbanks and other areas North America. To us, that means we’re where the objective is to reduce delivering the energy people need and permafrost degradation, the ground is want: putting safety first, protecting our insulated with a blanket of wood chips, environment and making the transition with mimicking the natural insulating properties society to a lower carbon energy future. of peat. To find out about our performance in these areas, visit enbridge.com/sustainability. Damage prevention 7

Good working relationships an Enbridge representative can precisely between Enbridge and pinpoint the location and depth of our neighbours along our systems pipeline in a specific location. It’simportanttoalwayscallAlbertaOne are essential to pipeline safety. Call, or Enbridge NW, in advance of any planned ground disturbance activity. If underground utilities do exist, they will be located and identified using temporary colour coded markings. The National Energy Board (NEB) requirements Excavation and construction activities in the vicinity of the Enbridge pipeline(s) are subject to the legal requirements of the National Energy Board Act (NEB Act) and the NEB Pipeline Damage Prevention Regulations—Authorizations, and Pipeline Damage Prevention Regulations— Obligations of Pipeline Companies (together, the DPRs). The DPRs apply to any person or company planning or undertaking an activity near an NEB-regulated pipeline. However, the general requirements of the DPRs don’t apply to:

Understanding the Right-of-Way • An excavation caused by the pipeline (ROW) company or its agents, or Aright-of-way(ROW)isastripoflandof • Activities, other than the construction varying widths that may contain one or or installation of a facility, that disturb more pipelines. The ROW: less than 0.3 meteres (1 foot) of ground below the initial grade and that do not • Allowsourworkersaccessfor reduce the total cover over the pipe. inspection, maintenance, testing or emergencies; and NEB Pipeline Damage Prevention Regulations—Authorizations sets out in Identifies an area that restricts certain • more detail the conditions under which activities to protect public safety excavation and construction activities in While permanent pipeline markers are the prescribed area can be conducted located at roads, railways and other safely. NEB Pipeline Damage Prevention intervals along the ROW, these show only Regulations— Obligations of Pipeline the approximate location of the buried Companies establishes the pipelines.Thedepthandlocationofthe responsibilities of the pipeline company to pipelinesvarywithintheROWandthereis the person proposing or conducting the no distinct look to the ROW. As such, only activity and to the NEB. Damage prevention 8 (continued)


The Prescribed Area extends 30 meters Prescribed Area (100 ft) on each side 30 meters of the centerline of pipe(s)

Prescribed Area 30 meters

Enbridge’s Norman Wells pipeline system is regulated by the NEB and must comply with specific pipeline standards and regulations. In addition to the ROW where the pipeline is located, the NEB has established a 30 meter (100-foot) prescribed area, measured from the centreline of the pipe, to protect the pipeline, the environment and you.

The NEB prescribed area Beforebeginningaproposedproject,visit The DPRs require that a locate request is ClickBeforeYouDig.com and within three made before construction of a facility, working days of your request, an Enbridge across, on, along or under a pipeline; and, representativewillbeatyourjobsiteready before any ground disturbance activity to marktheexactlocationofthepipeline(s). within the 30 meter (100-foot) the In the Northwest Territories, your call will be prescribed area. The locate request must collect to our Norman Wells office. be made at least three working days In Alberta, your callwill be toll-free to before the day on which the construction Alberta One Call. Please see the last page or planned ground disturbance activity is forthenumberinyourarea.Alternativelyin to start. Alberta,alocaterequestcanbeplacedby If work involves activity within the ROW visiting clickbeforeyoudig.com. —including ground disturbance or This will help you avoid problems or construction on, along, across or under delays by: the pipeline—written permission from • Acquainting you with the 30 meters (100 Enbridge is required. foot) prescribed area on either side of Call or Click Before You Dig the pipeline and providing guidelines for excavation and blasting; We know that sometimes work needs to be done on or near the pipeline. That’s why • Locating and marking our pipelines; we are a member of Call or Click Before • Where possible, helping you obtain You Dig, a free underground infrastructure written permission for excavation on, location service that notifies member along, across or under, or withing 30 companies of proposed activities so that meters of our pipeline; and the member companies can locate buried • Ensuring an Enbridge field facilities in the vicinity before work begins. representative is on site when the work is being performed. 9

For installations across the ROW, written Six step safety checklist permission is required. Once a request for If you are planning to conduct work in the construction is received, we will contact you prescribedarea,pleasefollowthissixstep within 10 days. safety checklist: Ground disturbance Activities causing ground disturbance can 1 Plan your activity—Identify the location of include, but are not limited to, the following: your work, making sure to look for pipeline • Excavating, digging, trenching or ditching; warning signs or pipeline marker posts. • Plowing to install underground infrastructure; 2 Contact Alberta One Call or Enbridge • Tunneling, boring, drilling, pushing or Norman Wells, at least three working days augering; before the day on which the activity is set to • Topsoil stripping, subsoiling, land-leveling start. and grading; 3 Be on-site when the pipeline is being • Tree planting, clearing and removing stumps; located and ensure all other buried utilities • Quarrying or blasting/using explosives; are located. • Grinding or milling of asphalt/concrete; 4 Contact Enbridge and make sure to • Seismic exploration; obtain all necessary written permissions if • Driving fence posts, bars, rods, pins, anchors conducting work within the ROW. or pilings; and Immediately notify Enbridge if you come Crossing buried pipelines or other 5 • into contact with the pipe or its coating by underground infrastructure with any vehicle calling, 1-877-420-8800. or equipment off the travelled portion of a public roadway. 6 Always follow the instructions of an Activities in the prescribed area Enbridge representative. Before planning any activities in the prescribed area, you must consult with Enbridge first. Plan ahead, as approvals for some facilities may take longer than others. This includes contacting us in advance when you need to: • Conductagrounddisturbanceasdefined above; • Construct roads, paving, parking areas, driveways, ditches, railways, overhead or underground facilities or other facilities; • Install services or other facilities; • Buildaberm; •Stockpile materials; • Drainage improvements; • Install an overhead powerline; and • Use of explosives/blasting. Emergency information 10

Protecting the people, Know the warning signs communities and environment TheEnbridgesystemcarriesmanykindsof liquidhydrocarbons,andeachproducthas near our operations is an individual characteristics. This means that important part of our job. the warning signs can vary, depending on the product involved. You might see… • A moist patch or pool of black liquid…it In an emergency may be crude oil Pipelines have been proven as the safest • Continuous bubbling in a wet transportation mode for energy commodities. area...it might be a pipeline leak Pipeline leaks are rare but can happen for a number of different reasons. Studies show that You might hear… third party damage is one of the most common • A roaring, blowing or hissing sound…it reasons for pipeline leaks or ruptures, which may be a pipeline leak underscores the importance of You might smell… Call or Click Before You Dig programs and services. • Anodoursimilartogasolineordiesel fuel…it may be a refined The liquid hydrocarbons in Enbridge’s pipeline oil product system are under pressure, hazardous, highly flammable and can be potentially explosive What to do in an emergency under certain conditions. Crude oil can also If you see, smell or hear any of the warning cause environmental damage when released in signs, please immediately do the following: large volumes, so it’s important to always have underground lines located and marked before 1 If you can do so safely, turn off any anyworkbegins. mechanized equipment. Move as far away In addition to third party damage, pipelines fromtheleakaspossibleinanupwind can also leak as a result of a defect or some direction, avoiding contact with escaping other type of pipewall damage. Internal liquids and gases. inspection tools are used to detect potential 2 Callyourlocalemergencyserviceor911, pipe problems in advance, which enable if it’s available, companies to perform investigative digs and 3 Call the toll-free, 24-hour Enbridge repair the damage. Since some commodities are more flammable than others, a pipeline leak emergency number for your area: or rupture will have different consequences 1-877-420-8800. depending on the commodity being 4 Followinstructionsprovidedtoyou transported. by Enbridge and local emergency Given our thorough maintenance, testing, responders. training, monitoring and safety programs, a pipeline leak is unlikely; however, if one were to occur, it’s important that you know the warning signs and how to respond in the event of an emergency, or if you suspect pipeline operations have been disrupted in any way. We constantly monitor all of our activities and take steps to protect the environment. Emergency information 11 Enbridge response training Employees across our organization participate in regular emergency response drills and simulations—both in classroom and field demonstrations—to test and improve procedures. Emergency response training exercises partare a key of our emergency and crisispreparednessplansastheyhelpto minimize the impact incidents of and form part our of compliance with regulations. Restoring spill sites Protecting water the air, and land in our communities is an important part our of job and part our of commitment to you and your neighbours. Enbridge personnel are trained to contain and clean up leaks using leading edge technologies. Personnel with safety and environmental equipment are located strategic at intervals along the pipeline, to be close to your community. Immediate response In the unlikely an of event incident, our emergency plan will immediately go into effect. Enbridge will work with local emergency responders to identify and resolve the issue. Personnel from Enbridge’s control centre thehave ability to immediately shut down and isolate sections the of pipeline. Local emergency responders will be notified. They may secure the area and move residents to a safe location depending on the situation. Our trained emergency response crews will arrive to deal with any leaked material andrepair the damaged pipe. More information about our emergency management process can be found at enbridge.com/emergencymanagement. ay create a spark,ay including cell ay come have fromthe pipeline. tronger inside than outside. inimum setting. indows and outside doors. hat could be an ignition source. Do not e contacted by emergency response mount windows of and vents. Do not touch any liquid or vapour that m phones, telephones, light switches, vehicle alarms, keyless entry remotes and flashlights, until you are in a safe location. Do not operate pipeline valves. Do not remain in a building if the smell is s drive into the area. Do not smoke or light a match. Do not turn on or off anything that m Do not start your car or any equipment t hat circulate air such as exhaust fans, battery-operated) for possible eave untileave told to do so. Immediately go indoors and close all w Even if you see people outside, do not l information updates. Turn off any appliances or equipment t gas fireplaces, gas stoves, and heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Turn down furnace thermostats to the m personnel. Stay tuned to local radio and television ( Keep phone lines open so that you can b Take shelterTake in the room with the least a • • • • • • Residents may be asked to evacuate if it is no longer to safe be in the areato shelter-in-place or if there is something unsafe in the environment. Ifyoudonotknowthelocationofthe pipeline leak, shelter-in-place: • What NOT do to in an emergency • • • • • • How to reach us 12

We appreciate your calls, any time Reporting suspicious activity of the year, any time of day. If you notice any suspicious or unusual activity on or near the pipeline ROW, please contact This page contains important Enbridge immediately to safeguard public phone numbers you can safety and security of the pipelines. Your call use to contact an Enbridge is always appreciated. Suspicious or unusual representative. activities could include: Inquiries or questions being asked about If you suspect any suspicious Enbridge pipelines, facilities or employees that activities along our systems, or do not relate to normal operations; have any comments or questions, Threats being made or acts of vandalism please contact us. against Enbridge pipelines, facilities or employees; Surveillance by an individual or group which involves taking pictures, videos or monitoring facilities with binoculars, and Abandoned packages, equipment or vehicles Here’s how: left near Enbridge pipelines or facilities. In case of an emergency, please If you need to plan construction, fencing, find a safe place to call your local digging, drainage work or explosives use, emergency service or 911 if it’s please call collect: available, and then call Enbridge at: 1-780-420-5164(Collect) 1-877-420-8800 Or email: [email protected]

For general information about Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc., please call collect: 1-867-587-7000

Or write to us:

Box 280 Norman Wells, NT X0E 0V0

For general information about Enbridge: 1-877-640-8665 or [email protected] CallorClickBeforeYouDig

Before performing any ground Northwest Territories disturbance activity, please, contact Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. your local one-call center. Depending 1-867-587-7000 (Collect) on where you live, your call will either Alberta becollecttoEnbridgeortoll-freeto Alberta One Call Alberta One Call. 1-800-242-3447 (Toll-Free)

Know who to call in an emergency. Peel and place this cling sign on a flat surface like a window. Enbridge Pipelines (NW) Inc. 2019 Public Awareness Program